HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1917-6-14, Page 3The $loom of Berries in your cheeks= --you can get, it by cutting out the heavy, expensive foods of Winter that clog the liver and bur- den the kidneys. Here is a dish that will clear the skip and give you the' bounding buoyancy Of youth—Shred- ded Wheat and Strawber- ries. All the body-building material in the whole wheat grain, corhbined with berries or other fruits. TIqr Made in Canada. A Practical Design Everybody who has available land is cultivating it this summer, and women need practical clothes for this purpose. A plain waist of strong material with a short khaki skirt with bloomers and detachable leggings is a very practical costume, as the illustration shows. The skirt is cut four gores, and the short length is 32 inches. McCall Pattern No. 7073, Ladies' Waist in 7 sizes; 34 to 46 bust; and No. 7011, Ladies' Sports Skirt, with or without bld'omers; in 7 sizes; 22 to 34 waist. Price, 15 cents each. These pattenrs may be obtained from your local McCall dealer or from The McCall Co., 70 Bond St., Toronto, Dept. W. His Own Shame.' Robe'rt's mother's admonishing to her small son generally ended with the words: "I'd be ashamed ,of you if you did so and so," and the word ashamed, therefore, was constantly in his ears. One day, -after he had eaten; tip his little sister's 'candy, his mother said to him: "Robert, did you eat Dorothy's candy .when I told you not to ?" "Yes, ma'am," said Robert in a tone of triumph, "aretLI'm jest as ashamed of myself as I can be, so you needn't lee ashaneed of 'Me at all!" A Wise Hove is to chars e$frorri:.... tea and coffee to POSTUM before the harm m is done. There s a Reason ii, THE PROTECTING AIR. Raindrops Would Kill Us But For the Atmosphere. The fiercest bombardment conceiv- able would not be nearly so destruct- ive to human life as an ordinary shower if it were not for the protec- tive covering of our atmosphere. We live, move, and have our being at the bottom of an air room forty miles or more deep. Therefore, we are safe, not only from falling , raindrops, but, from meteorites and other wandering bodies from outerspace. But, suppos- ing that it were possible for human beings to exist in an atmosphere that rose only to a few feet above their heads, and that storm clouds could form in the region outside such a low-grade' atmosphere, then every raindrop would prove as fatal to earthly creatures as if it were a steel bullet fired from a. dynamite gun. As it is, however, the resistance of our atmosphere so materially reduces the rate at which the raindrops fall that. they, are harmless; though were it not for the hindrance they encounter from the air each drop would fall with a velocity great enough to pene- trate the full length of a grown man's body. CROSS, SICKLY BABIES Sickly babies—those who are cross and fretful; whose little stomach and bowels aro out of order ; who suffer from constipation, indigestion, colds or ally other of the minor ills of little ones --can be promptly cured by Baby's Own Tablets. Concerning them Mrs. Jean Paradis, St. Bruno, Que., writes: "My baby was very 111 and vomited all his food. He was cross and cried night and day and nothing helped him till I began using Baby's Own Tablets, They soon sot him right and now he is a fat, healthy boy." The Tablets aye sold by medi- cine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Go., Brockville, Ont. Woman '.. Not she with traitorous kiss her Saviour stung, " Not she denied him with unholy ton- gUe; She, while apostles shrank could clan- gers brave, Last at the cross and earliest at the grave. —Eaton Stannard Barrett. =eon Minard'e Liniment in the house. AFTER DOCTORS FAILED Not Fail. A Well Known Resident of Pei Hawkesbury is Restored to Health and Strength. One of the best known men in th town of Port Hawkesbury, N.S., is M William Duff. He has been a membe of the 'municipal council for 16 years chairman of the school board, and hel other responsible positions. Mr. Duff' words, therefore, can be taken as co n ing from a man whoo has the e-stee and respect of his fellow' townsmen He makes no secret of the fact that h believes Dr. Williams' Pink Pills save his. life, and that they restored him t good' health, after several medical mehad failed to' etre him. Mr. Duff tell of his illness and •cure as follows: "About four years ago I -was attacked with la grippe, which left me in a con dition difficult to describe. I was at tacked with general weakness,:and . a constant dull pain in the stomach. I became so weak that I could, not walk a hundred; yards without sitting down, to rest. The food 'I ate continually soured on my stomach. My nerves were all gone, and palpitation of the heart and .a fluttering sensation all - through my chest, especially -at night, was almost unbearable. I was finally compelled to go to bed, and called in a doctor, who said my heart was affect- ed, and treated me for that trouble. Alter three months attendance, and feeling no. better, I: called in another doctor. His' treatment also failed to help me, and I tried a third doctor". This one said there was' nothing wrong with my heart, that the trouble was due to my stomach. After treating. me for a time he advised that I go to the hospital at Halifax. On a previous' oc- casion when I had an attack of rheu- matism I had been.cured by Dr. limns' Pink Pink Pills, and I decided that rather than go to a -hospital I would again try, this medicine. I got a supply of the pills and began taking them, In a few weeks I could feel my: strength returning,; my stomach 'was giving me less trouble, the palpitation. of the heart disappeared, and after a further use of the pills, I felt as well' as ever 1' did in my life. 1 can truly say that I' feel more thankful than words can express for what Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have done for me. You can - get those pills from any dealer in medicine, Or by mail at, 50 cents a box, or six boxes, for $2.50; from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. A leading milk distributor was talk- ing to a rices repoitei about mill p • • { . t "But our adversaries' questions are not fair," he said. "Our adversaries are like the eross-examining lawyer. " `Is it true,' this awyer asked a e witness, 'that you were the only sober r. man at the banquet?' ✓ "`No, of course not,' the witness an- swered indignantly. d "`Who was, then?' said the lawyer." Granulated Eyelids, in Eyes inflamed by expo - 'r sure to Sun, Dust and Wind e quickly relieved by Murine Eye Remedy. No Smarting; o just Eye Comfort a At n Your Druggiist's 50cperBottle. @4urineEye SalveinTubes25c. Foriiookal lheEyei'recask s Druggists or MurineEyeStemedyCo..ChIcago • •MIRAGES BOTHER TROOPS. Mystery of the Desert Interferes With. Army Movements. 'Operations hacl to be temporarily suspended owing to a mirage," says an official communication from the Diala,front, describing a minor strate- gic movement there. It is a reminde that, despite modern war inventions there is at least one front wher world -old conditions still'play a dom mating part.. Thirst, heat and mirage are among the most important factors Garden: Tools. A spade, garden, fork, hoe and rake are absolutely necessary for garden- ing. A trowel and garden line to make straight rows with and for transplant -1 ing are desirable. Wheel hoes and seed drills are valuable for large gar -1 dens.. MONEY_ ORDERS. BUY your out of` town supplies with Dominion Express Money Orders. Five dollars costs three cents. Docking Lambs. When Mr. R. O. Harvey of Leth- bridge, is docking his lambs he,keeps m one blade of a pair of home-ade: shears heated red hot by -a gasoline blow torch. As the Iamb is docked this hot blade sears the wound, and there is no loss of blood. T Liniment Linient used by Physicians. Danger to Public Health. The fact that human beings con- tract tuberculosis by the use of milk and dairy products from tubercular, cows is now almost undisputed by scientists and physicians who have in- vestigated this question. The danger is especially acute in young .children, who drink a larger proportion of raw milk than adults. At the Yarmouth Y. M. C. A. Boys' Camp, held at Tusket Falls in August, I found' MINARD'S LINIMENT most beneficial for sun burn, an immediate relief' for colic and toothache., ALFRED STOKES, General Sec'y.. Becao.se quail, : prairie ' chickens, meadow larks and other birds which feed on bugs and insects of many er- kinds have been swept away, by then- , sands, the cotton -growers of the south e lose $100,000,000 a year by the depre- - of the boil weevil. Mainard'e Liniment Lumberman's Priend. to be considered in Far Eastern cam- paigning, just as they were twenty centuries and more ago. Although the g why and wherefore of the mirage is better understood now than then, the British troops in Sinai and Mesepotami have frequently been held up and mystified by the vision of lakes and trees, just as were the sol- diers of Joshua or Alexander: On -the o ' ceasio nreferred toin the e communication,' the mirage was of minor character; preventing >reliable reconnaissances.: On a similar' oeca- sion some tim, ago, it produced the effect of the appearance, of rib Turk- ish reinforcements which necessitated caution .until their phantom charac- ter had been established. Mirages seriously interfered with Napoleon's Egyptian campaign, and it was due to the investigations of a French .scientist. ,who accompanied that expedition that they were 'first traced to tricks of atmospheric re- fraction. • Recipe for French Flag, If.you make a French ch flag, remem- ber that the blue strip;; next to the staff., is 30 per -cent of the length of the flag, the white 33 and red 87. Auk for-Azinard's and takeno other: School children should be taught fire prevention. The longest stretch over which com- mercial, wireless messages have ever been sent . extends < from Hawalii to Tokio, a distance of _ 3,355 'antics, says Popular Mechar.ics. Wireless corn- munication was established between the United States and Japa_1Nov. 15, .1916, via this route, when h en rle Presi- dent es t- dentsent greetings to the Japanese ED. 7. ISSUE 23•—'17. The Soul of a Piano is the Action. Insist on the "OTTO HICGELV PIANO, ACTION �� -• I300IC 011I DQG DISEASES And HOW to Feed Maned free to any" seeress key the Anther la, America's Pioneer Dog Remedies H. CLAY CLOVER CO.,, Inc. 118 West 31st Street, Now York PAIN ? NOT A BIT 1 LIFT YOUR CORN$. OR CALLUSES. OFF No humbug l Apply few ,drops then Just lift them away with fingers. ---0—o-0-0-0-0-0-0-0--0--0-0— This -o—o—o-o—o--o-o—o---o--o—o—o— This new drug is an ether compound discovered by a Cincinnati chemist, It Is called freezone, and can now be ob- tained in tiny bottles as here shown at very little cost from any. drug store. Just ask for freezone. Apply "a drop or two directly up- on a tender corn' or cal- lus and instantly the soreness disappears: Shortly you will fined the corn or callus so Ioose; that you can lift it off, root and all, with the fingers. Nat a twinge of pain, soreness or irritation not even the slightest. smarting, either when applying freezone or afterwards. This drug doesn't eat up the corn or callus, but shrivels them so they loosen and come right out. It is no. humbug! It works like a charm. For a few cents you can get rid of every hard corn; soft corn or corn be- tween the toes, as well as painful cal- luses on bottom of your feet. It never disappoints and never burns, bites or inflames. 'If yourdruggist hasn't any freezone yet, tell him to get a little bottle for you from his wholesale' house, Purely herbal—Flo pmsonaus coloring Antiseptic—Stops blood -poison Seething—Ends pain and srartieg, ate. Pure—Best for baby's rashes. heats: all cares. 50c. box. A11 Druggists and Stores o-� CLOTHES NOT NE PED.. Natives of''1'xopical .i3razil, Are Finely) Dressed Upon Occasion. -" The aboriginal natives of the Ama- ion Valley, in the wild and densely forested interior of Brazil, wear no clothing except for ornament. Why should they The climate does not de- mand it. Nevertheless, some of them are the most beautifully dressed persons in the world ---at all events, on festive occa- sions, when, as we should say, they "doll up." They wear cloaks, tunics and hats made wholly of the feathers of trogons and other gorgeous birds; and these garments are supplemented by neck- laces, bracelets and anklets of polish- ed teeth and brilliant beetles' wings, r This is the time to swat the early fly. MISCELLANDOUS BICYCLES, NEW AND SECOND• Hand. 112,00 up.. Send for special -est. Bpadina Ave., Toronto. Price Varsi site, Cycle Works. 419 stems contain 46 per cent, cf cellulose and make a paper equal to the Japans ese product. 1s9 BOILER. Por A11 Boiler Peed oe d� "{Vpetereoutm Cyclone Shaking and Dumping Grate Bare for all requirements Canadian Steam Boiler Egeiprnent 20 McGee St. Gerrard 5660 Co,, Limited R oront0 I 4 alfa rnaeuir cliliro al racer! feek�,ir Pe inal l o 00,:E0fl?iuE reihevaxe In saeF EN70riea edit PN ATE cue 0rS ^ ONA EOFSOeAA?11) 57aa60, �` [hWlfrai aC�PANY,IMI1tV..<, co dT.4INs NO Ar.ur. Spinach For Paper. A French horticulturist, :Mons, R. de Noyer, has discovered that spinach 27PV,r5PAPEBS POit sALE pROFIT-It'IAI{ING NEWS AND JOB 11 Offices for sale in good Ontario towns. The most useeul and interesting of all businesses. Full information on application to Wilson Publishing Com- nany, 73 Adelaide St., Toronto. AUs OMOBEZDS -POB SALD �0 CADILLAC IN GOOD RUN-" ▪ sl ping condition. Has spare tire, Price $250, @q�l' HUDSON, 1916 fiLODFEL,CYTIIN • !Restored to Health by Lydia o Pinkharin's Vegetable Compound, der,7 Passenger Touring Car. r Elec- tric lights and starter. Recently over- hauled and newly painted. Tires in good, shape. Price $1,300. • Ili UDSON, 1916 ,aroDEL, 0 GYLIN • der, 7 Passenger Touring Cal., with electric lights and starter. Thoroughly overhauled in' our shop and newly paint- ed. Seat oovers on all seats and doors. Oversize tires. Price $1,200. TT... MODEL 37, 5 PASSENGER, 4 cylinder Touring Car. Eleetria lights and starter, in, good running order and newly painted: Looks like a new Fulton, N. Y. — "Why will women pay out their money for treatment and receive no benefit, when so many have proved that Lydia' E. Pinkham'sVego- table Compound will make them well? For over a year, I suffered so from female _weak- ness I could ardly stand and was afraid to go on the street alone. Doc ... tors said medicines were' useless and only an operation would help me, but Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound' has proved it otherwise. . I am now perfectly well and can do any kind of work."—Mrs. NELLIE PHELPS, care of R. A. Rider, R.F.D. No. 5, Fulton, N. Y. We wish every woman who suffers from female troubles, nervousness, backache or the blues could see the let- ters written by women made well by Ly- dia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. If you have bad symptoms and do not understand the cause, write to the Lydia E. Pinkham;Medicine Co„ Lynn, 1kIass., fot"helpful advice given free car. Price $650. "DiAIGE SEDAN. A VERY FINE looking closed car seating five,, Electric lights and starter; -also -inside dome light. Nearly all the windows opensumm, er whichdrivingives Pramiplece$700, ventilation for HUDSON, MODEL ,33. 6 FASSEN. running. order, eter a special price,i3330�d jUDSON 1913 MODEL "54.!' A HIGH T�oluring Car. In gex odjrunning passenger looks like new. Price 175'0 TUDEBACKFR, SEVEN PASSION- i.. ger, 4 cylinder Touring Car, in good running order. Tires in good shape. This car was painted this year and looks very nice. Price 5350. �ACRSON, 5 PASSENGER, 4 CYLIN der Touring Car. Has electric lights' and starter,good tires, and is a bargain at the price,' 5300. 'tISSELL, 3 PASSENGER CABRIO let. A very handsome closed car, suitable for a doctor. Price $1,000. We only sell used cars after the pur- chaser has had a demonstration and satisfied himself of the running quali- ties of the car he is buying, 'Call a,t our showroom next time you are in Toronto andtion. let our salesmen show you Lianynuteofd our used cars and give you a demonstra Tr2E DOMINION AUTO IZZOBTLE CG., 146-150' Bay Street, Toronto, Ont. r Beck, Th W_ 11 y W.. Doctor Judizins,The iliedical Au ublish .st_ nishing. teport on Wonderful ternedy To Strengthen Eyesight '' t Say it Strengthens Eyesight 5096 in One Week's Time in Many- Instances DR. BECK A Free E'resca'iption Yon ,Can lOrave Pilled and Vse,at'Ilonle. New, York:—Dr. Beek, a New York ,state eye specialist, and Dr. Indians, a Massa- ch,psetts physician, were asked to make a t-tiorough test of the popular eye remedy, Bon Opto. Their reports weremost inter- esting, Here; they are: Dr. Beck reports,'"When my attention was first called to thwonderful eye rem- edy; Bon Opto, I was inclined to be skepti- cal. ',make it a rule to test every new treetin0nt evhich i5 brought tb myattenttou. Having specialized i n e * �- • 3 e otic for the past twenty Sears, I believe I am rlualihed to express an intelligent opin[on 'on remedies applicable to the eyes. Since Bon Opto 'leas. 'created such n sensation throughout the 'United States and Canada, I welcotncd the opportunity to test it. I began to use it in my practice a little over a year ago and I Am frank to say that the results obtained„ are such that 'I hesitate to tell of my (01 pperieneo for fear it will sound incredible. Some of tate results rI have accomplished with Bon Opto net only astonished myself but also other physicians with whom I have talked shout it. I have had many individ- uals who had worn glasses for years for far-sightedness, near-sightedness, astigma- tism and other.eyo weaknesses, tell me they have ct is >en4etl [ with them through the adop- tion of the Bon Opto principal. Many ee troubles Can be traced directly td muscular' contraction and relaxation and 'since Ron Onto method tells how to exercise and de- velop the eye muscles,•11 reachet`condltione not possible through other means. I advise every thoughtful physician to knell' Bon Opto principal, Ivo it the smite cereal trial I b4'le and there is no doubt in my mind they `Will Come t0 the cbneiuslon I have, nalnely, that the Bon Opto method (pens the door for the cure of many, eye troubles Which have heretofore been Impos- sible to cope with. The trenttner,t is so s[nlple'in its Ap;pileationthat it Ceti be used of borne by anyone Of {{Vertigo intelligence, la my own practice I have seen ilestrengtbele the eyesight more than 50 per cent in one week's time. I have also used it with sur prising effect in cases of work strained eyes, pink eye, Inllemmed lids, catarrhal con- junctivites, smarting, painful, aching, itch ing eyes, eyes weakened from colds, smoke, Sun, dust and wind, watery eyes, blurred vision, and in fact many other conditions too numerous to describe in this report. A new and startling case has just come.under my observation, which yielded to Bon Opto. is that of a "young girl, 13 years old. Two prominent eye specialists, after a thorough. examination of the young, girl, decided in order to save the sight of her right eye, the left eye mast be removed. Before permit- ting her to he operated on, the young girl's father decided to ,use Bon Opto. In less than three days a marked improvement was noticed. At the end of a week the inflame inetlon had -almost 'disappeared, and at the end of six weeks the eye was saved.' Just think what the saving 01' that eye means to. this little girl.' Another ease is that of a lady ninety-three years old..; She crane to ate with dull vision and extreme inflamma- tion of the lids and the conjunctiva was al- most raw. After two weeks' use of: Bon Opto the lids were absolutely normal ,and her eyes are as bright as many a girl of sixteen." ytliliishitnoifo nierlO1ef of (Thies he Tlphysician,. Hospital, Boston Mass., end formerly Blouse Surgeon at the New England Eye and Ear Infirmary •of Portland, Maine, and medical author for many years, reports: "I have round oculists too prone to oper- ate and opticians too willing to prescribe glasses while neglecting the, simple formu- las which form the basis of that wonderful home treatment for eye troubles, Bon Opto, This in my opinion;,is a remarkable' rem- edy for the cure and prevention o.1 many eye disorders.. Its success in developing and strengthening the eyesight will"soon make eye y glassesold fashioned n onc c and the Torm "of eye baths which the Bon Opto method pro- vides, Will make its use as common as that of the tooth brush. I am thoroughly con- vineed froth my experience with lion Opto that it will strengthen the eyesight itt least 50 per cent in one week's time in anany, in- stances, Dr. W. H'. Devine, director of medical inspection in the Boston schools, in Ilia .report published February 20, 1917, states that only 14,016 out of 59,175 ex- amined, need to wear glasses now, a marked deetease over the previous report, 'Bon Opto is hastening the eyeglassiess age in bespectacled Boston." Victims of eye strain and outer eye tdeatc- n00500 and those who wear glasses will be glad to know that according to Dr, Beck andr, t D Jt dkins, there is real hope and help for them. lfatly Wvitose eyes were Fail- ing say they have.had their eyes restored by this remarkable prescription and many who once wore glasses say they have thrown theist away." One Tuan says after ushis it: "I was almost blind. Could not see to rend at all, Now I can rend every- thing without my glas'les and nay eyes (10 not hurt any more, At night they would paiaz dreadfully, Now they feel line all the time. It ivas 111°e n inlreele to Me." A Indy who used it sa~,s: "The atmosphere seemed hazy with or without glasses but after using; this prescription for 15 days everything seems clear. I eon real] even. fine, lii'int 'v tent glasses, Another 'who tire'1 .'�I: was othei'� with Sept;y b .led \title eye ',tr; in • DR. JUDKI2 S caused by overtvorlceti, tired eyes which in- duced fierce headaches, : I have n'orn glasses for several years, both for distance end- close work and without them I could not read my' Own 001110 on an envelope or the typewriting on the machine before me. I can "do both now and have discarded my long distnutce glasses altogether, 7 eau connt the : fluttering leaves on the trees across the street now, which for several years have looked ,'lll.o a dim green` blur to We. I cannot express my joy at what it has done for 'me." It is believed that thousands who wear lassetl now Q1V dig n 1 g c rc them in a reason- able ea en- able time ' and multitudes more will be able to strengthln their eyes se n9 10 be spared the trouble and :expense 02 ever getting a g sees. Bye troubles of many dtscriptiohs anay be wonderfully benefited by the use of this prescription at home. Here is the pre- scription: Go to any active drug g store and get a bottle of Bon Opto tablets. Drop one Bon Otto tablet in Is fourth of a glass of water and let it dissolve. With this liquid bathe the eyes two to four times daily. You sliould bailee your eyes cleat Up perceptibly right from the start and inflammation and redness will quickly disappear, If your. eyes bother you even a little, it is your duty to take Steps to save them now before it is, too late. many hopelessly blind might have saved their sight if they had cared for their eyes in time. NOTh—.•),caber prominent physician to whom tho above arllcle wassubntliaet7, skid: "Yes, the Iden opt:, prescription is truly a: wonderful eye remedy, Its ce1i1tltaent hiLredient6 are Well kuoWn to eminent eye slieelnlists and widely Pre- scrtbetl by thorn, I hare ti0ec[ 11 very 1ntcesl+ fully in my own p01011ee 6n patients whose e'aa were sten tried thron4h overwork or intent gimes,. 71' is ane' of tale Very few preparations 1 fee[ should he kept on head for. resider 1110 In. 111n1051 every fe it3 -.' liOn Opto retorted to above, is net a patent 'l11elieine or a secrete rctife,30, It 1s an ethical Preparation,, the fee - meta being printed on. the package, The maiiu- feeimre e timer hilae 11'. to strengthen eyesight le lir rent In elle '00051'5 time iii many in- stnnron or rcfnnt1 the u1011eP it 1s (IP:knkl lei' zt31 00011 drug'g'ists, includink ganer43 i it 'tl„n by t,4, Tanfblt>n and T. I.atoq Co„ '1 °roilto,