HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1917-6-28, Page 2etwe.etI
CHAPTER IZ,_(Cont'd.)
let's make a virtue of necessity, aril
The child over whose cradle poor brazen it out. It claims to be the
Ella had shed such bitter tears on a only color in the picture, and spits at
every rival. Nothing for it but to let
eertaln agitated evening long past, it have its owzz vvriy."
Las, deyelcrped into a big, well-built,
but ,alasr^carrot-hared young' \vermin, «, She white hawthorn, then. Janet,
with her mother's light -blue e es only hand me that trail, Do keep quiet
of e smeller and sharper make, and for a few minutes longer, child! You
yesiths a shower of those pale -brown know how terribly tnrpertant it is that
freckles almost inse arable from the you sheedd leek. your best to -night.
wrong shade of red hair. Throughout "But there's a pin running into inss
the three children the red M`Donnell shoulder, Julia.rand that ribbon round
strain had triumphed over Ella's: flax- my. ireelc is eholcing fine."
1 1 different t "T• l- • th •! directed
en locks, though with w is e y c • n a'e rt o#f altoge ex
results. When aear after Julia's Albert, with the same sharp. decision fessional beauty: preparing for a Lon -
birth, Ella had presented her husband asbefore. "Ribbon necklaces are don earreer. The average British.
with the son he had coveted, the tut- all very well for old women with maiden decolletee is apt to startle by
mistakable tint of the soft down eov-' wrinkled throats; but youve no Parti- the hard-and-fast line on throat and
ering the tiny skull had awakened in g cular reason for hiding your throat wrist, representing the limit of ex -
him a secret hope, for might not the that I » know of. Yes: that's much posure; but between Fenella's face
affinity in complexionts? denote a siamt' better." will soon learn to overlook disharmonyo couldess shoulders no have been discote ver -
itsarity of tastes? Another vain dreamt}
vianity more surely proved with the soothin tone o one conifortin' d
every year that the bay, Whom Ella, z "With g .'
in defiance of all associations had in- child. the dance music in
glorious depth the triumphant
warmth of these Heavily -wound
tresses, beneath whose weight the
small head might have been in danger
of drooping had it not borne itself so
straight and fearlessly, with just the
slightest tilt bcalcwards, dictated by
the exigencies of balance? The face
itself wars small and exquisite, with all
those delicious roundnesses of chin
and eheelr end throat which are never
carried' very far out of childhood, and
with dark -brown eyes under delicate-
ly level brows supplying just the point
of contrast necessary to; the wonderful
copper tints of her hair. When a
red-haired woman's complexion is
good at all—that is, when it has es-
caped its besetting danger' of freckles
—then it is usually almost perfect;
and Fenella had not only escaped that
claimer, but in the matter of sunburn
and frost -bite, and all the other perils
to the female skin, had been watched
over with a solicitude as assiduous as
any that ever fluttered around a pro -
t ' such trifles as pins " argued Julia in ed.
"I think she will do, won't she?"
asked Julia, looking exultingly to -
listed on christening. Albert, grew up.' your ears 'I don't believe you'll even wards her brother, who had risen
Even the physical likeness between feel them. One has to suffer, in order from his chair, and with hands behind
father and son served but to ems! to be beautiful, you know and I'm his back, was taking final stock of the
phasise the moral differences, The'sure I wouldn'tmind a whole paper result of many days' labor and reflec-
smali, narrow head was there, with its of pins running into me if that would tion
yet ing its 'vercrop
o oise anof d he ne v gobut od-natme uredly edly aour s magnanims." oia usly she hed (To be continued.
ous ,;>apidity o its movements, was added; "But I'll try and find this �parti; Old Shop. Disappears.
obviouslythe head of another sort of eular Pin, if you like. There she
man: That spareness of feature announced, a moment later, "That's An interesting trading link between
which in the father suggested the all I can? do. Like to have a look at the past and present centuries is pass -
ascetic made for businesslike keen- yourself ? Janet, don't stand gaping ing' away in the disappearance of the"
ness in the son. The brown eyes there, but get away from before the old pastry -cook's shop - in Rupert
were there too but with all the differ --mirror-" Street, Piccadilly, London, which has
ence that lies between the gaze of the With a breath of relief Fenella a history covering considerably snore
mystic and that of the positivist. A stepped cautiously to the ground. than a century. Over dismantled
certain restlessness of his thin lips Mounted upon the footstool she had shopthere may stillObe theeen is anent
recalled his mother, but was more appeared over -t<111, but revealed her- y
likely a reflection of that modern dist self now as of merely medium height. signboard bearing the inscription:
quiet which stands for what used Julia, having scrambled to her feet, "Muffin and crumpet baler to Her
formerly to be healthy activity. For overtowered her by well -night half a late Majesty"—presumably the con -
this descendant of generations of head. sort of King George III.—"and to
quarrymen had been caught by the There had been a trifle of ill -humor, H.R.H. the Prince of- Wales. E'stab-
spirit of the age, or by as much of it mixed of,fatigue and impatience, upon fished one hundred years." The his -
as he had been able to assimilate dur- Fenella's face as she accepted her de- tory of this ancient house, could it be
ing the years of study, which miracles liverance, but in the moment that she
stepped before the mirror every cloud unravelled in detail, would furnish in
of economy on the part of the family
at large had rendered possible. The vanished. The picture reflected: there all probability one of the romances of
result was clearly visible upon this was indeed calculated to stimulate nineteenth century London.
face of twenty-three, whose keen the spirits even of people who were
People with a garden, and the neces-
.sary time, can greatly lessen the food
cost by canning their own fruits and
brown eyes and clean-shaven set of
jaw spoke far more of twentieth cen-
tury precocity than of that joie de
vivre which used to be the privilege
of his years.
As now, clad in a black tail -coat, of
whose defects of quality he was bitter-
ly aware, he sat half -turned upon his
ehair, one elbow resting on the back,
and his eyes fixed critically upon the
figure of the girl in the white dress,
his expression testified to his powers
of mental concentration upon what-
ever might bethe questionof the mo-
ment. Just now it was the question
whether Fenella should wear white or
colored flowers to -night --a point
which to an outsider might appear it
relevant, but which neither he nor
Julia were inclined to treat carelessly.
As to Fenella's own views on the sub-
ject, they appeared to be of minor fin- canning if they keep well. Wash and
portance. Moderately patient and drain the fruit after hulling. While
slightly bored, •shestood there upon doing this, have cans and lids both
the footstool which she had obediently heating in hot water. Measure the
mounted, in order to give Julia a bet- drained berries, and for each quart of
command of her flounced skirt, her berries allow one cupful of white su-
bare, white arms hanging ' down be-
fore her, her hands lightly clasped. gar. Place the sugar m an alum -
"Pink, of course, is impossible," inum or granite kettle, and add a few
argued Julia, still upon her knees. spoonfuls of water to keep it from
"That unfortunate color of hair leaves burning until it melts. When the
one so very small a range. But what sugar has boiled long enough to drive
all air out of it, add the berries. As
these boil up gently, stir them down.
When they have boiled up the second
time, lift off the fire and can, taking
the cans from the -warm water one at
a time as you can; put on thelid be-
fore filling the next can, tighten the
lids, turn the can upbide dawn, and
leave in that position four or five days.
The berries then, when turned, will re-
sume their proper position in the cans.
I never lose strawberries when I fol-
low this recipe.
For preserving I use only firm::ber-
ries, and prepare as for canning. 1
measure the berries, and for each
quart of berries allow a full quart of
white cugar. T place this sugarr in the
preserving kettle with enough water
to keep it from burning until the su-
gar melts and boils. I allow the su-
gar to boil, stirring it until it strings
from the spoon. I take the straw-
berries gently from the vessel they
have been drained in, and gently add.
them to the boiling sugar. This cools
the sugar, but they soon boil up again,
and I stir them down. When they have
thoroughly boiled up again I consid-
er them done and put them in the
cans. You see, I make but little dif-
ference between preserving and can-
ning, with the exception that I give.
more sugar to the preserves and al-
low it to thicken before adding the
berries. It is the surest way of get-
ting them to keep safely that I know
of, skid to retain their shape and color.
Too many housewives cook the straw-
berries too long.
Sun preserves of strawberries I
make this way: After preparing the
berries I measure berries and sugar
to equal amounts, placing the dry su-
gar on the berries, then set them on
the back of the stove and let them
cooic gently until the sugar has slight-
ly thickened, Then j spread en shal-
low 'dishes set direct inthe sun, and
cover with mosquito netting on frames
to keep off flies and birds. - One day
of hot sun should thicken the syrup,
leaving the berries a bright red; but
if it doesn't, set them back on the
stove and keep merely warm until the
sun againshines.
not standing .upon the threshold of
their first ball -room.
Albert had ' been right. The un-
broken white was the thing. What
need of any artificial calor, beside the
Preserving Strawberries.
Strawberries are a favorite fruit,
but mus:; be given particular care in
do you say to this bunch of forget-me-
nots, Albert? I think the effect is
rather good;" and she held a tuft or
artificial flowers against the white
sister's dress.
Albert put back his head, shading
hrs eyes with his hands, and gazing
ard at the forget-me-nots.
"I'm sure they will do very well,"
remarked Fenella, beginning to fidget
upon her footstool.
"No; they won't do," decided Albert,
in a tone which admitted of no con-
tradiction. "Away with theml White
—unbroken white—that's the thing
for our money... The M`Donnell hair
won't be hidden, and that's a fact, so
Has thin
to Hide
Now that the Government
has absolutelylirohibited the
use of any artificial coloring
natter in sugar, we tell you
again that we have
-never ztsed Beets
-never used Ultramarine
—never used Aniline Dyes -
--never used Vegetable Dyes
refining any of our sugars.
This means that every pound
in the, hallus ofyour grocer is
pure and, uncolored.
So :why take chances? Why
not insist on. having Lamle--
antic-thy; Sugars that have
always been dare, and
cost no more than ` any
Look for the Red Ball Trade,-rnark
on every Carton and Sack.
A Little Boy and His "fal"
Sometimes one wonders if, after all,
these stories about the child who asks
so many questions have not another
The other day coming down,;in the
Fifth avenue 'bus, say's a New York
writer, a little fellow about eight was
asking his mother the/usual string..of-'
questions about everything under the
sun. But to :the surprise of the oth-
er passengers the usual reply, "Oh, my
dear, don't ask so many questions,"
was not forthcoming. In this case
mother was right there.
"Mother, why 'does a little automo-
bile rattle more than a big one?"
The passengers -smiled, but mother
replied promptly:.
' "Because the big car is heavier."
"Mother, look at the lady soldier. Is
she goin' to war?"
'"No, son; that is a Campfire Girl."
Here followed a detailed account of the
activities of that organization,
``Look, mom, at the officer, Does he
ride on horseback?"
"No, dear; you can -tell by the in-
signia on his sleeve that he belongs to
the artillery." ,
By this. time the passengers were
gazing with much interest at the lady
who could actually answer a little
boy's questions. Then came .a poser.
as the 'bus trundled- past a downtown
club where the flags of all the nations
who are fighting with the Allies were
"Name 'ern, mom," commanded the
And mom did—every one, from the
flag of Cuba on through to England
and France...
A gray haired man gazed thought-
fully after the pair as they alighted
at Thirty-second street, the youngster
stilt chattering and gazing eagerly
into his mother's serene face.
"I wish my kid had a pal like that,"
he said wistfully to a friend.
Recipes Tried and True.
Strawberry Shortcake: --4 teaspoon-
fuls baking powder, s/s • teaspoonful
salt, 2, tablespoonfuls sugar, 7/ cup
butter, % cup milk, r 2 cups flour, 1
epiant`strawberries. Mix flour, bales
ing powder, salt and sugar's -slid sift
twice. Workin butter with fingers.
Add milk gradually. Pnt on board,
divide into two parts, and roll out 'to
fit the cake tin; using the least pos-
sible flour to roll. Put one part on
tin, spread lightly with melted butter,
then place other part on top. Bake
15 minutes in hot oven, When baked,
the two parts will separate easily
without cutting. Mash berries
slightly, sweeten and place between
cakes. A dozen or so .whole berries
may be placed on top for a decoration.
Lemon Sauce for Puddings:—Mix
1 cup sugar and 1 tablespoonful flour,
add 11/2 cups boiling water, put on
the fire and when it begins to boil add
1 heaping tablespoonful butter, r/z slic-
ed" lemon and pinch of salt. Cook
until it has the consistency of cream.
Serve either hot or cold. -
Orange Sauce is made by substitut-
ing, one orange for the lemon.
Chocolate sauce is made by adding
2 squares of Baker's unsweetened
chocolate to the orange sauce.
Tillers of the Soil Live in Central
lages, Not arm Houses.
In the agrarian districts of Austria,
folk do not live in isolated farm houses
but in some village central to the
farms about. Someone, usually an
aged matron, is assigned to set the
house to rights and prepare the mid-
day meal.
.The others go out, gather the tools,
hitch or yoke the sturdy oxen to sone
wagon for the clay, and then ride out
to the field. There, men, women and
children tib or sow or cultivate or
reap, according to the season. At noon
they stop Jong enough to dine; then
once more they toil until dark. With
nightfall all "clamber" aboard the open
cart, and the oxen, used perhaps to
draw the plow, or to de other similar"
work during the day, are made to
draw the laborers back to the village.
Someone walks at the head of the
oxen, though they know the way, as
with steady, unbroken gait, for which
the patient animals are noted, they
soon cover the long stretch home.
The Talmud enumerates rue among
the kitchen herbs and regards it as
free of tithe as being a plant not cul-
tivated in gardens. The naive rue
occurs only in Luke xi;42.
butter M?4lrers, get aur low prices
;on finest quality Butter Paper.
-*rite for any XUuetratoa iMogkrsv
L J. POTTS, 1714 Royal Bank Olcig.
Bey o
ate is
lists n
and who buys only the best sugar—because
—admittedly without any superior—will never cause preserves to ferment
as it does not contains the organic impurities which start fermentation.
To Succeed with
your preserves, buy
good fruit -it must
not be over -ripe.
Buy Good Sugar—
St. Lawrence Red
Sterilize your jars
These precautions
prevent the usual
causes of failure.
that the 100 ib. bag
of St. Lawrence Red
Diamond Extra Gra-
nulated, is the best
for the Farmers'
It ensures full'
weight of the best
sugar and avoids
frequent trips to the
Your dealer can
supply Red Diamond
in Coarse Grain, or
Medium, or Fine, as
you may prefer.,
Good Fruit deserves 'Good Sugar :get the
Sold in many styles and sizes of Refinery Sealed 'packages.
Two Submarines Reported Sunk After
Stories not hitherto published of
lively encounters between British
trawlers and German submarines ,in.
the .North Sea were told by Robert
Lowry and others at the recent meet-
ing of the Mission to National Sea-
men. One trawler, Sir Robert said,
became such a terror to U-boats that
four of them lay in wait and eventu-
ally destroyed it. On, one occasion,
this trawler armed with two light guns
was attacked by a submarine. One
shot went through the deck house,
another smashed the wheel, "but the
skipper went op steering with broken
spokes. Another shot carried away
the cook's galley, but the trawler's
gunner hit the submarine, Which then
had enough of it and went under.
Another unarmed trawler saw a
submarine on the North Sea and made
a dash for it with the result that the
U-boetequickly submerged. "It went
Underneath," said Sir Robert, "because
it could not' imagine it possible that a
trawler would have the courage to
attack if it were not armed."
Sir Robert related how they learned
of the sinking of two submarines by
the bodies of the crew floating to the.
surface, although five or six days
later a report was circulated from
Germany that the boat had returned
to port.
They Are First to Distinguish Odor of
Gas in the Trenches.
One of the favorite characters in
the folk -lore of all nations is the
kindly -disposed fish, or bird or frog,
or rabbit, who heaps benefits upon the
hero, coming to his rescue in moments
of peril at the very nick of time.
This pretty fairy-tale is coming
true at present for the heroes of the
battle -front in places wh
ere trenches
have been dug near a forest or or-
chard. For the birds overhead give
warning of the approach of the noxi-
ous fumes 'of asphyxiating gas before
it is perceptible to the senses ` of the
Dr. Cabanes, writing in La Chroni-
que Medicale, says that the birds are
aroused from their slumbers before
the odor of the gas has been detected
in the trenches, and at office begin to
make a confused clamor as they hast-
ily take their flight to the rear, thus
warning the men behind the guns to
don their gas -masks -and be ready for
the deadly unseen foe. - This circum-
stance is in accord with the well-
known use of a canary to detect foul
air in mines, and it seems probable
that the superior sensitiveness of
birds in this respect is due to the
highly oxygenated condition of their
blood, causing them to suffer from
the slightest lack of oxygen.
Wood can be preserved from the
ravages of insects by the injection of
Plenty of water should be supplied
for the calf from its birth,' but water
should never be mixed with the milk.
It is estimated that an acre of beans
will produce as much food material
for human consumption as five to
fifteen acres of pasture,
2 and 5 lb. Cartons --
10, 20, 50 and 100 U. Bogs.
From "Ye 011e Sugar Loafe" of grandmother's day,
to the Sparkling ling "Extra Granulated" in your own cut -glass
bowl, Redpath Sugar has appeared three times daily, for"aver,"
half a century, on thousands ofeCaaiadian tables.
d6Let Redpath Sweeten sit.,' r
aimie ip 9 grade only' the highest