HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1917-4-19, Page 4Children Cry for Fletclier's The Hind You Have Always'Bottglit, and enrich has been in use for over 30 yeai:•s,has borne the signature oS' and has been made unser his per. .-' sonal supervision ,since its infancy. �L�G�c✓/Ii4 Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and ".Just -as -good" are but Experiments that trifle With and endanger the health of Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment. What is .,CAST }•z t IA Oastoria is a harmless siatstitatc for Castor Oil, Parer • Boric, Drops and Soothiaig Syrups. 1t; is pleasant. It contains neitherOpium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. For more than thirty years it bas been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and Diarrbeea. It regut aces the `Stomach and. Bowels, assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea—The Mother's Friend. GEN ME ST MA ALWAYS Beare the Signature of A Ise For Over 30 Years : r3 The Kind You Have Always Bought !THC CENTAUR COMPANY•.NEW YORK. CITY. r Abuo.cate, Sanders '& Creech, Proprietors : *, Subscription Prjpe-In advance $1.25 ear Tear in Canada; 51,75 in the 'United !States. subscriptions', lot paid in advance Q cents extra will be charged - THURSDAY, APRIL 19, 1917. Dashwood Mrs. Herman Zimmer . of Stratford. 'visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs, I1. Willert a few days this week. Miss Ethel Kellerman of • Toronto is visiting at her home here. Rev Damm of Edmonton occupied the pulpit in the Evangelical Chur:.h Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Jacob Hartleib has returned. from London, where she underwent. an operation recently. Mr. Fred Willert has purchased an Overland car. Mr, Otto Willert of Ailsa Craig spent Sunday at his home here. • Mr. Pete Eisenbach has returned from his viisit with relatives in De- troit. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Fritz and fam- ily of Zurich spent Sunday in town. School re -opened' on Monday. Miss A. Laud of Wyoming has been engaged as teacher here for the ae inc term. jac) "it of Ailsa. Craig spent Sunday with his farcy here. Mr. Addison Tiernan returned to Stratford. Monday, after spendiiag the holidays al. his home here. Miss Matilda Miller has returnectto Crediton after spending the holidays witb her mother here The Young Ladies' Bible Class of the Eyangellical Church are prepar- ing 'play ` entitled "The Minis,ter's Bride" to be given in the near fut- ure USBORNE COUNCIL Council met at the Township Hall on April ' 7th. All the members were p`iieseatt The minutes of the last meeting ,were read and approved, • • A commutation from the Hydro - Electric Railway Association and blank petition forms for prohibition for the Dominion were read and filed The list of Pathmasters was amend- ed. by putting R. Davis in place of Tohie Moore and John Bell in place of R. BRUCEFIELD Mr. Peter Cameron, who, has been suffering from blood poison in his foot is improving nicely, which his many friends are gladto hear, -,Rev. Mc L. Smith of •Hensall will exchange pulpits wiih Rev. ,Hall Woods on Sabbath next -Mrs. Turner of Hunts vine, who has rented her home to Mr. Madden, had a very successful sale of his household effects on Monday last.—Mr. G. A. Glenn deliv- ered a fine two-yiear-old colt to Mr. Thos. Mc'2i:ilan of Hallett, £or which• he received the snug sum of $250. Mrs. Matthew Clark visited her sis- ter, Mrs. J,. Hazlewood, during the week.—the many friends of Mr. Wm. Scott are sorry to hear that he is still very ill.—One of Mr. John Must- ard's mill teams ran away, throwing the driver off the wagon and shoe.k him up very badly. Master Stanley Mitchell spent the Easter holidays with his sister, Mrs. J. Horton. A grant of $100 was given to the Trustees, of Kirkton Union Public Cem etery Usborne's estimated share of the debt against the said cemetery. A few accounts were paid and the Council;adjourned to meet May 5th at one. o'clock. F. Morley, . Clerk In the Spring h ? It a Cough? g Ontario Women's Advice. LUMLEY The old stork called at the home Of W. I. W ilikiallsion acid ,eft ,t young son —Mr. and Mrs, Moritgipmery Da- vis o,= Statla line visited at Thomas Verniers acs Sunday,> -=The suddeade: mise .of \'Irs. John Pepper haspasta gloom over this ceniinunity. She leaves to mourn. her loss five young children and a sono ving husband.— Miss 1ryxtle Rycktnan has returned from a visit with ,relatie,s •tt. Hills• green.—Mr, Robinson anise Miss' And- erson St"ere visitors at t ecs, I'lob- kirk's Thursday.—The Misses Helen and Alma Miller of the Seaforth ^ol- legiate spent the, Easter vacation at their home here:—Miss Ross,e Broad foot of Exeter school also .,pent the vacation at home,—Miss ,Hart of St. Marys was a visitor at the home of Mrs 1fargaret Glean duririg the week -Angus '\'fcCaiug and family sere Sunday visitors at Noah Horton's.- Mr. John Kerslake and Miss Rhoda of Exeter visited at W. L, Kerslake's during the week. Hamilton, Ont.—"I am a great bee. Hever in Dr. Pierce's ;11'14.04-1m speaking "from the ' ual use of them and the great benefits have derived therefrom. •5rr"urcty ie£ter my marriage I began ailing, had a very bad cqugh and got very thin and was run down: My people thought 1 was going into a decline. They got Dr. Pierce's `Golden Medical Discovery' and title medicine completely ' cured me."— BUS. ADELIA HIBBARD, 26 Cheever St. Kilbride, Ont. -"When I was 'only eleven months old my mother procured `Golden Medical Discovery' for me. I have taken it several times myself' since and about one year ago I gave it to my two children. They r recovered very quickly with no bad results, after taking one bottle. I have recommended it to quite a . number of late." -Mas. W. J. Smarts, ,Kilbride, Ont. The best time to cure, a cough is when it starts. Ordinarily a few doses of Dr. Pierce's' Golden `Medical Discovery will cure a cough at the beginning. But even when the cough is deep-seated and the body is wasted byemaciation, Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery will in most cases effect a permanent cure. Get it to -day from any medicine dealer; it is a powerful blood purifier so pene- trating that it even gets- at the impure deposits, in ° the joints and carried them out of the syatem. •j Reinember it !is not a patent medicine for its ingredients are printed on the wrapper. Italia ,pure glyceric extract of roots, made without alcohol. Depend upon ' this grand remedy to give you the kind of blood that makes the skin clear ` and puts ambition and ener into the entire body. You will note disappointed. For free advice, - write Dr. V. M. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. Trial package tablets 10 •cents. MOUNT CARMEL —x—o—x— Dennis Collins, aged,95 years, one of Stephen's oldest residents, {lied at his home near Iihiva' on Saturday. Mr Collins has been in failing health for the past two years. He is .surv:v• ed by ,a family '•01 five daughters— Mrs au;htersMrs Freeman and Mrs. Isaac of De- troit; Mrs Mulligan of Dublin; Mrs. O'Rourke of Khiva and Miss Nara at home—and two sons—Daniel of De- troit and Tim at home, _the funeral gook place to the R, C.' r.enye•tery on Tuesday at 10 o'ckoltk a• m, and was taigely attended.—Mr. Jos., :Raw- laac visited with friends at K .'.kora on Sunday.—Mr, Wm. McCann, Sr., on on the sick list this weetc„—Miss Mary O'Rourke returned home .Sun • day, after spending two weeks with relatives at Dublin.-M'ss Kate Camp- bell left last week for Detroit, where she intends to irema:,n—Misses Ger- ie and Alice are speu<LAg a week with friends at Mt., Clement. —The funeral of the infant Son of 1VL' and Mrs. Michael Ryan took place to the R. C cemetery here on Wl.d- nesday afternoon. -Mr. Frank ;ough- lip has engaged jean Carey for the summer. Flank is making no mistake in securing the services of John, as he is a good .maty,—John J. Quarry has purchased a driver. Look out girls, something doing ! BOON to the SUFFERING Osteopath, Electrical and Chiropractic Treatments If you are suffering from any at the foliow'ing ailments, and have tried most everything else without satisfactory results, call and see Dr. W. E. Dempster, Osteopath'.. and Chiropractor Main Street. Exeter'. A eensulta tion will cost you 'nothing,— Asthma Apr endicitis Bronchitis Bladder Troubles Cons tip ation Catarrh - Dyspensia. Deafness Mains lir 'the Back Stamdiering :headache Fer le' 'Weakness • Fevers '. . Gall Stones Gaiter .Heart Disease Hay Fever indigestion •Jou ndic e Kidney Diseases Liver Trouibles .' l biieosy . CHISELHURIST Mrs Whelpdale and child of Tor- onto spent ,Easter ;with the former's brother Mr. F '.J. Spriggs.—Mrs,Lang ford is the guest of Mrs. John Cham- bers.—Rev. J. W. ,Ortwein, Hensall, occupied the pulpit Sunday afternoon in the absence of our pastor Mr, Knight, who has been i11.—Mil. John Fitzgerald is having the interior of his dwelling nicely papered, etc. — i\ITs Thos Wren is also having her iesidence decorated by Mr. Little of Hensail.—Dur Red Cross Circle this week packed ''a box for Hyman Hall, Lando I,; cantaitviag 75 day, shirts, 32 Wait sacks, 19 pyjamas, 18, dozen of handkerchiefs, 11 mattress covers, 5 corn! alters. Mrs. Hill donated apale of pillows. 17 taxes svere packed for our boys on active service, and each box contained a pair of rocks. anda towel, besides the best of eats. Our bale and boxes were valued at $202.70 A check was received from Tuckersmith Council March 21 for $108.80; also, .'Feb1113 for $$Q el>„k; teaMach.,,3 ,• nrougi t ', 10; !.0c tea S3_40. Mrs. W Hogarth donated to teas $2.001 Lur'nbago Stomach Trouble Nervousness Nouritis Neuralgia Paralysis • Poor Circulation Rheumatism St. Vitus Dance Sciatica . Pains in back of neck & head r � 7Jemp,ster Office Ocitira, 8 a.nit •r,o` 12, and X21 pa41 'tp,;5 n,na. • 'Evenings •and"Sfm nye' by •a#loaintment; 103 ‘AT"..f, Residence Central Hotel, i x:,r...3a,G r, .r: s, Office Phos: MCGILLIVRAY --el-- Miss Margaret Gilbert, a farmer res- ident of .the 2nd .concession 'of Steph- en died at the home of her sister, Mrs. Geo. Mitchell, Parkhill, after three years illness. The deceased was born in. the Township of London and was a daughter of the late Mr, and Mrs. " David Gilbert. She is survived by two sisters, Mrs. Geo'. Mitchell, Parkhill; and Mrs. Chas. Rovolt, Mich- igan: The Council met on. the 2nd' with all the members present. A number of accounts were passed, and $100 paid to the Red .Cross Society. A by-law dividing the Township for the Statute Labor, appointing pathmast•- e.rs and fixing the amount to be paid for the commutatipn of Statute Lab- or was passed. A by-law to borrow money far current expenditure from the Standard Bank was passed: ,arid journinent was made to May 7th at 10 o'clock gravel contracts to be letat it o'clock. CROMART'2 A quiet wedding took place in Mitchell on Wednesday, when .Rev,' Dr, MacRae, pastor of Knox Churchi united in marriage Mr; Geo. Fitzger- ald tzgerald of Hamilton, and Miss Charlotte Elizabeth McPherson of Cromarty. Miss Violet Boyd of Logan was brid- esmaid and Mi-. August Bach, of Hamilton supported the groom, The bride was becomingly attired' in a travelling suit of blue broadcloth, with hat to match, Mr. and Mrs;, Fitzger- ald left on the afternoon train and 4� ill ,reside in Hamilton. WHALEN Harold, the young son of Mr, and Mrs Hazelwood is thIl iviith pneumonia Their daughter Verna is sack at home also with measles,—Mrt. John Steven son was ivLondon Saturday owing to -his mother undergoing an opera- tion at St Joseph Hospitaic—Melville Dann and sister Gladys spent Sun- day ,here the guests of their sister, Mrs ` Wm 'Morley.— The Organized class comprising our young people visited the Granton Sunday School on Sunday. -Airs. Sutherby still remains ill and unable to attend to her h;oius,e• hold duties.—Our school teacher,Miss Sterling spent Easter week with her parents in London, BEST I EVER USJJD ANGUS SIMESON, Sarnia,. Ontario, says "I have .used Homestead Bone l31ack Fertilizer and want to tell you that it is the best fertilizer 1 ever used, both on my onions .and beets and potatoes.' ' RESULTS WERE WONDh,RFUL WM. PACH, ,Lambeth, Ontario, says, "I fitrchased''GHamestead Fertilizer from H, Hamlyn, Lambeth, merely as a test'. The results ;were wonderful. The ground between the rows was covered by the tops. The yield was extra goad. I can easily see how any- body' v ould be greatly benefitted by using Homestead Fertilizer." WELL PLEASED JOE \]OSSEAU, Belle River, Ontario says,— "1 used Homestead Bone Black Fer- tilizer lastSpring on my potatoes, and ata so well ,pleased that I must write you about same. 1 made a thorough test with two bushels of seed potatoes. They produced forty bush- els, and where I did not fertilize they were a failure. THREE TIMES THa✓ CROP. CLARENCE RALF, Orwell, Ontario, says. "I bought some Homestead Bone Black Fertilizer from Charles Minard and used it on partof my onions,. Where I used it, I` had three times the crop I had where there was no Fertilizer. My corn was the same". Write Michigan Carbon Works, De- troit for free book and particulars about their 'Homestead Bone Black Fertilizer or Price and terms of rale of the following brands apply :-- MAIL —MAIL ORDER DEPARTMENT National Breweries Limited Room 74 36 Chaboillez Square. MONTREAL. INDIA PALE ALE CROWN STOUT PALE BITTER ALE DOUBLE STOUT MALT EXTRACT Dawe EXTRA INDIA PALE ALE BLACK HORSE ALE EXTRA STOUT BLACK HORSE PORTER Lagers t-K1NGSBEERCLUB SPECIAL HOMEBREW INDIA PAL ALE, .PORTER BOHEMIAN LAGER The ^ above' goods are all full strength andare supplied to consumers -"direct from. the BrewgryONLY in localities Where no licenu'ed traders reside. WEEKLY Auction Sale The undersigned will sell by ,Public; Auction, ai DOW's FARM, East -of Metropolitan Hotel, each and every Saturday atternoan, at 2.30 o'clock. On Saturday next the following will be offered: - 4 3 -year-old fiillies 2 3 ;ea regad _ aeldi;ngs 1.' 4 -year-old fn1•.ty""' ` 24 -year-old geldings A number good work horses 6. Teams, -6 =oaths' credit ;with per cent added, on furnishiag ap- proved joint notes. W. Nairn & F. Taylor G J, Dow Auctioneer Proprietor SIR EDMUND WALKER,` C.V.Q., LLD" D,C,L., President CAPITAL PAID UP, $15,000,000 1, moi..' JAN BANK OMMERCE JOHN AMD, General Manager 1-1. V, F. JONES, Ass't.'Cenci. Manager RESERVE FUND, a $13,5QO,O00' ~,;', No One else can provide the money to whichyou failsave. e DEPOSIT IN A WAR. SAVINGS ACCOUNT`', 28 TOEDA 1L • EXETER BR,—A, .a. Kuhn, Mgr. CREDITON—J. A. McDonald- Mgr. ••. 0 ••.osios'o:ssoo.i'osoeaa/oa.losaaaa01.110101saaa0.1100a11.••••ov.o,01400.11sa INCORPORATED 1855' MOLSONS BANK Capital 81 Reserve . $8,800,000 96 Branches in Canada A General Banking Business Transacted Circular Letters of Credit Bank Monett Orders SAVINGS BANK .DEPARTMENT Interest allowed at highest current rats EXETER BRANCH- W D. CLARICE, Manager. GILSON ENGINES The Engine of Constant Service Absolutely Guaranteed GILSON SILO FILLERS The Lightest Running Blowers made Beware of imitations and infringments. THE HYLO SILO -Entirely different and infinitely superior. Ask Wm. Frayne, Exeter, Agent ,_11 Or write GILSON MFG. CO., 235 York St. Guelph Ont. t FARM FOR SALE Estate of the late Thomas i:ensela, beingxLot 12 North Boundary, lathe Township 61 Biddii.lpba'containdng one hundred and twelve acres, more ar less. On the premises' are-etwa-story brick house ten rooms; woodshedand summer kitchen; bank barn, 60x3b, barn 60x36, and other out buildings. Soil clay ,loam well watered, . with windmill; aiso good spring; 7 miles Brom Lucan same distance from Ex- eter.; half mile from Whalten school, church store and blacksmith: Pos- session Nov. 1st, 1917. For further particular.Executors. apply to the undersigned PATRICK McGEE, R. R. No. 3, Lucan, Onf1. Or Mrs. Annie ICensela, St. Marys, alai ii) 0 R Y-IJORT "The Quality Goes Clear Trough" POWER! More than Enough --- Von will never have to use all the enough, or sant deep enough to hold LAW or iordinary daring'.. Do you wis her motor. Fior city driving she thr speed you want on any gear. • And for all this \power and speed her tacking in repaid -bulls. power your GravaD,art can give. you. We havenot found a hill steep her. Are you in a hurry?—she has speed far beyond the limits of the h to travel rough, spoor roads?—theywill ,never trouble the even song an; ottles down to a surprisingly low speed on high. She takies hills at any motor is ,light compact economical—thrifty of ,gasoline and wonderfully Comfort and Beauty Note the lines ; of the Gray!-Diort—a true yacht -line body, embodying the ideas a1 the finest motor car build- ere; 1 -ler appearance will be a source of ,pride to ,you. And. for riding 'eomiort—and •',onvenience 01 driving! She has 50 inch! full .cantilever rear springs— deep upholstery --tats of , leg ..room—wide seats•-•-g4yei motor—every comfort fox passengers Lgron: Garage, Exeter PHONE 7 T. -I 'N'EWELL, EXETER, DISTRIBUTOR. CALL AO) 'SEE:` THIS CAR, E. G. KRAFT, DEALER, IASHWOOI) THE GRAY-DORT MOTORS, LIMIITED. 'CHATHAM, ONTARIO.