HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1917-5-24, Page 5DISTRESSING RHEUMATISM How many people, crippled and lame from rheumaiisara, owe their condition to neglected or incorrect treatment! It is the exact combinationof the Purest Cod Liver Oil with glycerine and hypophosphites as contained in ffi fMULSI that has made Scott's famous for relieving rheuma- tism when other treatments have utterly failed. If you are a rheumatism sufferer, or feel its first - symptoms, start on Scott's Emulsion at once. IT MAY BE EXACTLY WHAT YOU NEED. Scott & Bowne, Toronto, Out. 86.5 GRA NTON—Pinned under their automobile, control of which had been lost and which overturned on them Mrs. Roy of Granton an aged lady, and her daughter Mrs. Clark of Mt.• Pleasant, were seriously injured May, 12 several miles north of; this place. Mrs. Roy had a rib broken and is;,un- jured internally, fears for her recov- cry being entertained, CLINTON—A. quiet wedding rtook place on May 16, at the home of, Mrs'. :Wm, Jervis, London Road, when her daughter Mabel Blanche, was united in marriage to David 5, Currie, of God erich Rev. J. Agnew officiating. Ask Your`,. Druggist for See You Get This Box inDilis 'FORTFIEA KIDNIX Tilley Road, N.B. May let, 1915. "My trorible" ,vas gravelin; the bladder. 11'1Z4 ,case .was very serious and my death was daily expected. No suffering could be worse than I had to endure. I beg you to publish ms letter so that people may knew what. Gin Rills had done for me. •The first box relieved me a great deal. Eight boxes were sufficient to cure me entirely and to bring me back to perfect health, Isadore Thomas." Your druggist sells Gin Pills -60c. a box, or 6 boxes for $2.50. Sample free if yon write to • NATIONAL DRUG & CHEMICAL 00. OF CANADA,LIMITED Toronto, Ont. U. S. Address—Na-Dru-Co. Inc, 202 Main St:, Buffalo, N.Y.' 52 FRANK TAYLOR MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED Licensed Auctioneer for Counties of by L. H Sanders at the Advocate Of- Huron"and Middlesex. fice, Strictly confidential; no witness Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed. - - Crediton — Ontario C W. ROBINSON J4CENSED AUCTIONEER AND VALUATOR for Counties of Huron Perth Middlesex and Oxford: Farm Stock Sales a Specialty. Office at Coekshwtt Warerooms, next door to Centra Hotel, Main ,Street, Exeter., Charges moderate. and. 'satisfaction : is guaranteed. ISAAC R. CARLING, B.A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Commissioners Solacitor for The Mol - saris Bank, Etc. Money to loan al lowest rates of .interest. Office—Main Street, Exeter. MONEY TO LOAN We have a large amount of private fund's to loan on farm and vtlage prooerrty at low rates of interest. GLADMAN $€ STANBURY Barristers, Solicitors, Exeter Dr. G F. ROULSTON, L. D. S., D.D,S DENTIST Member of the R.O. C. D.S. of Ont. Honor Graduate Toronto University Office over Carling's law Office, dosed Wednesday afternoosas. DENTIST • DR A. R: KINSMAN, L.D.S„ D.D.S, Honor Graduate Toronto University. -Teeth extracted without pain or any lid effects. Office overGladman & S ebury's Office, Main Street, Exeter ONTARIO'S BEST BUSINESS COLLEGE Amy/ 7 STRATFORD. ONT Students may enter our "classes• at any time. Commence your .'course now and be qualified for a position by Midsummer„ During July and Aug- ust of :last .year we received• calls for' over 200 office assistants we ,could not supply. Oar graduates 'are ' in demand; Write at once for free cat- alogue. D. A. McLachlan: 'Principal DR. DeVAN'S FRENCH PILLS t g sting Pilrfor Women. $s a box or three•for $ N Sold; at all i3,rug Stores, or mailed to any .address on reCeiji'tof price.. Trait .Secant,., Dat%) ''Co;, St. Catbarineb, Ontario. PHOSPHONOL FOR MEN. vfrana vltblity;for Nerve'and Brain; increases grey matter' ;a Tonle—will build you up. $E8 a box, or two for $5, at drug stores, or byr,,,mnfi on receipt o•pridersTiro SconcLL nano Co., St. Catharines. Ontario. SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH WEST LAND REGULATIONS. The sole head of a family, or any male oyer ,18 ,years old, who was at the commencement of the prestenif,war and has since continued to be, aBrst isle subject• or aLstbject of an allied or neutral country, may home- stead a quarter -section of available Dominion land in Manitoba, Saskatoh- ewan or Alberta Applicant must ap- pear in person at the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub -Agency far the Dis- trict • Entry ` by proxy may be made on certain conclittOns. Duties— Six month residence upon and cultivation of land in each of three years. In certain districts a homesteader may secure an adjoining quarter -sec- tion as pre-emptione Price $3.00 per acre. Duties—Reside six months in each of three years after earning homestead patent and cultivate 50 acres extra. May obtain pre -eruption patens as soon as homestead patent on certain conditilons. A settler after obtaining homestead patent if he cannot secure a pre- emption may take a purchas- ed homestead in certain districts. Price $3.00 per acre. ' Duties—Must re- side six months in each of the three years, cultivate 50 acres and erect a house worth $300. Holders of entries may count time of employment as farm labourers in Canada • during 1917, as residence dut- ies under certain conditions. When Dominion Lands are advert- ised or posted for entry, returned sol- diers who have served overseas and have been honorably 'discharged, re- ceive one day priority in applying for entry at- local Agent's Offfcei (but not Sub -Agency). Discharge papers must be presented to agent. W. W. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the anterior N,B.—Unauthorized publication of this advertisement, will not be paid for' For Prices and terms of sale of the following brands apply i— MAIL ORDER DEPARTMENT Rational Brcweda Limited Roam 74 36 Cbaboillez Squire. MONTREAL. INDIA PALE ALE CROWN STOUT PALE BOIh (grR ALE ��,yy MALT EX I flomeseekors Excursions Round trip tickets to points. inMan- itoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta; -via North Bay, Cochrane and 'Trans- continental Route, or via Chicago, St. Paul or Duluth, on sale each Tuesday until; Oct. 36 "inclusive, at low fares„ Through ,Tourist Sleeping Cars to Winnipeg on above dates, leaving Toy rO to 10,45 no change of cars, via Transcontin,entai Ratite. Return limit two months; exclusive,. rof' fate of. sale, Berth rieserr-' vafions and full particulars at all ,Grand Trunk ticket offices, dr write. 'C; t. 'Horning, .District Passenger Agent, Toronto, Ont.: N. J. Dan, Agent, Exeter. EXTRA INDIA PALE ALE BLACK HORSE ALE EXTRA STOUT BLACK HORSE PORTER Lagers r--KINGSBEERCLUB SPECIAL .,HOMEBREW 4+1NDIA' PALE' Ai PORTER BOHEMIAN LAGER The above good are all lull strength and are supplied to consumers direct from the Brewery ONLY in localities where no licensed traders reside. ZURIcH ritiri ADE FOES Miss Aiveda Weselah of London and Miss Selma Weseloh of St, Thom- as attended the funeral of their little niece,—Mrs, ,Cyrus. Colosky is visit- estroy Them or They May De stroy Your Crop, SPRAYING A READY REMEDY to This Column. the Amateur is In- traduced to Insects and Fungus So. 'haat H'o May Know Thom by 'heir First Natues. (By S. C. JOHNSTON, Vegetable Specialist, Ontario Department of Agriculture, Toronto.) Garden Foes. Unfortunately the backyard veget- able grower has some difficulties to overcome. It will not be all pleasure and profit which he must look for- ward to because there are innumer- able insects and fungus diseases which cause much worry and trouble and necessitate the use of extraordin- ary methods to prevent or control. Most of these troubles may be aver- come by spraying the plants with remedies which can be secured from seed stores and other firms hand- ling them. The following is a list of the more common vegetables and the insects and plant diseases attacking them with remedies or preventives. ASPARAGUS. Beetles, Blue, black or yellowish colored, abotit one-half inchn . la g, which appear early in May and feed on the young shoots. Keep the bed closely cut in the sprng•or allow poultry to run through it. After. cutting season is over, spray with arsenate of lead. Encourage " the lady bird bettle which destroys many of these insects. Anthracnose or Pod Spots. Brown or reddish spots on the foliage and Pods. Found on low damp ground: Plant only seeds which have no signs of the disease. Pull up and burn. diseased plants as they appear. CABBAGE, CAULIFLOWER, AND BRUSSELS SPROUTS. Root Mag- got. A small whitish colored mag- got one-quarter of an inch. long.. Looks something like a grainof wheat, found just. below • the surface of the ground either close to or on the roots. They eat the roots, •caus- ing the plant to drop over. Apply a solution of corrossive sublimate one-half 'ounce dissolved in five gal- lons of water,at the rate 'of half a teacupful over each plant once a week for five weeks after they are set out, commencing three or four days after planting. Cut Worms and White Grubs. Greyish white grubs which work at the surface of the soil cutting off the plants. They may be trapped by spreading a mixture of poison bran over the surface of the soil close to the plants. A pail of bran with suffi- cient paris green to highly color it, should be moistened with molasses until it crumbles, readily in the hand. This moisture should' be:•kept, on the ground during the early part of the season, Worm. A. small greenish worm three-quarters of an inch long, which appears quite early in the season. Dust with pyrethrum or hellebore powder when the plants have headed, or dust with -a teaspoonful of paris green mixed with threetablespoonful of flour when young. A piece of• burlap may be used for this purpose or an empty can with holes punched in the bottom. Aphis, also called louse. Small greyish insects which multiply rapid- ly. They may appear at any time in the season. Spray forcibly with a solution made from steeping one pound of tobacco refuse in one gal- lon of water. This solution may be used on all plants on which Aphis' are found. - .CI7LEItY. Blight. Black spots appear on the foliage followed by wilting of the plant and a soft root on the stock.. Spray each week with, a mixture of Bordeaux mixture cov- ering the entire plant. CUCUMBER. Striped Beetle. Black and yellow striped beetle which feeds ravenously on the ten- der leaves_ of the plant in the very early stage of growth. Dust leaves when wet with ashes or air -slaked lime. Squash Bug. Dark brown bettle which sucks the juice from the plant. Hand pick and destroy. Found on the leaves. MELONS. Cucumber insects usual- ly attacks and may be destroyed as given above. ONION. Onion Maggot. A white maggot similar to the cabbage root maggot. No effective means of con- trol. : Spread charcoal over the. ground or try the corrossive subli- mate solution as recommended above. • 2 Blight. A violet color, patches appearing on the leaf of the onion. Some advise spraying with: Bordeaux mixture from the time the.onion plant is three inches high:.. POTATO. Colorado Beetle or Po - 'tato Bug. Dust with paris greed -when the dew is still on the plant, or place a teaspoonful in a watering can of water and pour -over the plant. If possible have the plant dusted with paris green before the bug appears. Scab. Easily recognized by char- acteristic roughness of the skin: Im- merse the uncut tuber just before planting in a solution of two fluid ounces of formalin with two gallons of water, Dry, cut, and plant, Blight. Brown spots .distributed over the leafy surface, usually found ;in July If they are not prevented from growing, the whole" plant will be destroyed. Spray once a week for four or five weeks with Bordeaux mixture from July lst. RADISH. Root Maggot. Use the same remedies as given for cabbage and onion maggot. 'TOMATO. Tomato Worm or Horn Blower, A large Worm which rapid- ly defoliates the plant. Hand • pick and destroy. Blight, Black spots appearing on the ,leaves which spread rapidly and cause the whole plant to die. 1',teep' the plants growing vigorously, ing her son, Mt'. Harvey Colosky and her brother, Mr, John Schilbe of De- troit for a few weeks;,—Miss Carrie Ga11inin left this week fOr Sovereign Sask., where she will visit her broth er Mr• Alf, Gallman for a few, mon- ths.—The little two-year-old child' of E. Broderick, Parr Line, had a oar- routr escape from death on Saturday, ft swallowed a brooch shaped like a star which lodged in its throat, Dr. Campbell was hurriedly summoned and he found it necessary to put the child under chloroform before the object could be removed. • A few minutes longer and the child night have choked to •death,.—Death enter- ed the home of Mn. and Mrs. William Thiel early Friday' morning and took away their infant daughter, Selma, Lauretta. aged three months and thir- teen days. -The wedding ceremony took place at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Louis Kalbfleisch, 15th con, of !lay,. on May 16, at 5 o'clock p, when Rev. H. Renibef pastor of the Lutheran Church, Zurich, united rirq marriage their daughter, Josephine E. and Mr. Victor }Beichert, son of Mr, and Mrs. Peter ,Deichieirt Blind Line, HENSALL I)r. Macdiarmid iyas in London last week undergoing an operation for a cataract in his eye,—The Misses Slav - in were ,in London this week in the interests of Mass Slavin's health.—Mrs W. A Miller and family have moved to London Mr: and Mrs. Walter Lan- caster are here Pram. the West, visit- ing friends, -Mrs, A.. H. King: of Tor- onto is with her mother, Mrs'. T. Nee„ lands, who was taken quite 'ill recent, ly but is now improving nicely.—Mr. R. 5. Drysdale left here,; last week for Dubuc, Sask., and Consort, Alta, to visit his sons and daughters for some months. all Grocers. Sunk ht Sv ap The inducements offered with common soaps cannot make up for the purity of • Sunlight Soap. It costs US more to make pure soap. But it costs YOU less to useit, for Sunlight pays for itself in the clothes it saves. It does not wear and rub the fabrics as common "soaps do. $5.000 guarantee of " purity with every cake of Sunlight Soap •RUNABOUT $475 TOURING „ ... . $495 COUPELET $695 TOWN CAR $780 SEDAN $890 F. O. B, FORD, ONT. THE FORD IS ECONOMIC/J.1 The average man can easily afford a Ford Car. It is the most 'ne:xpe•'- sive car to drive. 2Q to 25 miles on a gallon of gasoline is an eve' day occurrence. 33 miles is frequently, reported by Ford owners'. Yearly re- pair expenses of less than One dollar are not unusual The .car is 1'•dht 'rn weight and the tires give more mileage on a- Ford than on any other car You can buy two Fords and run them for the same as, ane heavy can You can always selll a "used Ford at a good price Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited, Ford, Ontario Milo Snell, Dealer, Exeter- Where xeter- 8 Where Right Made Might Light Four ,ubleci:(o ctuin e• Overland success is so eclipsing that one might, take it as a matter of course. But make it have a personal application to you, --because the cost of any car is too much money to be carelessly spent. There need be no confusion in selecting the sound value at the same price—make comparisons and see if Willys-Overland does not spell the answer with mathe- matical correctness. Do not miss the significance of the over- whelming production that makes it possi- ble for us to give better cars at lower prices. More than .400,000 owners have been guided to Willys-Overland by their de- sire for beauty, comfort and luxury in Due to its gigantic facilities the Willys- Overland industry effects millions la economies; has never found it necessary to skimp or rob a car of value in order. to compete but is able to give surplus valuethroughout the entire car for far less money. Might may not make right, but right has made Overland might. The Overland Light Four from the-Stand- point hestand-point of mechanical excellence, easy rid- ing comfort, roominess and beauty is incomparably a better car than can be had in any other make at anything like so low a price. Colne in and see the Willys-Overland Motor Cars --the Light Four and the most comprehensive line of cars ever addition to utility built by any one producer. EXETER MOTOR SALES CO. Repair and Gas Service 1, Willys-Overland, Limited ted bead OElTce lied Wdrits, Toronto Ontai+io