HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1917-5-24, Page 4TELE
Costs less than, any car to run and we are going to
prove it,
We're going to show you that
a, Maxwell will go farther on a gallon.
of gasoline than any other car made, And it's o,11 going to be done out
M the open—;£ween selection and preparation of the cars to the finish of
the test runs, Her's our proposition
Wednesday, May 23, is the National Maxwell Gasoline Economy
Proof. Day,
Upwards s
of 2,000 00 ya- e
it s
ealers in Canada and the States will dem-
onstrate to the public everywhere t bat the Maxwell makes the most ec-
onomical use of its gasoline.
sill tobe ;+� •
one n of the � a w
'�-[ s�
's .il dealers so to demonstrate the 1•Iax-
well. My demonstration will take -place right here at hornet
Complete details will be published later,
Owner's cars are to be used EXclusively- in the test runs.
about znak-ing this run, naturally this nue full information on how to go.
The Maxwell factory has given, touebes ;an) how to prepare the cars.
But there is nothing secret about it _Ray-, F;• McNamara has written e
treatise on gasoline economy, "Ho`v you can., get the greatest mileage
Cram a Maxwell and • ane gallon of gasoline," '
He is the foremost automobile driver in the world—has covered more
than 700,000 miles at the wheel. He is the road engineer for the Max-
weIl company, The Maxwell company alone 'employs an expert- 01 this
kind to constantly test its product.
We're• ready now for our pant in the •Meaty international economy de-
monstration. We invite ,you to 'our sales rooms to see the thi ng done,
If ,you want to know how and why the Maxwell "saves' dollars on gaso-
line, see this through from start to finish We urgeyou to.
Baker's garage
Exeter, Ontario
der coati
Sanders S& Creech, Proprietors
Subscription Price—In advance $1,25
per year in Canada; $1.75 in the
United States. A41 subscriptions not
paid in advance SO cents extra will'
he charged
THURSDAY, MAY 24th, 1917i
A goodly number of the meanble-s
of the W. F. lI., S. and Mission, Cir-
cle from here attended the Mission-
ary Convention held last Wednlesday
in Hensall, all enjoying the addresses
given and report an unusually large
Mr. and Mrs. George Essery motor-
ed to Palmerston Saturday to •vis.it
Mr. Essery's brother, he having re-
ceived word from France of the death
of his on Tom, who, enlisted some
time ago- and has been an the firing
line for sometime, and has naw given
bis life for has country..
We understand Mr Wm. Moffatt
bas treated himself to a new car:
Mrs Hedden of London .s visiting
at the home of her patens, Mr. and
Mrs. Handford.
See another column for account of
death of Mr. Samuel Hicks.
Mr. Harry Price and sister Minnie
and Mary and .Miss Alma Koch of
Hensall spent Sunday with relatives,.
Mr. 'and Mrs. L. Ireland, Mr. Geo,
Wambold and Mr. and .Mrs, S, Ireland
of Stratford attended the funeral of
the late L. Wiegand Sunday
Mr, and Mrs. R. Stade 01 Zurich
were visitors fin:tawn Thursday.
Mrs. A. W. Routledge of Regina'
is visiting at the homer of Dre J. Rout-
Miss Ella Cameron of Exeter spent
Sunday at her home here,.
Miss F. Preeter has returned to
Stratford after, spending several
weeks with relatives here.
Mr• J. A. Wambold and daughter,
Miss Ida of Landon, attended , the fun
era.'_ of the late Mr. Wiegand on Sun,
Mrs. Hess of Zurich visited her sis-
ter Mrs ,Ball, a few days last week:
Mrs Joe Davis and son Gordan,
were visitors in town. Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. M. Fenn of : Parkhill
spent Sunday with Mr•, and Mrs: J,
Kellerman: -
Mr. Chas. Guenther of Londonspent.
the week end in town}
Mrs C. Price of Zurich visited
Zwitb Mrs. A. Brenner over Sunday.
Mr, Hays of St. Marys was a busi,
Hess visitor in town on Friday.
Mr. C. Steinhagen, Sr., is confined
to his home through illness, We haps
for a speedy recovery.
Mr. and Mrs, Jack Triebnar of near
Exeter were visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. O. Restameyer Sunday.
Several' from here attended the S.
S. Convention held at 'Kippen on
Mr. Jas. Willert and sister visited
their mother, who ,is at present in
the hospital at Kifchener, bn Sunday,
Mr, , and Mrs.-.Madigei" and family
of Clinton—Spent :Sunday -'with Mr E.
Mr, and. Mrs E. F. P tyn:n. sof ,Staffa
attended `the funeral of the wale Mr.
Wiegancl an Sunday.
The Dashwood Bowling Club held
their annual business meeting in, Z,11 -
niter's Hotel on. Friday, May 18. The
r, ,c e, elected:—
1alXowin„ ,officers ere were e ewe cd :-...
Pres., Ezra Tiernan; Vice -Pres., P.
-Fassold;• Sec'y-Treas., E. Gabel,
The outlook is brighter than it has
been forsome time.
• Mr. -:and Mrs Gabel, Miss Gabel
of Shakespeare visited with Mr. and.
Mrs E. Gabel over the week end.
and Mis. Fred Preeter, Mr.
and -Mrs Jake Williert and Susan mo-
tored' to 'Kitchener last Sunday.
Death of Mr. Wiegand.—There pass -
•ed. away at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Ezra—Tiernan. an Friday last .one of:
,tete okkest add most respected resi-
dents of this community, in the per-
son of Mr. Lorentz Wiegand, at the
advanced age of 82 years, 2 months
and 8 days'. Deceased had been i.,rn
failing 'health for some time, but his
cortditibn did' not take on a serious
turn until. about two weeks ago, when
he was, compelled to take his bed
and he sank- graduallyuntil the end
came' the infirm/Ales of old age be-
ing the cause of death. Deceased was
a native of 'Germany, but came to
Canada when quite young, first set-
tling at Isbon, :where he lived for
over 30 years, then moved to the
Township of Hay, where he has been
a resident continuously ever since
He possessed -many gond qualit',es and
was highly respected ;n .the cornmun-
munity His aged partner ';n .life pre-
deceased him about two- years, since
which • time 'deceased ,has made his
home with his daughte•_, Mrs. Ezra
Tiernan ; He is survived by two sons
Henry and George on the 1.4th .on
of Hay, and two daughters, Mrs. Sim
Ireland of Stratford and bhrs. Tie-
man: Dashwood. The funeral took
place to the Goshen Linecenser ry
on Sunday a service being held in
the Evangelical Church.
Ma' and Mrs. Mooney of London
are here on an extended visit. -Frank
Fitzgerald recently sold a fine: young
Durham bull for the round sum of
5200.—Mrs. Pybus and Mr.s. Patterson
are' the delegates to ' the `• Sunday
School` Convention at 8 ppgxi—Those
who attended the W. M. 5. Goznvea-
`io t of the ,Exeter District were well
repaid The"prktc•.pal speakers were
Mrs. Gordon Wright;>Lo-n.don; Rev.
Bsi:-d, Exeter. The whale sday was
y .eas•tn..l'y and profitably . spent.—The
boxes of 'eats and treats sent by 'the
Circle to the bays on the firng,linie:
,h=ive , al been . received so th boys
say in•.thetr letters home and are
duly thankfuh.—Our. Red Cross Cir -
tie have decide,d to hold their Baz-
ar on the 'evening of June. 5th. There
will be seven guilts for sale, one
a Red Cross pattern, and another an
autograph with an eight po',nt star
pattern The ladies are working hard
and will have a fine, lot of articles to
sell. There will be. a short program
also. Don't forget the date, — Rev.
Muxworthy took the pulpit on Sunday
-Miss Pape, Hensall, was the guest of
her aunt- Mrs. Henderson aver the.
week end.—Messrs. Carl. Stoneman
and Jahn Swan drive new buggies.
Mrs. Jackson, Listowel, is here with
het' mother,
• ,:intendedfar last week.)
:Frank O'Brien and son Cecil of
Stratford ' were week end visitors
with -relatives here,—On 'Sunday af-
ternoan. ,the 'service' was exceptionally
good, The choir was composed of.
mothers and the selections very suit-
able Mrs, 'Knight, wife of the pas. -
or, sanga solo, which delighted the
congregation. The sermon was fine
and showed much thought and prewar
ation The lesson and text were talc.
en. from 'the Second Chapter of Exo.
due. The pas,or paid a „lowng trib-
ribute• to the mothers,—Mrs, l'raqu air of
Esser is a_visiatrh at the barna of Mrs',.
'Kinstnan.—Mr, Erandon and family at.
S'., :Marys were Sunday visitors at G,
T. Wren's.
1+, attended vine service
in 'Union Presbyterian Church Sun-
day evening, when Rev, Mr, Woods
preached an excellent sermon to a
largecongregation:-Mr. and Mrs.'i
(has, Clitton spent Sunday at the
horde of the latter's mother, --Miss Al-
ice Hart is visiting friends in, Taranto
during the week. --Mr, and Mrs, R
i1acDonald of Thames Road were
Sunday visitors at Mt', 3. N. ` Hazel-
wood's.—Messrs. Swan and Pickering
spent Sunday in. Seaiorth.—Mr. John'
Mustard is preparing his lumber-yarld
across from the sawmill, -1\1'r,
Detnd and Miss Rate, visited at the e
home of Mr. Thos. Baird• -We were
sorry to hear of the, death of ,D%Irs,
Thos. Boyce, which occurred at
Goderich. The remains were interr: d
in Bair•d's cemetery:—A number from
here attended the Victory concert :n
Sealat-tit Tuesday evening,—Miss Gret
to Rass of Seaforth spent afew days
last week with Mass Jessie GemmelL
—Mr. Jas. Gemmell has purchased a
new Ford car.
Died in London,—The' death of Mrs
Joseph Cooper of Lucan Crossing oc-
curred in Victoriia, Hospital London.
on Saturday night, following ani op-
eration from which she never .rallied,
Mrs. Cooper is survived by her hus-
band and was a valued member of
St. James' 'Church, and an ' ardent
worker in the Ladies' Guild,'
Fo.'losving is the copy of .an. ad
d-ess read by Mr. Mervin Elston and
trnresented to Mr. and Mrs Wesley
Webber at their home on Thursday
vening. May 10; "We, a feww of'y'our'
f •iends have gathel fed dere an th's
occasion to express our heartfeltcon,-
gratuiations and our best,.wishes'.for
a long and happy wedded life. You
have both been long known to:.us"
and it has always been. a source ot
great pleasure to be able to number
you arnang oar: list of friends, Now
that. you have decided to become as
ane, before God, we wish to con-
tinue as before fr',ends 'at! yours,,
We horse and pray that yours May
be a happy and prosperous -wedded
life. We:ask you to accept this clock
as a slight token of the' esteaen' of
your friends from Eden."
The sudden death took' piace,.''ues-
day afternoon at Anderson. of Miss
Ruth daughter of Mr( and Mrs. Jas.
H. Robinson, at the age of '17r,years.
Deceased was a bright .healthy girl
and bad been attending 'St. Marys
Collegiate, On Tuesday she' ate
dinner as usual and afterwards sat
down in a chair and almost. inimed-
iately expired. Heart trouble it • i:s
expected: was the cause.
The lime of Mr, and Mrs. Ti M.
I%elland was saddened on Tuesday by
the death of their little, son F1oyd"
Carman Reiland,' aged 1 year wind' 4
days; The funeral will take '"1pltce
from the family residence,'•' Cod: r'.1
Shansi -lard, an Friday, May 25, at 2.30
to 'Mirkton cemetery.'
Mrs R, ,,Paynter and Mrs. 13. V.
Crago attended the W. M. S. Convert-.
tion at .Hensall on Wednesdays -The,
S. S. will hold their Anniversary, ont
Sunday June 37th. There will be no
garden party ,this .year.—Mr. and Mrs
James Moore ,very, kindly. presented
the Presbyterian Church with a
handspme individual Communion ser-
arhach was used far the first
• ;''1s. Sunday. -Mrs. E. N. Shier, who
'D•• some time past has, been suffering
:nor, a gathering on one of her hands
want to Victoria Hospital, Landon;, on
Wednesday, on the advice of tier phy
. in, Da. Campbell, and undrewent:
operation.—Miss Rea Brown 're
turned home from. London last. week
after spending ttva months in the city
—Misses A. and M. Yule of Toronto
are spending a few weeks under `the"
parental roof.
At the gene -al sessio rs of the peace
at Loaders_ on June 5th, Michael Ho-
gan of 13iddu.lph Townsb'.p will be tri-
ed on tou'.' cau:r-s. of forgery. It is
alleged that. he forged the signatures'
of four Biddulph farmers to notes,
war sh went,. e , ater sold to Thos. Had -
gins of Lucan.
Hamilton,. Ont.—"This is.to state that
I have received great benefit from'+the
use of Dr. Pierce's
Favorite Prescrip
Ii.1 • tion. Some time
ago I was run down
and weak, suffered
loss of appetite and
was miserable.
Four bottles of the
cured me up in
` fine shape; it did
wonders for me and
I can recommend
it very highly to
women who are ailing. "—Miss MARIE
MILLER, 127 Hess St., Hamilton, Ont.,
Brantford,. Ont.—"Some few years
'ago I got in a very much run-down
condition. Was very weak;• could not' do.
anything; had no strength at all. I be-
gan taking Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip-
tion.; T only took five bottles and it put
me in splendid condition. I felt better
than I had for years. Other members of
my family have used this medicine and
found it equally as beneficial. I can
highly recommend it to weak women."--'
MRS.A. Girmomr, 71 Brighton Row,
Brantford, Ont.
The use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre
ecription makes women happy by making
them healthy. There are no more crying
spells. "Favorite Prescription'] makes'
weak women strong, sick women well.
Like an open book, our faces tell the
tale of health or disease. hollow cheeks
and sunken eyes,, listless steps, sleepless
nights—tell of wasting debilitating disease
some place in the body. It may be one
place or another, the cause 'is generally
traceable to a common source.
Get the "Prescription" to-day—either
in liquid or tablet form----ifyou want -to
better your physical condition speedily.
Dr. Pierce's Pellets; regulate and iii-`
vigorate stomach liver and bowels.
Keep the body clean inside as well ail
Mr, and Mas Thos• Ferguson and
Mr. Walter ,Hobkirk and slaughter.
were Sunday visitors at Geo. Hob-
kick's''$—Mr, John Bolton and wife
who went on p trip to•i•Loomis', Wash,.
have arrived at their destination and
wrote their friends that they .had a
most enjoyable trip, and they like the.
$tate of Washington verymuch.-W'ed-
ding bells will be, ringing in our midst
ere long.—Qui mail route has now a
lady courier in the person, of Miss
Murdock of aiensall,—Mr, and Mrs. G.
A, Glennon Brucefield spent Sunday
with the former's mother here. --Stew-
art McQueen r Qt n has had the interior of
bis hoire-pl•astetc1 'd rat-,
ed h'tesars.use 'l(ydd ar•ed anPulleybldeeoap
did the work. --.Mr, and Mrs. Cole of
Chiselhurst . were Sunday visitors at
Mrs. Broadfoot's,-Noah Horton and
family ;have moved to Frank Horton's
farm,—Geo. Habkirk still continues in
poor health we are sorry 'to 'say:-
It was with regret that we learned
of the saddeath of Mrs. Charles Mon-
teith, as she was a very fine young
Miss Bessie Ryckman visited rela-
'ives at Hi.11sgreen last wle;ek. —Mr,
George Habkirk is -not enjoying as
good health a's his friends would links
—Mrs. Broadfoot is able to he aa-ound
again after 'her recent illness.— The
fie Mrs. Rosie Stewart ewvar whose s�.e• death
took place recently at the home of her
nephew John Glenn of Hensall was
Confined to her 'bed over a year and
death came as a relief too hen= pro-
longed. illness. Her husband, the late
Charles Stewart predeceased her
ten years. She was 80 years of age
and was a native of Ireland. No rela-
tives in this country. survive, The fun-
eral was private and took place ? to
McTaggart's cemetery..•
ERY—May '23rd and following days.
Trimmed hats; in. all: colors from $L00.•
up to $2.75, reg. $3.`00. and $,4:00';
White panama shapes regular $3.50;
for $2.95.' Entire stock at greatly re-
duced prices. OLIVE GREEN,
Grand Bend•,
,,C.V.0,. 1.[.D., D,C.L., President
CAPITAL PAID UP, $15,000,000
JOHN AIRD, General Manager
H. V. P. JO,N:S, Ass r. Gen'I. Manager
RESERVE FUND, $13,500,000
We must do many things, but everything.
that will help to win the war.
Y can help by saving.
interest is allowed on Savings Deposits of $1 and
upwards at any branch of the Bank. 16
EXETER BR. -A. .1. Kuhn, bIgr" CREDITON-J. A. McDonald Mgr.
CO PO 1855LD
1 A
Capital & Reserve $8,800,000
OB Branches in,. Canada
A General Banking Business Transacted
Circular Letters of Credit
l3ank Monett Orders
Interest allowed at highest current rat.'
W D. CLARKE, Manager.
"ALL RAIL" - also by
" Great Lakes Routes"
(Season Navigation)
Your Future is in the West
The, fertile prairies have put Western
Canada on the map. There are still
thousands of acres waiting for the man
:who wants a home and prosperity. Take
advantage of Low Rates and travel via
Canadian Pacific
District Passenger Agent
The Engine of Constant Service
Absolutely Guaranteed
The Lightest Running Blowers made
Beware of imitations and infringments.
THE HYLO SILO -Entirely different and
infinitely superior.
As.k.Wm Frayne:, Exeter, Agent
Or write .
GILSON MFG. CO., 235 York St. Guelph Ont.
FARQUHAR bull of Dundas motored up and spent
a day with Mr. and .Mrs: W.A. Turn -
Mr. T. Ralph and Mrs. R. D. Turn- bull at Farquhar.
is the Paint that covers the greatest surface—th t takes `thy;
shortest timto apply that wears the longest. Martin -Senor,
100g'o Pure"Paint does all three. Here's the proof. '-`100%'
Pure" Paint cowers 900 square feet of surface pea' gallon.
Hand -mused -lead -and -oil, and cheap prepared paints, cover
only about 500 square feet.
The greatest cost of painting is for labor. " It takes less time
to, apply Martin-Senour .100% Pure" Paint because its fine, even
texture spreads much easier.
(Made in Canada)
is guaranteed to be exactly as represented The purity of the
White Lead and :Zinc Oxide--thehigh quality of the Linseed Oil
—the minute fineness of the grinding by powerful machinery—
insure a paint that gives years of protection and beauty to
your home<
Why uses cheap paint—that is expensive to put on—when
Martin-Senour °100 Pure"Paint wears nearly twice as long'?
If'you are painting this,ye,ar, ;you`ll' be interested in our
books -"Town `And,; Cpurtry Ixothes's.;.and "Harmon In
Neu -Tone . Call or write for copies, --free, y