HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1917-4-12, Page 1United States makes great preparations. Cuba, Panama. and Brazil also in. British win air bczttte and begin the great drive. THIi ,TIETH YEAR. EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY APR. 12, 1917 Our Corner. The people or Landon got worked up luta another spasm of excitement last, week when a judge sentenced a yeaird ,neon to a flogging foe a das- tardly deed perpetrated upon a little girl of eight years. All classes made fools c.0 themselves trying to erevent the fellow from the whipping, nut he gat. it. ,and well deserved it, too, TAMAN'S PHONE 81a Made In ttalr. e Wise on Hats THIS SEASON W4 ARE SHOW ING LINES OF HATS; SUCH AS WE HAVE NEVER SHOWN BE- FORE OT.IR RANGE FOR SPRING IS ABSOLUTELY THE LARGEST St BEST ASSORTED WE HAVE EV- ER HAD IN STOCK. &E PRICES TOO WILL SUIT EVERYBODY.. THE ILLUSTRATIONS HERE- WITH WILL GIVE YOU SOME IDEA OF THE HATS, BUT i EIE BEST WAY IS TO COIVIE•IN AND HAVE A LOOK AT THE HATS, TRY THEM ON, AND MAKE AN EARL: CHOICE, WE KEEP ALL THE OTHER MEN'S FURNISHINGS AS WELL— SHIRTS, TIES. COLLARS BRACES GLOVES, SOCKS, ETC., AND THE MADE -TO -MEASURE AND ALSO READY -10 -WEAR CLOTHES. W, W. Taman Tailor & Furnisher PHONE !la SANDERS iB CREECtI To avoid delays in the payment ef insurance policies oin, .Canadian, sol- diers and ardier-in-council has been passed at Ottawa, providing that all life insurance companies, transacting business in Canada, shall accept as Satisfactory proof sof death, the of- ficial icertvficates 'of death issued by the department of Militia and Defe•n,- ce, Alter .official pronouncement of death, it the soldier turns out alive, the company, \failiing eto ree,aver the money from the beneficiary, will be reimbursed ander the ,war appropri- ations act The statement is iso ne times ,heard that there is la vast number of Amer- icans icans w;ho have enlisted with. the Canadian overseas forces, the number. having ;been placed at 50,000. It is. interesting to ;learn through an offic- ial announcement 'from Landon that the number of ?men from the United States enlisting On the Canadian, ov- erseas units in 7,353. The wastage, however, before a unit gets to Eng- land is large, and probably half of that number would be a correct es- timate of the fighting. contribution to our forces tfrom the States, which is a very respectable one. Many of the Americans were living inCanada b.e1 fore the 'afar, What the total num- ber of Americans fighting with ;rhe Allies is, rive have no means ofknow- ing WELL WORTH THE MONEY. — Your home newspaper heralded tothe world your birth. It told of your en- try into school. Mentioned your birth day party when you were sweet six- teen Applauded your graduation from High School. Started you to College. And when you returned mentioned the job you secured. 'Told of your marriage to the sweetest girl in. town, and mentioned the advjeat (or event) of ,your first born„ Told of the visits .of your pa and ma,. sym- pathized with you in your sgkrow, laughed with you ';in your joy, and when you die -tit Nvu'll tclo its best to get you through the pearly gates—at only $1.25 a year. United States has declared war ag- ainst Germany. The Senate favored the declaration 82 to 6, and; the House of Representatives 373 to 50, , and President Wilson signed the declara- tion on Friday. The whole resources. of the ,great republic are to be thrown into the oonflnet to hasten the over- throw of the (military clique of Ger- many and bring about a lasting peace. An army of 1,000,000 men ,is to he. immediately raised, billions of money will be voted for war purposes, Un- ited ?States, vessels will help in guard- the west shore of the Atlantic and in protecting the trade routes, scientists are working on ,contrivances to des- troy submarines, !etc, Cuba, ',Panama and Brazil also join in the fight against Germany. In. Asia the r.Rulssians and; British are making further gains against the Turk The British have begun :a great drive on the West Front;. For two days hundreds of airplanes flew aver the German territory taking photos of the German positions along the fighting line and as far as 50 miles in the ,rear. Many air battles took place, with the result that Germany lost 56 flying machines and the Brit- ish had 28 missing. All the fighting was done over :German wily so that probably several. British (ships were eapt ied 1700 photos were taken which are of great value in an offen- sive. The offensive commenced on Sunday and Monday along the whole line and the .British advanced every- where very-whe¢ , capturing thousands of prison- ers .guns, etc. The Canadians were in the thick of it; The British drive has netted 12000 prisoners and 153 machine guns and many large guns, and considerable difficult territory. The Canadians led the drive and had the honor of cap- turing the coveted, Vimy Ridge. The prisoners taken by the Canucks alone numbered 3000. The •casualties a.re said to be light j.tn 'comparison with the results. The .sale of dairy caws held here on Monday by Mr. Byron Hicks was well attended and prices were good, the 23 caws averaging $108. They were, however, of an except>7otnally good quality. Furniture & Undertakin House cleaning time will soon be here and we have a full line of ail kinds of Furniture for you to select from and having bought a auaatity of goods before the yaise we are ab le to give you ;Furniture at the old pit re while fit lasts, so Colne early il you (want t0 secure a bargain. Remember the Old Stand The Opera House Block We; also have MR. M. E. GARDINER t, Competent Undertaker and Embalmer with us, the ,having taken an'in- terest in the business: Mr, Gardiener comes highly re< ontnrcnded tram the town of Essex, having conducted a successful furniture and undertaking business therefor nttttiber pf year's; a BEVERLEY, EXETER. The Boys in Khaki Pte. F. Cook was ,home with his mother this week. Privates tVi11 Davis, Will Brown, Gerald Fitton and Norman Norry were home over Easter. Norman is sup- poses: ,to be on his last leave. Writing to R. N. Creech .from France on March 13th, Major W. J, Heama<a, says :—".Received your letter just before I left for here and was very pleased to hear from you, also received Advocate on same mail. I am now attached't re Fos Iwo weeks to 1st 13'n (Beecher's Old B'n•),' and we are three miles from line. Expect to go up ,to-nttptr'roww, Had first exper- ience 1v'ith. Fritzies artillery yesterday I had charge of party and had just covered 12 kil., when three shells dropped within 150 yards of us. Ain not impressed with this part of France very muddy and wet. We are in Bib - lett in a French Estamenent (Hotel) Our roan cooks our meals, etc. Have seen several ,of the 161st boys; 'so far my old Company' has suffered nine casulties, these deaths and six wound- ed Exeter Council Thi Municipal Council met in reg-' ular ; essiau on april 9th. All mem- bers ;;r esent. Minutes of meeting an March 26th were read and approved. Action was deferred an a letter front the Secretary of the Dominion Alliance we Petition to the Dotninien Government Action was deferred on a letter - from the Treasurer of the Hydro Electric Railway Association re extra assessment. Mr. S M Sanders presented :t pet- ition signed by Citizens, praying that bicycle irid;ang be permitted .on the sidewalks o! the municipality other than. on Main Street between Huron anti \Vellington,. After discussion the matter was laid over to be again con- sidered at a special meeting called by the reeve. Motion by Hind and Snell: Auditon Mawson gave his monthly report as ito his findings of the Mun- icipal books. Report accepted an motion of 1Harton sec. by Day.—Car'd The Chairman of the Public Warks Com reported having, .placed an 'order. for the .necessary repairs for the road grader; also as 'to certain parts of streets available to citizens far eul- tivation for garden purposes. ..Any citizen wishing •to work any portion to make application to Councillor T. Heaton or to the clerk, Report of Finance Com. re Exeter Mfg Ca.—The Company having ogre- ed to snake the necessary payment on or before December 1, 1917. Re- ported adopted on motion of Heed and Stell:, The following accounts were tea 'commended, to be paid by Finaace Com.—Moisons Bank, repairs :o side wall: 610.00; tHarvey Bros., coal T,li. 818.2' Bel' Tel{ Go., rental :emet- ery 3.75 Library 1.25; J'. Senior, in- surance Town and Fire Hall contents 10.00 salary 41.67; W. J.. Bissett; sal- ary 45.84; J;• Ford salary 37.50; Gl Mawson salary 13.75; Jas. Connate sal- ary 40.00; ''Henry Rumohr, labor 7,20 R Luker, labor 80c; A. Delve labor 50c., U Cudmore, labor 2.00; 'the folloeing prepaid accounts were ap- proved. street lighting 226.75; Libra' ary .2.78; Town Hall 90. Per 'Hind rand Harton—That 8100 be paid to the Fund of the Water Work Com's for current texpen'sLest—Can ' Per Hine and Snell—That the Poll Tax. collectable through out the Mun- icipality be 83.00 per :annum, and that Byelaw be prepared accordingly, — Adiousnment ;by Harton. 3, /Senior, Clerk. AILSA CRAIG Double Wedding. -A very joyous and pleasantevent took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Lovie of town on Wednesday, April 11th' when their two daughters, Mary and Susie, were unitted in marriage to Me. Wesley W. Dayman of Exeter and Mr. Stanley Paul. of Petrolea, re,- spectively. Both ceremonies were. perfarmed by Rev. J. W. Baird of Exeter, in the piiesence of the im- mediate relatives :of the contracting. panties. The ceremony that rnade Mr. Mr. Dayman and Miss Mary man and wife took plaice at 12,30, the other follawring intnrediat•ely after. Each couple assisted the other while the respective ceremony was being per- tromed Little Miss. Lovie, niece of the brides acted as flower girl in each case, Both couples took the 3.15 train at Ailsa Craig for Lon- don •Sarnia and other poiivtsj. Both brides were most generously remain- hexed ememhexed by ,tire' way of useful and Bost- gifts. SHIpicA Mr Samuel 1-Iutchinson of London spent a fete days last week with uis brother David here,—Mr, and Mrs, Wm Decker of Zurich spent Easter at •Mr Fred Gaiser'—;Messrs, Gar- field and Arthur Finkbeiincr, who spent the winter in Detroit, returned to their home here last week.—lair. and Mrs. Roland Burr and babe of Aya spent the holiday with the lat- ter s at-ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. vc.vto:t CiFark.--Mrs. John Gcloding and .hilt dren visited. with friends at Mount Carmel last week—Mr. and Mrs.' Al- bert Keys spent Raster at Mr, Wni, Yearley's,—Master Arnold Geiser is vary Sick at present.—Mr. Wmfife Kclkr spent the wbekt,end stn Ailsa Craig Local News Many automobiles ars being cleiiiv ered this week Mrs. A. Swayze of London is visit Mg her mother, Mrs,. John Broder ick. Mr 1; J Saunders and wife, ,tlte a visit here, rettirn(ed: to 'T,oront this week. Miss .,E Down of Albert Street ha sold bee residence property to Mi M. Elford of Usborne, who intend to town next fall On Sunday ntarning, April ,�9t�h, th brethi en of Exeter Lodge of Odd BIRTHS -Coates—le Us�born:e, aa, April, 10, to Ma' and Mrs. Alfred Coates, daughter, MARRIAGES -l3eaver—Galiman At Zurich, on Mar :. !9'ThMiss Mary-, (laughter of Mr, lad ?'`' i\f •s. Jacob Gellman, to Mr. E, Beat r• ver of Zurich. o Dayman—•Lovie=In Ailsa Craig,on April 11, by Rev. Mr, Baird.' of Ex - s eter, Mr. Wesley W, Dayman, of r. Exeter, to Miss Mary Lovie, d.augh s ter of Mr and ;Mrs. James Lovie, at' Ailsa 'Craig, fa. rmerly of 'arand Be n.d. Ga - ul -Lovie—In Ailsa Crag, on April 11 by Rev. ' Mr. Baird of Exeter, teltow.l wilt attend divine worship z rrivitt Memorial' Church, when the rector, Rev. Trumper, will preach. A delighted audience came away from James Street Methodist t;hareh ori. Monday evening last, after attend- ing the Illustaaaead •entertainanent, giv- en under: the auspices of the Youn.g Women's Bible !Class. The solo, by 1Vlisses Follicle, Muxwarthy and Bard were appreciated by all, while the de- seriptive address by the pastor, Rev. Baird ;on "The Other Wise Man," as told by 11•1etley Van Dyke, with many illustrative views was also that augh= ly eitioyed. A (goodly number were present - A vary pretty wedding was solemn- ized on April the 4th at high noon in All Saints :Church, London, when; Samuel I. W. Madge anti Ernestine, B. Knight were united in marx:age by Rev. A. A. Blue„ rector. Both ,acre o Usborne Ton•:nshig The bride and groom left on the evening train foto their future home where' a reception was held. Only the immediate Tele- tives being present. 'The bride was becomingly attired in olid rose silk faille. The gift from the !groom to the bride was a peal pendant. The happy couple will ba at home to thein friends after May let. pants even. DIED IN . THE WEST.—It will be sad news ' to may in Stephen and else- where' to learn of 'the ,death of Mrs. W. G Hamilton of Langbank, Sask., formerly Miss Mabel Bella Coxworth of Sharon aged 21 years, 8 months, and" 10. days. Besides her sorrowing husband she is survived by three srnail children. al.RACULOLI,S ESCAPE.—Master Fred Manns .. soh of , Mr. C1ardon Manns, of Breather formerly 3f i3en- sal. and Exeter, , had iiraculous es- cape from instant aEleath •ru that :ity on Saturday last. He was .zing in a stationery store, cleaning lip the top floor and while sweeping a bag a1 paper. !out through an open door way the lad in some way became en- tangled in the bag and was dragged out with it, dropping to the ground four storeys bel eve A fearful death upon the hard roadway seetme.d in store for tile boy, but as by a dis- pensation of Providence, hefell upon the telegraph wires, which served to break his fall, with ,the result that from there he slipped once more, this time it: an ash ,barrel below. He re- ceived several bad bru•,ses as well as a very bad shaking up, but will recover. Hisescape from death was nothing short of miraculous. et Mr Stanley Paul of 1'etralea, to Miss Susie Lovie, daughter of Mr and airs. James Lovie of Ailsa Craig formerly of Grand. Bend. Madge—Knight—At All Saints church VES'T'RY MEETING:—The annual Vesta Meeting of the Trivitt Mem- aria', Church was held in the School Hall on Monday evening last, with the rector. Rev. A. A. Trumper, in the chair. The financial report was read by the Sec y-Treas., Mr. J'. L(, Burwell, which showed the finances to be in a good healthy condition. Similar re— prole of the Sunday"Schaal and that of the GitJ's Auxiliary were also read each showing a goodly balance on the right aide. The rector's repoert show- ed during his incumbency he had. preachec: 96 sermons, attended 14 public celebrations taf Holy Common- ioa, 14 private celebrations of the same ; performed one baptism and one marriage; eight funerals, and had made 405 parochial visits. The fol- lowing officers were elected:—Rec- tor's Warden, Thos. Boyle; People's Warden, Thos. 0 Sanders; Auditors; Ter McGillicuddy,- N. D. Hu.rdon; ec'y-Tr•eas,, Jt L. Burwell; S'eleot Vestry—C H. Ganders, N. Est Hur- don. Samuel Sweet, Dr. McGillicuddy, Geo. Crawley, Adam Case, Thomas Newell.; S±desrnenr-L. Day, Geo Craw ley, S, Sweet, 3. L. Burwell, Richard Murphy Lay Delegate to the ;synod; S Sweet and Geo Crawley its sub- stitute.. The; 'rector was granted the usuai holidays during the summer, The Select Vestry was asked to take. up the matter of buying and install- ing a furnace in the. School Hall, with power to act. Votes of thanks were passed and tenderle!d to the rector C. H. Sanders, the retiring Warden; Mr .Burwell, ,Sec'y-Treas.; John Mark- ham, ark-ha n, Organist, Mr. Steer, Sextan,' and the: various :church organizations. The meetiiiz adjourned till Monday even- lag, April 16th. CEN'I'RALIA POY WINS AUTO. One of the most surprised and de- lighted young men in this community was Lorne Hicks, son of Mr. Andrew Hicks, when he received; word on Sunday by telegram, that he had been the lucky winner of an Overland five passenger, .awarded by the Every Woman's World for giving the right number 'of ;names in a puzzle contest, The task was a difficelt en.e, but Lorne figured out the intricate enig- ma and forwarding it to the company preyed to be the lucky solution, and as a result he will be the happy pos- sessor of a beautiful ear, London, or. April 4th, Samuel 1, W. Madge, to Ernestine 13. :.night, both of Usborne. DEATHS t-fellyar—In Clinton, on April 2, Fan- ny ,M 'lie] yar, eldest daughter of Mi and An_ s, W. 11. 'rlellyar, aged 10 years and 4 months, c ernihton—On March 29, Mrs. W. G,. Hamilton of Langbank, Sask., form- erly Miss Mabel Bella Coxwarth of Sharon, (Stephen), aged 21 years, 8 months, 10 days. Jordan—In Clinton, on Mar. 29, 1+ d - ward Jordan a ged 68 years. ars. Finnie—In H>bert, on Mar, 28, 'Hattie wits of Norman iFinniie, aged 29 yrs. £<emu—In Hibbert 'on Mar, 30, Eliza- beth Tiers, relict of the late John t(entp, aged 83 (years. Smither:ngale—In Mitchell, April 2nd Sarah McKelvey, relict of the late Jame.; Smither;nglale, aged 82 years 1 lad' l • for this name Four people receive $3000 each We havemade our selection without regard to the number of duplications. The word chosen was sub- mitted by the four following contestants, to each of whom we are paying $3000.00: Mrs. F. C. Grow, 1219 2d St., N.E., Watertown, S.D. Katherine W. Hand, 1501 Mulvane St., Topeka, Kass. Miss J. M. Schulz, 239 2d St., Union Hill, N. J. Eertha A. 'Wilson, 413 Park Ave., Medina, N. Y. DAYLO fulfills in a a asterty way the requirements' specified, viz:: a coined word that we can register •as a trade -mark and a name easy to remember and entirely simple to pronounce. "DAY" suggests perfect light, and "LO" means "Beholdl"—"See!" The true significance, the living ideal of the reliatility and service characteristic of our product will hereafter find its est pression in the new name, Eveready "DAYLO." AMERICAN EVEREADY WORKS OF NATIONAL CARBON COMPANY CANADIAN NATIONAL CARBON COMPANY, LIMITED the product that has outgrown its name—"FLASHLIGHT" FOR REAL SERVICE IN FLASH LJGHTS, RENEWAL BULBS, & a BATTERIES, CALL AT W. J. BEER, Exeter. HOTPOINT VACUUM CLEANERS TO RENT AT 10c. AN HOUR. ' STE AR 'S PHONE 16 PHONE 16 Dressy Coats and Stylish Suits We are showing some special values in Ladies' Suits in Blue and Black Sem-es, tailored in th e very ise- test styles Pained at 518.50, .520.00, $25.00 PINCH BACK SU ITS FOR BOYS. We have them—the newest th ing in Boys' Clothing for this 'In Blue Serge, Grey T weed and 'two shades of Brown: Conte in Bays and try them on, Sizes 32 to 35. Price 58,50 and $9;00 season. Tw;eied; TRIMMED HATS About 30 ttimmed hats 'These were 83:00 to $6.00 values; also anu m'ber of untrimmed Hats at clearing prices. Any trinimed hat $1,50 ROOM RUGS In 'Tapestry, Brussels, Axmin- ister and Wiltans; Sizes 2% yds. by 3 yds, to 4 yds. by 4g yds, Big range of good patterns at nearly old prices. CURTAINS Scrim Curtains will be the pop- ular curtains this season. We are showing a Line range of new patterns, made, up and ready td "slip over the pole. Price at $1,35, $2.00, $2.35 to 54.50 BLACK SILK For Odd Waists, Dresses anis Suits, The black silks we are showing areexcellent values It witpct m. be long betore we will be selling no better qualities at advances of 5Oc, a yard. •Beaut- iful corded silk for coats, Per yard 81.85. ^e '" LINOLEUMS Ten patterns of Nairn s Scotch Linoleums. The best wearing floor covering you can buy. rhese were bought at the old prices. Get our prices before vont buy. WALL PAPERS . Dainty patterns for Bedrooms at per roll 8c., lOctt, 12Y2c. Dining Roam papers at 10c. 15c 20c, and 25c. Beautiful Parlor Papers at 20c: 25c, end 30c. PHONE 16 J. .eT si/ PHONE 16 The Big Store with the Little Prices