The Exeter Advocate, 1917-7-26, Page 5s••
ataseisasisalto `i`asatee.`Iriti'< .So,a>seac%.t. saiOsigta tiA�` kkassea•'
."`\'eX -S:�iassYSst.i;VeSii`:. r . tsse sisi.-
Fulfills Every Claim
No furnace can do more than satisfy—
but the "Sunshine" furnace absolutely
and invariably does satisfy fully and
completely when properly installed.
Ask our local dealer to show you this
good furnace, or write for free booklet.
For Sale by 0. A. Hatykins
rulating Pill for Women. $5' a boa orft1ii:eafor
aio. Sold at all Dug Stores. or mailed tb;ang
iddress reeeipt 400 rice.,Tr[eScolima; MOO
ilo;, St. Catharines, Ont:tirlo.
Vain aria
itality;fo .: Nerve rand Brain,• increases "grey
nutter" ; a Tonic•' -•Swill build you up. $g3 a box, or
nwo for $5, at drugstores, or bydnail on reeeij�ift
f'price," This SoosELL Duna Co,; st. Catharine&
v ALuAror4.. for Counties -of Huron
Pertt, Middlesex and .Oxford. Farm
Stock Sales a Specialty. Office at,.
)..20c1,shuts Warerooms, next door to
,Iantr,i Hotel, blain Street, Exeter,
Ch.i gt". moderate and satisfaction is
I am a woman.
What I have suffered is a far better guide
than auyX1 N'S experience gained second-
I know your need for sympathy and health.
And the treatment that gave me health
and strength,new interest in life, I want to
pass on to you, that you, too, may enjoy the
priceless' boon of health,
Are you unhappy, unfit for your duties?
Write and tell
me how you feel and r will
send you ten days' FREE trial of a home
treatment to meet your individual needs,
together with references to women in Canada
who have passed through your troubles and
regained health; or you can secure this
FREE, treatment for your daughter, sister or
If you suffer from pain, in the head, bade,
or bowels, feeling' of weight and dragging
down sensations, failing or displacement of
internal organs, bladder irritation with fre-
quent urination, obstinate constipation or
ppiles, pain In the sides regularly or irregu..
larly, bloating dyspepsia, extreme nervous.
nese, depressed spirits melancholy; desire
to cry, feat.of something evil about to,
happen, creeping feeling' up the spine, pal-
pitation, hot bashes, weariness, sallow com-
plexion, with dark circles under the eyes,
pain in the left` breast or a general feeling
that llfe is not: worth living, I invite you to
send to -day for my complete ten days' treat-
ment entirely free and postpaid, to prove to
yourself , that these ailments can be easily
and surely overcome at your own home.
without the expense of hospital treatment, or
the dangers of an operation. Women every.
where are escaping the surgeon's knife by
knowing of my simple' method of home
treatment,' and when you have been bene-
fited, mysister, Isbell only ask you to pass
the good word along to some other sufferer.
My home treatmentis for ala, -young or old.
MRS. M. SUMMERS, Box tin
Read My FREE Offer:
To Mothers of Daughters, 1 wilt explain a
simple home treatment which speedily and
effectually dispels green -sickness (chlorosis).
irregularities, headaches and lassitude in
young women, and restores them to plump-
ness and health. Tell me if you are worried
about your daughter. Remember it costs you
nothing to give my, method of home treat-
ment a complete' tea' days trial, and if.
you wish to continue, it costs only a few
cents a week to do so, and itdoes not inter-
fere with one's daily work. Is health worth
asking for? Write for the free treatment
suited to. your, needs, and I' will send it in
plain wrapper by return mail, Cut out thio
offer, mark he places that tell your feelings,
nd return to me. Write,and ask for the
free treatment to-day,as you may not see
this offer again. addess:
a i ':.
Windsor Ontario
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_' BY JOHN W. S. McCULLOUOB, M.D., D:P.n., Call OFFICErt
IN THE ORDINARY _CASE of nosebleed the loss of blood will stop
spontaneously in a few minutes if the sufferer will remain quiet, In
some cases the loss of a few teaspoonfuls of blood is helpful rather
than harmful, and, therefore, it is Just as well to wait a few minutes
for spontaneous stoppage.
Wiien the time to do something arrives it is well to make use of the
simplest procedures possible. Grasp the soft part of the nose between
the thumb and index finger in such a way as to close both nostrils, and
press the wings of the nose against the septum. The septum is the parti-
tion which separates the nostrils from each other. The head is then leaned.
forward without bending the back. .After about ten minutes the pressure
of the fingers on the nostrils is very Slowly and gradually lessened. Five
minutes should be consumed in turning the nose loose. In the majority
of instances the, bleeding takes place from a. vessel within the territory
pressed upon, When such,is the case the "pressure is reasonably certain to
stop the 'hemorrhage.
Themethod is also efficacious when the bleeding point is higher up.
The method of cure in that case is as follows: The nostrils fill up with
blood.' The blood coagulates. The clot 'stops the hemorrhage. It is
good judgment'to leave the clots in the nose for at least an hour after the
bleeding has stopped. They can then be cleaned out with a clean hand-
kerchief o7 ' by washing in slightly cold water. .
' If these methods fail the physician must be called upon. He usually
examinee the membrane for. the bleeding ; point. If he finds it he may
touLh it with caustic or same milder application. Or, this failing, he will
probably pack the nose. '
There are many causes for nosebleed, This explains why some cases
,,are easier remedied than others. Among the causes are the following:
1. Too much blood. Where nosebleed comes along with a severe
-congestive headache it gives relief, A certain amount of ,bleeding helps.
2. Over-exertion: The nosebleed which comes on while children are
p1iying hard belongs in this group. The bleeding stops spontaneously in
•a few.minutes. '"
3. The onset of infections. Typhoid particularly is liable to start
with nosebleed. •
4.:'.Growths in the nose. Nasal polypi are especially to be mentioned.
5. Injuries,' including -the scratches made by picking the nose.
6, Chronic diseases and conditions--e.g., bemophylia (bleeders),
_pernicious anemia.,and .leukemia. 7.• Vicarious menstruation, S. High
blood pressure. 9. Kidney disease and heart .disease.'
Notice the mouth of any middle-aged man or woman when he or she
laughs, or opens the mouth widely in speaking or singing. 'The chance
r.i'is that you will notice one tooth gone 'on each side of both upper and lower
. jaws. The vacant space is always at the same place—toward the corder
of the mouth. If you ask a dentist which' tooth it is that "is Missing he
will tell you the six-year molar...
It is significant that the loss of teeth 'begins with the six-year molar.
'The reason is easily understood. The six-year molar comes in at about six
'years of age.:- It seems to be the last of the temporary teeth. It is in fact
',the first of the permanent teeth.
Bays and girls do not begin to brush their teeth until .they get into
:school, begin to have sweethearts, and in consequence take pride in their"
tpersonal appearance. The urge to brushthe hair, to keep the clothes' clean,..
et() wear a tie, and to brush the teeth all. ground in'the same instinct, In
•consequence the ria -year molars have had several years of neglect before
-the habit of brushing the teeth is established. And then again they are,
not cleaned as easily as aro the front teeth.
Presently the molars begin to ache. A dentist is oonsillted. He :finds
:a large cavity, "The 'tooth is too far gone, It will be easier :and better 10 :
••* pull it,':` is his verdict, And in consequence the 'tinsightly gap so nearly
-universal in middle-aged people.
The six-year molar is not a delicate tooth, It can be saved, To save
it,a habit must be changed. Instead of beginning the care of the teeth as
a part of the preadolescent' sex urge, it should be begun in the home in, the
pre-school years, If children •four years old and even younger were taught
to brush and clean the teeth every day, and if they were sent to the dentist
periodically there would be none of • these unsightly gaps at the corners o3
the mouth. ,13y the time tho six-year molars are cut the habit .of caring
,for.the,teehh'will ,have been thoroughly established.
Miss Annie 'Dawson, ,,vita has been
visiting friends here left on Satttr-
clay for her home in Niagara Falls. -
Mrs. Chas. Clark of, Landon is visit-
ing her sister, Mrs. Walter lla 1e.-
wood,--M'r, Jahn Bowerman, who is
an the sick dist, is imprOV,.plg.-M1-
and Mrs, Jos Rirk• ,of. Asor, Sask..
are visiting friends here. Mr, 'Kirk
has 400 acres in crop this year, which,
owing to the recent rainsand warm
weather, are dbooking fin{ei.-Robert
1-lazletvood is a , very- busy mail
these days reconstructing his barns, -
The funeral of Edna Kuria, 10 -:year-
old daug'hter ,of ,Nir. and Mrs. Robert
Neal, whose death occurred in:Vic-
toritt Hospital, an Tuesday, was held
Trona N, J. Griffith's undertaking;;pal
lors to the G. T, R. depot. Froin where
the remains were Ilortyarded to ton. Interment was (made' in 'I:irk-ton
Union Cemetery,,
Mrs. Wm. Ginter) undertve,nt an
operation at St, Joseph Hospital, Lon-
don on Saturday last, The operation.
was a SUCCess and at time of wilting
she is progressing favorably,
'Preparations are •being made fax
the fall fair and the advertising mat-
te/ is now in the 'hands of the prialite{r
Lightning played a peculiar freak
durinr',,,ane of the late storms last
week at Mr, Everett Drupe's house,
It started down the, chimney, blew
down the•,pipes and' the lid's off the
stove and passed out through the
wall, Little damage ,Was done.
Friday evening during a severe
thunder and lightning ,starm the barn
of Mr. Colin Moir, a little, aver a
mile northwest of here, was struck
by lightning; and was completely de-
stroyed, together with ,some hayind
a few implemleri(tsf, "Fortunately the
surrounding outbuildings were saved
by the crowd who quickly gathered
and no further damage was lane,
Mrs. C.
'Simpson and
children a
spending somedays ata summer re-
an the St. Clair River. -Mr. and
Mrs, John S. Wren and family of
Toronto, are visiting hnene' .for- a few
weeks,. -Mr. and ItIrs. W. G( Wilson
left Friday an a ,trip to the West.-
Rev, Herbert Thorrulee of Brampton
dispensed the Lord's Supper in the
Presbyterian Church on Sunday, the
preparatory' service an Friday being
conducted by Dr. C. Fletcher of
Thames Road, --Mass ,112attie" Ellis is
`recovering from 'her recent illness,
but she will, not .teach next term in
order to take a prolonged rest, -Miss
Florence . Reynolds of Calgary, .Alta.,
and Miss McLean,lof Barrie; teachers,
are home for the holidaysi•- Th e
death occurred last ,week of Mr, R.
W. Fulton at the age of 64 years,,
Mr, Fulton- had been in -failing health.
for some .tate f!ro'm ani Incurable dis-
ease inhis face, cancer, which the
1Lt 'Vein said that ver third s
person hal catarrh in some form. 'i
.Scene has shown that nasal catarrh
often indicates a general weakness
of the body; and local treatments in
the form of snuffs and vapors -CO little,
if any good •
10 elect catarrh you should treat its
cause by, enriching your blood with the
oil -food tai Scott's Emulsion whirls is a
medicinal food anda building -tonic, free
from any baznifnl drugs. Try it.
Stott Sr Bowmen -reroute, Oat.,
The sole head of a family, or any -
male over 18 years old, who was at
the "commencement of the presleist,war
and has since ,continued to be,, aBrirI
ash subject ora subject of an allied
or neutral country, may home-
stead ' a quarter -section of available
Dominion land in Manitoba, Saskatch-
ewan or ' Alberta. Applicant must ap-
pear in person at the Dominion Lands
Agency or -Sub-Agency for the Dis-
trict Entry by pproxy may be, made
on certain coedit Ons, Duties- Six
months residence upon and' cultivation
of land in each of three years. "<
In certain districts a hornestead,er
may secure an adjoining quarter=Siec•
tion as pre-emption, Price $3,00 pe;f
acre,Dirties-Reside six months 1i
each of three years after ;earning,
homestead patent and eultivate 50
acres extra. May obtain pre-emption
patent as soon as homestead patent:.',
on certain conditions.
A settler after obtaining homestead
patent if he cannot secure a pre-
emption may take a purchase
ed homestead in certain digtricts.
Price $43.00 per acme. Du'i ¢--'Must re-
side six months in each of the three
years, cultivate 50 acres and erect a
house worth $300.
Holders of entries. may count time
of employment as farin labourers in
Canada during 1917, as residence dut-
ies under certain conditions.
When. Dominion Lands are advert-
ised or posted for entry, returned sol-
diers •who have served overseas and
,have, been honorably discharged, re-
ceive one day priority in applyiing fol'
entry at local Agent's Offfcei .' (but
not Sub -Agency). Discharge papers
must be presented to agent
Deputy 01 the Midister of the interior
N,B.-- inatigiorIrtd publication,of
this advertisement will not lie paid rot
s'rpA'rFoRi?, ONT'."
We have flat:trough courses, .:peri-
enced instructors and we place our
Graduates in positions, Demand upon
us for trained help is many times the
number graduating. Get aur free
0 A Mitikehlan, Principal
best sltill was unable to ,overc,Unte.
He leaves to mourn his death lois
tvidow and two sons and three daugh-
ters. The funeral Tuesday afternoon
to 1-Icnsall "Union Cemetery wag: pri-
vate and cataducted by a relative Rev
David Moir of Niagara falls, who was
here ea ct visit at th,e time,
While giving its a drunk of twitter
Mica horse atteehed 'to the rig itt which
wet.e Mrs Isterman Walters and child.
ren. of flay Tp„ on Friday moaning,
ran away, and the bit having been
tenaaved 'frutn its tiaauth,there was no
Std:ar to hold it, Ta save the bribe
from what looked like death Mits. Wal
ters threw it out of the rig, It was
stunned by the fall. A 'little later ea
the rig Was overturned i0t the ditch•
The another rand little boy each re-
ceived broken arms, and minor injur-
ies. It was a narrow e•scape.
Mr, Louis Weber of Detroit visited
at his home there; -Mr. Ezra Kee:hler
of 'Kitchener is va;sitsng at leis home
here, -Mr. Roy Appel left -for Toron-
to, where he has accepted a position
ia a jewelry store, -Mr. R. T. Dun-
lop spent a few : days last week at
Hamilton and Toronto otn business. -
Mr. 0, S. Anuu ns of Branford . is
visiting at the Thome of Mr. and Mrs.
John. Gerber,Bronson ,Line, for a
few o eeka-Mr, Irvin ,Smith of. Bay
City, .Mich., visited at the home of
his brother, Mr. C. L. Smith. -Mr.
John Wurhm of Toronto visited rel-
atives here, Mrs, Wuhrin and daugh-
ter returned home ;with ham on Wed-
nesday. -Workmen have been busy
putting in place ,on the streets of
the village, pales far the Hydro pow-
er lines, It as texpected tila.t power
will be ready to turn an in a few
weeks. -During one pf the recent
heavy storms that rvisited this sec-
Wm. Uttley's ?house ',was', struck and
a small 'Mole behind tih,e stove 'is the
evidence; Dan Gingerick's hog shed
was struck and burned ; Henry Claus-
ins bad a horse ,killed; culverts were
washed out,gardens, fields and cel-
lars liars .fioatled, and some -traps prac-
tically ruined,
Miss Margaret 'McLaughlin, nurse of
London, who thus 'been nursing near
here, has ;returned tta her home.. Mrs.
Chas. Tyner is ispentcllig a few° days
with Mrs. Chas. c1iftion Miiss Moran
of Landon is 'the guest of Miss Mary
Gibson. -Mrs. McCartney " and little
daughter have returned to theirhome
in ` the West --Mr. Grand Caldwell of
Regina spent a few days' with. his sis-
ter, Mrs. Len McGonntell.-Mr. Turn-
er of Huntsville ;is visiting, in the vil-
Rev. Mooney and bride Mrs.' Flow-
ers of London (were wle,ekeend vi.s
iters at Mr. Mooney's;-Mrs. Bellwood-
of :Stratford is the guest orf Mrs. R.
Cole, -Mr. F. 'O'Brien of .the Classic
City called an old ,neighbors Sunday,
-Rev. Powell gave has hearers a good
sermon. Sunday. -Mr. and Mrs. Wni:
Pybus and Miss Luceil visited relat-
ives in Exeter Sunday.
MITCHELL -The death of Hannah
Davidson, widow .orf Lthre. late. Jos.
Roney in- Tuckersmith, removes one
of the early settlers of Hibbert, at
the age of 59 years. The late Mrs..
Raney was born in Nava Scotia.
MI �''CHELLWm. Thorn, an. aged
resident of Mitchell was found dead in
his bed on. July 1.9. Fie( had gene to
the room and was found lying on the
lied with ,his clothes on by his grand-
son. He, was 9,0 ,years of age. Hewes
town treasurer and tax collector ' for
many years.
Licensed Auctioneer for Counties of
Huron and Middlese$,
Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction
Crediton - Ontaric
"Yes ---They re Cleaner, Fr then..
" when washed with Sunlight Soap. f find it
cleans the clothes more thoroughly arid with less
work than ordinary soaps. It doesn't hart the
clothes and 1 must say my hands never feel the
worse for it either. 1 really do not find it fiord
-to look after the wash myself, because Sunlight
Soap does so much of the work for me.
Madam—there's nothing but truth in this lady's remarks.
Sunlight Soap is made so well and so honestly that our
guarantee of $5,000 ; that it contains no impurity has
never been challenged.
All grocers sell Sunlight Soap.
Ito C " H Sanders at the Advocate Of- Barrister, Solicitor, Notary ' Public,
face. Strictly confidential;' no witness Commiasioaaer, Solicitor for The ''fob-
scuts Bank, Etc. Money to Ioan at
Ioreest cartes. of interest,
Offwke-39fain Street, Exeter.
Attractive Trips
ra c'
Roundtrip tourist tickets now on
sale from stations !n Onitario, at very
torr fares, with : liberal stop overt
Get your •tsc1'ts in .advance;
Berths and full information at all
Grand Trunk ticket offices, or write,
C. a Horning, District Passectger
Agent, Toronto, Ont.
N. J. DORE; Agent, Exeter.
We have a large amount of private
funds to loan on farm and village,
p1'on€?rty at low rates of interest.
Barristers, Solicitors, Exeter
Dr. G, F. ROULSTON L. D. S., D.D.$
Member of the R. O. C. D.S. of Oat:.
Honor Graduate Toronto University - _.
Office over Carling's law Office.
Closed Wednesday afternoons.
Honor GraduAte< Toronto University._
}>i extaacfe8 without pain or any
bad effaets. Office over GIadman Et
Staribury's Office,' Main Street, Exeter
Thorough courses in Music, Art, Oratory, High School. Business
College; Domestic Scienceand Superior Physical Training.
R, 1, WARNER, M, A., D. D., President. St. Thomas, Onta:.,c
Larger ►r
tter Materials!
Lower Price!
Its wheelbase is 112 inches --it
seats five big people in perfect
Better materials go into this car
than any other car of such com-
fortable size sold for so low a
price. We buy in larger quanti-
ties and get high quality at low
With no sacrifice of quality we
price this car' lower than any
other car so beautiful, so power-
ful, so economical, so easy riding
and of such comfortable size be-
cause for years we have pro-
duced the famous 35 horsepower
Overland in larger quantities
than any other similar car is
It is value unequalled -get yours
Model Eighty -Five Four
f, 0. b. point of Shipment
Subject to change
without notice