HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1917-5-31, Page 8EXE T'ER AI7VUUATEt
Wlzta+ 2.25 to2,50
Oats: 75 to 801
Family Flour 7,00
Low Grade Flour 44.003to .25
Share„ .,....46,00
Bran. .40.00
Creamery butter 45
Dairy Butter 38 and 40
Eggs ,,.,,..., ..., 40
Hogs; per cwt 16,00
Lard . .. 31
Hay, per ton l0 00 to 12.00
Potatoes 4.50 to 5:00
Mr;, 1 -lector Heywoodand daughter
of Londe i are visiting relatives 'here.
The bowlers were onthe green, o!it
Tuesday eveni•.zg for the first time
this season:
London Methodist Conference op-
ens in Dundas Centre Church, Lon-
don, on June 7th.
Tuesday and Wednesday were most
beautitul days. Badly needed too, It
is to be hoped they continue).
Mr, and 'Irs. Wm• Garner of Lon-
don, ; c.c dn>oa tied by Mrs. Loadman
motored here on the 24th:' alr•s.Load
man will visit her daughter, Mrs. E.
Treble for sometime.
The election of officers .in Exeter
Lodge of Oddfellows Tuesday even-
ing resulted as .follows, -P: G„ Bro,
C. McLeod; N.G., Bro. E. Treble;
V.G. Bra, C. Fisher; F:S.,' Bro Well
johns; R:S„ Bro. R. N. Creech; Trees
Bro. E M. ,Dignan; Rep, to Grand
Lodge, Bro. E. Howald; Del. to the
District 1Leeting to be held in. Clin-
ton on. June 6th, Bras. Statham and
Dear .Mr. Editor, -
Will you please be good enough
to publish this letter?
To owners of automobiles, -
While' we are trying to do what
we can for our .soldiers bath at the
front, and the wounded who have
returned, let us n,ot forget the wives
and families left at home. Think of
the weary 'hours .of anxiou swaiting
they, are called upon. to endure. Why
not let us give them. a little diversion
in the way of taking them far an
automobile ride ;'each. week: This
would surely he a treat for thefam-
;lies who do not own cars. Hoping
that the owners of cars will give this
their consideration and thanking you
kindly, Mr. Editor, for your valuable
apace A Citizen.
See the play, "Dot, the Miner's
Daughter, at Elimville Friday night
Hicks and farn3ly wish to thank the
friends and (neighbors far the many
kindnesses shown ahem during their,
recent sad bereavement.
PUBLIC NOTICE. -The members
of the South Huron Ministerial As:
sociation give notice that hereafter
they will refuse to officiate at any
funeral on. Sunday, except in cases
of urgent necessity, such as contag-
ious diseases.
Ashlyn A. Trumper, Secy.
RUG LOST -On May 10, a yellow;
and black rug, between Exeter and
Clinton. Suitable reward to party u•e-
turning same 'to this office. or Alex.
Reeder, Exeter.
and next are the tww�o,� big weeks for
Pineapples, so the sures :and get your
orders filled, at Wilson's as the prices
are right. Phone 56. Agent's for
Parnell's Bread.
HORSE CARDS. -Horsemen Will
very soon be needing their horse
cards. Do not delay, but order them
early so that you, may have them
ready when the season opens. The
Advocate is in the position to give
you entire satisfaction, as usual. 1 cuts ,
types, and workmanship are right.
x -o -x-
AGENCY. -Having taken over the
agency of the International Harvester
Company at Exeter I will be pleased
to dothe. old cus-
s' bu rn
esa with 11
tomers of the Company, and as many
new ones as may see fit to do busia
ness with. me Repairs on hand far
all machines arid a nice stock of the
celebrated Wm. Gray & Sans, Camp-
bell and McLaughlin buggies. Call
and see us azd learn prices.
WAN1ED.-A good bright smart
boy to learn printir,.g at the -advo-
cate Officer
SALE. -In Exeter, 'wired, convenient
in every way, close'to school and to
church. -Apply to C. Zuefle, Exeter.
sale L No. 21 plows, 1 Nola 13 plow)
1 single furrow riding plow, 1 Maple
drum land roller. Will take in ex-
change good cast scrap iron or wood
about the n;ranity used at Salt I3Iock
40u TONS S'ALT-400 ,tons of fine
Land en 1 Ca tle Salt for sale,
1 Sutton Manager.
The 'Coun-il of the corporation of
Huron will me 't in the Council Chaim
ber, ;n the Town of. Goeierich, on
Tuesday the 5th day o= ;lune, at 3
May ,
Dated 21st, 1917 Clerk
NO'T'ICE is hereby given that =: a,
Court of Revision of the Assessment
Roll of the Township of Ushornc wrli
hold itsfirst meeting for the present
year in the Tornship Hall, Elirnvdle
on Saturday, the 2ri,d day of June,
1917, at 2 o'clock pen,
May. 14th, 1917 Clerk.
b..4915 vett._ .itt..raa
St, Marys tax sate far 1917 is 36,25
Huron County Council vrill meet in
Goderich an June 5th.
See the play, "Dat, the Miner's
Daughter, at Elia; Friday night:
The yellow flower of the dande-
lion is a numerous quantity this year,
The Liberals of South Huron hold
their annual meeting in Fle,nsall one
June 5th,
Cold storages are blamed for the
present high price of eggs arid: other
May 24th was a quiet day in town
and apart from a few visitors mottl-
othing unusual transpired,
Mrs. Roirlstan, who has been duite
i at the home of her son, Or!. G. F.
Eoulston, is better again,
The service m the James Str'etst
Methodist Church an Sunday next
will be led by a men's choir.
Rev Baird of: the fames Street.
Church and Rev. Sawyer of llderton
exchanged pulpits on Sunday.
Mr. and Vtrs John Willis, Mrs. El-
ferington and lfa and Mrs Lawson
ittended the funeral al Mrs, Mira in
Lucan Wednesday.
Mfrs. W. S. 'Clale received the sad
news Monday of the death of her
Gather Mr. Mara who passed az\'ay at
his home In Luc.an that day.
After about five days of heavyand
:ess heavy rain' it cleared up on Fri -
clay and began to look mare like
the usual May -end weather.
Mr. B. F. Lancaster a prominent
Conservative of St. Marys, has been
appointed postmaster of that town,
succeeding Mr, T. O. Robson, who
resigned owing to ill health.
While leading his entire horse back
the Thames Road on Monday kir. J,
j, Miller was bitten on, the hand by
the beast, and sustained a nasty wound
which required the attention of the
Mr. Arthur Middlemiss, an employe
of the Gillies Saw Mill, met with an
accident on Saturday last by a log
rolling on his foot; As a, result he
is now off duty, the foot being bad-
ly swollen.
Messrs, John A Walker and. Alonzo
Heywood have secured their degrees
and are entitled to arrite B.A. after
their names. They have short courses'
yet at college before being ordained
as Methodist ministers.,,
The annual June .Departmental Ex-
for the Middle and Upper
schools will extend from June 7th C
June 27th; Lower school June 12th
to June 25th, and for Junior High
School Entrance and Junior Public
The house :owned by the late Mrs.
William on Main Street, was sold on
Friday privately, iSo Mr. Horatio Rey-
nolds of Sarepta. We undeestand
Mr. Reynolds 'will occupy it shortly.,
We . welcome Mn and Mrs. Reynolds
as citizens.
A party of 100 canvalescent return. -
ed soldiers are expected in Exeter
this Wednesday afternoon, and a corn-
mittee of _ladies convened by Mrs;
F. W. Gladman, will tender them a
supper in the Town Hall. They will
arrive by motor cars and return to
London the same evening',
Mrs. • Arthur 'Kerslake. of Usborne
had the misfortune to step an a rusty
nail last .week, and penetrating her
shoe it entered her foot at consider-
able length. The wound is an ugly
oneand now threatens blood a�oison-
ing.. She is at present with Mr. and
Mrs. Robert K'erslake in town.'
Word has been received of the sad.
death ofa niece of MitAlex. Dow,
at 'Portage' la Prairie. The lady, leers.
Walker, aged 35 ,years, her son aged
9.' and Miss. Essie Irwin, aged 21; were
drowned at Poplar Point Ferry when
the automobile, in which they were
riding, ran off the ferryboat into the
Mrs. John Cotton died last week
in. Hamilton at the agie of 97 years'-
She : had lived in the one house in
that city for seventy years;.<Until a
month ago she had been. in unusually
good health clear in mind and able
to see ,and converse with her old
friends. Deceased was an aunt of
Miss Julia Spicer of Exeter.
Would it not be well, for the Exeter
Bowling. Club to fall in fine with
their brother skips of Woodstock
who are considering the rental of a
piece of land for the -purpose -.pf
growing as many potatoes and beans
as possible. This would be a step in
the right direction and would be help
ing out the cause of more food pro-
duction, Also why should not the
Canada Club, and the Oddfelltays; and
the Masons and the. Sunday Schools,
and the Churches, and the automobile
owners, and all the; other organizations
rent property and grow potatoes?
Why ,not? Simply because Inc this vil-
lage every bowler and every ether
man who belongs to .any organization
has his own garden to attend and
there is no need of a multiplicity of
plans. If everyone attends to his own
garden as he shauld he will, do well.
At noon ,on Monday norm ations were
made in the Town Hall far" councillors
to take the places of Messrs, Hind
and. Harton, resigned. During the
hour the following' nominations were
filed, -William Penhale, moved by J.
W. Taylor and G. Mantle; Fred Wit-
wei•, by J:.. G, Stanbury and' Thomas
Kernick; and Jesse Elston, by John
Hind and'S•.,,.M. Sanders]. These gen-
tlemen would all make good council-
men, but, there being only two vac-
ancies it transpired that Messrs Pen-
hale and Elston filed their qualifica-
tion papers, and were declared duly
For Infants and Children
in Use For Over 30 Years
Always bears'
Signature of
See the play, "Dot, the Miner's
Daughter, at Elimville Friday night,
Miss Zuefle of Toronto was home
doer Smiley.'
Mr, Russell Smith of London is here
for a few days.
Miss Florence Vincent was in Lon-
don over Sunday.
Miss I?, Dickson of Goderich is vis-
iting mends here.
Mr. George Holman of Egmondville
was in town on. Saturday
Mr and Mrs. Hudd of Laadonspent
Sunday, at Mr. Jos: Hawkins',
Mrs, Wm, 'Hazz\kshaw returned last
week from a visit in London.
Miss Effie Treble has returned to
her home here from Grimsby,
lir: W. J.,`Carling of Brighton is
here visiting friends this week.
Mrs, Mark ' Mitchell and daughter
of London were visitors here during
the week;
Mrs "Russell Smith of London was
the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs
Peter Frayne.
Mr. and Mrs, Alex. Stewart and
1anzily of London were visitars here
during the week,
Mrs. Geo. Easterbrook and Mrs,
Thomas of Hamilton are dstting rel-
atives in Seaforth '
Mr, and Mrs. J C. Inwood and
daughter of London ; were visitors
in town. this week,
Gerald Fittale was home this ztreele
and left lvlonday far Ottawa tojoin
the Signalling Corps.
Mr, and Mrs, .Nichol of Strathroy
spent Friday 'here the guest of Mrs:
E, Sanders, Main Street.
Drew Knight and friend, George
Bridges of Guelph spent Sunday here
with the farmer's mother
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Elsie and Mrs.
Robt Elsie of London, were Sunday
visitors at Mr. G. E. Anderson's.
Mr. and Mrs. Thompson, of Chicago
visited here for a few days with
the forrner's sister Mrs. Wm. Hawk
Mr, A. E Kuhn motored' to God-
eric}r on Saturday, Mrs, Kuhn, who
bad been visiting there, returning
with. him.
Mrs. ,Zwirgler of Hamilton is 'visit-
ing,her daughter, Mrs' N` J. Dore.
.Her son Mr. Harry Zwigler was here
over Sunday:
Miss Mabel' Zinn, who visited with
Mr: and Mrs. ;Percy Mallard, Step-
hen, returned to her home inKitchen-
er on Friday.
Mr, and Mrs. W. F. May and daugh-
ter, Miss Lillian, of Mitchell visited
at the homes of Messrs. W. and F.
May this week,
Messrs. Daniel and Percy Moir,
brother and son,. respectively, of the
late John Moir attended the funeral
here on Tuesday
Exeter Council
Court of Revision for the Assess-
ment Rollil of the 'Village of Exeter
for 1917 convened as per appoint-
ment in the Council Chambers, Mon-
day evening; May 28. The following
members took and subscribed; to the
necessary oath of ,office: -B. W. F.
Beavers C. B. Snell and Louis Day,
Mr. Beavers was elected chairman.
The following, list of Appeals were;
read and dealt with: Canadian Bank
of Commerce, ',business tax reduced
to 75 per cent. of assessment of prop-
erty ; Canadian Express Company, the
assessment sustained; Rabt. Gillli,es;
the assessment on building to remain,
the engine assessment to be reduc
ed $50; Robert Sanders: The assess-
ment sustained; Miss M. Quinn: As-
sessment reduced by 580, the same
being an. error; ,C. Zueflje:c Appeal
deferred for further information; Cal-
eb Heywood: Dog struck off ; Emer-
son Gardiner: Dog added to the roll
t at the cal o f'
Adjourned to meet 1 1 the
C!iairnian.-Jos, Senior, Clerk,
The couneil met in regular session
at the close of the adjournedt ,meet
ing of the, ,Court; of Revision.
The minutes of the meeting held
May 14th' were read and approved:
The following letters were read;
From the General office of,_ the
British Sailors Relief 'Fund, Montreal
acknowledging cheque in aide of the:
above .fund. I r
From the Imperial Oil Co.,. re -oar-
der,for road oil. ,
From John Fennell and Son, Kit-
chener, re -order' for supplies.
The following' accounts wereread
and approved, --The Grigg Stationery
Co.flag Patriotic Fund, 8,00; W. J.
Haman, supplies, R. & 13, 7.10, Lib-
rary '10;00, 11.10; The Ross Tayror.
Co:, lumber cemetery acct. ' 31.55;
John -Tadd, labor, 16.00; Thos. G:.
Creech, team R. & B. 12 60; ; John
Ifunkin; ditto, 4.50; John Walper;
ditto, 9:00; John Norry, labor, 6.09;
Thos„ Houlden, team, 2.25; W. W. acct,
50c, 2.75; John Gillespie, team, St.
watering 1.80 Richard' Quance, la-
bor R. '& 13, 2.10; Sidney Sanders,:
ditto, 2.10
Pen Snell and Day.that a rebate be
given; Robert Gillies of '$6.00 the same
being for an error in the assessment
of land for 19.16. -Curried.
The( eireular report of the Canadian
;Eire Underwriter's
Association oP
May 7th was ordered filed.
Adjournment by Day.
J. Senior, Clerk,
Display Advertising Rates - Made.
)anon r on application
Stray Animals -One insertion 50c.,
three insertions 81.00
Fara,. or Real Estate for :ale 50c.
each insertion for one month of r"aur
inseftions. 25c, for eachsubaequ!ent
Miscellaneous Articles of aat'`mole
ban five lines, for Sale, To 11 Lent, or
Wanted Lost, Found, etc., each in-
'ertion 25c•
Lasa' Reading Notices, etc,, '10eopei'
inc per insertion, No notice 1 ass than
Sc;. Card of Thanks, 50c,
Lege: Advertising' 10c. and 5c. aline
auction Sales, . $2 for one insertion:
:tad b.'. fa; two insertions,
Z'r'olessional Curds not exceeding 1
inch- $6 per year
"u!IIIli ooll11IIIIIII
Specials This Week
7 only Men's Heavy Four English Raincoats, sizes 40 to 46, Regularly
$1.3.50 for $11;00
500 pairs Ladies' Black Cotton Hosiery sizes 8IA to 10, Our 'special
selling' price 18c. pair, 2 pair for 35c.
10 dozen Ladies' Vests, .sleeveless and quarter ;sleeve, on sale 15c,
Just received another shipment of Ladies' Fine Work Blouses, sizes 36
to 44, to clear at 98c. each*.
5 dozen new ,Straw' Sailor Hats for men, to clear at only $1.00 each.
headquarters -°for the celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing
by C, 13 Sanders at the Advocate Of RS ' �y� +7
fice. Strictly confidential; no witness �1 id V Ll�e
To the fanners whose contracts
form' part of ;the first 200 acres
corn for Calming Factory, seed corn
wili be furnished at last year's price;
11 cents per pound: After that the
regular price 'will be charged. Pres-
ent market price 30 cents per pound.
Positively no Seed solid except for
contracts EXETER CANNING- 00;
Automobile Tires
We have just received a large ship-
ment 'of automobile tires, that were
purchased before ,the raise in price,
and we have telecided to ,!gone our cus-
tomers the beriefit of our purchase, :it
a cash price.-
30x3 Casing & Ironer Tube $16.00
31x4. Casing and Inner tube $26.50
32x4 Casing and Inner- Tube, 828.00
33x4 Casing and Inner Tube, $29.00
34x4 Casing and Inner Tube 830.00
Prices of other sizes ,on application.
These are all No. 1 guaranteed tires
by t b e manufacturers, which are the.
I7ombiuion Dunlop and Maltese Crass.
These prices can only be maintained
until the present stock is exhausted.
Exeter Motor Sales Co
Phone 18
Try us for all kinds of CANNED
We have
Baked Beans Spaghetti
Tomato Soup
Peaches - Pineapple"
Also pumpkin far good old pump-
kin Pies.
Buy some
Corn Fiakes Rumbles
Shedded Wheat
Rolled Oates or Wheat Flakes
far Breakfast.
People must eat,
So buy'your 'meat -FROM IJS.
R C. Bower&Son
The dominate note of these Spring
Fashions is entirely new. Rarely; be -
Ice have
z v the
majority of styles
shown such ingenious design with
the ,general effect of simplicity. Our
stock is complete,
The Showing includes Serge, Chev-
iots Vacunia, Tweeds and 'Worsteds,
in the fashionable spring colors, and
staple shades.
Our. Stock of Men's Suitings is the
finest shown. Also a good range of
spring -over coatings.
We guarantee satisfaction with
every garment.
N. Sheere
Stand Upstairs, Opposite the Central
• Hotel.
Tea &
Sto •
For the choicest
groceries, fruitsspices,
> . P 9
teas, coffee and every-
thing in the grocery line.
Call and see us. A trial
as to quality will convin-
Produce taken in exchange
Jas. Gould
Next The •.Metropolitan Hotel
Exeter Bargain Store 4
Specials This Week
5 Dozen Turkish Towels, worth 60c. a pair, for 50c, a pair.
9 Dozen Ladies' Black Cotton Hase, plain, worth 20c,, for 15c' a pair.
Children's Ribbed- • Cotton .[-lose, 15c, a pair.
Emhraiderics-Specials at 10c,, and 15c. a yard,
Men's- Ties -A new Shipment 50c. and 75c.
Men's Fine Shirts at $1,00, $1.25, $1.50,
Shoes -New Snappy Styles at the right ht rites
g p !,.. •
ClothingReady-to-Wear and made -lee measu e.