HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1917-10-4, Page 8EXE FER .AIlTif.QGA' E TFI.U11S11ATr:. BUT 40 1812 Ln L 1 ER„ gAAE CHANGED Eiteri VRIL13031ESDAN Wheat 2.10 Chita -Ho Oats ,55 Barley .95 to 1.10 T'amily. Flour .. „ 5.80 Low grade. flour ,,..., „ 3.25. Shorts . , ,, , , 42,00 Bran, ... ,. 36,00 Creamery Butter • 46 Dairy Butter 38 to 40 Eggs , 40 Lard yt�r- 31 Potatoes per peck. 35 Hay. pet Lou `.,. r .. 10.0a to 12,00 The low prices for the Comedy: in the Opera House, "Why Smith. Left Home" will f,,t the House quickly. Get your seats early. Call at the mill for nice clean bran for baking. 60 CATTLE FOR SALE.— Attend the big cattle sale in Centralia on Saturday, See ad. in another column, USED FORD) FOR SALE,—In first class condition; four new tires. Ap- ply to ,F. M. BOYLE,•.•Exeter. --x--o--x-- LITTLE PIGS WANTED -Will buy a number of little pigs at once,—Geo. Arnistrong, Exeter. "WHY SMITH LEFT HOME." This Fascinating Farcical Comedy in Three Acts, put on last Spring by the Exeter Dramatic Club, under the aus- pices -of the Soldiers' Aid and so successfully repeated on, Sept. 21st in Seaforth, will be repeated in Opera House, Exeter, on ,Friday evening, October 5th. Admission 25c. and 15c. In order toCut do-wa the cost of living use more porridge. Try, WHEATLETS made by Harvey Bros.' It may niot be .quitet so white as some other makes but it cooks better and certainly eats right. Use 'with cream and sugar, Auction Sale 100 HEAD CHOICE DURHAM .CATTLE on. Lot 3, Con. 4, Blan,shard, half mile east of Rirkton, on, Wednesday, October 17, 191/, at one o'clock sharp 5 cows with calves at foot. 5 cows due lto calve at time of sale 6 cows dole in November 4 cows due in December These. cows are from the choice herds tof Jas. Gardiner, Chas. Atkin- son, Phil. Blackler, Hector Taylor, Archie Robinson, Etc. 20 two -yr steers 1100 to 1200 lbs. 20 two -yr -old steers 1000 to 1100 ib 20 yearling steers 10 yearling heifers 10 spring calves This is the finest herd of cattle I have ever offered for sale, and will be positively sold pvi!thout reserve, and every cow sold will be -strictly guaranteed Two heavy draught sucking colts sired by Pacific Fill also he offered for sale. Terms—Seven months' credit will be given (an approved joint ,notes with 4 per cent. ALFRED PAUL, Prop. PERRY F. DOUP E, Auct. Auction Sale OF FARM STOCK. on Lot 10, North Boundary, Hay, 31/6 miles west of 5 ippen, on Tuesday, October 9th, at two o'clock, 'Sharp,— Horses—Heavy draught filly 2 years" old eligible far lregistratclon; agric- ultural gelding 2 years old, agricult- ural filly 2 -years old; one roadster filly 2 -years old; general purpose filly two -years old, broken to harness. Cattle—One Thoroughbred Short- horn bull with :registered pedigree, 22 months aid; heifer 2 -years old, due to calve January 1st, heifer 2 -years old due to cave January 10; 22 steers 2 years old; 2 fat heifers, 2 -years old; 7 steers 1 year old, 5 heifers 2 -years old; 5 heifers 1 -year old. Hogs—Yorkshire sow, due to litter November 2'); two Yorkshire sows due to litter January 10th; 10 pigs 5 weeks ofd, Terms—Cash oar 8 months credit on furnishing approved joint notes with 6 per cent added, Positively no re- serve as the proprietor: is overstocked. ROBT. LOVE, Prop., R.R. 2, Hen- aall., THOS. CAMERON, Auct. Auction Sale OF FARM FARM STOCK, HAY, MANGOLDS & IMPLEMENTS on Lot 27, Con. 14, Hibbert, Town- ship, on Tuesday, October 16, at 1 o'clock sharp, the following,— Horses-2 mares 5 yr -old, agricult'I driving mare, +quiet and reliable for' lady to drive, (Cattle -6 caws supposed to be in calf; 3 steers 2 -yr -old; 4.heifers, two year old; 2 heifers one-year old; b calves, Also 17 geese and 100 hens �. and pullets, and a quantityhay p ll n of b aszd 13 drills of mangolcls, Implements -1 Mikado buggy, new; wagon and box, good top buggy, open buggy bobsleighs, cutter, ,riding plow new; a used riding (plow, 2 walking. plows, d icultivator, utatar, se e<e,r steel /o-7 r fTe' , e scu ,.. r harrowsbtn er d mo- wer, a -wet hors' "Ike, set of scales, fanning mill set d'r•,Pble, h,arn,ess, set single harness, ,e• slings arid ropes, hay- rack, i oei vase, sap pan, buckets, 2 iron 'e c, fence Fire, grindstane, wheelbarrow, ladders, wh5f.fletrees, neckyo:tes, chains, forks, shovels,hoes etc,, cream separator, ,cookstove, kit- chen cupboard, 2 rocking chairs,churn wardrobe, two lounges, and other ar- ticle.; tor, aurnerdus to mention, Real ,Estate—Consisting of North half Lot 15, c;oncession. 5, Hay Town- ship costa ,i:a1g 50 acres pastureland Terms—01 —O• �.ea ; made 1 Estate, m known on day of sale. Of Chattels Sums of 85 and unrte,r cash,;; over that am- ount j2 months' • credit given on, ap-- prove l notes, A discount or riveper cent pi.- annum 'off, for cash on credit amounts, GEORGE I-iOB`ti',IRP:, Prep, THOS. .CA-MERON, Aunt. LOCAL Dc.)TINT(S '� The bean harvest +is sow in full swing, and the crop 4s, fairly goo:; Do not ;miss the Comedy, "Why Smith Left -Home" in the Opera House on Friday,taight, Mr. Ed, is night of the Thames Road has sold his farm no Mr, Henry Rohde for a good price, Rain came In ,pleat)- on, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday, and now dry weather will not be amiss; Major E, N, tLe.wis, lyl., P., of 'West Huron, has been appointed to " the tempozary ,rank of 1ieutenan;t-coionel mobile engaged on special work, \1r Wm. Swell ;has bought the 100 - acre farm on the 4th of S,ephen from Mr. S. J. Hogarth, Mr. Hogarth retains the 50 acres an, the 3rd can - Ce `sfon, Mr. G. J, /'Pour .expressed, a car of h:arses to Montreal as Saturday;;,and freighted a Car to Winnipeg the same day, There were 44 fine horses in the bunch. Mr. R. C. Gower '&. Son have made a deal with Mr. D. W. Sturgess •of Ingersoll by which the former gets a farni near Ernbro, , and the ?atter the store and grocery business in Ex- eter. Possession given November 1st. WANTIE'D-General Servant for a doctor's home, family of three, with or without w,ashang>, State -age, ex- perience and wages expected. Mrs. Downing, 1239 Gerrard ;St., Toronto. MONEY FOUND,—Between the 4th and 2nd of iSte Stephen on Credr n Road. Owner' can have carne by prtoving property and paying expenses. Ap- ply to L. W • Sims, Centralia, No. 2. MEN WANTED FOR MUNITION WORK A number of good reliable men can secure steady employment on Munition Work. Apply to ' The Rob t. Bell Engine & Thresher Co., Limited Seaforth, Ont. .-,-e— AGENCY FOR THE WATKIN'S LINE: -Having taken over the Wat- kin's Agency from Mr. J. E. _ Gould of Hensall I am ,prepared to do business with all the old customers and others who have not previously nosed the products I will be pleased to interest also. A full Line now an stock Goads can be procured at residence at any tim(e., A full line of Linaments Cough Remedies, Spices and Extracts, Toilet Articles always on hand. Phone orders promptly at- tended to. Phone 43 Exeter. WM. ANDREW, Travelling Salesman, Exeter, Ont, Auction E ate Of 60 Cattle —o-- The undersigned auctioneer will sell by Public Auction; at CENTRALIA, on SATURDAY, OCTOBER `6th, '17 at 1 o'clock the following stock, 25 Choice Young Durham, Cows Springing or u-ith calf 15 Two -Year Old ,Steers 10 Yearling Steers, 10 Yearling Heifers, All well-bred Durham Stock Positively returned if not as rep- resented: Terms'. -12 months' credit on ap- proved joint notes, ,with 6 per cent. interest added. BYRON E. HIC'ICS, Prop.. C W. ROBINSON, Auct. Auction Sale OF VILLAGE PROPERTY AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS. on Albert -Street, Exeter, on, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 13th, 1917 at 1.30 o'clock, -the following,— Village Property—A one and a half storey ,frame house in -good repair, and one-fifth acre of land/ situate on the corner of James and. Albert Sts. There are on the premises .a good stable, and nearly all kinds of fruit trees and bushes. Effects -Walnut parlor suite, goo& Doherty' organ, e bedroom .suites, one of walnut; sideboard, oak extension table, 2 rocking chairs; arm - chair, kitchen chairs; 1 National range, one Garland Heater, good as new, one coal oil stove, clock; carpets, mats, crocks. dishes. Also carpenter's tools bucksaw ,,and horse, ;quantity of old lumber and scantling, and a few ced- ar posts. And many other articles, Terms—Cash. W. ,H. MARTYN, Prop. C. W. ROBINSON, Auct, Auction i9a1e OF FARM STOCK & IMPLEMENTS HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS, LTC. There will be sold by Public Auc- tion, on Lot 19; ,Con, 1, Tuckersnii.th, THURSDAY, OCT. 1.1th;1917 At 1 o'clock, sharp, the following : Horses—Aged . team mares,'suppos- ed to be in foal; 4 -year old draft gelding; 3 -year-old draft gelding) .l- ald draft grelding; 4 -year-old driving horse; or aged driving //tare, ;Cattle—Cow .due v Nov,, o-15; cow due'March 21; Hereford cow due March 1.; cow ,due' March 20; cow due May 9th, farrow cow, 2 -year-old heif- er, fat; 6 yearling heifers, 5 yearling steers, 7 inning calves, Hogs Sheep and Poultry—Sow with Litter at foot; 2 store hogs; 30 Leic- ester ewes 1 ram; 150 hens; 12 ducks Implements—Frost & Wood binder, 7 ft, cut; mower, harserake side -rake disc ;(arrow, root .pulper, 2 walking plows. wagon, 2' buggies, road cart, 250 cedar posts, 40 tons good hay' Fur+ni:ture=-=Sidebdard, 1,4 doz. dining room chairs,xtensioin, table, secretary washing machine, heating stave and pipes. ` Sums Of f X10 and under, cash • over that tuitathtt'a2 niodnths'•credit on fu:rir isli ng S'PrI ,ove:d• joint notes. 4 per cent. off for cash intlieu of notes. C.' W. Robinson, Alex. Monteith, Acct. Prop, The evenings are getting chilly, and (occasionally the day is cold, too. 11 you do rtaotknow, go to the Opera House neat Friday night an. hear "Why Smith Left Home," l'Tr. Sat}rue; (Elliott has purchased the, dwelling Owned( by, lIr, Samuel' Beaver, the McCallum property near the river, and ,has moved into it. Mr. R G. eldop. last week sold his tams, ane mile south, of too'n, to. Mr, Ed. Knight of Usbaii ', It is a fine farm, with excellent buildings, and thepurchase price ,was $10,000, Mr. A. C, Tiffin of • Watford will occupy Main Street Church pulpit next Sunday, ,and '{t+hie pastor, Rev, Muxworthy, presid,en;t of the confer- ence will conduct anniversary ser- vices in, Watford. Mr, and Mrs, James Kelly, Blyth, announce the. •enigagentenLt of their daughter Nellie Loretta, to William James, only son. ,of the: late James and Mrs. Devereaux, Seaforth, the mar- riage. to take ,place. in October, The Soldiers' Aid, Society acknow- ledges the following money received during September,—Donation .a Friend 82.00; " Membership $2 00 r- Fair ' Day. 8162.25; Concert in Seaforth $,96.00 September collections 851.97. Sent to Miss Gunn, Sdcretary of the pris- oners' Club '$.90.00 ;With a view to securing Evangelist Johnston and hisparty to co'nductan .evangelistic campaign s:,n Exeter be- ginning Nov, 10th,, the official boards of the various churches are to hold a joint meeting in the Town Hall this Wednesday evening when an ad- vance agent` will address those present as to the requirements of 'the cam- paign . Rev. W. G. •H. •McAlister,o£ Ridge - town; a idge-town,;a recent pastor in James Street Methodist church, will preach in -that church next Sunday morning and evening, the occasion being Harvest Home and Thnnks'g.iviing. Special music by the choir. Usual Thank Of- fering onbehalf of Ladies' Aid. Soci- ety. Mr. and \Trs. • W. 11_ Martyn, who have been residents of Exeter ,for a number of years, intend leaving shortly ,for London, where they will make their future, home. Mr. Martyn bas been \rlorking in that city for several m+bnths. As will be seen' by an advertisement in another column. be will hold an auction; sale of this household effects. The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. John C. Snell, Carling street, had a close call with its life an Thursday last. Mable •their little daughter was far rying her little brother on Mrs. Hock- ey's verandah and in some way it, slip,- ped lip-ped from her arms .tothe ground; with the result that tt was ,rendered unconscious for an hour or more and it was thought the child would not recover. Sunday was Rally Day in many of the. Sunday Schools in this district,. Services in accorcl)vith the day were conducted• The, rooms were decor- ated with. flowers, ,addresses were given musical selections rendered and Rally- Day in this ,way, is always made bright and interesting. In James St. church the principal addresses were given. by Mr. IEadie, principal '• of Ex- eter High School and Mr. George Thomas. Choruses were sung; by the young people and .members of the choir and a recitation given by Miss Lela Sanders. In Main Street church Rev. _McCormick of Blyth, who was conducting the services for the day, and Mr. Eadie ,spoke, and Miss Vera Mukworth.y sang. Two rinks of Seaforth bowlers,skip-, ped by Col. Walston and J. C. Greig, visited Exeter green on, Wednesday of last week and played an afternoon game Col Wilson's rink also stay- ed for an evening game. The Colonel Lost both games So R, N. Creech, while J. C.. Greg w,on from W. W. Taman by- ane shot. On Friday - two rinks- and a pair taf double bowlers played return' games in Seaforth af- ternoon and .even.ing—with, the re- sult that. W. W. Taman was down 2 in doubles twith his brother Joe, R. G. Seddon was up °1 in doubles lvith J. C. Greig. 1n the rink games R N Creech 'Oast to; J 1y1, Best by 3 shots, W. D. Clarke, wonfrom Ed. Bright by 3 shots, cR G Seddon lost to J. C Greig by 12 shots, and C. B. Snell won from Walter Willis by 12 shots -making Seaforth one shot up an the day's play. DOUBLE ,FUNERAL. -:--On 'Satur- day last a double' funeral took place from the family ,residence of the late►, Mrs. Mary Sanders, William Street, shehaving died an Saturday,, Sept, 22 an account' :of which ' appeared in our last issue, and on Thursday last Sept. 27, her :youngest son, Sidney, passed away, at the age, of 46 years, 5 months and 1.8 days. He. had been in delicate health for years, but it is; thought the 'shock of his mother's death was 'so great to his already cveake.ned constitution that he suc- cumbed to its effects. He complain- ed a short time. 'before his death, but he fell" off to sleep and apparently' passed away withtaut a struggle. The funeral was of: a pnivalte nature and took place to the Exeter cemetery. DIED 1N BEAM ILLS.—On"'Oct- aber 2nd` the death took place in • tin e 1-k� a , farmer w 1 # e � rl e ;,of afarm Barnt1 , resident ',oil ✓ xet r , Mr, Anthony Hol- land. o -land. at the age of 86 years, an`6 months. Deceased was born in Tip- perary. Ireland; and came to Canada when 8 years of age. He resided in was for over ,fifty yearn, and w s a highly respected'resi,dent of Exet- er North, After the death of ••his wife .four years ago, he =MoVed to Hamilton to reside With his daughter Mrs, Wenig 'of that city. He is sur- vived by one son, R,oss of Ripley; the daughter mentioned, and two Other daughters in, the United, States. In religion deceased ,tvas a Methodist and in politics a 'Con,servativY>i The remains will be br.ought h,erej and the funeral, will take place Thursday aft- bern'ooat 2.30 from the undertake • gui roams of Mr,M., E,'.Gardiner. the Exeter :cemetery. See "Why •Smit;( Left Home" in the Opera '1 -louse on Friday everting, 4 4 BONES & MAY PRONE NO.' 3'L DOLLAR . . ON • . ,. en's Fall and Winter vercoats. In spite of the present high cost 'of Woollens, by making, heavy pur- chases of these 'lines a yeain advance, we are able- to sell our big stock of, Men's ,Overcoats at the same -price as. last _winter. These Coats are all Made of goio+d hravy Cloths in the leading hall Shades ,with eith- er Shawl or Military Collar. We invite you to come.in and see the val- ueswe are offering in these Coats. THE ,LINES BELOW WILL INTEREST MANY' MEN'S BLACK BEAVER OVERCOATS With Velvet Collar :for beat wear A few left at positively old prices. MEN'S NAVY BLUE SUITS in tine Serges at 815.00 to $22.50 .,,MEN'S FINE TWEED OR'•WORSTED SUITS in all the. latest colors, Also big rangeeMen's. Suits. to be sold cheap for (every day wear. MEN'S FAWN OR TWEED RAINCOATS—best English make, just the thing ,for Fall at from 86.75 up. • -F•1TWELL AND-WALTHAUSEN SOFT FELT HATS for Men, All the latest styles. Also acid Hats for ;knock -about. YOUTHS' OVERCOATS in beautiful cloths in Swagger Styles, -We have a fine range of these coats to fit big School Boys. LITTLE BOYS' OVERCOATS—often hard to get. We have them in., nifty belted or plain styles. ,We advise you to buy these early, as we cannot replace these lines at anything near 'the price. BOYS' SUI•TS AND ODD BLOOMERS GALORE, in good Wearing suits; Sanford's or Lion ,Brand. Scores. of suits to choose from. SHOE AND RUBBER DEPT. A few more lines of Empress Shoes to clear .at $3.00 and $,3.50. All heavy ,and light rubbers; are in. Buy your supply ,early as prices. are. very ,uncertain A full range ,of Rubber Boots for Men, Wom)-n and Children,. See our line of Men's Work Slroes, before buying, as they are at prices ;th'e same as last Fall. JONES & MAY Headquarters for the celebrated W.E. Sanford Clothing ..Miss Hazel Bissett visited in, God-' rich over Sunday. erich11 illi Mrs. Rawsen of Wyoming is visit • Nn- ing Mrs. W. G. Bissett; . Mrs. Crawford of Dungannon, is vis- iting -Mrs., R. G. Selclonj, Miss Hodgins of Lucan visited Mrs. Fred Ellerington last week. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Newell are spending 'a few days in Detroit, Miss Gladys Ford +of Sarnia Hospital is holidaying at her home here, Mr. George Powell and little son of 'Medford called on (friends here Tues- day Mrs A. Hastings and daughter, Miss Lulu are visiting in London for army day,. Pte. Melville Gladm.an was halitefrom Camp Borden, for a' few days, last' week. Mr and Mrs W. Thompson of Lon- don visited aliere (for a day or two last week, , Mr and Mrs. W, Moncur of Toronto are spending a week with the former's parents here. Mr. " and Mrs. Thos, McMullen of -London visited Mr. and Mrs. F. M, Boyle this week. Ilrs, Whimster of Aurora and Miss Dickson of Sarnia are visiting at the home of Mrs. D. Johns, Mrs, C. S. Sanders is, attending the i'uneral of her little niece, Blanche Dean at London this wetik, Mrs. W. J. ;Neaman atnnd, family have returned to their toe *here after, spending the- summer at Port Stanley, Mrs C.: H, Wilsion was called to Petrolea on . Saturday owing to the illness of her daughter, Mrs, William Wilyoa Rev: Baird and Misses Vera lsserj5 and Laura Harvey go to Stratford to -day to attend the Conference Lea- gue Convention, "Dr. and Mrs,Sweet Sry e, of -Exeter, t On . were the • 4 re^t. ofylr �ad >n,h gIra. John Cudtnore and iother friends in, town last` week, Crystal City Cour- ier. E ey Many people stiffer the tortures of lame muscle -sand Ktrffencd joints because of im- purities in the blood, and -ear h'succeeding" attaelt seems more sentential rheumatism has invaded the whole Trrestisystem: a...is o �)rheuruatrstu it zquiteas En-, , portant to improbe your general health as to purify`yout` blood, and the cod liver oil in Scott's Etnulsiou is nature's great blood -maker, while its medicinal nourish- Bien€ strengthens thct organs to expel the ft purities and up(uild your strength. Scott's Rmulsion is helping thousands every day who could not find tither: relief, Refuse the alcoholic substitutes. TAILORED TO ORDER WILL BE FAR MORE BECOMING Yet Cost No More We have a large, ;number, of New Fall Suits and pvescloatings that wait your arrival -a wide assortment of Fashion's Chosen ,colors,—soft'. hand- some Browns, and beautiful Greys of all shades, OUR ASSORTMENT OF— i �..atl eS Suitings iA the Finest we have; ever had. The studied exactness ,in measuring and beaomirug designing of .our. Tailored to -Order Clothes produces a com- pleteness of fitting and a pleasing- ness of appearance that a ready -mad' can •never hope ,to equal. No Lady knows how well p;he can appear in a Suit or Coat until she has one cut, to measure. OUR STOC'K IS COMPLETE GIVE US A CALL N. Sheers .. LADIES AND GENTS' 'TAILOR • Stand Upstairs, Opposite the Central.. Hotel: Furniture and Undertaking R N. W E TUE FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND FURNITURE DEALER Tea & Coffee Store For the coot groceries, fruits, , spices, teas, coffee and every thing in the grocery rite. Call and see us, A triad , as to quality will convin- ee. Produce taken in exchange Jas. Gould Next The Metropolitan Halal eter Bargain Store Clothing WE HAVE IN S'I"OC'f{ "A NUMBER OF MEN'S Al`N3 -BOYS' SUITS - BOUGHT BEFORE O, REE TI -IE RISE .,I L IN PRICE THEY ARE EXCEPTION- AL VALUE, SPECIAL. is OUEv: SCIAL ORDER SAMPLES ARE HERE, AND WE WILD. be pleased tt •',haVe you compare our ''..values with y r other's, OUR MADE-TOiVILASURE SUITS AN.D OVERCOATS SATISFY., 8:1-1 OES SFIOEs to the tune. to boy your heavy shoes for Fall. Wel have theni,. Our Ass+brtnient of Fine Shoes was never 'bette'r .Tit ,UOI YOUR NEXT PAIR. B.W.F Beavers