HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1917-8-23, Page 5wit To Pi else —and does please you because it offers that rare combination of service, saris- • faction and economy. 'Ask our local dealer to Show you the " $anshilae, " or write for free, illustrated, descrip- tive booklet. f?t LONDON TO:y To 1VIONTREAL WINNIPEG VANCOUVER ST. J01111, IT:33. HAMILTON CALGARY 2 SASKATOON EDMONTON For Sale by G. A. Hawkins. MONEY TO LOAN We have a large amount of private funds to loan on farm and village protierty at low rates of interest. GL.ADMAN. & STANBURY Barristers. Solicitors, Exeter DENTIST DR A. R. KINS:M.Q,.N. L,D.S., D.D.S.. Honor Graduate. TToranta University, Teeth extracted without pain n r any bad effects. Office over Gladman &. Stanbury's Office, Main Street, Exeter FALL TERM FROM SEPT. 4th 15 ) CENiRAI. $ FO.9 ' COMMERCIAL, SHORTHAND; & TELEGRAPHY DEPA.RTi\ih,NTS, We have thorough courses,; experi- enced -instructors and we place our Graduates in positions. Demand upon us for trained' help is many times• the number graduating. Get our free catalogue, D. A. McLachlan Principal , eeeeeeee De. G, F, RO1.11-,STON, L, D, S., D,D,a DENTIST Member of the RA C. D.S. of Ont. Honor Graduate T ee nt.ei Ue vefsite Office over Carl tig's 1;oW Office, Closed Wednesday afte'rnoons4 HARVEST Ir T RV S HELP z EXCURSIONS . $12,00 TO WINNIPEG August 21st & 30th Fron' Stations Lyre Orat. and west to Toronto, inclusive August 23rd & SOth From Stations Toeon;ta and Westin: Orntaria .. For particulars as to tickets eVest of Winnipeg, &c., .apply to any Grand Tru n]: Ticket Agent, e. J. DORE, Agent, Exeter. MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED by C. H. Sanders at the. Advocate Of- fice Strictly conf idential ; no witness West r a i r London, Canada September 7th to 15th, 1917 1867-"A HALF CENTURY OF SUCCESS" -1917. The Gr•aat Agricultural Exhibition of Western Ontario $32 000.00 in Prizes and Attractions A very Interesting Prog"ram, including Military olid, other features-+tsviae Daily. FIREWORKS EACH NIGHT TWO SPEED EVENTS DAILY REDUCED RAILWAY RATES Prize Lists Entry Forms and all inforamation from the Secretary. LIEUT.-COL,,-W. M. GDRTSHORE, A. M. HUNT, President Secretary, ITALY APPEALS TO CANADA IN RED CROSS CAMPAIGN Goal of $100,000 Set for Southern and Western Ontario District. \Chevalier L Zonlni, Royal Italian Consul- General, to Handle Funds Italy's magnificent fight in the Alpine mountains of Austria is costing hundreds of thousands of brave Italian soldiers' lives. An 'appeal is now being made by the CHEVALIER L, %i[TIdIiQI, Royal Italian Consul -General to Canada. Government of Italy to the people of . Canada through Chevalier, L. Zunin ,. Royal Italian Consul Gen= era), Montreal, far tee Italian I ;1 Cross and or'phans• of her fallen heroes, sponsored by the youthful CrownPrince' Umberto di Savoie, to meet pressing needs. Inanswer to this appeal, South- ern and Western Ontario 'have fixed a goal of $100,000 to be raised by popular subscription during August and September. Royal Italian Con; sular Agent Giovanni Danovaro at Welland has, been appointed official representative' of the Italian Red Cross' in this division, L. P. Shum- way and L. Porter Moore, of the Army and Navy Y. M. C. A. of .the United States, and associated with the War Council, American Red, Cross during its recent successful drive for $100,000,000 in., the United States, officially represent the Italian Red Cross` as divisional directors and campaign organizers; Their headquarters are at 13rant- ford. Through Colonel Noel Marshall, cbalrman of the Central Executive Committee, the Canadian Red Cross has pledged its support, and that of all local units is asked, for the Ital- ian Red Cross campaign. -"Every dollar that is given will hike its bond between Italy and Canada. Let us show our Italian friends within our borders that we hold in grateful regard the land that gave them birth; that we appreciate her tre- lnendous sacrifices in the great cause for which we fight, and that we cannot regard with indifference her noble contribution to the suc- e.ess that is yet to be ours r nd hers," i5 a. renc:t editorial comment on the `n .:,•.Fra: Red Cross campaign a Canada, SEA FORrr -A pretty- wedding,. took place in St, James church on August ,14th, wh` feta Father' Corcor- an. united Leonard Bolton, and. Nellie Duggan in bonds of matrimcviye. tCLINTQN—Margaret McKenzie, Cor over fifty years a resident) of this tows:., passed away ea Aug. 10th, in her 77th year. She was born in Pus•- iinch Township, and wit!la her azar; band moved to Cliitoln ea the early. days, The Husband died, several years. ago. She leaves ' four daughters and gee son George McLteti,nnei. C,iODERICH TP.—The marriage avas solemnized' io St. Joseph Church., in Clinton, on Aug. 8tb, by ,Rev, Father Hogan, of Ella Louise, daughter of Ab - drew *McGuire of the Township, and john Eugene Reehi,ll of Toronto. ZURICII ---o— George Douglas has sold his fine ••esideatial property tin the north end 0 .lira Win. Lamont for 83.500. Pos- session November , 1st.—In the Field Crop Competition in connection wSrth /..uric). Agricultural Society the re- sult, is as dallaws, 1st`, Oscar ''Mope; 2nd, Elmer 'I.lopp, ; 3rd, Conrad Tru - envier ; ru•-em,nier; 4th, Win, ,Pe'trce,; 5th, Ed. Broderick; 6th, •Alex. aan,nie; 7th; Conrad Sclulbe,-Miss Celestin Neer - cher of Elkton, Mich:, ,is visiting at thehome of Mr. J. Gatllnax ,—David Oesch has gone to We;taskitvin, Ata, with a carload ,af lhorses for Wm, Thirsk.—Mr and Mrs. I-Ieenry DeicI1- ert and -son Norwood af, New Haven, \Ii:.he visited relatives. here,—Miss Ida Well of Toronto and Miss Nettie Well of Detroit are spending a few weeks at theirhome here.—Miss Ann Jessop and sister of Toronto are vis- iting at the home of Rudy Oesch.- Wm S Ruby and family have moved from Kitchener and are occupying oeae of J. Decker's 'dwellings; in west: end, A. G, ,Eclighioffer is visiting relatives in. Yale Mich., for a flew days _Mr Theo, McAdams and child ren of London are visiting her nar ents Mr and Mrs Wm. Barrow, an the Bronson Line for, some weeks. FRANK TAYLOR- Licensed AYLORLicensed Auctioneer for Counties of Huron and 14.1iddlesete, Prices Reasonable. and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Crediton — Ontario. t W, ROBINSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER AND ) \LC'ATO1't far Counties of fiuren Perth . Middlesex and Oxford. -Farm tir:.cr Safes a Specialty. Office at -*,-ksbutt Warerooms,:.next door ro. -rnrra Hotel, Main Street, Exeter. -het go' moderate and satisfaction is. zuaranteed Auction Sale OF VALUABLE FARh1 LANDS & OTHER CHATTEL PROPERTY In the Matter of the Estate of Samuel Hicks, late of 'the Township of Us borne in the. County of Huron, de- ceased, and of the Devolution of Estates Act; There will be offered for sale by public auction., an SATURDAY, SEP- TEeIBER 8th, ,1917, at 1 o'clock p. in. the following valuable farm lands end, premises namely, Parcel No. 1—Lot No. 1, Con. 2, and the East half of Lot No(. 1, Cone 3 both in the Township of Usborne in, the County of Huron;, containing to- gether' one huiadred andfifty acres iuo:-c or less. Upon' this'. land are erected "a com- modious 2 storey brick house, 2 fine bank barns, drive house and imple- ment shed; this farm is well ifenced and drained, and: has a good crcchard Parcel No. 2. -Lot No; 4, Cotl. 3, and the north half of Lot No. 3, 'Coni 2. both in the said Toennslhlp of Us- bornc, containing " 'together ane hun- dred and fifty acres, more, or less, Upon this Iand are e.rec ted a first- class bank barin, one otherhalan am.cl the course of:erectiion a brck ven- eer residence, Z storeys. 'This farm is well fenced and drained. Parcel Na. 3=Lot No. 5, in the. N. Boundary Concession of the Tort•n- ship of Biddulph' i'n the County of Middlesex, containing Lane 1)uriclred acres more or fes"s, Upon this land are„ere(cte,d, a ' good cement veneer dwelling, 2 storeys ; a good bank barn. This farm is well fenced and drained and has a good orchard. , Parcel No 4.—Lots Nos. 8, 9, and 10 on the west side of Main Street in the Village of (ExelNer in ah'e 'County of Huron, being \past of original lot 1o. 20 in the First Con. of the Tp, of Stephen, and formerly 'the residential property of the late T,' B. Carling, There is- no arose canveneent or commodious residence in the Village of Exeter, being beautifully siltuated on Main Street .facing 'S.iracoa St,, con sisting of a Line 2 storey brick`'dwel- ling, welIing, with fine (ornarneintal shade and. fruit trees and small ::friiits, hard and soft water, teilccrt,ric 'light, furnace At the said time there( wil