The Exeter Advocate, 1917-10-4, Page 4mange Yau Can Tr�s� The "Pandora" doesn't require con - Stant watching. You can trust it to do its work while you rest or attend to other duties. The Pandora has fea- tures that insure far greater efficiency` and economy than can be found other ranges, Write for free boollet. eCia ORA ANGE LONDON TORONTO MONTREAL WINNIPEG VANCOUVER ST. JOHN, N.B. HAMILTON CALGARY g SA$KATOOi EDMONTON For Bale by G. A. r[awkirrs .Sanders & Creech, Proprtattars -Subsoripiion n a Si .- er year in Canada; $1.7ejn me United States, All subscriptions not paid in advance 50 cents extra will dee cleansed ADVERTISING RATES Display Advertising Rates — Alade knot( n oa application Stray Animals—One 'insertion 50c., three insertions $1.00 Farro. or Real Estate for sale 50c. each insertion for one month of ;.our .insertions • 25c, for each subsequent cirises t, an Misceilaneaus Articles of n.ot •nore -than five lines, far Sale, To Rent, >r 'Wanted Lost, Found, etc., each in- .sertion 25e Local Reading Notices, etc., 10c. per ane per insertion. No notice 1 ess than 55c. Card of Thanks .50c, Legal Advertising 10c. and Sc. aline Auction Sales, $2 for one insertion, and $3 for two insertions. Professional Cards not exceeding 1 'inch— $6 per year THURSDAY, OCT. 4th, 1917- 'shwo d Word has been .received here et the .death of Alice, the only daughter. c; Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Miller of Brock - .et, Alta, We 'sympathize with Mr. .and Mrs, Miller !!a •their sad bereays- mear. Inspector Tom .paid pur schoa_ a • visit o'an Thursday. Mr. Chester Geiser of Montreal ;pent last week at his home here. Dr. .Taylor, 'who had • the misfor- tune of hating has ankle broken some time ago, •has rcturnted and is able to attend to his practice again. :Messrs. Chas. Steinhagen and Er- vine Mcisaac of Windsor• spent the week end at their homes here, Herman Eidt of ,Forest spec'. Sue - day in town. alis, Rate Snider of Tor:anto -.visiting relatives in town at present. Mr. Cooper of \Clintoa gave a very interesting address ion (temperance •.n the Evangelical Church oa"Sunday evening. Mr. and 11:rs.• ,H. Willertt spent- tee week end in Stratford( Dr. Balfour of ,Luckr(o•e- paid retr • own a flying v,,sit ,,one es,enna last week. S.S.:No. 8, HAY SCHOOL FAIR' The School Fair of S. S. No. 8, Hay, held on Friday, Sept 23th, was large- , ,y attended and the tventher was ev- erything v-c ything that could ,zbe desired to make it a success. T exhibits were. 'n.umerous and of spies'it quality, During the atternoon aduresse , were given by Mr, T. McMillan of Seaforth and Inspector Tonn of Goderich, and several choruses were given by the pupils of the school. After the pro- gram an 1nteeesteag bail game was played between the scholars' team end one picked from the visitors, Mr. Ad disov Tiernan acting as umpire. The judges were Messrs, O. Miller, H. Wiegand, D. Trueanaer, Inspector Tom, Miss Cara "Truemner, Mrs. J, ellermann, Mr. P. ,Fasaold.— Flora Lane, Teacher, LUMLEY _ Mr John McQueen (vas in St. Marys on Friday. -Mrs. Isabella Smith sf i-iagersville is here visiting h `r brother George. Hahkirk, who is not very :yell.—Messrs, Orville Cann and •ordo'a Bo.Itaa have bath got C as - 'r,ne horses now.—Mr. and Mrs J. T. Eonthron and Miss. Rae Horton. are, in Detroit and Toledo this week c's- ijting friends.—Geo,. Hobkirk s a',e will; be held on Tuesday, 16th. —lI- Mathew Biller has jtreated hims°;f .and. family ,rt,o a fine new Edison :ramioph one. Centralia The members of the 'Mission Circle met as Mrs. ,Finlay's on Monday even- ing slid presented •ivilasies Florence and Marjory Hepburn with Life Mnn- bershiu certificates-previtous to their departure for Lan Apire Mr, W. Boyle of Lioncloa spentthe ,veeic end at his lrorlei here. tifa• Milton Mitchell has made the Purchase of e in.ewv Gray ,Dart cru:, Miss M. Boyle of London; visited with her aunt ;Mrs. Boyle over Sutlday \1i•ss \Vanda Willis entertained a number of her young friends on Sat- urday afternoon to ,a birth da} party The Sunday manning services here were given over to the Sunda( sr Leo it being Roily" ;Day. The, cervi: es were interesting and a goodly num- ber were is attendance, The Government farm tractor has arrived and is in operation p in this neighborhood under the inanagemen.t of Reeve W. R. Elliott of Stephen. The tractor, like the autatnobile has. come to stay, and it certainly does the work when horses cannot man- age: it as all. _Late of rain ;these days. Almost ;os much one wound think. SCHOOL REPORT of S. S. No; 14 Staple:ea foe- the month of Sept. F,o classes three and four in Hygiene. r ammar „Arithmetic and Composit.iom thelowestmarks required for a pass being 240, and .total 400; also the standing according to dairy work, in order of merit, of the Primer and 1st asses• 4-1. Essery 284; T. Brooks 766; E. Webber 265; M. Hodgins 248; "1 r uenn'an Mihs 243 A. Anderson 242; M. -Brown 237 ; K. Hicks 22' A. Huxtable 209; .V. CIo-mner 138; h. Haskett 81; W. Haskett 45. fy. Haskett and W Haskett were absent foe two exams, 1-G.Oe.n 'Bri, Hicks, J. Smitih. PI'.—F)`. Hodgins, J. Flynn, V. Smith, IM. Hicks, Teacher, .E. M. Weston. SUFFERED FROM BACKACHE RHEUMATISM, DROPSY. Dear Mr. Editor -I wish to tell yon of a recent experience I had when suf- fering from backache, weak back, rheu- matism, dropsy, and congestion of the kidneys. I tried a new medicine called " A nuric," which has recently been dis- covered by Dr. Pierce, of whose medi- cines and Surgical Institution in Buffalo, N. Y., you have no doubt heard for. nears. This medicine acted upon me in a wonderful manner. I never have taken any medicine so helpful in such quick time. I do wish anyone in need of such a remedy would give it a trial. (Signed) G. H. HERR. NOTE Folks in town and adjoining counties are delighted with the results they have obtained by using "A N URIC," the newest discovery of Dr. Pierce, who is, head- of the INVALIDS' HOTEL and SURGICAL INSTITUTE, in Buffalo, N. Y. } Those who stared the day with a back- ache, stiff -legs, arms and muscles, and an aching head (worn out before the day began because they were in and out of bed half a dozen times at night) are appreciating the perfect rest, comfort and'new strength they obtained from Dr. Pierce's Anuric Tablets. To prove that this is a certain uric acid solvent and conquers headache, kidney and bladder diseases and 'rheumatism, if you've never used the "Anuric," cut this out and send ten cents to Doctor Pierce for a large sample package. This will prove to you that «Anuric" is thirty-seven times more active than Lithia in eliminating uric acid—and the most perfect kidney and bladder cor- rector. If you are a sufferer, go to your best druggist and ask for a 50 -cent box of "Anuric." You run no risk for Dr. Pierce's good name stands behind this wonderful new discovery as it has for the past half century •for has "Golden Medical Discovery" which makes the blood pure, his "Favorite Prescription" for weak women and "Pleasant Pellets" for liver ills. EloctncaI 86 Osteopath Tratments DON'T LET NATURE FORECLOSE THE MORTGAGE. ON .YOUR HEALTH The following ailments will give an idea of the many troubles which sac .be ,greatly helped by Electrica' and Osteopath Treatments; = A th;ma Ap, endisitis Bronchitis Bladder Troubles -Constipation `catarrh 'Dyspeesia Deareess Pain, itt the Stammering Liver T raubies Headache Neeur itis Pains in Back Female Weakness Fevers Gall Stones Goiter Heart Disease Hay Fe ver rndigest ion Jaundic e • (Kidney Diseases Lumbago Stomach Trouble Nervousness Neuritis Neuralgia Paralysis Poor Circulation Rheumatism 5t. Vitus„ fiance Sciatica back of neck & head •Consultation and Examination FREE. r. W. E. 13.3raix5ter, Osteoioath Osteopathand Chiropractor, Office ,Hours, 9 aim, to 12 and 2 6,nr' 'to 5 Aro.: Ev'eniegs and Sundays by apnoi talent ifice Phone 103 • HEATH Or' WILLIAM lIAZLEWOOD It was with meat sorrow that the frleeds ,and relatives heard of Me eassiog tiway of. Mr, Wm„ Hazlewood at bis iubtne near liirkton on Satur- day, September 29th. The ;deceased was one of the last of the pioneers left in this community and was in his 84th] year. 'ile was born in ,Yorl.. county 1831 nine: miles West of TO - route and passed his eayiielr days there, coming to ill,lanshhh d with his parents, ilt the age of sixteen in the year 1850 taking mit of the bust; the farm now owned by Reba Hazlewood we the fourth line. 'When 22 years of age he marriede Nanny \Ticker's who preceded him nine years ago. Tho most of their married life was semi, Usborn'e on the 'farm whichl he am - sided until the time of his death which followed a paralytic etroke Ile was a 'Methodist tn religion, taking an ttctive interest in chnra4 work till his failing health prevented sun, He was also an enthusiastic member of the Milton Agrictultttral Society' being connected with the Society since its earliest start, He was a Lib- eral in pogitics. He leaves to inourst hiseloss six sons and four daughters. namely Wesley, of Manitoba; Dave and Ed. of Sask„ Will and John of Alberta ;, Mrs. Darling and Mrs., Mills of Lon- don ; ondole, Mrs. Avery of Mitchell; ` stns, Tufts of Toronto,,and-,Walter at home. The deceased,jalso 'has a brother Thomas of Exeter and -two ;sisters, airs, Sawyers, of Woodham. and Mrs, Kirkby of Stratford to mown his loss The funeral was bold 'Tuesday aft- ernoon, interment in- I irieton•: ceme- tery. • GRAND BEND Miss Jean Baird visited a fen- clays near. Ailsa Craig last week(—Mr. Ike Green of Thed,ford ,visited at P. Bak- er's Saturday.. --Mr. Davits Baird ,, .of tear Lucan visited his: parents Sun - i iy, 11_ and Mrs. \Mil.nnan of near heeford visited, at Asaph Gravelle, flea:h of Mrs. ;Hason—This week it becomes aur lead duty to record, the death of. Mrs. Agnes Mason or the B Line who departed this life 'aft Wednesday morning, Sept. 26, at the age of 71 years, 6 months` and 12 days. Deceased had been a -sufferer from cancer of the stomach for same, time but she bore her affliction tv: th great patience. Beim :a daughter of the late Andrew Disjardine, who cane to these parts many years ago, she experienced many of the hard- ships ardships incident to pioneer life, and her early days were spent here when, all- was a wilderness, Mrs. ,Mason was a kind neighbor and a true friend and her death will be regretted by many,. Being the`ss idiew_ of. the late Charles Mason, she ,is survived by six sons and one daughter to mourn her _.ass—Charles and Edward of McGil- l:ivray. George and ,William_ John of the B Line, Fred south of here and Mrs. . Adolph .Disjardine ,of Dashwood. Her husband predeceased her about 14 years, ANCIENT MEDICAL HUMOR.. specimens From the Rome of Nearly Twenty Centuries Ago. That there was no lack of medical humor in the classic days of Rome is' made sure by the ancient epigrams of Martial of -nearly 2,000 years ago. The London -Lancet shows that the poet bore a grudge against the specialists of his day, for it seems they had this variety of practitioners then and_pokes fun at the oculists and at the surgeons who Indulged' in clinical teaching. Of the latter he has a' patient complain in ';ood Latin, and this complaint has been made over into current English:' 1L: 111, but. soon Symmachus sought me with a class of a hundred young men, Whose hundred cold paws have brought me The fever I lacked till then. The journal of the American Medi- cal association calling attention to the medical ways of the ancient city notes that diseases due to luxurious habits had multiplied greatly In Rome. What was -.called gout --that is, pains and aches in joints and muscles and the vague conditions that we now call rheumatism -had also greatly increas- ed. Pliny, who was an older con- temporary of Martial, says, "Gout used to be an extremely rare disease, not in the times of our fathers and grand- fathers only, but even within my own memory." Although the gouty were usually rich and of luxurious habits, some of them evidently were not good pay. An evidence of this is thus given: Dtodorns, while he sues In court, On gouty feet can stand, But when the lawyer's bill Is brought The gout sets fast his hand. , Masked Women. iVpper class Swahili women wear', carious masks, which are made _of leather ,and beads on` a wooden frame.' The mask is derived from the tradi- Bona' usage of V oslem women;r-Wha must keep their faces covered in the presence of men. For several cen- turies Arab traders have -frequented this east African coast, and to their' influence are due most of the civilized customsfound today among the na- tives of the district. The .clothing worn by these prosperous dames is of silk, their shoes are partly of silver, and they wear much silver jewelry. The Moslems in Zanzibar, by the way, are less fanatically strict about religious usages than their brethren in Morocco and Turkey. -Wad. World Magazine. "Bob". and "Cob" in Money. Most people would know, what was meant by the term "bob" when speak- ing of money. But would they be able to say offhand what a "cob" is or was In a similar connection? It was used In polite circles in the seventeenth cen tury, for it oectirs in a letter from the Earl of Essex—"So my wife gave her a cob, for which she seemed very thank ful"—printed in the new' volume of the "Camden series, the editor of which gives the information that ttie `cob was "a plece•of money the value of whir"(( varied from 4.shillings to as much as -6 shillings itn 1G75 "—Loudon Chronicle. Notice to Creditors. .IN THEY '11AT7, I.R OF TI IE iaS i tate .Qi Lore)u Wiegaaid, late of the Village of Dashwood in the, County of 1-lurop, ,Gwiatleman, ,deceased, NOTICE is 'hereby ' given pursuant to R; S. Q. 1917; e Chapter 12.1 that all creditors anal others having shirrs against the estate of the sald. Lorenz Wiegand, ay.ho (lied on aa• about the 18th day or May, '1917, ,are. acquired on or before the 15th clay .of October, 11.917,• to ,fend by post prepaid of deliver to 1-1. Silber & Son, Crediton, ectung for the undersigned *executor of -the ssaid deceased, !heir Christian auci surnames, addresses and descriptions, full particulars of their claims, a statement of their accounts, iun.d time nature of the securities, 11 arty held by ,them AND FUR T 11ER tale notice That alter such last mentioned date the executor rvi.il ;proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased alnonk. tai • persons entitled thereto, paying regard only to the claims' of which they shall then have had notice, Ind that said .executor wi1'1 not -be,liable, for the said assets or any part there- of to any person or persons of whose claim m or claims noticeshah not have been received .by Jim at the time sof such , dist.r!bu't'ilon. Simpson. Irelansl, 751 Nelson St., Stratford, Ont. Dated = the let - day of '.October 19176. SCHOOL REPORT of S. S. No, 11, Stephen, for the. ,month of September the names /being lin order' of merit. Those marked "with an asterisk have not attended during the month., Sr. 4—Lucy Greb. Jr."4-Ervin Grob* Sr, 3—Adel Lafond*, Jr, 3 -Ruth Wil ler tMilverna Willert* Wilfred Ad- ams*. dams . Sr. 2 -Pearl Lafond, Harry Greb, Clifford- Link*. ' Jr. 2-Ellaeen lArllert, Bruce-Willert: Pt, 2—Edna G\'ilert. \Leila Wiliest, Clinton Adams, Leonard Greb. Pt. 1 -Anna Ste.phen, Leslie Adams,' Sr. • Primer -Mildred White, Elgin Adams, Emery Willert, Lilt' Greb. Jr. ;Pr. George White,. Violet Willett. Na. on .Roll 23; aver -- age- attendance 12.8.-S. E. hleinfeldt, teacher, . CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the -1-i Signature of GREEN W AY Rev, S. Salton preached two very interesting and instructive sermons an Sunday in the Methodist Church and the music ,by the. Crediton, singers was well spoken ;of: -\sirs Louella Sherritt's many friends are pleased to hear she is getting some stranger and. all will be. delighted to see a per- manent cure.—Mrs. W. T,. UJ,ens and Gordon hate bought a new Ford car. -Miss Mae •Wilslom tis spending her holidays in Eastern t On#grioc—Rev. and Mrs. ,Willians are busy.„making calls low,—A number from there at- tended the lecture given by Rev. Bowen in the `,int`erests of the Bible Society in the ,Presbyterian Church, Corbeitt.—Hugh Wilson is sporting a new bycicle. • SPANKING DOESN'T CURE ! Don't think children can be cured of bed-wetting by spanking them. The trouble is constitutional, the child cannot help it. I will send, •FREE to any another my successful home treat- ment, with full instructions, if your children trouble you in this way, send no money, but write me ' to -•day. My treatment is highly recommended to adults trotibled with urine difficulties by day or night. Address Mrs. 'M. Summers, Boy 840 WINDSOR, Ontario, LUCAN \Iaiie, daughter of Mr. An.thany Be -- tett oG this place was on Tuesday, c' '•:ast week married at St. Patrick church to Patrick (Crimen of Strat-- ford Rev. Father _Hogan officiating. The bride was •.drje,ssed in blue silk and wore the groom's gift, apendant. Miss Nellie Crimen, )sister of the groom was bridesmaid, and Joseph Barrett, brother of the. bride,” was groomsman.. After a trip to Toros to. the young couple. will make their home in Stratford, Oa Sept. 26th she: death occurred at her home -there of Mr: A,nniae. O' Shed, wife of James O'Shea. She had been .ill for sometlsne, -She is sur- vived by -•five, brothers and five sis- te-s, Thomas of Lucan, Roderick of Moosejaw William of London, James of Lucan: John of Detroit, Mrs. Jahn Beery of Adair, Mrs. W. Whalen of Detroit, Mrs, P. Clennm of Maple Park, 111., bliss ;T. Casey of Lucan,. Miss R. Casey. of Aurora, 111., and al- so two daughters, Mrs. Ed. Clemm of Maple Park, and Miss Helen O'Shea of Lucent D,ecegsed was .iru, her 58th year, The funeral was held at St. Patrick's church' .Friday. READ PER LET T73R Halifax, N.B. `About eight months ago, I read your ed-crtiaeinent in one df the Halifax papers offering ,a free sample of GinPitis for the Kidneys, I had been h martyr for years to in- tense pains across' the back. Before I find 1,, S red tire third box I found tau- tIf perfectly free from pain."lours (Macs,) Jna'`r, MERCY, NADIAN BANK COMMERCE SIR EDMUND WALKER, C.V.O,,: LL.D„ D,Q.;,„ President SIR ,JOHN AIRD, General Manager JONES, Asst Cen'1, Manager CAPITAL PAID UP, $i5,000,000 RESERVE FUND, • $13,500,000 A GOOD INVE§TMENT The money you save earns interest when deposited in our Savings department, and both principal and interest 'are safe and can be obtained when required. ` Why keep in the home more money than ;s needed for immediate' purposes? 59 EXETER BIL—A. t,.. Kuhn, Mgr CREDITON---J, A. McDonald Mgr. INCORPORATED 1855 *Ls,* 860,31.0.00 • VI We, SINS BANK Capital & Reserve $8,800,000 98 Branches in Canada A General Ban Irl business Transactbd Circular: Letters of Credit Bank. MOn eta Orders $AVINGSBANKDEPARTMENT DDEPA T .. ENT Interest{ allowed at highest current roto EXETER BRANCH— W D. CLARKE, Mer ages, Dr• G F, ROULSTON, L. D. S., D,D.S DENTIST Membe- of the R. C. C. D.S. of Ont. Honor. Graduate Toronto University Ottice over Carling's law Office. Closed Wednesday afternoons. DENTIST DR A, R. KINSMAN, L.D.S.D.D.S. Honai Graduate Toronto University. feeth extracted without pain or any raid effects. Office over Gladman & Stanbury's Office, Main Street, Exeter MONEY TO LOAN We have a large amount of private funds to loan on farm and village property' at low rates of interest,' GLADMAN & STAURY Barristers, Solicitors, Exeter ISAAC R. CARLING, B.A. Barrister. Solicitor., Notary ' Public, Commissioner,. Solicitor for The Mol - sons _Bank, Etc. Money to loan at lowest antes of interest. Office—;Main Street, Exeter, - FRANK TAYLOR Lioensed Auctioneer for Counties of Huron and •Middlesex. Pricea Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed, Crediton -- Qatar* C, W. ROBINSON L,ICENSW AUCTIONEER AND VALUATOR for Counties of Huron Perth. Middlesex' and Oxford. Farm Stsk,lt Sales a Specialty. Office at Cocksbutt Warerooms, next door to Centra! Hotel, Main Street, Exeter, Charges moderate and satisfaction ' is zuaranteed. A. HASTINGS Agent for Canada Life Assurance Company Also Fire and Accident Insurance. Money to Loan on Farm Property EXETER, ONT, TRACTOR' FOR PLOWING The Ontario Government, has sent me a tractor and three plows far use in plowia" farmer's land this fall_ Two to;afour days will, be devoted :to a farm The cost to the farmer is 45 cents an hour, price of gaspling and oil, and board for the ,operator. Application made to me (will, be, booked after at once,. W R. ELLIOTT, Centralia P. 0, SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NOIRTI-I WEST LAND REGULATIONS. The sole head of a family, or any male over 18 years old, who was at the' commencement of the presienaw-4 and has since continued to be, aBrit.1 ish subject; or a subject of an allied or neutral - country, may home- stead a quarter -section of available Dominion land in Manitoba, Saskatch- ewan or Alberta. Applicant must ap- pear in person at the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub -Agency for the Dis- trict. Entry by proxy may be made . on certain conditions. Duties— Slag month: residence upon and cultivatijoti of land in each of three years. • In certain districts a homeetead,e,•:-• ma} secure an adjoining quarter-siec- tion as pre-emption. Price $3,00 per acre Duties—Reside six months in each of three years after earning homestead patent and cultivate 50 acres extra. May obtain pre-emption patent as soon as homestead' patella on certain canditiions. - A settler after obtaining homestead patent if he cannot secure a pre- emption may take —a purchase ed homestead in certain a districts, Price $"3.00 per acre. Duties -Must re- side six months in each of the three years, cultivate 50 acres and erect a house worth $300. Holders of entries may count time of employment as farm labourers .in Canada during 1917�s residence dut- ies under certain conditions, When Dominion Lands' ase advert- ised or posted for entry, returned sol- diers who have served overseas and have been honorably discharged, re- ceive one day priority.in, applying for entry at local Agent's Offfcei (but f0.. not Sub -Agency), Discharge ' paper must be presented to agent. W. W. `CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior N•B:-4Unauthorized, publication of. this advertisement will not be paid foe MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED by C H. Sanders at the Advocate Of- fice. Strictly confidential; no witness required. DR.ffeVATO RENO P u2EFtu?gg• t'I for. e.S.a bob .. io;r ,gid�, dt 14II ru Motes. or. itki]d ddres otikc ,i iPt:5f AlE0,4 Tam '15 c•cBt.Cd narrileNOnto` io: HQ,SI HONOL FOR'MEN.v . tn]i4v ilsr Nerverand Bram`' iricfeapee',83•4• natter(';[ Tonic.--wiilbuilh.you•up: Is`cticm^.a wo for IS, at 'drug Stores; pr 1iy ail'bznrete •. price, s Sco8ELL pairs: Co,, St. Catharsis lntario. SPECIAL ALE is a magic oil that smooths the path of existence. • It's rich, pure, sparkling and wholesome -with th•. cld-tinge Liibatt flavor that makes you realize you have the right beverage. Better.as a tonic or. wrinkle -chaser than. the pills of any M.D. Drinkallyou want, Labatt's Special 'Ale is as pure as the , mountain brook. R GROCER SELL` iT t;-At";:cafes, Hotels, and tet*sc lots direct from the P,rewery. JOHN ° '; LABATt1 . LiM&1TE r•STABLISHED 1832 88 LONDON, ONT., and No. 4 S. He! gra Street, MONTREAL ,,.t.L:).... .ate`iw .a 14.11