HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1917-5-10, Page 4Children Cry fog Flet h is
mho Kind You Have Always Boiigllt, and whish has been
in use ler own, 0 Tears, has 1.,;;r,�o the signature of
and has ,becaz 1;2:10,3 tender his per-
sonal supervision sines its infancy.
- 2W Allow no ono to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and °' just -ns -good " are .but
Experiments -Ila trifle with and endanger the health of
1nfahts and Children—Experience against Experiment.
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Castoria is a harmlesssubstitute for Castor Oil, Pare-
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confirms neither Opium Morphine nor other . Narcotic
Substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverishness. For more than thirty years it
relief r
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F1 etnieney, Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and
Diarriitoa. It regulates the Stomach and DO,ivels,
nssintIlates the Foocl, giving healthy and natural sleep.
7.P.110 CLildrezl's Panacea --The : Mother's Friend.
'AST() ?O
�n ise For Over 30 Years
The Kind You Have Ai,ays Bought
4ge er Alworatz,
Sanders & Creech, Proprietors
Subsoriplion Price—In advance $1.25
aver ,year in Canada; $1.75 in the
tv eTnited ;Staten. All subscriptions not
aphid in advance SO cents extra - will
•a 'be changed
Display Advertising. Rates Made
'.;knowp on application
Stray Animals—One insertion 50c.,
• -hree insertions ''51.00
Farm. . or Real Estate for sale 50c.
each insertion for ante month of .:our
insertions— 25c. for each subaequeat
• insertion
Miscellaneous Articles of not. more
than five lines, for Sale, To Reateer
%Wanted Lost, Found, etc., each: in-
sertion 25c
Local Reading Notices, etc., 10e. Rei.
Zine per insertion. No notice 1 ess than
25c. Card of Thanks 50c.
Lega; Advertising ZOc. and 5c. aline
Auction Sales, $Z for one insertion,
.:.and 53 for two insertions.
professional Cards not exceedd"iag 1
attach- 56 per year
THURSDAY, ,MAY loth, 1917
PIaNO TUNING.—Frank Bassen -
berry of Kitchener w'E be in Creditaa
the third week of May. Orders can
'he left with J. G. Young & Son. Sat
.xsfactiou guaranteed.
Memorial Service.— The memorial(
. rservicc of Sergt. Percy .toy Lawsen
ceived the telegram and was dated
March 24.
A month ago his father received
from him a handkerchief. (The hand-
kerchief was here displayed.)
Sergeant Percy Roy Lawson was
honored by all. He was pleasant, ac_,
tive manly and was a brave an.d true
soldier and friend. He was at one
time a,member of our Sunday School
and his photo with that of our brave
boys, who fight for us, is to be seen
in our Sunday School Class Room.
The members of his class, .our en-
tire Sunday School and this large con-
gregation desire on this occasion to
honour his 'memory and to express
sincere sympathy with'. his beneaved
father, relatives, friends and laved
• The memorial„ service. of Pte. Fred
Levis :w 1 be held in Ebenezer Meth
dist Church next Sunday at 2,30
Mr. Thos, Lawson of Detroit, who
was here over Sunday to attend the
memorial service to his son, returned
to Detroit on Tuesday, accompanied
by his <s=.ster, Mrs. Than. Edwards,
who has been here for some weeks
from, Windfall, Ixidiama
Chas. Zwieker received 'his new
McLaughlin car on Tuesday.
Chris Eilber of Zurich was in the
village Monday.
Mrs. Samuel Brawn was opera ed
on for appendicitis on Tuesday. ' e
trust her recovery wile be a speedy
Neat Sunday, Mothers' Day, will
be celeorated in. aur. churches. Spec-
ial sermons wiii be preached and pro-
grams rendered throughout: the dif-
ferent services in honor of your hest
friend Be. sure to wear your cc:10:s;
Mrs. J. A. MacDonald, who has been
visiting in St. llamas, has returned
.was held in the. Cred.to•i Methodist home: •
'church on Sunday evening, May 6th, Arbor Day ,was observed in the
-The church was filled to the doors, school last Friday. The ycungs ers
Many could not find seats and stood gave the yard a thorough ctean.ing
'bn the stairway leading to the audit- and were later rewarded with see•"ts
orium The music by the choir and by the teaching staff < far their good
the solo by Mr. FL Taylor were very work.
appropriate, as was the whole service Mr and Mrs. Decher of Zurich vis
The pastor, Rev. 0. W. Baker, B.D,
:before his sermon read the fallowing
re bituary,—
Sergeant Percy Roy Lawson, 403-
126 of the 33rd Huron Battalion,the
:only son and child of Thomas H.
;Lawson and Eliza Mawhinney,. was
:'born at 'Crediton East Nom. 5, 1891
.lie grew up and attended school at
Crediton. His mother died when he
was only three years old, and he
'found a home with his aunts, • Mrs.
Wm. Martyn and Mrsi, Jas. Lawson,
naw of Exeter. He :went tin detroit
nt about 13 years of age. While still
-a: boy he attended a term of school
.at 'Windfall. He later returned to
.his home in Detroit and there grew
±>p manhood. When a call was' made
.for volunteers Percy responded, ate
±hough his father offered .nducemeits
far him to remain at home.. At the
age of 21 he enliatied at Exeter in
the 33rd- He trained in London and
Quebec and went .overseas Mar. 11;
•.1:915. He trained in ;England and
while there attended a mili,taryschool
'He went to France Ian, 5th, 1.91.6, acid
"to the trenches the second time an
July 12th, 1916, and he -had berm int
the trenches since New Years. He
early distinguished himself, as asoldier
and won two medals for bravery—.
nano ' for 'carrying a wounded' Officer
ited Mr and Mra'. John Sweitzer last
Thos. Trcvethick ;.s' giv_ag his
dweuiutg a thorough overhauling by
avis; rt ,resided and, 'ah addition
oust Thereto. ;•
Dr. Racey of Parkhill will lecture
in the Towa Hall on Thursday even
in the :interest of the Red
Cross Society.: The Dcctor;ha• serv-
ed a year in France and his lecture
- aauld prove very"iziterestuig He
also have several trophies toeY==
One at our pioneers, in the per-
son. of Michael klirtzel, passed peace -
away ta.st Friday
away.=astb'riday evening, at the
age of 88 years and 25 days. The,de-
axed emi r.rted from Alsase, France
About Ill years ago to Morriston and
.Luer came he: -e to Stephen Township.
He lived to` see. the bush cut clown
anti the land tilled, and he contributed
more thazi the average. man : to make
this n,e.ghbarnood what it is to -day.
He has been living with his son
George the past few years and was
bedlast fo'r several svteeks•. His re-
mains" were , interred in the Evangel-
ical •Cemetery, an Tuesday. Heteav s
to mourn his loss his sons Gearpe
and Join orathis ',place, Michael of
C"a[vin, ft, Dakota; - Wllliani . of 170-
croi.:: Lou:s of Washington, Mich, and
the field el battle under a heavy '.Wesley of `'Peace River, Alta., and
.charge 'oE the enemy,.:'He was the naughrers ''Elizabeth of Elkton, Mich.;
'only one to volunteer out of the bat-
talion, so th ick' were the shells fall-
ing, Ile had a hand-ta-hand en -
,counter with an enemy by whom he
for the sympathy :extended,, and Rev.,
Baker and the choir at. he Metho-,
dist church for the be 't''ful memor-
t it service irlr memory C h;s soar, the
late Sergt. kercy Ray Llwsan, who
loan his life recently 'i France,
+ra rce.
vIr, Otto Willert of Ailsa Craig is
visiting ,relatives hetet,
Mr. N. Kellerman made a business.
trip to Wngbaui one day last week,
Rev.'' Littsin'n of Toronto gave an
address on "Luther" in the Luther-
an Church last Friday evening,
Mrs. 13, Statton and children of
Parkhill axe' visiting Mrs. Station's
parents, Mr. and ;Mist 1i, Wille,rt;,r
Miss Ida Gates has returned to
Chicago, after spending the water
mouths with her parents 1ie_z,.
Rev. P. Graupner spent several
days in Kitchener last week.
\Tr. N. Kellerman has raved into
the ,residence. that ,was recently vi-
cate.d by Mr. W. J. Lang: on Main
Lena of Morriston,•• Date of i-lespeler;
eouttet o. DcarJ-.; Salome of b'tlnt,
Mich, and Eva of Capac, ',Vlach., to
whose are extended the sympathy of
was attacked but whom he vanquish the community:
ed in the struggle, For h;s valor he Mrs, (Rev.) McDonald of Kintore ;s
was prornoted to the, rank of Serge- visiting her sister, Mrs, Chas,. Zwick-
er, Her husband, 'De. McDonald has,
aatisted w,..1 an overseas contingent
as Chaplain and is 'n0W- enrt5utc for
Detror t 12i:eh. ,arc!, ot. Thanks—Mrs, Wrn; Welsh
Deeplyregret'toinloi•rn you Sc ,„c- and family desire to thank the frlenela
alit Percy Roy Lawson, 'Mounted Rh. and especially the Foresters- of the
Ie otlic:ally reported k,iecl in ac-- Crediton Court, for their it:midness
arson April 9t11, 1.917. uLring �thc iltruess anal bereavement a>1
Officer in Charge Reca•ds:,'' C W. Il Wcls.h.
ze last .1. y„It
a t letter received b _s lath C A.Rn OF TI-IANKS Mr. nos,
on the ,same day as -he' 3e. Lawson desires to thank tile friends
Mr. E illcPherson;'has improved his
with a new wire fence.—The
Patriotic concert held ,unidie,r the
auspices of the Beaver club, recently
was a success in 'every way,—Rev.
arney showed ,solve excellent war
slides and „Dr. Wilson's account of
',ls work 'in ,France and England was
host thoroughly 'einjoyed by all, A
solo by Rev. Winans and two selec-
tions by ,the -Girls' Quartette formed
the program ,with Rev. Carriere as
,.hairman,, who contributed' much to
the evening's enjoyment. Proceeds
over 530:00:—Miss Maggie Gerom'ette
is workng in a munition .'factory in
Tor'anta.-Pte. Arthur' Nlellin of the
6ard Battery, ;London, was ".hame,ov-
er Sunday.—i\tiss Addie Mason_ has re-
turned to London,.-Ptei. Cliff. Buch-
anan of London visited at' W. Eng-
land's last week, .,J iss Minnie Rid-
ley went to Taranto —recently.; -Miss
3illia_m spent the week end at her
home in Bright; -Mr Henry Belling
had the misforti.ne to break h:s leg
in two places last ` week: -Miss Alice
Turner' has returned from London, ac-
companied by her cousin, Mrs. Bow-
man. -Mr. and ,Mrs. J. R. Mallard of
Grand Bend visited at A. M. Wil-
son's 'on Sunday -The iexecutive •of
the Methodist Sunday School metlast
week and elected their officers for
the]' ensuing .year. The school Ls inn
good working condition in all de-
ant. A fever days ago his father re-
- teivecl the following telegram:—
Ottnwa, .!Ont., `April 27, 7.917
Thos H: Lawson, 16 Richmond St,
, Mr John Holt is an the sick list.—
Mr. Nelson Ravelle movted'.into the
house next to the ,store last Beek,
while Mr. Louis Ravelle moved Into
the house he recently purchased
from Henry Hamilton.—Mr. Ilse's sale
was . well attended. Everythingscld
well. The real ]estate and inerry-go-
round were not sold,—Thearm id
this section (report what not
ooking any too well: It needs; warm
weather, •+..:
A beautiful piana am'ived'',this week
at the home of Mrs. John` Brock, a,
gift from her father, Mr. Wm+,. Oke
of Seaforth.
A Prescription That From Girlhood
to Old Age Has Been a Blessing
to Womankind.'
When a girl becomes a woman, when
a .woman becomes : a mother, when a
woman passes through middle life, --are,
the threeperiods of life when health and
strength are most needed to withstand
the pain and distress often caused by
severe organic disturbances. •
At these critical times women ;are
best fortified by the use of Dr. Pierce's,.
Favorite Prescription, an old remedy.
of proved worth that keeps the entire
womanly system in excellent: condition.
Mothers, if your daughters ,are weak,
lack ambition, are troubled with head
aches, lassitude and are pale and sickly,
Dr. !Pierce's Favorite Prescription is
bust whatthey need to 81=63 -bring the
loom of health to their cheeks and make
them strong and healthy.
For all ailing women Dr. Pierce's
Favorite Prescription is just the right
medicine., During the last fifty years it
has banished from the lives of teras of
thousands of women pain, 'misery and
distress. It makes weak women strong,
sick women well
If; you area sufferer, if your daugh-
ter, mother, sister, need help,, get Dr.
Pierce's Favorite Prescription'" in liquid
or tablet form from any medicine dealer
to -day. Then address Dr. PierceIn-
valids' Hotel, Buffalo N. Y.,' and get
medical advice entirely free.
Every woman should be careful that the
liver is active and the poisons are not.
allowed to clog the system—get' rid of
these poisons by taking Dr. Pierce's
Pellets, which regulate and invigorate
stomach, liver and bowels. Keep the
body clean inside as well as outside!
How to preserve health and beauty is
told in Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medi-
cal Adviser. It is free. Send Doctor
Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y., fifty cents or stamps
to cover wrapping and mailing only.
Although' 1 Had
Little Faith in Them"
';ghat is the feeling of hundreds who
have been helped by Gin. Pills. They ad-
mitafter the curd that when they used
Oin Pills it did not seem possible that
such a simple remedy could relieve such
severe smile -fag. The line above, for in-
nst nce, is from the lector of lvlr, H. P.
Siebert, Plessisville,; recommending
ge wl
Ire says, in part, "I suffered from
Kidney trouble for several years. I have.
tried numerous remedies and used medics'
prescriptions without having 8
relief, ny
case being chronic. I decided:
to try Gm rats although I had but little
faith in them. The first dose gave me
relief. Since, I have taken four buses of
these pills and 'I find myself completely
If you have lame back, 'Rouen joints,
constant headaches, ,urinary troubles, stone,
gravel, rheumatism, remember Mr. Herbert's
experience and try Gin rills.
At all druggists --50c. a box, or 0 boxes
for $2.50.
Remember our guarantee of satisfaction
er your money back.
Write for a free sample to
National Drug Be Chemical Co. of
Canada, Limited Toronto, Ont.
V. S. Address Na-Dru-Co. Inc.
202 Main St., Buffalo, N.Y. 53
Mail Contract
SEALEC'; 1'ENDIa.RS addressed to
the Postmaster. General, will be re-
ceived at Ottawa until Noon an,Fru-
day the 8th day of June, 1917, for
the conveyance of His Majesty's Mails
on .a proposed Contract for four years
six, times per :week, over Hensall
No. Z Rural Route, .from the 1st of
July, 1917.
Pristed notices containing further
information as to conditions of pro.
posed Contract may be Seen and
blank forms of Tender may be ob-
tained at the Post Offices of Hen-
sall. l:ippen, Exeter. and Zurich, and
at the office of the Post Office In-
spector, .London.
Post Office Department Canada,
Mail Service Branch, Ottawa,
27th- April,, 1917
Auction Sale
Watson Haines will sell by Public;
Auction his ,farm, Lot 13 (except
parts sold) .Western Boundary, Blain
shard, 93% acres, more or less.
Part Lot 13, S. E. B., Usborne, and
Estalc' of the late Thomas ifensela,
being Lot 12 North Boundary, inthe
township 01 Biddulph, containing one
hundred and twelve acres, more or
less. On the premises are—two-story
brick house ten rooms; woodshed and
sunttiier kitchen; bank barn, nox3o,
barn 60x36, and other out buildings,
Soli clay 'loam : well watered, with
wind:n:11; also good spring., 7 miles
from L ucan same distance from "Ex-
erer; hall mile from Whalen school,
church store and blacksmith. Pos-
session Nov. 1st, 1917, For "umbel
n, `ft Lars apply to the . undersigned
Exeeutors..:,.,.. t ,• ;,,
R, RLucan, No, 3, lL n, Ont
St. s,:.,
Or Mrs.s: Annie Ic,cnseta ,a N1ar y .
C.V.O„ LLD,, D,C,L.,,President
CAPITAL PAID UP, $I5,000,000
9 JOHN, AIRD, General Manager
H. V F. JONES, Asst. Geri l. Manager
RESERVE FUND, $13,500,000
IN CANADA should
Interest allowed at 3% per annum on Savings Deposits
of $ 1. and upwards at any branch of the Lank.
EXETER BR. -A. 11. Kuhn, Mgr. CRLd1ITON—J. A. McDonald Mgr.
R. o es.o11s..:.,aoe e;aaroq
Capital & Reserve $8,800,000
98 Branches in Canada
A General Banking Business Transact
Circular 'Letters of Credit
Bank Money Orders
Interest allowed at highest current rate
W D. CLARKE, Manager.
. The Engine of Constant Service
.Absolutely Guaranteed
The. Lightest Running Blowers made
Beware of imitations and infringments.
THE H Y LO SILO -Entirely different and
infinitely superior.
Ask Wm. Frayne, Exeter, Agent
Or write •
GILSON MFG. 0O.,;235 York St: Guelpht.
FURNITURE, at the Village: Lat,
Woodham Village, on Saturday!
Afternoon MAY 12, 1917.
Far further particulars see posters
ar apply ;to P. T. D,oupe, Auctioneer
Kirkton. L Harstone, Vendors' Sol-
icitor. St. ,Marys, ar the Executes,'
James Flett Esq., Wiarton, Ont.,anc
F. D. Switzer, ICirkton, Ont.
Don't miss being at this sale.
you have got to paint your home, in order to insure it against
ate weather. Paint resists the destructive action.. of sun;
wind, rain and snow. Of course the better you paint, the ..
longer you are protected.
(Made in Canada)
is the greatest known protector of wood against weather because
it is guaranteed to be madeonly of pure White Lead, pure Zine
Oxide and Pure Linseed Oil.
You insure your home against fixe --perhaps against
lightning and burglary. Insure it against wear and 'weather by
painting it with "100% Pure" Paint -the cheapest because it
covers more surface per gallon and lasts years longer.
If you aro painting this spring, call or write for a copy of
"Town and Country Homes" and "Harmony In Neu -Tone"- •
our books on home decorating, Free -of course.
rJr.. ... f.