HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1917-6-28, Page 4Ctuldre
Cry f r I tcher'
The Kind You ta#eve Always Bought, and 'cvhiehhes been
in use for ever 30 yeaes, has borno the signature eie
and has been n:;z ie lander his pers.
soul supervision "since its infancy.
„ �✓24 Allony 110 one to. deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits,Imitatton and. "�lxt;,t-as-good" are but
Experiments that trifles with and'cudanger the health et
Infants and Children -Experience against Experiment.
What is CASTOR1A
7aastoria is a. harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
parte,. Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. it
,eoutaai s neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its age, is its guarantee. it destroys Worms
and allays Feverishness. Fer more than 'thirty years it
has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation,
Flatulency,; Wind Colic, al -i Teething Troubles and
Diarrhoea. It Aegauiates the Stomach and Dowels,
assimilates the Food, relying healthy and natural sleep..
The Children's Panacea -The iilother's 'Friend.
in Use For Over 30 Years
The Kind You Have Always Bought
etseteerg,� Murdock ' is a painstaking and oblig-
b130—CtE#.ee ing servant an His Majesty's service
and we Nope to retain her on the
Sandesa SI Creech, Proprietors route for some -time.
i �►
Subaeription Prtc, advance vance 5 .25 �
„per year in Canada; $1.75 len the
e;iftsiped States. Ail subbeiiptio'ns not
paid in adveiyee 54 cents extra will
:be (*barged
THURSDAY JUNE 28th, 1917
-Death of Mrs. Bloomfield. -A start-
"'1ingl�r sudden death occurred here
ti'early Tuesday morning last, when
Mrs Marshall Bloomfield passed a-
--way at the age of. 65 years. Mrs.
Bloomfieldrs relatives +here at Exetsi
anti whea the !heavy storm commenc-
ed she went to the home of Mrs Luk-
er. They were in led together.
-when a very vivid flash a lightning Place at St. JamesCexn tens The
name and Mrs. Luker noticed that', deceased was horn and spent the
. Mrs Bloomfield gasPed and then was greater 'pat of his life a few miles
;Quiet Her heart ceased to beat just from .here; He was ,sn his 60th year.
•.as the room was illuminated. Medical
attendance was summoned, and death
was pronounced due to heart failure
-superinduced by shock. Mrs. Bloom-
field has been a resident of Cen-
tralia for many years and leaves to
mourn her loss her husband and three.
sons -Howard at home and William
and Fred. at Exeter.
Mr. Finlay preached in Granton
Tresby terian Church, exchanging with
Mr. Alps who took the anniversary* GR:ND -BOND
:services in. Whalen on Sunday,
On Saturday last a cleaciag-up and
beautifying bee was ,held at the Fa.r-
fieicl cemetery, with the reeelt the:
the appearance is mach imp >ved.
Oring to the S. S. Antes e.sars-, at
Whalen church service in the 'morn-
ing here was dispensed with. Four
young men "front Mr. Stanley's Sibie
Class in Luean took the evening ser-
112r, Hector Mitchell while driving
his car out to Centralia Sunday e:=en,
ing 'ead the misfortune to slide off the
goad into a deep ditch, owing to the
meeting of another cur on a narrow
part of the road. However no dam-
age was done to the people in the car KIRKTON
ar to the car, and several coming
to their assistance the ear was got Mr. J Sutherland is visiting friends
onto the road again. az Port Elgin. -Friends of Mrs. Chas.
Mrs. W. R. Elliott and :Miss Mabel eetkiason regret to hear of her serious
:have returned from Toronto. We are illness,. -maids Heary, teacher, who
pleased to learn Mrs. Elliott is very bas held the position. in Woodham
touch improved in health. for four years, has resigned and will
Every effort is being put forth to take a position nearer her home in
snake the first of July celebrationheld Stratford. -We are pleased to know
Isere yearly a genuine success, Come that :errs. R. Hoskin, who underwent
sad see. an operation in Lando_ es join nice -
The funeral. of the late Mrs. Flan-
ery Cunningharn took place on Tues-
dee- to St. jamas' Cemetery., The de-
eeaeed .has resided in this vicinity the
greater part of her life and was well
known to all. She had been in poor.
health for over a year, hence her
death was not in the least unexpect-
ed. She was in. her 56 th year and
is survived by one daughter, Mrs,
Elmer Hendrie, and tone son,' Mr.
Moore Cunningham, ;besides her hus-
band, all of whom reside .here, -Miss
Edith Lewis has returned bonze, after
spending ;a few weeks ,with relatives'
in Toronto sand... Hamilton$ -The re-
mains of the late George Sutton ar-
rived here on Tuesday morning
from. Lucknow, ;acrd interment took
FOR, SALE -100 ,bushels of :NO, 1
teed Corn cheap for immediate sale.
• C, .'TIGER, General Merchant
forget the Strawberry Festival to be
held on the. Methodist Church Lawn
an Tune 213t1.
airs, Jas, i-liil ,left last week to visit.
iti•ith relatives in Hamilton for some
The heavy 'storm ,which, passed ov-
er here on Tuesday did ‘'ery little
,damage' other ,than flooding the
Fields and +garde,ns,., There ,is great
growtheverywhere and prospects are
bright for a bumper prop,
A (gospel Waggon struck town on
Tuesday ;night, The speaker's ad-
dressed Quite n number on the street
for some time;
Gerald Zwieker -entertained his lit-
tle friends to a birthday* party ,on
Monday afternoon, All had an enjoy-
able time and believe Gerald is a fine`
School closesthis week for the
summer holidays. We understand the
staff has resigned.
Mr, and Mrs. Freeman Mo:rlock are
now comfortably aettled \ in -their
home in town, We ..welcome them to
our midst, On Monday evening 'hey
were serenaded by the Band or which
Mr, Morlock' is a valued member and
on Tuesday evening some of ,;he
young came with bells' and gongs to
wish: them many happy days..
Our Band will play at Grand Bend,
next Monday and at the, Methodist
Church garden party in this village
oa Thursday of this week,
J. S. Motz bought a Ford last week.
Miss L.Fan Gaiser o -f Buffalo is
borne for e -'few ;weeks holidays.
Last' Sunday evening the Annual
zt d et's Day Festival was ' held in
t h c Evangelical Church. The altar 1,
was beautifully decorated with ferns
and flowers. The program was one
of the best ever given .n the church.
The tittle folks dlid their' part real
weii. In respoiase to the appeal for
$125 for miss:ons, .s,1149 was laid on
the collection plate.
A meeting of the Directors of the
Hay Tp. Ins. lOo., was held in the
town last Saturday.. To meet the
losses incurred of late, an assessment`
will be levied on the policy holders
some time this ?sumnlea;
Mr. and Mts. Darn: Sweitzer and
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Lewis of Al-
gonquin Park and tidrs. Harry Rap-
fey and daughter, Norma, of Marietta,
Ohio, are visiting friends in town.
-Wesley Hennessy of Toronto is vis-
ing with his- parents here --An
electrical storm, accompanied by hail
the size of fifty -cent pieces, visited
this section on. Tuesday afternoon and
air immense quantity of rain fell in a
very short time. With the exception
of a few Danes of glass being broken
no detnage was done.
Wedding bells rang merrily at the
home of Mr. John Luther, near Brew-
ster, an Wednesday, when Rev. 5.
Carriere of Grand Bend performed
the ceremony which united their,•
daughter Vera, in marriage to Mr.
Charles Genttaer of Dashwood. Miss
Blanche Bloomfield supported the
bride. while Mr. Herb Rinker per-
Formed similar duties for the groom.'.
Mrs. Gordon Turnbull played and Miss
Venetta Rav-eile sang during the cer-
emony. The gifts to the bride and
groom were numerous and costly.
taoupe, who has been work-
LUMLEY 1 - ia} for the Telephoae Colneany, ou't
Melvin Teacmair and bride have re- t an Thursday. He has serious Ino-
turned from their honeymoon and :ions of enlisting, -We are pleased to
are getting sett„;teds-Jas. Horton has say that Mt, Dave Foster, who is
a small raising on. Friday for a drve suffering' from stomach trouble and
shed he will build, -Wm, Stewart of obliged to keep his bed, is improv-
Toronto, and P. Stewart,. Farquhar ing but` very slowly. -Mr. john lean -
were callers on friends Monday. -;,liar } as recently delivered :to an-Ameri-
Bessie Ryckman has returned from.
eche hospital, London, much improved
in health we are pleased to relate, -
George liobkirk has purchased ahcnt
in Hensall and move in the fall. -Mrs,
Goodfellow and little son of Toronto
visited relatives here duriag the (reek. --0----
o=-Mrs Smale of Saskatchewan is the Mr. Orval McPherson of Mich. has
3guest .of her son George and family: bee:ri visiting relatives 'here, -Re;,.. R.
-Our new lady mail 'courier, Maass" L. and Mrs. Wilson of Lambeth paid
bu_ burg a flying G sit last week. -
Mrs. Edwards hada successful quilt-
i•�a; baa'last 1?r'day -Miss Zillah Eng -
IW% lisp and larea McLsichey were in Lon
1 don servicesin. the
an last
Then you realize the utter weakness churches next Sabbath will be of a
r that robs atnbition, destroys appetite, patriotic nature in honor of Canada's
and makes work a: burden. I Golden :i Jubilee. -Miss Edna Belt of
Torestorethatstrengthaiidstamnathat Detroit it dsitng her, brother and
is so essential, nothing bias ever equaled other friends here, -Mrs, A. Matth-
, or compared with Scott's Bmulsion, be- e"Tt of L7ettfie'•d visaed her sister,
. cause its strength -sustaining nourish- Mrs W. T. Lslens recently -Miss Eth-
anent invigorates- the blood to distribute el Oliver ,s spending. a .ten- days with
energy throughout the body while its tonic Pars• Major Baker at Shipka,-Harold
value sharpens the appetite and restores and Roy 'Thompson of Bluevale spent
health in a natural, permanent way. a the week -end with friends hers 1Ir.
If yon are run down, tired, nervous, end Mrs W. J. Brown and family
or lack
t Clinton
Saturday. -Miss Mae
r�mn1svon t0�daY.At_ony'drug 9taIe. Wilson vasin Granton and Thorn -
Scott & Dowse, 7oronta, Oat, r
,'rot a lr~ ty days,
can buyer, two thoroughbred Durham
heifers for which he received $500.
It pays to raise the gond ones.
Mr. Chester Geiser of Simcoe is vis-
iting relatives here.
Mr. ' J Kellerman made a business
trip to Toronto last week'.
Mrs. R. A. 'Goetz ` is visiting with
relatives in 'Sarnia,
Several from here attended Chil-
dren's Day services at Crediton. Sun-
day evening.
MMi..s &Laird spent thewe(ekeetiefae
Mr. and Mrs. I. 'TC Merman and tam -
visited in Parkhill Sunday.
Mfrs `Viii.. Morenz has returned af-
ter a week's visit with friends in
Woodham and tExeter.
Mfrs. G. W. Shore and children'iof
Woodbridge are visiting the former'e
mother, Mrs. M. Miller of town.
Children's' Day services will beheld
in the Evangelical Church on Sunday
evening, July elth.
Mita I. Schrader of Shipka spent
.!;v days with friends here this
.Miss Elsie Burns of Port Huron. is
:dine her vacation with her grand
Eno .:er. airs. \Vitze'.
i1lr,v-Wilfred, Hail of Otillia is home
far the summer holidays, -Miss Vena
Atkinson leaves 1• richdy to visit at her
home in Land's, }Sack.. Mrs, C, E.
11askett and 'sonn are visiting the forth -
Qt's parents at Blenbp,inr.-Firs. Cecil
Langforti and daughter, ,who have
been sojourning for several lnon-
ths in •'Kansas, )have returned to
town• -During , the ,baseball game at
Ailsa Craig, last ",week Fred Langford
had the nii.s.fortune' to sprain one of
his ankles. -Mrs. Waif red Groom and
daughters left last •week to reside at
Preston, where 1Grooni has ac-
cepted a positron. -Mr. Tom • McFalls
of Alvinston spent e few days in town
last week. -Silty -five pupils Wrote on
the Entrahce iexams. last week at the
High School.-MMrs.. L. McComb
and daughter, Helen left Saturday to
spend three yveeks with the former's
sister, Mrs, Bert Jiltehnedy of Agin-
court. -Mr. Wm. Walker, formerly' of
this place, who for 35 years has been,
in the ,vest, called an friends in town
last meek. -In. the lelevem;-innings ball
game at Craig the Irish• Nine was de-
feated 4-3.
Death of ,fames Monteith -There
passed away at his home, Thames
Road James Monteith, at the age of
76 years. Deceased bad been in very
poor health since last winter, suffer-
ing troll) k'dney trouble, but he was
able to be up and around around un-
til Thursday last when he was com-
pelled to take his bed and `sinking
rapidly he, passed away o?a Saturday
last. Born in Lanark deceased mov-
ed here with his parents when quite
young and he has continuously res:d-
ed here ever since, Mr. Monteith was
a mart of sterling character and integ-
rity and by his many goad qualities
of both heart and head he was es-
teemed and respected by all who
knew him. Besides has sorrowing wife.
be is survived by three brothers-
George of the Thames Road, Robert
of 'Killarney, Man., and Vvillian of
Winnipeg.' The funeral took place to
the Exeter cemetery on Tuesday.
Do not forget that our fine picnic.
takes place on Friday ,next, June 30,
-Mrs Slavin and' Miss Ida are on
a visit with 'Kincardine relatives„, -The
Tobacco Club are this Thursday Send-
inn loxes to the boys at the .rant.
Why "Anuric " Is an
Against Sudden Death.
Before an Insurance Company will
take a risk on your life the examining.
physician will test the urine and report
whether you; are a good risk. When
your kidneys get sluggish and clog,.
you suffer from backache, sick -head-
ache, dizzyspells, or the twinges and.
pains of lumbago, rheumatism and
gout. The urine is often cloudy, full
of sediment; channels often get sore
and sleep is disturbed two or three
times a night. This is ,the time you
should consult some physician of wide
experience -such as Dr. Pierce of the
Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute,
Buffalo, N. Y. Send him 10 cents for
sample package of his new discovery,
nAnuric." Write him your symptoms
and send a sample of urine for test.
Experience has taught Dr. Pierce that
"Anuric" is the most powerful agent
in dissolving uric acid, .as hot water
melts sugar; besides being absolutely
harmless it is endowed with other
properties, for it preserves the kidneys
in {a healthy condition by thoroughly
cleansing them. Being so many times
more active than lithia, it clears the-
heart valves of any sandy substances
which may clog them and checks the
degenerationof the :blood -vessels, as
well as regulating blood pressure.
"Anuric" is -a regular insurance and
life-saver for all big meat eaters and those
who deposit lime -salts in their joints.
Ask the draggist for "Anuric" put up
by Dr. Pierce, in 50 -cent packages.
Come with Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical
Discovery. This is a blood' cleanser and
alterative that starts the liver and stom-
ach into vigorous action. It thus assists
the body to manufacture rich red blood
which feeds the heart, nerves, brain and
organs of the body. The organs work
smoothly like machinery running in od
You feel clean, strong and strenuous
stead of tired, weak and faint.
The anniversary services held here
on Sunday were a decided success.
The weather was ideal and extra
large congregations greeted, Rev, Mr,
Alps of Granton Presbyterian Church
who delivered two very instructive.
and forceful sermons, Woodham
choir rendered excellent music, The
collections and subscriptions amount-
ed to 593.00. -Among the many vis-
itors who spent ,Sunday here we not-
iced the following o Mr, and Mrs.
Frank Braggs of Salem, Mr. and Mrs,
Sam'l Stevenson of Devizes, Mr. and
:,Irs. Fred. 'i)elbridge of Winchelsea,
Mr. and 'Nits, Seth Brown of near
Exeter. Mr, and Mrs. Win, Brooks of
Zion, 1Ir, anti .Mrs. Fred ' Foster of
n ear Granton, .Sam'l Routley and
daughter Lena, Willie'Mills and sis-
ter Lula, lir. and Mrs. David Gold-
ing and Mr. and Mrs. Beavers sof
Woodham -Mr. and ,'tfrs, Wm. Bak-
er of Lions Head are visiting fr',ends
around here. -\less 'Mary Carthy, itrei�
known in this . vicinity, was married
last week to Mr. Boland of near Mt,'
Carmel. The best wishes of all are
extended to the. ,young couplts,
A certain farmer lrt:orth of here has
between 106 and 200 bushels
of sweat for sale, but he wants 53,00
he'' bushel. A buyer offered him
5 2.50 a short tittle ago and asked him
ti's , ,he did not •b ingt it when hejtviis
paying $3.00, whereupon the roan 're-,
t would go t `
d ; thought ito
piled: T
C.V,O„ LLD., D,C,L., President
CAPITAL PAID UP, $15,000,000
JOHN AiRID, General Manager
H. V. F. JONES, Ass's, Gen'I, Manager
RESERVE+ Funk), $13,50000
and thus help Canada to her share
the Great War.
EXETER BR. -A. E. Kuhn, Mgr,
Capital & Reserve $8;800,000
96 Branches in Canada
g iA General Banking Business Transacted
Circular Letters of Credit
Bank Money. Orders
Interest allowed at highest current rate
W D. CLARKE, Manager.
The Engine of Constant Service
Absolutely Guaranteed
The Lightest Running Blowers made
Beware of imitations and infringments
THE HYLO SILO -Entirely different and
infinitely superior.
Exeter Agent
Ask lAl` m. F ca, n e,.
Or write
GILSON MFG. CO., 235 York St. Guelph Ont.
Please do not wait till Wednesday the paper bas gone out to subscribers
to send in news for publication. The we are ready to receive copy foe -the
earlier copy for printimg reaches us•. next. This applies to advertiser
the better. As soon as one issue of tnents as well as items of news.
OU have got to paint your home, in order to insure it agaiR,it
the weather. Paint resists the destructive action of sari;
wind, rain and snow. Of course the better you paint, -the
longer you are protected.
(Made in Canada)
is the greatest known protector of wood against weather because
it is guaranteed to be made only of pure White Lead, pure Zinc
Oxide and Pure Linseed Oil.
You insure your home against" fire—perhaps against`
lightning and burglary. Insure it against wear and weather by
painting it with "100% Pure" Paint—the cheapest because it
covers more surface per gallon and lasts years longer.
If you are painting this spring, call or write for a copy of
"Town and Country Homes" and "Harmony In Neu -Tone'--,
oi%r books on home decorating. Free -of course,