HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1917-4-5, Page 4111 iliiilhli �,t" ?bePropralarearr ntl dtctneAd. AN etable Preparation forAs•, son itatine the Faod soil Regula+ fieelheStomachs and Bawelsof Promotes Digestion,Cheerful4 ness andllest.Conta'ittsnelther -O.pivat.Morphine norrfiaeral,' NOT N RCOTIC, , g to or eltIlkSI1 t2LUL LBNEI Rapti: Sul* .c.revIa+ . rlleSalzss- ...irrLseAut+ ae&Sndira Mr' ur.Se. d- irv: Aver'fect Remedy forConstipa bon, SourSlomach,Diarrheea, j Worms,Convulsions,Feverish. ness and IHSS OF SSI,EEP FacSisale Signature of 1'011.'14m,'to and Children. Mothers Kw That Genuine Criteria Always Bears the Signature of The CzwrAUR CMMPAXY. MONTREAL&NEWYORK - Exact Copy of Wrapper. In Use For Over Thirty Years ASTORI T.NC CENTAUN'C0fl AflY. NKW YOLK C$TY. %letter Abricrrate, Sanders tic Creech, Proprietors Subscription Price—In advance $1.25 year in Canada; $1.75 in the sited Matey. All subscriptiops not avid in advance TO cents extra . will stile charged THURSDAY. !APRIL 'ath, 1917 Dashwocod Miss CIara. Graupner is visiting with Zriends in Elmira. Mr and Mrs. C. Statton are this week moving to Parkhill, where they will ,make their future home. Miss Pearl Tyler and Albert and Victor of Sartha are visiting g at their tome here. Mrs F. Preeter has returned to her k:ome here after spending the mater In Lindsay. Mr. ;and Mrs. it. Rinker visited in London this week. Mr. W. J. Lang and family have moved to Melbourne to make their home. Mr .3. Kellerman made a business trip to Sarnia Saturday. Mrs. B. Stacey visited in Stratford over *Sunday.. GREENWAY Mn. A, McIntosh of Tort Huron. - spent the vv+eiel-,end 'with relatives here.—Mr. and Mrs. Lawsrence Poi- fock land son visited Mr. Roy Pol- lock in Kerrwood over Sunday. --Miss D evina and Addie Mason were Grand Bead visitors last week.—:'lis, gra Gerromette has returned From a erisit pn. Goderich.—Mr. Will Brown has ,none West 1 or a month.—Mr. and Mrs j \Pollock were guests of Mr. and Mrs A 1Pallock on Sunday.—Mrs. C H Wilson ,:;s spending a few days with ther mother at Grand Bend, -A number from here attended the fun - • al of Mr. John. Long 'tof Ildertore held it: Parkhill on Saturday last.— The W. M. S. anniversary in the Meth- odist Church on Sunday was success- ful, though the weather was unfavor- able.—Rev. A. E. ,Ll oyd of Parkhill gave a very inspiring and helpful ser- mon in the afternoon, and at night the pastel- -Rev. H. Winans' sermon was fulls of information and encour- agement for the society. The .toss rendered suitable music at each .ser- vice,—The "debate 'at the Mock Par- liament last Wednesday night on the abolishment of Capital. Pun'shmeat proved to be tone of the best of the aeries, Parlament 'wets pearougcd that evening to iesumte its sessjoms -n :ec- caber next. CLANDEBOYE Miss Grata Bice has returned home niter visiting relatives in Tor.yato:— lar jos. Lewis, who has been learn- ing the telegraph operating at the G. 3' R. ,station here, left on Maxday or Hamilton, where he has secured a position With tike G. T. R.—There will be services .twi(c(e an Sunday ire St. James' •Church -morning and ev- $ BR,UCEFIELD. Teter Cameron ;is at the home of 1J .iter, Mrs. Wasman, suffering watt '• a sore foot ss4b4:ch he had the misfortune of running a nail into—The concert:,. which ,,was held in No. 14 Stanley school, was repeated on Fri- day evening last jin ;the Hw11 here to a full house After "the concert she Kelly Circle served the entertainers with a dainty' lunch.—Our new bank= er, (Mr. Madden has leaded the fine -resia•ence of ;Mrs. Turner atad .will trove his 'family here shortly.— Mrs. Mitchell. .4.nd daughter Gertie visited at Jarvis Horton's Thursday. MOUNT CARMEL Rev., ,FatherTierney spent a few days rut. London this week.—The banns, sof marriage of . Mr. Joseph _N.La,honey and Mis,,s Kathleen ;O'Brien were an- nounced, here_ on Sunday by Rev. Fr. Tierney, the marriage to take. place in the middle of ,AprLL—Mr. Fisher of Preston. Moved with his family end hou.,el,old 'effects onto his farm west of thie plate last week. We welcome Mr and .l'fis. ;Fisher and family. -Mr, and Mrs •Mat Regan spent Saturday lvith tnen:ds 'in London.—Mr. Aianza McCann. has engatged Willie -t-iodgbis of Corbett to '.work for the summer.- Miss Mary tlalcDonald of London, is spending a few holidays • at her home. ening.—Mr Austin Tice spent the week in Toronto:—The farmers in a this vicinity are busily engaged d in the maple sya-rtp !harvest which is of a fain. yield, -The public school will bold their Easter :Concert on Thurs- day afternoon, April 5. A gocid pro- gram has tbeen arranged and all are Wel McKenzie has receiv-• eel word that her son WiIletrn ,las been seriously woundeid while finghtsng in ]] France. Mr. V1citenzie has also a- xaather son fightingon the battle fields of France..—Mr, Thos. 'Lewis spent Monday in the city—Mr. Ed. Sim uson es ell smiles—it's a nee 'LZ pound boy. STANI EY—A very pretty and quiet 'wedding took place at the honn.e. et anda1'fis. Wm. L. keys at.Seafot- ,loci `ib ednesday, March 14th, when their daug,lttcr, alayme f was int.. eel in holy matrinioriy to Melvin LUMLEY Grant Ryckman had the misfor- tune to 'lone '4 fine year old colt.— Mrs Sarah Broadfaot is getting mat- erial on the ground to bu',',d a drive hed,—The many -old friends 'or the late Abraham Imery, who spent his boyhood days in this locality, wilt re- gret to Imre. of his death from pneu- monia at his home in Toronto.—Mrs. John .Pepper and infant son ere re- covering nicely from their illness.— Miss Maude Glenn is at BTucefield and Varna or, a visit. In The—Spring Soldiers on the Battlefield. "There is no greater patriot—not even the soldieron the' battlefield—than the man°w.ho .battles with the stubborn soil and makes it yield for the support of the `nations." We have in Canada a power of dominion in our resources that will make the power that comes with strategy, brute force, And armament, insignificant. If we know hat we have and use it wisely, we will Make others dependent upon us. The stomach is the center of the body from which radiates our vitality, strenu- osity, our fighting strength. A healthy stomach turns the food we eat into nour- ishment for the blood stream and the nerves. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, refreshes and ' tones up the stomach walls. Removes the poisonous gases from the system. The first day you start to take this reliable medicine, impure germs and accu- mulations begirt to separate in the blood and are then expelled through the liver, bowels and kidneys. Get Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dill.. covery to -day from any medicine dea)er; it is a powerful blood purifier and tonic.. Depend upon this grand remedy to give you the kind of blood that makes the skin clear, the mind alert, the vision keener and. puts ambition and energy into the entire body. Contains neither alcohol nor nar- cotics. Its ingredients are made public and printed on wrapper, It's a pure alterative extract made with glycerine from native, roots and herbs. Sold by medicine dealers in liquid or tablet form, or send 50 cents to Dr. Pierce's Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y.,, for a trial boxof tablets. id:i,Tbot of Stanley township', ' Send fifty, cents (or stamps) to pay for wrapping and mailing a copy of the Common Senee.Medicat Adviser, in cloth binding, 1008 pages,;. with color plated..., SAINTSBURY A. pleasant time, was spent at the home ,of hir, ,Freeman Dobbs, when. the people of St, Patrick's Church assembled for the purpose of present. ire his daughter; l,1's> Reba, a ,ock•• ing chair, and address as follows,— Miss Reba Dobbs, Dear t rieud,.—We, the congregation 01 St, Patrick's ,Church, Saintsbury, vin, ii: ear0 that you are about (0 de- part flow, our ;midst, felt that we could xxor let tyou go without Assemb- ling to bid you farewell, and to pre- sent you with some token of our af- fectionate esteem and regard, Your long service as organist was much •tp preciated and we shall miss you great- ly in our church work, We :tsk you to accept this rocking ch alr and pic- ture; not for their intrinsic value, but as a •renaenlbera.noe of the happy hours we have spent together. VV'e pray that our Heavenly Father will bless you abundantly in your new ale throughout the years to tome Signed ou behalf of the congrega. tion P. C. Ryott, Incumbent. BRUCEFIELT),' Lieut. Wm. ;McQueen, reached las' home on Tuesday ,evening, He was wounded at the !Sonne some weeks ago and „since has been •in a hospital. in London. He leaves at once for a Toronto hospital, ,where he. will be treatedfor a mound ,near his knee:, Mrs, Katherine McKenzie and (laugh ter have purchased a home in Sea - forth and will .move shortly to that talc n —A number from here attended the .Spring Show in Seaforth Tuesday. _Nos:: Jessie Gemmel was the guest of the Misses Srvaa for a few days. during the week.—Henry LaBeau posed of a pair sof fine young Fellie.s to O Seaforth buyer for which he re- ceived the •tropnd sum of $400. S'IArFA.—Mr. John Livingstone of Staifa the Riel'- kmawri 'horseman; has purchased from Levi Good, cf Gree- ock, •On:, the famous Lose, Mac- Kwira, wh_c'i he purchased from Wm. Colqu:iotxn of. Ii:chell, who Imported him four years ago. Auction Sal' OF S1 OCR., HOUSEHOLD GOODS, Etc.. on Albert Street, Exeter, ,n 'Tuesday., April :10, at 1 o'clock, the following,— Stock, Etc. -1 'driving colt, rising2. years; 1, cow, rising 3 years; 18 good hens; buggy, cutter, Light wag- on, democrat wagon, plow, onion scuf- fler, oniion crate -quantity of chicken wire ;large 'ouantity lumber, cedar posts and bricks, several cords good wood,' and a quantity 'of coal. Household Effects -3 bedroom suits glass cupboard extension table, lounge it ,good chairs, rocking chair,; clack organ cook stove for coal or snood, new coal oil stove, window blinds, a baby carriage and sleigh, quantity of dishes. Terms—Cash. C W. Robinson, . '' Mrs. T,Cook.,oni Auct. Prloprietress S. ac'urdon,. Clerk LARGER HEADS—RIPEND A. NERDEN, Dorchester, Ontario says : "I .used Homestead Bone Bfac' Fertilizer on ;oats this' spring, 1eav-. nig one drill 'width across 'the field unfertilized, and could see a differ- ence of about a foot in the length of straw. and much larger heads. The.. grain on the fertilized part of the field r'pened one .week earlier than on the unfertilized ;paft'and was much better quality. t • Tee: was my first year •using fertil- izer and -after .getting such satisfac toa'y results I intend using fertilizer, aga in .this coming spring." LARGER, STOUTER OATS M J. SCHLABACH, Petersburg, Ont, says "The Homestead Bone Blank Fer- tilizer :which I purchased from N. M. Steinman, at !Baden was used on my oats. The fertilized oats were all of from 4 to . 5 inches higher than the u,nfertaized,' 40 BUSHELS WHEAT PER ACRb J SLRCOIIIBE Thedford, Ontario," says , `I am sending a photo of my wheat field as it was a very good crop. It yielded twenty- one loads of sheaves on mine . acres and threshed forty bushels to the acre. We used 200 pound of Homestead Bone Black F er- tilizer on it with other Manure. ff the photo is of any .value to you you. niay use it and also •my name." Write Michigan Carbon Works, De-' trait for free book and particulars. about their Homestead Bone BIack Fertilizer e dor rices and terms of sale of the following brands apply:— MAIL ORDER DEPARTMENT Nations! Breweries Limited Room 74 36 Chaboillez Spore. MONTREAL. INDIA PALE ALE CROWN STOUT PALE BITTER ALE DOUBLE STOUT MALT EXTRACT wes EXTRA INDIA PALE ALE BLACK HORSE ALE EXTRA STOUT BLACK HORSE PORTER Lager* r--ICINGSBEER CLUB SPECIAL HOMEBREw INDIA PALE ALE PORTER BOHEMIAN LAGER The above goods are all full strength and are supplied to consumers direct from the Brewery ONLY in localities where no licensed traders reside, Auction Sale REAL ESTATE AND •IIO1JSE11OLD BP,1?`.ECTS M:rw'L ', tS, Phillips has been instruot ,od to sell by public auotion on Mlain, St, Exeter, on Saturday, April 7th, at one o'olook sharp the following property.; 110 I:SEHOLD .ERFECTS-1 side- board, 3 extension tables; 6 dining- roona chairs; 6 kitohen dhairs; two' bedroon4 suttee, 1 bed and wash stand 1 cot bed; 1 double mattress; 1 sin- gle mattress;; 2 ,couches, 1 ermohaitr 1 r'eranda rookee upholstered stud- ent reading ohair; 1 baby go-cart; 1 hall rack; 1 kitchen range; three small ta'blea; 11 refrigerator; one Everyday vacuum. cleaner; 1 two., burner gasoline rang -e; 2 toilet sets, 25 yards carpet; fawn mower; wheel- barrow. large ash sifter; wash tubs; iron trots, dishes and other $alrtioles too numerous to mention, 1 dos; good, will' e Wyandotte hens: a small quantity of hay and 'wood; dahlia bulbs. TERKS—Casio REAL ESTATE—If not :previously sold there will be offered for sale. the residence on, Main St. consisting of a brick dwelling house, all modern conveniences, good barn, hen house, good garden land plenty of ,fruit trees. Terme made known" on day of` sale or apply at the house. R'. S. Ph:large, 'S, Pardon, J'. H. Scott Auctioneer Clerk, -ProplrietoC WEEKLY Auction Sale The undersigned will sell by Public Auction. at DOW's FARM, East of .Nletropoli:an Hotel, each and every Saturday afternoon, at 2.30 o'clock. On Saturday next the following will be offered: 12 head 2 -yr -old steers & heifers. 4 3 -year-old fillies 2 3 -year. old geldings 1 4 -year-old filly 2 4 -year-old geldings A number good work horses 3 cows due to calve in April. 2 brood sows A number of young calves. Terms, -6 months' credit with 6 per cent added, ..on furnishing sip- proved joint notes. C W. Robinson G. 3'. Dow Auctioneer Proprietor' Auction Sale • REAL ESTATE AND HOUShHOLD FURNITURE IN HENSALL on the premises, North St., Han.all on Thursday April 12, at 1.30 p.m. Furniture -2 bedroom suites, 3 bed- steads, dining room table, kitchen ta- ble, 2 smail tables, half dozen dining room chairs half dozen kitchen chairs lounge: stretcher, 2 rocking chairs, : 2. arm chairs, •sewing machine, dupboard Silver King cook stove, wood :ook stove oil stove, air tight heater, wash tubs, boiler, wringer, quantity, fruit sealers Also grindstone, wheelbar- row ..workbench, long ladder, short ladder, lawn mower, rakes, hoes, sho- `vels•` and .many other articles. ' ' Real Estate—A house and 'two lots on corner of Nelson and Mill streets, Lots No. 25 and 26; also two vacant lots an Mill Street., Not 27 and 28; also '2 lots on North Richmond. St., No. 13 and 14. Terms—Household effects, Cash; terms of real estate made known on day of sale MRS. HENRY BUSCH, jPlsoprietress. B.. S. PHILLIPS, Auctioneer THE CANAD OFCOMMERCL SIR EDMUND WALKER, C,V.O„ L.L.D., D,C,L., President CAPITAL PAID UP, $15,000,000 JOHN AIRD, General Manager' H. V. F. JONES, Asst, Ceti I, Manager RESERVE Furls, . $13,500,000 WAR TIME ECONOMY IS NO EMPTY PEASE IT IS THE CONTRIBUTION OF THOSE WHO STAY AT HOME TO THE WINNING OF THE WAIN Do your share by building up a Savings account 18 or investing in war securities. EXETER BRANCH—A. E. Kuhn,, Mgr, CREDITON—S. M. Johnston Mgr 1 INCORPORAT[D 1855 44 IVO eeV. i•e.O.Ose,.111• ME MJ1SONS • BANK Capital & Reserve $8,800,000 98 Branches in Canada A General Banking Business Transacted Circular Letters of Credit Bank Mone Orders SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Interest allowed at highest current rata EXETER BRANCH- W D. CLARIKE, Manager. GILSON NGIN The Engine of Constant Service Absolutely Guaranteed GILSON SILO FILLERS The Lightest Running Blowers made Bew'are of imitations and infringments. THE H Y L O S I L O Entirely different and infinitely superior. Ask Wme Frayne, Exeter, Agent Or write GILSON MFG. CO., 235 York St. Guelph Ont. SEAFORTH—Official confirmation of the death of Corporal James Scott Hays, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Thos Thos. Hays, was received from the Department 'of `Militia and De- fence at Ottai'wa, dated. March 21st., Corporal ,Hays' last service ` was inthe memorable. Ypres engagement of June Znd to June 4th, KIPPEN—Ma-. Frank' Graham to tate south of the village has sold his fifty more grass farm to Mr. Robt. Coop- er, of the 3rd con. of Tuckersmith. —Mr .Andrew Belli, Sr., who has not been enjoying the best of health for some time. and who has 'been, suffer- ing most of the winter from a bad cold, is :beginning to show signs • of improvement, P.O.B.. Chatham Ont. Westinghouse Electric Starting and I,ightrng "It Has the Stuff in It'' - "It has the stuff in it "—a` sincere rock- bottom ock bottom tribute shorn of frills -a tribute that the thousands of Gray Dort owners pay to this honest, sturdy car. And no more expressive compliment could be uttered. It means that under, the external beauty and comfort of the Gray Dort is strength — quality — backbone—energy. It means that the Gray Dort is honest in construction and design. It means that the Gray Ddrt has made good and proved its ability under every con- dition of service. See the 1917 Gray Dort at our showrooms. T. H. Newell, DBtributor, Exeter E. G.Kraft, Dealer; Dashwood THIE. GRAY-DORT MOTORS, Limited, Chatham, Ont.. "Built In Chatham"