HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1917-10-4, Page 3"One Whole Wheat,, Meal a Day —that's the slogan for those who want to. conserve food and also eon- serve strength and health. But -be sure; it is the whole wheat prepared in a diges- tible form. Shredded Wheat Biscuit is 300 peri, cent. whole wheat -nothing wasted, nothing thrown away. Fifteen years ago -Shredded Wheat was eaten only as a breakfast cereal; now it is eaten for -any meal as a substitute for meat, eggs, or potatoes. Two or three biscuits with milk or cream and some fresh fruits make a nourishing, satisfying meal at accost of only a few cents., Made in Canada. THE DEADLY MANZANILLO. Beautiful Tree, Native of the West Indies, Has Poisonous Properties. Literature oils• the tropics abounds with stories of poisonous plants and trees, and to this beautiful 'tree, arch- ing nrany a roadway with its glossy green leaves and rose -tinted flowers, bas beeh ascribed the deadly poison- ous properties of the far -fanned Upas, tree or the East. To the fruit of this tree, more than to the effect of its foliage, is due its evil "name. Manzanillo- in Spanish means "little apple" and in the Papiamento tongue of the blacks of Curacao, Dutch West Indies, living in their little thatched huts, the name Manzanillo is pronounced but slightly differently from the Spanish. It , has -been stated by Spanish writers that if one remains' under its shade for a few hours or sleeps there death is likely to follow, or that even if the unfortunate escapes death the body will become a mass, of running sores. The,deleteriouslploperties of the shade of this trge have, however, been greatly exaggerated, and as for the actual poisonus effect of the leaves and shade considerable diver- sity of opinion still exists, as is the case with the poison ivy of the States. The small, apple -shaped fruits have tempted many a stranger to a much - regretted °meal. '+As recently as the summer of 1916 an officer of..a Dutch steamer had a narrow escape from serious poisoning, emetics and stom- ach pumps' alone saving his , life. Some 32 ',years ago 54 members of the crew of a German ship were taken to the local hospital all very `sick from having eaten the'- fruit of the Man- zanillo. Five of this number died and the rest, after serious illness for several weeks, reeovered. As is the case With the question, of the leaves and shade, there are many acbounts of the effect of the fruit. To quote from one writer "A fish which. eats the fruit becomes infected, the gills becoming yellow and black, and,. one who -eats the fish in this state is said to fall into a profound lethargy, with a ; general 'relaxation of all, the, limbs, according to the amount eaten." The tree when cut exiides a quan- tity of white, milky juice, in the same manner as the common rubber -tree, and to most persons this juice has the same effect as .our poisgn.ivy. IIow- ever, if this acrid milky juice reaches the delicate_n''lembrances of the eye, temporary and often permanent blind- • ness is sure to follow. The Manzanillo is a native of, the West Indian Islands and is usually found in moist situations. Perhaps nothing better shows the cosmopolitan character of the present war than some figures that the British and Foreign Bible ri Society recently gave out. ' Since the war began, the society has distributed for use, by friend and foe, in -trench, dugout, prison camp, barrack room, battleship and hospital, more than_ six million 'books in `sixty languages. i'Tactical Designs Ready for work or play is this at- tractive little model. It is suitable. for anyeof the wash material such as gingham, percale, chambray or linen: McCall Pattern No. '7914, Girl's Middy or. Dress Apron in 6 sizes; 2 to. 12 years., Price, 15 cents. © bioCerr. Here is a quaint little • apron copied from - the apron of the French Red Cross Nurses. It is most practical, completely covering the skirt, with a bib that fastens to the dress beneath, or is held up by suspenders. McCall Pattern No. 7961. French Apron. In 3 sizes; small, medium and large. Price, 15 cents. These patterns may be obtained from your local McCalldealer, or from the McCall Co., 70 Bond St., Toronto, Dept. W. - BABY'S OWN TABLETS ALWAYS IN THE IUQIVIE Mrs. Eugene Vaillancourt, St. Ma- thieu, Que., writes: "My baby suffered greatly from constipation so I began using Baby's Own Tablets. I was sur- prised'rwth the prompt relief they gave; him and now I always keep them in the house.", Once a mother has used Baby's Own Tablets for her little ones she always keeps a supply on hand for the first trial convinces her there is -nothing to equal them in keeping 'her little ones well, The Tablets are'sold by medicine,dealers or by mail at 25 - cents' a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine'Co., Brockville, Ont. SUBMARINE MINING. Quest of Gold is Carried on in Shat- lows of Bering Sea. e Few people know that inen are so greedy for gold that their quest for the precious metal leads them to carry. on mining operations under the sea; Submarines or diving apparatus are not used. The„miners are assisted by Winter, the same stern season which deprives gold seekefs in Alaskafrom extracting ore from the earth during a greater part of- the year. When Bering Sea, off Nome, takes on a coat of ice in Winter, the -miners get busy for operations under the sea. pe "Hot points” are rigged for ' drilling, Brilliant. red or scarlet; according to the cannon a telephonist gets the re- "Hot CURING SKIN TROUBLES So many people, both non and -wo- men, suffer from skin troubles, such as eczema, blotches, pimples and: irrita- tion that a word of advice .is 'acmes - eau. It is a great mistake for such Sufferers and those with bad complex- ions to "smear themselves with greasy ointments. Often they could not do anything worse, for the grease, clogs the pores of the troubled skin and their,, condition actually becomes worse. When there are pimples or erup- tions, or an irritating or itching rash, a soothing, boracic solution may help to allay the irritation, but of course that does not cure the trouble. Skin complaints come from an impure con- dition of the blood and will persist un- til the blood is thoroughly purified. It ,is well known that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have effected the best re- sults in many forms of skin disorders: and blemishes. This is due to the fact that these pills make new, rich blood;' and that this new blood attacks the impurities that give rise to skin troubles a> -disperses them.„ so that Dr. Williams'' Pink Pills cure skin dis- orders from within the system—the only surewway. It should be added that Dr. Williams'; Pink Pills have' a beneficial effect ,up- on -the general health. They increase the appetites and energy and ,cure dis- eases that arise from impure blood. You can get these pills through any medicine dealer or by mail at'50 cents a box or six boxes for .$2.50 from The Dr:` Williams Medicine -Co., 'Brock- ville, Ont. 2 Vis' PREPARING THE BULB BED. No Garden is Complete Without a Dis- play of These Exquisite Flowers. Tulips, hyacinths and other autumn bulbs should be set out in October, or don: ° I gave him serum in floods, and November will do if the ground is un -other things,': but1the shock was _too frozen. It is well, however, to make great; he died toward morning, amid a mental survey of the garden, decide unearthly thunders, begging me to where the beds areto be made, what comfort his `poor wife and little ones' the shape and size is to be, estimate "And so I passed that terrible night, the quantity of bulbs and ; varieties all alone up there under the. roof, with listed colonization of acres wanted and place'° he order for early only a wounded man to help me. When1 each, selectedcolonization ti the farms intendingf320 settler, delivery. A little later the •liens can the: first': thrush sang out among the and thea improved by him with as- er be prepared. Turn under a liberal ,. poplars and the town siren shrieked sistance :from the company. Easy, supply of stable manure if it can be; that there was no more danger, I trot terms of payment are offered, carried had, and make the beds deep and ted home for my cold bath before be - ever twenty years; but the point, that mellow. • ginning another day. The Boches Mr. Brown, insists on is that it is not 'Set tulips four or five inches apart had left 300 visiting cards. Imagine people out of the workhousea that Can- and about five inches deep; hyacinths the havoc wrought upon the tiny town six to eight inches apart and about of Epernay!" odes wants, because such are not de the same depth as for tulips. Cro- sired in the Dominion, but people who voles and snowdrops are usually set are likely to succeed. Ile urges that two or three Indies apart, and these the whole question of reconstruction also require a' depth of aboutTouror be tackled with vigor on the other side. five inches. Minard's Liniment Co Limited UNDER FIRE AT EPERNAY. Experience of an ,American Nurse i ] elnberded 1''i s:nch Hospital, "1 wonder: if, on Friday evening, the sixth of July, at 10.30,• you had a vision of me crossing a moonlit tough tender such again of bombs and shrap- nel as made the most gorgeous pyro- 'tesehnic display you can imagine? , I had just undressed when the first bomb fell, says a nurse in a letter to her family, I dressed at 'once, and had, T stopped to parley with my good landlady, who barred the doorway, de- claring that I would be killed if I went out, I should have been caught in the Rue Donyon, for after I passed a bomb fell, destroying four houses. 1 admit it gave me a queer feeling— there's a crash of colliding planets and a gush of gas that isn't pleasant -but somehow I felt that I was being protected, so I didn't run nor swerve, though one of the Boc11es was hum- ming just above my head; and all the air was filled` with flying balls of fire. from our brave little seventy=five: When I reached my service, on the 1 heartaches— lot floor of the hospital, I found a Over the hills where the sun goes lot of Men nurses, with helmets on down their' heads, and'with stretchers, too To vales eternal, of bright renown! confused to act, and my poor wound- —Arthur Wallace Peach.. ed -soldiers lying very frightened in the dark. As `soon as possible, 1 got FARMS FOR OUR SOLDIERS all who could be moved down into the basement,andJb the .time'I had lined. Lt. -Col. George McLaren Brown, the Y European manager . of tli.e C.P.R., `them up as comfortably as possible on their stretchers, the new wounded be -' writes td the "Tariff, .Reformer and gin to arrive -soldiers, old men, wo- Empire Monthly," in England, urging a comprehensive. scheme by which the W ES'I;,WAR l). (In the teerninology of the trenches' "Ile went West" means "He died") Crimson the trail that westward runs From the shot swept sky and the flaming guns, From the haunts -where depth keeps: vigil still , With fiery breath and steel's holt will. Crimson -the trail to the sunset far, Countless the feet on •'the pathway are; Westward is peace beyond the din Where the gray ranks meet in the ° dawn , mist thin. Crimson the trail to the quiet sides Where the great gun& threat into si- lence dies, Where wounds are healed with a holy balm And the, fevered rest in a slumber calm. Glorious the trail that the brave heart takes-- " Though love behind knows'the old men and children—several dead when. returned soldiers could be placed on they arrived. By this time some of the surgeons appeared, and there be -i the land in so far as they desired it— ing enough to attend to the dressings a, echeme by which lands closed to the downstairs and none above, I went public would be fully opened up -not back to my floor with two wounded a few parcels of land, such as were men—one, a brigadier with both legs noticed in the press, and which would blown• off, or, to speak more accurate hat give a square foot to all' who ly, hanging by a few shreds of ten might seek this means of settlement, but a plan by which large numbers could be accommodated on the lands In the Mother Country,, NIr. , Brown refers to. the plan of the C.P.R., which offers improved farms,•in selected col- onies, with distinctive military names, improved by the company; and as - Where t e soil is rich and deep a / Gents,—A, customer of ours cured a MONEY ORDERS leasing effect is. produced .by setting P very bad case of distemper in a valu- the bed full of bulbs so closely to -able horse'by the use .of MINARD'S gether that there will scarcely be any LINIMENT.- • space between them. '"- Yours truly, Careful planters. make the beds ear- VILANDIE FRERES. ly—that is, dig them up and work in the fertilizer and allow the, beds .,,to settle. At' planting time four' or five inches of the soil is removed, leaving a level surface on, which to set the bulbs.' Plants For House Culture. To fill the bed with bulbs first set a The folie wing plants will do well in row of early flowering "tulips, -such as the temperature of 'an ordinary living Pottebakker scarlet, crimson scarlet room, where the plants will have -the' or Artus-,bright red. Set these six to eight inches apart. When the. row of early.tulips has been set in place set between each bulli of early tulips and in the same row a bulb of same villea, eallas, camelia,': coleus, elivia Darwin tulip of a different color, such miniata,,a lily like plant; coli ea scen- es Clara Butt, a soft pink. In placing dens, cyperus, farfugium, ficus, fuch- the second row set the Darwin tulips sias, geraniums, including scented and first, so the ;Darwin tulips in the se ivy leaved varieties, heliotrope, hibis- ond row will be in the same position cul, lantanas, lobelia, palms, 'sans - as the early 'tulips in the first row,. a vena, vinca, rex begonias•and some of Darwin tulip in the second row placed afternoon sun: Abutilon, ageratum, astilbe, amaryllis, asparagus plumosus nanus or asparagus fern, aspidistra, aucuba, azaleas, bouvardia, bougain exactly in front of an Baily tulips nt the annuals will do well, ' such as fi t' When the Darwin tulips candytuft, alyssum, mignonette, glox- t e 1 s raw Mies, primroses, &c. Of this list ca have"been placed in the second row set i me la n cult;to grow; many, however, succeed with' them in, window gardens. an early tulip in the same row• nee 1' s and azaleas are the most diffl- tween the Darwins, so the.- early tu- lips in the second row will be exactly in front` of the Darwins in the first row. The first two rows of tulips having been set, place between the rows and between the bulbs .in the rows crocus bulbs, and then tack in as many snow- drops and scilla siberica as there is Minard'a Liniment for sale everywhere. Fighting Hostile Aircraft. The pitfalls gild dangers which an mus avol a e ion are b aviatort' id t th f t ecoming more -numerous every day. f between the crocuses Go on Anti=aircraft guns mounted on fast room for in like manner until all the • rows in motor cars chase around the,country h the bed are completed, then carefully behind theelines and preventthe ene- replace the topsoil that has been re my 'airplanes and zeppelins from re- moved so as not to disturb the poli maining over our territory. This type tion of the bulbs. After the ground of battery was responsi}le for the has frozen a light covering of strawy zeppelins brought down at ompiegne in April, 1917,, and Revigny in April, 1916. to fact this invention was one of the immediate causes of the Ger- mans giving up their "strafeing" with zeppelins. The record for distance and manure or straw may. be, given. The result will be that about as soon as the snow goes next spring flowers of the snowdrops and scillas will ap- pear, -beautiful little white and celes- tial blue flowers, folio -wed by the' .height in•hitting an airplane with this crocuses, while the foliage of the tu- type of cannon is 15,000 feet in the lips is breaking through the ground. air at 9,000 yards'distance across By the time the crocuses halve disap- country- A very large crew is requir- or before the bed will be a ed to.;nlan one of these cannon. Beside Through the ire down into the mu d the color of early tulips planted. These of the Shallow sea, and then the mud will gradually droop-- and fall about is hauled to the surface, where gold the time the early tulip beds fade, but is taken from it—often in very pay suddenly the bed is aglow again, and. ing qualities, this ,tune instead, of a brilliant red it 13erillg ea, especially in this , vi has been .transformed suddenly into a cinity, is very shallow.' Rarely does soft shell pink.` the depth go below 30 feet. .Often it If a bed of this kind has -not been is but 20, New gold deposits seem to tried make one this autumn. 7 `.be formed by the action of the water, during the open season when there is'.no ibe. For this reason the Winter. mining ,„fields novel %]become barren, A rambler recently returned trned from the North Bold the writer that men Make big wages at the occupation' of. "fishing for gold" in Bering - Sea • 11C1 . every year. .Choi, sea bottom around Nome is said to be so rich with free ore that loud and sand gathered up li- "t i Ua 'olds along tliebeach Y paying ties of the metal, Leather travela's-og trunks evel.'e used in Rome in the time of Caesar. Useless Argument.. Girlie was fond of: playing with 1ler dolls, and always called Herself. "little when her mother iilother, 011e clay o wished to put her in her little crib foe her nap Girlie objected, saying she When bed. her 1 m t 0 iler wanted to b elnbd w t crying. refulsed; Girlie started c1 er Iy g "Oh, said, her mother, "Girlie inust'n't cry like that. Don't you knoev . little 'mothers ;donst cly2n ,,"Dcy don't lie in cribs; eieee?" was Girlie's quick reply. 112iuotd'�I" Liniment Mittel Daf. drnB. port of the position over which the German machine is flying. A man may be sharp but worthless lire. a needle with a broken eye. A Dominion Express'Money Order for `five dollars costs three cents. The Immortal Few. "Father,' said' Chester, 'what is a diplomat?,, - "A diplomat, my son," ansa"eyed the father, "is a. than who remembers a woman's birthday and `forgets her age." jfJ%r.$ Granulated Eyelids, Sore Eyes, Eyes Inflamed by Sun, Dust and Wind quickly FOR - ' relieved by Murine, Try it In YOURyour Eves and in Baby's Eyes• YES he Smarting, Just Eye Comfort Maine Eye RemedAt Y011r Drugsciat'e or by }''salt, 60c yer lwtt e. Mur1n. Eyo Salva, in Tubes 25c. For Book of the Eve—Free. Ask Marilee Eye Remedy Co., Chicago a• , Record ,yool Prices. „A Nova Scotia wool dealer recent- ly sold consignment of 14,606 lbs. of washed wool in the United States at 95c. a pound. The bleat of the sheep should again be heard in the land. Minard'e Liniment :Relieves Neuralgia. If food conservation ' shall b'ing about a: revival of the production of that most appetizing article, cottage cheese,- a great many people will be reconciled to food -controller Hanna, provided the cheese is made the; way our grandmothers made it. To Tend Heroes' Graves. Some twenty women gardeners who have been trained at Kew Gardens, London, `are going to France, . where they will take up the duty of tending the graves of our dead soldiers. This is a first contingent, and others will follow. Minard's Liniment Cures Barna. Etc. Few men are worth more than a thousand dollars a year , from their shoulders down. Those who 'get the big salaries do their work above the shoulders. runs �UY FURS • -AT WI-IOLESA.LE PRICES, Persian Lamb, Mink, Al- aska Sable. Also'Men's 'Furs. Satisfac- tion by mail guaranteed.. Send for il- lustrated catalog. McComber's Limited, Manufacturers, 420 D St. Paul West, ontreal, , .NEWSPAPERS i'OB SALE PROFIT-MAKING NEWS AND JOB ,Oiiices for sale in good Ontario towns. The most useful and ieterestins of all businesses. Full information oa application to Wilson Publishing Corn pang. 73 Adelaide SL. Toronto. . 'imaeCivnzAaEove N.../ int r al ER. TUMORS, d external, l LUMPS,urWith- out pain by our' home treatment. Write us before too late..Dr. Bellman Medical Co.. Limited, Collingwood, Ont - The Soul of a Piano is the Action. Insist on the £ OTTO-HIGELV PiANO ACTION >r` q0 I n 0-0.-0 —0---0--0 0 0 LIFT YOUR CORNS OFF WITH FINGERS ° How to loosen a tender corn or o callus so it lifts'out I without pain. d o-o-o—o—o-o—o—o—o—o—o—o-0 Let folks step .on. your feet hereaf- ter; wear shoes a size smaller if you like, for horns will never again send electric sparks of pain through you, according to this Cincinnati authority. Ile says that a few drops of •aa drug called freezone, applied directly upon a . tender, aching corn, instantly re- lieves soreness, and soon the entire corn, root and,' �all, lifts right out This drug «ries at once and simply shrivels up the corn or callus without even irritating the surrounding tissue. et -small bottle of freezone obtained at any drug store will cost s cry little but will positively remove every hare} or stt corn or callus Crom one's foot. If your druggist hasn't stocked this new drug yet, tell liim to get a small bottle of .freezone for you from leis wholesale drug house, TED -D �f a lnOteasen ,s cength or rii 1cd.td herr d1x5 . ll CF t'lo'tvn people 100 r et Cent. in tel days In many in„t;i tsef,:$4011 foMelt if 719 t i 'lot, 11 'a+ Trt i nig fu t t d I lttge ittiiole Soon to at>heti in, (Ms i e pn nci. A ak rotir doe.; a C ticura better Than Beauty Doctors For cleansing, purifying and beauti- fying the complexion, hands and hair, Cuticura Soap is supreme, especially when assisted by touches of Cuticura Ointment to soothe and heal the first signs of skin troubles. For free sam- ile address post -card: "Cuticura, Dept. N, Boston, 11. S. A. 'Sold by dealers throughout the world. WOMEN OF MIDO-LE AQE Mrs. Quinn's Experience Ought to Help You Over the Critical Period. Lowell, Mass. --"For the last three years I Have been troubled with the Change of Life and the" bad feelings" common at th a t time. I was,, in a very nervous condi- tion, with headaches and pain a good deal of the time so I was unfit to do my work. A friend asked me to try Lydia E. Pinkhanl's Vegetable Com- pound, which S clid and it has helped me i11 every way. >i am not nearly so nervous, no headache or .pain. I must say that Lydia E. Pilcham's Vegetable Compound is the best remedy any sick woman can take." --Mrs. MAILGAR "I' QUINN, Rear. 259 Worthen St., Lowell, Mass. Oahe..r warning symptoms are a , sense of suffocation, hot flashes, headaches, backaches, dread, of impending timidity, sounds in the ears, palpitation of the heart, sarksolethe eyes, p be£ irregularities, eoiletipation, vlria.ble appetite, weakness, inquietude, and. dizziness. It you need especial advice. write tet, the Lydie E. Pinkhain Medicine Co. (ebnlidential), Lynn, Mass. tot` or tIMiggiat about it. Ail good druggisl5,alwai's carl•1 It ED, 7. ISSUE 39---'l.7 In steel':