HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1917-6-28, Page 1Many Prominent Liberals otiose Laurier on Conscription. Russia is getting back into the fight.. Advances on West, THIRTIETH YEAR. EXETER Our Corner. MR PARDEt✓, LIBERAL M. P. ON CONSCRIPTION "These men are .gone, They went voluntarily They went'as young, red- blooded Canadians should have gone. Does anybody think for a •, moment that they went because they loved the fight and all that it meaans? They went from the highest motives and imperial feelings;; they went to uphold all that aur fathers and fore- fathers have secured and handed down to us. In a nut -shell does not the matter come down to this, that now they have gone, now that they are there, dying, bleeding, sacrificing. themselves in this great war for print ciples, honor and liberty, is it not apparent that the duty of the Canad- tan people and of this Parliament is toe t: t t tthewho have o thatmen gone shall have the backing of the. man who stays at home." Wingham merchatats have adopted the Wednesday half !holiday, going in- to effect the second Wednesday in July. and ending the 2nd Wednesday, in September, the stores closing' at 12.30. Nearly ' every other town an4 village in Ontario is doing the same thing, why not 'Eeter?' School Boards have receive,d copies of the new superannuation act and are now according to instructions from the Minister of 'Education deducting 2g per cent, from each payi ent on teachers' salaries as the teachers' con- tribution to the fund. The 'governs- ment then deducts this amount from the grants to the schools. In the Flighway Travel Act, as amended at the: recent session, a new rule is made ,with regard to theright of way at cross-roadst This rule ap- plies to all vehicles, whether horse- drawn or motor 'driven. Where yte- hecles meet at cross-roads or at cross - streets,' the driver must give the ve- hicle coming towards his right the right of way. TAMAN'S PHONE 81a Great aiues IN SUITINGS, 1� O'COAETCTINGS O, ETC. OUR SPRING SUITINGS WERE BOUGHT EARLY AND WE ARE ABLE TO SELL BELOW TO - DAY'S VALUE. ORDER YOUR SUIT AT ONCE. LIGHT OVERCOATS IN OF CLOTHS FOR THE EVENINGS— AT PRICES WILL SURPRISE YOU 'AGREEABLY. BEST COOL THAT MOST OUR PANTINGS ARE SOLD AT THE RIGHT PRICE. SEE OUR LIGHT UNDERWEAR IN COMBINATION AND IN TWO PIECE: A FULL LINE OF READY - TO - WEAR CLOTHING. YOU PROBABLY NEED A RAIN- COAT FOR THE 'WET DAYS. WEAR OVERALLS AT YOUR ROUGH WORD, LOOK AT OUR LINES IN THESE GOODS. ALSO Furnishing ,,SOCKS in Caslimeat and Silk THE NEW CAPS CHOICE SHIRTS TIES FLASHY ARROW COLLARS WmW' Taman Tailor 8v Furnisher ONTARIO, THURSDAY JUIN E 28, 1917. I1' a coalition of minds is impass- T ®`., 7 News s ible in Parliament a:coalitian of hearts and hands is 'not impassible in the c ountry, Sir Wilfrid's latestp olitiical creed— "When England is At war, Canada, is at tear but Quebec is riot necessarily in the conflict," Works The Minister of Public o s 1 rlc has recommended that for three' years; commencing Sept, 14, 197:7. the purl chase or sale of snipe, quail, wood- cock and partridge be prohibited. Lieut,. -Col., Bart. Robson of Ilderton who commaaded the 135th Middlesex Battalion and took it to England, was nominated by the Liberals of East Middlesex to be their standard bear- er at the next contest for the Prov- incial Legislature. Many prominent Ontario and West- ern Liberals have already, spoken in the House of Commons in favor of the Conscription Bill, and some. e.of the•, Quebec Conservatives are stand- ing with X3ordetn on the bill. Thereiis every probability of it passing the House, but not for -a week or two as many others wish to speak. "A regular automobile carnival is carried on all over the country every Sunday, and still we wonder the war goes on. Canada has • so far -escaped her chastening, but just as surely as a famine is new peeping over the hor- izon, so will Canada receive that chastisement, in order to teach , .her that Sunday is a day of rest and not a day for pleasure:,-Bobcaygeon' In- dependent. - said when Hon. A. J. Bal- four addressed the Canadian Parlia- inent, "God 'bless Engtland for all the sacrifices she has made, for thedut- ies she has undertaken, for the risks she has assumed." Why are not these Patriotic words backed by patriotic. action? Reading then to day in the light of Laurier's action on conscrip- tion, England may rwwell exclaim, ' "These people honour me - with their lips, buttheir hearts are far from me." Returned soldiers or sabre who decide to settle an the land in On- tario will be paid $1.10 per day' •for every day spent at the. training farm at Monteith; and ,in the case of mar- ried men their wives will get the sanie, separation allowance as they got while the husbands were serving in. the forces while each child under six- teen years will get 56 per month, tvhich is slightly more than is allow- ed by the Patriotic Fund. The wives also get'the same amount as they got from the Patriotic Fund. Single men will receive $1.10 per day,and those with dependents will get an allow- ance- at least equal to that of . the Patriotic Fund. The British and-Freinc,h have made some further advances on the West and apparently are preparing for an- other big smash. if Russia has really recoverled from the Revolution and ready to take her. place in the fight, as would appear, it is nothing short of wonderful,. Late reports would indicate that she l,as resumed fighting and ;if it is serious something may yet be accomplished tit is year. on the •eastern side. Italy and Austria have been fight- ing very hard during the week, but the progress in that ntout�Itaine,ous region is necessarily ,slow. United States, has raised over 100 millions of dollars for the Red Cross Society New York City contributing 40 million. About 2,000,000 tons of shipping has been sunk this year by the. subs. The Roll of Honor District; casualties reported during to week. Killed Pte Will Buchanan f W.inghant: Wounded and Missing - Pte. W. E. Black of Wroxeter Wounded Pte C. F. Chapman of Mitchell. Pte. N, Whitfield: of Atwood Pte. R.. Fickling of St. Marys. Major Weir o:f Wi.ngham, Pte. J. Niblock of Parkhill Pte. A, G. Nairn of St. Marys. Pte. C. E. Strothers 'of Litcknotd. Pte, J. C. Aikenhead of Brucefield Mr. Ed• 'treble ,received a letter this week from his son, Pte. Lecfn Treble, stating that he ttas now pro- nounced fit for duty again; is Out of the hospital and back with hie aid battalion in ,England, and expects to .be sent to France with the next. draft probably 'within a month. He had just returned from -a visit of several days in • Ireland. DOMINION DAY AT GODERICH Gc>dericb Will celebrate the 50th anniversary of Confederation on. Mon- day .July 2ttd with -one of the best of programs: In the morning' ` there will be a floral parade with prizes for the hest decor- ated autos and bicycles, a baby show and games for children on the Square CO. which there is no admission fee: The afternoon program at the Agri- cultural gri-culttal, Park will include two horse races -Fre. 1 e faro -1 purse 1 1 � 250 and t l a 1 5 2.40 class, purse S150; a grand pat- riotic demonstration with a char us of 200 chOre n's vain es; Ftigh1and dances baseball etc, The 163rd Battery, and Godcrich Band tin, attendance, Ad- mission 25c. ;Soldi,crs tree. Free open-air concert in the ev.n'g, on. the Ssivare The schools close this week for. the summer holidays Mr. \Vm. Stewart of Toronto is vis- iting Usborne friends, Mrs kfara,.of Lucan it visiting her daughter Mrs. NW, S. Cole. Sir Robert Borden, ,Prem,ier of Can- ada celebrated his 63rd birthday on Tuesday; The Blue Jay Picnic will he held this year on Saturday :July, 6th, Ev-k erybody welcome. Toe. citizens of Exeter are being liberally supplied with nice, fresh white fish from Grancl, Bend at fre- quent intervals. Always grind a scythe on the top side only. Do not forget that a scythe is iron on the top and steel on the bottom Grind the iron. Cal, Fisher, inspector of post of - !ices, ,and an assistant inspector' were in. St. Marys Monday and officially installed Mr, B, F. Lancaster as the new postmaster. Dr and Mrs. Sweet left Tuesday Cor. Vancouver, going by boat to Pt. Arthur, They will visit friends in all the western eprovintc•es', and also in. Washington State. They will re turn in October. Mr. A. 0. Francis of the Dairy Dairy Department, Ottawa, has dis posed of his fifty acre farm on the 9tb., concession of ,Usbarne to Mr Daniel Coward of the same township 54600 being' the 'price' paid SANDERS & CREECH, Exeter Council Exeter. Monday, June 25 A regular session of the Municipal council was held in the council cham- bers. with all the members present; The Minutes 04 the meetings held Tune 11th and 18th were read and approved. Communications were read as follows Kitchener Board of Trade. Circular laid over, Broin the president of the Queen Alexandra Sanatorium Loudon Sir, Adani Beck, seeking :aid for institu- tion Deferred. A. circular letter from the secretary oI the Ontario Municipal Association" re -annual convention in 'Toronto on August 29th, 30th, and '31st, 1017:—. Piled, A letter from the hlagersville "Crushed Stone Co, Filed ,for\reference The, .following accounts were read and, approved. Henry J, Kuhn, Tile acct:, 2, B. 16.25; 'Harvey Bros. charity aect 1.50, cemetery acct. .90, total 1.70; Sidney Davis flour charity nett 0.60; John, Kydd labor cemetery 22.00; Nelson Vale, labor cemetery 12.00; G. R. Steer labor Library 2.50; T. G. - Creech, team 47,73; John Walper team. 4;75; John Newry, labor 21.63; Thomas Webster, labor 2.52; David. .Russell labor 1.40; Thos. 'Houlden, team, 21,37; Thos. Sanders labor 4.20 Richard Davis,' team 9.97; Richard. Quante, labor 5,25;' Walter Westcott labor 5.25 Per Day that cement tile culvert ha placed across Carlingstreet near Ann. An amendment. per Snell and Pen- hale, that the council as a body in- spect the bridge across Carling St. Tuesday evening at 7 o'clock p.m„, Carried. Per Day and Snell that an estim- ate of $750.00 be made for the con- struction of new -cement: walks.. Namely, on William street west from john to .H'uron on Elizabeth street south :from Huron to. Simcoe.; and on William street north from Welling- ton to Nelson as per 'petitions filed.. Carried. Adjournment by Day. Jos: Senior, clerk, THIEVES BREAK INTO 'STATION AND HARDWARE STORE AT HENSALL. L7, ersall June 26.—Thieves of— the, yeggcrtan type paid a visit to Hensali .early this morning, or ' last night smashing open the !safe in the Grand Trunk office, ,securing 580 and a number of tickets, rifled the baggage in the station, and also ransacked the store of 'Bonthron & . Drysdale tak- ing such - articles as could be carried. The robbery was .discovered early this morning when the section, men went to- their tool house and found, that it had been broken into. A crowbar, an iron maul and several other tools had been. taken. When a search was made .these were found scattered around the. station wdndolv,. The windows had been pried open, the safe cracked, apparently with the! big iron maul,and the money and' tickets taken. The men had then ev- idently gone•.to the baggage room where they went through a number o,f suit -cases and helped themselves. '+ The hardware store was broken in- to by ehe use of a crowbar, and razors and pocketknives taken, No •money was secured. The police were notified at agrce; axlel a search of the country is being made for the guilty parties:. There is a suspicion' that crooks from .Oe- troit are guilty, and that they came up from London .during the day or i night, perhaps in a motor car, ROBBERY AT CENTRALIA On Tuesday ;night burglars effect- ed an 'entrance to the G.T.R. depot here, by way ofa window and stole about .535 in cash from an iron box used as a safe which they removed from the building and broke open, A pay 'cheque. with the money was not taken. They also got into the freighi shed and had a feed. An auto was ',heard in the neighborhood about three o'clock and it is sup- posed thethieves had the car. Dr. Dougall of Askin 'St. Methodist Church, London, will, open divine sere vices at Grand ;Bend Park on July 8. Preaching at '11 a,m, and 6.30 p.m. The music will :be under the leader- ship of Mr. Geo. Soutltcott, Rev Norwood, ivho has beert ;rec- for of Cronyn Memorial Church, Lon- don, for the past five years, has re- signed and will leave in, September for Philadelphia, where ,he. has accept- ed a call. He ,is one of the foremost preachers and pulpit orators in Can- ada. e - At the recent musical examination held by the London College of Music Mrs' Gambriill entered twelve pu pils 'all, of whom were highly successful.— Singing t "ntentary, Mildred Harvey, Hazel 'I< k; Intermediate, Gladys Harvey i:.aa Sanders; Piano, Junior; Grant Sanders, Robert Gambrill; A.dv, Intermediate, Ferrol Higgins, . Senior, Lela Sanders. Miss Annie Elford of Elinrnilie .grained the distirriction of be- ing awarded the diploma of the cod1- ege” for pianoforte playing, also Miss Irene Quackenbush doubly dieelomaed for both singing and piano. A -•dip- loma confers the right of being an Associate of the College .with the exclusive priv ilege eof wearing the cap and gown and of appending the. letters A.L.C.M. • DR, DEMPSTER MARRIED. -The marriage took place at St. Marks church, Toronto, can Saturday, June 23rd of Dr. W. E Dempster of Ex- eter to Miss •Electa Mary Strong of Toronto, Dr. and Mrs. Dempster re- turned to Exeter on Monday evening and on Tuesday went to Grand : Bend where they have taken a cottage fax a month. The Advocate extends congratulations and best wishes. RATES NOT RAISED. -At the Grand Court sessions of the Canadian Order of Foresters, held last week in Hamilton. the nnatter of raising the rates was brought up by motion, but was defeated. By the proposed rate the dues of aged members was to have been increased by about atilt dollars a month—nothing more or less than a freeze -out But the mo- tion was defeated. An amendment was also introduced by which the dues of aged members would' be increased about four dollars a month, but this was also defeated. A committee wax then appointed to»-, re! -consider the whole question of ,sates and it will be brought up again next year. ELMORE SENIOR MARRIED, — The marriage took place on Saturday June 23rd at ;eleven o'clock in the morning of an Exeter Old Boy, Mr, Elmore Barris Senior, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Senior, to Miss Cecil Mary _McLaughlin, second daughter of Mr. 'Thomas McLaughlin of Toronto. The ceremony took place at. St. Bas- in church, Toronto, andwas per- formed by Rev. Father Hayes. The bride was unattended and wore navy blue jabardine suit •with, ' black hat, end site carried a bouquet of or- chids and Mies of the valley. The young couple left immediately on a honeymoon trip to Muskoka, and on their return they Will reside at 36 Roxborough Drive. Friends hereex- tend best wishes to Mr. Senior and bride. OLD LANDMARK REMOVED.— The old shoe shop used for many years" by Mr. Alt, Walter, and one Df our oldest building landmarks, is 1,1e- inag, removed to the rear of the prem- ises and itt future wi.l1. serve as 'a storage and shelter chiclre,a. It was built 63 years ago on the same lot, but about thirty feet to the roar, and it has served numberless and var- ied purposes since. Many a fervent andid, prayer est ra er has been offer :d • earnest up and many a sermon delivered to our fo> efathers in this olcl landmark and many a big head has been the result oi: the "wet goods" and "tan- gle Goat disposed of from behind the the counters in the ol.cl place, In the early trays it was used as the first Bible, Christian Church, whore far many years i,ts , members worshipped and conducted their services. Since the:. it has been used as store, auc- tion stele roosts, liquor store, Shoe - shop and Lar tna,ny other purposes. A representative of the Conserva- tory Qf Music of London, Eng., was here. ori Saturday examining several candidates who are pupils of the var- ious music teachers of Exeter and district i\Iiss Pearl aid] ey of Myth was here with a pupil, Miss Ferguson of Auburn, BIRTHS katunpp.—At Dasliwoocl, - on June 24, to Mr and Mrs, T. 'hlumpp, a son. Ilorl�tns In. Lucau, June 20, lo Mr. and Mrs, Gannet Hodgins, a son: MARRIAGES Senior—McLaughlin—At St, Basil's ,church: Toronto, _on, june 23rd, 11Ir. i2Ituore Senior, son, of Mr. and Mrs. Ja:seph Senior of Exeter, to :Miss, Cecil Alary, daughter' of, i\4r. `Phos. McLaughlin of Tor,c+nto. iienipster—Strong—In St. Marks Church, Toronto, on June 23rd,Dr. W. E. Dempster tot Exeter, to Miss Electa Mary Strong of Toronto, Crich—Pepper—lit Tuckersm,ith, ,on` Jutta 20, Howard Crich to Miss Rose Isabella, daughter of iVit`. and Mrs, e r Roger Pepper, all of Tttc1l«tsrurth'; 13 DEATHS loonfield. -1n Centralia; goal June 26;. Harriet Edwards, wile.of. Mr. filar- shall I3loomfield, aged 65 years. <insivan,--In Exeter, on. ,rune 24, Miss Laura Ann Tinsman. Monteith—In Usborne, on June 23rd 'James Monteith, aged 76 years, 3 months ,28 days.: Cunningham—Iii McGillivray, June 24, Loriada, wife of 'Flanery Cunning- ham, aged 56 years, Eattenbury--In Toronto, !Martha 1, Logan, wife Joseph Pattenbury of ed 57 years. McLean—InStanley, an. John B. hMci,ean, aged on June 20' of the late- Clinton, ag- June 16th,. 71 years. THE EXETLR AMATEUR D RAMATIC CLUB PRESENTS Sf.11111 11[1.111c s A Farcical Comedy in 'Acts UNDER THE AUSPICES OF SOLDIERS' AID SOCIETY Opera Howe, Exeter, Friday, lune 29 AT 8 O'CLOCK The Caste of Characters is one � goodn .and the Comedy is a Scream from start to finis!. Do not miss it, HANNA ORCHESTRA IN ATTENDANCE. , Reserved Seats 50c. General Admission 35c. Children 25c. Goes to Press 21th Please report changes -required to our. Local Office; to -day. The Bell Telephone Co. of Canada PHONE 16 „.re*"... A PHONE 16. MEN'S SUITS This Week $12.009 $15.00, $18.00 Three popular priced Suits, every one expertly tailored. Th,esle Suits, were purchased when cloths and trimmings were( at normal prices, and with prices advanced as they are of late they are worth dollars more than we're asking for them. See our guaranteed black arid blue Serges at $20 and 523, BOYS' 'KHAKI BLOOMERS A great bloomer for Boys for Summer wear, It wears and washes well. We have sizes for young as well as older boys. Prices at 75c., 51.00, $1.25. CLUB BAGS Special values in Club Bags that should give; lengthy service with continual hard use bags are leath- er lined with reinforced' leather corners. Special values 55 to ;512 STRAW HATS iVe are showing some splendid shapes for boys at 50c.; also, a fine range of Sennett Sailors for men at 81:00, 51,25 5.1.50, 52,25, WALL PAPERS Buy your wrall papers this, mon- th if you ,would save money. All lots with enough to paper a room at '.big reductions, `.KOOL UNDERWEAR Itt two-piece garments, or cont- bination for both men and boys, Bays' combination at a. garnet SOc. and 60c.; Men's at 51.00,51.25 51.50, SIU CASES Don't borrow your neighbor's suit case, when you coon buy one at the prices we are offering thcn1 this week, Goad, strong suit - vases at very lots prices, 24 in. size 51.,75; 26 lin. sine 512,00, OUTING SHIRTS' Far Boys. and Men, showing the new roll collar in white and cream mercerised c.ttoths. A. cool and comfortable shirt for outing wear Boy's 75c. to 51.,00` Men's .51,50, SCRIM CURTAINS Scrim and 2Iarquise.tte' n CurtaLi.S are the big sellers far this season, We are showing a big assortment trimmed with pretty insertions at 51,35. 52,25, 53,00, 53;50, 54.50. PHONE ,. 16 J. A.STEWART P.I ONE 16 The Big' Store with the Little Prices r�+