HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1917-5-17, Page 4l;
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She aoprielaryor patent kledicineAct'
A1'e elablePreparelionfares•.
ettatIIatine IheFood andlleeulae',
tmglheaMmachsandBatelsot 't
Promotes Digestion Clteerfal-
ness and Rest,Coutainsneither
Opitma.Morphine nor Plural,.
g yveofOldJL:.JAMQIZ7'J77 ER
Butlliat Sem'"
. rfeUcSa(ls-
f'b ermint-
Wu fred-
rifte Jla
For Infants and Chaldron.
!lathers Kew That
Genuine ..s
Bears the
A rerfectRemedy rorconslipa-
tion, SourSlomach,Diarrhoea,
Hess and LESS of SLEEP.
FacSimile Signature err
dor Over
Thirty Years -
Exact .Copy
of Wrapper.
'Pe -We .Measessaa
Sanders $c Creech, Proprietors
Subscription. Price—In advance $1.25
at r •year in Canada; $1,75 in the
P.Jnited States, All subscriptions - not
.;laid in advance 50 cents extra will
le !-barged
Display Advertising Rates — Made
"<knoivi an e.pplicat$on ,
Stray Animals—One :uasertion 53c,,
"three insertions • $1.00
Farris, or Real Estate for ;;ale :0c.
each insertion for one month of Cur
insertions • 25c. for each subsequent
inset tion
Miscellaneous Articles of dot more
Than five lines, for Sale),. To Rent, .ar
Wanted Lost, Found, etc., each in -
'sexton 25c
Local, Reading Notices, etc., 10e. per
fine per insertion. No notice 1 ess than
25c. Card of Thanks 50c.
.Lena: Advertising 10e. and 5c. aline
Auction. Sales, $.2 for one. insertion,
.and $3 for two insertions.
Proiessianal Cards not exceeding 1
'mach- $6 per year
THURSDAY, MAY 17th, 1.917
On Friday evening a ,pleasant event
took place at the home of Mr. and.
�V. N. Powe, Fairfield when a number
of the neighbors and friends met and
presented their son, Pte. Pe vc of the
248th Battalion at Owen Seta. d, with
=.a wrist watch. A suitable res, y was
made by the young man, who expects
soon to go overseas, and a pleasant
evening was spent by all. Following
3s the address :—
"We your friends and ne'.ghbars,
baying been made aware of the "fact
that you have ,enlisted in His Maass--
Maass-tie's service sto serve as a soldier,
take this opportunity of expressing
our admiration for the course you
leave taken, and the courag,e you have
shown in offer:mg yourself for the
deaence of Durr homes a,-sd the prin-
ciples of righteousness for which we
believe the Allies are fighting We
ask yoiu to accept cin us this wrist-
watch and when, you look at its face
it wilt ,be a token to you that we,
your friends age thinking of you with
hopefulness; for ,your success in, help=
i:ng to vamcruish the enemy and also
far your safe return to the home of
your friends and family,
Sighed on behalf of the neighborhood'
To Mr. E: Powe, Centralis.
May lath, 1917,
I?ollowing is the report of Centralia
Public School for•the month o1 April.
Subjects examined were, Composition,
Literature, Grammar and. Arithmetic,.
"Total marks 400 pass marks 240. Sr,
4—E, 1-Iaskett 254; M. Neil 207 ; J.
.Coroner 202; A. Hicks'' 153; M. Brown
139; G. Brooks 1.32; *G. Andrew 1.15.
Se 4—H: Pugh' 223; E. Webber 180;
A, Anderson 157; K. Hicks 148; '1:;
Mills 148; M. .Hodgins 128; *A
Connor 50. Sr. 3— C. Pugh 96. Jr. -
3-1. H.anion 189; F. Huxtable 185
il. J-laskett 173; W, Haskell 133; V. .
,Connor 104. Those marked with an
,asterisk were absent fog two subjects
A very pleasant afternoon. was .spent
at the home of iMrsl W, N. Powe on
May 5th ,when. her Sunday School
Class 'gathered to spend a few hours
arias Miss Gertrude Andrew who has
. moved riieay to make her future home
in London,. About four o'ctdck Ger-
trude ,vias presented with a friend--
. ship bracelet to show ":'a token, ar Ilse
classmates' and teacher's love lot
be Gertrude gave a seitataic' reply
and sometime alter tea the glr,s l.elyt
for their homes,
Mise Lillian Elliott of London pis
: nencbo;; two weeks at her ;rime here
Mrs, Spencer -ancl daughter few el, 01
Thomas spent the .hatter part of
e week r with ache, Mills,
end d .,lhterau
Me, and Mrs, 'Davis a t g
and Miss Genevieve have returned
home from spending five or six mon-
ths in. the 'West, at Crystal City, Win-
nipeg and other points. •
The Sunday School of the church
here have purchased a new piano for
their .use in *the", basement of the
Mothers' Day was observed in the
church here. A special service in its
behalf was preached in the morning
by the pastor and the church was
nicely decoratecl with white flowers,
being the einb;lem Tecagnized.
Death of Richard Hicks: -cord has
been received hereof the death of
Mr. Richard Hicks, who is well-known
in this communiaty, and who for many
years resided on the farm south of
the village ,where his ,son Andrew
note lives: Mr. Hicks, for several
years, has made his home in theWest
Alberti. province, where his remains
have been interred. Dle,ceased had
been. in fai1uig health for many weeks
hence his death was not unexpected,
The late Richard Hicks was
a man respected and esteemed bythe
whale, community for his many good
Qualities, and ha death will be•1ea:rn.-
ed with keen regret by all his friends
Mrs. W. Diamond of Detroit ins
spending .a few days visiting at the
home of Mrs. Andrew Hicks and
other friends.
1.12, Langoe of Sarnia spent the
week -end with Mr. Herb Hani:aa.
~gran. seedng :s now nearly all.
finished around here,.
The stores here are centindna their
early closing throughout the sumrre.
Bread is now 12 cess a loaf here.
One evening last week wh1e essist.-
ng ,o cutt'••ig wood Mr. Peter Kraft
had the misfortune to get .hit by a
.'.yin; piece' of wood. The force of
the bion knocked him• over and in-
flicted a deep cut across his face
which ree_ui.red several stitches to
close _
,tiers. Ed, Siebert and son of De-
troit arrived here Monday evening to
an end the s_gmmer with her 'parents,
Mr. and -Mrs, H. Ehlers.
11x. Addison Tiernan of Stratford
spent Sunday with his parents here,
hfr, and Mrs. C. Fiance—tee mov-
ed into their new home in town an
Mr. Ed. Walper has been confined`
:o house throu;li illness, We
ar Inc a speedy recovery.
Miss Alma Koch of• H"ensall visa-
ed at her home here over Sunday.
'.. , n Jr eg of Lendca spent the
end hi= -town.
,s: Jona Had of London was a
oar in.s. visitor in town Monday and
t u achy
?,tr and Mrs ,Sim Ireland of Strat-
ford visited with Mr. and Mrs. E.
Tiernan oar Sunday.
Mr. H. Halfm,an:'tmaved the house-
hald effects .of "Mr, Duncan of Var-
na to. Parkhill on Monday with the
motor truck.
The marriage ceremony was solemn-
ol.Annized an May 9th ,in the R. C Church
at Zu.i•ieh, by Rev. Fr. A. Stroeder
when Erma, daughter of Mr and Mrs.
Wm Miley tali Zurich was joined in
holy wed.lock•to Mri. Jos. Wilds, son
of Mr, and Mrs. Mark Wilds of Ste
Mr. Ste-
el= township.ti
will settle on the fine farm an the
Goshen Line, Stephen, owned by the
groom. Best wishes are their's,
the follo'teras is the report of S.S.
Ho. :12, lisbarne, for April, It 's bas•
cd on: :regularity punctuality and gen-
il conduct, The ,names appear in
order 'of merit, Number an roll 30.
average aetenda•icc 25.—Sr 4., Grace
i)nr'fielc1 yLary Wheli:han,. Bert r tifli'.
field, Raymond Brooks, James W heli
Iran, ; jr.,4, l d,ie Dale; Sr. 3, Willie
Fairfield; Jr. 3, Edith Dale, Lillian
ITorrk.-insMorris Brooks, jack ack Duf•-
field, Laverne Morley, Joseph Wit i -
than, Si. 2
Florence PullenMervin
r t,et
e •s'e Brooks T e n c h
.r�a Jessie .i i5 > c ,
Stevenson, Milne Pullen, Verna ,fiaz-
lewaod ; Jr. 2, Ray Parkinson, Or-
ville Dale; Pt. 11,, Irene 1.3:;rness,Mary
Bell' Duffield; Sr, Pr., Ross Duffield
Dorothy Stevenson; Jr Pr, Dorothy
Parkinson, insozn, leivat Morley, Howard Mar
ley. R t': squire, Lloyd Dale. Best
spellers for the ,month, Eolith Dale and
Lillian Hopkins equal,—E. 13, Stirliing,
Time following is the result of the
election or officers for the T. a
Class of Whalen Sunday School, ---
Teacher, fir. D Johnson; Pres., Ber-
tha Batton;' 1st Vice, Nelson Squixe;
Sec.: Tessa Gunning; Treas., Winter
Gunning; Orgaaist, Clara Marley; So-
cial Com., Olive Gunning, Verna Mor
ley- Marie Squire; Membership Com,
Wilson Morley, Melville Gunning, Ed-
gar Sc,uire; Devotional Com., Gertita
Sutherby, George Arks,ey, E. 13,
Mr, Earl Johnson and Delbert Mar-
ley spent Saturday in Lucent— Mrs.
John Tales 'and family o1 London are
visiting with her mother 'Mrs. Sulh-
erby, 7,vlr. and Mrs. Will Morley Sun
cloyed With the latter's mother, t1rs.
1)anrr. -Seeding is over for another
season anct the farmers are busy pre. -
paring the ground far coin !Anel roots
,.We are. ' glad to hear that Wilmer
Brooks is recovering from his attack
or pneumonia. ---Several of our popul-
ar young men have had their buggies.
newly painted, which must we say,
improve appearances. It :.s getting
Mrs. Bruce Mitchell of Centralia,
spent a few days last week with her
parents, ;MIr, ,and Mrs. Wm. Smith,—
Mrs. P,' Shenk and daughter, Iii,Ida1
of Crediton spent Friday with her s:s-
ter; •Mrs. Fred. Gaise,r.—Mr. George
5u ou v ;'ted tireads in'Lonclo,n, and
ti.,.. I comas last week,—Mr. Lloyd and
-gars Alice Gasser .speact the, week-
end 'With their sister, ;Mrs. William
Decker a1 Zurich.—The infant daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Lochner
is very ill with pneureon`.,a.
Mr. and Mrs Shepherd of near Thed
ford • .visited the latter's parents Mr;
and Mrs. Asaph Gravelle Sunday. --
Mi-; and Mrs Carriere were in Gl:in-
ton last week at the Presbytery: —
'_i%r. James Patterson is smiling, a girl
May 9thi.-_12r. Adolph Allen went to
Forest Saturday and brought a new
Ford car home with him:-\rr, ,Cyrus
Green bought Mr. Walker's Patterson
car, He had it delivered here last.
week.—Mrs Tetreau and .Mrs. South-
cott visited /relatives an the 14th of
Stephen Thursday._
Deer Hr. Editor—I wish to state that
I sufferedgreatly from, backache, lum-
bago and rheumatic troubles. I used
" Anuric," the latest discovery of Doctor
Pierce for backache and kidney troubles,
and. I can •cheerfully recommend the
Anuric Tablets" to anyone suffering
from any of these maladies.
Yours truly,
J. F. GAnsizii.
Nome: It is now asserted with con-
fidence that thesepainful effects due to
uric acid in the system are entirely eradi-
cated. A new r..medy, called «Anuric="
has been discovered by Dr. Pierce, and is
the cause of c drainage outward of the
uric acid with which it comes in contact
within the body. It will ward off back
achheadache, and the darting pains and
aches of articular' or muscular rheuma-
tism—of those diseases which are caused
by too much uric 'acid, such as gout,
asthma, sciatica, renal calculaa. "An-
uric" prolongs life because 011 people usu-
ally suffer from hardening and thickening
of the malts of the arteries, due to the
excess of uric acid . in the blood and
Dr. Pierce, who is director and chief
physician at the Invalids' Hotel and
Surgical institute, Buffalo, N. Y., has
been testing ;this wonderful medicine for
the relief of over-worked ,and weakened
kidneys. The relief obtained by sufferers
has been so satisfactory that he deter-
mined to place "Anuric" with the prin-
cipal druggists in town where people
could get this ready=to-use medicine.
"Anuric" is _not harmful or poisonous,
but aids nature in throwing off those
poisons within the body which cause so
much 3uferina, pain and misery. Scien-
tists assert this remedy is 37 times more
potent than lithia. Send 10 cents for
large trial. package.
"Anuric" is building up a reputation as
good as Dr. Pierce's- other well-known
medicines which have been proved reli-
able during'nearlyy fifty years, such as•
Doctor Pierce's Favorite Prescription
for the ills -of women, Doctor Pierce's
Pleasant Pellets, the liver regulator,
and Doctor Pierce's Golden "Medical,
Discovery' for red blood.
I'll rey
not give your as
boy and ¢ rl an
oppportunity to
maketheirhome 11
study easy and
effective? Give
them the same
chances to win pro-
motion and success
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Vocabulary Terms. 2700 Pages.
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AND v"
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Maps of a ou name this 11
C. & C.•MERRIAM C9.0
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111111111111111111 all M u I
Mr. Edward Boyce has purchased
a iiew Ford car from Gook Bros. o.f
.Hensall,—Mr. Norman Balli, wife and
family motored from Summerhill and
spent a day with Mr;. and Mrs'. Chas.
,CiEfon,-We ere sorry to hear of the
illness of baby Stewart Hortonl.—Mr.
Andrew Scott has recovered from a
recent attack of grippel,--The Stan-
ley ,incl J.'rrckersmith have grade great
improvement to the Londono, Road by
having it ,g.raded. It was badly ne.e,d-'
ed.—Mr W. R. Smillver of Seaforth
visaed some ,of his old neighbors on
Saturday last. Bob says the car sure'
is a good gig:-\lr, and Mrs. J. T.
Mitchel: spent Sunday with their
dn.ueliter, Mrs. Jarvis Her tonl—Mr.
Sam Cudmare has purchased a ease_
ire tractor• and is doing eacellant
work on the land. Mr, Jas; 'Boyce,
with his new ditchuig machine, 1s ,da-
in,, some excellent work an, his orirn
farm,—Mrs. (Rev.) Smith of Hensall
spent the week -•enol at the roans Mr, G. 0 A. Glenn delivere,cl a fine pair
of Shorthorn bull calves to Mr. Jas,
Snell of Clinton, for which the receiv-
ed x250 inc. Glenn also delivlered
-:cr'o hogs to a Hensel' buyer which
netted hint $137,90.
Rev. McL. Smith, pastor of Carmel
Presbyterian Church, here, tetides'ad
lois resi.gnatean as pastor of the Chur-
ch at the Presbyterian greeting last'
weelt, The resignation was regret-
fully accepted.—Master Clifford Dick
s uncle, ce
of Oakville is assisting h i , Mr.
Geo. Dick, on. the farm:—iVIrs. Rosy
Stewart, relict of the late. Chas. Stew-
art, a life-long resident of Usborne,
dicot at the home of her nephew, John
Glenn, Hensall, on May 9th, the tu.n-
eral taking; place on Friday and was
of a private nature, No family sur-
vives.—Me Garnet Smallacombe, who
has been for five years foreman of
the decorating departinent at the On-
tario Reformatory, returned to=Hen-
sall to Yeside. Before leaving he was
presented with .a travelling bag and
smoking set. We are glad to wel-
come liim and his wide back to 1-len-
sall.—Mrs.' Jas. Troyer od Seafo'rth
end formerly of aur village, is ` speed-
ina a few days here with her another
Mrs: J. Hudson:
Mail Contract
SEF LEi'c 1•ENDe,RS addressed ro
the Postmaster General, will oe re-
ceived at Ottawa until' Noon on Fri-
day the 8th day of June, 1917, tor
the conveyance of His Majesty's Mails
on a proposed Contract for four years
six times per week, over Hensell
No. 2 Rural Route, from the 1st of
July,. 1917.
Pristed notices containing further
inforrniation as to conditions of pro-
posed Contract may be 'seen arid.
blank forms of 'Tender may be ob-
tained at the Post Offices of 'Hen -
sail ripper, Exeter and 'Zurich, and
at the office of the Post Office In-
spector, London.
Post Office Department' Canada,
Mali Service Branch, Ottawa,
27th April, 1917 •
LL.D., D,C.L„ President
CAPLTAL PAID UP, $15,000,000 ` .' RESERVE' FUND, • $13,500,000'
JOHN AIRD, General Manager
H. V. F. JONES, Asst Gene, Manager,
Place your surplus earnings i;ta our Savings lea
partrnent where they will earn interest
at the of 3% per annum: 13
EXETER. BR.—A, E. Kuhn, Mgr. CREDITON-J. A. McDonald Mgr.
••• i
Capital & Reserve $8,800,000
96.:Branches in Canada
A General Banking Business Transacted
_Circular Letters of Credit
Bank Money Orders
Interest allowed at highest current rate
W D. CLARKE, Manager.
G •
The Engine of Constant Service
Absolutely Guaranteed
The Lightest` Running Blowers made
Beware of imitations and infringments.
'THE H Y L O SILO -Entirely different, and
infinitely superior.
Ask x m Frayne, Exeter, Agent
Or write
GILSON M.FG. CO., 235 York St. GuelphOnt.
FARQUHAR bull of Dundas motored up and spent
a day with 'Mr. and Mrs, , W.A.
Turn -
\r. Z. Ralph and Mrs. R. D.Turn- bull at Far uhar.
' h
"• l� hi
Cover the scars. of wear and tear on walls and floors
• A wall re -tinted —a floor varnished --a hall painted—a chair
or `dining room set re -stained' -the whole house made fresh and
bright, spic and span. There are
for every surface—for everything you want to "do over''':
"NE€I-TONE"—the washable sanitary, soft tone
"Wall Finish, in pleasing tints.
"WOOD -LAC" Stains make soft wood look like
expensive Mahogany, Walnut, etc.
"MARBLE -ITE" Floor Varnish—for hardwood
floors. Won't mar or turn white.
"LIQUID WAX" --for floors. Easily applied, Dries
hard,Shines easily.
"SENOUR• S . 'LOOR PAINT" -the" hard -drying
paint for the floor thatwears,and wears, and wears'.
"VARNOLEUM'' brightens upand protects Oil
Cloth and Linoleum.
These Finishes have proved their worth and wear and economy in a great
many homes. We have handled them for years and can guarantee results.
FRUIT JAR LABELS FREE—a Bandy book of them—printed incolors
and ready gummed,. given away. Ask for thorn. s^- 96