HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1917-6-14, Page 5Fulfills Every Claim No furnace can do more than satisfy, but fuse "Sunshine" furnace absolutely and invariably does satisfy fully and completely when properly installed. Ask our local dealer to show you this good furnace, or write for free booklet. leiTlaryb SUNSHINE FURNACE LONDON TORONTO MONTREAL WINNIPEG VANCOUVER ST. JOHN, N.B. HAMILTON CALGARY 4 SASKATOON EDMONTON For Sale by G. A. Hawkins FRANK TAYLOR Licensed ,Auctioneer for Counties of Huron and Middlesex. Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction Chtaraateed. Crediton — Ontario C W. ROBINSON LICEN5 AUCTIONEER AND VALUATOR for Count/As`;of Huron Perth M9ddleeeg add Chrforil. Parra Stock Sales a Sp ty. Office at Cocksbutt Wareecioms, next door to Centra:. Hotel, Mein Street, Exeter. Charges moderate and satisfaction is guaranteed ISAAC R. CARLING, B.A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Commissioner, Solicitor itor for The Mol - sons Blank, `Fete. Money to loan at td est rates of interest. Office -Main' Street, Exeter. MONEY TO LOAN We htarp a large 'amount of priv�ate funds to loldn on ,farm ' andv Mage property at low rate* of interest. GIAN & STANBURY Beelettes, Solicitors, Excreter Dr. G, F. ROULSTON, L. D. S., D.D.S DENTIST Dopar of 'tile R.10, C. D.S. of Ont. Tit31'itfir Gradate Toronto University '` Mine olit t g's law Office; Closed Wednesday afternoons. DENTIST DR. A. R. KINSMAN, L,D,$., DD.S, Honor Graduate Toronto University. Teeth extracted without pain or any bad effects. office over Gladn an & Stanbury's Office Maln Street, Exeter xelia • R.,peVAN'S FRENCH PILLS 4. Pill for men. $5 a box ort �•» or d at all Stores, or rpriilfilE >,.¢ny a op. rater . •88.aTas Scoa'zzs lave Ca .: rin O HONG OR 141 • Re.tE Reaf? dand l ,io Ner re It d Biairi; inciea�ea "grey '� Tonic -er nild you up whoa, or twb:for $6; at drr33��j stubs, or by all on receipt ofprios.TRE SdOBELL DREG Cost. Catharines. Ontario. RAND TRUNK R.1-„lM Attractive Trips T,O MUS'KOKA• 1 AKES ALGONQUIN PARK MAGANETAWAN RIVER LAKE- OF BAYS 'KAW ARTHA LAKES •- GEORGIAN BAY Round trip tourist , tickets now' on sale from stations pn Ontario at very Lots fares, with' liberal stop overs. Get your tickets in advance. Berths and full information at all. Grand Trunk ticket offices, or write C. E. Horning, District Passenger Agent, Toronto, Ont. N J. DORE, Agent, Exeter. im n91fxm m l m u�if to 1 1f11 Fours The Country Club Smart Econo a'dcal ITis an ideal car for people of taste -and refinement—the great sweeping success of the year. \The Overland Country Club is the smart sport model of the' small. car class. Grey body, black and nickel trim, and the . price includes ::wire wheels with one extra. Have a look at the Country Club right away -Land a demonstration..' Overland Country Club Four passenger , Individual front seats 32 horsepower Cantilever rear springs f Five wire wheeta 4 -inch tires Auto -Lite starting and fighting 104 -inch wheelbase Other Overland Fours The Light Four 11Gfodel 85 -Four Touring 975 Touring $1250 • Roadster $950 Roadster $1230 All ^ices f. o. b. point of shipment, Subject to change ,without notice !.EXETER MOTOR SALES• CO Repair and Gas; Service` BRUCEFIELI) Oa June 4th Mr, Herbert L. Whit:d,- Man, druggist, of 'Toronto, and, Miss Aflie Hart, of the salve city, were married by the bri de's father, Rev. John Hart, at the home of Mr. P. JL madden,`' GI: Brucefield.; Mrs. Madden. is'a sister of the bride. Mr. and lvirs, Chas, Clifton spent Sunday with the litter's parents at Clinton—Rev. J. Hart is this wcel{ attending Conferenc(e,-Mr. incl Mrs. J. Horton attended the Mitchell and. Traquhair wedding an Wedlnesday. hast —Mr.' Harold Glenn of Thedford, Mrs; H. Goodfellow of Toronto and \Its. ,;Margaret Glenn, and son John of Lumley were Sunday visitors at the homeof of •Mr. and Mrs, G. A. Glenn.—Mr. Npoleon La Bean, wife acid family spent .Sunday with, his father, Mr, Henry La Bean.—Mr. Sim- on. Grant, who is engaged with Mr. Clifton for the summer, is spending a, ;-eek al his old home in Brusstels. Quite a slumber from here attended the I. 0. 0, F. service in Seaforth on Sunday, MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED' b' C H Sanders at the Advocate Of - nee Strictly cornfidential; no witness Wail Contract SEALED TENDERS, addressed to the Postmaster General, will be re- ceived at Ottawa until Noon, ori Fri- day, the 13th day o.f July, 1917, for the conveyance of His Majesty's Mails, on a proposed Contract' for four years, six times per week each way, between and over Zurich No. 2 Rural Route, from the 1st of Octo- ber, 1917, Printed notices' conitaiining further information as to 'conditions of pro- -posed Contract may be seen and blank norms of Tender may be obtai,n.e,d at the Post Offices of Zurich, idensali and Dashwood, and at the. office of the Post Office Inspector,London. Post. Office Department, Canada, Mail •Service Branch, Ottawa, 1st June, 1917. G. G. ANDERSON, Superintendent Mail Contract SEALET; TENDERS addressed to the Postmaster General, will be re- ceived ak. Ottawa until Noon onFri- l' day the 8th day of July, 1917, for the conveyance of His Majesty's Mails on a proposed Contract for four years six times per week over Dashwood No 3 Rural Route, from the 1st oe 'October, 1917. Printed .notices' containing further information ae to conditions, of pro•• posed Contract may be 'seen and blank forms of Tender may be ob- tained at the Post Office's of. Dash -- wood Exeter, Grand Bend, Hay, and 'at the office of the Post Office.In, spector, London. Post Office Department. Canada,. Maii Service Branch, Ottawa, 25th May, 1917. • G. 'C ANDERSON, Superintendent; SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH WES f LAND' REGULATIONS. The sole head of a family, 'or any male over 18 years old, who was at the commencement ,of the pres1enit'was and has since ;continued to be, a I rnt ish, subject or a subject of an allied or neutral country, may home- stead a quarter -section of available Dominion land' in,Manitoba, Saskatch- ewan or Alberta. Applicant must ap- pear in person at the Dotnsnion Lands Agency or Sub -Agency :for the Dis- trict. Entry by proxy may be made on certain , canditfanss. Duties— Six months residence' upon and cultivation of land in each of three years. In certain districts a homesteader may secure an adjoining quarter-slec- tion as pre-emptione Price $3.00 per acre, ,DuttieseeReside 'six' months in each of three years after. ,earning homestead patent and cultivate 50 acre-. extra. May obtain pre-emption patent as soon as homestead patent on certain conditions: A settler after obtaining homestead patent if he cannot secure a pre emption may take a purchase ed homestead ita certain districts:' Plicee $13.00 per acre. Duds Must re- side six months in each of the three y s, cultivate 50 acres and erect a hdiise worth $300. Holders of entries may count time of employment as farm labourers in Canada during 1917, as residence dut- ies under certain conditions. When Dominion Lands are advert- ised or posted for entry, returned sol- diers who have served overseas and have been honorably discharged, re- ceive one day priority in apply; g for entry at local Agent's Offfcei, ;' (but not Sub -Agency). Discharge papers must be presented to agent. W. W. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of. th.e ;interior NB.--=Uaiagtboi'Ized pubes, tion of this advertisement will not lis paid fon ONTARIO'S BEST- BUSINESS' COLLEGE CENTRA 8/140:71t0; = • dni c. Students may enter our classes at any til e. COmmetiet yo41r course, now and be qualified for a Position, ;by Miihs arnmer. During 11.01';':end Aug ust of toast yyear we reeeieeeteeellIS fo ovve.r 200 office assfistan ,,;figs could not s pi . Out gradeal t e ere . • in demand, Waite at once for free cat - ' *tog. of A ,,MdLaablart. Prielci;pal ,C-ENSA.LL Mr Wesley 1.^rench,, .of the third concesslan of Puckersntith, 'has sold his fine farm to William McDougal, of Hensall from whom he bought it a, few years ago, The price paid was $5,000 far 60 noes, Mr, Drench is to have this crop and then, he axed hill ~rife intend to go „west — The death occurred here last ,o'c ek of Mary Ann McIntyre, Widow ,of James Rea., vvhe had been. living for the past few years with her daughter Mrs, John Mel). Wilson of this place, and lately of the township. of 1 -fay. She was in her 87th year and was highly respected: The remains were ,taken by train. on Thursday morning to St. Marys tobe interred in the family plat thelre. Thos, Sharp ihas. purchased Wm, Idiidebrad's dwelling ,property Queen street. -Rev, 'Knight and Mrs. Charles Redmond the latter as repres,enta,t- ive, of the congregation, are attend- ing the London Conference, — The Maay shipment of thea Patriotic•League was 36 shirts and 135 pairs of socks. KIRKTON —x—o.-x-- Mrs. Dave Balfour is on the sick list.—Mrs, (Rev.) Racey as visiting old friends in the village; -Mr. Hugh liar - rah is ;improving after his illness. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Balfour of Mt. Dinnis visited at Mr, Dave Hazel- wood's.—Mrs. Arnold Wiseman of Ot- tawa spent a clay at Mr. Wm. Wise- man's.—Mr. George Ratcliffe, graduate of ''Knox College, took the services at Thames Road and I(irkton in the absence of Dr. Fletcher this - week at Montreal, ZUSI H Mr, R. T Dunlop has moved into the house vacated by Mr. WS_ Ruby —Mrs Ed, Seibert .of Detroit is vis- iting at the home tof Mr. W. L. Sie bert-Mr. Arthur Truemner of To- ronto is visitiing at the home of his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Hy. Truem n�jr —Mr. Jacob Wolper of near Brewsjt(ea- bad a narrow escape from death , the. other evening. He ;vent into a small shed where he stores gasoline and the lantern which he canried ignited the fumes, causing an explosion. As, a re- sult he was badly burned about the face and hands, but he succeeded in. putting out the blaze before much damage was done. Maria Schibe, relict of the late Bartholemew Howald, passed away on Saturday evening in her 63rd year'. Deceased for years had heart trouble and for two weeks had been quite ill, although death came suddenly at last Born in Huron County she had resided since early childhood in or near Zurich and was well known and highly respected. Her husband died several years ago. She is survived by five sons and .one daughter, Fred of St MarysEd. of Exeter, Edo G Y . Eldon at home, Ferdinand attending college in Kitchener. Theodore; in Ekron, Okio, and Mrs Edward ,Rupp of Detroit. The funeral took place on Tuesday afternoon to the Lutheran cemetery and . was largely attended. BRINSLEY—A quiet wedding took place in Ailsa ;Craig, at the Anglican Church,' on June 5, when Mrs. Til- bury was united in marriage to Thos Lewis of Brinsley. They will reside in Brinsley "RHEUMATISM IN ALL MY BONES AND MUSCLES" Montreal, Que. 'I have been suffering from Sidney Trouble for five long years. I had also -rheumatism in all :my bones and' muscles, could not sleep nights and on some occasions could hardly walk. One day I met one of onr- leading hotelkeepera who had been, cured by your FOR T11 1'(I DN EYE and he advised me to try them. So I bought two boxes at my drug- gist's and before I' had used one box i Belt a big change, before I finished the second one I was com- pletely ("cured. Eugene O,uesnel." All druggists sell Gin Tills at 50c, a box, or 6 boxes for 62;60: Sample free if you write to NATIONAL DEUG & OBE%IOAL OD. or CANADA, ISMITED • Toronto, Ont. 70 ?urity! The one dominating note that runs all through the making of Sunlight. Soap is Purity. The $5,000 Guar- antee you get with every single bar is not a mere advertisement. It marks a standard set for the buyers who select the choice Sunlight Soap materials for the soap boiler—for the expertchemists—for the girls, even, whowrap and pack Sunlight. All are mindful of the Guarantee —it is a . source of gratification to all the Sunlight workers. sunlight Soap, CHIISURST Ernest Dinnin has bought a, Chevro- let 1917 model from -J E. McDosiell. -Mr. Smallacombe• of Stratford vis- ited at R. Dole's a few days recent ly.—During the absence of the pastor at conference the. W.M.S. delegates of Hensal? took the Service Sunday. -- Mrs, Aldrich of Thames Road visited with friends here during the Week.— The Patriotic - Bazaar given in the fine new church shed was a success from every standpoint. A nice lot of home cooking, plain and fancy articles were sold at reasonable prices. 7 quiilts were disposed of. A number of mer- chants kindly donated articles. In the 5 cent guessing contest George Parker won the first cake. The jar of beans was won by Jas. van'ce, Farquhar. The number of ,pins in cushion by Mrs. Hemphill of Hensall.- Weight of cake was OS pounds; number of beans 3,465; number pins 157: In the church a fine program was given, consisting of solos by Mrs. ifitigh�t of Hensall,: Miss Allison - of Thames Road, ' Mr. Rennie of Hartsell, and readings- by Master Jack Jose of hurk'ton. Rev. Moore of Hensall acted as auctioneer and very ably felled the chair. The. proceeds amounted to $140.00. The. Red Cross Circle are well pleased with the results. BRINSLEY—The death occurred on June 6th of Robert Sce lu, in his 80th year. Mr. Sceli has •.been in poor health for some time. Besides ' his wife, he, leaves a family of four daughters and one son. The funeral was held on Saturday to St: Marys Cemetery, CLINTON —A . very sudden death occurred Friday 'evening when Mrs, Isaac Jackson, an old and highly re- spected resident fell, dead whiletak ing a walk in her garden.. She is sur- vived by a husband, three daughters and four sons. CLINTON--A sudden death took place here on June 7th of J :5. Coop- er, a resident of Clinton for morin than 40 years, in his 65t'i year. His wife died about two wee::; ago. Dorn'! Have Catarrh One efficient way to remove newt catarrh is to treat its cause whiin most cases is physical weakness. The system needs more oil and easily digested liquid -food, and you should. take a spoonful of SC ITS t,... i•IS fi _ rF after each meal to enr ch your blood and help heal the sensi- tive membranes with its pure oil -food properties. The results of this Scott's Emulsion treatment will surprise those who have used irritating snuffs and vapors. Getthe Genuine C F eentatir .t:rrLr.0 1r cFt* *� E, _3i�i3r.t•: ntt� rt, 61111' 1 l:. .„.�:. ass :"114.1112" tt ri.., 1 RUNABOUT $475 TOURING .,.;..,.: ... ` $495 COUPELET ,.,..., $e95' TOWN CAR W....: ,, $780 SEbAN .......;: ::: $890 F. 0 B, FORD, ONT. THE FORD IS ECONOMICAL' The average man can easily afford a Ford Car• It is the most inexpen- sive car to drive'. ' 20 to 25 mileson a gallon of gasoline as an every day occftrrence. 33 miles is frequeatlyv,r eported •by, ,Ford. Owxters, •; Yearly re- pair expenses of less than one dollar are not unusual. The car�„is light in weight and the tires give more mileage on a Ford than on any other car You can buy two Vords and rinn,them for the same as one heavy car You can always sella' a:`"used Ford at a good price Ford' Motor Company of Canada, Limited, Ford, Ontario Milo Snell Dealer, Exeter