HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1917-6-14, Page 8EXE 1 ER ATIVq.G.ATE, TIMER 1A Y, JUNE 14, 1E11,17 EXETER ,MAR1ETS CHANGED EACH WEDNESDAY Wheat Oats Family Flour Lat, Grade Flour .. Sherd Bran Creamery butter .,. Dairy Butter Lard Eggs Hay, pet ton Hogs Potatoes 75 to 85 6,60 3,00 44,00 ' to46,00 40,00 36 ta3S. 31 10;00. to 12,0330 ,fi ,,,, 4,50 to,144.750 1)essrs. 'V, D. 'Clarke, J. A. Stew- art, W. W. Taman and R, G. 'Sig - don attended a one -day bowling -tour- nament in Aylmer on Wedr.*esday, The Advo -ate has just received an excellent photo of ?fir. E, T, Bishop of the .firm of Bishop & Geraux, Bar- rister, etc,, Edmonton, Alta. Mr. Bishop is well-known to many here, being a son of ,Dir, H. Bishop, who conducted a hardware in ;the late James Pickard's old stand. Ed. has. been an enthusiastic student. of Mas- onry since 'becarning a member of the society Isere in January, 1898, and has now just completed his term of office as Grand Master of the Masonic order far the Province of Alberta for 1916-17.- --•--0 -- Our Motor has arrived ancl1we ex- peet to install .it in a few days. If you iatve Chopping you want clones bring tet along. A. good stock of flour and feed on band. Harvey Bros. STRAY COW AND CALF There strayed unto the premises of the undersigned, 1-4 mile south of Crediton, a red cow and calf. Owner can have same by proving property and paying expenses_ ELI KING, Crediton. —o-- The play, "Dot, the Miner's Daugh- ter," repeated by ,request irs Opera House, Exeter, June 15th. Do not mias it. OVERCOAT FOUND. A heavy tweed coat on June .2nd on; London Road. Owner can have same by'prav- ing property and paying •expendes- -Wm. Bowden, Stephen Wedding invitations and announce- ments in the latest correct styles of type and stationery, can be procured on short notice ,and at right prices at The Advocate Office. COW LOST There strayed from the village of Elimville, on or about June 6th, a good sized red caw, in good condi- tion, ondition, due to calf about 10th. Funder rewarded by leaving sword -at Elim- ville P. 0.. Owner, Mark Wild, BOX SOCIAL --A Box Social under „auspices of Hurondale Patriotic Lea- giie, still be held in School, S. S. No, 1 Usborne, Friday evening, Jun;eil5 Ladies please provide. boxes. Pro- gram to consist of local talent. Ad- mission free. reK, 1,1r 'WV vsarAswirlaar LOCAL DOINGS. The early fly's the one to swat, It costes before the weather's hot, And sits around ,and tripes its legs, And lays at least ten milii•onu eggs, And every egg will bring a fly To drive us crazy by and by. Bread has been dropped to eleven cents a loaf In tow, Revs. Brooks and Jones occupied the Methodist pulpits Sunday; Chang-' ina pulpits1,11 the.:eventing, 'The play, "Dot, the Miner's Daugh- ter," repeated .by (request in Opera House, Exeter, June 15th. Do not miss it. The Moving Picture Show put on in Dome. Theatre on Friday by Mr. Willis Powell far the Soldiers' .Aid was well patronized and enjoyed. Mr, Fred Davis, brother of Mrs. Fred, May of Exeter, and k ,orbiter 'well^-kn.own Goderich man, was the successful Conservative candidate for the riding of Gle,ichen, Alta., in. the recent Alberta provinpial •elections. The playlet "How the Story Grew" in. Dome Theatre Monday drew a large crowd and was thoroughly en- joyed as were also the solos by Mrs Knight of ' Hensen, and George Bea- vers of Exeter, and the readings by s1iss Edna Bawden of Lucriin. A quiet wedding was solemnized at the. Presbyterian Manse on Tuesday evening last, when Mr. Norman Mc- Donald, son of Mr. atnd Mrs. Joseph McDonald of Hay, was married to Miss Alice Pearl, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Mitchell of the Metro- politan Hotel. The District Meeting of the Odd - fellows was held in Clutton Wednt`s4• day of last week with representat- ives present from Goderich, Seaforth Herisail, Brucefield and Clinton. Mr. Wm. Dougall of Hensall was elected District Deputy Grand Master for the ensiling term. At the County District Meeting of the, Orangemen held in Clinton Fri- day it was .decided not to hold the 12th of July celebration in Goderich. The railways will be unable to ar- range, train service. Local Orang a men will have to make other ar, rangements. Miss Irene Quackenbush :last week received a nicely engraved bronze medal, which was awarded to her July 1916, for proficiency iai'si�ngiaig, The medal was forwarded from Mr: R, Phillips, of Jackson, Mich., who is a Representative for the London, Col- lege, England. Miss Quackenbush was • prepared for the iexaminatiioa by Mrs. 'Gambrill of Exeter. HORSES FOR SALE, -Harry W. Horton of Usborne has for sale a number of choice four-year-old hor- ses and mares, suitable for farmitviork Farmers and others wanting such should • see them. AGENCY FOR THE WATKIN'S LINE,—Having taken over the Wat- kin's Agency from Mr. 5. E. Gould of }lensed], I am „prepared to do business with aU the old customers and others who ihave. not previously uused the products I will be pleased to interest also. A full lisle now in tstocle Goods can .be procured at residence at any time:, A full lune of Linaments Cough Remedies, Spices and Extracts, Toilet Articles always on hand. Phone orders promptly at- tended to. Phone 43 Exeter. WM, ANDREW, Travelling Salesman, Exeter, Ont, MARRIAGE LICENSES LICENSES ISSUED by C. H. Sanders at the Advocate Of- fice. Strictly confidential; no witness THE CELEBRATED IMPORTED STALLIOV SCOTTISH GEM, 12560 16260, which was billed to travel this season. 1vi11 stand for the balance of the season at his own stable, Ex- eter North, owing to an accident to the owner. The price has been re- duced to .$12.00. Phone, .No,, 44r2. .5. J. Miller, Hay P.O. INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER AGENCY.—Having . taken over the agency of the International Harvester Company at Exeter I -will be pleased to do business with all the old cus- tomers of the Company, and as many new ones as may see fit to do busi= ness with me. Repairs on hand for all machines and a nice stock of the celebrated Wm. Gray & Sons, Camp- bell and McLaughlin buggies. Call and see us a•.:id learn, prices. WM, WARD. WANT D. -A Coad bright smart boy to learn printing at the Advo- cate Otfice, Rev Dr. Colin. Fletcher of the Thames. Road Presbyterian church was last week nominated as Moderator of the General :Assembly of the Pres- byterian Church in, Canada, at the Assembly being held in Mont -teal, Rev. Fletcher, hi:weever, gracefully declined and allowed ,Rev. John Neil D. D. of Toronto, ton become the unanimous choice. Rev. Corriere" of Grand Bend nominated Dr. Fletcher LONDON CONFERENCE Rev S. W, ,Muxworthy of Exeter was elected 'president of the Lon, - don Methodist -Conference by an Ov- erwhelming majority at the first ses- sion of the annual meet rig iin Dundas Centre .Church, London, Mr, Mux- Worthy u ,-worthy was a runner-up for this honor a year ago, and his appoint- ment proved a most popular one. Ot hers who received a number of votes were Rev. J. E. H'olin s', Rev. W. Millson Rev, J. W. Hibbert, Rev. 5, E, J, Millard, Rev, W H. Graham,, Rev Muxworthy is a very able minister and pastor, and worthy of the honor. He will. perform the, many duties of the office with dignityand- credit. In: the first draft of changes as ministers for the ,ensuilna year, it ryas. strange to note that not a single orale was mentioned for Exeter District. Mrs. S. Bradt, Exeter North, is very ill Mr and Mrs. J. Jarrett are visit- ing friends in 'Iippen. Mrs. Baird and Miss Grace were :in London over Sunday. Mrs. E. Jones and family visited Mrs, J. Ogden last week. Miss Farrah of 'Kingsmiill is the guest of Miss Lula Hastings, Mrs. R. Terry left Wednesday to visit for some weeks at Atwood. Rev. Ball and ,wife visited over the week end with 'the Misses Cudmore. Miss Stella Gregory of Chatham Collegiate is home for the holidays Mr Nelson 'Hill ,of the Bank of Commerce Windsor, is home for his holidays Mr John. Morgan is attending the Presbyterian General Assembly in Montreal this week. Mr A. R, Zortye of Dunnville has taken. Mr W. Fritz's place in the Bank of Commerce here. Mr. and Mrs. Thins, E. Handford of Ingersoll were 'here and at Grand Bend a few days last week. • Mrs. (Rev.) Baker and children` of Crediton' spent Sunday ;,with Mrs. Baker's mother, Mrs. Polack. Mrs. G. A. 'K. -McLeod attendedl'the funeral of her brother, Mr. James Chesney near Seaforth, on Saturday, • Mr. and Mrs. James-Shoebottom of London Tp. were the guests of Mrs. Atkinson, the, latter .remaining a few days. Mr Chas. Robinson and bride of Toronto vsi;'ted this (week with the farmer's father C. W. Robinson, in town Mr. and Mrs. Starks of Toronto and Mrs. and Miss Smith. of Bru'ssels were visitors with Mr. ;and Mrs. Ambrose (Cottle this week. Mr, Burke Jarrabt of Toronto and his son-in-law Mr. Holly' of Tavistock motored up last week to visit the farmer's uncle, Mr. J. Jarrott, Exeter North Mr J J. White, of Outlook,,Sask. formerly of. the Exeter Times, ar- rived here Saturday to visit relatives for a short time, and to take back his wife 'and family with him, • tltey4 having been here for some months. Rev. S. F. ,Sharp, who, about three months ago, underwent an operation for an internal trouble, and who has since been sojourning at Simcoeferith Mrs. Sharp, returned home on. Mon- day evening, He has very much im proved in health and will ;resume Ms dut les in` Cavett Pre:sbyteriaa on Sun- day ,next. Mr. W. J )Ylunray was home last Thursday. He has resigned as trav- eller with the Bowser Company, and. has gone into partnership in London with Mr ` Harry JSteau-n.s, in the busi- Hess of selling used autoes, The busi - ness name . is The Dominion Used Auto. Sales and they are situate on` Talbot Street. SECURED DEGREES AND DIP- LOMAS.—Miss Florence E. Carling, daughter . of the late 'T. B. Carling, has been successful in. securing in Columbia University, New York, the Degrees of Bachtelor of 'Science in Education and Bachelor ,of Science in Practical Arts (Teacher' College.) She also secured !Diplomas 2m: Education and Practical Arts (Teachers' Col- lege.) IN:JURED AT RAISING. On Thursday* afternoon of last week Mr, Paul Coates' and Mr. R. D. Hunter were severely injured at .a barn.rais- ing an the farm of Mr. Wm. Pincombe in Usborne Township, both being int;- jured internally and bruised, although \,Ir. Harty Renclle of Spokane, no banes were- broken, Several men were putting a plate over a • beam when a pike pale slipped. Coates and Hunter werestanding on a centre beam drawing up ,the plate. When the pike pole beneath slipped they could not hold the plate, and in lett- ing go they overbalanced and fell out theto the of the barn over side , ground beneath, a distance of 23 or 24 feet lighting on their backs. Mr Coates injuries appear to be the worse He has since been is continual pain and it is with difficulty that he is 401, TONs, SALT -400 tons of line Land and Cattle Salt for sate` EX eT El. SALT WORKS Co., Ltd J Sutton, Manager. ADVERTISING RATES Display Advertising Rates — Made knots c on application Stray Animals—One insertion 'St)c,, three inseri,ona $1.00 Farm. al Real Estate for sale 50c. each insertion for one month of four i-nsert0ons' 25c. for each subsequent inset t,on Miscellaneous Articles of not more than five litres, for Sale, To Rent, ,ar Wattled Lost, Found, etc., each in- sertion. 25c L.cal Reading Notices, etc., 10c. pet' line per insertion. No notice 1 ess than 25c. Card of Thanks 50c. Leat Advertising 10c. and 5c. aline Auction Sties, $2 for one insertion, and $3 for two insertions. Professional Cards not exceeding 1 inch -r$6 per year placed in a comfortable position for even a short time. Mr. Hunter has been in considerable, ,pain also, and is confined to his .bed. An early re- covery tors both men is hoped for. THE POSTMASTERSHIP.-As sta- ted in last week's issue. Mr. W. J. Carling was recommended as post- master in Exeter, but when the re- commendation was presented to the Postmaster General at Ottawa, he stated that an order -in -council had been passed by the Government mak- ing it impossible: (to appoint acivilian to a position in the civil service w'hein a. returned, soldier was' an ifpplicant and qualified for the position. Mr. J,J,. Merrier, M. P., „therefore, knowing he was conforming to the will of has executive immediately recommended Mr .William Russell a returned sol- dier son of Mr. Wm. Russell of town, Mr MYlerner then notified Mr Russ- ell and the secretary of the execu- tive. and at the time of writing the matter stands there. The appoint- ment may be .gazetted even ,note, or in a few days, or a few weeks. Mr Russell, in case he is appointed, will make a thoroughly satisfactory post- master He is competent and trust- worthy and such an appointment would be popular. Weunderstand that a similar case has 'developed in St. Marys, where a civilian, ,Mr. Lancaster was appointed al, postmaster, but the appointment habeen held up because of : -a sol- dier applicant. Washington, with his bride, (,nee Ella O'Brien, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. T, ' O'Brien of Hamilton) and Mr, Reynold's mother, Mrs. John, Rendl.e of Spokane visited friends here dur- ing the ;past week. All were former residents of Exeter. The young peo- ple were married last week in Hamil- ton and spent part. of their honey- moon here, They will reside in Spo- kane, and have the best wishes of their many. friends. Last night I held a little hand So dainty and so neat. Methought my heart would burst with joy Sa wildly did dt beat Na other hand unto my "out Could greatersolace bring, Tltan1 that I held,las t• night, which was Fur aces and aking. ANNUAL Auction Sale Of BUGGIES, WAGONS, FARM IM- PLEMENTS,' ETC, There will be 'sold by Public due ction near the Central Hotel, Exeter SATURDAY, JUNE 16th, 1917 At 1 o'clock, the following articles: 12 New Auto -seat Buggies 4 New Wagon ,Gears -2 -in. tire 3 New 5 -foot cut Mowers 2 New 10 -foot steel Rakes 2 Single Ford ' Riding Plows, No. 21 bottoms. Terms,—Buggies and waggons, 3 months'' credit, with 6 per cent.; Im- plements• time given to October lst 1917. C. W. ROBINSON, Proprietor and Auctioneer. 1 i JONES & bIAY PHONE NO, 32 Special Boys' Soil Sale ALL THIS WEEK We. invite every Father and Mother in Exeter and surrounding country who has a boy from the age of 3 to 17 to our store any day this week, to see a Special Display of Boys' Suits, ,,Odd Bloomers Rompers and Ov-, eralis that are made in Exeter by The Jackson Manufacturing Company, Limited, and by our own Exeter girls. This. local Industry is one that the people in Exeter' have reason to be proud of for the splendid quality of Boys' Clothing they make and which are worn by Boys from Coast to Coast. Whether you buy a suit or not we wi11 be pleased to show all the different lines that aremade by our Exeter girls. We have taken ad- vantage of a most liberal offer of , The Jackson Manufacturing Company, Limited, , to purchase ,nearly 200 'Boys' Odd Bloomers at a price ,that we can sell to the Boys of Exeter at a very big saving. Lion Brand Suits are well known in Canada and the rapid and continual ing Company proves the demand for. KEEP THE HOME INDUSTRY EARNING. as the Best Made, Best Fitting Suits growth of The Jackson Manufactur- Exeterrmade Goods. GOING AND OUR ,OWN" GIRLS In addition to _Bays' Clothing we will have ,a good display in Boys' Hats, 'Shirts, Sweaters and at a saving to you on this special ,day. Special for Men In conjunction with our above big showing of over 250 Boys' Suiuta and nearly 200- pairs Odd Bloomers we have secured from W. E, Sanford & Co., about 75 to 100 fine Sovereign Brand Suits for Men, mostly Greys, Ktrhich we will 'offer during this big sale at very close prices, Conte in and "see these suits whether you buy or not. They are just what you have been looking for: Tennis and Outing Shoes. We are Sole Agents for the Famous Lifebuoy Outing Shoes, the best line made. Come n and see the new features in these shoes. JONES & MAY dadquarters for the celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing Auction Sale Mr, and Mrs. D. Crittenden, Blyth `FIRST COMPLETE SHOWING OF visited relatives.here over Sunday, t •:IVir Ed. Howald ivas called to Zur- „a III - II icli Saturday, owing' to the serious 1iitiBff(t! illness of his mother who d ted that evening FARM IN TOWNSHIP USBORNE There will be sold by Public Auc tion on the premises, Lot C., Con: 7 Township of Usborne; on • FRIDAY., JUNE 15th, 1917. At two, o'clock. The farm 'contains 100 acres more for less, and on itis a frame house, frame barn, frame stable, granary and pig pen. The soil is of goad clay and equal to any in the Township :and at the presenttime is all in grass. There are two wells of excellent water, one pumped by wind, mill; with ';a large water tank n connection, The property is 3 miles south of Eli,mville and on Rural' Route, 1 3-4 miles from church and school, and only four miles froin railway station:. • i;. For terms apply tothe owner at Elimville of to the auctioneer, JOHN 11. HERDMAN, Proprietor Elimville P. 0, C. W ROBINSON, Auct,, 'Exeter.. OASTO R IA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signature of 1,444 Tires Automobile Wehave just received i large ship- ment of automobile tires, that were purchased before the raise in price, and we have decided to give our cus- tomers the benefit of our purchase, at a cash price.— 30x3 Casing & Inner Tube $16,00 31x4. Casing and Inner tube $26.50 32x4 Casing and Inner Tube $28;00 33x4 Casing and Innen~ Tube, $29,00 34x4 Casing and Inner Tube $30,00 Prices -of other sizes an application. These are all No, 1 guaranteed tires bythe manufacturers, which etre the t3omiiirion Dunlop and Maltese Cross, These prices can only be maintained until the present stock is exhausted. Exeter Motor Sales Co The QIIALITY STORE Phone 18 Try us for all kinds of CANNED GOODS. We have Baked Beans Spaghetti Tomato Soup Peaches Pineapple Blueberries. Also pumpkin for good old pump- kin Pies. —*— Buy some Corn Flakes Rumbles Shedded Wheat Rolled Oates ar Wheat ,Flakes for Breakfast. men aft•immow People must eat, So btiy your Made --FROM US, R C GoweritSon 1? O R Ladies & Gents The dominate note of these Spring Fashions is entiirely nesv. Rarely`be- c styles majority of L fore have. the m ] v y y shown such ingenious design with the general effect of simplicity.' Our stock is complete; The Showing includes Serge, Chev- iots Vacunia, Tweeds and Worsteds, in the fashionable spring colors, and staple shades. MEN'S SUITINGS Our Stock of Men's Suitings is the finest shown. Also .a good range of spring overcoatings. Weguarantee satis'fafac ion with every garment. ,,,ad GIVE US A CALL N. Sheere LADIES AND GENTS' 'TAILOR Stand Upstairs, Opposite the Central Hotel. Furniture and Undertaking R. N.R,OWE THE FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND FURNITURE DEALER Tea & Coffee Store For the choicest groceries, fruits, spices, teas, coffee and every- thing very-th ng in the grocery line. Call and see us. A trial as to quality will convin- ce. on vince. Produce taken in exchanga Jas. Gould Next The Metropolitan Hotel Exeter Bargain -Store Foot Wear --Smart and New Our Stock ' is Complete and yoti will find our Goads priced right. 30 pairs Men's Heavy Shoes worth $430 for $3.75. pair. 20 pairs Women's Colored top Sh oes worth $5,00 for :$3.75 pair. 50 pairs Women's Shoes in Black and Tan at $2.00 per pair, 40 Sample pairs Pumps and Slippers at $1,50 per pair. 25 dozen Ladies' Black Cotton hose 1Scts. pair; Men's Balbriggan Underwear 50 c is garmTent, New Assortment Neckties 50 cents each, B. W. F. Beavers