The Exeter Advocate, 1917-9-27, Page 3THE
Strange Aniin 1 h bit tl I) 0
To -day, more than ever before,
woman's opPortatity. Many new
Qupations are now openpd „ to 11
becore the war, she was den
.tinfittecl to fill, And truth to toll s
has risen. to the opportunity and n
hares rnany buSineas responsibilities
in fernier times confined ,to men, But,
as women are subject to more rre-
quent fluctuations ot health than men,
mallY Will be handicapped early)
iheY regard their health requirementA
too lightly.
The nervous strain, long hours and
prolonged mental or physical fatigue
thin the ,blood and weaken the nerves.
Such conditions as women are now
called upon to undergo can only be en-
dured by a, full-blooded copstitutiOn.
This is as true for men as for women,
rally. weaker women suffer soonest.
The woman worker, in any line,re-
quires her blood replenished frequent-
ly. She needs new, rich blood to keep
her health under the trying conditions
ot husiaess life, and to fortify her
system against the effects' of overwork.
This applies also to the woman in the
home, who, perhaps, has more 'worries
and anxieties than usual. So let a
girls and women take heed arid renew
their blood promptly at the first a
preach of pallor, lack of appetite, head-
ache and backache. This can be best
and most effectively accomplished by
taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pills whic
make new, rich blood and. thus bel
womankind so perfectly. No woma
need fear failure of health if they take
these pills occasionally. to keep them s
well, or give •them a fair trial if they
You can get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
through any medicine dealer or by,
mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for
$2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medi -
eine Co„ Brockville, Ont.
is Valley of Catlifornia,
ea, That most frightful \ of deserts,
Death Valley, in California, lies be -
a ri a s ea
he twee n two laity ranges one of which
ow is called the Funeral Mountains. ,
The higher levels of these moun-
tains are rather densely forested, with
her and there little meadows and
"parks" (natural clearings), in which
dWells a strange animal known as the
terrashot. So inaccessible are those
inhospitable heights, however, that
the creature, rarely seen, IVIS remain-
ed almost unknown.
Respecting its habits little can be
said. There is I10 reason for suppos-
ing that it is dangerous to man. No-
body knows ever) whether it is car-
nivorous or a plant feeder. It has a
eofiln-shaped body, six„or seven feet
long, with a sort of shell rumblethe
whole length oi its back.
Having (it is presumed) few natur-
al enemies, the terrashot increases in
numbers until it is seized with an irn-
pulse to migrate—possibly because its
food supply no longer suffices. The ani-
mals then form long processions,
marching down into the desert in sin-
gle file, with the evident intention of
crossing the valleii to the mountliins
P -
But none df them ,ever get across
As they encounter the hot sands they
h rapidly distend with the heat, and one
p after another they blow up with loud
n reports, the places where this hap-
pens being marked by deep, grave -
hoped holes. '
find themselves rundown.
Flavoring Extract, Vanilla; is Obtain-
ed From Highly Prized Flower.
Few people think of orchids, which
are highly prized and admired for
their beauty as flowers, as contribut-
ing any edible product, yet one of the
most widely known and commonly
used flavoring extracts—vanilla—is
obtained from an orchid.
The commoner forms of the orchid
re very widely scattered throughout
he world. Out of a total of 15,000
ifferent species there is only one
enus known to have any practical
There are but a few species of this
onus and the most important one of ,
lese is that from which the vani110
ean of commerce is obtained. The
elms is native in the warmer parts
IVIexico and in portions of Central
merica .but it has been introduced
id is now extensively cultivated in
arts of the West Indies and in is-
nds of the East Indian archipelago.
The various species of vanilla are
1 climbing 'Slants. The slender stems
nd out aerial roots and by these the
nes climb upon the trunks and limbs
The fruit consists of long slender
ds, resembling a thick, somewhat
attened Lead pencil in shape, being
m but slightly wrinkled. The pods
e gathered and dried before they are
Ily ripe, the drying process being
very important feature of their pre
ration, developing their color and
ving them the peculiar quality de-
ed for flavoring purposes.
Britain's Hero.
A/ London sch6ohnaster named
irnan, who enlisted and lost an arm
d a leg in France, returned to teach
g after his recovery and became the
ol of his stadents.
The discipline among members of
class was perfect, the boys enfore-
g it among themselves. Finally,
ter the authorities discovered him to
a better teacher than ever, the
lool arranged for an exhibition
aring of one of his history lessons.
this exhibition Wiman asked:
Now, boys; 'who is the gieatest out-
nding British military hero of ,`11
The boys instantly stood, cheered
ice and shouted in chorus "Mi. Wi-
A wholes°
table beverage
with Winning
Used every -
where by folks
who :find that
tea or coffee
'llerers a Realm"
Canadian l'oeitme Orreol Oe.,
Windeoee Ont.
W. T. Cox, State Forester of Min-
esota, has found records which show
that early Mormon emigrants observ-
ed this remarkable animal chancing
to witness such a procession as that
above described, and beholding ' the
tragic fate of the creatures.
Mrs. Delvina Pelletier, Ste, Perpetue,
Que., writes : "I have much pleasure
in stating that Baby's Own Tablets
have been a marvellous medicine in
the case of my baby. I have been us-
ing the Tablets for four years and
don't think there is anything to equal
them." In using the Tablets the moth-
er has the guarantee of a government
analyst that they do not contain one
particle- of opiates or other harmful
chugs—they cannot possibly do harm
-- they always do good. The Tablets
are sold by medicine dealers or by
mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr.
Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville,
So I breathe a charm
Lest grief's dark night oppress you•
Then how can sorrow bring you harm
If 'tis God's way to bless you?
Anclso, not "all thy days be fair
And shadtivas touch thee never,"
But this alone—God bless you, dear,
So thou art safe forever.
—Julia A. Baker.
FRINE Granulated Eyelids,
SoreEyes, Eyes Inflamed by
Sun, Dust and Wired quickly
FOR relieved by Murine., Try It in
IYourEwes and in Baby's Eyes.
No Smarting, Just EyeComfort
murinegiye RemedylkiYg'ctirr Drugyiat's or bY
Eyo Salvo, in Tubes 21e. Poi!mgooltVrti'gtAlaign":.
Ask Riurine Eye Remedy Ce., Chkago a
Little 141,,ry had been sent to the
store to get some fly paper. She was
a long time in returning, and her
mother began to feel a bit anxious.
Going ttr, the door, she spied the lit-
tle girl coming up the street, and said,
"Mary, have you got the fly -paper ?"
No, mother," cried Mary, "it's got
me; but we're both coming. together."
Bffinardts Liniment. CUreS Dandruff.
The Pen of Destiny.
Sir Douglas Haig signs -til official
despatches and other official docu-
ments with the gold fountain pen that
was a piesentt
o his wife from Quee
Alexandra, The British Commanclei
in -Chief devotes half an hour out o
what is often a working day of fiftee
or sixteen hours to signing officia
documents. This is the outside limi
of time he can afford to devote t
work of this kind. Sir Douglas Hai
is as fit as can be and has an iron con
stitution, but he has nevertheless los
over fourteen pounds in weight in th
past twelve months. The burden o
responsibility that the Commander -in
Chief of the B.E.F. in France earrie
on his shoulders would wear most mei
o a shadow in a few months.
• _
g Louisville, Ky.—"For four years
suffered from female troubles, head
t aches, and nervousness. I could not
e sleep, had no appetite and it hurt me to
f Walk. If I tried to do any work
As 'round some forgotten tome,
Among ose loaves a rose has lain,
lingers perfume;
Though tome and rose have each be-
The yellow- hue of time's slow stain,
That robbed its bloom.
So memory of deeds we've done
If good or ill, they still live en to fol-
low far;
After this earthly course is run,
Blessing or curse the 'need we've won
To help or mar.
—Winfield Lionel Scott, Detroit.
This is to certify that I have used
MINARD'S LINIMENT. in my family
tor 'years, and consider it the best lini-
ment on the -market. I have found it
excellent for -horse flesh.
(Signed) \
W. a, PINEO.
"Woodlands," Middleton, N.S.
To disinfect a bathtub, scrub and
scald it well, then allow a little water
to run into it and drop into this a
small quantity of carbolic acid and
brush every part of the tub with this.
Seed ears for next year's ,crop, if
selected in the 'field from standing
corn, may be chosen more wisely, be
stored more carefully and will then pro-
duce a larger yield in return than if
picked from the shock or crib
--45-0--o—o—o—o--o 0 • 0 o-0
Apply s few drops the lift
corns or eallUses off with i
fingers—no pain.
o---o--o—o--o o e o o—o--
Just think! You can
lift off any corn or cal-
lus without pain or sore-
A Cincinnati man dis-
covered this ether com-
pound •and named it
freezone. Any drug-
gist will sell a tiny bot-
tle of freezone, like here
shown, for • very little
cost. You apply a few
drops directly upon a
tender corn or callue.
Instantly the soreness
disappears, then short-
ly you will find the corn
or callus so loose that
you can lift it right off.
Freeaone is wonder-,
ful. It dries instantly.
It doesn't eat away the
corn or callus, but
shrivels it up without
even irritating the surrounding skin.
Hard, soft or corns between the toes,
as well as painful calluses, lift right
off. There is no pain before or after-
wards. If your druggist hasn't
freezone, tell him to order a small bot-
tle for you from his wholesale drug
Woman Saved Frorn a Seri-
ous Surgical Operation.
Volcano is Hotteq' on Top.
Notwithstanding what the old text-
books say, it nrW appears that a vol-
cano is hottest on its surface. This is
the conclusion drawnby a scientist
who has made extensive investigations
.in craters in Hawaii and has obtained
samples of gases and lava before they
reached the air. Laboratory studies
of these samples make it appear prob-
able that much Of the heat required to
keep an open lava basin in fluid con-
dition is supplied by the cheraical ac-
tion of the gases. From these inves-
tigations the scientist concludes the
temperature at the surface of a, vol-
cano undoubtedly is higher than that
below ' the surface.
Xisses and rumors go from month
to mouth.
1Winctrclis Liniment for Sale eirery vvirier.,
would have to lie down before it was
finished. The doc-
tors said I would
have to be opera-
ted on and I simplI
br ok eadown.
friend advised me
to try Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vege-
table Compound,
and the result is
feel like anew wom-
an. I arn well ancl
strong. do all my
own house work ancl
have an eight pound baby g,irl. I know
Lydia E. Pinkharn's Vegetable Com-
pound saved 'me from an operation
which every woman dreads." — Mrs.
NELLIE) FISHBACK, 1521 Christy Ave.,
Louisville, Ky. /
Everyone naturally dreads the suia,
geon's knife. Sometimes nothing else
wilido but many times Lydia E. 13ink,
hain's Vegetable Compound has saved
the patient and made an operation un-
If you have any sympedin about which
you would like to know, write to the
Lydia E. Pinkliarn Medicine Co., Lynn,
Mass., for helpful advice given free.
ED 7,. ISSUE 38—'17,
The paths of pain are lonely,
But the loneliest path of all
Is trodden by the children,
Pitiful, we ilc and small;
The fatherless and motherless
Who live unloved, and die,
Sobbing their little souls awaY7
Under a silent sky.
The paths ef pain are holy,
But the liSiest path of all
Is sacred to the children,
Piinocent, frail, and small;
The 'friendless and forsaken,
The Iambs without a fold,
Till He shall call them `to Him
Over the said of gold
E .
—rnest II. A. I-Iome.
Lininient Cures 72lurne, Etc.
A quart of canned peaches or to-
matoes on the shelf is worth a bushel
rotting on the grciund.
'The white of an egg when used in-
stead • of water for mixing mustard
poultices prevents the 'skin from blis-
a big knee like this; but your horse
may> have a bunch or bruise on his
ankle, _hoek, Stifle, knee or throat,
"1110 Only well knew'm latecillunn Priced
bcsking powder made in onvonda1. •
that deco net conem alum and,
which has all I s redients
stated erlitete
fe..A".q4'"*O"'140.0' ' UPI
„Growing children need, More tiSSae- The oldest railway in Prance runs
lAilding foods than do persons whose between Paris and I-lavreJt was
growth IS completed, Milk, eggs, built more than half a century ago,
meat, fish, cheese and legumes are all
tissue -building feods, but milk and
eggs are best for young children,
When ordering_goods by mail, sed
a Dominion Express Money Order.
Flour is apt to gather dampness if it IANCnIt. 721/MORS, LUMPS, fnc..
rests right on the floor. The, boys can out 1,Inetirnbayl otcldhoetrixetettIrl:Ittritcl
make a neat box, a te\v inches high, to us 5,,1ore toe late. Dr. Heilman Aceafear
set the barrel or bin in. 'This will keep co- Limi-ted' C°11111gsvc'nd* Ont.
the flour dry,
40,VE'LY PERSIAN 11/11.1,T,i(
fl and other ;Curs by mail. 'Wholesale
1' 215 Sehtl for illustrated oatalog of
bat gains. Mc Com bee s Limi t e IVT arm -
faeturers, 920 D Si. 'Paul )Vest, Montreal
will clean it off without laying -up
the horse. No blister, no herr
gone. Concentrated—only a few
drops required at an application. $2 per
del!vered. Deacalbe your caw for auccial instructions
ard / 824
rce. ABSORBINB, tbe and-
s,igtie liniment for mankind, reduces Painful Swellings
EoIoiget ants, Wens, Braises, Vancoet Veins; allaY4
Pain and inflammation. Price 81 and 82 a bottle at.d.rugglani
W. F, YOUNG, P. 0. F., 510 Lynam+ Bldg., Montreal, Can,
ebsorbilic and Jibterbine, Ir.. arr. wade in Cmac?...
Relief Instantaneous, Healed
' With 3 Cakes of Soap and
2 Boxes of Ointment,
"I was very much annoyed by an
irritation on my back. I found out I
had a bad case of ecaerna.
My back was in a very bad
shape, and my clothing
irritated so that the skin
became very sore. I sent
forCuticuraSoap and Oint-
ment. Relief was instan-
taneous and with the use of
three calces of Cuticura
Soap and two boxes of
Ointment I was healed." (Signed) B.
Grosch, Y. M. C. A., St Catherine!,
Ont., July 4, 1917.
For hair and skin health Cuticura
Soap and Ointment are supreme.
For Free Sample Each by Mail ad-
dress post -card: "Cuticura,"Dept. A,
Bosto11,.U. S. A." Sold everywhere.
1 , •_._..l_. ...-..- , '
IVZInardle Liniment Rellevee Neuralgia. '
The phrase "a cock and bull "a con -1
1 cocted, and bully story," the latter ;
term being derived from the Danish
word bullen---``exaggerated."
Like A' y at 5 Bubbling Over
. ..............___ ......... _.....
With Vitctlity--Taking ir to- n Did It
Doctor says Nuxated Iron is greatest of all strength builders..
Often increases the strength and endurance of delicate,
nervous folks 100 per cent. in two weeks' time. ,
NEW YOBK, N. Y.---1,,rot long ago a, ad .gain ansee for yourself how mitCh
century old,
man came to me who was nearly halt a ' you have gained. I hare seen dozens of
and a.sked me to give him. a nervouS run-doi•vn people who were
man; in fact a, young man he,really -was
If 1 days' time simply, by taking iron in the
Preliminary .exafnination for life insur— ing all the while. double their strength
ance. I was astonished to find him vvith and endurance and entirely get rid of
the blood pressure of, a, boy of 20 ,and as I ail -symptoms of dyspepsia, liver anci
full of vigor. vim a.nd vitality- a,s a young 1 other troubles in from ten to, fourteen
notwithstanding- his a,ge. The secret he proper form. And. this a.fter they lia,cl
said as taking iron—nuxated iron had : in some cases been'doctorifor 1 -T -fondle -
filled him with renewedlife. At SO he was without 'obtaining any benngefit. But don't
in bad health; at '46 •he was careworn ; taold
and nearly all in. Now at 50 after taking aeetatke the forms of reduced iron, Iran
or ure
N'tixatecl IrOn a miracle of vitality and. a fewe ctinctof iron simply to save
ents. • You a
his fh the buoyancy or form that can be easmilyust, take iron in
absorbed and as -
youth., As I have said a hundred times similated like nuxated• iron' if you
over, ts the greatest of all strength
builders. If neople would only take Nux- lotrotloedo glusean&f.nood.seoltehs.esitwisi\euittnniaaTI
ated Iron when they feel weak or run-
down siMPIY because instead of dosing theinselves with athlete, or prizefighter has Won the day
he knew the secret -
haforming drugs. stimulants and al- great strength and endurance a.ncl filled -ed
coholic beverag-es I am convinced that in his bl
this way they could ward off disease, the ood with -iron before he Went into
affraY, while many another has gone
sPa:rneysnotifngeiListe,sbeacioldmitnhgeroerbgyanthice iinirtehsoouf-
down to inglorious defeat simply for tht
thonsands might be saved who now die acof iron.—E. Sauer. M.D.
every year from pneumonia,' grinne. kid- NOTE: Nuanced Iron, recommended
ney, 'liver, heart trouble and other dam- Il00',0 by Dr. E. Saner, is not a pal.ent
genus maladies. The real and true medicine nor sacra reinedy, but one which
cause -which started their diseases was • is well known to druggists, :and whose Iron
nothing more nor less than a weakened constituents arwldely prescribed by ern/.
condition brought on by lack of •irort in nen t physicians everywhere. Unlike the
the blood. Iron is absolutely necessary older ittcrgamic iron produt..„-.4, it ,is easily
to enable your blood to change food into essimilated, does not injure the teeth, .,
living tissue. Without it. no Matter how make them black, nor onset the stoma 41'
much or what you eat, your food merely on the con trar.‘:, it is a . most potent' ram'
passesthrough you without doing you 'edy in nearly' all forms of indigestion hs
any good. jou . don't get the strength 33e11 as for nervous, run-down conditions.
'..011t, Of lt , and as a ennsequence, you be- The manufacturers have s'ilO7t treat ,conft-
-come weak, pale and sickly looking jiist derme in lcusated Iron thaf they "offer to
like a• plant trying to grow in a SOI1 IGH. ea. 0100.00 to any chax•Itable institution
deficient in iron. 11 you are not strong If they cannot take any man or woman,
or well you owe it to yourself to inake t.i.t'e. , who lacks Men, and increase
can work or how far you can walk time. provided they have no serious • or -
following test: See how lone' you their strength 100% or over in four Weeks'
hee0Ming tired. Next take twa. genie trouble. They oleo offer to refund .
five -grain tablets of ordinary nuicat a
.iron three times per day a.fter meals for yY000 MoneY If it does not 11 least chauble
our strength and endurance In ten 4.1aYs'
two weeks. Then test your strength nine. Tt In (11SPOIIRP,1 llY pH good eirnlz,g1Pts•
When buying your Piano
insist on having an
ch The Well Known Eye Specialist
and Dctr Judkins, The Medical Author,
Publish tonishi g eport Wonderfu
ernedy To Strengthen Eyesight
Say it Strengthens Eyesight 50% in One Week's Time in Many Inst Lees
the eif‘sig,lit more than 00 'Per cent in one
week's time. I have also used it with sur-
prising effect in etiees of work strained eYe•ii,
pink eye, intlammed lids, catarrhal eon-
junctivites, smarting, painful, aching, itch-
ing e3 -os, eyes weakened from colds, smoke,
sun, dust and wind, watery eyes, 'blurred
vision, and in fact many other conditions
too numerous to describe in this report. A
new and startling case has Just come under
my observation, which yielded to Bon Opto,
is that of a young girl. 12 years o/d. Two
prominent eye specialists, after a thorong:1
examination of the young gill, decided in
order to save the sight of her right eye, the
left eye must be removed, Before permit-
ting her to be operated on, the young girl's
father decided to use Bon Opto. In less
than three days a marked improvement v -as
noticed. At the end of a week tho inflam-
mation had almost disappeared, and at the
end of six weeks the eye was saved. Just
think what the saving of that eye means to
this little girl. AnOther case is that of a
lady ninety-three years old. She came to
7110 with dull vision find extreme inflamma-
tion of the lids and the conjunctiva'. \vat al-
most raw. After two weeks' nse of Bon
Opto the lids wore absolutely normal and
her eyes are as bright as many a girl of
sixteen," '
A Free Prescription Y011 Cnn Have
Pined and Use at Lorne.
New York.—Dr. Beek, a New 'York state
eye Specialist, end Dr, Judkins, a ilfassa-
chusetts physician, were asked to make a
thorough test of the popular eye remedy,
Opto. Their reports wore most intor-
estlnu, Ilore they aro:
Dr. Beck repOrtS, '`When my attention
waS first called to the wonderful eye rem-
edy, Bon Opto, I was inclined to be skepti-
cal. Ijnake it a rule to test every 11e11
•treatin cut wii I clais. brought to niy attention:
Easing specializjd.. in eye Work for the past
twelitY years, I believe I am qualified to
express an, intelligent opinion on remedies
applicable to the eyes. Since Bon Opte has
created 'such n sensation throughout the
'United StateS and Canada, I weleome.d the
opportunity tA test it. I began to use it in
my practiCe a little, oveia 0 year ago and
am frank to say that the results obtained
are such that .I hesitate to tell of my ex-
perience for fear it will sound incredible.
e eine of th e 11 oTto I have accomplished,
with, Bon ?Imo not only astonished myself
bat dee ot er physicians with whom I have
talked about it. f have had many individ-
uals Who Mitt Worn glaSSOS for years for
far-sightedneSs, neur-sightedness. astigma-
tism and Other ey0 ,Nvenknes8es, tell me-theY
have dispensed with theM through the tulop-
tion of the Bon epto principal. .itiny eye
troubles Can be traced direct:1,v to muscular
contraction Ind relaxation and finical Bon
Opto method tells how to exerchie andde-
velop the eye Muscles, it reaches conditions
not possible through other means, I advise
every, thoughtful physician te study. Bon
Onto pia/ideal, give it the came careful
trial 2 have and there Is no doubt in my
mind they will come to the conclusion
have, namely, that the Boit Opto method
ofiens the door for the cure of many eye'
tronble8 Which have heretofore boon tropes-
Sible to cope with. Tito treatment is oo
simple In Ito application Witt At Can be uSed
at lie rn e by en, on2 oriavOrttgo Intelligence.
ra my own praetiCe haVe Seen it strengthen
Dr. Sudkins, 'Massachusetts physician,
forme.rly Chief of Clinics in the Union Gen-
eral Hospital, Boston, Mass., and formerly
H01180 Surgeon at the New England Bye and
Ear Infirmary of Portland, Maine, and
medical author for many years, reports:
"I have found oculists too prone to oper-
ate and optietans too willing to prescribe
glasses while neglecting the simple formu-
las which. form the basis 52 that wonderful
home treatment for eye troubles, Bon Opto.
This, in my opinion, 11.1 a remarkable rem-
edy forsthe cure and preventiOn-of many eye
disorders. Its success in developing and
strengthening the eyesight will soon make
eye glasses old fashioned anci the form oe
eye baths which the,Bon OPto method pro-
vides, will 1130110 itS use as connuon as that
of the tooth brush. I nit thoroughly cep,-
vinced from iny experienee with Bon Opto
that it will strengthen the eyesight at least
30 per cent in one Week's time in many in-
stancea,. Dr. W, II. Devine, tlireetor of
medical inspection in the Boston schools, in
his report published February 20, 1.917,
States that Only 14,610 017C et 85,175 Pr-
nbainocl, need to wear glasses now, a marked
decrease over the preViOlIS ,report. Bon
Opt() is hasten_ing the eyeglaSslesS age in
bespectacled Boston."
Victims of eye Strain and other eye weak-
nesses and those who wear glasses will be
"glad to know that" :tceording to Dr. Beck
and Dr., ,Tutiking, there IS' real hope and
help for them. Many Whose eyes were fall-
ing say they have had their eyes restored
by this remarkable prescription and many
who once wore -glasses say they have'
thrown' them away." One maxi says, after
using it: "I 'was almost blind. Could not
See to read at all. Now 1 Call read every-
thing without my glasSes and nit y eyes de
not quirt any more, At night they won d
Pain dreadfully, Now they feel line an: t '0
time, It was Hite a Miracle to nu," A hi y
who used, It says; "The atineSphere Seethed
hazy With or WIthotit glasseS but afterliS lig
this prescription for 1 0 cluii, eyer$th lig
seems clear. I can teed 61,011 tine ilki MI
WItlimit glasSes." Ahotheii who USA it
5530 1 11 ‘S'ea botheted w11i a I •
caused by overworked, tired eyes which in.
dueed fierce headaches. litave worn glasses,
for several years, both.. for distance and
w '-
close ork and without them I eoind not
read my own name on an envelope or. the .
• typeivritineee.on the machine before me. I
Call ,both. now end have discarded my
long, distance glasses altogether. I can .
Count the fluttering leaves On the '0
across the street now, which for several
years have' looked like a dim green blur to
inc., I cannot express my joy at what it has
done for me," . , .
"It is beliexed thrt thousand8 who wear
glasses can nesir discard them in a reaSen-
able thne and multitudes more will be able
to strengthen their eyes so as to be spared
the trouble and expense of ever getting'
glasses., /Dye troubles of many deseriptione
may be wonderfully benefited by the use of
this preScrn iptioat home. Elere is the pre-
seription; Go to any active drug store and
get a bottle of 'Pon 01,10 tablets. Drop one
Bon Opto tahlet in a ,fourth 04 33 glass of '
water anti let it clleSolve, With this liquid
bathe the eyes' tWo. to four times daily, )'ou
should notice yoll*I'pyes cleirr Up pereeptilitY
right from the.ilf:Kiet aad inilammation end
redneSs quiclay• dIsappear. If your
eyes bother you even a little, 11 15 you r ty
to take Steps to save them new before it M
toe late. Many hopelessly 'blind might hare
saved their sight if they had cared for their,
eyes in time.
NOTE—Another prominent ' physician ,tot hom
the above article was enlenitted, said,: "Yes, the
Boit OutO preactiption is :truly a Wonderful eye
TomedY. its denstittlent legredlesets are wall
1z' "1111 to emitnt e5°Ospecialiste and widely pre-
edribed by them, have need it very seeeess,
fUlly in My Om prectide on patients 'whose eyee
were strethed through everwork or miSilt gia68ea,
It' Is One or the 'Fery few preparations .1
feel Should be kept on hand for regular 1100 itt
abnO8t, ONO' fanlily," Ben 01120 referred to
'Oliove, 10 Mit a patent medicine or SOOret
reinetly, It is tin ethical preparation, the air -
mina being printed an the voltage. The mann.
taunters guarantee it to, strengthen ei‘'esight
tie Or acnit in Cho WOek'S tiM,0 in Many ill-
St11,71001 rerand Die InOneY. it is 'aisnez,sed
bar AB geed .druggists, including' „gCneral
ateresL,also by 401, Tainblyt and I`, ISittou
• 'X '