HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1917-6-28, Page 7When You Eat Bread you are entitled to every- thing in the whole wheat grain. , Dr, ;: Wiley says: "Wheat is complete food containing all the elements necessary for human nutri- tion." But be sure you get. the whole wheat in .a digesti- ble form. Shredded Wheat Biscuit is whole wheat :made digestible by steam -cooking, shredding and baking -the /best process ever devised for preparing the whole wheat grain for the human stomach. Two or three of these crisp little loaves of baked whole wheat with milk and berries, make a delicious nourishing meal,. Made in Canada. OUR NEW ALLY, BRAZIL. Seine Facts About the South -American Republic. The federal republic of Brazil is the largest state in South America, and is greater in area than European Russia; Austria-Hungary, ,Germany, France, Norway and Sweden, Den- mark, Italy and Greece put together. The population of Brazil is esti- mated at about 16,000,000, including 1,500,000 Italians, 1,000,000 Portu- guese and 250,000 Germans. 'Brazil was formerly an empire, but at the revolution of 1889 the empire became a republic and Dom Pedro II., the then emperor, was exiled. - The national congress,. the legisla- tive authority of Brazil, consists of a chamber of deputies and a senate, which meets annually, but no laws can be passed without the president's sanction. The army of Brazil consists of 40,- 000 men, besides 20,000 gendarmerie. Brazil is the naval power of South America, and its navy consists . of three dreadnoughts, two old battle- ships, five protected cruisers and other smaller craft, including eleven torpedo boat destroyers and four sub- marines. Rio de Janeiro, the capital, with a _, population of over 1,000,000 inhabit- ants, is the largest city in South America; it stands on the west side of the bay, of,.. Rio de Janeiro, the most magnificent natural harbor in the world. About three .miles -southwest of the city stands the precipitous cone of Corcovado, nearly 3,000 feet high, up which a cog railway carries 100,000 visitors every year to enjoy what is considered the most magnificent view in the world. It is commonly said that the Ama- zon, the largest river in Brazil, to its, remotest source is nearly 4,000 miles long, but this fact has been frequent- " 1 contradicted. con rad t cted. Brazil is immensely rich, and the minerals are very considerable and valuable, comprising gold, silver, iron, diamonds, topazes and other precious stones. Cattle raising is the most import- ant industry in Brazil, the number be- ing computed at 20,000,000. The chief products of the country are coffee, rubber and sugar cane. There are 15,445 miles of ` railroad open in Brazil and 1,683 miles under construction. The official language of Brazil is Portuguese. • Scientific experimentation in France has ,demonstrated that a flour from which bread can be made can be ex- tracted' from the sugar beet. PARENTS who loveto gratify' children's desire for the same articles of food and drink t t grown.upa use find INSTANT POSTUIVI just the thing. "There's a Reason" Ifl1 11 1tJ.'M ilia, JUST EIGHT. I'm just turned eight- years old to -day. That's getting pretty old, but "say I witht it didn't take so long To grow up really big and strong, Like Dad. For Dad, he's awful tall, And nothin' can't scare him at all; That's why he's went away to war. 1 don't know what this fightin's for, That is, not altogether quite. But I know this, that when't comes night I wish I hacl my Dad. At tea It's awful lonesome, just us three. 'N then when Sis bedtime comes There ain't ho Dad to do my sums. But ma, she says that's for the rig/.it That dacldy'r, went away to fight, 'N then she looks all light an' glad A'thinkin' of how brave is Dad 'N then she Balls me sonny -man 'N pats my head and says I cal, Grow big an' brae* like ' him, an' strong By dein' nothin' mean or wrong, 'N then she kisses me an' cries 'N turns away to hide her eyes. Say, don't I wislit I was all grown; I'd take my gun, an' all alone I'cl nalce them wicked Germans run 'N wisht they'd never seen my gun; I'd wipe 'em all clean off the map, 'N bring my great, big Daddy back. But then I'm only eight, you see, 'N have to grow lots 'fore I'll be As big as Dad. But yet you know What Ma says must be right, and so I'll help to grow a big, brave man By bein' the goodest boy I -can. , —Maude Broomhali. LINGERING WEAKNESS FOLLOWINGDISEASE U Banished by the Wonderful Tonic Powers of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. How often.- victims of disease such' as la grippe, fevers, or contagious troubles are left weak, ailing and des- pondent after the disease itself has disappeared. They do not pick up strength as they ought; remain list- less tired and discouraged. The rea- son for this is that the blood has been impoverished by the ravage of the disease through which the victim has passed. Strength will not re- turn until the blood has been enrich- ed. The blood can be purified and enriched by no other medicine as quickly and as surely as by Dr. Wil- Iiams Pink Pills -to enrich the blood and strengthen the nerves is the whole mission of these pills.. Thou- sands have found them beneficial in bringing strength and energy after disease had left them weak and run down. Miss Hannah Hamilton, Ev- erett, Ont., says:—"After an attack of la grippe I was so run down and anaemic that I could scarcely ' walk. I had no color, no appetite, and con- stant headaches . The- medicine I was taking was doing me no good and I had almost lost hope of getting bet-- ter. et=ter. I was asked to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and it was not long until I could feel that they were helping me, and after taking them for a couple of months I was completely cured. I now never fail to recommend these pills to anyone needing a blood build- er." '" You can get these pills through any dealer in medicine or by mail postpaid at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medi- cine Co., Brockville, Ont. A MATTER OF CLIMATE. Effect of the Atmosphere on Human Speech. What makes the German and Rus- sian languages so harsh and guttural, so unpleasant to the ear, and the lang- uages of Italy, prance and Spain so fluent, mellifluous and charming? The .former are rasping and sharp, the latter liquid and soothing. Science explains this, ae-it does most of the commonplace phenomena, by simple, natural means. • It is all a matter of climate. For countless generations the people of the cold countries to the north went about bundled up, protecting themselves from the biting cold weather. They spoke little and when they did they spoke as briefly as possible with clos- ed mouths, not opening their lips any wider than necessary to: form the words. This restricted their language, mak- ing it naking"it harsh and guttural. The words were formed in the back of the mouth. In the south lands, where nature was more kindly, the weather never hampered people, so. There the full- ness of nature inspired them to open- ness of expression; the tropical clim- ate made them emotional, . romantic; sensuous. They had more freedom. - Poetry .crept into their speech, for Poetry was in the blue Mediterranean, the blue sky, the highly colored fields, Warmth made them comfortable and increased their passions. Their langu- age was rapid, swelling and volum- inous, explosive. They formed their words in liquid syllables, for those come easiest and axe formed with wide open mouths. Yes, Stili! "It's this way in the black -land belt now," said the New York Evening Post's :friend from Texas: "Cotton's so high that a farmer comes into Dallas,' eats a -square meal at one of the best hotels, puts down a cotton seed, and gets'fifteen cents change. Yes, suh!" Steamed blown bread with raisins in it is delicious. Ii.F.G1' NitAriTLp, WA N! TED --PLANER, S 1 A1'17B,,. v t Lathe and , General l`laelLinists .also I),.Lt(era 1iakcre. Day and night,,. App11' Browv11 .10QE,ss CO, Liniltocl, kl,aanul- ton. WANTLi--MARBLl ANDORAN- ite Letterer, Apply Geo. M. Paul, Sarnia, Out. I7EwsPAPE'_R5 rOn, BALE PROFIT-MAKING NEWS AND JOB Offices for, sale in good Ontario towns. The most useful and interesting. of all businesses. Pull information on application to Wilson Publishing COM - patty, 73 Adelaide St;,, Toronto, ri I1SCEzi,Alir Eot1S V ANCL`II?, ' TUMORS, LUMPS, ETC.,. 4.J internal and external, cured With- out pain by our home treatment. Write us before too late, Dr. 13e11ruan MedlQ01 Co., Limited, Collingswood, Ont. ON -.THE I3IZIN t. Low An Aviator Narrowly Missed Death Near Antwerp. What thrills can be keener than the thrills of an aviator? Supreme suc- cesses, the narrowest of narrow es- capes, disappointments and tragedies, follow one another swiftly in the lives of the winged soldiers who are fight- ing in Europe. What were the thoughts of Lieut. Robinson when he brought down the Zeppelin over Lon don, and what was in his mind when recently the hostile guns brought him, down in France? Perhaps it is be- yond the power of words to express them. In Tales of the Flying Services, Mr. C. G. Grey tells of a great disappoint- ment and an extremely narrow es- cape that fell to the lot of a young aviator at about the time Antwerp fell. Late one afternoon this officer was out on duty, when far away to the eas he spied a long, pale shape shining i the sun. It was obviously mile away. He had already been in th air for some time, but he knew jus how much gasoline he had in his to when he started and how long he cotild fly before he would have to come down. He •decided to chase the thing for half an hour; that would leave him. a shade over half an hour's fuel with which to get home. Off he went. As he got closer it became clear that the object was on the ground, and dis- tinctly yellow in color, which proved that it wash not a Zeppelin, for all Zep- pelins are.gray. The sizeshowed • New Design f2r Bat/1111g Suit p Mogan Since slip-on dresses -are popular, slip-on bathing suits have also appear- ed, The model shown here is develop- ed in black satin with a deep band or t striped satin about the lower, part. n Notice ,,the smart way the band is 5 ,stitched; leaving the upper edges free e at the sides in pocket effect. McCall t Pattern No. 7780, Misses' Bathing nk Suit, to be slipped on over the head or opening on shoulder, in 4 sizes; 14 to 20 years, Price, 20 cents. These patterns may be obtained from your local McCall dealer, or from the McCall Co., 70 Bond St., Toronto, Dept. W. that it was not a Parseval; and so h began to think that he had discovered something rea:.ly new. Still won- dering, he came down lower. Then, suddenly, he saw how he had been sold. His colossal airship was a long, thin strip of overripe grain along the' side of a hill that had been lighted up by the rays -of the setting sun. Sadly and swiftly he made his way toward home, wondering whether he could reach it, for in his enthusiasm he had overstayed his allotted time At the height at which he was flying he was well in the sun, but underneath it was dusk. He could just see the course of canals and rivers gleamin out, of the darkness. In that part of Belgium there is almost always flat ground on each side of the canals, and he made up his mind to land parallel to a watercourse of some kind. By this time he calculated that he must be over territory held by Bel- gians or by British, and not by Ger- mans.' So he edged gently downward, and when he thought his gasoline must be nearly all gone, ' he made for a gleam of water, Very gently he let his machine down until the water alongside which he was flying appeared nearly on his own level. Tien he switched off his en- gine and glided slowly along, anxious- ly -feeling for the ground he could not see. The wheels touched, then the tail skid felt the ground, and without a jar the machine came to rest. The pilot heaved a sigh of relief and climb- ed out. Once on the ground he was able to see nearby objects fairly well, but, as he walked round to the front of the machine, the. ground before him sud- denly vanished. Cautiously he ap- proached the limit of visible grass and discovered to`":his honor that the nza chine had pulled up on the very edge of a deep, disused gravel ,pit. Two yards more and the wheels would have run over the edge, the tail would have lifted, and the. machiny would have plunged forty or fifty feet into a stagnant pool, where he would cer- tainly 'have been drowned if he had not been killed by the fall. Wanted Definite Instructions. Officer: "Now, Private Jenkins, I am going to give you a very responsible job. Under our advanced trench is a large mine. I want you to stay there, and when the mine goes up I want you to blow this whistle. Now, do you clearly understand? Private Jenkins: "Well, there's one thing I'm not certain' of, sir. When do I blow the whistle -going up or. coming down?" Ask for Minard's and, take no other. Handy Tray For I3erry Pickers. Rapid picking, of berries or other fruit is made possible by, using a re- 'nentiy'patented$tray which is held in {front of the wearer by straps extend - 'ling around the waist and' over the shoulders. It is curved to conform to the shape of the body and has raised edges that prevent the baskets set on it from sliding off. The device permits the use of both hands, and its capacity is such that time is not lost in frequently stopping work to renew one's supply of empty containers. Lemon will keep fresh if stowed in dry sand separately. Number all boxes, bundles and bags with large figures, cut from a calen- dar, that can he easily seen from a high shelf, and keep enlist of all pos- sessions therein ,contained in a small blank -book, so that at a moment's notice one can locate every article'one possesses. This may look arduous takes the start but it ak es onlY little o t and saveshours time, 190 1 if not days of wearisome hunting, ED. 7. I was cured of Bronchitis and Asthma by MINARD'S LINIMENT. MRS. A. LIVINGSTONE. Lot 5, P. E. I. I was cured of a severe attack of Rhuematism by .MINARD'S LINI- MENT. Mahone Bay. JOHN MADER. 1 was cured of a severely sprained leg by MINARD'S LINIMENT. JOSHUA A. WYNACHT, Bridgewater. Wireless in Warfare. Guglielmo Marconi, senator in the Italian Parliament, captain in the Italian navy, and inventor of the wire- less, when asked recently what he thought the greatest single accom- plishment of the wireless had been in the present war, answered: Its use by aeroplanes. The wireless has revo- lutionized artillery action. Hereto- fore the gunner did not know whether his shot landed accurately or not.. Guns are frequently placed in such a way that the hills intervening cut, off direct observation. But 'nowadays a big gun might be located on low ground and,:actuaily shoot over an ele- vation to 'how ground on the other side and be sure of its aim and range. For the wireless constitutes the eyes of the gun, Aviators remain in the air above the position that is attacked. They watch each shot. As it falls they reportback by wireless whether it, is too far or too short. In less' after r :. , e the than a minute shell has burstthe commanding officer of the artillery battery at the point of origin has a report of the shot fired by each of his guns. A Sad Awakening. The foreman of a construction gang was walking along his section of the railway one ;day when he came upon a laborer fait asleep in the shade of a fcnee, Eying the man with a stern smile, he said: `"Slape on, ye idle spalpeen, slape on, So long as ye slape ye've got a job,i but when ye wake ,up ye'ieout of wur'l!,, A new .French clock is so arranged that it will indicate the time on either a twelve hour or a twenty-four•ha:tzr dial. ISSUE laniard'e Lini1aent'Luiiiheri i,1'o r'riend• DOING "OUR BIT." "Now to those who search the deep--- Gleam eeiz-Gleam of hope and kindly light, Once, before you turn to sleep, 13"eathe a message: through the night. Never doubt that they'll receive it,. Send it, once, and you'll believe it. "Think you these aerial Wires' Whisper more than spirits may ? Think you that our strong desires Touch no distance when we pray ? Think you that no wings are flying Twixt the living and the dying?" tAlfred Noyes. Gll ai001] OO STIPATION' Constipation in children can be promptly cured by Baby's Own Tab- lets. They area gentle but effective laxative which, 'thoroughly regulate the bowels and sweeten the stomach and thus drive out all childhood ail- ments. Concerning them Mrs. 1I, B. Tauffenbach, Richer, Man., writes: "I have used Baby's Own Tablets and have found them an excellent medi- cine for constipation." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 Cents a boa: from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Conserving His Energy, Clarence announced his approach by a rising succession of howls"Oh, my finger! my finger!" he cried., "Poor little finger!" his mother coo- ed. "How `did'you hurt it?" "With the hammier." "When?„ "A long time ago," Clarence sobbed. "But I didn't :'hear you cry." "I didn't cry` then; I thought you were out," said Clarence. ,Vilhen Your Eyes Need Care Use Murine Ere Medi eine. NoSin arting•-Feels Fine -Acts Quickly. Try it for Red, weak, Sore Eyes and Granulated. Eyelids, Marine is compounded by our Oculists -not a "Patent' Medicine', -but used. in successfulPhyslclans' Practice for many years. Now dedicated to the Public and sold by Druggists at 50c per Bottle. Murine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tabes 25e and 50c. Write for book of the Eye Frei_. Murine Eye Remedy Company, Ohicn o. Adv. Don'ts and Be's. Don't shirk; don't worry; don't ex- plain; don't knock; don't kick; don't quit;don't loaf; don't lag. Be prompt, alert, quiet, determin- ed, steady, helpful, unselfish, consid- erate, gracious, observant brave, clean. Minard'n Liniment used by Physicians. Insufficiently Protected. Mary had been greatly interested in watching the men in her grand- father's orchard putting bands round the fruit trees to entrap the' climbing caterpillars, and she had -asked- aI great many questions. Some weeks later, when she was in the city with her mother, she noticed a man who wore a mourning band round his sleeve. "Mamma," she asked, "what's to keep' them from crawling up his other arm ?,r MONEY ORDERS. IT is always safe to send a Dominion Express Money Order. Five dollars costs three cents. Our Natural Resources. One of the -great movements of the present time is the movement for con- servation of our natural resources. We have gone on as if the world were coming to an end when we were dead. Now we are getting a better perspec- tive. The conservation movement, as was natural, was at first most con- spicuously .identified with the conser- vation of otir forests and our water power, but it must extend beyond the forests and water power. It must more immediately concern itself with the conservation of the soil, for even our brief history tells •us that fertile fields may become abandoned farms through other causes than lack of rainf all. You will find rellai in Zam-balk l . it Bans the ilif,'llafg, stinging pain, stops bleeding and brings Eno. Perseverance, with Zant— Buk, meads cure. Why not prove this 7 Aid DrupgisI and Stores.-'- 'A'SE P "solLEn qompouto Poi,AliBoilor Peed d W ator a Cyclone Shaking and }lumping Grate Ears for all ree,ttireinente Canadian Steam hailer Equipment 4o., Limited Tel. Gerrard 3560 20 S McGee St. Toronto The Soul of a Piano is the Action+is . Insistpon the "O A if 9IGELv PIANO ACTION noon.' oil DOG DISEASES And How to Feed. hlhtle,l free to fray adifrc e by Anilrisa's the Author Moser I -l. CLAY CLOVER CO., Inc. Dag :Ramsillos 11$ West ;'31st Street, New Y orlc Making Butter. "Grocery' butter is so unsatisfactory,, dear," said Mrs. Youngbride, "I decid- ed to -day that we would make our own." "Oh, did you?" said her husband. "Yes; I bought a churn, and I order- ed buttermilk to ' be left regularly. Won't it be just lovely to have really fresh butter'?" Seep minprd's Liniment in the Hours Gwenda: "Is there anything as bad as being all dressed up and, nowhere to go?" Brenda: "Yes. Getting ready for company, and having no- body call. .FiU'LOz5o33LL$5 run SALM UDHOPE, 5 -PASSENGER, 4-OYLIN- der Touring- Car, in_.good running order. This car has been painted and varnished this Season. Price $300. HUDSON, 1910 MODEL, 6 CYL•IN- der, 7 Passenger Touring Car. Elec- tric lights and starter. Recently over- hauled and newly painted. Tires in good shape, Price $1,300, �� UDSON, 1915 MODEL; 6 CYLIN- der. 7 Passenger Touring Car, with electric lights and starter. Thoroughly overhauled in our shop and newly paint- ed. Seat covers on all seats and doors. Oversize tires. Price $1,200.- TLUDSON, MODEL 37, 6 PASSENGER,. B 4 cylinder Touring Car. Electric lights and starter, in good running order and newly painted. Looks like a new car. Price $650. FAIC--E SEDAN. -A VERY PINE looking closed car seating five. lectric lights and starter, also ,inside dome light. Nearly .all the windows open, which . gives ample ventilation for summer driving. Price $700. ,(`1H AL MER S, 7 -PASSENGER, " 4, ALJ Cylinder Touring Car. Electric starter, tires practically new, demount- able rims, one spare tire, Price ,$300. t UDSON 1913 MODEL "54." A HIGH All. powered, six cylinder, 5 passenger ..; Touring Car, Iii good running order and looks like new. Price $750. TUDEI3ACKER, SEVEN PASSEN- K7 ger, 4 cylinder Touring Car, in good running order. Tiros in good shape. This car was painted this year and looks very nine. Price 8350. p}J.lCKSON, 5 PASSENGER, 4 CYLIN der -Touring Car, Has electric lights. aatndthe starterprice,, good tires, and Is a bargain We only sell used ears after•the pur- ohas'er has had a demonstration and satisfied himself of the running quali- ties of the oar he is buying. Call at our showroom next time you are in Toronto and let our salesmen show you any of our used cars and give you a demonsttera-a tion. TYLE DOMflTXON AUTOMOBILg1 CO. Idsni 146-150 Bay Street. Toronto. Ont. 0-0-0-0-0-0---0---0--0--0-0-0-0 LIFT YOUR CORNS OFF WITH FINGERS How to lossen a tender corn 7 or callus so it Iifts out withoutP ain 0-o-0-0-o-o—o-o-0-o-0-0-o Let folks step on your feet here- after; wear shoes a size smaller if you like, for corns will never again send electric sparks of pain through you, according to this Cincinnati authority. He says that a few drops of a drug called freezone, applied directly upon a • tender, aching corn, instantly re- lieves soreness, and soon the entire corn, root and all, lifts right out. This drug dries at once and simply shrivels up the. corn or callus without even irritating the surrounding tissue. A small bottle of freezone obtained at any drug store will cost very little but will positively remove' every hard or soft corn or callus from one's foot. If your druggist hasn't stocked this new drug yet, tell him to get a small bottle of freezone for you from his wholesale drug house. PAINS SHARP STAN Womari Thought She Would Die, Cured by Lydia. E. Pinkharr's Vegetable Compound. Ogdensburg, Wis,—"I suffered from remale troubles which caused piercing pains like a kni through my back andside. P .d.,. I finally lost all my strength so '< had to go to bed. The doctor advised an oper- ation but I would not listen to it. 1 thought of what d had read aboutLydia_ E, Pinl:ham's Vege- table Compound and tried it. The first bottle brought great 'elief and six bottles have entirely cared me. Al! women Who have female trouble of any kind should try Lydia E. Pinkhani's Vegetable Compound." Mrs. ETTA Donioly Ogdensburg, Wis. Physicians undoubtedly did their hest, battled with this case steadily and could do no more, but often the most scientific treatment is surpassed by the medicinal properties of the good old fashioned.. roots and herbs contained in Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. If any complication exists it nays to write the Lydia E. Pinkham Medie1tle Co., Lynn, Mass, , for special free Advac9. t1.1 11WW 111, ,. ,•9' 1 r3Ji ti . .. 1 1 q 1 1 �1 1 1 1 4 1 a 1 4 3 1 1 1 1