HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1917-8-23, Page 8.,ivETER MARKETS CHANGED EAC13 WEDNESDAY Wheat •,.. 2,00 Ontario Oars -50,1060! Bayley ,..... :.,. .,,...,., .90 try 95 Family Flour 6.30 Low grade flour 3.25 Shorts .....:... ...:. _43.00 to 45,00`. 13rau.36,00 C tai .. .. 44 jrelyB. utter 'B ..34 to 36 Dairy Butter ....,.:.. Eggs .,,,..40 - 42 Larcl ez 4 nsc 35 Potatoes per peek ,.•, 17,75 10,00 to 12.00 ]-logs p. t. .' w t Hay, pet ton MEN \VAN CFI) FOR ",11UNITION WORK A _lumber of good reliable men can sok ire .steady employment on llunita . Work. Apply to. rho Ro:,.. Bell Engine Thresher Co„ Limited Seaforth, Ont. To Correspondents—We would be very pleased if oorrespondents would get theii budgets of news in, by Tues- day morning's mail neat week. In fact a .day earlier :every week this fro. weather helps. To "rake a success of anything a man must .specialise upon that line. We have nude a specialty of MODEL flour -that's tv11y 'it is so Harpop popular Bros. WINTER APPLES.—TWO cars of winter apples for sale—five varieties, Government inspected. Will arrive In October. Order at once. R. WELSH, Exeter a' AGENCY . FOR THE WATKIN'S LINE.—Having taken over the Wat- kin's Agency from Mr. J. E. Gould of Fiensall I am ;prepared to do business with allthe old customers and others who have not previously teased the. products I will be pleased to interest also. A full line now in Stock Goods can be procured at residence at any tin*, A full line of Linaments. Cough Remedies, Spices and Extracts, Toilet Articles always on band. Phone orders promptly at- tended to. Phone 43 Exeter. WM. ANDREW, Travelling Salesman, Exeter, Ont. Wedding Invitations and an;nonnce- ments in the latest correct styles of type and stationery, can be procured on short notice pied at right prices at. The Advocate Office, EXETER LOCAL DOINGS. OINGS0 a� Buy new and got flour Innde` from the Old Wheat. We .have only a few sack, left—illi 'there is one for you. Harvey Bros, Rev. Redmond occupied the James. Street pttlpii an Sunday and preach- ed excellent sermons. The Chevrolet garage at Goc(erich was gutted by fire. on, Wedoyestley last week" and ttuo cars burned. Mr. C. W. Robinson is becoming anxious regarding the well are al` lljs son at the front; from tviloan 1te. has not hoard for a considerable time, This year's harvest will ' be` the tcival of the best ever known in this rich district, and farmers are busy with The work or saving them, The grain is especially fine and the yield will be. heavy, Mr. Ralph Brandt, `who has been assistant to Mr. Dore at the G,T.R. statioa here for some years, has beet. giver_ charge of the station at Long- wood, and his place here has been taken by Mr. M. Byrne, of Dunnville. Bishop Williams has appoicited Rev, Charles:'I , Masters, M:A„ 13.01, now in the hospital In England, as thetnew rector of St. James Church, in St. Marys. fie went to England as chap- lain. of one of the. Canadian battalions, The practice of carrying children. on the handle bars of a bicycle should be done with great caution, A four- year-old bay, Gordon 'I•ennedy of Ailsa Craig was ;severely injured, the other day when. the chain. of the bicycle broke, The Management pf the Western Fair of London hasadded two thous- .and dollars to their prize list, which was a liberal one before, making this year's list the, best fever .off ered, It is expected There will be a. large ,en- try all around. On Wednesday and Thursday last week the Exeter Canning Company threshed their 23 -acre field of fall. wheat in the field, and it yielded 687 bushels being three bushels short of. thirty bushels to ,the acre. This is a pretty fair yield for this year. Ther grain was immediately sold and: learn- ed eamedto Harvey .Bros'. mill. BROKE LEG,—Mrs, Mary Sanders William Street, had an unfortunate accident' on Thursday after•no.ars. She cyan going from .oae :room to another and fell while going down a step, and brake her hip bone, Being an aged lady= and not in goad, health chances'.. for her recovery are not of the brightest. BANQI_i:ETTED,—Mr. H. J. White who preceded Mr. A. E. 'Kuhn. in the Bank of Commerce here, has been transferred from th:e branch at Monc- ton N.B. to that at Port Perry, Ont. As a. compliment to Mr, White as a business man and a1 sportsman his friends in Moncton .tenderred him a banquet on the eventigig of the 9th of . August. He and Mrs. White were presented with a handsome cut glass set, Harry being a little ,nearer Ex- eter. now we may expect to 'see him occasionally NASTY ACCIDENT. --Miss May Skinner, daughter of Mrs. Samuel Skinner of the 3rd concession af Us - borne, met with an unpleasant acci- dent on. Thursday last, Shewas as- sisting in the harvest and driving a horse attached to a rake, when. the animal became frightened at the rat- tle of apiece of tin raked up, and ran away. In turning she was thrown, off the seat, fell among the prongs and was dragged a considerable dis tance, sustaining a broken arm, sev- eral cuts about 'the. head and one ear, was almost severed, It was wonder Cul how she escaped with her life, After being 'given every care sheis now Being well. Exeter Continuation School - OPENS TUESDAY, SEPT. 4th. Principal—W. M. Eadie, . B. A,, (late of Collegiate- Institute, Brantford) ; Gold Medallist of Toronto Normal School, Graduate of Queen's' Univer- sity with First Class Honors; Instruc- tor in Cadet and Physical Training,' and: Tudor of any subject •of the Up- per School: 14Ioderns and English—Miss Viola J, Dobson, B. A. Commercial Specialist, also Art — Miss Mamie C-. Quinn. Students desiring to enroll kindly apply to (ass) K MacFAUL, Secretary". FARM FOR SALE 100 acres, more or less, being Lot 13, Con.. 1, Biddulph, (the farm of Wm Kelly) on London Road. Clay loans One of the best farms` in the district. Good frame house and bank barn, and e other buildings. Two acres orchard. Land all cleared. Convenient tomar- ket, school and church. Possessionat once. Apply to M. CRONYN, Clandebtoye P. O. MARRIAGE . LICENSES ISSUED bs C H Sanders at the Advocate Of- fice. Strictly confidential; no witness The Home WInd Ins. Co. of New York. HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. Capital authorized, subscribed and paid up 56,000,000. Surplus as regards the Policyholders, 519,336,177.25, $1500.00 Insurance placed on Dwell- ing and Barns for $6.00 for three years. No Premium Note trequb e,d, No Agent's fees. G. HOLTZMAN, Gen'.,Agt., Zurich. THOS. FISHER, Sub. Agt., Exeter; International Harvester (Jo's Agency, Exeter All kinds of seeding, haying and harvesting machinery,, including the celebrated OliverCorn and Bean Cul- tivato-s, and Bean Harvesting attach- ments. Full stock of Repairs now in. Also a number of Al Standard Bug- gies, McLaughlin and Conbay makes Neat designs and at right prices. Call and secure one for Dominion Day. Wm. Ward ADVERTISING RATES Display Advertising Rates — Made know r on application Stray > Animals—One insertion 50c,,' three insertions 51.00 Farm;, or Real Estate for sale 50c, each insertion for ane month of rout' insertions 25c. for each subsequent inset l on Misrellaneons. Articles of not more than five lines, for Sale, To Rent, or Wanted Lost, Found, etc., each in- sertion 25c Local Reading Notices etc., 10c. per ane per insertion. No notice 1 ess than • 5c. Card of Thanks 50c, 1Lega. Advertising 10c, and 5c. aline' A.uation Sales, 52 for one insertion, and $3 fo; two insertions Professional Cards not oxo edi,n,g 1 inch,--$(' per year 5000 WOMEN WANTED IN SASKATCHEWAN Five thousand campete,nt dom- estic servants are required, for the farms 'of Saskatchewan,. Married couples with not mare than one child also greatly in demand. Wages for female help 530.00 per month with board, No outside work, Come on Harvest excursion trains and report to Saskatchewan, Government Ag't, Railway Station, Winnipeg, or to Secretary Bureau of Labour, Regina. IVOGATF', •T13.UR5r1A,'Y,•AUG. l iftY; years ago there were 100 flax mills in Canada but' at the time the war started three years,ago the industry ,was almost extinct. At lest tight or lune lac fonts were e in °p r. abet The industry has been reviv- ed by thy. war, gncl during the oin- tt ro tier thee, e will be 30 pt` 41) nails. 'rn operation. The .OI1t4rio farmers have planted 8,000 acres th;a Year to this crop the uses of which, are oer- haps more varied than flay other plant The progress ,being inadc in the de- velopment of 'this mast interesti,ngiai. dustry vh,ll he shown by an• exhibit in the Government Building at •Toronto Fair --- MARRIED.—A quiet church wed - cling took place on Thursday August loth, when Miss jdr May, daughter, of Mr Arnold Marchand of Water- ford, formerly of ;Exeter, b ccarne the bride of Mr. Charles H. Sander's of the Exeter Adeocatt;e. The cere- mony took place at St. Paul's Cath- edral. Landon, and was performed by. Rev. Canon .Tucker, After the cere- mony Mr, and 41•Irs, Sanders took the train east ,arid are, ,now ora, a trip. dawn the St. Lawrelnce(, They will return.inet fe,n daysand will occupy the residence vacated by Mr. James Lawson Main Street. The other half of the office staff congratulates C. FL. and his br;icle ;and wishes, them every happiness, DEATH OF MRS, BROOKS.—The, death took place at her home in Ex- eter on. Thursday Aug, 16th, of El- iza Brooks, relict of the late George Brooks at the a. e of 72 years, 10 months and 5 days. Deceased had. bee • ill for several months, and grad - wally became worse urutil some weeks ago she `became ,cheedto her room, and the 'end came more rapidly. The late Mrs Brooks had long been a res ident of Exeter andwas esteemed and respected by all whro knew her. Her husband died several years ago. She - is survived by three daughters, Mrs. Vivian of Mitchell, Mrs. Gauld of Lon don and Miss, Eerily at home. The funeral took place '1:0 the Exeter cem- etery on Saturday afternoon: MTS. T. lI White seturn.e,d Thurs- day to Windsor . Miss May Gi11 of Porta* la Prairie is v sititia i,er father here. Miss I) kson of Sarnia • spent last Thursday ,with Miss Vosper. Arthur Luxton'of South Bend, Ind., is' visiting r elat',ves here; _lir. Harry .Sivigler of Hamilton vis- ited at N. •J. Dare's this week. Mr. and Mrs. Beath of London are visiting 'the latter's relatives' here Mrs. Thies. ,Bissett :and two, grand children are visiting in Norwich. Mr. Thos. Collingwood was up from London. over Sunday visiting his fam- ily. Mr. C. Hf McAvoy is taking atrip through the Thousand Islands' this week, Mr : Chas. Dyer of the Maisons Bank at Belleville is holidaying at his home here. :Mrs John Trevethick of Brinsley is visiting with fMr,. and Mrs. Moses Aniy Mrs- Geo. Atkinson of London was a visitor here with friends during the week, Mrs. Brown and child of Kingsville are visiting the former'.s mother Mrs, John Dignan, Mr Gordon Tinne= of ATindsar spent a fewdays with his uncle, Mr. Chas, Birney, Mr.' Johnston of ;Clinton, was the guest of his .brother-in-law, Mr. Bruce Medd this week. Dr, L. L. F,ollicic and fancily of ,Sr. Marys are spending a weeax or two with relatives here, Mr. and -Mrs, ;Kennedy .and two children of London are visiting with friends ,in Usb,orne, Misses Ella and tfyrta Inch, Wash- irtgtan; Mich., are visiting Mrs, tiP,W. Walper and fancily. The _Misses Shosenberg of London are visiting Mrs, W. Hawkshaw and Mrs. T. H Newell Mr. Victor Sweet of Windsor ar- rived home Saturday to spend a couple weeks holidays. Rev. Blatchford, formerly pastor in Centralia was, a visitior with relatives here during the week. ,lir. and Mrs. A. Hastings( motored to Crosuhill' cup. i Friday and ;spent a few days with relatives. Mr. E. Fowell, Mrs. Taman and Mrs H. Fayvell retuned Sunday from a trio to Detroit by auto • Mr. and Mrs.: •Stvalwell and two sons roc 'Bothwl, mtored ct nat few drayselat 'ihoe homeup oftinDr.speHyntd- man, Mrs. 5. Senior, Mars, E. A, Folli,ck and Joe Faliickc einJoiyed a motor Crit•? to Toronto and Hamilton last week. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Boyle,, Mr. F. Sheere and two ,chi:ldren. of Mr. Gar- field Sit eere motored re Bra n.tfoyxdton Monday Mrs Gerry and children returned Saturday to their home in Toronto, after- visiting sometime with Mrs, F. W. Giadmari, tiotice to Creditors OF SAMUEL ,late of the Township of Usbarine,'in the County of Huron, Yeoman, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to Chapter 121 of the Revised Stat- utes of. Ontario, 1914, Section 56, that all persons having any claims or demands against the estate of Samuel Hicks, late of the Toavaship of Usborne, in the County of Huron yeoman who died ors ar about the 19th day of May, A,D; 1917, are on ar before the 15Th day, of Septernban A, D.1917, to send by, post, pre -paid to le °undersigned sol ' t r r t]lict o £a the Canada Trust Company, Limited, the a adnrintistrator of the whole estate, the said deceased their christian 'nam es and ;surnames, addresses and des- criptions, the full particulars of their claims, a statement of their accounts and the nature. of the securities, i any helcl by ,thein, and` after: the day lastaforesaid the said Aclminiist'rato will proceed to distribute the asset or .the. said cle,c,case,d among th ' persons entitled thereto, laving regard only, to the claims of which they shall then have had notice, ind said...administrator will mot be iiabl for the said assets or any part there, of to any person or persons of whos claim or claims, notice shall not haw been received , by .it at the time O such clistr ibutlan. Ont, Dated at Exeter, On., this:14t1 day ,pf August,.1917, ISAAC R. CARLING, Xeter, Ont Solicitor for Administrator:. d of f Y �r e e e l week, Mrs. Gus. Handford and so;l of Ren Crew arrived_ ,here last week to v sit for a few days `with. lir .and Silas Handford, Rev. a 1 • t , A- rea n,c Mrs. Caans on and clud,.l ,� ren 'of Palmerston, and Mrs, (Dr:) Gunn and daughter of Landon spent Thursday in town. Messrs, Norman Ford and David Hall of Detroit arrived here last week to spend a few days at thein respective homes. Mr Melville Gould wife ancl family and Mr's, W: 0. Burke and children o -f W ingham were ;visitors with rel- atives' aver Sunday. Mr and Mrs . ,P, Bruce Dignan and two children arrived ;in Exeter from Taranto on Saturday and are : guests of 'Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Dignan; • Mr W. Richards of Niagara Valls. s tied Mrs, Richards and sister and daughter of Windsor were'e guests of ivIr ari,d Mrs. _N J. Dore ;Aurin" th'e $. 4 23, 1Blf ....ate.-�.�e.�.,..�.•,. - • PHONE TO. 83 Ladies Suits First Showing orthw y and Can -da Cloak iarnlents WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED OUR FIRST SHIPMENTS OF LAD IES' SUITS AND COATS FOR. THE FALL AND WINTER. COME EARLY AND SEL THE NEW STYLES. MODERATE PRICES. STYLES EXCLUSIVE Large t Range to Select from. Clearing of Summer Goods Still N 1-tteadquarters for the celebrated I1. E. Sanford Clothing Postmaster Russell was in Blyth over. Sunday. Mr and Mrs. C3i ,s. Bayley, ,of Tor- onto, t ,and .Mrs. Geo, Bayley of London motored here and spent a fe.iv ,clays with Xi.: Ar' E. Fuke and Mrs John Sn,e11. Mr and Mrs. Mason and Mr. and Mrs Schuchard, who have been guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Birney for severalclays, left Satur- clay morning for their home: in Wind-- , ind- • Mrs W. D. Yeo and mother, Mrs, J, C. Tom returned Wednesday front a six weeks' visit in, Medicine Hat, Alberta. On their return trip they visited with Rev. Down and family at Pickering, also ¢vi;th friends in Stratford. WHY SUFFER WITH BACKACHE KIDNEYS OH RHEUMATISM Now? Lector Teas of Um -looked -far Preserivtion. Dear Readers -If I can do any good in the world for others, I wish to do it, and I feel that it is my duty to write about the wonderful resutts,I received from the use of " Anuria" I was suffering from kidney and bladder` troubles, scalding urine, backache and rheumatism, and feet I and ankles swelled so that at tmes ' I could not walk without assistance. B,ad taken several different . kinds of kidney remedies but all failed. :I sent for a box of 'Dr. Pierce's newest dis- covery, "Anuric," which 1 received by mail, in tablet form. I soon got better. and am convinced that this popular' new Medicine' is good. I wish to rec- ommend it to my neighbors and every- body suffering from such troubles. • MRs.. M. J. SARGENT. NOTE: `You've all undoubtedly heard of the famous Dr. Pierce and his well- known medicines. Well, this prescrip- tion is one that has been successfully used for many years by the physicians and specialists at Dr. ,Pierce's Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, of Buffalo, N. Y,, for kidney complaints, and dis- eases arising from disorders of the kid- neys and bladder, such as backache, weak back, rheumatism, dropsy, conges- tion of the kidneys, inflammation of the bladder, scalding urine, and urinary troubles. Up to this time, "Anuric" has not been on sale to the public, but by the persuasion of many patients sand the increased demand for this wonderful healing Tablet, Doctor Pierce has finally decided to put it into the stores, or send 10 cents for large trial package or 50 c©pts for full' treatment, ,,<, Simply' ask for Doctor Pierces s•Anurie" 'Tablets. There can be no imitation. Every package of "Anuric" is euro to be Dr. Pierce's, You will find the signature on the package just as you do on Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, the :ever famous friend to ailing women, and ,, r, 1 Discovery, Dr. Pierce's Golden. M P .d i . a proven'by years to be the greatest gen- eral tonic and reconstructor for any one, besides being the best blood -maker known. FIRST COMPLETE SHOWING OF r Furniture Sililltr a � and (3n.dert F O R The dominate note of these Fashions is entirely new. Rarely be- fore have the majority of styles shown such ingenious design with the general effect' off simplicity. Our stock is complete; The Showing includes Serge, Chev- iots Vacuuia, Tweeds and Worsteds, in the fashionable s-priing':colors, and staple shades. MEN'S SUITTNGS Our Stock of Men's Suitings is the finest shown. Also a goad range of spring overcoatin:gs. We guarantee satisfaction with every garment GIVE US A CALL N Shecre LADIES AND GENTS' 'TAILOR Stand, Upstairs, Opposite the Central Hotel. b y w THE FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND FUli:gvll"d'.i 1L ] it iER T Store For the choicest gvoceries, fruits, spry teas, �- coffee and every- thing thing int.e grocery line.y��� Cali and see .us. A tri m as to quality will convin- ce. Produce takenin exchange Jas. Gould Next The Metropolitan Hotel .Xstot7'...BAt. r Summer 1�ear CHILDREN'S BLAC'I( RIBBED HOSE -15c, A PAIR: f r 25c.,2 for 25c. 25c. each and 50c, 'each. 'TOWELS -•-4 0 Lot of of 'Travellers' Samples c,onsistin es, hose, underwear, A t? whitewear, etc,of Gloves, 's Shirts, Overalls Sox, 'ries, , Etc, s NavyCotton Jersey's longsleeve 40c, Boy's j y Glearmo i ig' Lines of Shoes at 51;50 and 2.00, ,'0,e; "alit', x Fleet Foot White Slio'es, B. W. F. Beavers