HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1917-6-7, Page 1C`oalitiQn and Cons. rz tiw or Election with Conscri t on as Me issue?. German desfroyer and air lanes ,lost in raid" esetersseeseeesesess THIRTIETH YEAR. EXETER., () TTARIO, THURSDAY JUNE 7., 1917 Our Corner. At 40 ,a finnan ,wishes be knew as much as hethought he lorie�v at 20. Drastic action wall immediately be taken. by the Government under the War Measures Act to prevent accum- ' ulation of food supplies. A controller will be a". *Inked. Apple blossoms have not yet made their appearance and farmers say that the trees are not going to blooms this year at all. Last year was the apple year and it ;wr<LS expected that .this year the crop rw;ptild ;be small, but to not have a crop at all will be a ,ca- lamity, Poor old Lottie Tillotson, the fake returned missionary from Hawaii, who exploited many women's societies le Ontario ., is without a home, being alternately kicked over the American border, first by the Canadian and next by ` the American immigration auth brities. •It is to be. hoped the Can- adians win out. Passports have been received at the Local post coffic,e• for those be- tween the ages of 18 • and 45 years, who may have. occasion to cross over to the American side. These- pass- ports or application blanks for per- mit are only 'given under certain con- ditions and permits must bet accom- panied by a photo of the holder. In the Home -ell that is characterist- ically feminine in !woman unfolds and flourishes.. Home without woman is a misnomer, for woman makes home, and home is what She inakes it. If she. is illiterate, hex biome pertaklss of this 'duality; S:f ,she is immoral her home cannot he the abode of .virtue if she is course, refinement does not dwell where she resides: If she is cultivated, pure, refined, those qual- ities wailcharacterize the home which she creates. The higher the degree. of her culture, her purity, her re- finement, the moire \will those quali- ties characterize the ,!name of which she is the centre. TAMAN'S PHONE 81a Gceai Values IN SUITINGS, O'COATINGS ETC., ETC. The publication of the Pembroke Post ceased last svtet ick The Poet clung to the o d .rate of $1.00 per year which; owing to the present cost of ink, paper, etc., makes the existence of a newspaper impossible. The soldiers,' pension list is being revised at Ottawta, It is hoped when revision ; is complete that there is less difference hetuteen the 'officer and the private, and that the pensions for privates are largely - inciieased. The • treatment to retwrneel wounded soldiers should be generous enough to afford them a livlihood, and the tays=at-homes should pay for it. In our opinion that is the way 'to treat the returned soldier problem. The Travellers' Insurance Company has issued broadcast a printed "Warn- ing to Autamobilists," which says in brief : - "Don't run your engine in the _garage with the doors and windows closed. It is death to do This. Ex haust gases from 'gasoline engines con- tain carbon -monoxide in dangerous nuantity;. One-fifth of ane per cent 11 r carbon-monoth�e air will xide isnpo- duce fatal results." Not one person in ane hundred knows the danger; Spread this warning for the saving of human life.. OUR SPRING SUITINGS WERE BOUGHT EARLY AND WE ARE ABLE TO SELL BELOW TO DAY'S : VALUE. ORDER YOUR, SUIT AT ONCE. LIGHT OVERCOATS IN OF CLOTHS FOR THE EVENINGS— AT PRICES` WILL SURPRISE YOU AGREEABLY. OUR PANTINGS ARE SOLD THE RIGHT PRICE. SEE OUR LIGHT UNDERWEAR IN COMBINATION AND IN TWO' PIECE. BEST COOL THAT MOST AT A FULL LINE OF READY TO WEAR CLOTHING. YOU PROBABLY NEED A RAIN- COAT FOR THE WET DAYS. WEAR OVERALLS AT 'YOUR ROUGH WORK, LOOK AT OUR LINES IN,THESE GOODS. ALSO. Furnishings i s hi11 s SOCKS in Cashmefe and Silk THE NEW CAPSIR CHOICE SHT'S FLASHY TIES ARROW COLLARS The W.Tarnan W. calor & W Furnisher PHONE 111* Roll of Honor District .casualties reported during to week. Killed Pte Albert Mitchell of Dublin. Pte D. A. Cantelon of Clinton, son of ex -warden David Cantelon, Presumed Dead Morley 69; Beverley Acheson 68;' Mrs. F. W. Gladman, convenor, iVlrs. Lance -Corp. J. S. Hays of Seaforth George Hind 68; Lillian! Frost 67; Ito- J. A. Stewart, Mrs Amos, Mrs, WT. Missing • ward Dignan; 66; Earl Russell X66; ) eaman, Mrs. Fowell, Mrs. R. N. Corp, T. Ca'nnally of Staffa.Florence Vincent 66; Grebe Redden Creech Mrs W. W. Taman, Mrs. R. School Report HensalL Provincial organization,— Pres,, J, Essery of Usborne. vice -pros., Mrs. Ii W. Gladman of Exeter; J. Keller - (e) The following Form I pupils rnan of Dashwood, R. lelc`luiy of Tuc- having maintained 'honor staadi�pg ker'smith; Sec., T. Shellinglaw, Tuc- throush the year are 'promoted d kersmith;. Treas., John Preeter, Zur- Form' 11 (without requiring to tire' ich.; auditors, Dr. Moir of Hensall and the June Tests); E. Davis, 0,, True Dr. McKinnon of Zurich. niner,,L. Beavers,` Eu. Abbott, Mai •- - The riding chairmen are as follows: ice Harvey; G. Harness, The. 'Connor Stephen, Timothy Collins; Hay, ' C. 13. Senior, G. leaird,i and Mildred Har- Fritz; Stanley, D. Anderson; Goder•- vey. ich :Township, E. Wise; Bayfield, Mr ICammercial,-C. , Mallett, Viola Thompson; Tuckersmith, Wm. Black Jones. Hensel!, Dr, Malloy; Usborne, f, (2,) Our ,exam recommendations Morgan; Exeter, Chas. Harvey, have been accepted at Toronto 'for' the following pupils, who are work- " ing on farms;--- SOLDIERS ENTERTAINED Form II- , N. Anderson, P. Cann, M. Ford, Th. fiord; H. Lail g,; O. Mo . On the invitation. of a Committee of Donald, A, Sliapton; W. Berry, M' Exeter ladies. a' party of about 125 Dougall, H. Boyle, and M. iCamen, invalided soldiers who are undergo Form III -M. Ehlers, A. raises, M. m at the Hogarth, A. Horton, kC, Oesbreicher, in London ewere entertained Led toQ,lunch L. ''Sanders, '!L. Smith, J.Doagall, C. here on Wednesday afternoon of last Hoffmann, E. Boweliffe, M, Senior. ,uve;elc: The soldiers were brought as If all these 22 pupils wi'1 forward far as Exeter by motors loaned by their proof of service' as soon as ask- London citizens, and after supper the rest ed • to do'so; T can•: ton>lpleta they returned to the city, wellpleas- of the necessary returns to the De- ert with the trip and their reception - pertinent; and they should. reedy° The. streets were lined with people their 'certificates by 1st of Sept. and ,the business places gaily decorat- So 'many going on the Germs in thig ed when the twenty odd automobiles way will out down our pass lists for loaded with the invalids arrived here the June ,exanii. However we should about, four o'clock. They were taken pass'' enough 'candidates (then) to to the Town Hall, where the ladiies make another new record of pupils served the lunch to the soldiers and obtaining certificates in a single the owners of the cars. Afterwards year, they fraternized with the townspeople G. Spark, Prin.' for an hour before returning to the ROOM 4. ' , city Sr. 4th,, Honors, -Verna Walker, 78 A few short addresses were made Jack Betts 75; • Ma'bel Johns 75; Pass by the Major' in charge, Mr. McDer- -marguerite Kuntz 74; Dorothy mid,' F W. Gladman, I. A. Stewart Ballwin :73; Viola Hodgert 72; Geo- and- Reeve Beavers. rgina'Efatter71; Louisa Amy 71; Jim The ladies committee -.consisted of Wounded Pte. P. Demaray of Forest Pte. F, G. !Daly of Forest Pte. B, Gooding of Parkhill Pte. W. A. 'Clarke; son of Prof, Clarke of Exeter was injured in the great fight at Vimy Ridge . Pte. Jos. Mugford ;of Benmil'rler,tHe crossed the ocean with the 161st and was drafted to France. I11 65; Josephine Davis 64; Willie Law- Knight, Mrs. T), Jahns Mi s Jona , son 63; ,Tiildred Horton 62; Perla Mri;. F. May, Mrs. McGillicuddy, Mrs Sanders 62; Alvin Andrews ` 62; Phil- N '. Dore, Mrs, J. L. . Burwell, Mrs, ippa Harness- 60. • R. G. Seldon and Miss Hindman. No. On roll 36, average attendance 34. 10. Vosper. (ROOM 5. EXETER SCHOOL :BOARD J.r. 4th. E1onors—Stuart Stanbury 90; Harry Seldon 81; Grace 1C,neecht The Board met in the Library on 80; Margaret Gladman 79; Pass— Thursday evening, May 31st, Absent( • Pte, E. Harvey of ExeUex„frostbife Mary Elworthy 70; bildrei Rowe 66: T. Armstrong Pre ipus minutes ap- nea__ Sr. 3rd, Honors—!Carrie Davis, 81; proved. The chairman s to repast Pte Douglas Stewart ,writes to Florence :Norry 76; Bertha Russell later re black '•,o -.1... Mr. Gladmanis his parents and says he is back•with 75; Pass—Lyle Statham 70; 'Ronald, to report re bas,:. • .nsp,ectnonr, The his battalion after ,several: days in Witwer 66; tWillie `Webster. 65; 'Flier- Continuation Inspecto'r's report was the hospital-wiikth. sore feet. ence Harvey 60. tread and filed,' the matter of making �c: Jr. '3rd. Pass—Ruth Andrew 731 the school aHigh School being left to Mary -Harney 71; Gerald Long 70;: Committee; The P. S. Inspector's re- --o--e— Jas. Hill, sontown ofa Mr.e and Mrs. Lorne Brinlacombe 69; 'Clifford 'Web- port was read.and received, the ref- position ef pas. Hill of town, in resigned his ster 66; (Fred Neaman 66; 'Ethel erence toequipmeat being already car - Belleville in.dhe has esaete 'Bank "ae Houlden 65; Helen Dignan 63; Doro- ried out. Mr. Fuke reported the coal Belleville ,and ,enlis'ted with the thy Mallett 61; Ruby Davis 60. received, Mr. Wood reported the Cobourg Heavy Battery. J. S. Murray, ; flag ,repaired the pale to be painted Pte, E. Harnesstlof Exeter, who was R00i1I G. when weather is better. wounded at St. Eloi on June 14, ar- Jr, '3rd, Honors—Viola Bloomfield! Per F. W Gladman andi A. E. Fuke rived in London ,an has return „Tues- 95; Ella Harney 90; Eenneth Stan; That the chairman and secretary sigo day and is expected home • to -night bury 89; Reggie Northcott 88; Elia. a ,note for $600 for 60 days. or to -morrows His mother :went to Kuntz 87; Rube; 'Creech 84; viviaeei I That the followier R. N nech and F. g c account Woad— Londonbe to• meet him. Collingwood 80; Florence Walters 79 Spackman J. cA.o aid, Dorothy Snell '77; Charlie Acheson Ross 3.25;:and Stewart.95 Capt, R. R. and Mrs. Sloan retuen 77; Jylary Nelson 76; Grant Sander 20.62; TaylorW. A. Iia, supplies llabor,or, ed. Thursday evening from 'overseas. 75; Pass—John White ,74;r Amelia Rein 2Neaman, suppliesa 22.43; R. 5.25; Set Quite a number of friends and citiz- eson 73; Olive Medd 73; ''Wanda; vont ens were at the depot -to welcome Wascinski 70; Lille Snell .65;; A1joe' don, College, oal and duty eggs 5.50; 457.10; 1OaiWal them home. The Capt. •i home on Sanders 65; Annie Willard 61; Per, teaming coa27.20; Grigg Stat, three months' leave in an endeavor Sr: 2nd Honors—Marigaret Harness l to 'recuperate his ,health.—Blyth Stan- 75; Pass—Verne Roulston 67; Walter. Co supplies 16.07 lard. p SANDERS & CREECH. Last Sunday Rev, F. C. Bergen•, Sun- day School Secretary and Y. P. A Superintendent of Cleveland, Obi occupied the pulpit ,in the Evangei'ical Church in the morning. In the after- noon he gave an address' on "The Sunday School organized for service" and in the evening the "Y. P. A. in its working clothes." Rev. Berger is a very eloquent speaker and a man perfectly fitted rfor his position. We are always glad to ,hear him.The Choir and Male Chorus rendered sev- eral selections during the services, Mrs Orme and Miss Muriel Clark have returned from Petratea where. they attended a convention of the. W.. M, S, Rev C, W Baker is attending the Methodist Church Conference .lie Lon don this week. Next Sunday ,evening a union service will be held in the. Evangelical. Church S encer 65; Levergne 'Wells 65; lWel- —x-o—x--- lace Makins 63; Elva :Hunkin 6:3. • Mrs W. J. Heaman received alet- No: on roll 29. H. M. Kinsman ter Tuesday from Major Neaman, in • ROOM 7. which he stated that after other of- ;class 4. (Honors—J. Penrice 79; 0;; ficers had taken !their places in the Brown 76; R. Elworthy 76; S., Reed? 161sT Battalion he ,went to Scotland Pass—R Bloomfield, for a few days, and on his return,he was ordered back to the 161st, but at the time of writing May 24th, he did not know what his duti es would be, or what office' he would' be given, er 76; 73; Ma Murphy 69; H. West 62; M. Johns 60; Hospital staff, London, visited her Class 3, Honors—G. 'Collingwood e3; parents last week. . M. Salter 82; G. Beavers 77; E„ Nora Mrs. Chas. Zw;iicker and Geu•ald are theott 75; Pass—G. Brock 74; I. Lane visiting friends an Toronto. 73; J. Bloomfield 72; 'H. Sanderd The Red Cross Society have engag- ed ngabed the Kine•to Orchestra .of Wyoming to give an 'entertainment iln the Town Hall 'next ,;Wednesday ,evening. Those who love music should come, as there is a treat :in store. A number 'Tram here •attended the Sunday School convention ,i.n Zurich on Tuesday and Wednesday. j, A, McDonald of ' the Bank of Commerce spent the,,wrjeek(end in, St. ROOM. 8. Thomas. Tumors of several wet! Class 5. -Eugene Howey 95 !here are dings to take place this month. Jtitie Reeder Kathleen " Reatnan C 89; Nor— seems to be ithe, popular month of 'Reeder 82; James !Connor 76; k?ass- `Clifton `Andrew 72; Hugh 'Creech 68 tho year for these important events. Russell Brock 67; 'Reggie ,Beavers 6:6; Frank (Creech 65; Myrtle Beavers 60 Class 4. Honors -Muriel Howald 78; Gale. Clark 76; Pass—Vera McDonald, 72; Cora Sanders 72; Grace 'Hunger. 67.; Gerald Oockwill 60, 'Class $. Hon Clinton papers last week contain a statement from Mrs. ,Combe, Wife. of Col.. Combe, recent cominaniler of the 161st Battalion, saying that the Col. was not returning to 'Canada, but would accept a staff appointment in England. A copy of the letter from. the Brigade Commander to the Col. relieving him of his command was also published, and the only reason for the change was that younger men could adapt themselves better to the, varying conditions on the firing line. Col. Combe was highly complimented on the efficiency of his battalion. Pte. Geo. Snaith of Stephen, bro- ther of Mrs, Bruce Mitchell of Fair- field, has been ,promoted to Corporal in has Battalion, and has been given the. Distinguishe,d Conduct Medal for a brave deed: Corp. Smith does not, tell of it himself but friends write to tell the story. A German bomb was thrown into . the Canadian trenches, Private Smith saw it coming and iinr stead of ;Getting it strike he caught it in his hands and threw it back in- to the foe trench, and it is claimed that in bursting eight Germans ' were killed. CHISELHURST Our new shed has been improved by a coat eke paint. Mr, and Mrs, T, H, Newell of Exeter were here during the week combining buslne,ss with pleasure, ° We learn he recently sold 'Grey -Dort : cars to Meters Donald Brintnell _end Geo, Te T.Wrenl—Miss Edith Stoneman, late of Detroit , is holidaying with her mother,—Miss Redmond of_ „Landon: is the guest of Mrs, Arne. Wren, --May McNaughton of Toronto is home on a visit from Torotito., The cora, roosts and potatoes are mostly all in the ground now, The land' has corked up in good shape this spring: 1 K. MacFaul, Sec. Crediton Miss Clarissa` Hill of St. Joseph's 70; V. (Ford 62; ;Class 2. Honors -s H.. Gower 83; H. Snell 83; F. West 79; J. Kuntz 75e A. 'Millard 15 ; Pass 1, Mitchell 67; G, Webster 65; M, tClark 60; 'Class 1. Honors Ii. 'White 82; 13. Garnbrill 79; Pass -E. Nanta' 68; J. 'Nelson 64; E. 'Walters• 65; Ge Wells 60. r1 No. on rol.'39; average 134.; I Quackenbush The members of the Evangelical Church has decided to install esteem heating system cru their church tlrrs coining summer. The old hot air sys. tem is,worn ont, , arid believing in progresiveness, a more up -tor -date ors—Marvin 4otit�ey 85; Theile. Bieriah31% method of heating the bonding .tins 84; 'Nelson -Wells 80; Alda McDo:naldl been agrced upon. We are sure the i country men7bers will appreciate the 77; Pass 'Mussell Snell be ;G'la-!,fact that there will be no cold ,halls, West 69 Verne Br%macombe 67; Gla ! n. C s;2 Flonors -Harte but ample` accommodation to warm dys �Tirnki 61. 1 las old McDonald 82; Pass --Geo. Andrews i yourself no matter how severe the 73; 'Georgina Nelson 70; ''Tiles Henna' weather may be. -68; Lillie Payne 68;-Ha.rry Jennings' Word has been received here that 61. !Class 1. Honors -Helen Vale i78;; a young son has been( born to Mt-sand Pass-Dorothy Dinney 68; Eileen Mrs. Ira Brown of 'Kitchener, We Nestle 65. extend our cton,gratulatiansr l 'bought No, on roll 52; average attendance : Wm. gentle of - Sharon has i 47. 'Ai L. Dow.' a Ford car. There are several more' prospects' around here, w ata areanX- ' ious to buy 5. oas buggy, While( our„ same u past week Mrs. Thos, Mawhinney had the iiiisfartu,rue'ta tall off a chair and break her arin,, c Bank of Arthur Satnhrobk of th Commerce; B1et h'eini, es home for a `few days holidays, Fred Elvins of Goder-ich, was in town aver Suuiday. Iinmense. quantities of tele are be- ing hauled through the village of later Sonic or the palmier sizes have been told out for the, time being, 7;he Ladies' Aid ,of the Methodist Churl are arranging fora social ori the 28th of 'this month, More par- ticulars later, d Q a1 C houso-Cleaning ibis LIBERALS HOLD MEETING ----0---- The —o—_The Liberals of South Huron held their annual' meeting in Hensall on Tuesday. Speakers were :Thos. Mc- Millan, cand,i.dhte for the 1 -louse of Commons, p, M, Bowman ISCP,P. for North Bruce' ,and Mrs, Hyslop, wom- an's organizer, Officers were elected as follows,— Federal organization,-- First Hon, Pres., T, Fraser, BruceliCld ; second Fred Hess Zurich; third, Alex: Mus- tard )3rucefield ; Pres., Henry Snii,th Hay';' is( vice, Wm, Murdiie, SCafo•th; 3rcl,, J Laporte, ,Zurich; Sec„ l;. G, SeRion, Exeter; Treas., Dr, Moir, BIRTHS Jaques -In Usborne an May 2Sth, to Mr. and Mrs: 'Chas: Jaques, daughter Jarrott--In 'Hipper, on June 2nd, to Mr. an,d 11rs. John. Jarrott, a daugh- ter. ,MARRIAGES Sheardo;vin—Murray-At Crediton, ora. May,,24, by Rev. C. W, Baker, Flas- sic Beatrice daughter of the late- William and Mrs. ;Murray of Cmbrok, to Samuel Sheardown of Goderich,. DEATHS Roulston—In Exeter on May 30, Mar- garet Edwards ,relict of the late Robert Roulston, aged 65 years. Hammond—In Exeter, on June ` 3rd Harriet Hammond, relict of the late Thomas Hammond, aged 83' year~: 6 months, Willaarns—In Stephen, an June 6, Jas- per Oris, son of Mr. and IVIrs,.. Blanshard Williams, aged 1.5 months.. CREDITON, ONT. Field Seeds for Sale We have a Stock of Specially Selected Field Seeds .which wa Offer at CLOSE PRICES SEEDS THAT HAVE THE STANDARD OF GERMINATION We have the following varieties Corn WHITE CAP EARLY LEAMING WISCONSIN No.T MAMMOTH SOUTHERN SWEET BUTLER KING PHILIP FLINT LONGFELLOW FLINT MILLETT SEED RAPE SEED BUCKWHEAT SUGAR CANE or SORGHUM, ALFALFA KENTUCKY BLUE' GRASS'. SEED, ORCHARD GRASS, LAWN GRASS, RED CLOVER,' ALSIRE TIMOTHY All the Leading Varieties of. Mangold and Turnip Seed, White Carrot 'and Garden Seeds. We have a Lim'ted Stock of Choice White Seed Beans at $11,00 a bushel Offered Subject to being unsold TERMS—Our terms an Seeds and S eed Grains are Cash; which enables•:, us to give closer quotations. WOOL WANTED FOR WHICH WILL PAY THE HIGI3EST MARKET PRICE, A CALL SOLICITED HAS. ZWICKER GENERAL IMIERCHANT, CREDITON. 1 STEWART'S PHONE 16 PHONE 16 SeasonableatPrices I Goods Right es WHITE OUTING HATS SILK COATS FOR SUMMER The new Monarch 'Knit Sweat- er Coat is one of the smartest and newest Coats for summer wear. We, have two very pretty styles— $10.00 and $13.50 WHITE CANVAS, OXFORD 8r HIGH LACED SHOES White shoes are very popular this season. We are showing sev- eral very pretty chic styles ,in Pump and Oxfords as well as in the high tops,. $2.00 to $4,00, WASH SKIRTS. Attractive wash skirts made in We' are showing a big range of several very smart styles. Show- Girls' and Ladies', Middies, Made ing the newest striped and white in new designs. Price at ;$1.00, materials. They arc v ,and 3.00s on $1:25, $1,50, and $1,75 ably priced $2.25 ,an $ TENNIS, NNIS BOWLING AND SPORTING -SHOES. .E , The styles for this season are mare varied than ever, For Ladies Pumps, High laced ' with or without heels. For Girls and Boys—High laced in colors of white, blue or brown For Men—Oxfords and Highlaced in white and 'blue. They cost c st much less than leather—it is economy to wear them, DINNER SETS TOILET SETS Something new in, Ladles' Out- ing Hats for this season. Several very jaunty styles. Made from white pique, Selling at $1, .$1.25 HOLEPROOF HOSIERY Try a box of Holeproaf Silk Hosiery. You will be satisfied with their wearing :qualities. They ar eguaranteed to wiear three months without holes, or new one furnished "Free :of charge", NEW MIDDIES Four new patterns in Diener, - we're. They are all very neat and dainty patterns, Rennes cups with gold handles; gold handles ori cream and sugar and vegetable disbe,s, Very special 9 7pieces $20.00 BRASS GOODS Make splendid wedding gifts. We have a big range, of Brass Jardinieres, Trays, Etc, We will be glad to show you our assort- ment of Brass Goods. We liawe. always something new to show you in crockery, ,Our white sets with gold trimmings are popular sellers. Sets lot $4.50, $5', .$6.50 HANGING LAMPS A fine assortment of new dec- orations with the fringe trimming We have thein at almost any price you are. prepared to pay. — 44.50 to '$12,50 PHONE 16 Jo As STEWART PHONE 16 '1 The Big Store with the Little Prices :•iriC;.: ;z.