HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1917-4-19, Page 2The volume of applications for new insurance during 1916 was by far the Greatest in the History of the Company. That is the best evidence of public esteem. pig Let ass sen you WkS some fresh Insurance faotr L.E a sJ NOE CO., Tenon -fro Agents wanted In unrepresented' distelets 35 4M. Preparing Rhubarb. The spring months bring m all abundance of nature's best gifts, the fresh fruits. Rhubarb is the earliest of our na- tive fruits, it contains valuable mineral salts of an acid' nature, which have very beneficial effects upon the liver and kidneys by causing a free secre- tion of bile. This is very desirable after the prolonged winter. 'when, through lack of exercise and1eating �- rich foods, these organs: become`` slug- gish and 'inactive, producing the so - Called spring fever, which is nothing but a lack of energy and ambition, due in many cases to a torpid liver. Eat freely of this very desirable fruit. Its tonic properties are, a valuable addition to the diet. Below are a few methodods of cooking rhu- barb: ' Rhubarb Baked in Casserole.—Wash and drain a bunch of rhubarb, then cut in one -inch pieces. Put in a casserole and add one-half a cup of brown sugar. Place a Iid in position and bake for three-quarters of an hour. Do not: add any water. This is delicious. The casserole confines all the aroma of the fruit, so that none of it escapes. Rhubarb Pudding.—Two cups stew- ed and sweetened rhubarb. One cupful bread crumbs. One-half teaspoonful nutmeg. Mix thoroughly and then pack in a well -greased mold. Steam The Fence For Real Protection gives life time Service, Is Trade of the best Open ITe trtis steel fence wire, all im- purities burned entail thestrength and tough- ness left in. Makes the fence elastic and spnnay, 'Mu netsuap or breed. under sudden shooks or quick atmos- pheric chanses. Galvanized to prevent runt and the coatlux will not flake, peel or chip off. Oen be erected over the meat. Lilly and nuoIea ground, without buckhns, bunpping or kinking.. Lvery iolnt le locked together with the well-known "Peerless Leek." The henry stay wires we use, prevent sagging and. recalro only about half as want' pests ns other fences. Send for catalog. It also describes out farm gates, poultry fencingand ornamental fencing, Agents nearly eyerywhore. Agents wanted in unassigned territory. THE RANWELL-HOXIE WIRE EENCE CO., Ltd, Winnipeg, Manitoba Hamilton, Ontario.. etw enc Co .:sins; OR, A DECLARATION OF WAR. CHAPTER IIL—(Cont'd). "Im sure he isn't!" said the indign- ant Ella. "He is far too—serious for that. We sat upon a bench for ever so long, and he told me all about his plans. He has such beautiful ideas!" "Which means that you flirted shamefully with him. Ah, k know you fair-haired innocents; and I've no doubt he knows them too. Men aren't so blind as some women would like them to be. (There's my cushion slipping down again, Fanny—can't you keep your. eyes open, girl, instead of only your ears?) So that's you spend your afternoon, ogling young men, while a stricken woman like me can sit a prisoner in her room, with no more cheerful company than that long -faced Fanny." The corners of Ella's mouth began to droop. "But, auntie, I've only got one after- noon in the week! You know that Pm shut up in that post office from Monday to Saturday, and my head aches sometimes so terribly. It is so hard never to get a little fresh air." "Stuff and nonsense! You're as healthy as a cat," decided Mrs. Watson curtily . Evidently there was no room for two martyrs in one family. This was not FOR HEADACHES, BILIOUSNESS CONSTIPATION, INDIGESTIN Nearly all our minor ailments, andmany of the serious ones,too, are traceable to some disorder of the stomach, liver, and bowels. If you wish to avoid -the mis- eries of indigestion, acidity, heartburn, flatulence, headaches, constipation, and a bolt of other distressing' ailments, you must•see to it that your stomach, liver and bowels are equal to TRY the work they have to do. It is a simple matter to take 30 drops of Mother Seige1's Syrup daily, after meals, yet thousands of former sufferers have banished indigestion, bil- iousness, constipation, and all their dis- tressing consequences in just this simple way. Profit by their experience. As a digestive tonic and stomachic remedy, Blether Seigel's Syrup is unsurpassed. 2015 MOTHE ' i• a f, - `� a WEIR NEW 1.00 SIZE CONTAINS 3 'TANS AS MU AS THE TRIAL SIZE SOLD ATSOCPER BOTTLE. for one hour and serve with hard I sauce. the first time that her niece had at- Rhubarb Roll. --Drain all liquid tempted to encroach upon her own premises. Such efforts could not be too promptly discouraged. In the in- terests of the family peace it certainly was fortunate that the real martyr in the case had never yet thought of lay- ing claim to the title. The end of it was that, having .swal- lowed a few more insults, Ella retir- ed in tears to her room, while Mrs. Watson, satisfied withher evening's work, settled down comfortably to find fault with the delicate little supper- dish over which Fanny had been scorching her thin face for the best part of the evening. Upstairs, behind her locked door, Ella was trying to reconstruct her elation of the afternoon. To -day's event had crowned the wishes of months past, for the schoolmaster's daughter possessed a disposition which inclined to the sentimental, as well as a combustible sort of imagination, as much at the mercy of any stray spark that might be flying about as is an imperfectly isolated powder magazine. She had been quite right in saying, that her imagination "yes a bother, but it was likewise a danger, to her- self and others. A touch of fastidi- ousness, which she herself called "choiceness," and which had never had the chance of developing into refine ment, made her ill at ease in her pre- sent groove. She owned to nothing as common as ambition, preferring to deal in "aspirations," hitherto unful- filled. Eminently she was one of the dissatisfied ones of the earth; ever on the look -out for an escape from the monotony, and what she considered the degradation, of her present existence —chronically scouring the horizon far afield, and unavoidably overlooking the one beneath her hand, as too small, and altogether too commonplace for her powers. The very sight of John McDonnell had stirred her interest. The tall young man with the striking head and the deeply abstracted gaze had in- stantly taken her fancy. She began to weave theories about him, which grew more and more highly colored the oftener she sat opposite to him. In time the theories began to turn into dreams, and the dreams, in order to be fully tasted, had to be confided to somebody. Thence those midnight talks, se deeply condemned by Mrs. Watson. "I am sure he is very learned," Ella told Fanny, who lent herself to the role of confidant as resistlessly as to that of whipping -boy. "He evidently lives only for his books. He must be a very superior person, so serious and earnest; and his hair is such a beauti- ful color, so quite different from the usual common red. But oh, I shduld like hire sometimes to take 'his eyes off the books! One glance from those deep, brown eyes would make me feel quite happy for a whole day, I am sure. And if ever I could obtain one word!" By the time the confidences reached 'this point, Ella was quite as genuinely in love with her unknown fellow -pas- senger as it was in her nature to be with anything but herself, though be- comingly resigned to the apparent hopelessness of her case. Her role of silent and unrequited adoration pleased her fancy considerably, and also greatly touched her. She had a useful knack of looking at herself from the outside, as it were, taking what might be termed a bird's-eye view of her own person—such a view as may be gained from a balloon mounted to a reasonable height. Often had she contemplated herself from this vantage -point, and had been im- mensely touched by the sight of the fair-haired orphan (the color of the hair somehow greatly enhanced the ef- fectiveness of the picture) thrown her aspirations. At the affecting vision, tears were ready at a moment's notice to rise to her eyes. She always kept a supply, at the disposal of self-pity. But resignation could not make her hesitate to take the chance offered by the forgotten sandwiches, and from that moment an element of hope en- tered into the dreams. It was not in accordance with any deep -laid plot that she pursued her advantage. There was nothing either of the cold- blooded schemer or of the false', siren in Ella Mitchell, thought a good deal of th naive flirt. Besies, to her it was not flirtation, but desperate earnest—or so she believed. John's picture of his Highland home had in very truth gone to her somewhat un- certainly balanced head. Having lived all the dull part of her life in towns, the country represented to her the holiday part of existence. On the subject of John's •"mission'„ her imagination had proved somewhat less combustible; but here, too, ;the magic of his earnestness had lit atsparlc. To the helpmate of so picturesque an apostle as this, a field would be open- ed not absolutely unworthy of even a superior soul. Also, she began to consider (but this, as it were, subcon- sciously) that the taking of orders has been known to lead to high places. If she did not tell herself that the Church has frequently served as an ante chamber' to the drawing -room, it was partly because the achievement.. of the expression was beyondlher, and partly because she was honestly unaware of having come to any such conclusion; forthough never willingly decieving others, she rarely passed a day with- out deceiving herself. Invariably, she was the first of her own dupes, though not necessarily the sole one. Even in the privacy of her own mind, she liked to keep up thepicturesque side of things. Religion was un- doubtedly picturesque; which was probably one of the reasons why Ella, having dried hertears on the Sunday night in question, came to the conclu- sion that she had been neglecting it lately, and that it was time to take it into a more serious cultivation. Next day, accordingly, she purchas- ed a new prayer -book, and resolved. to work up •her knowledge of Scrip- �: - :k 4: * .* When at the end of the third term John returned to Ardlock for the last time before his ordination, he did not bring to the slate -quarry quite his habitual disengagement of. mind. The prospect of the . future, hitherto so sternly simple, had somehow got com- plicated. Tim McLaren, having been definitely put on the "bank," had..given up joking, as a thing which no longer served his purpose, bait there was plenty of frank curiosity as to the per- son of the future "missis." That. there was to be a "missis" was taken alnost for granted-. Who would elect to live alone hi the grey stone house,' whichi was so 'obviously planned to, hold two—and more? John listened thoughtfully, making no absolute denial of the possibility of the thing. That consternation which the fil'st suggestion had roused in him was no longer visible on his face. (To be ,continued). Save Money On Furiture by our easy 'payment' plan. Free, new illustrated cata- logue oil request gives full •intorirlation. UIRROUG1-IE 345-347 Queen St. W. Toronto, Ont,,,, sgsisgSP from enough cooked rhubarb to meas bre taw cups, then make dough as. follows: One cup fleas, one-half tea- spoonful salt, two teaspoonfuls bak- ing powder, two tablespoonfuls short- ening, Six tablespoonfuls milk or Wa- ter. Sift dry ingredients then rub in shortening. Mix to dough with milk or water. Roll on floured pastry board one-quarter inch thick. Now spread the drained rhubarb over the dough, leaving a space of one inch all maround the edges. Now roll like jelly roll and then put in a well -greased baking pan, paining over the roll: One-half cup rhubarb juice and one- quarter cup of sugar. Bake in a moderate over for forty minutes. This roll may be eaten hot or cold, wth a sauce made from the rhubarb. Rhubarb Sauce.—One cup rhubarb juice, one-half cup sugar, one table- spoonful cornstarch. Cook until clear usually about five minutes. Serve hot or cold. Rhubarb Dumplings.—Prepare a dough, using the recipe given for rhu- barb roll. Cut after rolling in four- inch squares. Fill the squares with pieces of uncooked rhubarb cut in one - inch blocks. Fold over the dough then tie in dumpling cloths and boil of steam for twenty-five minutes. Serve with sweet cream sauce. Use of a Stencil. Stenciling is one of the daintiest, yet easiest, method of decoration. The uses to which a stencil can be ! put are almost too many to- mention; all kinds of articles for personal wear can be so treated, such as scarves dresses, sunshades, bands, etc., and. for the home such things as lamp shades, cushion covers, curtains, bags, hangings, table covers, etc. A useful little stencil to purchase is based on the wild rose and .• is very. simple to work out, it can be -applied to various articles, such as - scarves covers, curtains, bags, shades, etc.; the stencil is repeated, of course,as often as it is thought desirable—this will depend upon the nature and the size of the article that is to be decorated. The colorings used for this stencil may be varied, such as red and green, pale pink and green;, the coloring will depend uPon that of the rest of the room. If the stencil is to decor- ate a hanging or cover, and if foi dress purposes it will dependupon the general color; scheme. Some oil colors will be needed, one or two stenciling\ brushes, and if the work is to wash well it is wise to buy a bottle of stenciling medium. Put out on an oil -plate• or palette, some Alizarin crimson, white, lemon chrome and blue. If the material to be decorated is delicate, pin it down with drawing pins on to clean white blotting paper,' then pin the stencil in place. Economy A National Duty. It is said that Canadian . women scarcely know the rudiments of .econ- omy. Though this may be too strong- ly-expressed, tronglyexpressed, it certainly true that considerable quantities of food are wasted in the average Canadian home. This may be due to ignorance or care- lessness,, or are=lessness,;.or both. But if the women once grasped the fact that conserving our food supply is, in a very real sense, war work, and a definite duty to the country, more intelligence would be brought_ to beat: on the ;problem. There is a tendency to put the emph- asis on patriotic work outside the home to the neglect of national service which is waiting for us in the kitchen. No appeal has been made for us to undergo hardship in our eating. All that is ''asked of the . women is that they serve simple, wholesome meals, eliminating all avail -bre waste. This avoidable waste may be summarized as .follows: (1) Loss through poor cooking, (2) cooking in larger quantities than nes- sexy, ' (3) buying materials of small nutritive value, (4) food out of season, (6) buying imported foods, (6) buy- ing staple foods in too slilall quanti- ties, "(7)'- buying more of some foods than can be used before spoiling, (8) buying cooked foods that could be more cheaply prepared at home, (9) failure to snake use of left -overs, (10) careless seasoning and unattractive serving, (11) too many meat: dishes • [BLANKETS CARPETS LACE CURTAINS FEATHERS FURS DRAPE 1ES GOWNS TABLE COVERS QUILTS GENTS' CLOTHING and Quick Service Excellent WortE Send for our Catalogue on Cleaning and Dyeing Moderate Charges, We Pay Carriage Chargee One Way. KERS YE 'RKS, , Cleaners and Dyers 791 Yonge Stre t o Tolroni. e rte. ,•i tr +'til 104-BLACK:WHITE TAN�;IO F. F. Dalley Co. of Caaada,' Ltd, Hamilton, Can, `q and too few .cereal, egg, cheese, milk and fish d' _hes. Utilizing Old Linoleum. Don't throw away old pieces of linoleum. Trim the edges, punch holes evenly in each end, bring ends together, lace up with leather thong -or ribbons, bind top, make a round wooden bottom and you have a decid- edly handy waste basket, which can be kept clean inside and out by wash - mg. i6 y� % The� Health, C..�m � �¢rt 9and Econorny when days are wet and "all out -doors" is sloppy, is a good pair of rubbers, rubber boots or rubber farm shoes. The sure guide to good rubber footwear—your guarantee of service and protection—is one of these ''rade Marks: "JACQUES CARTIER" • "GRANBY" "MERCHANTS" d • "DAISY" "MAPLE LEAF" • "DOMINION" MERG ANTS UBBER\ ifis THE MAPLE LEAP' RUBBER setijk Canadian Consolidated Rubber Co. Limited Largest Manufacturers oY Dubber Goods in the British Empire EXECUTIVE OFFICES MONTREAL, P.Q. - / SEVEN LARGE, UP-TO-DATE MANUFACTURING PLANTS IN CANADA 28 "SERVICE" BRANCHES AND 'WAREHOUSES THROUGHOUT CANADA 45 2 and S 1 Cartons 20, 20, 50 and Io© lb. lags. has never been offered as "lust as good" as some more famous brand for Sixty Years it has itself been that more famous brand—and deservedly.. "Let Redpath Sweeten it." 13 ,de in one gr .de only =the high& ff•