HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1917-6-28, Page 8EXETER ,x1INTU ATE, Tg R ST1 AY, JUNE 213, 181-7 EXETER 4VIARKETS CHANGED EACH WEDNESDAY Wheat , , .. ,2,,35 Oats 75 to 80, Family Flour 6,60 Low Grade Flour 3.00 Shorts , ,, ,.43:00 to 43,00' Bran „ .:36.00 Creamery Butter. 43 Dairy Butter 34 to 36 Lard•31 Hay, per ton ,. X0.00 to12,00 Hogs ... 14.50 Potatoes' : ..430 WHA SMITH LEFT HOME" is the fuel -nest thing' out in the sway of a Comedy it three Acts,. See it in the Opera House Friday night. Read Ad. on rot page, and see program for particulars, The money goes to help the boys at the front, LAKE VIEW HOUSE, -Having, leased this excellent hotel we extend an invitatio:.a to all visitors at Grand Bend to give us .a call. We are in a position to give accommodation and visitors can rely upon getting the very best service. Mrs. 'McCallum, \i*ha is a former Exeter girl (Miss Sweet), will be in charge and will be pleased to welcome all her old Exeter friends. S. A. MCCALLUM, RUG LOST. -On June 22, of Lake Road, or on road north of McDonald's. side road; or 2nd Con, Hay, a .robe, black one side, yellow other side, or- namentedwith animals heads. Reward for recovery. W. H. Dearing, 2nd Con Stephen. TEACHER WANTED Second ClassProfessional Teacher for No. 1, Stephen, mile from Gien tralia, for after holidays. State salary. Wm. Bowden, Sec.-Treas. Centralia. --ar- ONTARIO STATUTES 1917 Copies of the .Sessional Statutes,of Ontario for 1917 have been received by me for distribution to Justices of. the Peace, and :may be obtained on application at my office in the Court House Goderich, or will be forwarded by Express upon request, Gpderich 25th June, 1917 C. Seager Clerk of the Peace, x --o- x- ESTRAY STEER There strayed -from Lot 12, Con, 6, Hay the latter [pant of May or ,be- ginning pf June, ,ane red two-year- old steer. Reward far information that will lead td its recovery. James Shapton, RR. No. 1, Exeter. OVERCOAT FOUND.- A heavy tweed coat on June 2nd on London Road. Owner can have same byprov- ing property and paying expensfee.- -Wm. Bowden, Stephen ,--- Wedding invitations and announce- ments in the latest correct styles of type and stationery, can be procured on short notice and at rigir't prices at The Advocate Office. COW LOST There strayed from the village of Eliraville, on or about June lith, a good sized red cow, in good condi- tion, ondition, due to calf about 10th. 'Finder rewarded by leaving ,word at Elim Ville P. 0.. Owner, Mark Wild. • AGENCY FOR. THE WATKIN'S LINE. -Having taken over the Wat- kin's Agency from Mr, J. E. Gould'. of Hensel]. I am ,prepared to do business with all the old customers and others who have not previously uused the products I will be pleased to interest also. A full line now an 'stock Goods can .be procurer[ at residence at any time,,, A full line of Linaments Cough Remedies, Spices and Extracts, Toilet Articles always on. hand. Phone orders promptly at- tended to. Phone 43 Exeter. WM, ANDREW, Travelling Salesman, Exeter, Ont. -s -•o --x- MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED by C. H. Sanders at the Advocate Of- fice. Strictly confidential; no witness THE CELEBRAThD IMPORTED STALLION SCOTTISH GEM, 12560 16260, which was billed to travel this seasot' will stand for the balance .of the season at his own stable, owingEx CC de t t0 Ex- eter North, ornea to as a i n the owner. The price has been re- duced to $12.00. Phone No. 44r2. • j. J. Miller, Hay P.O. -0-- 40e TO SALT -400 toms of line Land am: Cattle Salt for sale. EXETfih. SALT WORKS Co., Ltd J Sutton, Manager,. International aarvester Co's. ,. gen:cy, Exeter r LOCAL DOINGS. Dominion Day will be celebrated on Monday next, July 2nd,: Thursday last was the longest day of the year in the point of daylight, Grand Bend, iGentralia tukd Ellin - elite are the attractive, points for the 2nd of July. Thesale at automobiles still keeps up -one hea'r's almost dailyof two or three new ones being sold, The °Exeter Bowling Tournainentis' t0be 1 le C on Wednesday held d s e rue di ty and Thurs- day the Sth and 9th of August. The exodus to the lake side has commenced .and many :families are. now ja summer quarters at Grand Bend and other places. Huron County W. C. T. U. Con- vention will be held in Goderich on' July 4th and 5th. 'Mrs. Gordon. Wright will 'be in attendance. Kincardine Reporter -bliss Lillian Arnold is among those. who - passed the examinations far entrance: to Fac- ulty ;field recently in Toronto. In Manitoba and Saskatchewan there were six 'degrees of frost one night last week, but it is said it was net severe enough to do - injury to the growingcraps. Recital at 'Town Hall, Exeter Thursday evening this week. All seats FREE. No parcel to France can cost more than 32 cents. The pate is 24 cents up to three pounds, and; 32 cents for. seven pounds, which" is the limit for parcels to France: All kitds of .seeding, haying and harvesting machinery, including the cerebrated Oliver Corn and Bean Cul- tivators, ao.d Bean Flarvest::ag attach- ments Full stock of Repairs new in Also a number of Al Standard Bug- gies, McLaughlin and Conbay makes ' Neat designs and at right prices: Call and sc.'u.'e one for Dominion Day.. Wm. Ward ADVERTISING RATES Display Advertising Rates - Made know oa application Stray Animals -One insertion 50c., three insertions $1.00 Fart;,.' or Real Estate' for sale 5Oc. each insertion for one month of four inseflions • 25c. for each subaegi*eint inset tion Misrellaneaus Articles of ant more than five lines, for Sale, To Rent, , r Wanted Lost, Found, etc., each i:n,- section 25c Logia! Reading Notices, etc., 1Oc, pen line per insertion: No notice 1 ess than 25c ' Card of Thanks 50c, Legg; Advertising 1Oc. and 5c, aline Auction Sales, $2 for one in,aertbtn, and $ far two insertions. Professional Cards riot exceeding 1 inch -0 per year Mr. William Dougall, of Hensall, re- cently elected D.D;G.M of the Odd fellows of this District, 'has resigned and the lodges are :considering the election of a successor. During the week the Council has bad a car of oil sprinkled on 1Vlain. Street to keep down the dust. The street was blocked to traffic for a day or two but is now open again. The Scotch Double pairs who went to. London last ,week did not bring home the prizes, but had a good time Messrs. Rivers and Clarke won. one and 'lost three :games and Mlessrs. Stewart. and Seldon won three and lost three, The .Orangemen will attend divine ,warship in body at the Trivitt Mem- orial Church on Sunday evening next at 7 o'clock, when. the rector, . Rev, A. A. Trumper will preach an appro- priate sermon, A large number is ex- pected to be in attendance. The growth of all vegetation during June has been wondierful. The pres- ent outlook is most promising. Gras's is growing so fast that almost daily cutting of the lawns is necessary, and one has to keep constantly at the weeds to keep them under at all. Miss Irene Quackenbush Was ten- dered a complimentary address in James Street Sunday School on. Sun- day afternoon; tot ,which she made a suitabie reply. [Miss Quackenbush is about to leave Exeter, andduring her residence here !she has been a faithful teacher in the School. The Trivitt Memorial Sunday School was treated to an interesting, lime of lime -light views on Sunday last, being thrown, on the canvas by the new lan- tern antern purchased for the use of the Sunday School. The `'lantern is of model n. type and twill serve a long felt want in illustrating the 7;essons. The little ones Were " delighted with it. Rev. A. DMc'i2ibbin of Woodham will occupy the pulpit of James St. Meth- odist Church next Sunday morning in the absence of Rev. Baird who con- ducts S. S. 'Anniversary services at Eiimville. The pastor wiLl conduct special patriotic services 1n the ev- ening in keeping• with the 50th a.nni• versary of Confederation. SpecialPa- triotic music by the choir, including the new National Anthem. Mr. I, Armstrong lost a fine driv- er on Friday 'last, The animal was pasturing in the orchard on the farm of Mr. ` Robt, :, IcDonald in; Usborne; with a rope and a weight on the end of it attached to its neck. In some way the horse became entangled in the rope and ,when drsco vered one of its hind, legs was broken, It was deemed advisable to shoot the beast. Same interesting inattegs were dealt with at the Synod of the Dio- cese, of Huron. held in London, last week.. The minimum stipend .of the clergymen of the diocese was fixed at 51200. This step was taken in 'ac- cordance ;,with the recommlelndatien n2 the Bishop, owing' ',to, the increased cosi of ' living. A strong resolution was passed pledging the support o:f the Synod to any measure of selective conscription the Government may consicler and it was urged that such legislation be put into effect at once. It was decided, also that within the bounds of the : Synod women shall be giver, the privilege of sitting and vot- ing as members nt the vestry an the same_ terms as the men, -that is ,on payment of thesum of at least 5 a year to the funds of the church, but without the privilege of being eligible for the office or 'church- warden. [.MISS 'KINSMAN DEAD; -After an illness of several months the death occurred on Sunday morning ofMiss Laura Ann Kinsman, ,slaughter of the late Dr, and Mrs 'Kinsman[: Deeeas- ecl had been a"resident ef. Exetf-r all her life, ;and waswell and favorably known She is survived by two bro- thers ers and two sisters, Dr. Homer Kinsman. of Sarnia, 'Dr. A. R. Idns- man. or. Exeter, Miss Hannah, and Mrs, Nicklin o1 Exeter, The funeral was oC a oiitrate nature and took place to Exeter on Tuesday attern.oan. GRAVES DECORATED. - 'Tei Odelfellows of Exeter Lodge met et the cemetery on Sunday afternoon acid conducted the beautiful clecor'a- tion service or the Order bv cr the graves, of twenty( -three ' departed brethren% Upon each grave were 'placed a potted geranium and a Un- ion Jack. The seryi.ce was conducted by 13ros, Mc1;eac1 and Heivald, with 13ro 1' Boyle ae tvarshall. During Mr. Will Antos of Stratford is borne far a few clays. .Drew ''night of Guelph is hone owing to illness Misses Ethel and Mary Day are vis- iting :rn London. Mr. Clare Wood was borne from• `Toronto this week, Mrs, Frank Boyle is visiting hi .London for a few (clays, net Russell Russell Balki�'ill of Sarnia is visiting at his ,home here. Miss' Peart attended the, wedding of her cousin in' Guelph this week, Mr, David Newell of Stratford vis- ited is- Newell, t cson,e t , e ihisT. II. 1v �� el his week, 1, 1,., Mr. and Mrs, Wm, Bowman of Lon- don visited relatives here last week. Mr. Thos, Horton of London is vis- iting fora few clays this week with friends in'town, Mrsr .George Rowclifte of London is visiting at' i Mr. W. H. Dearing's tor a few days. , 1VIr, and Mrs, Nash of Sarnia were visiting their daughter, Mee. Willis Powell this week. Mr, Jos. Peart left Tuesday for Guelph, where he will attend the marriage of his nephew. Miss Marion Blatchford, stenograph- er, has taken a position in the Tor- onto offices of the . C.N.R. Miss May Armstrong is spending a few days with her sister, ivlrs. \Ic- Creatb at Lucknaw, this week. Mr, Maurice Senior went to Toronto last week to _attend- the marriage of his brother Mr. Elmore' Senior. Mrs, James Wanless and daughters. of Duluth', are visiting Mrs. Wanless: parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Hardy. Mrs. Cluff and two children of To- ronto are - visiting `,with _Mrs. Cluff's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Passmore Mrs. and Miss-Mc'fienzie of near Keri=ood visited with, the fornier's daughter; Mrs. Cecil. McLeod, for the past week. Mr. and Mrs. I, Armstxlong and Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Armstrong visited with Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Hunt at Sea - forth on Friday. Mrs. S, Sample has returned to hes home <in St. ,Catharines, after ,a few days visit, here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs Bagshaw. Mr. S. C. Hanna and family left on Saturday last: to visit at Detroit and' Cleveland, Mr. Hanna far a week, and the family for a month. Rev Muxworthy, re,pres;enting the London Conference, attended the fu- neral of the wife of Rev. W. •J. Ford at Glencoe on Tuesday. Mr. Bagshaw, and wife of Toronto returned Wednesday of last week,. af- ter a few days' visit with the form- er's brother, 'Mr. Wm. Bagshaw. Mrs. J. C. Inwood of London and lfrs Allen Myers and daughter of Detroit spent the week end at the home of Mr. Samuel Sanders,,Main-St, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Mallard, ac- companied by' Miss May Sanders, at- tended the wedding of Mrs.' Mallard's sister, Miss `Zinn, !near Kitchener r this week. Mr, and Mrs. W, J. Merlon, of Dubuc Sask. leaye been'visiting. with Mr, and Mrs D. C. McInnis.,• Mr Merlon came down „frons the Nest to attend the Presbyterian General' Assembly -in ?'Iomtreal and to visit Mr. and Mrs. McInnis with whom he lived when a child Mr. and Mrs. John Brooks of Owas sa. [Mich„ are visiting with the forth- er s brother,'Mr. C. T. Brooks. Me, Brooks formerly resided in Exeter, having- learned the trade oaf shoemak- iaag with the late Ghas, Snell He lett Exeter about 55. years age and has' been 'a resident .of Uncle Sam's donmains since, Pte. Sank Redmond; and Pte, Rohit. Tallman motor drivers of the first` contingent now discharged. and em- ployed in the munition works in.Wal- kerville, t"isited last ,wee[, with the former's uncle, John Cornish, Elim- ville. When at the front- they were both under Sergt. Thos, Tapp of Ex- eter now of Winnipeg. Farmers Attention Take a day off in the interests of your industry-attencl . the United Farmers' Convention in. Exeter, on July 2nd . 1917 at one o'clock p.m. importance, to� the S Subjects of vital �ub] r 1 Farmer will be discussed -by the fol- lowing well-known men, who are tv,e11J qualified, -John Kennedy, Vice -Pres, of the G.G.;G'Co., :Winnipeg ;:"B. C. Tucker Pres. U•F:Co-Op, Co..; R,H. Halbert, Pres, of U.F:O, ; C. VCI.Gui- ney, ,Manager U.F. Co -Op. Co; J. J. Morrison., Seedy; E. C. Drury, W. L. Smith A Q. C. O'Brien, W , C,Good and 11 B. Cowan. No fanner should miss thi.-s meeting Ladies Invited, Auctio Sale • :OF- HAY There will be ,sold by public auc- tion on the field, Lot 11, N. B., on SATURDAY, JUNE 30, 1917. At 2 o'clock ,p, ni , 90 acres of good clean 'hay mostly second cutting. Will be sold en 5 or 10 acre blocks to suit purchasers. All hay to he cut. by July 20. Terms :-Four months' time ' given on furnishing approved joint notes, 5 per cent, per annum off for cash. Frank Taylor C. J, O'Brien,' .Mitt. Proprietor. 'Western University, London 11.1111 JONES & MAY PHONE NO. 32 special t Weather ; Values Men's Negligee Shirt Bargains at 98c. Over a -year ago ,we placed an order for a large quantity of Men's Negligee Shirts. In spite, of the fact that these have gone up over 25 per • cent. wholesale we place on sale this weel&-10 Dozen of these . shirts Sizes 14 Jto 17 'to clear at only 9oc. each, GET YOUR SUPPLY EARLY AS THIS IS A REAL BARGAIN; Men's Summer"Furnishings We. have, an immense st ock of Hot Weather'Specials for men,'in- cluding New Panama and Straw Hats Sport''Shirts, Wash Ties, Athletic and -Balbriggan Underwear, Silk an,dLisle Socks, Invisible Braces, Can vas OCRing Shoes,_Etc. MEN'S STRAW HATS 5 DOZEN SAILORS AND DIP'FRONTS TO CLEAR AT $1;00 Men, Get a New Suit for the Holiday We have an Elm -tense, stock of Men's and Boys' Suits at very moder- ate prices. Come this week and get .a new suit for Dominion` Day. $30 Ladies' Silk Suits for $20 2. Only Ladies' [Silk Taffeta Suiits-1 Black and 1 Navy -the very newest styles." Were priced at :$30.00; 'to clear at less than cost price $20.00 .each. Ladies' Collars Just arrived -another shipment in Crepes,'Voiles, Efc:' Blouses, Etc. An immense Stock of Ladies , Blouses, Middies, Hosiery, Wash' Dresses, Etc,, at practically old prices, Undierwear, JONES& MAY Headquarters for the celebrated W.E. Sanford Clothing Mrs. Thomas, who has been visit- FIRST COMPLETE SHOWING OF ing with her brother Mr. Geo..Eas- terbrooke, rettunse,d to her home .in Hamilton Friday last, accompanied by Mrs. Jas Hill of Crediton, who will. visit with relatives in that city for some time: CASTO R IA For Infants and Children in Us. For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signature of 1.444 Automobile Tires srt) We have `just [received a large ship- ment of automobile'"tirres, that were purchased' before ,the raise in price, and we have [decided to gime aur cus- tomers the benefit of our purchase, at a cash price. - 30x3%.. Casing & Itnner'. Tube $16,00 31x4. Casing rand...Inner tube .$26,50 32x4 Casing and ;Inner Tube $28,00 33x4 Casing and Inner Tube, $29.00 34x4 Casing and ,1nne,r Tube $30.00 Prices of other sizes on application. These are all No. 1 guaranteed tires by the manufacturers, which are the Domiiuion Dunlop and Maltese Cross. These. prices can only ,re maintained until ithe present stock is exhausted. Exeter Motor Sales Co The UALITY .STORE Phone 18 Try us for ail . kinds of ' CANNED GOODS:' We have Baked Beans l Spaghetti Tomato Soup Peaches Pineapple Blueberrr.ies, Also pumpkin for good old pump- kin Pies, . Three More New [Professors, Egiial Buy some to Any in, Canada. Corn Flakes Rumbles Shedded Wheat Students can now obtain as goad an Rolled Oates or Wheat Flakes _ for Breakfast. education. in Arts and Medicine at the Western People must' eat, as anywhere So buy your [neat --FROM U. the year three brothers were laid e��Q r away. ,George Blatchford, (laity Par -.A. P .D Son sons and EdtvarcL Christie. PPBSi�2nt E, �,,l alt�ly,alt0r 1 r Cow, S pring Soili111s L8�1CS 81(` Geiits The dominate note of these Spring Fashions is entirely new. Rarely be- fore e- f e have the , 'o 't of styles es or v h majority y 91 shown such ingenious design with the general .effect of simplicity. Our stock is complete. Chev- iots Showing includes beige, Vacunia, Tweeds and Worsteds, in' the fashionable spring colors, and staple shades. MEN'S SUITINGS Our Stock of Men's Suitings is the; finest shown. Also a good range of spring over coatings. We guarantee satisfaction with every garment GIVE US A CALL N. Sheere LADIES AND GENTS' 'TAILOR Stand Upstairs, Opposite the Central Hotel. Furniture and 'Undertaking R. O THE FUNERAL DIRECTQR • AND FURNITURE DEALER Tea & Coffee, Store For the choicest groceries, fruits,spices, ices, g � p teas, coffee and every- thing in the grocery line. Call and see us, A trial as to quality will convin- ce. Produce taken in exchange Jas. Gould Next The Metropolitan Hotel Exeter bargain Store fleet -Foot shoes for Everyone White Siioes and Pumps, . Shoe Polish Clearing Lines of Shoes at $1,50 and `x2,00 per pair. 5 Dozen Towels at 4 for 25c. 3 1)o e.n Towels ,at 2 for 25c, Children's Black .Ribbed Cotton [lose at 15c, a •pair; Boys' Flann,eilette Shirts, sizes; 12„ to 14, at 45c, each, Men's Overalls -Bob Long Brand 1Men's Balbriggan Underwear - 50&, a garment. 'Combinations'' , 1,00 a;garmehl B. B. W. F. Bleav rs