HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1917-10-11, Page 4', isappoints You
'�`o>� lI. never be disappointedhav
or e
to vvoqy about your cooking or baking
if you use a 'Pandora." In this
range nothing has been omitted that
could make itnnore efficient, economic
al or durable. Write for free booklet.
For Sale by Gy ,A
a•W 'k
'l _ s
A Fowl Supper will be h under i
the auspices of the Ladias' Aid at
at the Methodist Church, Crediton, on
Thursday evening, Oct, 25, 1917, fol-
lowed icy a Concert in the church.
Evre•ryblody welcome.
A very quiet wedding took place •
at the \Ietliodist .Church, Cre•d )ton, `
on Saturday nnorning, Oct 6 when
Miss Wilda G. Banes, youngest (laugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs; Joseph Banes
was united in marriage to Mr. George
E Hepburn, tsar of Mr( and Mrs,
John Hepburn, all of Stephen town-
ship. Rev. C. W. Baker officiated
promptly at 7.30 a.m. After the cer-
emony the happy couple left cls a
trip to Hamilton and; other paints:
east Upon their ,return, they will: take
take up Ire8idence on, the Tine .farm
previously occupied by the groom's
parents, on the .4th concessitan. of
Stephen where they will b1e at home
to their friends after Nov. 1st.
The cold wet weather has made
it very unpleasant of late. The :farm-
er who has invested heavily in beans
this year�s feeling- g-
anxious _
onS about har-
vesting same. The most of the crop,
is still in the fields, It is to be. hop
ed that: the weather will improve as
a great deal Of money has been in-,
vested in this neighbtonccid in this
particular kind of product.
Rev. J P. Hauch of Kitchener co-
cupie.l the pulpit in, the Evangelical.
Church last Sunday morning and:
preached a very acceptable se mgr(
In the evening he officiated at :tin.",
trip to London,—A pleasantsocial
evening was spent in. the church here
Monday evening; when Mr. and _Mrs,.
Hepburn were -,pre•sente l with a gold
headed umbrella to \'Irs. Hepburn and
to Mr. Hepburn a goad .headed cane,
Mr John •Essery reading the address
and Air. 1 airhall making., the presen
tatron. At the ;same time" bliss Floa•a
and \tarj,ore were each given a brooch
the address, 7.n this •.case being read
by lir, Lloyd Hodgson and the pres-
entation made by hlis•s'I. Essery, i\'Ir.
Hepburn, in behalf ,of the honor{
members of this family and himself,
made a very saitable rteply. The
familywill move to London shorily
10 ,makeiheir home in future,
GRAND r,T '; t)
Miss Fanny" Baird of Ailsa Craig vis-
ited her parents Sunday.—W. Ravelle
Of London visited his parents Thanks-'
gin trig ',Da} =Fa oak's >t'ilister of .,_Cen-
tra1iar,,,was home .here'Sunirlav—Ejton
Green 'of -Hamilton was home with his
parents for a fest days. --Miss ' hurtle
Rai elte of "Stratford d visited, :at her
parents: over !the holida3l Margaret
Carry re of Parkhill spent the week
en:I with her parents.—Adolphus Al
left .'.Gar'the West Tuesday•—_Mr.
and M.zs.. Ware Oliver and children
of.„St. Marys'are visiting relatives here
firs: 1lahaff • `i
} is recovering �� erinbg from in-
juries : sustained in her ac cidenk—.-firs:_
F. P. Switzer of Calgary is vis:tingat
the home. of ;Air. and Mrs. Fletcher
Switzer.—Miss :Ethel Shier of iToron-
to' i.s spe mg a creak with her par-
pitese rtati,or o,; the diplomas to; t3.hei'ents, \4r, and lI
graduates .ot 1917 Teacher's Trull "nsTuesday,
rSides Shier.
Class. The service was very ins res e. to k pia e Oct, the a. me M .
p nage took place at the home 'of Mr.
sive, A large number here ,,n attend- Sannuel• Zanily, near There' when
ance ani enjoyed the address 'ttelly- 'en's •-, daugaf e n his
ered by Rev Hauch. The audittr itr } t r, �Wil Alay, became
ti: beds of Mr. Wilbur Wynn, The
was beautifully decorated with st eam 4. eramony was performed by Rev. A.
er.s and 'mums (Of gold and whites F\ nr,- • •n B A '•
i the
which are the class colors.The. fol
lowing Jay the class photo w as'ltxk
-..n and in the evening the alumrr b
i uet w -as held: Avery en;o.t ibl�'tity rs;ritlt.:or:dal veil and carried a..bouo
was ,neat by all, 'some sixty .;,roar. -uet a tl-hzte asteers dad maidenhair
ates b ria present. _lir. Willisort t• a n iT)he gnoom's gift to• the bride
ell of Exeter favorel Cheasseinbl} ,yam, a -Handsome pearl sunburst, and
with appropriate music on th -:E,1 ,;w Hiss B-inch:e hills who Playedtheson p:onobraph.
presence of
fejt . iinthnate friends. The bride,
sty:ha :Iva, given away by her father,
,;yo. gcarungly,attired in crhite silk
Mrs. Geo. Eiiber and son and'A1i ;ieoring 'parch, a beautiful pearl and
Emma Scots of Philadelphia «-are ruby oer_dant, After a trip to Wind-
s:.- •-trtd .other points they will reside
the village over Sunday, the gtie is at iiWoodjiarn, and have rhebest wish -
of _lir. and :Mrs. H. Eilber. ; es of ;their: many 'frsends
Tl Thanksgiving, 1, holidays of g -hi I
quite a number of visitors s to"' our sm KA
midst among whom vee noticed :=Sabi \fins\Linn:e F',nkbei.neir is vision
Fink 'nes of Sarnia; :\Ir. and \Ir, iri n ia;,n Buffalo,—JIr, and :\frs Clay
Suer,Thos. B. Lawson and daughter; -too -
}';aoa .of London are visit ag at
Myrtle, .of Landon, Larne Brown of i M_-. John ..Gower is.—AIrSi. E. Carrutli-
Watertoo, \ILss lji'ldred. Braun and (.ern •of London spent -Thanksgiving
Ewald or Kitchener, Nath -tin Sambrook with her parents, Air. and Mrs. Chas.
and \star s est,;e ,rf Lhathar Lochner.—Miss Leona • F-',nkbe ner
Sonic o, our ,young men who come spent the holiday at he, home i,n
with the age ,limit required b -• the, Crediton.—Airs. Henry Schade of Z.ur-
Militia Act have been. '.a Loddon the icii spent, last, week with her sister,
past weak undergoing m,ed cal Cxam hers 5.' Gasser, -Mr. Jack Mclssac
ination f ;n..*tt ibe tw eek -end in London.
We ara sorry to learn that A rss
Clara Oestreiclher, ,who is a t tend -Int °
Normal School in Stratford, has b en T `'•
taken ill of typhoid fever and realise- Mrs. Wm, Buller and son, Ferring=
ed to the hospital for treatment, ton -and Wesley Wright of Stratford
At the annual :meeting of :he local resited friends here and at .Saintsbury
branch of the Red Cross, held -last. for rhasv:,nglir, a\Nl.,
week, the following officers were ap- °d' t titer nkHeregilast w e ekIctiedeil-of a•rraaigie
pointed :—Pres., Mrs. C. 1 Zwicke.r; ed to bald . Hector :Millsora,'s sale on
Vice Pres., Mrs. (Dr.) Orme,; Secy,'' the 23rd of this month.—Mrs," David
Mrs Herb. 'I,:, LEilber; Treas., Mrs. C. .Lions' of Lucan spent the h:aadaysn
Nicholson. The society is preparing here ,with Mrs. Joseph ;Morley.-- 1,,;s
Cbri. tmas boxes for the bays. from Ella Brook • of Toronto spent -Thanks
this district who are overseas, and in giving here with her parents, —Mrs•
vite any who ,wfah to contribute a Thompson of Warwick and 1'Iiltort
gift o deliver tsam,e its some number llraync of. the police farce of London
of the society by :next Monday, attended the .wedding here Saturday,
On account of their advanced age-1lelville Gunning and ';Earl J•oh,nstan
aid to. e health' Mr. and Mrs. ',Toth visited their friends in: Lucan 'Sun
1lorinck are ,makingtheir h°crTe, , uv ,evening -----Win. IT'adgosr • spen:t
with .heir daughter, Mrs. J. H. Hoiti- nday 'with friends in Cel,n,irai:ia.
H. Squire—Marley—On Saturday, Oct,
V . H. Gainer is making preparatipns fith at 1L o'clock, nooa, a happy ev-
to move. into the dtrellrrig formerly eat look place at the;,hotne of :\Ir: and
occupied by John itlumpp., Ile ha; Mrs- Jahn 1rorl.ey, of the Town line,
been drawing material for his new Blan.ihard, when their ,daughter, Mliiss
residence which the will build_the, Venda May, was united in marriage to
coining spring, nett to Chas. \_ olf's Mr. Edgar V Squire, son of Mr. and
property. 1 Mrs. George Squire of the Tenth line
Jigs Matz of Landon paid our vii- Bla:shard. The ceremony was per -
lage a flying visit on Tuesday. formed by Rev, W. A. Finlay of Cen-
Tlie road 10 !the river is.a sigb•t;to, -i - Tins Bede, attired :n a c,os
behioicl these days: Ruts and holes tIJOIC 4% whie. e 1k and attended by
are numerous, endangering life .':arid her little n*Cce, ,;Myrtle Morley, as
property. We would advise our gar f:iou er aids 'vaS ig,yen away by her
age man. to (get uir>j a 1:pw sets of,,au,to • fath•ea Miss. Clara Morley, .sister of
springs, as they pay be required be- the bride, played the wedding march.
fare long. (After, the ceremony ;was performed
rand,c:•orr,ratul.afi;ons were teccived
/the guests, 'of whom there were about
e tra .i -a ise\en'ty five, partook of the dainty e: wedding repast. The, bride received
The Centralia Patriotic League 'many beautiful and valuable _presents,
packed twelve boxes for the • boys The groom's gift to- the. bride was a
s,ii,a Inv e enlisted from ' these parts pearl sunburst, 'i.o'tEre organist a pen -
and are either tin France or kngla�n,d, daizt, and Ito the flower girl a locket.
and have suint them forward to arrive Amid showers of good wishes and
in. time for ,Ch,ristmati-.-Mss Wirtnile confetti the happy couple left for
Essery of Londlon, spent ih,e holiday Brantford, (he bride (wearing •.a blue
at her borne- here.—Mr. W. Blair„ of travelling "suit with hat to match. Af-
Londott visited here aver '.Ihanlcsgiv- ter heir return they will reside at
tng.—Mr and Mrs, Rase ihurg, also t dir liame on the tenth, of B1.anshard,
Mir and "virs. Frank Smith of Landon yrs, Jamieson of Sarnia spent the
visited vdt1 hlr9, .I -Tarry Widson. and past week here the guest, of-,lier,sisr•
other fl.Ids over, the h•o,b clay -Mr• ter:. -Mrs, Win. Brooks, -Mi": and Mrs:,
and Mrs Linyd 1-io Igsen enter t:lk d (ai;ht of Listowel and Mr. and Mrs,
the members ,of 'the Centralia c`iioir Hobbs and family of Devizes spent
Friday cvaiing fait --Mr. Geo, hssery yua.day here at Hector Mrilso 's—Mr
•an,; Mr Milton Mitchell had the 1 Frank Campbell while visiting friends
(arise a
run into each .other, vith he.•e told your correspondent tha2'the
their aut.o.as Monday eventing south 7f
cro?5 tnxh.s home district, Woodward
the 't.iiiag:e, Fioritinately :;i're '1Ja8 cask., Is', good and that r"h.?.:;;' '..w.
X+ s ,r'y cal04t
' was b dy "there tvillbavets, e 25 bushels per acre-
8mas1)ieJ and had to delay making e,
Continued from Page.1.
New 1 o ker potatoes, W. Steads -
man; :extra for potatoes, 1. Mar.shall;
Delawares, N, Doupe; Empire State,
NV, Steldnrarl, emigrants, 5, Doupe ;
Pearl of Savoy, I2.. A.tkinsYon,; other
variety, I, blarshatl4J, Stephens; 3
-varieties, Aar. Stead,sman, 'h. Crewe;
Swedish turnips, R Atktinston, joins!
Cole; heaviest turnips, J. Cale, D.
Roger; field carrots, D. Roger;
Crewe; red mang,old�s, T, Crewe, in-
rermediatc raring olds W'nr, 13i,bby,
Ethel Atkinson; yellow' mangolds, J.
O'Brien, W. Denham; heaui,est Inah
gelds, N, Doupe; sugar marigolds, M,
Denham, W "' Btbby; long carrots,` .h
Atkinsoln, T. Crewe shot carrots,
R. Atkinson, S.'Roger.; pa•snips, N.
Doupe T. Crewe; ,lon,g beets, .1.Cretrr
lO'B1%en; round beets, 'r, Crewe
\lcNaugliton; white cabbage, W.
Sinclair•, J. Cole; red cabbage, - T.
Crew;Winnutgstead, N, Doupe, W,
Sinclair; cauliflower, ditto celery,
t\.nnie, LTrctihart, N, Doupe; tomatoes
I Pridham,) hemp; rounr.1 citron,
1 Crewe W. Bibby; long citron, W.
Sinc1 firs 1', Pr dhani ; ,red pumpkin, 11
Gregory, E. Ne Shier; inusk.,lnelon, N
Doupe'1', Creure; table squash, 5,
(.7,0`.,c,, ' Ethel Atkinson-'
tkin on; 'mammothsquash, T. Crewe, 'J. O'Brien; white
onions, T. Crew, \V, B',bby j ed on-
ions, ditto; cucurnbe,ts, N. Doupe, 5
Doupe; col, vegetables, W. Bibby;
n:t'1 white beans, .J'. O'Brien, hl:
A, Burns, judge:.
Apples,—Yellow Transparent, A,
)oupe; Bleaireini Pippen, L';;McCurdy
.1es:itider I). Roger, Jr. 'Kemp; Cul-
vert., Addie Creighton, I :Marshall; St
Lawrence, W.. Ratcliffe, .fag pippin,
I. \l rsha 1; other variety, S. Dpupe;
3) o? pi pp A, \V. Sinc.lair; 1Baldw'irr,
W. Denham, \V. Sinclair; Fdllawater,.
S. Doupe, L. McCurdy; Roxboroiigh
Russet, Ratcliffe, H. Ar: Crago;
Mann, W.
Hanna; King of ' Tompkins,
\I. Brethour Northern
Spy, \Vs Sinclair, L Marshall; Onta-
rio, \V. Denham; Pewaukee; W. Sin
sial, R, I: ,GGreerDags, W. ,."Sinclair;
Ribsan pippins, Lester TVlcCii'rdy, A.
AI., Doupe;;Snow, L. McCurdy, W.
Hanna; Talman `Sweet, L. McCurdy,
F. Pridham, s
Plums—Abundance, Ethel Atkinson;
Uonibard., Lester McCurdy, N.Doupe
Bradshaw;, Wes. ` Shier, ,H. V. Crago;
other -variety,, W. >Steadaman.
Pears—Slieldatt, 0. Sr"'Atkinson, T
\Vas'hburn.; Bartlett, A.. Al. Douip`'e,
Annie Urpnihart.; Flemish Beauty, Ev-
erett D,oupe,: Annie Urquhart; other
variety Jas. Stephens.
Grapes -Blue, T Marriott, H. V.
-Crago; green, Dr. Campbell, Amos
Doupe. •
Crayon or pastel, hIrs. Jas. Jones
Lila Taylor;:Col. photographs, Airs.
J. D. Graham,J. Epplett; photo, Mr&
Jones; pencil drawing, Addie Creigh
tela Lila Taylor; panting.':in oil, fruit
or flowers,'lliss McCallum, Lila .Tay-
for ; painting on ;glass, Lila Taylor;
painting in ail, ' figure, also. landscape,
also on china, Lila Taylor; pen ' and
ink skefch, Mrs., Graham, Dr.. garnpbel-
pyrography, Ila Berr}' Mrs. Jones:;
pierced brass, Mrs. Jones, S. Doupe,;
Stencil work, Annie Urquhart, Mrs:
Jones. -
Col. pickles, Jennie Robinson Miss
M. 11cCallum; peaches, Addie Creigh-
ton, :plums, Addie Creighton, T.'Remp
currants, •Addie Creighton; aherreis,
miss ;McCallum, Miss Creighton; rasp
berries, Myrtle Switzer, A. A` Doupe;
opeberries,; I. Marshall W. Sinclair;
strawberrieS, Addie Creighton; tom-
sto s, : \\T Vwilliams, W Sinclair; other
v.trie.ty, I. Marshall, ,\V, Sinclair; hone
made bread, Addie. ,Creighton, T. Afar
iio,t ; maple sugar, Dawson Bros,ma,p-.
le syrup, Jas. Kemp, T. Marriott; jelly
Miss McCallum, Dawson Bros.
Carriage harness, ,also team harness
I A. Taylor; honey in section, M.
Brethour;, honey extracted, M,Breth
lur, F. McNaughton; boots and shoes
W. N. Gunning; Suit Can, tweed, 'W\
N. Gunning, °
Pencil drawing, -Ernest Gunning, F:
C ti9ack,,„Velma Doupe; writing, Ma-
mie. Pridham Margaret Doupe, Ruth
Welland, Ont.—"I am most pleased to
say that Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip-
tion has proved
itself a first-class
remedy. I was
;I run-down, weak
'and .playedout, and
needed 8• woman's
tonic. I' have just
finished using one
bottle. I feel much
stronger and better.
\, Can eat better and
am less nervous.
You may say -that
1 Favorite Prescrip
tion is just the medicine for tired -out,
worn-out women. It does wonders for
them."—Mns. Geo. Fnnerw. r, E. Main.
and State Sts., Welland, Ont. .
If you suffer from hot flashes or dizzi-
ness, fainting spells, hysteria, headache
or nervousness you are not beyond re-
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is
directed to the real cause and promptly
removes the disease, and thereby brings
comfort in the place of prolonged misery.
It has been sold by druggists for nearly
50 years, in fluid form, at $1.00 per bottle,
giving general satisfaction. It can now
be had in sugar-coated tablet form, Sold
by all medicine dealers or trial box by
mail on receipt of 50 cents in stamps.
Every sick woman may consult ue by
letter,. absolutely" without charge.
Write without fear as without fee, to
Faculty of the Invalids' Hotel, Dr. V. M.
Pieree, . President, 663 Main St., Buffalo,
'N.Y. ._
Dr. Pierce's Pellets are unequaled as a
Liver Pill, Smallest, easiest to take. One
tiny Sugar-coated Pellet ` a Dose. Cure
Sick Headache) .Bilious IIeaclache;s,Dizzi•, -
nese, Constipation, IndigestionBilious'.
Attacks, and all derangement oLth e,Liver,
Stomach and Bowels. '.""
Notice to Creditors
tate of Lorenz ,Wiegancl, late, olithe
V Hage '01, Dauhiwood an the, County
of Huron, t o 'Ge t o c'
r i 11't le 'l" .0
r, n n c sel
1r e�
NOTICE is hereby given pursuant
to R, 5 0' ,1917, . Chapter 12.1
that all cr'edil'ars ' and others having
claims against the" estate of the said
Lorenz \'4 icgand, who cried op , ar
about the .18th day of May, 1917, are,
required �odr ar before the 1.5th days
of October, 1917, ; to send by post.
prepaid or deliver to H. Either S., Son,
t rediton acting far the undersigned
executor of the said deceased, "thein•
Christian �Ind surnames, addresses aritl
descripljonb, full ,parti0ttlars of their
claims, a statement of their accounts,
and the nature of .. the securities,, if
any held •by ,theau •
AND FURTHER take notice -that
Mier such last mentioned date
executor tsrl.11 proceed to distribute
the. assets -of the deceased among
th • persons entitled thereto, -saving
regard only to the claims of which
they shall then have had notice, Ind
that said •executor ,will not be liable'
,for -the saidassets or ally part,there-
of to any person; or persons of Whose..
claim or claims notice shall not have
been, received by him at the time sof
such distribution -
Simpson Ireland,
75r Nelson. St.,
Stratford, Ont.
Dated the lst `,:lay of • Octobe ,.1917.
Hanna; Wild flowers, col. jveeds, soh.
weed seeds, injurious .insects,; grass-
es and grains, Mamie Pridham; Col. of
photos, Dorothy Ryatt, Wilbert Will-
illi,ams.• Col. of native' pods, Ira Mc
Curdy; early potatoes; Willie Doupe,
D. Ryott, Winnifred ,Dobson,;` late.
potatoes 'Kathleen O'Brien, A. V.
Crag,o, D. Ryoti; ,garden carrots, Ger
tie Francis, Andrew Stewart, Orville
Rogers; Parsnips, A. Stuart, Ira Shier
'1:, O'Brienif cucumbers,- 0. Rogers, W
ilo;rpe, D.RRyott; sweet corn;Ira.
Shier, AI. Pridham, ,G. Francis;
iest ' puripkin, A. •Stuart, I. Shier, F.
0. 'Mack; citron, Ira Bibby,; 0. Rogers;.
I. Shier; :'Onions, s, And.
Stuart, I. McCurdy tomatoes, Robt.
Marriott, I. McCurdy, Ruby Brethour
Northern spy apples, I. McCurdy:, 0.
ever receive the proper balance of food
to sufficiently nourish both body and
brain during the growing _period when
nature's i demands are greater than in
mature life. This is shown in so many
pale faces, lean bodies, frequent colds,
and lack of ambition.
For all "suchchildren 'we say with
unmistakable earnestness; They need
Scott's Emulsion, and need_: it'riow. It
possesses in. concentrated form -the very
food elements to 'enrich their blood. It
changes weakness: to strength;. it makes
them sturdy and strong and active.
Scott SCBowne, Toronto. Ont.
SIR EDMUND WALKER,' " �x�'-aI' SiR JOHN AIRD, General Manager
C.V 0,, LLD., D.C.L. President �
JONES, H. V. F. Ass's G
Sr en 1. Mona e
CAPITAL PAID UP, $15,000,000 ': REsE" von FUND, w ` 13,
Do you wish to send money abroad ? The safe t.
-way .to ' do `.so is to buy a DRAFT from
the Canadian Bank of Commerce.
The cost is .moderate. Apply :.
for particular s. ..
EXETER BR.—A. 1r.' Kuhn, Mgr
CREDITON-J. A. McDonald Mgr.
Ca , as
� $8,80'0,000
98 Branc,3es in Canada
A General Banking Business •T.
C cular Letters of Credit
Bank VMonei3 Orders,
� E '
;� E Ns ,.
Interest allowedathighesti
ct went rete.
W D. CLARKE, Manager.
a e,rs 'VI
R t Pr'dhaim • L n of Tomp-
a , , a n i 1
kins, Victoria Hanna, W. Doupe; Ap-
ron, W. Dobson,; button bales, Dor.
IZylott, Al. Pridham; beans, C. Switzer
cookies,. At ` Doupe,• C. O'Brien, V,
Shier ; , soda " biscuits, .11. Doupe, Ct
O'Brien, H. Breth,our light cake, "11:.;
Bretjiour, Doris McNaughton, V.Shier
dressed doll, Reta Denham bouquet
cut flowers, W. Williams, A. V.Crago.
Francise largest hon egg, R. Den-
ham, AI • Daupe, tM. Pridham; stamps,
I-Ianna, W. Will'rlims water ,-alar,
V. Doupe F. C. Mack; peaches, I. 1,11c -
Curdy : vine peaches, 7. Hanna, -beets
h: RDenham, W. Williams, M. Pridham
celery, I. McCurdy; beans, a 'Swit-
zer; sunflower, Ira: McCurdy.
MeG%%,iYV .
There passed away at his home on
int -'14, concession. 9, McGillivray, a-
nother of the 'ol est .t esidents of 'the
�i 1 h
township, in the person of Mr.. Joshua
Morgan who passed -away an Octo-
ber .5tii in his 72,nd: year. T1se fun-
eral took place to hse .* Ebenezer
Church :on AIonciay for service 'arid
•CLINTON—A pretty wedding was
solemnized at 11 o'clock We,dai:esd'ay
Oct. 3, in ;Wesley Methodist Church,
when Miss 'Gertrude Chant, young-
est daughter of riVlr. anldy Mrs', H. 13.
Chant, became the bride of Mr. John
Sutter, a popular young business man
a •
.f ail,'
�eces�ary Farre
Equipment .
ORE `and more the Ford car is looked
upon by progressive farmers as neces-
sary farm equipment,the same as the
plow, the hay -rake, ;the, -drill,;; the mower, the
harrow and othe;r:labor and time -saving
A farmer with a Ford : car can dispense with
•,:one or two of ;his; horses and make the trips to
town, railway station, creamery, or to the neigh-
bours in one-third the time. In fact there -is -no
farm machine made that . will save the busy
farmer and his busy wife so much valuable time
as a Ford. And it's so easy to take care of—far
easier than a horse. No bed to make, or hay and
oats to get, no harnessing and unharnessing, and
no stables to clean. `: The Ford practically takes
care of itself:' f..
Ask any,farmer who owns a Ford if he would
ever again try to get along without it. • His
answer will hasten your decision to own gone.
Runabout -
'495. Coupelet $695: -
$475' , Sedan . a - $890
• n ,r�•,sr} .
• ,.. _ ..,4 ,,, air', .:•
NITa131,TELL, it”eter, DEALER