HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1917-5-17, Page 8r. X.,E TE R MARKETS
W lent 3.00
Oats 80 to 85
Family Flour 7,90
Low Grade Flour ......3.25
Short,; , .44,00 to 46.00
,Creamery Butter .. 46
Dairy Butter __nen 38 and .40
Eggs .40
Bogs, per cwt , 16.25
Lard 31
Hay, per ton 10,00 to 12,00
Potatoes ,:..4.25 to 4.50
Theme, • Road Red :Cross Circle have
atraangrd with the Hurondale l)zaiuta-
tic Club to put on that excellent
Dram -t " The Country Doctor- in
Thanes Road Presbyterian;,' Church,
on Friday evening,' May 25th, ether
talent will take part. A Red Cross
Autograph guilt will be sold by auc-
tion, Concert at 8. Admission 25
and 15 cents,
Manitoba's Best, Model, Welcome,
our three brands each the best ofits
kind, always in stock. -Harvey Bros.
AGENCY. -Having taken over the
agency of the International Harvester
Company at Exeter I will be pleased
to do business with all the old cus-
tomers of the 'Company, and as many
new ones as •may see fit to do busi-'
ness with me. Repairson hand for
all machines and a. mice" stack of the
celebrated Wm, Gray & Sons, Camp-
bell and McLaughlin. buggies. Call.
and see us and learn prices.
Please do not wait till Wednesday
to send in news for publication. The
earlier copy for printing reaches us
the better. As soon as one issue of
the paper has gone out tosubscribers
we are ready to receive copy fortune
next. This applies to advertises -
meats as well as items of news.
WANTED. -A good bright smart
boy to learn printing at the. Advo-
cate Office.
SALE. -In Exeter, twined, convenient
in every way, closeC oschool and
church. -Apply Zuefle,
sale 2 No. 21 platys, 1 Nay. 13 plow;
1 single furrow riding plow, 1 Maple
drum land roller. Will take. in 'ex
change good cast scrap iron ae wood
about the quality used at Salt Block
4Qp TONS SALT -400 tons of bate
Lan d and Cattle Salt for sale,
J Sutton., Manager.
b� C H Sanders at the Advocate Of-
fice, Strictly carnfidential; no witness
There strayed onto the farm of Vic-
tor Heywood, Lot 12, Con. 2, Usborne
a small pig, on or about May. 8. The
Owner can have same by paying for
this advertisement and the keep of
the pig.
NOTICE Ss hereby gin -en that a
Court of Revision of the Assessment
Roll of the Township of Stephen will
hold its first meeting in the Town
Hall, Crediton, an Saturday, the26th
day of May, A,7. 1917, at 10 o'clock
Henry Either, Tp. Clerk
NOTICE is hereby given that a
Court of Revisionof the Assessment
Roll of the Village of Exeter will
hold its first meeting for the present
year in the. Council Chambers, Lib-
rary Monday,
Building, Ereter, on lI n a
May ZSth, 1917, at 7 o'clock p.m.
Exeter May 11, 1917. Clerk
NOTICE is hereby given that a
Court of Rei• a.s ;on of the Assessment
Roll of the Township of Usborne will
hold its first meeting far the present
year in the Township Hall, Elimvii;le
on Saturday, the and day of June,
1917, at 2 o'clock p.tn:
May -14th, 1917 Clerk.
No. 51329, .record 2.15, Trial 2.10
owned by S. G. Hodgias, will stand
for ma'es this ;season at his own
stable, Lot 29, Con. 1, McGillivray.
Service$15. This 2;s one of the very
best tt:ting stallions itnWestelrnwUn-
tario aria breeders would do, well to
take ththeirmares to him.
Fifty acres, more or less, being
West h i.f of Lot 10, Con. 5, Usborne
1 mite \Vest of Elimville, and 4 irides
from Exeter. On the premises are a
goad fra ne house and good ban.kbarn
v. -eh h water supply inside for
stools • good brick pig pen and a
brick. hen house'svi.th straw barn ov-
er the building 18x40; good drive
house Etx40; a never tailing well'\iith•
wind m'.11 and supply tank inside for
stock" Possession given after harvest
JOHN SLEAMON, Elimville, Ont.
That desirable house and two acres
of land, the' estate of the late Rich-
ard parish,'sauth of town, ors London
Road Frame house in goad repair.
Land in io
goad earths n.. Stable, hen
house ,r; ),(.> .1 orchard, never failing
well. Possession at once. Apply to
B. M. Francis, R.R ala 1.. Wcodham
Telephone--I<irk':as 37, 11,
EXE "ER; AT1Vt7GATE, T UBt5I]AT,; MAT 17, 1H17
Mrs, England of Stephen is reported.
to be in; a very low state of health;
Dr. Roulston desires 4o announce
that his office svv11 be closed from
The District Meeting of the Wo- the 18th to the 28th May,
men's Missionary Society was held in
Hensrtll Wednesday.
Mr, William Higgins had a fine
heavy horse die last meek. Mr,
Thos. Houlden also lost a horse,
Mrs, 1'I. E. Gardiner will receive
the , second, and fourth Thursday of
each month at her home Nelson, St,
Mr. C 51 Wood of Ext" ex has pas-
sed the sensor examinations of the
Royal. College elf Denal Surgeons at
Toronto, ,
There were special siervices of
Prayer held in the Trivitt Memorial
Church Monday, 7'nesday and Wed-
While being ,e:r:ercised near home
east of Centralia, a colt belonging to
Mr. Jas, Blair .escaped and made a
fast three mile trip up the 2nd of
rne on Tuesday as far as Mr. Jeff
Fisher's, where it became exhausted
and lay down for a rest. It ryas com-
pletely fagged ,but will recover,
will be repeated Tuesday evening May
22nd ,Cardna's Hall, Seaforth. Ad-
miss_brt 50c, and 35c. Plan opens Sat-
urday 'Mag 19th, noon: at Aberhart's
Drug Store; Phone for, seats,
y evezungs,
Mr. Array W eller has :ansent,ed to Miss Jessie Creech ,was in London
old papers ono. zi tgtzines tar over Sunday.
the Patriotic League free of charge
on Saturday, May 19th i'Iiss Ethel ;Sweet was home from
Mr. Thomas Dinney last week said
Tilsonburg this week,,
his fifty -acres of land on, the 10th Mrs. R. Delbridge left Saturday to
can, of Stephen to his brother, Lea.. visit her daughter a: the Soo.
Chris. Dinney, the price. being $2500, Lir, Frank Rooke of Detroit visit -
Phone write or call on, us, and give ed his ',mother 'here, for a day ,pr two,
to- the news items you may know each Miss. Ethe ).S.e gra vich is the
weal-. We do ,not want to miss any, guest of ` he- aunts, tee Misses Car -
Wu u might if you do not tell us. ling.
Messrs. j J. 'Miller and H. Beirling Mrs. Thornton of Sarnia is visit -
of Exeter North purchased a fine ing her parents, Mae and Silas
trotting stallion "Cobourgh" last week Handford,
at 'Tbamesford. It will be used for Mrs. Wm. Creech went to London
the improvement of stock in this lis- Saturday to visit her daughter, Mrs.
trice. Alex. Stewart
We have been running overtime t'o
Miss F. Rase,, milliner wit mess
rush out some orders, as a cense- Gurliss, returned to her h"me
cjuence we have, bran and shorts of •Ridgetown Saturday.
our own grinding. Bring along your Mrs Nicklin of Toronto is visiting
bags, as it is not sac
Harvey Bros,
Messrs McConnell & Ferguss•
kelt at the family residence with Dr. and
the Misses Iiin.sman.
>'': Sargt.' Gerald ,Fitton, after three
newspaper advertising spe-ialists, of weeks leave of absence, returned to
Landauprom, are douugnmetceliKentasa dvertvartiki•nsingTot ante Tuesday morin ;
promoting gover
campaigns in connection with the Mrs 3-i. NV Doerr of Exeter is this
Department of Agricultu a. weekwith her mother, Mrs. George
judgment by consent lets' been gig
Vivian, -Mitchell Advocate,
en at Osgoode Hall in the breach of Mr. Frank Handford of , Wi'ndsor'
promise action Olive Klean of Mitch- spent a few days at the home of his
ell against Fred Riseborough. The father, Mr, James Hand `ord.
plaintiff asked for $5000, and a set- Mr: R. R. Rogers of Toronto spent
tlemernt for 82,000 has been made. Thursday here at the 'come of his
Two by-laws will ,be submitted to father -in' -law, Mr. E, Christie,:
the property owners of Mitchell an Miss Hilda Williams of K,.tcheneris
Monday \Iav 21. One is to authorize here attending her sister, Mrs.. Mit-
the council to borrow $10,000 to be chell, at the !home of Mr. S. Fitton,
spent on the roads. The other is to Mrs, W. A. Turnbull of Farquhar
give the A. Burritt & Co. a fixed as- :has been vis t';ng her parents, Mr. and
sessment and a site an which to build Mrs. M. Eacr ett, during the week.
a new modern factory.
Mother's Day wa.s dulyb d
Mr. Earl Hodgson returt,ed Monday
o serve to his duties in the Bank of Com -
the Methodist churches here Sunday nrerce after a few weeks' holidays.
by special services appropriate to Mrs J V,..milills'on of Mr: Brydges
the occasion, ,with speech', music and spent Tuesday' night with ,relatives in
decorations. In James Street church Exeter her way to visit in eon Heat
the d
the paster conducted s services, , a
n sell
in. Main Street church Rev, O'Kell of Mrs. Sam'1 Stanlake,; Exeter NorthRirkton preached, The Sunday
School services , vere also of a special left Tuesday for Maple Creek, Sask.,.
nature, a program ,being :ender -ad in to join. her husband, who has been
each case. Rev. a3aird performed rhe bn the West for several weeks.
baptismal service lin the morning. Anions' those attending the funeral
of the late Mrs- Tapp were. Mr. and
WILSON'S GROCERY -This week Mrs. Luke Spearin of St. Marys,Mrs,
and next are the two big weeks for Lutton and Mr. `Thos. Hatton of Lon-
Pineapples, sa abe sure and get your don
orders filled at Wilson's as the price yL.. W. J Murray, traveller for th'e
are right. Phone. ,56. Agent's for Bowser Company, .who has been in
Parnell's Bread. New Brunswick
• for a year has been
FARMERS' ,CLUB MEETING.- transferred to ,West(ern O¢utario, and
spent Sunday at his home here.
The Thames thrid
Farmers' y Clubach Ma R Hill returned' home from Pt;:
meet oil the thrid Monday of each
month during the summer. A good Huron where he has been attending
attendance is asked for Monday night the funeral of his aunt, Mrs. William
as important business will be discuss- Murdock, The funeral on Saturday
largely ,attended and the many.
ed, x -o-_ beautiful flowers that were sent by
DEATH OF MRS, TAPP. friends showed the high esteem in
After awhich airs. 'Murdock was held
n illness ,of several weeks •-�- ---
due to:' an u, ernal groitvth the death
took place on Saturday ,•eoht '>f Elia H• C• W.C.A. SHIP11IENT
abeth Harter, ,wife of . Mr. "'William The May report of the Exeter bran
Tapp, at the age of 65 years). Born ch of the EL C. We 10. Ac !gads
011 the second concession of Usborne follows. 'St Peter's !Lutheran churchi
she has been a resident of this neigh- ' •Zurich 33 shirts, 47 pr. socks. Ladies
borhaod all her life/. Deceased was 'qud Evangelical church Zurich 96 p're
a most estimable lady ;and highly re- socks, 24 'suns pyjamas; Soldiers Aid
spected by all who knew her. Besides Exeter, 56 pr. of stacks. a quantity,
the husband ,she is survived by one oft old linen; ,Zion Red 'Cross 18 shirt
daughter, Miss .Mary, Ann, at hone, 15 pr, of socks. ; Elimville and Sun-
and one son, Thomas of Winnipeg, shine circle 23 shirts, 19 pas. of socks;
who arrived here Sunday light. ` Two 4 pillows; Thames Road 47 pr. of
sisters and four brathers aleo survive, socks 5 day shirts; .Crediton .Red
Mrs. Spearin of St. Marys; Mrs, Cross: 11 shirts, 26 pr. of socks„
Westcott of Dakota; Thomas Har- 27 wash 'cloths, 4 suits pyjamas Far -
ton of London; George of Manitou, quhar Red iCroas. 18 shirts, 18 pair,s
Man., Harry af.;,Michvgan and Chris- of socks; Zurich Woman's Institute
tapher of Idaho. The funeral took 73 pr. 'socks, 15 shirts; Blake Wo -
place to the Exeter cemetery on
1a met man's Institute 19 suits pyjamas 411
Tuesday afternoon. pr. socks, 10 .•towels, Centralia 'Pat
riotic 'League 9 shirts, 18 pr. souks,
PRESENTATION. -At the month- Exeter Woman's Institute, 6 pairs, of
ly meeting of the Woman's Mission,- socks. Total value of May shipment
ary Society, held last Thursday after- $745.00 , ! '
moon in. James Street Church, the Vera 'Essery, Seely foe Cen. 'Com,
members of the Auxiliary presented
their pastor, Rev. J. W. Baird,::. with
an address and an Hanary. Life Mem-
ber Certificate. Refreshments were
served and a very enjoyable social
hour was spent together. Following
is the address
Rev. J. W. Baird,
Pastor of James Street Metho-
dist Church, Exeter.
Dear Mr"'Baird,-The -members of
the W. M. S. Auxiliary of this Church
desire to show ,'their apptiociation of
your able and efficient help on aur
Missionary crusade Sunday'. Your
sermons were very helpful and in-
spiring to us, and the way in. which
you explained our ,work touched the
rshowed any
t of many who never sh n
interest .in: missionary work before.
Therefore our membership was in-
creased and a good suit added to, 'the
treasury. 1n grateful acknowledge-
af your help and oncuragenien,t, we
ask you to accept this Life, IV ember's
Certificate and we realize that as our
honorary member we shall always have
a special interest in your sympathy
and prayers,
We trust and pray that you will
live to Proclaim the Blessed Gospel
of Christ: and see much fruit from
your labors.
Signed art behalf ,of the .Auxiliary
Mrs. 5. DI Nestle,_ President
Mrs, W. Johns, Rec'd-Sec'yl
Exeter, May 10th ,1917,
HORSE CARDS. -Horsemen will
very soonhe needing their horse
carols- Do not delay, but order them
early so that you may have them
ready when the season asserts. The
Advocate is in the position to ',ve
you entiresatisfaction, as usual, ...uts,.
types, and workmanship are tight,
i•'et, OCLAel, ATION
Public notice is hereby given that!
a meeting otic the Electors of the Vil-
lage of Exeter will. be held in 'the
TOWN HALL. E`iETEl1, on-1llonday,
May 28th, 1917. at the hour air 15
o'clock. noon:
For the purpose off receivinjg• nom-
inations for 'councillors to fill the,
vacancies caused btr the resiignations
of Mr., Thomas 5Tsr ton and Mr. John
R' Eine; and further noticeis here-
by given that in the event of more
candidates being proposed for the
offices than required to be elected
the meeting will be adjourned until
MONDAY, JUNE - 4th, 1017 A. D.,
when polls tc ill be opened at 9 A 11I, and
closed at 5 P.M. at the following
places es fixed by the Village 13y-
laW, viz.,
Silas Ifai elford's .residence, Main St.
Bdsvard Tr•eblo, Deputy Returning
officer, and ,Sidney Davis, Poll
the Toivn 'Ilan, Wa1iington Johns,
D. R..'0, and James 1I. Grieve Poll,
Mrs. Mitchell's office Main Street,
Percy Gillies, D. R. 0, and 'George
Anderson, Poll Clexk.
the North End Fire Itall, an Maali
beta St. Frederick Witwer, D. It. Q.
William Brickwood, Poll •Clerk,
And all .electors era hereby reeves -
ed, to take notice and, govern them-
selvestccorinjg d1y,
ur Shoe Department
In this Department you will find many savings .if you buy NOW, as we have many lines to
clear at less than•to-days' wholesale prices, such as Empress Shoes far Women,at $3.00, $3,50
and $4,00 in Kid, Patent, Gun Metal, in Button or Lace Classic'Shoes far Children, Misses, or
Women, at positively olcl'prices Many lines of Slater and Long Life Shoes far nten. We are
at ,less than present cost.
White Shoes and Tennis Goods
-for Summer
Ask us to show ,you the many new features in these lines for this
season. Colors White, Black, Blue. or Tan, for men, woneen and children
LADIES' WHITE PUMPS front $1.,35 to $2,50
LADIES' HIGH WHITE SHOES button, or lace $2.0Q, $2,50 $3.75.
LADIES. PATENT OR KID PUMPS in all the latest styles Tram $2
to $5 a pair.
MEN'S WORK BOOTS, If you are, needing • these, better buy them•
now as ,we have tithes' its stock from $2.50 to $5,00 with no more stock
in sight at anything` like these prices,
Men's and Boys' Clothing
Little wander we are having a re cord season in clothing. In spite of
high prices we -are selling Sovereign Brand Suits at the same prices as
you paid before the war, and' • we; are selling lots of them, and will,con-
tinue to do sa'tilll. aur present stock is exhausted. After that, and itcer-
tainly won't be; Tong, prices must go up, as we canniot (replace many lines
1i we paid as high) as we; are now selling them at
Take our.advice, and buy your boy.what clothes. he nieeds four NEXT
FALL now. Other people are doing this, many buying their boys two
suits', There is a reason, and that reason is Jones & Mays' low price on
We sell the famous Arthur's' Scotch Raincoats, the:best.made. Prices
$6,75' to '$$15.00. Our ,.Tweed Raincoats are also just the thing to act as
a Spring or Fall. Overcoat. •
- House Furors ings
House-cleaning time is here, andRugs, Linaleumns, Oilcloths, ;Blinds
carry the big -.assortment, and sell at
our Congolium Rug's for Bedrooms o
Congolium Rug`s ,6x9 $6; Nx9 p9;
you will' fund us,headquarters fare
Lace Curtains and Wall Papers. We
close prices, .Be sure! to ask to see
r Dining RoomsM
9x1.0 811; . Q�'
Hundreds of ,yards of Summer Wash Dress ,Goods -a11 colors worth up
to 50c. ` a yard.' Ong sale at Z5c.
Headquartcl N for the celebrated W.E. Sanford Clothing.411
by C, H. Sanders at the Advocate Of-
fice.Furniture Strictly confidential no witness j o
To the farmers whose contracts
form part of the first 200 acres of.
corn for Canning Factory, seed,corn
will be furnished at' last year's price,
11 dents per pound. After that the
regular price' will !be charged. "Pres-
ent market price 30 cents per 7iaund.
Positively no' seed sold except foe -
contracts EXETER CANNING: C;0,
Automobile Tins
We nave just Ireceived a large ship-
ment of automobile tires, that were
purchased' before •the raise in price,
and we have (decided to !give our cus-
tamers the benefit of our purchase, et
a cash' price.
30i3la , Casin, & Inner Tube -$16.00
31x4.: Casing land Inner tube $26.50
32x4 Casing and Lnner Tube $28.00
33x4 `Casing and Inner Tube, $29,00
34x4. 'Casing and inner Tube $30.00
Prices of other sizes an application.
These ire all No. 1 guaranteed tires
by Elie manu'factu'rers, which are the
Domii:nion Dunlop and Maltese Crass.
These prices can only be maintained
until the present stock is exhausted.
Exeter Motor Sales Co
Phone 18 .'
Try us for all kinds' of CANNED
We have
Baked Beans Spaghetti •
Tomato Soup
Peaches Pineapple.
Also pumpkin far ,goacl old pump-
kin Pies.
Buy some
Corn Flakes Rumbles
Sledded Wheat -
,Rolled Oates or Wheat flakes
for Breakfast,
"Fl People must eat,
So buy your'mcat-FROM I7S;
By order. PHONE
Jos, Senior, Ileturntng d,.Lacett � � V e ower Son
Lltu81. goill
The dominate note of these Spring
Fashions is entirely new. Rarely be-
fore have the majority of styles
shown such ingenious design with
the .general effect of simplicity. Our
stock is complete.
The Showing includes Serge, Chev-
iots Vacuatia, Tweeds and Worsteds,
in the fashionable spring colors, and
staple shades.
Our Stock of Men's Suitings is the
finest shown. Also a ,good range of
spring overcoatings.
We guarantee satisfaction• with
every garment.
Na Sheere
Stand Upstairs, Opposite the Central
Tea & Coffee
For the choicest
groceries, fruits, spices,
teas, coffee and every-
verythin in thegrocery line.
Call and see us. A trial
as to quality Will convin-
Produce taken in exchange
Jas. Gould,.
Next The Metropolitan Hotel -
Exeter Bargain Stor
Specials This Week
5 Dazes) Turkish. Towels, worth 60e, a pair, for 50c. a pair;
9 Dozen Ladies' Black Cotton t
z ton Hose, plain, worth 20c,, for 15e a: pair,
Children's Ribbed Cotton ITose, .15c. a pall-.
Embroideries -Specials at 10c. and 15c. a yard,
Mews Ties -A new Shipment 50c: and 75c.
Men's Fine Shirts at $1,00, $1.25, $1,50.
Shoes -New Snappy Snappy Styles sit the right prices.
Clothing -Ready -to -Wear and trade -Skop -measures
B. 'W. F. Beavers