HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1917-4-12, Page 7ONE MEATLESS DAY WEEKLY
Potatoes Can Only be Eaten in Great Britain on Two Days in the
A despatch from London says;
Baron Devonport, the British Food
Controller, has ordered that, begin-
ning April 15, in hotels, restaurants,
boarding-houses and clubs, there shall
be one meatless day weekly. In Lon -
clan the day will be Tuesday. "Else-
where in the United Kingdom ib will
be Wednesday.
The Controller has also ordered that
no potatoes or food containing pota-
toes shall be allowed, except on meat-
less days and on Friday.
The order imposes restrictions on
the quantities of meat, sugar and
bread at meals served in hotels, re.,
staurants, boarding-houses and clubs,
The scale for meat is for breakfast,
two ounces; luncheon, five ounces, and
dinner, five ounces. The bread restrie
tions call for two ouncesat all these
Baron Devonport, in explaining the
order said he expected it to result in bags, $10; second patents, in Jute bags,
a saving of 65 per cent,. of the meat Torontotrgng bakers', In jure bags, $9.10,
now consumed, 53 per cent. of bread Ontario flour -Winter, according to
and 63. per cent, of sugar, He said oronto, $spiompt $8ehlpmenta e$7.75 to
he had originally intended to order $7.80, bulk seaboard, exort grade.
two 'meatless days,. but that he feareddelivered
this would lead to an increase in „s, shorts, per ton, $40 to $42, rn d
ding pet ton, $43 to $46, d f d
Markets of the World
E r eads tufts
Toronto, Apr. 10 -Manitoba. .wheat-�-
No. 1 Northern, $Z 206: No. 2, de. 52.171;.
No, 3, Oo., $2,106; No, 4 wheat, $2,01,
nonan;l,. track Say pot'ts
Manitoba oats; -No. 2 C,VV,, 781c; No,.
3 C'.1'ir„ 774c; extra No. . feed, 7710;
�No. 1 Peed, 753o, all rail delivered,
,rlinorican corn -No, 2 Yellow, $1.37,
track, Toronto, subject to embargo.
Ontario ,oats -No. 2 white, '70 to 72c,
nominal; No. 3 white, 09 to 71c, nomi-
nal, according to• freights outside.
Ontario wheat --•No, 2 winter, per cur
lot, $1.92 to $1,94; No. 3, do., $1.00 to
$'1.92, according to freights outside,
Peas -No, 2, nominal, according to
freights outside.
F3arley-Malting, $1.21 to $1.23, ao-
corcling to freights outside.
13uckwheat - $1.35, according' to
freights outside.
Rye •No. 2, $1,58 to $1.60, according
to fr el ;kits outside.
Manitoba flour -First patents, in Jute
le 1
:41161 W AY ' I$'
- .-.•,-.ams:,-,:,r..ar'r
.i -se. -1."-f°-,&-•°- �:Jprpa--,-.-...-,. - .,-;,,-,,-..w® qi, -. 1111.
Dightsed-Car lots, , -BraMontreal
Freights, bags: included -Bran; per tin; �G'e1��YL p&ii6lJ# lAi !l �9.7a �V9„
bread consumption. s•oo ee
Roads in Northern France Now
Quagmires: After Heavy
A despatch from Canadian. Head-
quarters in France (via London), says:
-Twenty-four hours of snowfall has
changed the roads here into quag-
mires, and greatly increased the
transportation difficulties. It. has
also caused a suspension of artillery
activity, which had increased all along
the front, and become violent at some
The appearance of German'"tanks"
is possible in this area. The value of,
tanks in the German defence would
be considerable, and the enemy would
doubtless conceal them as long as pos-
sible. On ,.the Russian front they
have used armored cars, not unlike the
tanks, to cut wire with. Having fin-
ally determined to make a stand, he
will use everything at his command
to make good his position.
A. despatch from Berne says: A
bread card after the German pattern
is to be introduced in Switzerland be-
fore the end of the present month, ac-
cording to an announcement made on
Wednesday. There will be 225
Acreage Will Likely be Quite Up.
to 1916 -Labor Situa-
tion. Good.
A despatch from Winnipeg 'says
flour, Per xtra No , per 52,80. LIVING ON TURNIPS
TiaS'-=:l7etra o. 2, ton, $11,60 to
$12; mixed, per ton, $8.50' to 511, track
Straw- ar lots, per ton, 57 to 87.50,
track Tor nto. .
• Lack of Food Has Now Spread to
Const •y leroduce--.Wholesale
nutter =•-F esh'dairy, choice, 40 to 410; Kaiser's cloyed
creamery prints, 43 to 450; solids, 42 to
430. Soldiers.
'Eggs -New -laid, in cartons, 410; out
of cartons, 39c.
Live poultry -Fowl,. lb.. 20 to 25c; A despatch from: New York says:
chickens,' 20 to 250. -Americans returning on Wednesday
Dressed poultry -Chickens, 22 to 26o;
fowl, 20 to 22a; duck, C2 to 25o; squabs, from Berlin and other German cities
Cser doz., $4.00 to $4,50 M1. turkeys, zs to on the.Spanish liner Alfonso XII. said
Cheese -New, large, 27 to 27bo; twins, 'they were confident that Germany
271 to 87$0; triplets, 273 to 2so; old; cuspid be compelled' to plead for peace
lar o 23 a' twins, 2830,
Winter temperatures still prevent. the &ones -White cloveri-ib. tins, 143 before the end of the year, because
west from commencingspring opera- to 150; 0 -ib. tins, 144 Al; 10 lb., 18$0; the massesofthe people were starv-
p g p GO -ib., 13c; buckwheat. 60 -ib, tins, 10 to
tions on the land. In no part of the 143. Comb honey -extra fine and Heavy ing. Up to the present the lack of
west have the farmers been able to $3 se. Npe2 do2z,I , &2 2 select, $2ao to food has only affected the civil popula-
start plowing or harrowing to any ex- Potatoes -Ott track Ontario, per bag,. tion, but now it' has spread to the
$300 N B 1 1 D
not be generally under way through- $3 95. ration cut in half they will realize
�] x
tent. Seeding,it is estimated, will ew r unsw c c elativares. per army. When the soldiers have their
ba •$8.30 to •3.40; Albertan, ,per bag,
ported, hand- 'eked, per
out the middle `west' until' April 20. cans m that the war is going- against them,
buck., $6.25; Canadian, han -picked, per
The acreage already prepared for the bush., 57.35 to 57.50; Canadian primes, the passengers said, and this may lead
crop of. 1917 in the form of summer 57.00 to $7.26; Limas, per 1b., 13 to 1360. to a revolt.
fallow, fall ploughing and first break- provisions -wholesale
ing is slightly below that of a year Smoked meats-Fzains, tnedtun�, 27 to
ago. Given favorable conditions, 280; do., heavy, 24 to 25c; cooked, 38 to
however, it is expected that the acre- 88e; rolls, 24 to 25c; ;breakfast bacon.
age under crop in the three Provinces
will be made fully as large as in 1916:
A despatch from London says :-
The Ministry of Labor, in conjunction
with. the War Pensions Statutory Com-
mittee, is establishing trade advisory
committees of equal numbers of em-
ployers and work people representa-
tives in the principal trades, to ad-
vise concerning the training and em-
ployment of disabled soldiers within
these trades. The establishment of
grammes of flour per day issued for these committees is intended to insure
each person, of which one -quainter that schemes for training disabled men
may be used for cooking purposes and shall bei fully considered by the inter -
three -quarters for bread -making, thus ests concerned.
giving a daily bread allowance of 270
grammes. The bread card has been WOMEN WILL VOTE
29 to 32e; backs, plain,632 to 330; bone-
less, 35 to 36c. Prepare at Once to Receive Those
Lard -Pure lard, tierces 241 to 24/c;
tubs, 24} to 243c; pails, 243 to 25e; com- That Return 'in Spring.
pound, tierces, 173 to 18a.
Cured meats -Long clear bacon, 21 to
22c per lb; clear bellies, 20 to 203c..
Montreal Markets
found to be a necessity owing to the
fact that Switzerland's imports of
flour have been reduced by one-half.
Women will be allowed to vote in
the elections to the Constituent As-
sembly in Russia, says Reuter's Petro -
LADEN WITH RUBBER grad correspondent. The correspond-
,. ent adds that Prince Lvoff, Premier in
Montreal, Apr. 10-Oats-C.W., No. 2,
78c; C.W., No, 3, 76c; extra No. 1 feed,
76c. Barley -Man. feed. 51.06; malting,
51.20. Buckwheat -No. 2, 51.32. Flour
-Man. spring wheat patents, firsts,
$10.40; seconds; $9.90; strong bakers',
$9.70; winter patents, choice, 59,50;
straight rollers, 58.70 to $9; `do, bags.
$4.20 to 54.35. Rolled oats -Barrels,.
$7.45; do., bags, 90 lbs., $3.60. Bran, 536
to .$38. Shorts. $39 to $40. Middlings,
541 to $42. 11'Louillie, 545 to $60. Hay-
No, 2, per ton, car4lots, $13.50.
Winnipeg Grain
'Winnipeg, Apr. 10 -Cash quotations: -
Wheat -No. 1 Northern, $1.996; No. 2
Northern, $1,953; No. 3 Northern, $L893;
No. 4, $1.S03; No. 5, 51.615; No. 6, 51.313;,,
feed 51.05. Oats -:No. C.W..67ic; No.
3-C.4V., 66/c; extra No. 1 feed, 6660; No.
1 feed, 6460; No. 2 eed, 64c, Barley -
No. 3, $1.10; No. 4, 51.03; rejected, 87c;
feed, 87c. Flax -No. 1 N.'W:C., 52.713;
No. 2 C.W., 52.67$.
'United States Market
If you want bird neighbors next
Spring, begin this very month to make
ready for them. When a bird sees a
home he likes he will walk right in
without hesitation. But birds, like
other tenants, insist on certain condi-
'If one desires a bird neighbor which
nests in a box, the first thing is to
find out what native birds nest in
boxes," says a writer in the Buffalo
Express. "The next step is to find out
which of these birds are likely to be
found nesting in Buffalo next season.
Tho species of bird desired being de-
cided, the third step is to snake sure.
what size box is required by that spe-
cies, how large the opening should be,
whether the bird likes a perch at the
entrance, at what height the box
should be placed, whether it is on a
pole or building or in a tree, which
Application Made to Provisional Government for. Funds to Cover
�.„ ixnallediate Expenses.
A despatch from Petrograd says:.
Commissary Titoff, appointed by the
Provisional Government to take
charge of the affairs of the ex -Czar
and his family, has applied for a
grant to cover immediate expenses.
.According to a rough estimate of their
private fortune, it appears that
Nicholas II. owns not more than
£100,000 in cash and securities. His
wife's fortune amounts to £110,000.
Young Alexis is much wealthier, as his
allowance has been accumulating. He
possesses about £550,000. The for-
tunes of his sisters are estimated as
follows: Olga, 4530,000; Marie, £370,.
000; Anastasia, £330,000.
Since 1906 the civil list has amount-
ed £1.,600,000 annually, but the 'enor-
mous revenues derived from mines,.
forests and Iands belonging to the
Emperor's Cabinet has been swallowed`
up by the vast sums required for the
maintenance of the Imperial resi-
dences, shooting boxes and a whole
host of retainers. Hence, in spite of
his great possessions the Czar appears
to be a poor man, inasmuch as the real
estate belonging to the .Cabinet will
become .State property
a box before it was.nailed in place. As
soon as the owner's back was turned
the bluebird entered and made himself
at home.
You. Would Have Been a Different
Kind of Person,
"The bigger the planet on which you
live the harder it is for you to move
about. If you were suddenly trans-
ported to Jupiter, the largest of the.
planets, and if you were able to live
on its semimolten surface," says ,a
writer in the Popular Science Monthly,
"you would find it hard to lift your
arm. A steam crane would be a wel-
come assistance in moving your :body
about. This is due entirely to the
enormous .gravitational attraction
which Jupiter -would exert -'upon -you;
The bigger the planet the harder are
you pulled down to its surface, the
harder it is to put your foot forward.
Oeeeirrenees 1a tho Land That Relgas
Supreme Is the Comrade -
dial World.
Owing to the high price of paper
Bangor greengrocers have stopped
using paper bags.
No inore licenses will be granted
for the importation of hops grown
within the Empire.
The amount subscribed by the citi-
zens of Deal and Wainer to the
new war loan was £300,000.,
The offices of the Hamburg -Ameri-
can Steamship Line in Cockspur
Street are to be sold by auction.
The amount paid in for the year
Mars is only one -ninth as massive as 1916 through the sale of stamps under
the earth. Hence you would weigh
Minneapolis,' Apr. 1.0 -Wheat -May, way the opening should face, 'whether much less on Mars than you' do on the
1.973 to $1.971: July, $1.92. Cash -No. earth. A Martian porter could easily
$2.031 to $2.069; No. 2 Northern, 51.99placed near a nest site and what such
1 hard, $2.111 to 52.123; No.1 Northern,the bird will take nesting material If carry as much as a terrestrial els
to $2.05/. Corn -No. 3 yellow, 51.23 to material should be. phant. A Martian baseball player,
$1.25$. Oats --.-No. 3 white, 63 to 65c.
• „ could bat a ball a mile. A very ordin-
the Insurance Act was £79,409,150.
The Northamptonshire Assizes were
cancelled, as there were no eases for
trial on either the criminal or civil
A despatch from London says :- the Provisional Government has so in- dour unchanged. Bran, $37.00 to $3$' 00. If one decides to attract a bird For taking a photograph at .a
y 'Duluth, Apr. 10-tiV.51.98; o. 1 hard, that does not use a box, there is a dry Martian athlete could leap with searchlight station John Turner, of
A case in the 'Prize Court disclosed formed a deputation of women. who $..07; No. 1 Northern, $2.02 to $2.06; No ease over a moderately sized house.
that on one voyage the Helligolav waited upon him. 2 Northern $] 96 to $1 ss; MEW. $1.96 wide field for study in learning just Because his Janet is not able t se. Pane ag venue, Barnes, was
1 h A fie d
asked, July, $i,9 asked. how you can attract that particular e ° p £10.
t"-"-' him down with the attractive force '
bird. Those who have made a sue- A.fine of £1.0 each was unposed on
Professor and Mme. Linda at New-
port, Monmouthshire, for,. fortune-
James Thirsk, who died recently at.
Beverley, was the last surviving son
of a family of 15, all of whom were
over 80 years of age when they died.
The death took place recently in
Birmingham of Sergt. John S. Par-'
wounded_ The killed and 'wounded. fo $10.25: canners and cutters,, ;$5.26 to patience, infinite perseverance. kinson, a survivor of the famous
$65.75; niilket. good` to choice; $s6 to r� life. As 'a canal digger: assuming
consisted. mostly of women and chil-4 $$1i,9; do., cora. and, mea., each. $40 'to If you do not possess these quail- that he had no machinery -he would charge of the Light Brigade at Sala-
860; springers; 550 to $110; light ewes, fications, better not try it. If you do, clava.
dren. Many houses were destroyed'.1$1" to $11; sheep, heavy, 58.50 to $9.50; be a great success, because he would
^.. call•es, good to choice, $12.60 to $15.60; go •at it with a will. Do not expect to excavate a canal with the speed and
- spring lambs, each, 512.50 to $15.:6O; learn everything in a day. See what efficiency of a. small steam shovel.
King 'a Busy Man. lambs, 'choice, 514.25 to $15,30': do:, others have seen and then a great '
med um,.$10.S0 to $12.60'; hogs, fed and Beyond that we cannot go. Intela-
Kin George is a busy man these `''ate ed,. ,$7.3,90 to 065.h; do., weighed deal that is your very own. Keep ac- encs is not necessarily a human attri-
g off. c 11180.515M-.5 to 516.25; do. f.o-b., curate dates and data, year after year 8 y
days, and devotes himself without, 515.15
ceasing to the business of kingship. { Montt eat. Apr. 10 - Choiea steers, and in time you will come into a herit
grades, b0- to $11.25; butchers' cows,
carried 87 cases of dental rubber and
on another voyage 48 cases were found MANY CIVILIANS KILLED rive Stook Markets cess of attracting birds and know how
in possession of the passengers. On BY BOMBS IN MONASTIR Toronto,. Apr. l0-Extra.,choide heavy g
several other ships from American steers. 511.75 to 512; choice heavy Steers, to do it, have learned in three ways,
$11 to 511.50; good heavy steers, $10.40 through reading, through observing
ports cycle tubes, rubber gloves and A despatch from London says:- to 8' 60: butchers' cattle, choice, 510.65
rubber' boots were found in consider- A ff' ' 1 t' d b tow ' ; do., cod, $10.20 to $10.40 do and through experimenting. As surely
,, � as favorable conditions are given,
able quantities, Thecourtcondemn- the Serbian War Office received here $a•40 to $,l, butchers' bulls.. cholas, $lo
ed the seized cods. ' to $10.50; do., good bulls, $9.25 to $9.76; your guests will appear and take pos-
g reports that enemy aviators bombard- do., medium bulls, $8.25 to $8.75; do., session of the nesting •site and of your
-r., ed. Monastir on Sunday with asphyxi_ rough bulls, $6.40 to $8.60; butchers'
cows, eholoe, 59.50 to 510; do., good, heart as well. But you cannot have
CANADIAN SOLDIERS ating gas bombs. Forty-seven per- -58.50 to $3.85; do., medium, $7 to $7.26; them without infinite pains, infinite
ARE ON ALL FRONTS. sons were killed and twenty-nine stoctcers; $7.50 to ^$9.36; feeders, $9.60
n o .laid commumca ion issue y medium, $9.5 to $9.75; do., common,
that the earth exerts upon us, the
typical Martian has conceivably at-
tained a stature that we would re-
gard as gigantic. Three times as
large as a human being, this creature
has muscles 27 times as effective. His
trunk must be fashioned to enclose
lungs capable of breathing the exces-
sively°attenuated Martian air in suf-
ficiently large quantities to sustain
A despatch from London says: The
routing of the Turks at Gaza by Sir
Charles Dobell has been' followed with
keen interest by Canadians here. This
victory, together with the successful
campaign against the Cameroons in
Africa, carries Canadian participation
in the war to all quarters of the war.
London Renter's Petrograd- cor-
respondent says: "The provisional
Government has ordered the release of
500 hostages - captured in enemy ter-
ritory. The Government considers it
an injustice to imprison people whose
only offence it fidelity to their"own
His army and his navy and his air -$11 60 to $i2. good, $11 to $11.25: Iower age of nature lore that will make life
ships -he thinks of very little else- g to X ,75; . bulls, $8.76
to grades, calve', worth. living' and keep you always
unless his consort and his "kiddies," spring: tarnbs; $J:2 to $15: sheep, 59.50 young at heart."
as he still calls them, are sometimes
excepted. Nothing is allowed to in-
terfere with his work, and especially
not the clock,, and if necessary he
spends the whole day at his desk,
which is connected by telephone with
those of the secretaries. With a wide
grasp and clear visionof public affairs
he would make a first-rate politician.
Goo NESS ktsioll+is
Najd `it�u P GOIN
To Ger AN'!
IN ITtt TIIAT R 16 61'I'
Ot+l - 1 P )3 114S TH/aI6
i f's
o $10.50; hogs, $16.50 to $16.75.
No Beggars in Panama.
Although the city of Panama is a
cosmopolitan place, virtually every
race being represented in its 60,000 in
habitants, there are no beggars ex-
cept a few blind men.
rw't, D0114aY i
ELI, / At'AzI N ES
Once satisfied with a nesting place, tions of Mars are such that a creature
birds are likely to return season after
A Preventible Loss.
Afnong other diseases which cause
bate. It has so happened on this havoc among growing grains, smut is
earth that man has become the doiriin- perhaps the most widespread. It is
ant race, not because of leis physical stated that the annual loss due to
prowess, but because of his brain. It smut in oats, wheat and barley
may well be that the biological condi- amounts, in an ordinary year, to
seventeen million dollars, or 6.2 per
cent. of the capital invested in those
crops. This enormous loss is almost
entirely preventible by treating the
seed before sotving in a solution made
from one pound formalin to thirty-
five gallons of water. Prevention of.
this kind is most necessary in these
days of high cost of labor and seed.
season to the same location. They gen-
erally appear suddenly and may take
possession without any formalities.
Last season a wren took possession of
a house before it had beep placed one-
half hour. One bird -lover claims that
he has known a blue -bird to decide on
very unhuman in appearance may
have gained the ascendency in the
struggle for existence on a. planet that
is fast drying up.
An oil useful in the manufacture
of soap is obtained from grape seeds
in Argentina.
ISN'T. ` 14KrA FASH(vni'
MA64 11..1 f,- I WANT
-To G1"-r014K--j
- cete tAtri t -N ,
1 ZEE a -A
`j WAIT,, I'LL le
HE -L *Ai oU0
se, YOU Wot4'T'
WANT 114i S OAF,
r -'S ARL4 TWo
CN ifll al