HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1917-4-26, Page 7Man's Staff aat Life is
the whole wheat grain --not
the white, starchy centre of
the wheatmake no mis-
take about that but be sure
you get the whole wheat
grain iri a digestible dorm.
Shredded Wheat Biscuit
contains all the tissue -build-
ing, energy -creating material
in the whole wheat, steam
cooked, shredded and baled.
A perfect food for the
nourishment of the human
A better balanced
meat, than or eggs,
or starchy vegetables, sup-
plying the greatest amount
of .b
body-building nutriment
at lowest cost. For break -
.fast with milk or cream, or
for any meal with fruits.
Made in Canada.
New Spring, md
with gold :' threads 'forming the simplie 'I h
little bodice. Oec"Ilid and sea -foam
Green are among the other evening
colors which make exquisitely pretty
frocks. for the younger set
Celluloid Found Extremely Useful in
They Did, bL or Ilett . Alleviating Iain.
T+ -
ans, slippers and stockings to' t l u o c line s lI apne ale 7
stances that occupy the attention of
Match the dress are some of the details
should be mindful of in our Teed Cross hospitals to -day, for
Which , m'...
planning patty frocks to be in perfect
These patterns may' be obtained
Well Known Lady Makes a State-
ment Regarding Dodd's
Kidney Pills.
the former has been ;found or valuable
assistance in the dressing of wounds
Caused by the latter,
from your Local McCall- dealer or from,Acute pain as almost always Tom
The McCall Company; 70 13o-.cl St„ my's portion whilethis wound is,being
Toronto, Dept, W.
She !Tad Numerous '.Troubles, All of
Which CaineFrom Diseased Kidneys
and Found a Cure in Dodd's Eidaey
dressed, The removal of a lint band-
age from an open, sensitive wound is
NEAR BANK UP'reY. particularly painful, and experts are striving to Lessen suffering in this
Germany Bled White lin Food respect. They have now found that
Ayre's Cliff, Que., Apr. 16th,,
Finance—Finish Near. celluloid placed over an open wound
W Coliles, Macdona not only proves of ` great comfort to
The biggest,question in the world (Special).—Mrs. patient, but is'” also particularly
to -day is: How long can Germany
stand it? writes Oscar King Davis,
an American correspondent, who re-
cently left Berlin, Is she starving`?
Is she going bankrupt? Is she run
ning out of raw materials? Is she ex-
hausting her man power? The que$-
tion has other variants, but they all
mean the same thing, How long can
Germany hold out against the pres-
sure of the allied blockade, against
the eco tom
of The Farm, a Member of one of the'
oldest families living in this neigh-
borhood has 'consented to give the
public the benefit of her experience
with Dodd's ;Kidney Pills.
"My trouble started from over-
work;'" Mrs, Macdona states, "and I
suffered for two years. I was treat-
ed by a doctor, but the results were
not satisfactory. My joints were
stiff, I had cramps in my muscles, my
helpful for dressing purposes gener-
Quite a sunple' device it is, too. A
sheet of perforated celluloid, softened
in acid and of convenient shape and
size, is placed over" the open wound,
while lint bandages' :take their place
above it. When the dressing is re-
quired to be changed the bandages are
fust removed and the celluloid comes
away quite easily, without adhering
is war. waged ;r:I sleep was broken and unrefreshing the wound,
• `and I was heavy and sleepy after Not one of the least dao ars con-
petite was fitful and I was alwaysPAIN?
t' r• i 11 l' id
8t not only Softens the
water but doubles the cleans-'
ins power of soap, and ma fes
everything sanitaryand
Rural Delights.
Brown, the typical 'Londoner, was
spending his week's holiday at a farm.
As he was retiring for the first
night the farmer's wife stopped him
"Now, what tune d'you get up, sir?
T suppose, being a Londoner, you ain't
very fond of early rising?"
"Early' rising? No fear! None
of that for me! 1 never get up very
early in town. I like bed:"
"Very good, sir! In that case, we
won't have breakfast till half -past
four to -morrow morning!"
A 1 Fighters.
Two holiday -making Newcastle lade
discovered a wasp's 's nest the eonteuts
of which. they, immeriately proceeded
of which they immediately proceeded
to investigate. Soon they were kept.
very busy with the enemy, -who abarg-
ed them right and left, The lads
withdrew for a short time for con-
"A'll tell ye," Jack said to his mate,
"teak aboot fightin' for yor home,
thor's not a conshebenshus objector
amang them!"
Great Britain, as well as against the i meals. I lead bad headaches ni ap g o o—o-o=o n-o—n- o—o—o 0 1 m�u pfi z�ts -Ron SALE
military warfare waged by all the. ' y nectecl with wounds is gangrene, or NOT A BIT ctok ST \lAIa1\u NEWS
Entente powers
septic poisoning, Here a a n celluloid o LII
1 d Vbloases and dresses are made in these I
The designers
tired and nervous. I was i epresse
The answer to this question car -proves helpful, A saline -lint dressing
with it for most of the world the and low-spirited, I had a bitter taste is placed over the perforated celluloid o ;` CALLUSES "`
1, have returned to lei- ries �
rpuno .s�eea>..es ,lend the body -and -sleeve- answer toquestion o on was often dizzy,.
the new the war is goingto continue. For it liquid flows freely through the per p
Man of
thet f l long
"I perspired. with the least exertion
and I often had sharp pressure or
pain on the top of the head. Then
rheumatism was' added to my troubles.
I have taken just two boxes of Dodd's
Kidney Pills and they have done me
good, not only in one way,but-in
many. Even my rheumatism is much
m my mouth, in the d I
mole effects. y
mornings an for purifying purposes. The salt
`o` No humbug! Apply few drops
forated holes, while, on the -other
is only in Germany and the countries
allied to her that one finds any sub-
stantial confidence that Germany may
yet prove to be the victor in the striig-,
le. Outside of Germany one does not
find the same readiness to believe in
the possibility of economic or military
exhaustion for the Entente allies that
is constantly expressed with vigor and
enthusiasm, if not with conviction, in
Berlin and other German centres:.
• ached b M
The conclusion le y
Davis from his personal observations
in Germany is that, bled white and
near bankruptcy, the nation can go
barely a year at the best. The armies.
are well fed and the rich do not suf-
fer, but the children of the poor go
then just lift them away
with fin ars
hand, the wound is enabled to , dis- I, g
styles; and a good many show the h o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o
charge any septic` matter quite freely.
short sleeves, which have a fair pro -
rad The patient is punto very Tittle dis- This new drug is an ether coni -
mise of being taken up for spring a
the exclusion of g comfort, for the celluloid, through con- pound discovered by a Cincinnati
summer, though not to 1• b 1 stant soaking, is rendered : both soft chemist. It is `called
long sleeves. The most favored type �, r;)
fitted close- 1' 1 and pliable.,. freezone, and can now
of long sleeve at present is t d
ly from the elbow to the wrist At o , be obtained in tiny bot
Used by Francis Joseph of Austria
and His Brother Maximilian.
Among the many stories of omens
that centre round the Hapsburg,fam
ily is that of an unlucky quill pen.
It was used by randsJoseph
when signing his first proclamation
r r of Austria. No sooner
had he signed' the document than the
pen fell from his hand, spluttering in:
all over the floor.
"I hope this May not prove an un-
fortunate omen for your Majesty,"
said the Court Chamberlain as he
picked it :.up. .Maximilian, the bro-
ther of Francis Joseph, who was also
present, asked for the pen as a me
mento of an historic occasion, and it
was given to him straightaway.
Several years -later, with the very
same pen, he signed the proclamation
appointing himself 'Empea or of Mexi-
cp—a 'Proclamation which, as is well
known, led to his death very shortly
afterwards: He was executed by the
Mexicans, and his wife went road
with grief. •
It is not on record into whose pos-
session the pen has now passed.
'better "
Mrs. Macdoaa's symptoms all
showed that her kidneys were wrong.
If you have similar symptoms try
Dodd's Kidney Pills.
the elbow, or above it, there is fulness, l s Iles as Here shown at
the sleeve being shaped in a point ex - r5 very little cost from any
from the elbow. {
The Puff in Skirts I I' for freezone. Apply a
drop or two directly
A feature of the' new skirts which upon a tender corn or
appears to be very acceptable is the callus and instantly the
tending awayh t drug store. Just ask
puff at the lower edge produced by
Intended For Fortified Homes By
Builder in Past Ages.
Italy is a land of many leaning tow-
ers, among which the Tower of Pisa
and the fallen campanile at Venice are
the best known. The strangest of
the leaning towers, however, are the
Torre Asinelli and the Torre Garis-
enda in Bologna, which were erected in
1109 and 1110 A.D. The builders in-
tended them for fortified homes, of
which Bologna at one time possessed
as many as two hundred. The gloomy,
smooth -wailed brick towers standing
side by side melte a strange impression
upon the person who looks up at them
from the ground. Dante, in his In-
ferno,compared the giant Antaeus,
who was bending toward him, to the
Torre Garisenda "when a cloud passes
over it,"
The Torre Asinelli is three hundred
and twenty feet high and contains a
rough staircase of four hundred and
forty-seven steps. Frcm the sum-
mit, which is four feet out of plumb
with the base, you have a fine view of
the city. The slant is unintentional,
and was probably caused by the sink-
ing of the foundations. Torre Garis-
enda is one hundred and sixty-three
feet high, -sixteen feet lower than
the Leaning Tower of. Pisa,—and. it is
ten feet out of plumb—only three feet
less than the Tower of Pisa.
When Ottone Garisenda began to
build in 1110 A.D., he apparently
wanted his house to surpass his neigh-
bor Asinelli's in oddity; and so he
intentionally made his tower out of
'the' perpendicular. He found it `im-
possible, however, to complete the
tower at that angle, and had to cease
work on it before it attained the
height of its companion.
gathering of the edge to a foundation Shoeness disappefrs.
livening dresses are especially grace b F `' Shortly you will find
fill in this style, whether made of the corn or callusnsot
as IJmpe o ���� �n qi•'t loose that you can lift it
taffeta, satin, charmeuse or the other y, Ili off, root and all, with
soft silks. 'This is a very delightful 1 ,,,j ����� the fingers.
Not a twinge of pain,
soreness or irritation;
not even the slightest
smarting, either when
applying freezone or
This drug doesn't eat
up the corn or callus,
" but shrivels them so,
they loosen and come right out. It is
no humbug! It works like a charm,
Youthful Evening Frock with Puffed
effect for young girls and is used very
frequently for their party frocks.
showshow full of
T e illustration
charm are misses' dresses in this style,
and that a great deal of this charm lies
in its simplicity. The model is de-
veloped in soft rose charaneuse, with
chiffon of the same slfade:embroiclered
Scientific facts prove
the drug, caffeine, in tea
and coffee is harmful to
many, while the pure
food -drink --
U -
is not only, free from
drugs, but is econtaniai4cal,
delicious and nourishing,
Made of wheat and a --
bit of wholesome rno.;
lasses, Postum is highly
recommended by phy-
sicians for, with
whom tea or co6ete dis-
Pestiim is especially
suitable for children.
"There's a Reason"
Sold by Grocers.
Do Not Use Harsh Purgatives
A Tonic is All You Need.
Not exactly sick -but not feeling
quite well. That is the way most
people feel in the spring. -Easily.
tired, 'appetite fickle, sometimes
headaches, and a feeling of depression.
Pimples or eruptions may appear, on
the skin, or there may be twinges of
rheumatism or neuralgia. Any of
these indicate that the blood is out of
order—that the indoor life of winter.
has left its mark upon you and may
easily develop into more serious trou-
Do not dose yourself with purga-
tives, as so many people do, in the
hope that you can put your blood
right. Purgatives . gallop through
the systemand weaken instead of giv-
ing strength. Any doctor will tell
you this is true. What you need in
spring is a tonic that will make new
blood and build up the nerves. Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills is the only med-
icine that can do this speedily, safely
and surely. Every dose of this med-
icine makes new blood which clears
the skin, strengthens the appetite and
makes tired, depressed men, ` women
and children` bright, active and strong.
Mrs. Maude Bagg, Lemberg, Sask.,
says: "I can unhesita.tin;;ly recom-
mend Dr. Williams' Pink 'Pills as a
blood builder and tonic. I was very
much run down when
I began
the Pills, and a few boxes frilly re-
stored my health."
Sold by all medicine dealers or by
mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes
for'. 42.50' from The Dr. Williams'
Medicine' Co., Brockville, Ont.
Metal Coinage is By No Means the
Only Kind in Use.
Most people have come to regard
coins as being necessarily made from
metal of some sort. This, however, is
by no means invariably the case.
Porcelain money is in use to -day. in
Burma and Siam, and feather money,
manufactured froni the short red fea-
thers from beneath the wings of a
species of parrot, is the ordinary cur-
rency of the Santa Cruz islanders.
The Loyalty Islands, which lie in
the Pacific to the east of Australia
are famous for their fur money. The
fur, which is taken from behind the
ears of the so-called "flying -fox," in
reality a large fruit -eating bat, is
woven into cords ofvarious lengths,
and these constitute the ordinary cur-
rency of the islanders.
Iron fnoney was put into circulation
in Germany on October last. In Mexi-
eo cardboard money is in use,owing
to the disappearance of metal cur-
rency due to the unsettled state of
the country. Cardboard pennies and
halfpennies to the value of $350,000
were also issued at Toulouse, in
France, in September, 1916..
f lne
The Height of Boastfulness.
"Isn't Blower inclined to be just `a
little boastful?"
"Boastful ? Well, I guess yes. Af-
ter a beggar has touched Blower for
a nickel, he will tell you that he has
just been giving a little dinner to an
acquaintance of bis.". �.
That Explain It. '
"Where did yogi get those scratches
on your face?" '
asked the thin man.
"Car turned turtle," implied the
fat man gruffly.
"Loose tire?"
"No, tight chauffeur!"
Minard's Liniment Felievos Neuralgia.
`Father," said a little boy one day,
"where is atoms?" "Atoms, my son!
You mean Athens, surely?" "No,
father—atoms, the place where things
are blown to."
,When Your Eyes Need Care
Use Murine Eyelf edicine. No Smarting—Feels
Fine—Acts Quickly. Try it for lied, Weak,
Sore Eyes and,Granulated Eyelids. Murino 1s
compounded by our Ocnlistb—not a "Patent
Medic tue"—butused in Successful Physicians'
Practice for many years. Now dedicated to
the Public and sold bytruggists at 50c per
Bottle, Murine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubes
25c and Inc. Write for book of the Eye Free.
Nlurino Eye Remedy Company, Chicago. Adv.
To save labor in building roads a
cart has been invented that spreads
stone evenly as it is dumped.
ntinard's Liniment (lures Dandruff.
Christianity is not' world -renouncing
in the ordinary sense, since it teaches
that God made the world and made it
very good.
Purely Herbal—NO poiscnoult coloring
Antiseptic—Stops hind -poison
4eoth410-Ends pain and smarting, etc.
Pure --Neal ler baby's rashes..
Heals all sores.
50c. lox. All Druggists anti Sterna
When the baby is ill—when he is
constipated, has indigestion; colds,
simple fevers or any other of the
many minor ills of little ones—the
mother, will find Baby's Own Tablets
an excellent remedy. They regulate
the stomach and bowels thus banish-
ing the cause of most of the ills of
childhood. Concerning them Mrs.
Paul Dinette Cheneviile, glue., writes:
For a few cents you can get rid of
Offices for sale 111 moots. Ontario
and irate g
towns. The most useful
of all businesses. Full inforrno.tion on
application to Viilson Publishing Com-
pany, 75 Adelaide St., Toronto.
1ViIscE L4NEOtta
Hand, $12,00 up. Send for special
price !let. Varsity Cycle,,, Works, 413
Spadina Ave., Toronto.
v internal. and external, cured 'with-
out pain by our Norrie treatment. '',Vrite
us before too late. Dr. Bellman Medical
Co., Limited, Collingwood, Ont.
" Il.l�la
v Mr GoEOfpuffp
For All Boiler geed Waters
Cyclone Choking' and Dumping* Grate
Bars for all requirements
Canadian Steam dotter Equipment
Tel. Gerrard 3660
20 SMcGeo st. Toronto
Deg Renletiles
And How to Feed
;tailed" free to any address by
the Author
118 (vest 3ist Street, New York
When buying your Piano
insist on having an
every Bard corn soft corn or corn be
calluses on bottom of your feet. It iaS oe scanned
never disappoints and never burns, a
bites or inflames. If your druggist 'ri 131c "�1 P5
hasn't any freezone' yet, tell him toFOR
get a little bottle for you from his
wholesale house.
Over a river inMexico there is a will reduce them and leave no blemishes.
150 -foot bridge that is composed en- Stops lameness promptly. Does ;rot viis
tirely of mahogany, worth at the pres- ter or remove the hair, and horse c n s -
ant price of tile wood almost X2,000,- ,
oOp worked, ea bottle delivered. Roofs 6 M e cc,
t ABSOREINE. 3-L- for mankind the rat .rtic
liniment for Boils, Liaises. Sores. Snellines a cr cosoVoiaa.
Allays Paan. and Inflammation. Price fel r a bottle at
druggists or delivered. w:tt .tell yon more if rou write.
PAY MONEYrutORDERS tv F. YOUNG, P. U. F., 511 Lymans Bldg., Montreal, Gan,
your xpt of town Money aeeopnt9 by hbsorbine snd D.
F., 511. sr- made In Canada.
`Dominion' Express Orders. Jr::—
Five dollars costs three cents.
tween the toes, as well as painful 'D0 N'T CUT OUT
It is more blessed to give than to re-
ceive, but the majority of us^know it
merely from hearsay. •
Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere.
—"I can recommend Baby's Own Tab-
lets to all mothers as I have used them
for my little one for constipation and
diarrhoea and have found them an ex-
cellent remedy." The Tablets are
sold by`medicine dealers or by mail at
25' cents a box from The Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
The game ofgolf goes back at least
five centuries.,One of the pictures in
a Dutch illuinated Book of Tours,
now in the British Museum, is a paint-
ing of three: men putting at a hole in
the turf as in modern • golf. Al-
though the Dutchmen clid play and
paint golf, they did not write about it,
so there are no recordsdescribingthe
the BEST Liniment in use.
I got my foot badly jammed lately.
I bathed it well with MINARD'S
LINIMENT, and it was as web as
ever next day.
Yours very truly,
"There, there!" said Mrs. Blue -
Myrrh, picking up her little boy who
had hurt his toe, "don't, cry. Be a
inan, like mammal"
y _ t
Of "."miff Neck
softens harness,
makes it tougher,
st ronger.
Penetrates into the
Ieather, closing the
pores to water—lea-
ther's greatesteneniy.
COMPANY, Limited
Throughout Canada
'Apply, ; Sloan's Liniment without
rgbbing to the sore leaders and the
pain will soon be relieved.
1 For rheumatic aches, neuralgia,
gout, lumbago, bruises, strains,
sprains and muscle stiffness, have
a bottle handy.
Quickly penetrates and soothes, cleaner
than mussy plasters or ointments, does not
stein the akin.
At all druggists, 2504 50c and $1,00.
Malay potato diseases are curried
over from one year to the next in the
seed. It is, therefore, important that,
seed be used, which is as -nearly free
from disease as possible. When
there is any evidence of common
scab or russet scab, blackleg, etc., the
seed should be disinfected before it is.
Millard's Liniment Clones Burns, Eto.
If a regiment. of 1,000 men, with
equipment of 66,000 pounds marches
10 miles, it does as inuo'h work as
laborers raising a weight of 260,000
tons a distance of one foot,
D; 7a ISSUE 16--'17:
'Write tooaclag+ dor' so tot. 8ifitf.
1l' .LE CATA. L «.C4.1711,
showing our full Inc of Bicycles for
Men and Women, Boys and Girls—
tires, Coaster I3rakes, Wheels, Inner
'rubes, I.arups, Bells, Cyelometers,
Saddles, Equipinant and Parts for:
'Bicycles. You can bny yoilr supplies`
frolt us at wholesale priceo.
T. W. BOYD & SON,,
27 Notre Dame Street Went, lift, ontteal,r
aeXM iruB. lsrtaao�eac,
i;�r'xltvta ren c�,
it,,A,CATA,UalitAZ F t"B7f : '•
,are and positive fir®t'sntive, no matter how horees-at
any age are afflicted Or "exposed," 140tuld,, given on tits'
t0ntza0; acts en the bin d and .glands; expo Sh
the poisonous
gq� rif�f( i'rom'C ae bddv, ctu'es lilstanipot' in offs and e^p
4iitthuman beings, .
0taoloi In:poultry. Lar est senins` livo, stook retnodv.
(Aures Le, r ti,o airtoaigt and is a fine Kidney
reods, ti thio oat, Steel qt. Shorty ltd' yourdrur;•glst,
who ill get it for you. Freie Booklet, 'Tdzteoa er•, Causos
and ares: sromm scats. zcAL comY ^Aifli',
ohoitli;stb asid )3acterioloi iets, C4oelieni tic...,