HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1917-4-26, Page 4The Prop)*foyerfstenl P1'edicineAcl- AVeg'etable PreparalionforAs.� similating lherood and Regu a?.; itinslhaStomachsandBovelsor Promotes Digestion, Cheerful. Bess andRest.Containsneiitter: Opiutu.Morpltine"nor Miaer'ai NOT FARC OTIC. ami rose of OIrl.Cr..£41,117.12PII1116R Arisrrpkilt £'e1- ,1lulrrllc>ialls- .QruseBeed + tesla Scda+ IfFrinSeerl- arrillaittffar ettgtreetartirsn Aperfect Remedy forConstipa; lion, SSourS1omacialliarrhoea, 4 orms,Convulsions.Fevenah ness and LOSS OF SLEEP, Facsimile Sisnatureof efasisizst MIL CENTAUR. COMPANY. ;«4ONTREAL&NEW YORK Ver Infants and Chldren, a Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature of In Use: For Over Thirty Years Exact Copy of Wrapper. STORIA THE CENTAUR COMPANY. NEM YORK OITV.. flIzeter AbooLcate, Sanders gr. Creech, Proprietors, Subscription Price—In advance $L25 ger year in Canada; $1.75 in the 'a11r3ited.:States. All subscriptions not r,x'd in advance 50 cents extra will Vs charged ADVERTISING RATES Display Advertising Rates - Made - knee r.- an application , Strati Animals -One insertion 5;;c., three insertions $1.00 Farm: or Real Estate for sale 50c. each insertion for one month of Cour 'insertions' 25c. for each subseqaealt inseit,onaa Miscellaneous Articles of not :.more than five lines, far Sale, To Rent, ar `Wanted Lost, Found, etc., each in: sertion 25c La :al Reading Notices, etc_, 10c. per line per insertion. No notice 1 ess :ban 25c. Card of Thanks 50c, Lega; Advertising 10c. and 5c. a l;ne Auction: Sales, $Z for one insertion, and $3 far two insertions Professional Cards not exceeding 1 inch—Se per year THURSDAY,: APRIL 26, 1917. Crediton Rev. Finlay of Centralia, and Rev. Baker of the Method:et Church ex- changed.,pulpits last Sunday evening. The W. M. S. conducted spacial anni- versary services nni-versaryservices and Rev. F.'ilay'e dis- sourse was especially pret,,lr afar the occasion. As there was no service in the Evangelical Church a untun serv- ice was held. Garnet Sweitzer has bougat ,a Hag� runabout. He hopes to have plenty enjoyment 'out of it this summer. Alfred Link left for Alberta last Thursday. We understand his fain- tly will fo:lo:w him within the nest John Smith has been kept busy this season sawing up logs for his enstoniers, and is about through. Mr and Mrs. Ed. Sweitzer of Lon- don visited. at the home of Michael Finkb.ainer th's past week. Mathew Sims Iaft for Bansailler on .Monday where he has 'beep hired to work on <Chas Kerr's'brick yard. Ftoasecleaninig time :s at hand. It isa romnon sight to see the good (man in the back yards beating car- , pets Women's right certainlyshows itself at this time of ant year. Our people have caught the "spirit productivenrss and ar•p all making preparations to plant their garden3 and work th:rm es never before, We'. hope their enthusiasm w:11 not din when the warm weather comers • Wi I Brown of Zurich spent Sun- day at amine with his parents. Mrs (Merman andchildren who have been. visit:n, Mrs Jahn Law- son, have returned to Pittsburg .Pa.. they spat short honeymoon _with the -bride's ,sisters, On. their return Friday avecaing;they 'were given a most, -hearty reception by the groom's' nrotlhr`when sixty of the reiativea anti friends gathered at the invitation of.Mn and Mrs. Nillson at their home here:" An elaboratesupper was serv- ed and a most pleasant time follo;ar- ed- Albert Scott of Sunshine was present with This gramaphone and gave gave several ,interesting acid amusing selections. The young , couple were the recipients of many beautiful pres- ents- and the best wishes of ell is for a pi osperous journey through life. Spring Personals A Prominent Ontario Woman Speaks. Welland, Ont "I am glad I heard about Dr. Pierce's remedies. When. I was tired -out and: worn-out I used 'Golden Medical Discovery' and `Favorite Prescrip- tion.' It is true that they are grand remedies, and I found that they built me up and made me feel like !f , ' ' a new person. I \► ,',� �,,. believe I used r, +• have r seven bottles in:all. 1 recommended Dr. Tierce's reme-` dies to several of my acquaintances. "I have one of the Common Sense Medical -Advisers and think very highly of it." -Mas. MAY CLAIM, 117 State St., Welland, Ont. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis- covery is iscovery-is a tonic and builder that brings new activity to the liver, stomach and bowels: in a short time, thus causing sallowness, indigestion and constipation to disappear. Good blood means good health; good health means strong men and women, full of. vigor and ambition, with minds, alert and muscles ever willing. Any medicine dealer will supply you with Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery in either liquid or tablet form. Send to Dr. Pierce, Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y., for free medical `,advice. Dr.' Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser—a great doctor book—of 1008 pages, cloth bound answers many im- portant ;questions. Copy will be sent, customs prepaid,' for 50 cents (or stamps) to pay wrapping and mailing charges. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regulate and invigorate stomach, liver and bowels. Sugar-coated and easy to take as candy. ,MOUNT CARMEL, The holy bars of marriage was Mair uount ed on Sunday by Rev. Father Tierney of 'sir, Joseph Wild of ate,- phea, and Miss Erniia -Utley of Zur- ich the mairage to take place early i h Nan .—A y cry pleasant event look pleat bare on, Wednesday, April '1$th ar 9 o'clock a, m., when Rev, Father 'Tierney united 6a !marriage, Mr. Jos, 1lahcarry and Miss l<athelene O'Brien both of Stephen. The bride was, iv - en away by herfather and,aolk,ed charming dressed in white silk, wear- ing a beautiful wreath and bridal eeil, and calrin'ine a beautiful boucuet e,f aw hite carnations. Mary O'Brien sister of the bride, was bridesmaid, and was dressed inr Old •Rose silk, with bat to match, and earned a bouquet of pink uarnatious, Tire groom was supported by Mr. Joseph B een;ofMoray. The bride and er mu 1 ft on the p. in. train for Deno o ,, lily Oity and other a eat4ru pointe. 0 their return they will reside an the groom'sfarm and will have the hr•s wishes of their many friends for a long and happy wadded life.—Mrs. E. Ryan and daughsei of Bay limy ins• visit ,is in thio neiehi,urhu„ d Madden bra enesged Milford (1,",k of Da bwood for the sutnnists—Mr. and Mrs. 3rw D a l.- of Parkhill ne11ed o friends here lane, N1 eek, Dashwood Inspector Tom of Goderich,' paid. our scboo' a visit last week. err • and Mrs. J. Preeter of Zurich spent Sunday in town. Miss Olivia Weltin'has returned to. inn home here, after visiting In De - :rout. Rea. F .Meyer attended the Confer- ence at Mildmay last ave,ek. Miss Sophia Schroeder, who spent he \rinser in Pigeon, Mich., has re- turned to her home here for the surii- mea' Miss Ida Zithmer entertained a num- bet Gf her friends Monday evening. WHALEN Harvey Sutherby of London spent Sunday here with his mother.-riarold Hazelwood is recovering from Ilius mess. hvilene Ogden, barber, of Lon- dor was home with his parents Iver Sanaa} Seeding is well ander way here and with this week dry will he pretty whet, nompleljed.-Mr. .'nd, Mrs, Clarence- iVlillsan spent Sunday ,chili the latter's parents at Lucan. yi; . and ids Thos. Morley visixed friends near Elimviile on Sunday. W eddind Nuptials. -A pretty wed - dine took place on Wer1inkarchty, Aptil Idtli, a high noon, at the ,a elc's home, Lucan, when Pearl Victor..a Ashbury becatne the `bride of teen epee Mi'.11son, son of 4Zi". George i,Iill- Son of thin place. 'Che knot war tied bY Rev Barnby, i<,lethodtst in "raster at Lusa-. After the ccrcmcariy rt Sumptuous wedding dinner was scrv- cci, and the yotitsg coulee left on the after noel. train. :for ,Ioropto, where: SE'SItYE T need 'careful treatment from within more than they need bundling wraps during changing seasons. The pure cod liver oil in LUCAN Mr. A. K. Hodgins '.s hav',ng the premises recently vacated by Mr, McNamee fitted up for an office and show room. -Harvey McFalls left let week for Thamesville. where he has accepted a position, as barber. Mes- srs. McFalls and " Hawkshaw took pos- session of the Central Hotel last week —The residence of Mrs. Foreman was purchased by Mr. Alex. Henry of Denfield.. -Garnet Hodgins, who disposed of his barbering business, has accepted a position in Lolmdon. is helping thousands to strengthen the tender linings of their throats, while at the same time it aids the rings and: improves the quality of the blood. Throat Specialists endorse SCOTT'S Ei'di LSION—Try It Scott&Bonne,'Toronto,Ont, GRAND BEND T'he engagement is announced of W. J Paige ` of Grand, Bend to Miss Clara Belle Schmerstin of Detr`oit,the marriage to take place in June. duflnnmmmmuunnmmuaumuuunmWmumlmnuulmlupuuiWllpllllUinnm _ eOnI GrandPrizel 11111 t`- L'S . W1r z'ivel.to . Dictionaries E. al the Panama- PacificExposition was granfed to WEBSTER'S NEW INTERNATIONAL1 FOR ▪ Superiority of Educational Merit. F. This new creation answers with = final authority all kinds of puzzling _ questions such as "How is Pazemyst 8 = pronounced7'" "Where is Flan E- • ders?" "What is a continuous voy ▪ age '' 'What isalaowftzer?" "What= is white coal?' "How is skat pro - ▪ flounced?" and thousands of others. • More than 400,000 Vocabulary Terms. _ 30,000 Geographical. Subjects. 12,000 • Biographical Entries. Over 6000 Wes • trations. 2700 Pages. The onlydiction arywith the divided page -a stroke of genius. Fd � Regular and India Paper Editions. Write for cs- E men pages,spesir e lustratsons, etc. E Free, a set of P. r, ��E r1ISI Pocket Maps if a 11 you name this paper. MERRIAM COq' 11 a — _ Springfield, Mau, ganansn iuiii agga m un i11101nmmulr® For Prices andtterms of sale of the following brands apply:— • MAIL ORDER DEPARTMENT Nacional Breweries Limited Room '74 36 Chaboilles Square. MONTREAL. INDIA PALE ALE CROWN STOUT PALE BITTER ALE DOUBLE STOUT MALT EXTRACT EXTRA INDIA PALE ALE BLACK HORSE ALE EXTRA STOUT BLACK HORSE PORTER Lwgera s—KIIVGSBEERCLUB SPECIAL HOMEBREW INDIA PALE ALE PORTER BOHEMIAN LAGER The above goods are all full strength and are supplied to consumers direct horn the Brewery ONLY in localities where no licensed traders reside. AVrti•.i:I:Yri!v 'WORDS OF PRAISE EZRA FAIST, 'Crediton East, Ont - aria, says: "1 feel it my duty to say a wo,rd,"of praise for Homestead 13,oruel black Fertilizer which I used last spring on e• crops with ' d and other � barley lieft very l results," EXTRA STRAW PA'S .li ERT L_ IZER BILL H. WILSON; Thedfard, says: "Have been using Homestead Bone Black Fertilizers for , the past ten years and can recommend as f irst- eless I believe I get enough extra s!rnu' to pay for the fertilizer and some years almost, if not fifty per cent. more wheat per cern by its use, Each year i sew a piece without fertilizer and the difference between the 'fertilized and the unfertilized is So great ,each year that I am fully convinced it ,does ;Biot pay are to sow tvheat without fertilizer." 130 BUSHELS CORN PER ACRE ARCHIE DICK, Chatham, Ontario, says: ".1 have used Homestead Bone Slack F orte:ear and can recommend ;t very highly. 1 put one ton on elevernicres. tar corn and althoeigh the ground was poor, from; the field I realized 130 bushels to the acre. There were other kinds 'o[ fel til- izers ertil- izerd used in our neighborhpad, but they didn't prove as satisfactory as the 11umesiead." Write Michigan Carbon Works, De- troit for free book and particulars about their Homestead Bone Black Fertilizer Auction Sale OF HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS 0. W. Robinson has received instruo' tions from ' Eunice; A. Dower to sell by public auction at Lot 75, Albert St. one block east of James St. Meth- odist church on Sat., May 5th, at 2 o'clock p.m. the ,following artioles.— Dominion organ, parlor suite, wal- nut; coal' heater with oven; wood cook' stove; coal -oil stove and oven: coal -oil heater new; extension table 2 .leaf tables; 2 glass ` cupboards; 12. dining -room 'chairs; 3 rockers, ,arse chairs, lounge, 6 kitchenchairs, pic tures, sawing machine, single iron bed- stead ; 2 bureaus, bedstead and wash- stand 3 mirrors, curtain poles; two springs, mattresses, feather pillows; carpets, eight-day clock; 'window door curtains, two colored tablecloths two book shelves, lamps, carpetsweep. er, o'cedar mop, tubs, wringer, cop- per boiler, clothes basket.' table scales meat grinder cooking utensils, dihses crocks and sealers, garden tools, Lawn mower, wheelbarrow, steplad- der, and a 'number ofother articles Terms of sale, -Cash. C. W. Robinson, E. A. Down Auctioneer, Proprietress WEEKLY Auction Sale The undersigned will steal by Public. Auction, at DOW's FARM, East of. Metropolitan Hotel, each and every Saturday afternoon, at 2.30 o'clock. On. Saturday next the following will be offered: - 4 3 -year-old fillies 2 3 -year-old geldings 1 4 -year-old filly 2 4 -year-old geldings A number good work horses Carload of young cattle. Pair young sows 1 Registered Shorthorn Bull, 16 months old. Terms, -6 month's' credit with 6 per cent added, on furnishitngap- proved joint notes. W. Nairn & F. Taylor G J. Dow Auctioneer Proprietor THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE. SIR EDMUND WALKER, JOHN AlKD, General Manager e r C.V"O., LL.D., D,C,L., President H. V, F. JONES, Asst Gen'1. Manager CAPITAL PAID UP, $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND, . $13,500,000 SAVE YOUR MONEY and thus help Canada to do her share in the Great War. INTEREST ALLOWED AT 3% PER ANNUM ON SAVINGS DEPOSITS OF $1 AND UPWARDS AT ANY BRANCH OF THE BANK > EXETER BR. -A. he Kuhn, Mgr. CREDI'TON-J. A, McDonald Mgr. e'® ovsaasAeo;ep;eo a ass. q TUt! INCORPORATED 1855 �• DONS BANK Ca'p'ital & Reserve $8,800,000 96 Branches in Canada A General Banking Business Transacted Circular . Letters of Credit Bank Money Orders SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Interest allowed at highest current rate , EXETER BRANCH— W D. CLARKE, Manager. IIMVS GILSON° ENGINES The Engine of Constant Service Absolutely Guaranteed GILSON SILO FILLERS The Lightest Running Blowers made Beware of imitations and infringments. THE HYLO SILO -Entirely different and infinitely superior. Ask Wma Frayne, Exeter, Agent Or write . GILSON MFG. CO., 235 York St. Guelph Ont. FARM FOR SALE Estate of the. late Thomas Kensela, being Lot 12 North Boundary, .in the Township of Biddulph„containing one hundred and twelve acres, more or less. On the premises are—two-story brick house te.n rooms; woodshed and summer kitchen; bank barn,. 60x3b; barn 60x36, and other out buildings, Soil clay loam well watered, with windmill; also good spring; 7 miles from Lucan same distance from Ex- eter; half mile from Whalten 'school, church store and blacksmith. Pos- session. Nov. 1st, 1917. For further particulars apply to the undersigna'd Executors. , PATRICK McGEE, R. R. No. 3, Lucan, Ontt. Or Mrs. Annie ICelnsela; St, Marys. GT:AY-PORT "The Quality' Goes Clear Trough” OWER! More than Enough. i'ou will never have ,to use all the power your Gray( -Dart can give you: We have not found a hill steep enough, or sand deep 'enough to hold her. Are you in 'a hurry?—she has speed 'far beyond the limits of the law or ,ordinary daring. Do you wish totravel rough, ,poor roads?—theywili never trouble the even song of her motor. rior city driving she tier ottles down to a surprisingly low sp eed on high She tales hills at any • speed you want on any gear. And for all this ,power and speed hes motor is light compact economical -thrifty al: gasoline and wianderfully Lacking "in repair -bills. Comfort and Beauty Notethe lines of the Gray -t -Dort -a true yacht line body, embodying the ideas or the finest motorcar build- ers, Pier appearanoc will be a source of pride. to ,you. And for riding comeort—and convenienceo1 driving! She has 50 incht full !cantilever fear upholste,r'y—lata of leg room—wide seats—quiet motor—every comfort for passengers PHONE 7 Huron Garage,' Exeter springs— deep T; i -I NEWELL, EXETER, DISTRIB7TOR. CALL AND SEE THIS CAR E. G. KRAFT, DEALER. DASHWOOI) THE, GRA'-DORT MOTORS, Ll lICTlil). CHATHAM, ONTARIO.,