HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1917-4-26, Page 8EDNESPAY 2,25 70 to 80 amity Flour i 6.10 Low Gracie. Flour 3,00 Shark ..,.;42,00 to 44.00 Bran ..... . , ,.:.,, 40.00 Sugar Beet Pulp, per ton :.. ,. 35,00 Creamery butter- , , .,. 46 Dairy _Butter 38 end 40 Lard .. 30 Hay, per ton . 'X0.00. to 12.00 Potatoes .... , „ 44.00 I -.ions• per: cwt 15.50 Mists Edi h Davis is viiisting this. we.!(1r. in Av iag'hauz . '1'h Jack an .la;iotory is eloscd un- til nest Tu ad:ty for s.toek taking, Mr, A'4 ,,:. • the and fetnily of Seafut`- Oa sets.' (h „r,•k viet with hie d•tugh tee, alt:. i:.=tie Br„ek at Elinis°,re, George Creeper, alias W. H. Ham. ilton at Turnberry Tp. pleaded guilty of: bigamy before Ju dge Dickson last week. He was arrested in 'Turnberry,, where lie was living with nis : econd' eife Viisi Jeanette. Yea, wham he married iii Wnnghann. on April 3,191.6: The prisoner as a rnan about rhos ty years oI age, and his first ,narri,;tge was to Pear Ruby Fisher QC Lindsay, sever., years ago, • Al, Oddfellows are requested to meet in the Lodge Rolorin at 10.30 a.m., April 29th, to attend '' divine service: in Trivia Memorial Church. Miss; Eunice Down will hold an auc- tion sale of her household effects on Albert St. on Saturday, May 5th, Miss Down has a splendid lot of ef- fects in good •condition. See advt. on page four. The New M master will be pres- ented by the Hensel' Dramatic Corn panv in the Opera House, Exeter, on Friday- April 27th. They have been engaged by the Logie 1Vlissionary So- ciety of the Presbyterian church: Proceeds in behalf of Missionary and Patriotic Work. The Hanna Orches- tra will furnish music. See bills HORSE CARDS. -Horsemen ;will very soon be :needing their Morse cards, Do .not delay, but order them early so that you may have them ready when the season.,, opens. The Advocate is en the position to give Sou entire satisfaction, as usual. Cuts, types, and ,workmanship are right. CALVES FOR SALE ti The undersigned will be at the CENTRAL HOTEL, EXETER ON SATURDAY .APRIL 28th, 1917 With a load of Choice Durham. Calves eat 2.30 o'clock.. HICKMAN WHETSTONE 2ARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED by C.:13. Sanders at the Advocate Of- fice. Strictly confidential; no witness WANTED.—A good bright smart boy to learn. printing at the Advo- cate Office: FLAX LAND 200 acres of land wanted for flax? Apply to Joe Davis, Ontario Flax Co'y, Exeter Don't for get Gib Dow's Auction Sale of Horses and young Cattle o,a Saturday April 28th. Sale at Dow's Farm, east of the Metropolitan Hotel. MODERN BRICK HOUSE FOR SALE.—In. Exeter, mired, convenient in every way, close to school and to church. -Apply to C. Zuefle, Exeter. FARMERS NOTICE.—We havefor sale 2 No. 21 plows, 1 N. 13 plow) 1 single furrow riding plow, 1 Maple drum land roller. Will take in ex- change good cast scrap iron or wood about the quality used at Salt Block EXETER MANF'G CO. 400 TO''.S SALT -400 tons aline Land and Cattle Salt for sale; EXETER SALT WORKS Go;, Ltd J Sutton, Manager. CANNING SEED CORN. --0-- To the farmers chose contracts form part of the first 200 acres of corer tor Canning Factory, seed corn will be furnished at last; year's, price, 11 "cents per pound. After that the regular price will be charged. 'Pres- ent market price 30 cents per pound. Positively no seed seed except for contracts EXETER CANNING 00. BEAUTIFUL HOME FOR SALE —x—o—x— The und rsigned is offering for sale her beau'ilul residence in Exeter, op- poeite tit Ross -Taylor mill: The prooerty contains ;two lots of land tine brick house, contai9ing nine room.; and wood shed, 'good stable and drive shed, hard and soft water', number trult trees and small fruits. House al tvired and .furnished for Hydro. This is an excellent property and will be sold at a reasonable price Autoi Tires We have just received a large she - ment of automobile tires, that were purchased before the raise in price, and we have decided to give our cus- tomer:: the benefit of our purchase, et a cash price.— 30xolee, Casing $rInner Tube $16.00' 31x4. Casing and Inner tube $26.50 32x4 Casing and Inner Tube 828,00 33x4 Casing and Inner Tube, $29,00 34x4, Casing and Loner Tube $30,00 Prices of other sizes on application„ These tare all No, 1 guaranteed tyres ley the :manu:fecturers, which are the Do-ntsuo`i Dunlop and Maltese. Cross. Thewp ri,:es can only be niaintasned present e h`resent stack is exhausted. un t Exeter Motor Sales Co EXBTER. . D Ia ,ATR, 'PH'URS.IIAY, APR g6. 1 1, ()CAL DOINGS `k 04 ckS+c nttee:a p Aar gym ..u@ticatev •si~ricad . + t 224 Have yet, cleaned up your yard yet' Brew: advanced to. 9c, a loaf in town on Friday, _lir I Nelson ,tank . Dr, Ilyndman's ca;' to .Flint, Mich., for repairs. Rev Baird and Rev. Mux worthy exchanged pulpits Sunday uou'ning. Messrs Harvey Bros .intend very soot_ to instill a Hydro motor in their Roller Mill Savings deposits show that Canada is prosperous, The 'increases per month are away up in the millions, Trooper Gerald Huirdon is ill;n Buffalo having (been taken i11 whale itisitine his brothers, Dyer and Jack, Phone ttlrite or call on us, end give u, the ,news items. you may know each week. We do not want to miss any, We might if you do not tell us. _hers Hugh Oke suffered a stroke of paralysis on ,one side of the body last e eek. • She dost her power of speech as well. Some inprovenlent has since taken place, however, an,d itis hoped she will fully recover. Mr and Mrs Ed. Short of Stephen have moved to :town; and are becom- ing settled in' the hause recently pur- chased: from Mr. Albert Camm, Main Street. We wieticome Mr. end vIrst Short to Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. Camra have moved to Mrsl E. Willis' house across the street. In: addition to the Gray Dart Mr. T 'H Newell has taken the agency 4e- The Chalmers automobile, and has a five -passenger Chalmers Neur- itic can in his :sihov, raomse This as a classy ear and you should see it. Mr: Newe.' has also a machinician engagec$ and is giving service in all lines of. repair Rev Baird •coauducted a lelemoritil Service Sunday evening, in honor of the late. Lieut. T. W. Peaihale, and a sketch of the young man's life was read by Mr. Hubert Jones., The an- nouncement was also made of the death in action ;of Ptet Harry Wind - sat word "ol. which was received that afternoon. Hirano Bee of Parkhill, a farmer ; es:- ident of Exeter, but who left here many years ago, passed away suddenly at hi: home to that town on the .16th inst., from heart trouble. Deceased bought grain at Clandeboye and then. for n'nr y years at Parkhill. He • is survived by his widow and one daugh- tee, Miss Ethel, Mr S Fittoh continues to improve ie health. Mrs. Wm, 'Tapp remains very ill with slight change. Mr. Jas. Rush was suddenly taken much worse on. Friday afternoon last, but revived. somewhat but ,he is still very rill:' dIr Wie Dauncey is confined to the house through foot trouble. Mr. John Moir remains he about the. usual con: ditian, with little, if any improvernent. A GOOD SUBSCRIPTION.—The Solaic.rs' Aid •Society celebrated the anniversary of the ;Battle of Ypres on Saturday last by 'canvassing the towe lox subscriptions an aid of By- ron Sanitarium and the Belgian Re- lief and secured $387.30. rhie:lad- ies report that they had very few re- fusals, and were delighted with the treatment their appeal received by nanny of the people who are feeling the .pinch of the high cost of living to a greater or less dereew With the many 'smaller subscriptions a number of large ones were also re - c eieed and ,the society de -sires to thank the people for the way i which this, worthy appeal was xeceiv- ed JUDGE HOLT DEAD.—The lerath occur -nen at Gaderich on Wednesday Of last weekafter an vl'ness of nine months .following a stroke of paral- ysis of Judge Phillip: Halt. Tho ;udge was well and favorably known here, he having; presided at 'the Dev_s`)n Court Sittings for about fifteen wears. He was aged 65 years. Born in Harks bury, Eng., he came to Canada when a boy. He graduated in law 'n 1876. and that year went into ;partnership with M. C. Cameron of Gaderich, .'ho afterwards became Lieut.-Governor of Manitoba: He was made a K.,C: :n 1599was warden. of the County in 1901-2. 'and ,became Junior Judge ro 1902. He was active ori Hospital; end School and .Church: ,week. His wife wee Rebecca, daughter of Ven; Aich- deacon Ellwood. She, one son; Prof, G F Holt of Trinity College, 'Tor- onto, and one daughter, Miss Con- stance, survive. Deceased was a Mason and an Oddfelllow.. The fuer- era] took place under Masfonic °us- picea 0 -ti Friday at Goder-i;ch, BOWLERS'. ANNUAL MEETING. -Thr annual meeting of the, Exeter Lawn Bowling Association was held in the Town Hall an, Friday ev.ning, The repot t of the treasurer showed the association to be in a healthy con- dition and was handed to the audit- ors The fees for :1917 were fixed as follows, -for resident members,' $5.00, for members residing' out of town 51.50. It was decided 'ta hold the Big 'Tournament for the Free Press, South Huron and Heaman, tro- phies at a date to be fixed later, but each and every Friday night a 'Week- ly Tournament will be held, to which' howlers from surrounding towns are invited the details to be arranged by the Match Committee. The election of oflicers resulted as follows, --Hon. Presidents. J J. ,ialernier, M. P, and H Dri ber M.P.P., Pres., J II. Grieve; Vnce , is N Rowe; Secy, R.N,Ceeech Treas. W. D Clarke; Auditors, F. W. Gladman and I, R. Carling; Ion. Chap., Rev A. A. Truntper; Hon. Members for 1917, Judge L. H. ))ick sou, Major W. J. Hearne'', Pte. Doug, las Stewart; ;Grounds Com., J. !'`: Ste wart F, W Gladman, h. N.Rowe Membership Com., R. N. Rowe, VV, W. 'Taman, F W. Gladman; Match Com., W, W Taman, W. I), Oiarke, R N. Creech, A. E. Kuhn; Tourna- ment Corn. Messrs, Selden, Stewart, Carling 'Gladman, Rowe, Snell,Clarke Taman 'Taylor, Dore, Creech, with Payer to add. There is a bright prospect for a large neemb,ership end a sitecessft0. season., The farmers are busy an. theland these days. The ,road commissioner has been having , the Main street cleaned up this veeek. The clays this week have been. al- ternately warm and cold, but seeding; is` going ahead rapidly. If it is daylight y,ou want to save; there is no need of turning on all the clocks—turn on the alarm clocks; Huron County Temperance . onveui- tion Will be held in W eslley Church, Clinto i on. May lst; morning session ii 10,30, afternoon sessi'a:u at a,30, Phrase clo not wait ti11 Wcdn,csdiy to send in news for publication. The. esrliez copy for printing reaches us• the better. As soon as one issue of the paper has gone out to subscribers the are ready to receive copy forth. next This applies to advortis,et- menu as well. as items of news. The Advocate has jiist'received 'a new and up-to-date ;Webster Dic- tionary. It is a new cteatson frose cover to cover and embraces every -.i thing ir, scholarship, convenience, au- thority and utility. In itare the ab reviations, Bible, Biographical, Christ Ian, Fictitious, Geographical rind Mith ologicxd names, Elymalogy,` Foreign words and phrases, illustrations, pro- uuncietian signs and symbols, syn- onyms etc,, etc, It ;contains 400,000 defined words and phrases, has 2700 pages and 6000 'illustrations, A copy ol this excellent'.Dictionarry should be hi every home and awned by every student --o-- RaND CUT,—Mr. Ed. Coamb met with a painful accident at Gillies' Mill o•i ;Thursday morning last, fde was engaged with theslab saw 'viten the young ,man assisting forced, the piece: they were cutting too fast, and as a consequence Mr Coiomb's right hand came in contact with the saw, inflicting seven ,gashes over the ",noc- kles and back of the hand. He will be 'laid off duty far some time. —x—o--x— DEATH 011 MRS. CI D•MOR.E. The death took place in Crystal. City, Man:, on Tuesday, April 24th ott a well-known resident of Exeter in the person of Louise Philips ` re- lice o: the late Wm., lOudatore. at the age of 68 years. ;Deceased left on •a visit to her daughter in Crystal (City at' Christen s time and three days af- ter arriving there was taken illwith grippe, and she gradually grew ts•oxse until death rsrsulted es stated. She was; born in Canada and resided near Kippers until about 10 years ago when she and her husband moved to Exeter Mr, Cudmorc died eight years ago, Deoeae'd was highly respected by all who knew her. She is a'ar"Dived by four sons and six daughters, William of Seaforth; Samuel of Kippen; Ed, of Vitncouvere Lorne of the 161st Batt., England; Mrs. George Stewalrt. Crystal !City, Mrs. S. Walketr, Van- couver; Mrs. Wes, "Harvey, Kippen Mrs Thomas Wor•'.kman, Kipper:; Mrs. Ed. Daley, Seaforth; and Mrd; Harry Houton of Usborne. Three brothers also , survive, George in' 'the west 'Oharle,s in'(Chicago and Hen- ry in Detroit. The remains will be brought here for interment. Mrs T Baker visited in St Marys this week. Mr W. iD. Clarke and Gale -e- turned from New York last week. Miss Elie Oke is 'here frarn Tor- onto owing to her mother's illness Mrs Samuel Stanlake, jr. left on Tuesday to join her husband in the west. Mrs. Art. Passmore is able to be on again atter an illness yf seve,ral weeks Miss Lyons deaconess, of Toronto visited the week at I4e. Roberti er- slake's Miss Blanche Quince returned on Tuesday from Business. College in London Miss Lily .• "May Snell is very ill at the home of her grandmother, Mrs. Passmore. Miss Mary Balkwill.is on an extend- ec. visit to various points in the Wes- ter': States. Mr. j D. Atkinson of Clinton was ii, town on Saturday shaking hands with old friends, Miss Fanny Bowey, after afew days visit `,ith her parents here, eturned to London Thursidary Messrs. Andy Oke. and Wm 14artia of Sc;alarth were here this we..kaocv- ing to the illness o1 Mrs: Oke. Mr S Campbell has returned from Hamilton, where she spent the cVil. ter. -Her daughter, Mrs. Lannin was here also for a fejt days. Mr W. L. Talbot of .London end Mr S C. Crockett of D(otrchcsten were tisitors' at the homes of `hes: srs S and W. Martin, of Thursday last CONFERENCE OF THE, rKV-ANGE!L- ICAL ASSOCIATION ---a-- The 53rd Annual Conference of the Evangelical Association was. held in 3iiid;may, Ont., AA r:1 18th;. —23rd, .917. Bishop S. .C. Breyrfogel, D. D. of Reading, Pa., occupied the chair. On Sunday, April, 22nd, L. 1_b, Pletsch, was ordained, elder, ,and, Ez- ra; Mohr, W. B. Dengis, J. D. Fienr, er, and C. Reidt received Deacons orders. li Field Secretary, ,Hey. B. B. -Wein- er.. of Naperville, 11., conducted the missionary services on Sunday after- noon and evening, and the sum' of ,'j:31 was received as a nis a ar offer- ing, - e y o`f t ing, ! r The minsters and Presiding Elders were( stationed es follows; North District, -J. G. Litt, Pretsel- htd Elden—Bridgeport, S. L. Kneel" - tel; 'Chesley, S. 31. 73auch; ICrcditon 1 D. Becker; Dats1iwood, If. Meyer; 1' lmira, G ,F.. 13raun; Elmwood, 0., G, 'Hallman; Hanover, A. W. Sates ;. Ieetowel. H. H. Liebold; ;Mawitlan , W. tampbell. lYlilrl•nay, J. 5, Burn; Normanhy, S. E, Schroeder; Parry Sound, S. Schlotzhauer; Port, Elgin, E. M. Gisehler; St. Jacor, 'f.`''i. Wing,'' Stratford, W. J, Yager ; Walk ereon. J. If, Greeeebach; Waterloo, Emil Burn; Wallace. D. 11`. plrand; Zurieh,..F. B. Meyer. North Wert District—L, '11. Wag- e PHONE NO. 32 4 ouse urnishings New RugsCurtainL��Qleum� Nets HE b'ACT THAT WE PLACED OUR ORDERS : FOR 'I'%IESE LINES aNEARLY A YEAR eeC,O ENABLES US TO OFFER WONDER. FUL MONEY -SAVING OPPORTUNITIES Ii RUGS, LINOLEU\'IS CURTAIN NETS, OILCLOTHS, SCRIMS, CONGOLEUM RUGS,- SAP- ANESE MVIATTING, ETC, Wi. WILL BE PLEASED TO SHOW YOU OUR, ENTIRE STOCK OF THESE, LINES Al ANY TIME. New Rugs" Velvets, Axmin'..sters, Wiltans,B.rutsels tapestries, Etc. rartge to choose from. Special Congoleum Art Rugs in beautiful front ;b,00 to $12;50 according to size seA designs and colorings, New Linoleums Ia Black and Floras .Designs—se.'e,rai new patterns reasonable prices. big to select from at Dainty Summer Wash Dresses FOR MISSES AND CHILDREN Our Ready -to. -wear Department is siimply,averflawiing with. new Child., sen's and Ladies' Wash Dresses, middiesunder garments, hosiery, corsets SI'ECIAL-5 'Dozen. Ladies' good washing house dresses, sizes 36 to 44, to clean_ at only 98e. each. New Silk Crepe Blouses for 'Ladies. " Another ;Uig shipment received Ladies Silk Suits for summer; also seek 'sweaters Ladies' 'Hosiery Special 60 dozen pair of Ladies' good quality Bleck Cotton Hosiery. Sizes 8; to 10, Our special selling price 18c a pair 2 pair far 35c. New Wall Papers 1-Iundreds of patterns to select :from at reasonable prices. New Raincoats 'We have an immense stock of Ladies' Men's and Children's Rainproof Coats at prices that will mean a gi eat saving, to you JONES & MAY t eh'i 4llat'tdrs for the celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing net, Presiding .Elder.-Beaueeeoulr Morris, E. Schroeder; Didsburg, L'. P. Amacher; Edmonton, J, S. Dommy and Geo., Snyder; Good Hope, G. W:. MacCracken; Hanna, IC. S. Finkbein-' er; Happy Land, F. E. Martin; 'Ir- vine, J. K. Schwalm; Kenaston, Geo. Beacroft; Medicine .. Mat, K. Gretzen- ger; Melville, L'. K. Eidt; Morse, H. J. Efoltzmann; Neudorf, E. G. Block; Pakowki, J. Golding; !Regina, A. Clemmenis; Rhein and Esk, 'W. H. Wagner;) Bosthern, J. G. Donrm;` See- bertvilld.and Mayton, To be supplied; Winnipeg, J. G. Burn. Appointments -East Distract -G. Damm, Presiding Ender.—Aldboro, J. C. Morlock; Arnprior, JG', Witpinh; Blenheim, : N. R. ` Ernest.; Oampdeu, W, Dreier; Fullerton, J. A. Schmidt ; Gainsboro, A. F. Stoltz; Golden Lake, W. S. 'Henirch; Hamilton; A. E. Piet - eh; ''M,eslpeler, A. T. Nash; Ritchdner, J. P. 'Hanle and A. Y. Heist; Killaloe, E, H. Dorsch; Milverton, E. H. B&n ; Morriston,, To b.e supplied; New liana- burg. Hamburg.,W 0. Herten; Niagara, H- A. Kellermann and J. D. Fenner; North East Hope, N. H. Eeibling;'Pembroke, W. M. Sippel; Rainihaim, G. L. Gross and J. B. Dengis; Rockingham, L.H. Pletch; Sebringeville, W. E. Beese; South East Hope, ;)C. R. Kauth; Tav- istock, A. D. 'Gischler; Toronto, W. J. Zimmermann, i FARQUHAR+ Mr Z' Cameron has sold his 'rouse to, Mr, D. Brown, and the latter has sold his house to Mr. Fenwick, our blacksmith. , MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED be C. H Sanders at the Advocate Of- fice, Strictly confidential; no witness The QUALITY IES STOREExeter :GROCER Store: We have a sarnall quantity of 'Tea vet FIRST COMPLETE SHOWING OF 0` tII Furniture Undertaking c affie & Geuts The dominate note of these Spring Fashions .is entirely new. Rarely be- fore have the majority of styles shown such : ingenious design with the general effect of simplicity. Our stock is "complete, The Showing ,includes, Serge, <Chev- iots Vacunia, Tweeds and Worsteds, in the fashionable sprang colors, and staple shades. MEN'S SUITINGS Our Stock of Men's Suitings is the finest shown. Also ,a'good range of spring over coatings. We guarantee satisfaction with every ,garment. GIVE US A CALL N. Sheere LADIES AND GENTS' 'TAILOR Stand Upstairs, Opposite the Ce.ptral Hotel. R. N. ROWE THE FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND FURNITURE DEALER Tea & Coffee Store For the choicest groceries, fruits, spices, teas, coffeeand every- thing in the grocery line. Gall and see us. A trial as to quality will convin.- CO. Produce taken in exchange Jas. Gould Next The Metropolitan Hotel. • al the old price: It ivi11 not last -long, Our C u awned Peas, Cann; Tomatoes and Beans are of the Best Brand, Try out two cans for 25c. Pink Sal- mon We have a splendid qual' y of Dried Apples. Sprain time es seed time—buy your Garden Sexed from us. MEAN 1 MEAT 1 1 MEAT l 11 Do not forget that we can send your peeler at once. If it is Beef or Pork Fresh .or Cured Meats ,.tc have it; Also remember lour all treat Sau- sage. sage. Phone 18 Gower & R. C. SHOE Ous Stock of Shoes is very conitplete and bought before the recent raise in price. You can.depend on1°t' price p o ivr Goods, being at the very Iaw:esE Mort's Heavy Shoes at from $3.00 to $4.50er � pair.. Boys Heavy-- Shoes, to $1.85" .,i$.3:SJ per pair Girls' 'Shoes from $1.75 to $350 per pair, Women's High Cut Kid Shoes at $6 0F)er P Pair: Shoe Laces 15c a dozen. MADE -TO -MEAS URE CLOTHING See our t samples and get our prices for your springse it W. Fe Beavers,