HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1917-7-26, Page 8EXE I ER .A ]VO CATE, TH CI 3BA'Y', JULY 20,, 10i7 t.x.F,TER MARKETS CHANGED EACH WEDNESDAY 2.25 85 6.55 3�S Ott., Family Flour Low grade flour Short. ,.... .43,00 to 45,00` Arran .36.00 Creamery Butter 39 Dairy Butter ...32 to 34 Lard 31 10.00 to 12 UO Hay per ton 14.50 Hags ,.4.50 Potatoes, new The Snell rine: cdid not bring home the motley from the W,O B.A, Set - doe and C;nrl;e, Taman and Snell are there for the doubles. HAI" FOR SALE 30 acres of good Timothy Hay cold in bulk or blocks to suit purchaser. W. T. SWEET, Exeter HAY FOR SALE 20 acres of first-class Timothy on either side of Stationoa , Exeter. Eor particulars apply to L- ING, Exeter. For tasty pastry and pies, "like mother used to tmalce, use our. Wel- come Pastry Flour, -Harvey Bros. Kindly take notice that the Dental office of Dr. Roulston will be closed for some weeks. Anyone havin' ur- gent work, such as cases of pain, etc., may have sante attended to by leav- ing a message .with the Telephone Central, or by writing to Dr, Roul- ston. LOS 1' -Between. Exeter and Con. 4 Usbore, or in 'Exeter, on July 10 th, five dollars in bulls --2 twos and a one -Reward on being left at this offiste, MEN WANTED FOR iti1UNITION WORK. A number of good reliable re.n,can secure steady ,employment on muni- tion work. Apply to The Robt. Bell Engine & Thresher Co Ltd. Seaforth Ont. ESTRAY HEIFER There strayed from Lot 4, Con. 4 Hay. the farm of John McMahon, on car about June 20th, a red heifer, using 2 years old. Information re guard ng its whereabouts liberally re- vtrded; BYRON E. HICKS, Cent-, rata. ' FARM'FOR SALE Lot 13 (except parts sold) Western Boundary, Blanchard, 933-1 acres mare or less Village of Woodham; a min- utes walk to Church, School, Stores, Blacksmith Shop; etc. A splendid farm. Apply to James Flett, Wiarton, F. D. Switzer, 'Kirkton, Executors Es- tate Stephen Watson Haines; 'elilton Haines on premises! Woodham, and to L. Harstone., Barrister, St. Marys, ----o--- NOTICE.-We desire. to innformthe public that awing Oto the present un- settled conditions, we are compelled to conduct our business on a strictly CASH BASIS. All accounts arenow due and if not settled before Sept lst will be placed for collection(. We believe by doing this we can give•our patrons closer prices and better ser- ' ce.-W, J. BEER, Exeter. AGENCY FOR THE WATKIN'S LINE. -Having taken over the Wat- onsHensall c I am [preparfrom Mr. ed E. Goo. business with all the old customers and others who have not previously raised the products I will be pleased to interest also, A full line now in btock Goods can .be procured at residence at any time, - A full liitne''.of Linameets Cough Reriledies,. Spices and Extracts, Toilet Articles always on hand. Phone orders promptly at- tended to. Phone 43 Exeter_ WbI. ANDREW, Travelling Salesman, Exeter, O.rLt.. The Home Wind Ins. Co. of New York. HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO Capital authorized, subscribed and paid up 56,000,000. Surplus as regards the Policyholders, $19,336,177.25. +1500.00 Insurance placed on Dwell- ing a'id Barns for $6.00 for three years. Na Premium Note required. No Agent's fees. -,. G„ HOL I �\IAti, Geta., Agt., Zurich, THOS. FISHER, Sub: Agt., Exeter: LOCAL [X]!Nt►A. \Iz ,G,.) Dow shipped a ear of horse. t:r eiontrea1 Thursday: 1 he ,caning l u terry started open- ailurus on the sea pack 1 uesday. Pte. Brown has been discharged from the army end is now .Sr receipt of a pension \ire have changed."our pewee plant but the duality of Model Flour is stile th ;;atm-^socand oto none'. Hart,*ey Bros. The Trivet elem•ori^al Church Sun- day School will picnic in Victoria Park on \1'edeesday arternoon., Aug- ust ist.. Me O. McPherson, ,son. of \Ir. and Ales. A, alePhersoa, who has been a travellieg drug salesman ,anal is a graduate druggist, has enlisted at Montreal: Rev Redmond will occupy the pul- pit of James [Street Church Sunday nest, the pastor, {Rev. Baird, and fancily ,being on holijciay=s near JKin- cardine. We have been playitig for heat and dry weather here, andwe are certain- ty getting it. Everybody smiaos, how- ever, because the farrier now has a chance to get en his crop. On Wednesday mot -Meg Mrs. Wm. Rivers accidently fell at her home and a severe heaumorhage followed, She was also considerably bruised by the fall, but Inas since somewhat re - c of ered_ Miss lIay Clarke bas been success- tul in her musical .examinations in connection with London Conservat- ory. securing a Forst -Class Certific- ate in vocal and piano in the interme- diate grade. Mr Fred Porterfield of Mitchell was elected D.D.G.M. for the South Huron Masonic District No, 4, at the meeting of Grand. Lodge in Belleville last week, Grand Lodge will meet in Windsor next year. International Harvester Co's. Agency, Exeter r C All kinds of seceding, haying and harvesting machinery, including the celebrated Oliver Corn, and Bean Cul- tivators, and Bean Harvesting attach- ments. Full stack of Repairs now in, Also a number of Al Standard Bug- gies, el.:Laughlin and Conboy makes Neat designs and at right prides. Call and secure one for Dominion Day, Wm. Ward ADVERTISING RATES Display Advertising Rates Made knots, an application Stray Animals -One 'irrsertion 50e., three insertions $1.00 Fano. or Real Estate for sale 50c. each insertion for one month of four insertions • 25c. for each subsequent insertion Miscellaneous Articles of ,not more than five lines, for Sale, To Rent, or Wanted Lost, Found, etc., each in- sertion 25c Lgcat Reading Notices, etc,, 10c, pert line per insertion. No notice 1 ess than 25c. Card of Thanks. Soca Lega, Advertising 10c. and 5c. aline Auction Sales, $2 for one insertion, and $.4 far two insertions. Professional Cards not exceeding 1 loch- $$ per year Misery in Back, Headache and Pain in Lmis. ,pear Ma. Erdiior-For more than ,p year 1 suffered with misery in the back, dull headache), pain in the limbs, was somewhat constipated and slept poorly at night until, I was about ready to col' lapse. Seeing an account of the wont' derful qualities of ,"Anuria," prepared by Doctor Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Y,, 1 sent for a box, and before using the whole box I felt and still feel improved. My sleep is refreshing, misery reduced and life is not the drag it was before, I most cheerfully recommend this remedy to sufferers from like ailments. Yours truly, W. A. Ronritlts. NOTE: You've all undoubtedly heard of the -famous Dr. Pierce and his well- known medicines. Well, this prescrip- tion is one that has been successfully used for many years by the- physicians and specialists of Dr. Pierce's Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, of Buffalo, N. Y., for kidney complaints, and dis. eases arising from disorders of the kidneys and bladder, such as backache,. weak back, rheumatism, dropsy, con• gestion of the kidneys, inflammation of the bladder, scalding urine, and urinary troubles. Up to this time, t°Anuric" has not been on sale to the public, but by the persuasion of many °patients and the increased demand for this wonderful healing Tablet, Dr. Pierce has finally decided to put it into the drug stores of this country within immediate reach of all sufferers. I know of one or two leading drug- gists in town who have managed to procure a supply of "Amalie" for their -anxious customers in and around this locality. If not obtainable send one. dime by mail to Dr Pierce for trial The Advocate acknowledges the girt • of two fine ripe tomatoes by Mr. Chas. lain -Ley, These are the first home -groan tornatoe,s reported this year, As usual Charlie has the first and for other early garden stuff he takes the medal. During thesevere electrical storm on Friday ,last during which rain fell in torrents on half the town and to • the south of us, the dwelling of Mr,. W, A Clarke and Mr. W. Kuntz, on Alain Street, was struck, but v.erylit- tie- damage was done. The sacred swimming pool and tem- ple will 'be one of the striking scenes; in "Less Thart •the Dust," the new picture in which Mary Pickford is to appear. The scenes of the play are laid in India and England. Miss Pick - ford's part will ;be that of an orphan. of English birth ,who, leaving been reared among the natives, is regarded as one of them. A battle scene between British troops and natives of an East Indian city is ,ane of the big incidents in Mary ,Pickfard's forthcoming produc- tion of "Less than the Dust:" For this a complete lay out of officers' quarters, barracks and ' fortifications were built in Long Island and more than a hundred real iEast Indians em- ployed for the natives. When Mary Pickford announced that she would hereafter head her awn company and guide the making of its productions it was stated that here- after she would not make more than six pictures each .year and these to be the most elaborate, costly and best directed in which' she bas ever been sees, The first of khese , "Less Than the Dust," will sopa be shown here when she will be preueanted by the Artcraft Pictures Corporation. In the Seaforth papers last week Major R. S. Hays made:' an .explanation of his return. to Canada, showing that be did everything that was possible to get permission to, accompanyhis men to France, and when he couldn't get that permission he declined.. to accept any ,appointment an England as he did not consider his services were required there, as ,there. are hundreds of officers in 'England who are with- out appointment, and who, are anxious for same. The. main. ;,determining fac- tor in Major Hays' rejection for ,er vice in France was his age. To give an idea. of what the present. crop promises we have published the length of different •grains grown in this locality, and lit is remarkable the height to which :they have grown and the extremely heavy and well devel- oped heads the different grains bear.` This week Mr. Luther Reynolds of LIsborne brought stalks of oats inthat measured 5 fe., n2. iniches, and Mr. George. Walker of 'Stephen oats that measured 5 ft:,' 4 inches, and 'wheat 5 ft., 6 in. If 'nothing happens be- tweett now and the harvest this sec- tion will produce one of the largest' yields we have had, in, many years, Since the above was put it type, we have received stalks of barley taken from Mr. S. N. Scott's farm, Steph- en, which pleasured 5 ft,, 103 .in.. These were grown in. a field where no fertilizer was used, hcn,ce it is all the more remarkable for its great height. ALMA COLLEGE, -Alma College will begin its 37th. ,year 'Septe,mber 17th, 1917. The rumor that the Col- leec had been aequisitiioned for a military hospital was not correct. PAINFUL ACCIDENT. -bars, J. A. Stewart while returning from a visit in Dundas u Anda, a d i' t n „Hamilton an on, Friday las, met wi.tli an unfortunate atcide:nt: tha will confine her to the bed for some. time. She was alighting from a street car and in doing so twisted her ankle in a way that a small hone in the foot was broken. Medical aid was iznrediately consulted and she is now at her home here, CASTOR IA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears rho . . Signature of 1Zu 6 4 package or 50 cents for full treatment: EDITOR -Please insert. this letter in some conspicuous place in your paper. "Mr C B. ;Snell has a rink of bowl- rs at the W.O.T.A, Landau. Miss Gladys Ford is home from Sar- nia for vacation. Miss Susie Case s vis -ting- with friends in town. Mrs Ed Dignan visited in London far a few days the past week. Mr. W. H. Levett of Landon was a visitor here on Thursday and Friday, Mr. F rank Bissett of London spent the week end tvith relatives in town. Hiss Pricilla Powell of Wingham is visiting with Mr. arid Mrs.( S. Sweet,,. Miss Winaue Howard returned Mon' - day from a visit with Clinton friends, Mrs ..Reid of tondop, visited her mother, Mrs, Geo. Powell, over Sun- day. Mist Harriet 'Kelly of Detroit is a,guesf at the (home of Mrs. E. San- ders. Mr. and Mrs. Kestle and two child- ren of Toronto are visiting at Rev. Kestie's, Gerald Fitton of the Signalling. corps, Ottawa, is home for a week's holiday. Mrs, Chas. •Birney was. in Belgrave last week attending the funeral of a cousin. Mrs. Wm. Verity of Brantford is visiting with her smother, Mrs. R. Pickard. _1Tr. Win. Hill sof Toronto was here over Sunday with his father, Mr. George Hi11. Mr. George Guth -Lore •returned last week from u visit with: Klippen and Seaforth friends. Miss Ida Wambold of London is spending a few weeks with, friends in and around Exeter. Mrs. Thos. Carling and children of Brighton are visiting relatives in E.- eter and Centralia. Mr. 'Thos. Sanders, after two weeks' holidays with his parents, returned to Toronto Friday evening. Mr. 0, H. Becker of New Hamburg visaed with Mr. G. E. Hawkins and other relatives 'on Sunday. Mrs Wm. Passmore Left Tuesday morning for 'Calgary, Alta., where she intends visiting for a time. Mr. Ed.. Fowell of Windsor arrived here last week to spend -a few weeks at Exeter and Grand Bend. Miss Vosper of Toronto is visit- ing her aunts, Mrs. S. Sanders, Mrs,. G. Penhale, and Miss C. Vosper After a week's visit with• Mrs. John. PedlerMiss Bingle returned to her home in Toronto Friday morning. Mr -White of Winnipeg visited for a few days with Mrs. White at the. Mrd Mrs.John Welsh home ofran 1 J Mr. Sam'l J, iFinkbeiner of Sarnia is holidaying for a week with Mr. Esli Heywood and other friends in town. Mr. and Mrs. D. Laragfiord and Mr, Langford of Vancouver, B. C., are guests at the home of Dr. Roulston, Mr, and Mrs, J. R In.ksater of Paris are spending > a week or two here, the guests of Mr. and Mrs, W, J. Bissett. Mrs, J. R, Inksater returned to her horse in Paris Friday after a short visit with her sister, elle. W. J. Bia- sett Miss Margaret Makins of Toronto, and 1Irs. Leaclhoase of Hamilton are visiting with their another, Mrs. C. Al lstvo • t Ile Mr. Harmon .Davidson of Saginaw, Hien., who is visiting with relatives in London 'spent Thursday last hero shaking hands with friends, Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Duplan and son, Harald, 01. Ilderton, accompa.died by two lady friends, visited with ear, end Mrs. Chas. Birney an Sunday. Mrd A. J Snell, wife and family of Santa. Monica, 'CaL, arrived last week to visit Mr. 'Snell's mother, Mrs, Jno. Snell, Mr. Snell Leaves this week to resume his travelling ,duties, Mrs, Fred 'Passmore., :who has been visiting her mother, Mrs. J, West- lake, returned to her home at Mun- roe, accompanied by her r4ephew, Harold White, to spend his holidays. Mr, and irs, ;Alex. Stewart and family of L onden are visiting this •week with reltit_fves in tow'te 3Ir. •Stewat`t has •been 'off duty ,for couple weeks awing to e :severe attack of tat ins PHONR NO. $2. MAY WEATHER EAR ABLES. No. 136 SELF•REDUUN6 Liberal Prices for July. SUM1vIER SKIRTS ,A real Novelty Assortment- from •$1.50 to •$3,00. WHITE WAISTS A big r•an.ge of all sizes 34 to. 44-98c. to 53.500 WASH GOODS All our Summer Wash Goods to clear out. Sonne selling less than. cost, - 121/1c., 15c,, 19c, 29c. • FANCY COLLARS Some very pretty ones for 25c 'Better for 50c, fto -51,25 , SILK WAISTS Very New and Nohhy Jap Silk, Habuiti ..Silk, Silk Crepe- 52.50 to 55,00 BLACK AND WHITE CHECK DRESS .GOODS 15 pieces to choose from - 1.5c,, lac. to 75c. yard Nem Corsets ®m Nemo The Corset for , the Good Dresser. THE CORSET WITH THE `'FIT, THE FINISH, AND THE QUALITY WE .HAVE THE SELLING RIGHT FOR EXETER FOR THi. NE - MO CORSET WHICH ANY LADY WILL FIND TO BE HIGH CLASS' IN EVERY WAY. Prices $2.50, $3.00, $3.50 MEN'S STRAW HATS 5 Dozen Men's $1.50 New Straw Hats for '$1 each. BATHING SUITS For Men or Boys -50 Cents to 51,00 suit. LADIES' HOSE 2 Pairs for 25c 25c. UNDERWEAR Men's Suinmer Underwear . at 25c , Grand Value MEN'S SHRITS A good line for 98c. Better for $1.25..•to 51.25 ; Silk -Front at 51.50 to 2,00 SMUM•ER VESTS 15 Cents Each. Shoe Department Everything new in Shoes for M en, Women and, ,Children. Call in and see our White Goods far Summ er wear. See our window for Lad- ies New High Laced Shoes. JONES & MAY headquarters for the celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing Mrs. Wm, Hunter and children of i F II Tlsborne left Tuesday_. ,incoming for z COMPLETE SHOWING OF Salvador, Sask., where Mr. Hunter "' has been for is•everal months, and : ' where they intend' Making theiir fu - lure home Mrs. � rater' s father,.Mr. r Hu Tos. Hawkins ac cowl a ne d iven to pronto: COMING ATTRACTIONS AT Dome Theatre "MARY PIC'KFORD" tri "LESS THAN 'THE ; DUST" AUGUST 3rd `and 4th. GEORGE M. COHEN, the celebrated Comedian in "BROADWAY JONES DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS,' the •arthletie' actor in "IN eaGAIN -OUT AGAIN" e-'-n- MARGUERITE CLARK andother popular Stars. ,Price .of Admission 25c. Western University, London Three More New Professors Equal to Any in Canada.- • v ,Students can now obtain as good an education in Arts and Medicine at the Western as anywhere President E. E. Braithv, aite, M.A., Ph. D. Automobile Tires --^moo---• We have just received 'a large ship- meat of automobile tires, that were purchased before the raise in price, and we have decided to give our cus- tomers the benefit of our purchase, at a cash price. - 30x3% Casing & Inner Tube $16.00 31x4. Casing and Inner tube 526,50 32x4 Casing and Inner Tube $28,00 33x4 Casino and Loner Tube, $29.00 34x4 Casing and .Inner Tube $30,00 Prices of other sixes on application:, These pare all No, 1 guaranteed tires by ibe manufacturers,' which are. the ' WE SELL 1')otnfinion Dunlop and Maltese Cross. These prices can only be maintained SEVERAL until the present stock is exhausted, 1 Exeter Motor Sales Co F O R Ladies & Gels The dominate note of these Fashions is entirely new. ,Rarely be- fore have the majority of styles shown such ingenious design with the general effect of simplicity. Our stock is complete. The Showing includes Serge, Chev- iots Vacunia, Tweeds and Worsteds, in the fashionable spring colors, and staple shades. MEN'S SUITINGS Our Stock of Men's Suitings is the finest shown. Also a good range of spring overcoatings. We guarantee.. satisfaction with. every garment. GIVE -US A CALL N. Sheere LADIES AND GENTS' 'TAILOR Statin Upstairs, Opposite the Central Hotel. Furniture and Undertaking R. N. ROWS THE FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND FURNITURE DEALER Tea & Coffee` Store For the choicest groceries, fruits, spices, teas, coffee and every- thing in th® grocery line. Call and see us. A trial as to quality will convin- ce. Produce taken in exchange Jas. Gould Next The Metropolitan Hotel Exeter Bargain Store dammer Shoes WE HAVE THEM TN GREAT VARIETY, WHI'L'E PUMPS, , KGID PUMPS, - PATENT PUMPS MEN'S HARVEST SHOES WHITE SHOES HIGH SHOES, a,' `sliaaclI'-IS d'\r2P',i.S - $2.25 PER PAIR. ASTORIA SHOES FOR MEN, ' THE CELEBRATED FLEET FOOT RUNNING SHOES.. JOB LINES OF SHOES AT ONE* HALF P'Ii.ICE: B. e WF. Beavers,