HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1917-5-10, Page 8,>1 [I , 1917 EXE PER ,�fiDIZ'OCA•�'E THURSDAY, MAY CER MARKETS CHANGED EACH WitODNESDAY Wheat 802,75 to 85 Oats7,85 Family Flour 7,20 Low Grade Flour ., . Shorty 4300 45,00 Bram 42.00 Creamery Butter 384and 405 Dairy Butter Eggs Lard 38 ` 1 -lap, perton to '10 00 12.00 .,, Potatoes -4.50e Hogs, per cwt .,•,,..,,,.. '"ft -IE COUNTRY DOCTOR" -'Phe Theme,- e., . 0aiReid Crass. Circle lc r ive arraabctl with the Harrafdale 1.)1 awe - tie Club to put on, that. eeccellent Drama "'Che Country Doctor" in Thames Road, Presbyterian Church, on Friday evening, May 25th, :ether talent will take part. A Red Cross Autograph quilt will be sold by :me. - tion. Concert at 8, Admission 25 and 13 cents, --a---- Manitoba's , Best, Model, Welcome, our three 'brands each the beat of i is kind, always in stock. -Harvey Bros. INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER AGENCY, -Having taken over the agency of the International Harvester Company at Exeter I will be pleased to do business with all the old cus- tomers of the Company, and as many new ones as may see fit to do busi-a Hess with me,. Repairs on hand for all. machines and a mice stock of the celebrated Wm. Gray & Sons, -Camp- bell and McLaughlin buggies. Call and see us and learn prices. `W ARD. --o-x- MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED Of- fice.c, C.Advocate Strictly confidential; no a` witness Please do not wait till Wednesday to send in news for publicatilon. The earlier copy for printing reaches us the better. As soon as one issue of the paper has gone out to subscribers we are ready to receive copy for; the next. This applies to advertise- ments as well as items of news. HORSE CARDS. -Horsemen trill very soon be needing their cards. Do Hat delay, but order them early so that you may have them ready when the season opens. The Advocate is in the pos.itilon tagive you entire satisfaction, as usual. Cuts, types, and workmanship are right. WANTED. -A good bright he boy to learn printing cate Office. MODERN' BRICK BRICK HOUSE FOR SALE. -In Exeter, !wired, convenient in every way, close to school :Ind to church. -Apply to C. Zuefle, Exeter. FARMERS NOTICE. -We have#or sale 2 No. 21 plows, 1 Nol. 13 plow) 1 single turrow riding plow, 1 Maple drum land roller. Will take: in ex- change good cast scrap iron ar wood about the quality used at Salt Block EXETER MANF'G CO; --0-- 400 TONS SALT -400 toms of Ii4'ne .land and Cattle Salt for sale, EXETER SALT WO9KS Co., Ltd J Sutton„ Manager. smart Advo - 9 --o-- '4, MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED b' C H Sanders at the Advocate Of- fice. Strictly confidential; no witness 7 LOCAL i)OINGS. 1 rl+ac•,�icaticslles,s� �aAr�ca�a i Rev Redmond, occupied the pul- pit in Main Street church an Sunday evening. The funeral of• the late Jaynes Rush took place to Grand Bend cemetery on 'Thursday afternoon last, Mr. W_ 5, Cole is this week moving into the house he recently purchased `from Mr: George 'Bedford an Huron street, Mir- Gomer, accountant in the Bank of Commerce, has moved into the dwelling.at lrs: Colwell. on Northth street, The White Star Line, Detro.st,,•wnl1I run the annualGoclerich to 1)etroit trip on Tuesday, June 12, returning on the 14th NEI: Richard "Welsh succeeded in buying 1500 bags of potatoes in the, west the other day, and expects them to arrive in a week or two,. Mr. George Jones of London Road South is unable to attend to his farm- ing duties owing to a broken ankle, the result of being kicked by a cow. A number of Exeter Oddf;ellrows drove to Hensel]. Sunday evening and attended church service with the Oddfellows and Rebe kahs of that village. Mr. W. H. Shapley of 'Toronto a volunteer tvorker far the Provincial Organization of Resources Committee has been appointed to take charge of the work of production in I-Iuron County Mr• David Rawcliffe, who has been engaged in the mercantile business in Granton far some years, has moved to town, and engaged With Harvey Bros. He has .,rented Messrs,. Harv- ey Bros house on North Street. We have been running .overtime to rush out some orders, as a conse- euence ,we have bran and shorts of our awn grinding. Bring along your bags, as it is not sacked. -Harvey Bros. Hardware and other stores through- out Ontario are selling formaldehyde or formalin, but this is contrary to the Pharmacy Act, and offenders are liable to a penalty 'eof $20 for first offense and $50 for each subsequent offense Magistrate Denison of Toronto im- posed a fine of $1000, or four mon- ths in jail, on Carman Thompson; Mon day. for peRdling liquor on the streets of Toronto. He had sold hundreds of dollars worth. The heaviest pre- viously ,unposed Pure for similar of- fence was $750. The true standing of an editor is being appreciated after death, if not before: A lawyer sent the fallowing words of consolation to a widow: "I cannot tell you haw pained I was to hear that your husband has gone to heaven We were bosom friends, but we can never meet again. In honor of Mother's Day Rev. O'Ke11 of 'Kihkton •will preach a special sermon in Main Street church next Sunday morning. A special Sun- day Schaal service ,will. be held in the afternoon. Addresses, choruses and solos will be given. The mothersare especially requested ,ta come. Rev; Muxworthy will be at Kirkton for the day. The Soldiers' Aid :Society held a regular meeting an Monday night, The Treasurer, report ed the sum of $57.64 from the contribution bags in April, a dona titan from Miss L. Sweet of $1.90 ; and the subscrip tions to Byron Sanitarium and Belgian Re- lief $395.95. Please ;bring socks in by Monday night, as we pack an Tuesday It was decided to collect papers, rags and rubbers next. Tuesday. The delivery horse awned by Mes- srs. Gower & Son(, and driven by. Mr. -Chas. Wooa, made a Iively run down Main street an Tuesday morn- ing. Charlie was about to get into the rig when he slipped and falling frightened the horse. When oppos- ite : Mr. ,R. N. Ronee's furniture store the rig collided with th,eerear end of a heavy wagon and rerriained tvliere 'it struck, while-tthe horse conttinu•ed the pace southward. No injury` was done to the horse, but the, rig was somewhat damaged. In these days• when the prices -wf al- most everything are advancing, the .publisher ,has to. discern 'sharply be- tween what items he should insert free in his paper and what should be paid for. People very often .forget that the columns of a,: newspaper are the publisher's stock in trade, and he can, no more give away his product than can a''grocer give a:Yq'a5 his goods Or a farmer his grain and pro- duce. We have to bear our share of war tax and, give our share' to this, that and the .other thing the same as other people. in addition to this it is costing every newspaper in the country at .least fifty to sixty per cent. more to produce their paper now that: it did before the war, ow- ing to the advance in paper, ink, type and other materials. COURT O,F REVISION. TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN NOTICE is thereby given that a Court of Revision of the Assessment Roll of the Township of Stephenwill hold its first meeting in the 'Town Hall, Crediton, on Saturday, the 26th day of May, A.D. 1917, at 10 o'clock a. m. Henry Eilber, Tip. Clerk FARM. FOR SALE Fifty acres,` more ar less, being West half of Lot 10, Con. 5, Usborne 1 mile' West of Elimville, and 4 mires from Exeter. On the premises are a good frarne,house and good bank barn 34x50 with water supply inside for stock• good brick pig pen and a brick hen hoose with straw barn ov- er the building 18x40; good drive house 16x40; a neverfta,akgi w -ell with for wind mill and supply Stock 'Possession given after harvest JOHN. SLEAMON, Elimville, Ont. Frank Mallett, Jr., has moved Simcoe street. Mr. Samuel Ross Mai n .street, has beautified his house by the addition of a neat verandah. Phone writeor call ou us, and give to u; the .news items you may know each: week, We de; hot want to -Hiss :any,. We might if you.•do not tell us, Mrs Wm, Tapp is still very ill, :Mr. John Moir remains in about the same condition. Mr, E, Christie has not been as well the past eek. Mr. S. Fitton's .recovery is very °slow. It willnot be long before we, will see something like this in the soci- ety ,column: "The bride carried a beautiful bauquct of spinach and wore a and her neck a 'String of genuin' ro � genuine potatoes with a cauliflower pendant, the gift of the groom." ",Mother's Day" will be 'celetbrated in Jamey Street church on Sunday next. Sermons and music will be ap- propriale to the occasion. 'i'hc pas-• tor's sermons will be -Morning, "Moth er, the world's greatest author"; Ev- ening,,, "Mother, the world's greatest builder". Sacrament of Infant Bapt- ism will be, conducted at the morning servicer CANNL' .1 SEED CORN. To the farmers whose contracts form part "et --rhe first 200 acres of corn' 1 o Canning Fract,oley, `? eG'c'7 e ori` will be furnished at last year's price, 11 cents per pound. After that the regular price will he charged. Pres- ent market price 30 cents per pound. Positaveiy no seed said except for contracts EXETER CANNING 00, PROPERTY FOR SALE, That desirable house and two acres of land, the estate of the late Rich- ard Parish, south of town, on London Road: Frame house in, good repair. Land in good condition, Stable, hen house good orchard, never failing well. Possesr•ion at once. Apply too B, M. Fran:is, R.R,No.l., Wolodhain Telephone-Kirkton 37, 11. Auton»btle Tires We have just received a large ship- ment of automobile tires, that we z purchased before the raise in price, and we have decided to give our cus- tamers the benefit of our purchase, ;at a cash price, 30x3ka, Casing & Inner . Tube $16.00 31x4. Casing and Inner tube $26.50 32x4 Casing and Inner Tube $$v28,00 33x4 Casing and Inner Tube, $29,00 34x4. Casing and Inner Tube $30.00 Prices of other sizes on application, These- are all !No, 1guaranteed tires` After a few 'days of alternataefair and drizzly weather a regular down- pour of rain ,fell on Tuesday night, and was followed by a fall of snow on Wednesday morning. The greater part of the early seeding has been done on both farm' arsd garden, and many believe the damp and cold earth willl destroy the seed, unless •it warns up eery soon. • Mrs Asa Penhale has returteed-from a visit in London. • Mrs Win. "Snell and daughteewer,e in London on Thursday. Mr. S. C. Hanna was in Niagara Falls Monday on business, Mr. T Newell was in. Chatham Fri- day after a number - of Grey -Dort cars. Rev. A. A. Ta-umper attended a Deanery meeting in Clinton enMon- day, Miss Blanche ,Atkinson of London visited with friends here over Sun- day. Inspector Tom of Goderich was on official duty at our school here Tues- day, Mrs. Prior and daughter Olive left Monday to spend some time at Port- age la Prairie. • _ . Judge Dickson of Godericle presid ed over the Division Court held here on Tuesday morning. Eii Masters, who has been engaged with W. J. Statham, returned to his home in Acton Friday. Mrs. Samuel Thomas of Hamilton is visiting her brother, Mr. George East- terbrook, Huron street. MT. Linden Harvey, having come pleted the year's studies, is home from Toronto .University. Mrs. McMullen, nee Eva Shaddock of London, spent Wednesday intown the- guest of Mrs'. Frank Bayley b the inanufactua,ers, which are )lac... T)ornierean I) ityop and Maltese i reass. These prices ca:n only be maintained Until the present s:oclt s exhausted;. Exeter Motor Sales Co Mr. and Mrs, Chas'. Dale of St. Thomas visited with relatives here Tuesday returning home Wednesday m orning Miss M. E. Brown., nurse, after two weeks' holidays at her home here, r,e-' tuirned Saturday ;to resume her dut- ies in one of the Toronto hospitals. Mr. and Mrs. P. McTaggart of Ex- eter, spent a few days of thle past week with their sons, Mr. G E.aDr. J A. McTagg ti.-Bly Stand- ard. Mrs. (Judge) Johnston of Lindsay, who with her husband has been ,in California. far the ,winter, spent a few days here ‘with Mrs. Amos on. her way home to Lindsay. PLENTY OF COAL. -The United States Trade Commission tells ion- sumers to buy small, and goes on to say that prevailing retail prices for anthracite coal are unwarranted, n d the : supply for next season is luite adequate" The commission warn, con- sumers against buying larger quan- tities of coal than usual this summer, saying there are symptoms now of such 'a buying panic as that which enabled speculators last winter to force prices above ,normal. No good reason exists, says the report, why IVlay prices .should not he subject to the usual summer discount, but "if the public is agaki so deceived as to indulge in a scramble for coal,- the favorable situation may be nullirfied;' The commission ;is keeping in close touch with the situation and prom- ises to "expose any unscrupulous whtylesale jobber, or retailer who seeks 'to mislead the public, into a .belief" that exobitant prices are just- ifiable, or that there is any necessity to join in: a frenzied bidding to se- cure immediate delisvery for far fu- ture needs." Prices for May at the mines are c1uotted at $3.61. a net torsi far egg, .$coa3,8l4: for stove and $3.93 tor chestnut EXETER PATRIOTIC LEAGUIE The regular monthly meeting was held in the Town Hall on Monday ev- ening May 7th Donations received -Tea in the town hall 82.00 Miss . Balkwill, (13;e1givan Relief.) 50c; Mrs. P. J rayne, ditto, 1.25; Mrs. Rooke. ,ditto, 1.00; Mrs. W. e Turnbull and Mrs John 'Hind fees 50c. Mrs. R. Yellow. 1 pair of socks 1.00; Mrs, D. Bowe and Mrs. A. Case '1 pr. socks each. Monthly col- lections ' 78.25; includ.aig donations of 5.00 from Mr. A. J. 111cDonell and 2,50 ,from Miss D. R. Dickson, Goder- ich ,and 2.00 from MArr. thur ]der - slake. A box w -ars sent to Miss Joan Arnoldi, ;Shorncl -Tie, Eng., ,containing Sent. by Flurondalo Patriotic League 16 pairs of socks, and 22 mi,4latary shirts, value 70.00; Sent by the Exe- ter :Patr:ot:c Longue„ 5 ,.:eee.taltishixts two! paai,5,,pytya.teae '100 pairs 'ere socks 5 idoz. 'boxes of insect powder; 1 sep- arate parcel also magazines, value,' 175.00. Mrs- Wens. Snell Cor. Sec. TO THE CANADIANS WHO , FOUGHT AT VIMY RIDGE. Bravo! Bravo! Canadians who fought at Vimy Ridge; You're like Horatio,' of old who held the famous bridge • ; Your names o'er all the world will be On honor's roll ensarolled ; You fought like heroes and we know That what you've won you'll hold. Chorus - Bravo, Canadians there, three tines three, May God protect and guard ,wherever you may be;. Oh, teats may wet full many an' eye, and bow full many a head For men, whose names are, numbered now amongst the honored dead, But still 'you comrades who, live on Will wipe out many a score, And show the world Canadians Are ,British to the core: Chorus May the brave old bull dog spirit for; ever more defend The, Land of Maples and your, homes. itntil all time shall end; hat when from gar you .do return, peace- has been declared, p . We'll give a mighty cheer for those Who in this war have shared. You JONES & MA' ['SONE NO. 32 Clearing Sale of Ladies' Spring Suits and Coats We have a big stock Plain Khaki 'Kcal Fancy Khaki Kcal Fancy Tussah Silk Dresden Tussah Silk Striped and .Plain Silk Even Garment must be cleared out, Now is your opportunity for a 'bar- gain. After a most successful sea- son in our Coats and Suits we want to make a clean. sweep. COATS 2 Sport Coats $12.50 for $8.50 1 Sport Coat $21 50 for $16.50 2 Motor Coats $17,00 for $12,00 Black and Blue Serges very cheap, Black Movie Silks at a Bargain. SUITS '2 Silk Suits $30.00. ,.,. for $22.50' 1 Navy Suit 825.00 ............ for .5117.50 2 Black Suits $23.00 for $15,00 1 Black Suit $18.50, ........ for '$12,00 Silk and Cloth Skirts all coiars, DON'T MISS THIS SALE OF SUITS AND COATS Spring Wash Fabrics of all kinds' and colors Beach Cloth Pongee Cloth Striped Muslin Plain Mar quissette Prints and Ginghams to choose from- Plain Voiles Fancy Voiles Flowered Voiles Dresden Voiles 'Fancy Checks Dresses & Waists House Furnishings HOUSE DRESSES For 98c. For $1.50 For $1.75 WHITE WAISTS For 98c. For $1,50 e up to $4,00 SILK & CREPE WAISTS All Colors From $2.00 , up to $5.00 each. We are well prepared Tor the Spring ' House Cleaning with big stocks 'of Tapestry Rugs all sizes Wool Rugs all sizes Brussels Rugs all sizes Axminster 'Rugs all ,sizes Wilton Rugs all sizes Congoleum, Rugs all sizes Linoleum O11C1oth. Jap Matts Blinds and Poles Lace and Net Curtains 50 pieces of Curtain Net 5000Q Rails of Swell Wall Paper JONES & MAY leadtluarters for the celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing \Ir. A'. E. Wood, lwho has ,;.been here visiting with ,his parents, Mr. aiid Mrs, John Wood, returned Sat- wrday to Detroit ,toresume his dut- ies in the Bank. Charts --N,•D�I•i, HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS MAY 8th TO OCTOBER 30th Every TUESDAY "ALL RAIL" - also by THURSDAY'S STEAMER "Great Lakes Routes" (Season Navigation) Your Future is in the West The fertile prairies have put Westorn Canada on the 'map. There 'aro still thousands of acres waiting for the man who wants a home and prosperity.' Take advantage of Low Rates and travel via Canadian Pacific Information from Ticket Offices: 141-145 St. James St., Phono M 8125, Windsor Hotel, Windsor and Place Vigor Stations. The QUALITY STORE Phone 18 Try us for all kinds of CANNED GOODS. We have W Baked Beans Spaghetti Tomato Soup 'Peaches Pineapple, ,Blueberries; Also pumpkin for goad old pump- kin Pies,: ----pee Buy same Corn Flakes Rumbles Shedde,d Wheat {` Ralletl„Oates om Wheat Plakes for Breakfast, • People: must eat, So buy your 'meat -FROM 1.15; R C.Cower &Son FIRST COMPLETE SHOWING OF '"."." „'""'."p` Furniture j11F1lli U�11111�'� Undertaking LadeFs O&Gels The dominate note of these Spring Fashions is entirely new. Rarely be- fore have the . majority of styles shown such ingenious design with the ;general effect of simplicity.' Our stock is complete. The Showing',includes Serge, Chev- iots Vacunia, Tweeds and Worsteds, in the fashionable sprung colors, and staple shades. MEN'S SUITINGS Our Stock of Men's Suitings" is the finest shown. Also ,a good range 'of spring over coatings. We guarantee satisfaction with every garment, - GIVE US` A CALL N. Sheere LADIES AND GENTS' 'TAILOR Stand Upstairs, Opposite- the Central Hotel, R. N. ®i:J THE FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND FURNITURE DEALER Tea & Coffee Store For the choicest groceries, fruits, spices, teas, coffee and every- thing in the grocery line. Call and see us, A trial as to quality will convin- ce. Produce taken in exchange Jas. Gould Next The Metropolitan Hotel Exeter- Bargain Store . Money Saved is MoneyEarned1 COME TO tJS FOR YOUR SHOES. Many lines are priced at 161 than the Manufacturer is asking toaday for them, We will be pleased to show the lines, - Men's Heavy Shoes $3,25 to ;$4,00, Women's Cushion Sole Shoes ,either button or lace. $5 a pair: SPECIAL 1N HOSIERY Heavy cotton ribbed hose black sizes 5 to 7, at 15c, a pair'. , Sizes 7'/ to 10, at 20 cents a pair. GINGHAM Three .pieces blue and white check Gingham, 38 inches wide Six .yards for $1,00: sPECIAL LINES MEN'S N1tW CAPS 50c, to $125 B. W®. Fm. Beavers