HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1917-4-19, Page 5SYNOPSISOF CANADIAN NORTH WEST , LAND :REGULATIONS. The sole head of a family, or any made °vex 18 years old,: may home- stead . e quarter -section of available Dominion land in Manitoba, Saskatah ewan or Alberta. Applicant must ap- pear in person at the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub -Agency for the Dis- trict. Entry by proxy .may be made at.any Dominion Lands Agency (but not Sub -Agency), on certain condi- tions. Duties—Six months residence upon and cultivation of the land in each of three years. A homesteader may rive within nine miles of his homestead on a farm at, ar least 80 acres, on cer- tain conditions. A habitable house is required except where residence is performed in the vicinity. Live stock may be substituted for cultivation under ;certain condition., In certain districts a homesteader in goof standing may pre-empt a quer tel -section alongside his homestead. Price $3,00 an acre. Duties—Six months residence in each of three years after earning home stead patent; also 50 acres extra cul- tivation.. Pre-emption patent may be obtained as soon as homestead patent, on certain conditions. A settler who has exhausted his homestead right may take a ;purchas- ed homestead vn certain districts, Price $3.00 per acre. Duties—Must re- side six months in each of the three years, cultivate 50 acres and erect a house worth $300. W W. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of': the Interior N.B.—Unauthorized publication of this advertisement will not be paid for, -64388. DR DeVAN'.S,FRENCH PILLS tint gniking Pill for Women. $5 a box or threefor 1156 $10:, Sold at all J rug, Stores, or mailed to any . address on receipt of prioe.+Tits ,Scot=LL Diwe St. Catharines, Ontario. - PHOSPHONOL FOR MEN' estorea ■ vitality;for Nerve 'and Brain; increases"grey 111 matter" ; a Tonic—will build you up. $3 a box, or. two for $5, at erne stores, orb ,.mail on receipt i of price– Tate SCORELL DRUG Co., St. Catharines. Ontario. 1 111 ■ 1�1 RAN ,Rli. Plan Yt lir To give sweater coats- a new lease of life Now that sweater coats are getting more expensive, it is more than ever desirable that you wash yours with LUX,. Of all things a sweater, coat, which is seen so much, must be kept soft, fluffy, fleecy and "new', in appearance. You can keep yours that way and wash it again and again if you do this: Pour boiling water. over LUX flakes—pure essence of soap -allowing 3 or 4 tablespoonfuls for every gallon of water you use. Whip into a creamy lather—a few seconds is needed. Then put inthe garment and stir it about. Let it soak until cool enough for your hands to squeeze the water out of the coat—the dirt just runs away. Rinse in two or three relays of tepid water, and hang to dry. Very simple. Anyone can do it -just a few minutes'. work and you get a result that the most expert French cleaner might well 'envy. LUX won't shrink woollens. Won't hurt any fabric dr color that pure water can safely touch. At all grocers 10c.—British made Lever Brothers Limited Toronto 21 0.‘ HENSALL General regret was .Celt here this week when the news was received that 'Lieut, James Macarthur, son of Mr. Jahn Macarthur of Landon, fore merle of this place, was listed with the killed at the front, He was :' :le fine young man and °a great. favorite. —Jahn Clark of Tuckersiaitha?ittle over a fine farm, formerly owned 15y A. GI. Smillie, to Mr, Wm. Forrest, who recently sold his land ,n the West.—Mrs, Dawn ,of London visit- itecl here during the, week,—'I he har-., n ss stock k ofr Cookson was said Ea 1 son a k last week to Mr. parch of 'Y andare -Mrs. F. Sparks, after spending sev- eral months with her son in. Sarnia, has returned home.—Mrs. McIntyre visited her mother, Mrs. Sparks here for a few days.—Dr, and Mrs, Sellery of Toronto spent a few days here last week.—A London wholesale fruit company has rented a building here and has established a branch from which they will deliver fruit in the district by auto.—Mr. John McEwen has returned from. Peace River Dis- trict where he is homesteading.—The death took plaoe, at Victoria Hospital. London last week of Jahn Larmer, after three evteeks'' illness, Dieceased had been a resident of Hensall many years and for 30 years was employed with Mr. Thos;. Murdock, liveryman. He was a capable man with horses, a favorite with 'everybody, and with be much missed. The funeral was held to Hensadl cemetery on Thursday --R,ev, Knox of London preached an- niversary sermons in. Carmel Church on Sunday. The Sring Stock Show last week was well attended and was the best, yet held from an exhibit point of view In the .stallions T. Jt Berry, W. T. drover McAllister & Son, J,. T. Merner, R. C. Cameron were the win- ners ; ise-ners; and other prize winners were, Heavy Draft Team—J. J. Merrier Jas. Horton, Heavy Draft Broad Mare in Foal—James Smillie, Three Year Old heavy Gelding ar Filly—. R. D. Bell, G. A. Glenn. Agricultural ISAAC R, CARLING, B.A. Barrister. Solicitor; Notary Public, Commissioner, Solicitor far The Mole saes Bank, Etc, Money to lean;, at lowest rates. of interest, Office ---Main Street, Exeter.•. Tetit --D. Fotheringham, Owen Gei- ger, C, 'f"iuemner, ' Agricultural Mare in Foal—R.; Thempean, :-Three Year Old Gelding at' )~illy --Andrew Archie bald, Two Year Old Gelding or Filly —Jelin. Ro ,vcliffe,' Keys Fj4s, Filly or Gelding any class shown on halter —R. D. Ee11, D. F'otheringham. Gen- eral. Purpose Team—John. Decker, IH: Neeb. Carriage Team—H. Neeb, W. O'Brien, Siiigle, Carriage Hars;e-G. A. Glenn, Q. Truemne4: Roadster Team—Jahn Decker, •G, Gram. Single Rotidstee—Ralph .E-Iislap, T. j. Berry The Specials by various Merchants and others were well distributed. Wni. Pepper and T. J. Meaner won all the cattle prizes. ZURICH. Rev. and, n'Ire. „Meyer are n %led may this week attending the eaafer- encs of the Evapgfelicat church. — Rev, Mrt 1Danunr ?of Edmontoce con- ducted amissi,anarya service in the Evangelical church Sunday eveai.ng,— A. Johnston & Son have°'yurchese(' the ,100 -acre farm of Henry Vulltnd jr,. on Babylon Lune, getting poss- ession at oboe. Mr, Vailaad and fam- ily are moving to Kitchener,—Our l- lage has passed a, by-law to prohibit bicycle kid' gcootum wagons and roller satesonthe sidewalks,—Mr, G. a Howard attended the meeting of the Ontario Educatioeal Associa- tion ie Toronto' last week.— Louie Weber and William Schenck of De- troit visited 'their homes here this .week,—Thea. and Lea. Mittelleeltz of Detroit spent a few days ,here,—Mr', Hubert Klopp of Toronto wasa vis- itor at his hone last week. DO YOU DREAD_ '•+ ER? If every man, woman and child in this vicinity would only take one spoonful of lS after meals for, onp month, it would put vigor in their blood to withstand the rigors of winter weather and help, prevents `colds, grippe and winter.sickness. S�(9TT'"a. `- a 'fortifying medicinal -food of particu- lar benefifi ;i;'.changing seasons, and every drop yields direct returns in, richer blood, stronger lungs, and greater resistive . power. Insist on SCOTT'S. Scott& Bowie, Toronto, Ont. 16 t♦s mats a wIN,ere u.nraa„ w,w,+, c ww,.o., a ae.as,• NI•130 •131.4rf asp .;' i y f, ,3;,u� 7'•uI, �I.�,:1:, !! UMW= Damson swag el v ss r asn LY[CoMYR• •d_• '1 ...h. ..y , • A. e,�,ce. vs.*,.•.ur..,., e.z•.e,.o• e v . , arrimme.cYi,:,..,s,w. `.---.. Summer Vacation NOW 1 STANLEY. 1 A quiet wedding was solemnized oa I Saturday, April 14, at the Manse, Varna, by the Rev. Johnston, the con- tracting parties ,being Mr. Robt. Cam eron of Henson, aid Miss Annie Fos- ter ,of, this township. The bride wore a smart tailored suit of brown serge, trimmed with a yellow embroidered saten" collar, veiled with Gleorgett crepe and wearing a blouse of yea low crepe. Her hat was small • with rim of brown and light crown'. Her shoes were of nigger brown and glov- es ma`ched the ,crown of her hat, which trade a smart appearance. Both Arrange, to visit some •af the 'ole lowing points -A11 beauty spots—close to 'nature,— Muskoka Lakes Algonquin Park Georgian Bay Lake of Bays: Teinagami Kawartha Lakes Full information and descriptive lit- erature may be secured on application to C. E. Horning, Union Station, Toronto, Ont N. J. 'DORS, Agent; Exeter. If you cannot carry a rifle, you can serve your country on the farm. "The plow is ;our hope," declared Right Hon. -David '= Lloyd George, the Prime Minister of • `Great Britain. The tremendous significance of these words in• the face of a world shortage of food must be a matter of concern to all. It points out the path of duty to men and boys unable to enlist in the army but capable of helping to increase production. Help the farmer increase production At this supreme hour when ample food production is one of the indispensable means" of victory, the country faees a serious shortage of men and boys on the farms. ° The Department of Agriculture emphasizes the urgency of every man and boy taking to heart this splendid opportunity for patriotic service. R Decide now to help in the war. If you are between the �OyS ages of 14 and 18, and have good term record, you can secure promotion at school by enlisting for farm service any time between April 20th and May 20th. Parents are urged to encourage their boys to enlist for farm service. The physical and moral welfare of your boy will . be advanced by a summer spent close to Nature ; an interest will be awakened in an important industry of the country that will be a .. help to him in his whole future. '*jMThe Department appeals to retired farmers, to men 1V1 � following no ,occupation (retired), to business men who " .. can, spare at least a portion of their time, to all men who Fant arrange their affairs so as to help some farmer. Every pian is invited to enlist for farm service: Confer with your District Representative of the Department of Agriculture,•. or, write or Visit Ontario Government Erhployrhestt Bureau, 15. Queen's Park, Toronto. 81 Ontario, Department of Agriculture W. H. Hearst, Minister of Agriculture Parliament 'Buildings Toronto bride and 'groom were unattended. After the ceremony the happy couple motored to the home of the bride,. where a dainty •luncheon was served to the immediate relatives, of the con- tracting parties. From the home of the bride the bridal party matorjed to Seaforthe where they took the -3 o'clock train for Kitchener and To- ronto. On their return they will re- side in Hensall. Our best wishes go with them On. Easter; Monday afternoon a jolly crowd assembled at.the home of Mrs. John Beatty to the number of thirty, when a limoges shower was tendered Miss Foster, 'whose marriage • took. place on Saturday last. The tables bad a unique ;decoration a Easter eggs, rabbits and chicken. Each cov- er had an individual 'egg -shell, with a face an it and contained a riddle, story ,or verse. After an appetizing lunchen all departed for hone fully satisfied with the afternoon's enjoy- ment GRAND BEND The .April shipnieai•t to Hyman Hall,' Lando ' by the GrandBend . Red Circle •consisted the fall(o4win1:—fitF day shirts. 12 sheens, 72 pairs socks, 10 pillow •slips, 38 towels, 15 hand- kerchiefs. On March 7th the society received a grant from Stephen Council of $100. The Concert Jield in the. Presbyters ion Church, on March 30, under the auspicea of the Red Cross Society; proved a success. The proceeds a- mounted to $59. After paying our expenses up to date lar material we have. a balance on hand of..fi37.29'. SHIPKA Mrs. R. McEachen spent a law days last week wi:th friends in London; Miss Losetta.. Hoist spent last week with her sister, Mrs. Ernot Gaiser.— Mr. Lorne Mcltenzie of Warner, Al- berta and Mrs. Gordon McConechy of St Thomas visited they uncle, Mr: Peter 1VfcKenzie, last week,-Mrs.:Jahn• Ratz spent Saturday and Sunday in Parkhill -Master Harold Baynham' spent' the holidays with his uncle, Mr. Isaac Beste.id of Grand .Bend. -Master John Smith of Centrala visited his grandparents.. Mr. and Mrs. William Smith last week. MONEY TO. LOAN We have a large amount of private funds to loan on ,farm and village property' at low rates of interest. GLADMAN & STANBURY Barristers, Solicitors, Exeter; Dr. G. F. ROULSTON, L. D. S., D.D,S DENTIST. Member of the R. CLC. D.S. of. Ont Honor Graduate Toronto University.; Office over Carling's law Office. • Closed Wednesday afternoons. DENTIST DR A. R, KINSMAN, L.D.S., D.D.S. Honor Graduate Toronto University; 3'eeth extractedwithout pain or any bad effects. Office over Gladman & Stanbury's Office, Main Street, Exeter ONTARIO'S BEST BUSINESS COLLEGE CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT:' Students .may enter our! classes at any „tACommence your course note' ••anti, be', qualified for a position by Midsumti "er, During July and Aug- ust of last' Year we received 'calls' far over 200 `office assistants.; we could not supply. Our graduates are e Ain demand, Write at once fpr free cat- alogue, D. A. ,Maachista. Prutcipal; RUNABOUT $475 TOURING ......... ......... ... $495 C OUPELET ".... $695 SEDAN $890 • • F. 0. B. FORD, ONT. ME INN Your Wife Runs. it Eas!i, Tui THOUSANDS OF WIVES AND DAUGHTERS RUN FORD CARS. THEY USE THEM FOR MANY 'PURPOSES. THE FORD IS AS EASY TO OPERATE AS A KITCHEN' RANGE, NO KNOWLEDGE OF MECHANICAL DETAILS BEING NECESSARY. ' INEXPJ✓NS1VE TO OPERATE. A WOMAN CAN TARN'.. THE CAR ON BUSINESS OR PLEASURE IN TOWN OR IN THE COUNTRY',` 1 ,,;, HE MINIMUM OF COST FOR GAS(); LINE OIL, WEAR ON TIRE" El O, Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited, • Ford, Ontario Milo Snell, Dealer, Exeter it Light Four '975 Roadster - - $950 Country Club $1110 f. o. b. Toronto Subject to change without notice Built, `to , Rigid tandards Every Overland Light Four is built to a rigid standard of per- formance, comfort and appearance. It has good style --built low with harmonious and sweeping lines. It is a beautiful,car in every sense of the word. The motor is powerful, quiet and of sturdy construction: The 'turning radius is short. The carhas quick acceleration, is built to tour safely and comfortably. With all these good qualities it rides beautifully. The soft cushions, the long, resilient cantilever rear springs, the large tires (31x4) and the proper balance in construction, absorb all types of jolts- over all kinds of roads. Call and inspect this splendid value. EXETER . MOTOR SALES CO. Repair and Gas Service 417111, It,- . ,n. Willys•Overland Limited,• Toronto, Ont. Wlllya•icnight and Overland Autornot ilex, Constneeclat eats