HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1917-6-14, Page 4Children Cwt' etche11� • The Rind You Have Always Bought, and which has been In use for. over 30 years, has borne the signature of _.,. and has been mads under liispere. sonal supervision since its infancy. Allow no ont'to deceive you in this. AliCounterfeits, Imitations'and s' Just -as -good " are but 3Experiliuents that trifle witit and endanger the health ort Infants ;and Children -Experience against Experiment. What e• CASTORIA 'eastoria is a harmless ',substitute for Castor Oil, Pare gorio, Drops and Soothing ; Syrups. It is pleasant. It Contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. For more than thirty years it. bus been in constant toe for the relief of Constipation, hi'ltitail;ancy, Wind. Colic, all Teething Troubles and .Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels, .assimilates the Food, giving healtIi:y and: natural sleep. The Children's Panacea -The Mother's Friend. oGENUIINIE CASTOR IA ALWAYS In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought 1TH6 CE**TAUR COM MANY, N"EM.'Yo1.K CITY• Ittitater ,. 1 Sendecra r& Creech, Proprietors Subscription Price -In advance. $1.25 p year th Cal s&; $L75 In the ted Vlibltetiptiobs not in adselece cents extra will eberged THURSDAY,' JUNE 14th, 1917 Centralia The play, "Dot, the. Miner's Daugh "'ter;" repeaeed by request in Opera 'Blouse, 'Exeter, June 15th. Do. -not -miss it. The funeral of Jasper Oris, the Tittle son of Mr. and Mrs. Blanshard Williams of the 2nd Con, of Stephen took place to the Exeter cemjetery .iii Friday last. The ,people of the. community sympathize with the par- .:, eats in their loss. Death of Richard Handford. -Thee :death took place on Sunday last of one of the aged and highly respected residents of this village in the per- son of Richard Handford, at the age of 75 years, 5 months and 28 days. Deceased had been ailing for many years from ulcerated stomach, and during the last twelve weeks had been confined to his room. Born at Devon two miles north, he resided there lean' 7thirty-eight years •- ago %when he moved to Centralia, and lived 'here :continuously until his death, As a maxi, citizen, and neigh- bor Mr. Handford possessed many good qualities far which he was es- teemed by the ,whole community, and hie death Will be regretted by a very large circle of _ friends. In religion he was a member of the Methodist Church; in politics he was a staunch. Conservative; and he was a member of the order. of Chosen Friends . The late Mr. Handford mar- ried Maria •Lester, who with: five sons and one daughter survives -Frank in British . Columbia:, Isaac in Snowflake, Man.. Ralph in. .Piiippen, Sask., Mel- vin in. Peapot, Sask., and Mrs. Ar- thur Hedden of London. He is also survived by .four brothers: Jamesand .410101001/ $50,000 Owners' Contest to 1oiow Maxwell's Economy Triumph of May 23rd auummiunnumnumimn immm umm;mil ti m ulmm mnmuuummnmmumm ionnimitinum mato imt Hundreds of Maxwells on May 23rd made good our claim that a Maxwell will go farther on a gallon of gasoline than any other 5 -passenger car—now, from June 16th to 30th, we expect 40,000 Max- wells to make as good or a better show- ing than was made on historic May 23rd cos.moot!ntlmmntnmtpmtinnminnimttlimmumntino mnnmllmsmo nnnmmmmnmmnliuntoimnmmings k` lay 23d was Maxwell Gasoline Economy Contest Day all over the United States and Canada. Fifty Maxwell cars went a total of 1,983.6 miles on a total of 50 gallons of gasoline.,:." "'T'he average gallon mileage of those cars was 39.67. And these were privately owned Maxwells—in actual daily use. ' hose 892 cars avereged 27.47 miles per gallon of gaso- line. More wonderful records are being received daily. '17Ve could rest our laurels on this great triumph—but we don't intend to do that. $50,000 In U. S Liberty Bonds To - Given Away Next Time •w .a t : low we're offering $25,000 in U. S. Liberty Bonds as prizes to the 500' Maxwell owners who make the best mile- age on one ,gallon of gasoline. Every Maxwell owner has an even chance to win a bond. The other half of the $50,000 in Liberty Bonds is to go to dealers for helping us with this stupendous undertaking. If you own a Maxwell your chance,tci,win, a Liberty Bond is as good as anybody's. The contest is open t� women as well as meet Maxwell °Writers. us at once for details of the contest. ter 'cling hi ry-raalking competition now., With a' Liberty "`. BAER G•AYtAGt CO EE's"ER ONTARIO n ' g11i1N111ii1fUi11111it11ii1111111111UIliltlii111i�iiliillfilU11111111iIIIIli111i111ilUUlgil11111pflIUUI11lplilNlliilli Silas of Exeter, Samuel of Sncw flake, Thomas E, of Ingersoll; and two sis- ters: Mrs. Mary Hicks of Winnipeg and firs W. May of Mitche'l, The funeral took place to the Exeter cem- etery yesterday (Wednesday.) Arrangements are in full progress for the first of -July- celebration at Centralia -strawberries, sports, etc,, including baseball. Mr. and Mrs. Hanlon and family vis- ited with friends -in Q(odejich on Sunday, - Rev. Finlay is attending Conference at London this ,week, Also Mrs. Fin- lay has gone. Cor the, wte]etld-end, • Rey. Mr. Salton spent the first part of last week with his daughter, Mrs, E. Colwill, before going to Coa- 1 eren'0+e. Church services were withdrawn last Sunday owing to lfr. Finlay be - away‘ During the summer months the Sun- day School will beheld at 10.30 in - !stead of in the afternoon. Mrs. Llloyd Hodgson is visiting at the home of .her parents at Highgate for a few days.. D h as vvog3 Mr and Mrs. W. C Miller, Bracket Alta, are spendiing a vacation with the former's mother. here. IVtrs• P. Zettel has returned to her home in Port •Stanley after spending a week with relatives in town. Mr, Moody Mayer of Naperville is spending a few days with`•bis parents:' Rev and Mrs. F. Mayer. Miss. Dora 't. raft of London visited here over Sunday. Miss Clara Kraft has returned Ito her home here, atter spending two weeks with relatives in Forest,. M-. and Mrs. rS. Godkin of Sea- forth spent t'he l'weteki-end with Mr. and Mrs. F. Baker. Mr. Addison Tiernan of Stratford is spending the .vacation at his home here, Mr. J. H. "Ehlers of Haa+•risburg,Pa. vis,,ted his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hent- ry Ehlers overSunday. Mr. and Mrs, ,F. Witw,er of Exeter spent the week -end with Mr.,and Mrs. H. Held. Mrs. Heideman and daughter of Exeter spent Sunday .with relatives in town, Broughton -Kellerman. -The maxi - age of Ethel May, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 5. Kellerman, to Ernest A. Broughton, son ,of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Broughton of Whitby, took place at,the home of the bride's parents, •Dashwood, on Saturday, June 2, the Rev. H, A. Kellerman, B. A., of Nia- gara officiating. The bride, who wore ivory duchess satin, (with hand em- broidered court train and bridal veil caught with orange blossoms, entered the drawing room to the strains of the wedding march played by Miss Pearl Wuerth. Miss Ethel Broughton was maid of honor and were white silk crepe-de-chlene, Little Florence Moritz, also in white, was ring bearer and, Miss Oestreicher sang. The bride and .groom left fear Ottawa and other eastern cities, the former travelling in a grey silk suit. They will" be at home after July 1st in Whitbyorliere Dr. Broughton is Medical Officer at the _Military Hospital, after being ov- erseas with Canadian General Hospital No. 4, at Salonika. LUMLEY The play, "Dot, the Miner's Daugh- ter," repeated ;by ,request in Opera House, Exeter, June 15th. Do not miss it. John McQueen is having a fine ce- ment silo built this week. Roger Bros. of Mitchell, have- the contract. -Roy lYem:i and sister Myrtle Were in n Lond yc Sunday to visit Bessie at the •10;el a:. She is improving nicely af- ter the operation, her friends will be pleased to learn. -John Pepper mot- ored to London on. Sunday. -The Mis- ses Traquair tendered a miscellaneous shower to Edna Mitchell, a bride; of the week on Friday ,ev'g, about thir- ty young ladies were present.- Mr. and Mrs. Jaques of Sunshuine were Sun day visitors with the latter's parents. =I3. j: Glenn of Thedford and little. Morley Goodfellow of Toronto called on relatives here Sunday. -Mrs, Grant Ryckman is with ee'es Bessie at the hospital London. -The. Misses Miller of Seaforth Collegiate have been try- ing an examination the past week. We hope they may be successful.-- Mr. and YIrs. Dicicson of liensali spent Monday and Tuesday with Mrs. Broad foot and tamily. GRAND BEND Rev. Carriere left last Tuesday to attend the, Presbyterian assembly at Montreal. -Mr. Robt. -Sono, who a fewdays ago brake his arm while crankinghis car, is d,aiug as well as can be. expect;ed.;-Messrs. R. Sand- ers and W. Hooper, Exeter, were vis - tors at Mr. E., Gill's, Sr,, on Monday. --•Mrs. Cyrus Green, :;left last week to visit at Winghain-Mr, Wrn, Millman and family and .Mr. G• Shepard and. family of near Thedford, visited, Mr. and Mrs. Asaph Gravelle 'Sunday. - Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Wilson have'mav- ed here and will occupy a cottage for the summer. -Mr. and Mrs. '1`hornas. Handford and daughter of 1agers'otl have arrived here and will spend the summer in a cottage here,.. -Mr. • Jahn Holt and Mrs. Asaph Gravelle are still very ill,=Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Dis- jardine and Mrs. -Jahn Ross left last Tuesday for a visit 1n the West with their sons. -The sidewalk on ; the south of the road going to the lake is being started .whriite the north is completed . past the park gate,.. weigh scales which stood so long on Main Street down to h.i s place: of business at the elevator. -.Miss Oliv- er spent the week end in London. IJSBO14NE IC0UNOIL Council met at Township, Hall, dune 2nd. All members present, The 'min- utes of hhe last meeting were read.` awl approved, As there were no appeals ag<ai,nst. rlssessuient Roll., the clerk was instructed 'to enter a .few obanges in ownership of property, which were rjported to the assessor. T+ha Assessment shows the area an th' Township to be 42,702 acres;. 38983, acres cleared; 3532 acres in woodland and 187 acres of swamp, or marsh lands. The valuation is as folows Land;' $19959,00; Buildings $421700; 93,usi- ness Asst. 4150; Telephones 2430 to.a1 52424180; population 1784; , A drainage petition for changing at U. & W. C. drain to a Municipal drain con 12 and 13, was laid over for, in - yes _.nation. 13y -law No. 3, amending the Elim - vine., Drain By-law providing for a levy of .three per vent' on lands and. roads assessed for construction of the drain was passed, signed and sealed, .13y -law No. 3, 1914, was a;mendedi and the price of gravel raised to 15o per cubic yard and 75c per cord. A few accounts were passed and; orders issued for payment. (Council adjourned to meet July 7, at 1 o'clock. 1+, Morley, clerk. • Most Eminent Mecaf Authorities Endorse it. Dr. Eberle and Dr. Braithwaite as well as Dr. Simon- all "distinguished authors -agree that whatever may be the disease, the urine seldom fails in furnishing us with a clue to the ;princi- pies upon which it is to be treated, and accurate knowledge concerning the nature of disease can thus be obtained. If backache, scalding urine or frequent urination bother or distress you, or if uric acid in the blood has caused rheu- matism, gout or scaatica'or you suspect kidney or bladder trouble fust write Dr. Pierce at the Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N.Y.; send a sample of urine and de- scribe symptoms. You will receive free medical advice after Dr.Pieree's chemist has examined the urine --this will be carefully •done without charge, and you. will be under no .obligation. Dr. Pierce daring many years of experimentation has discovered a new remedy which he finds is thirty-seven times =lore power- ful than lithia in removing uric acid from the system. If you are suffering from backache or the pains of rheuma- tism, go heuma-tism,'go to your best druggist and ask for a 50 -cent box of "inawe" put up by Dr. Pierce. Dr.. Pierer', Favorite Prescription for weak women and' Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery for the blood have been favotably'known for the past forty years and more. They are standard remedies today -as well as Doctor Pierce's Pleasant Pellets for the liver and 'bowels. Yon can get a large trial package for 10e. of any one of these remedies by writing Dr Pierce. Doctor Pierce's Pellets 111%unegnaled. as a Liver Pill. One tiny, Sugar-coated Pellet a Dose. Cure Sick. Headache, Bilious Headache, Dizziness, Constipa- tion, Indigestion, Bilious Attacks, and all derangements of the Liver, Stomach and Bowels. CLANDEBOYE Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bradley have moved to Toronto -Mr. Frank 'Kent who has been ill for two weeks, is now able to resume his mail ' route duty, -Wesley Hennessey of 'Toronto spent the .•week end under the par- ental roof, -A number from this town °motored to the Mitchell races,'Tues- day. -Eli Bice has purchased a Ford qar,---Mr, Joe Lewis of -: Dundas has rdturned borne after spetldin,g a, few' days with his father here. -Mr, Nfc Kenzie has improved storehyo a fresh coat of PaintMils§ Edith leis fs v seting • relativesii 11`irantf"aecl and Harniitoh,-Mr, W F. Ab1 ott " has purchased a trailer for hi s Fbrd car? Mr, Wm. Hodgins has Moved the' OFCOMMERCE �K SIR EDMUND WALKER, C.V.O., Li .D„ i1,C.L, President JOHN AIR D, General Manager H. V. F. SONES, Ass't. Genf. Manager CAPITAL PAID Up, 415,000,000 " !. RESERVE FUND, $13,500,000 INDIVIDUAL SAVING IS ONE OF THE GREATEST BULWARKS OF JL 51E NATION. TIO.l.tl o Commence to -day by opening n account. EXETER BR: -A. B. Kuhn, Mgr. CREDITON-J. A. McDonald Mgr. `a 19 `� iNCORPORATED 1855 a. . . 4 • '. AVLSONS Capital & Reserve $8,800,000 96 Branches in Canada A General Banking Business Transacted Circular Letters of Credit Bank Money Orders SAVINGS- BANK DEPARTMENT Interest allowed at highest current rate j EXETER BRANCH-- I • W D. GLARKE, Manages.. a' a ;• . a • — 'ora—.., ..s ,a... tea. a 0 • a . • ;,,; b 4� •. • • a GILSON ENGINES The Engine of Constant Service Absolutely Guaranteed GILSON SILO FILLERS The Lightest Running Blowers made Beware of imitations and infringments. THE;HYLO SILO -Entirely different and infinitely superior. Ask Wm. Frayne, Exeter, Agent Or write y� GILSON MFG: CO., 235 York St. Guelph Ont. TU,CKtERSMITH-Wm. Che.sney on.. the 4th, and spent his life do the one of the best known men of the township, being a central figure initg Township, died at his homes an Con. 5 municipal affairs. He was assessor fop at the age of 69 years, He was born many years. Nati `..:... .,. •... •� 1 Town and Country Homes cast be thoroughly protected and beautified -inside and out Frith There's a Martin-Senour dealer in'your neighborhood! who will help you to get the right Paint and Finish for eve 'surface. FoR THE HOUSE - "100% Pure" Paint is absolutely pure f'fbite Lead and Zino Oxide, ground in pure Linseed Oil to minute treues by powerful machinery. It spreads easier, covers more Adorns end protects longer than most other makes: R THE FLOORS-"Senour's Floor Paint" -gives a hard, rabic finish that stays fresh and bright -and it certainly does er---and' ear -and wear. OR THE BARN -"Red School House Paint", A real wood el•eserver. Stays fresh and bright for years, Spreads easy- covers- well -ready for the brush. POR THE CARRIAGE AND AUTO-Martin-Senour Carriage ilad Auto Color Varnishes -easy to apply --choice of ten shades. FOR THE WAGONS, Machinery and Tools-"Martin.Scnour Wagon and Implement Paint''. A quart is enough, for the average *agog. Protects against wear and rust. Ask for copies of "Farmer's Color Set" and teTown and Cdlt iiftliAliOnies . Many good painting; ° hints in each. ser