HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1917-9-6, Page 8Anu'o Tx '1'C;IS1)li', SEPT. 15. 1:117 XL'rl R iSSARXETS CHANGED EACH WEDNESDAY Wheat , 2,10 Ontario Oats ,. ,50{'to60 Barley ..,, 90 to 1,00 Family Flour en.... . 6.30 Law grade flour 3.25 Shorts .43,00 to 45,00' Bran ., ,,... .36.00 Creamery Butter ,. 34 •to 364 Dairy Butter ...,... ,.....34 - 42 Eggs , 42 ,tsar(! • .K«rx 35 Pota•taes per peck .... Hay, pet ton xO.011 Go 12.00 name - 12.0 Hogs per clot, .. .. MILLINERY 1 MILLINERY ! t' Having opened up our Fall Stock of Millinery all orders will be prompt- ly attended to, MILLINERY OPENINGS will be held SEP 1' 14 and 15 and following' days, AE, CURUSS,. MEN WANTED FOR MUNITION WORK A number of good reliable men can secure steady employment on Munition Work. Apply, 'to - The Raat Bell Th esti r Co, Limited , Seaforth Ont. To Correspondents—We would be very pleased if correspondents would get their budgets of news in by Tues- day morning's mail next week. thist fact a day earlier every w hot weather helps. Buy pow acid fit flour made from the Old Wheat, We have only afew sacks left --but there is one, ey for you, Harvrs. AGENCY FORk nTHE o hTKIN s LINE Agency from. Mr. 3. E. Gould ion. s Agency of Henson I am prepared to do business with all .the old customers and others who !leave not previously eased the products I will be pleased to interest also. A full line now in knack Goods can be procured at residence at any tintes, A frill Milne of Linaments Cough Remedies, Spices and Extracts, Toilet Articles always on band. Phone orders promptly at- tended to. Phone 43 Exeter. WM. ANDREW, Travelling Salesman, Exeter, 'Ont. ,c'Yc tLOCAL DOIN G S. A- Baa.: At FARelERS—Due to sour aa -range - meets with the power cornmissipn we can do chopping in the aiter,eoons only. Kindly oblige us by beerio this in mind, Harvey Bras, was'' ne r•ov •'e:trt d Hairy a z' a of Ba lr lc 1 r5 D } 350 and costs for violation( of the 0 T. A.. by having a. battler of whiskey in his barroom, Two rinks of Exeter bowlers spent Friday evening non the Hensall -green in contest with the northern) bowlers and last by a few points. Rev, Campbell of Toronto ;pokeon Lord'. Day Alliance matters on Sun- day last -in the moz•ni'ng at James --St, church, it the afternoon at 'Bethany, and in the evening is Nairn -St;: church, DOUGLAS STEWART WOUND - El). ---Word was received on. Friday last by Mr. and ,Mrs!, J. A, Stewart that their son:, Ponies had received a gas shell wound .cony the Head of bat-. tae, The natureof the wand is not knov,n. Douglas ,enlisted with the 33rd Battalion and has been in France for several months. BER'„` ,HARNESS WOUNDED,— Mrs John Harness received word on Friday, stating !that her soon, Pte, Bert Harness, who enlisted with, the (135th Battalion i;n Parkhill, had . been wounded in the .head and le.g. An- other message was !received later, stating that he was m,isuing, but this was later contradicted, Wedding invitations and announce- nierats in the latest correct styles of type and statianerY, can be procured on short notice end at right prices at The Advocate Office. Exeter Colitinuaton School OPENS TUESDAY, SEPT. 4th. rias" a1—W M Eadie, B. A., (late }? >l of Collegiate Institute, Brantford), Gold Medallist of Toronto Normal School, Graduate of Queen's Univer- sity with First Class Honors Instruc- tor in Cadet and Physical Training, and Tudor of any subject :of the Up- per School. Moderns and English:—Miss Viola J. ,TJobson, B. A. Commercial Specialist, also Art Miss Mamie G. Quinn. Students desiring to enroll kindly nd y apply to (Miss) Secretary HEIDEMAN—HOGARTH, The' home of: -Mr. and; Mrs. William Hogarth, 9 Dundttrn ave., Toronto, beautifully decorated with golden rod was the scene of a pretty wedding when their youngest daughter, Janet, Kilpatrick, was. ,married to William Frelcierick .youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Heideman of Exleter. The officiating minister was the Rev. W. S McTaggart, and the wedding march was played by the bride's cous- in. Mrs Jas. Banner, Nirho also sang during the signing of the ixegister, The bride . was given away by her father and wore a gown of white crep : de chine, with veil and orange blossoms. She was attended oy Miss Miriam Robertson, twat& wore pale. blue crepe de <chtne and Juliet cap. The groomsman was -Mr. Leonard Gallagher. Mr. and Mrs. Heideman left later for ,Exieter, KitaiSenaseand other points, the bride travelling in a Burgundry silk ,suit with hat t'a match, and wild fox fur, FRENCH—HOWARD-A very quiet wedding was solemnized in the 1'Ialin; Street Methodist Church on Wednes day morning sof ,this week, at nine. .o'clock when Miss Florence Winona of Edrnonton, Alta., daughter of Mrs. Lucy Howard of Exeter, was united in the holy ,bands of matrimony to Mr. Victor Coleman French, editor of the "Times," •Wtetaskiwin, Alta. The bride was given away by her brother- in-law lar. Edwin Dignan, and the ceremony was performed by the Rev. S. W. Mu, -worthy, in the presernce of the immediate relatives sf the contracting parties.. The bride %Xis. becomingly attired in travelling suit of brown English worsted, with tail- ored hat of . white crepe, and wore a corsage bouc_uet of sunset ose:buds and fern. After the ceremony rhe guess_ assembled at the home of Mr. and Mas Wilbert Martin,, where a dainty buffet lunebeon was s,e,ved. Miss Margaret Muxworthy played the wedding marches at the church and also rendered a !number of appropri- ate selections while the luncheon was beingser-ved•, The bride was the re- cipient of many useful and beautiful. gifts, amongst which was a handsome set of sable furs, °thee gift of the groom. The happy couple motored to London, where they left an an ex- tended trip to Toronto, the Thousand Islands,, Halifax and the Land of Evangeline. Mr, and. Mrs. French ex- pect to return ,to Exeter about the 15th of Sept., and after a short slay with relatives wall Leave far their• home in; \ e,taski:win. HAVING OPENED UP our new Fall Stock of Millinery, we are now teady with ali the latest fashions in. Ladiea' Headwear. G. MAY ARMSTRONG,. SECOND HAND FORD AUTO FOR SALE. --In good condition, Ad- dreas Box 202, Exeter: HEAR' MR. ;SINCLAIR, Soloist of the First Methodist <Churele London, and 'Kathleen England, elocutionist and singer, also the Munroe children, National and Scotch dancers, in. a concert given in the Opera House by the Patriotic League on Fair night, FARM .FOR SALE 10,0 acres, more or less, being Lot 13, Con. 1, Biddulph, (the farm of Wm Kelly) on London Road, Clay loam One of the best farms, in the district. Good frame house and bank barn, orchard. other buildings. Two ace Land ail cleared. Convenient to mar- ket, school and church. Po•ssessionat once. Apply to M. CRONYN, Claxidebaye P. 0. EISSUED MARRIAGE LICENSES bt C 1-I Sanders at the Advocate Of- fice, Strictly confidential; no witness. The Home SATind Ins. Co. of New York. HEAD) OFFICE, TORONTO Capital authorized,subscribed and paid up 56,000,0 Surplus as regards the Policyholders,. $19,336,177.25. $1500,00 insurance placed an Dwell- ing and Barns for $6.00 for three years. No Premium Nate lrequiir♦ed, No Agents fees. G. HOLTZMAN, Gen.,Agt., Zxeter, THOS, FISHER, , . Sub. Agt, Mr T. E.. Hendfard is in Ingersoll this week, Miss Short has goner to Atwood to teach school, Miss Alice Dick. Se visiting; Mrs Jarrott in Toronto, Miss Maud Johns has gone to ,Brig - den to teaeb school. Mr, Frank Malett of. Landon was home over the week end. Mr Bert Gillies of Walkervillle spent the holiday at his home here, e ,. Miss M. E Brown., nurse of Tod - onto is visiting her home here. Pte. Melville. Gladman of Camp Bor- den was home for ,the week-•ead, Miss Ada Willis has returned from an exteaded visit in Western; Canada, Miss Ethel Case returned Saturday frau a visitwith Toronto i elatives. Miss Fannie Hatter of Chicago is visiting at her home in Eae.tenNorth \Ir, Walter Dearing of London was 0 visitor in town over the week}end. Miss Elizabeth Gillespie of Detract is visiting at the home', of her father here Miss Irno Sweet left Monday to :re- sume her duties as teacher at Tees - water. Mr. W. D. .Clarke, his mother and son, motored to Hamilton far the week end. Mr, William Heideman and bride, of Toronto are visiting the farme;r's par- ents here, Mr, Israel Smith of Hamilton, spent the holiday here shaking hands with old friends. Miss Stella Gregory has returned to Chatham to resusne her duties in the Collegiate, • hiss Hobbs of Hamilton has accept- ed a position as milliner with Miss May Armstrong, Mr, E. Fowell, Mrs. H( Fowell and Mrs. W W Taman ,were in Wood- ato k this week, Misses McDonald and Miss Hollinger millinershave have returned 'ta Easeterl for the Fall season. Misses. Lilly and Molly Walker ;re- turned home after spending the holi- days in Hamilton. Miss Jean MacfDermid of London was the gueat of Miss Olive Wood over the holiday. Miss Ruby Wood left 'Monday for Fordri•ich, where she has accepted a school as teacher. Mr. Thorn Baker accompanied a car of horses to Montreal on Saturday for Mr G. J. Dow_, Mrs S, A, •Cooper of London spent the week end with her daughter-in- law, Mrs. E Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bissett ,of. London spent Sunday and ' Monday with relatives here. -hiss Nina 'Carling of New York was a visitor at the borne of Mr. 1. R. Carling for a few days: N. al Harvester International Gt /3....1.gencg, Exeter All !'ids of seeding, haying and harvesting machinery, including the celeb-aced Oliver Corn and Bean Cul tivatost, and Bean Harvesting attach meats Full stock of Repairs now in. Also a number of Al Standard Bug- gies, elc:Laughlin and Conboy makes Nei •` r Neat di-,iTMns anal at right prices. ccs. Call and seethe one for Dominion Day, Wm. Ward ADVERTISING RATES Display Advertising Rate., - 'vlade know, On application insertion 58c. Stray ,Animals-One in.s i , three inserlions 31.00 Farr; or Real Estate for sale :0c. each insertion for one month' of Sour insertron:s • 25c. for each sub>equru t mem t,on t Misc•ellaneotrs' Articles of not more than five lines, for Sale, To Rent, fns Wanted Lost, Found, etc., each in- sertion 25c Reading Noti.ees, etc., 10e. pea La ess than wine pes:irn,sertiran. No notice 1 25c• Card of Thanks 50c, Leese Advertising 10c. and 5c. aihte Auetron Sales, 32 for one insertion, and 33 far two inserti,ans. Pro.:esional Cards not exceeding 1 inch -Se per year Why give -'ear to tales about flour as good as MODEL ?' Much : the :better thing to do is to buy MODEL !itself. HARVEY BROS. RESIDENCE FOR -:SALE, CHEAP; -A two-storey red brick Mouse, new in Exeter. First ,class in every way— hot water heating system, hydro, good water, etc.; half acre. of land; cern- tralIy Located. Price 33,500: Could not be built now. for less than 34,500. Apply to ; A. ,I-Iasting"s, Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. Donald McInnis left for the West Tuesday moaning to visit in different parts. Miss Viola Jones and l\liss Leila Gould went to London this week to attend Business Caallege. Mr. Nelson Hill of the Bank of Commerce staff, Windsor, spent the holiday at his home here. Mrs. A. and 'Miss Youngs are, spend- ing a couple 'reeks with friends in Exeter S;eaforrth Expositor. Mrs, Stewart, Mrs Gladman and Mrs Fitton attended a meeting of the H. C.W.A. in Clinton on Monday, Miss Annie Sanders, who has been holidaying at her home here, return- ed to 'Kitchener Monday morning, Mr. Art. Wood ref Detroit, who is an the sick list, is visiting here with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Wood, Mr. and Mrs, Wnm. May and child, and Mr, and g1'Mrs. Fred May spent the week end with relatives in. Mitchell. Mr and Mrs. George Young of Loh - don visited the latter's parents, Mr" and Mrs. James Beer over the week end. Mr Victor Sweet, ,who has been spending his holidays here with has parents, returned to Windsor Tues- day Miss Ida Armsftrapog sof . town and Miss Coward of Usborne left on Sat- urday to resume their teaching du- ties near Toronto. Misses Edith and Entine Heideman have returned hoine after visiting in Kitchener and attending the marriages of their brother in Toronto, Mr and Mrs. Win. Reynolds of Sarnia are visiting the former's broth- er, Henry Reynolds of Exeter and Horatio Reynolds of. Sarepta. Mr, and Mrs `i?, Th Goodison and children of Sarnik'rotored here Sun- day and 'spent a day with Mrs. Good is•an's mother, Mrs. D.. Jahns Mr. and Mrs Albert Baker of Sarn- ia, and Mr. Jar,n.es Elsie! of Port Col- borne were here oxer the holiday, guests of Me ,and sari,: Geo. Ander- son, Mr. and firs. J. r: Inwood and daughter of London, spent a few;days here with relatives. lar. Inwood 'has been ill for two or three weeks, but is recovering. Mr• and 'ars. J. Gt. Stanbury, after a few weeks' trip to Winnipeg, and Edmonton; returned haute Saturday evening, bringing the chil.d•ren with them from Toronto. l Mr, W. J. Murray, who has been en holidaying at Port ,Franks, ivr1I short- ly resume his old pasitiron with the Bowser ,people, and, will travel :in, th,•'. Maritime Provinces; He spent Satur- day in Exeter with his' parents, and then went to Toronto for a few days, Mr. and Mrs• Ilios. Dunsf.ord,Mrs; George • Tapson, and ,Mr. and Mrs. NOTICE COURT OP REVISION 01r VOTERS' LISTS OF MUNICIP- ALITY OF STEPHEN 'Notice is hereby given that a Court Merlin of Marlette, Mich,,. visited ' a e Ontario with relatives and friends here last will he held pursuant to 'Th week( i41r. Dun -Bard is a'brotlier of `Voter.;' Lists Act, by His honour AS ' 5rtders whra at rescrnt. is the Judge of the County Gaunt of the ' p County of Huron, at the Town Hall, very ` tj e nnaiad dt then owing, to her ill - County ' on the ,24th day, of Sep- 1 Y i a. m., to hear and determine cons- Fair this week are, Mrs, G. Hockey, *.n the r Mrs F. Boyle Miss Stella Southcott plaints of criers and omissions Boyle, , . Voters' 'List of the' Municipality af•the Miss Laura 'Harve,Y, :Mr, and Mrs. W. of Stephen, foo• 1917. 5, Heaney, Mr: William Russell, tvha ',To vnslnip p Dated at Crccliton this 24th day of is home from the west ,t !hiss Mettle. August;•; 1917. May. Russell, Mr, ;C: Vv, Rbirison, Henry Silber Mise 'Mary Ann 'torn, Mrst. Al, ,Caria. terber A. ID 1.91.7,E at 11,00 o'clock Among those attending Toronto Glerrk- of Stephen I`ownshi,i5 and seise JONES PHONE NO, $2. Stylish i V r t C at Big Lot to Pick From We are showing a very extensive range of Smart Coats in, a big variety of Cloths and Colors. The Cloths are extra good in the season's most stylish. makes & shades. —Fancy Tweeds,''Chinchilias,`Zebaline Curl Cloths Blanket .Cloths & Broad- cloths. NO two coats ;alike. Drop in and have a try -on. PLUSH COATS Plush Coats wig :he mare popular than ever. We 'can glese, you anum- ber of. 'different :style's at very re sonable prices. Dressy, Nobby, Serviceable. FALL SUITS Black or Navy—made from . good Serge or Cheviot. The new long coat style, which .makes up a - very swell suit for !early wear. Furs ! Furs ! NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY YOUR FURS Get busy at the, old prices, They may be up. We•b,oughrt .early when the prices were 6owest and can show 'you a fine range just as cheap es last year. Natural Red Fox Sets Natural Grey Fox Sets Natural Jap ,Fox Sets Black Fox Sets Persian. Lamb Furs. of New Furs. Natural Linx Sets Natural. Wolf 'Sets Natural Opp'os,sum Sets Natural Muskrat Sets White Thibet Furs . Seel ,our Big Display BOYS' SUITS & ODD BLOOMERS FOR SCHOOL School will 'soon. be there and the boys need ,goad .strong clothes that will stand hard swear, Call early and see our' big assortment of over 100 pair Boys' Bloomers and over 200 Boys'- Bloomer Suits. We can fit you, out at a very maderaate price and clothes :that stand the wear, MEN'S AND BOYS' OVERALLS AND SMOCKS st Business. is „extra °bswsk an, these lines, which ,shrews' ;our prices musts be right. Clolors Black and Blue. Any size. JUST IN FOR FALL Men's New 'Fall Hats and Caps. Men's New Fall !Suits.. Men's Fall and Winter_.Overcaats Over 100 Fall and Wirnter Over- coats for. Youths and Small ,Bays. North. Window of Shoe Dept—Big Sams in Ladies shoes 33 & $3:50.-13vgaisi JONES - Y Headquarters for the celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing London Fair has its turn next week sT then we have the big fair at Exeter,'''''''-` on. the 17th and 18tht A publication which should 'prove of considerable interest to the pros- pective settler 'to Western. ,Canadahas- just been issued by the•Natural-Re- sources Intelligeinee Branch of the De-. partmnent of .the Interior. It is known as the "Homestead" Map and shows graphicaly the exact location of each quarter -section which is still available for entry under the free Governmtent laffea• of 160 :acres, The map has been published in four separate sheets; one each for Manitoba, Saskatchewan. N,ortherrn and Southern Alberta, res- pectively and is available for free dis- tribution in individual sheets or in complete sets. SUDDEN DEATH Caused by Disease of the Kidneys. The close' connection which exists between the heart and the kidneys is well known nowadays. As soon as kidneys are diseased, arterial tension is increased and the heart .functions are attacked. When the ,kidneys no longer pour forth waste,; uretuic poisoning occurs and the person dies,and the cause is often given as heart disease, or disease of, brain or lungs. It is a good insurance against such a risk to send 10 cents for a large trial package of t'Anuric" —the` latest dis- covery of Dr, Pierce. Also send a sample of your water. •' This will be examined without charge by expert. chemists at Dr. Pierce's Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y. When you suffer from backache, frequent or scanty urine, rheumatic pains here or there; or that constant tired, worn-out feeling,' it's time to write Dr. Pierce, describe your symptoms' and get bis medical opinion without charge -absolutely free. This ttAnuric" of Doctor Pierce's is found to be 37 times more active than lithia, for it dissolves uric acid in the system COMPLETE SHOWING OF Sumer Sail Furniture and Undert TIEFI7IdEii,Ai: ITRBfr3.'$R ,. AND FURNITURE DEALER. The dominate note of these Fashions is entirely new. Rarely be- fore have the majoriity of styles shown such ingenious design with the general effect of simplicity. Our ` Coffee stock 'is complete. _ The Showing includes Serge, Chev- sats Vacunia Tweeds and Worsteds - in spring colors,an in the fashionabled, staple shades. MEN'S SUITINGS Our Stock of Men's Suitings is the, finest shown. Also a good range of spring overcoatings. We guarantee sat faction with every garment.. GIVE US A CALL N®.::ere LADIES AND GENTS' 'TAILOR Stand Upstairs, Opposite the Oentral Heel. Store Fbr . thle choicest groceries, fruits, spices, teas,, coffee and every- thingline. inthe grocery Call and l see us.A. trial. as to quality will coven - Produce taken in exchange GOUld J,e Next The Metropolitan Motel as hot water does sugar. .Simply ask for Dr. Pierce's Anuric Tablets. There can be no imitation. Every package oftlAnuric" is sure to be Dr. Pierre's. You will find the signa ture on the package just as you do on Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery forblood and stomach. WORRY, DESPONDENCY. Kidney Disease is suspected by medical men when patients complain of beekache or sutler with irregular urination, dis- turbed, too frequent, seanty or painful passage, The gene><'al symptoms are i beu- matte 'pains or netzrelgia, headaches, dicey spells, irritability, despondency, weakness ; and • general misery. Worry is a frdti"ttent cause and sometimes a symptom of kidney disease, Thousands have testified to immedifate relict from 'these symptoms after using Dr, Pierce's . nurie Taolets. i. Y e, r e M a rar t Ft re C!earhig. W p fSummer 10 dozen pairs of Ribbed Cotton Iloste-2 pairs far 25c. Dress Shields 10c, a pais' ; Remnants .af Colored Velvets at 50c, a yard A few isines of Whitew,ear at Wholesale cost, 1 dozen bays black Overalls at 50c, a pair Men's work 'shirts at 31,00 each,, c a 5 nO T a e A big range of Children'sschool shoes, -e of Shoes in the North Window at 95c, a air`. Clear`ing LLn p B W. F. Beavers W PI R' LI