HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1917-4-5, Page 8EXE 'PER ADVOCATE, TRUE sn .Y,: APB., s, 1817 EXETER MARKETS CHANGED Eit 'WEDNESDAY Wheat....... ... 1.75 to 1,80 .^ Oats :. 60 to 65 Family Flour 4.90 Low -Grade Flour 3,00 Shorts —42 00 to 44,1)0 Bran 40..00 Sugar Beet Pulp, per ton 35,00 46 38 and 40 .. 30 25 X10.00 to 12.00 3.25 Creamery butter Paley Butter ,. Eggs Lade " .. �.• flay. poi ton 'Potatoes ;15.00 flogs, per cwt .....•• A .committee of ladies will hold a Euciu'' Party ton •April 13th, in the Tow- r " Hale Everybody NVelcame, Ticket< 50c. Proceeds to be given to the S A, ;5,, to ,pay for yarn. CARD OF THANKS—The .family the late Mrs. johns, Usborne, wish to express their sincere thanks for the many acts of kindness and sympathy shown taunt during the illness and subsequent death of their mother last week. ---0--- CARD OF THANKS, -Mn and Mrs John leleinieldt and family of Usborne wisb to thank the neighbors and friend, for the ,sympathy and many acts of kindness sh.owui them during t' eir recent bereavement. WANTED.—A good bright smart boy ,to Iearn printing at the Advo- cate Office, WYANDOTTE EGGS FOR SALE. Silver Laced, White and Golden of the very best ,breeds. Bred to lay. Apply to FRD BAWDEN, Box 80 Exeter, Oat WESTERN PATS GALORE,—Far seed and feed ,(good ones); also. trill feed See Harvey Bros, FLAX LAND 200 acres of land wanted for flax' Apply to Joe Davis,. Ontario Flax Co'y, Exeter Don't for get Gib Dow's Auction Sale of Horses and young Cattle on Saturday April 7th. Sale at Dow's Fazm, east of the Metropolitan HoteL Manitoba s Best always in stock, Quite equal to any of its kind. Model flour is ,good flour. They are two goodones. Get them from Harvey Bros WANTED—General house work — competent maid, goad wages Small family. grown up.—MRS E. N. r EW - IS; " Box 5, Goderich. SEE WALL PAPERS IN YOUR OWN HOME.—I wish to announce that I have a complete line of sam- ples of imported and 'other Wall Papers which I am anxious to show you. Word .left at my home or at Lawson's. Jewellery Store, or Haw - kin's Hardware Store, will bring me to your home in the evening 'toshow them to you.—BERT. CLARK. Our Western Oats are 'screened 'be- fore tbey are rolled, which removes the small 'seeds. Gte't your supply from Harvey Bros. MODERN BRICK BRICK HOUSE FOR SALE.—In Exeter, 'wired, convenient 'every.,way, ;close to school and to ahua'ch —Apply to C. Zuefle, Exeter.. .or NOTICE.—We f e av .or ' h FAIu IE R S sale dNa 21plows.,1 N d, 13 plow ) 1 single furrow riding plow, 1 Maple drum land roller, Will take in ex- change good cast scrap iron or wood about the quality used at Salt Black EXETER MANF'G CO, SEED OATS FOR SALE.-Aquan- tity of 0, A. C., No. 72, seedoats for sale free of all weed seeds. Price •$1.20 a bushel.: Apply to E; Broderick. 2nd Con, Hay, R. R. No. 1 Exeter, or Plane 13 on 83, 1•iensall __a--• 400 TONS SALT -400 tons aflame Land, and Cattle Salt for sale. EXETER SALT. WORKS Co., Ltd 3 Sutton, Manager,, CANNING SEED CORN. To the farmers whose contracts form part of the first 200 acres of corn for Canning Factory, seed corn will b: furnished at last. year's price, 1t ecus per pound. After that the regulai price will be charged. Pres- ent market price 30 cents per pound. Posit;.vely no seed sold except for contracts EXETER CANNING 00, BEAUTIFUL HOME FOR SALE The undersigned is offeririgfar'sale her b autitul residence in Exeter, op- poeite the Ross -Taylor mill. The pronerty contains two ' lots of land line hr:ck house, containing nine room, and wood shed, good stable and drive shed, hard and soft water) number fruit trees and small fruits. House all wired and furnished for Hydro` This is an excellent property and will be ;old at a reasonable price Au.... a,ouise Cudmorc,'who is in the W st, but will be home. in a short time. Automobile Tires e r s We rve just trecevecl a large hi P- ment of automobile tires, that were purch._tsecl before the raise an Ur,•.c:e, and wv'c' have 'decided to !grime our cus- tomer; ; The, benefit of out purchase, at a cash price,—'. • i Casing & Inner Tube $16.00 30xs,f , 31x4. ,C-asing and Inner tube $26.50. 32x4 ,Casing and -Inner Tube $,28:00 33x4 ,Casing and Inner Tube, $29.00 34x4. Casing and Inner Tube • $30.00 Prices of other s'.zes oft appaiCa•tion arantee�d tires These rare all No. 1 g, ,,u by tba manufacturers, which are the Tlom' .a 0'1 Dulaloe and Maltese Ca ass. Thes,c prices can 'only be mamnta,ned until .the present stock is exhausted, Exeter Motor Sales Co LOCAL DOINGS. .NIc�Aca�,Ac �c.dtWc �9c:�d9kvi9cs8c. The Easter bonnets are due this week The saw sun is very light this d ear so fat, and a light supply of maple syrup i:: to be looked for. The regular meeting of the Soldiers' Aid' Society was held on Monday lvg, March collections were $62.00; two pairs of socks iwere donated by Miss May ,Jones, It was decided to collect rags, papers 'and rubbers next week, A farmer was fined $110 in Ottawa for selling bad eggs as stiictlyfiesh. Vendor, of potatoes were finery for giving S(' pounds instead of 90 to'he bag The courts are becoming, very strict in these matters of short weight and iciefectzve goods Thr Hydro line men have ;•tarted the erection of ;the poles from Exeter to Dashwood. The ground is staked out tall the ,way, and the poles ;bre' up an to mile ,or two of the distance. It is expected that Dashwood wall have the ,power turned on about May 15. A branch line :will go north from Sar epta to Zurich "Cllristianity in Practice was; the subject of one ,of the ablest sermons we have heard. It was delivered by Rea, J Va Baird in James St, !4leth- Church on Sunday evening, .A inen's choir furnished excellent music. Next Sunday appropriate sermons and mu- sic will be gi'ven—ir. keeping with the Easter season. Among the anitmal(s sold at the big stock sale in London an Thursday of last week ...welt the fallowing from the herd of ,Henry Smith, Lake Road, Golden Buckinghann'and calf to Gris• wold pros. of Wisecounin for $600, Lloyd George, a bull, to, Frank Wood of Blytle for $400. C. & H, Nichol - sou of Parkhill sold a year-old bull to A E .Stevenson of Port Huron for $550. EXETER PATRIOTIC LEAGUE.— The regular monthly meeting was held in the Town Hall an Monday Even- ing Anril and. Donations received...a P•roceed.s "The Country Doctor" 63.55 ninth tea 5.35, m•ember.ship 1.50, mon- thly collections 67.00; Mrs, J.G, Jon- es 6 pati home knit socks, Mrs, D. Richards 2 pair socks. Two boxes have been'slent Lto Miss Jean Arnoldi, Shorncliffe Eng. First box contain- ed 25 military shirts, 16 pair socks, sent by Husosdale League; value, $75. Second box contained 4 suits pyjamas 164 pair socks; value $250, sent by Exeter Patriotic League. We are giv- ing a tea on Wednesday evening, Apt' filth Admission 35c, and children 25c Particulars will be announced in the churches on Sunday.— Mrs. Wes. Snell, Cor. Secretary MRS 1DOWN PASSES, -At her home, Albert street, Exeter, on Mon- day last the death occurred of Mary Perkins. ,relict of the late John Down' at the age 79 years, 22 days: Oeceas ed had been ala for some time, . Born in Devonshire, Eng., she came to !Can- ada it: 3838, when five years .oaf age. She married her late husband in 1860: and 'they lived on the .farm on the Znd !of Usborne till 1901, ,when. they retired to Exeter. Mr. Doan died nine years ago. A grown-up family of !l ne survives,—Mrs. Wm Kernick anti Frairik Down of Usborne Mrs. Jus. `Hooper of St, Marys, Mrs. Wni Wass .of Granton, Robert and Rev 0 N. Down of Saskatchewan Mrs. Chas. Hooper and Miss ?Bunce o Exeter, tea, and Edgar E., in the ov- erseas erseas forces now at ' Sho' n,lilf:, Eng A private funeral was held to Exeter •cernete.ry on ,Wednesday af- teruoori" DEATH OF RICHARD PARISH,- The death occurred on Saturday last March 31st, about 10 o'clock, of a respected resident of the lst conces- sion of. Usborne, London Road South in the person of Richard Parish, inhis 680: year. Deceased Who had during his life, been a aiemarkably healthy marc, having ' Only !once or tw*ice con - suited a doctor, awoke as usual that morning. and after dressing complain- ed of a pain about the heart. Think- ing it ;wise ;to rest he went to bed again. and shortly after passed away. Born in 'England he came to Canada tvitli has. parents ,i!n 1852, and they settled an Usborne township. Tliaty- live ,years ago he moved. to Essex County ,and five years ago came bac ld to this neighborhood, He marrix.d ;Miss Agnes Strang, and she with one •soca, D'a\ id of Comber, and one daugh- ter, Mrs B. M. Francis of Usborne, survives. Two .sisters also survive, Mrs John Cornish of London Road, anci Mrs Thos. tHeywood of Elimville Deceased was a Presbyterian . in re- ligion and an Independent, In politics. The funeral, which ,was of a private nature, took :place to Exeter ceme- tery ole Tuesday 'afternoon. OFFICIAL VISIT The official vis- it of the D. D. G. M., Rt. Wor, lira. Copeland of; St. Marys, to Lebanon Forest Ladbe No, 133, A. F. & A. M. on Monday evening was an event of unusual interest to the craft, and a goodly number took advantage of the. occasion. •i'he work cn hand was an in'itat'on, the opening and closing in the three degres and usual routine busiiie,s.s On being received .with the, customary Grand Lodge honors the visitor directed the Master, War. Bro. N J Dore to proceed with the \yolk able') oil being ,completed 'evoked the very highest praise from 'the distingu- ished visitor, )every detail of the work hein faultless andd was done 'n a mantle that did honor i,n no r,ma11 degree' to those in chargee, At 'lie conch.sion' of the ,excmplifyiing of the c1cgrec' At, ; Wor. Bro. Copeland ad wiessed the Lodge on Masonry, taking as 0 basis of his beautiful address th,i, huildiri , of .King S.oioniont's temple, A vote of thanks to ;thie, visiting Grand Lodge Officer, moved by V. Woe, 13ra, C. i-1. Sanders, seconded by V War Bi o.„111. .Eacrett, and briefly re- sponded to by ,the visitor, elosed the lodge proceedings. A luncheon ,'as afterwards served in the Lodge room by Mr 'Wm. Statham and a number of splendid addresses followed, the evening on the whole being one of the most enjayable" in the h.story,rf the lodge, • PAINS ALL THROUGH LIMBS 168;/i Rue Victoria, Quebec. "1 beg to inform you that for a long time .1 had been suffering from, my kidneys and consequent pains all through niy. limbs. - I tried several remedies without success.. After using Gin rills 1 was soon relieved of my pains and now I ale perfectly well, which is due, I believe, entirely to Gin Tips. Mrs. J, Guy " All druggists sell F®IITili ~KIDNEYS at 50e. a boa or G boxed for $2,50. Sample free if you writs to NATIQNAL DRUG CFIDMICA-L CO. 01' CANADA, IIMIT£T) Toronto, Ont. ` 65 U, s. Address—era-pru•0o. Inc. 202 Main 8t., Buffalo, N.Y. s Mrs G. E. Anderson left last week. fora visit in Sarnia. Judge L. H . Dielcson of Goderich \utas 'in .town Monday. Mrs. Hea'man ‘\iis•ilted in. London the latter part ,of the weak. Mr. Larne Baskerville was home from London over Sunday Miss Laura Harvey has returned fron•, a visit near Niagara. Mr. jacob Taylor of Toronto was shaking hands with old friends here Monday. Miss Ella Berry ,ot ,Hensall visited with the Misses Treble afew days last w,elek. Mrs alcKillap tof West Lorne visa ited he. sister Mrs. McGiliucu,ddy dur- ing the week. Mr Ed, Harwood of Toronto visit- ed' hi: mother 'airs, James Pickard ov- er Saturday and unday: airs. James Lutton,who was vis- iting with Mr. T. Horton, returned Friday to `her home in Loudon. iltrs, ;S, :G, ;Baw,den, after several months' visit with her parents here, lett Friday for her home in Edmonton Mi. F, J Sanders of Toronto spent Tuesday with relatives nere, return- ing home Wednesday morning,, accom- panied by Mrs. ,Sanders and .little on who have been visiting here for rhe past two weeks. Mr , iSaxon Fitton is around again, after several weeks illness. Get your flour from Harvey Bros. There's roue better and few as 'a,00d. One indication of spring is that the small boy is here with his marble game Special service will be held in the Trivitt Memorial Church Gaad Friday' evering, The ,Bazaar and ,Entertainment on Friday last given by the Logue Mrss•- ionary 'Society, were a ;decided suc- cess, and thoroughly enjoyed, The Patriotic League wishes- t'o n- nounce to their members that they wild collect old papers and rubbers next week. Please be prepared, Rev.. A. A. T'rumper is spending a few days in London with his wife and family who ,have been in 'he er,iy for a couple ;weeks. Special Easter services will beheld in the 1trivitt'•Menoral Church' wn Sunday next. The music nnilh't)e. of a special character and the thurch will be decorated for the occasion. The annual Vestry me tinig ,t of the. held Trrv_tt Memorial Church wvi11 be e d on Monday evening inext, for the pur- pose of receiving the financial " state - mens and the election of officers, April 21st Ypres Anniversary, the Soldier ' Aid. Society will canvass the town for subscriptions In aid • ?f 1)y' ran Sanitarium and Belgium Relief, Have your papers, crags and 'rubuers ready 'Thu boys .will call April 10, Frites Sunday in James St. ,'.Moth odis! Church,—Morning— Music, An- them "Awake thou that sleepest Greene; Solo "The Resuret.tion Morn,' Rodney by Miss H. Snell, Seeman,-' "The Signs and Proofs of the Im mortal in Marti." Evening, Music, Anthems "Halleluia, .Christ is 'kisen" Simper : "This is the Day the Lord" Hall, "Awake thou that sleepest." Maker. Sermon,—"Where are our Dead?' ae an Easter study in the na ture .ani e payments o't the Future Lite with an answer to the :1uestion, "Shall we •know each other in 'lea- ven?''. Organ .Recital 6.45 MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED by. C. H. Sanders ` at the Advocate Of- fice. Strictly confidential; no witness Notice to tJreditors IN THE MATTER OF THE EST- ATE OF WENDEL BRUNNER late of the Village of Dash.w'aod, in the County of Huron, Gentleman, deceased. NOTLCE is hereby given pursuant to Chapter 121 of the Revised Stat- utes of Ontario, 1914,' Section 56, that all persons having any claims or demands against the estate of t e said Wendel Brunn r, who died on or about the 30th day of Septem- ber 1916, are required to send by post, prepaid, or deliver to Chest 'stir stade, Dashwood, Ontar:o, otie of the executors of the said estate, their full names and -addresses' and flit, particulars inv writing of their claim.. and statements of their ac- counts n counts and the nature of the secur- ity, if any, held by them, on or be- fore the 21st day of April, 1917, and that after the said date the said executors will proceed to distribute the estate of the said ',deceased among th'5., persons entitled • thereto, laving regard- only to the; claims of which they shall then have had notice, and Said • executors will ,hot, be liable far the, said assets dr any part there- of so distributed .to any person , or persons sof whose ,claim they 'shall not have then received .notice.' Christian Stade John Regier, Executors, Dated ak :Dashwood this 27th clay of March 1917. --4110-.41100.4110-411100-011100.411110.14 JONES & PHONE NO. 32 New -Wearing - Appare For -Easter. Ladies' Ready -to. wear Suits & Coats iu' to Bio Rariget tof New. Styles ; gad ' Prices Moderate, LADIkS' FANCY COLLARS In Voiles Georgette and ,Silk Crep- es itsplain colors', also with the new Paisley trimmings, Big Range of styles iust in for ,Easter at from 25c to :$1.50 each. LADIES' FANCY BLOUSES In Voiles, silk Wash Crepes, and fancy striped silks, a magnificent range to select from at popular prices Special—Just received another ship- ment of our special blouses to sell at 98c. NEV'':SILKS FOR DRESSES, SUITS AND 'BLOUSES In Black, White, Colors, and fancy patterns. Extra special values in Black .Dress iSilks, 36 in. wide, from $1.Z5 to .,$2.25 a yard. SPECIAL TAFFETAS, 36 an wide, all colors especially adapted for suits --very special at $1,60 a yard, SPECIAL SERGE VALU ES,— We have a large stock of Suits and Dress Serges, whack we are offering at ;less ithan present wholesale prices. Colors of Navy, Black, Green, Copenhagen, and Brawn, at from 65c. to 3.00 ayard. S'PEClAI: TWEEDS for Girls School Dresses at 50c, a yard: LADIES' GLOVES FOR EASTER in kid and 'silk, in popular. colors, "i brand new Stock to select from: Of Interest to Men New Easter Neckwear at old prices—New iia elt Hats, "Caps, Gloves, Shirts Shoes, Sacks; Belts, Etc,, in 'great variety; - Men's and Boys' Suits and Raincoats at prices ;that -will astonish you: Come early before the b..st lines are sold out New Home Furnishings New Curtain Nets, Lace and Marquis ette curtains, Scrims, Draperies,Rugs Linoleuins, Etc. Many Rooni Rugs at less than present wholesale prices. Ask- to see ,the N,ew ,Congoleuin Art Rugs. JONES & MAY iead:1uarters for the celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing Mr Wilbur Martin is out ..again after an illness of .two Or three weeks. Mr Hector N. .Taylor's .sale of stock ar Zion, Usborne Township, on Thuusday last, was one of the most successful held in these parts. Prices. of puce -bred cattle 'were even hianer than ±were trealizied at the London sale the other -day, which speaks well far the quality of Mr. Taylor's cattle, The bidding was 'spirited and the ag- gregate total amounted to the hand- some sum of $5;723. of M CASTOR I A. For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the ��Signature of . . Small quantity of SEED OATS AND BARLEY for sale R. G. SELDON The UALITY STORE We have a sarnall quantity of Tea yet at the old price. It : will not last lona- g Our Canned. Peas, Corn, Tomatoes and Beans are of the Best Brand. Try our two cans for 25c. Pink Sal- mon . We have a splen.di,d quality of Dried Apples. time t Spring es seed time ---buy. your . Garden Seed from eus. ..MEAT 1 MEAT 11 ML;A'I' Do not forget that we Can send your order 'at once. If it is Beef . or Pork Frdsl: orCui`ed Meats we have`, it'; Also remember lour all meat Sate- , `sage Phone 18 R. C. Gower&Son e Tailoreri i lity an SON 11111 j(�$S,� Undertakfng R. N. ROW137 OF FIRST INTEREST WHEN THE THE FUNERAL DIRECTOR OLD ONE GETS WORN OUT. AND FURNITURE DEALER THE STYLES ARE VARIED TO MEET DIFFERENT TASTES COATS ARE LONGER SKIRTS ARE ALSO LONGER Our New Goads are here. Good range to choose from.— MADE TO YOUR MEASURE. SEE, OUR NEW COATINGS FOR LADIES. PRICES—$17.00 AND UP. We also have a nice range of Men's Over Coatings and Suitings, GIVE US A CALL N. Sheere LADIES AND GENTS' •TAILOR Stand Upstairs, Opposite the Central Hotel. Tea & Coffee Store For the choicest gr groceries fruits,spices, � teas, coffee' -and every- thing in the grocery line. Call and see us, A Ji 4:rial as to quality will convin- ce. Produce taken in -exchange Jas. Gould OpI os Electric light Plant Exeter Bargain Store New Shoes for Easter Our Store is .well filled with new and up -to• date styles of Shoes. ••--Ladies' high tops, in kid,oaten t. gun metal et c. , —We, have an es ec`all large -stock ' d. e p i y g 5 1, of •S,oy� and Girls Shaer in ..in as well as. heavy. YOU will be pleas ed with our values, —For Men we have the, Astoria Shoe, and several other good lines, ranging In. price frol�$4,00 to`a7,0) peapair. --Men's Heavy Shoes from 53,00 to $,4.JC per pair .. —Shoe Laces -15c, per dozen laces. Rubber Heels attached 40c. per pair. RUBBERS FOR EVERYBODY 13 W. F. Beavers TH; last, yoti tart giirt foot the got BE ING WE FOP ABS BES ER EVE WIT IDEt BES HA\ TRY EAR MEN SHIP GLO MAL' REA Ta 1: kinds of 'gc 3r ZV a Co teres 0 havin a nun