HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1917-4-5, Page 3SAWYERS, BOX MAKERS & LABORERS WANTED FIRSTEROOK sf109., Limited 283 King Street East, Toronto Skirts for Spring Whatever the ;forecasters of spring styles may disagree about, on one point they are more or less agreed, and that is that skirts will he narrow- er at the hem. There will be no flare whatever, and even if acme skirts are not actually narrower they will at least appear so from the absence of the flare. Many skirts, however, are appreciably narrower. They mea- sure from two to two and a quarter yards at the lower edge. When we compare these measurements with the three and four -yard skirts that were worn last spring, it leaves no doubt as to the change. From the Par- isian openings, which are now being held, we hear that the narrow skirt is no longer a rumor, but a fact. Separate skirts and blouses take on quite a good deal of importance this spring, The fact that separate skirts are in demand for sports wear will bring then very much into promin- ence. There are more skirts of sports silks and satins than of any other skirting materials. The sports silks '\in one -color effects; or in two shades; with large spots or stripes on a neutral background, seem to be the most popular. As for the blouses, we may witness a revival of the garden smock, which took so strong a hold a summer or so ago. One of these recently seen was ciuite different from the smock as we knew it last summer. It was of tango -red crepe, long and loose, and slipped on over the head. It was 7649-7639 A New Waist and Skirt. shirred at the neck and at the should- medicines is often not realized until too ers along an oval line, which was em -And with them were tall, lean young'late. oIt seems so simple swallow a phasfzed by a of doe E sonic special inix�,uire or take - only for great distances, for which' reason the inventor predicts the sucs1 cesaful operation of aircraft on routes ; between Europe and the United States which will run in ' competition with trans-Atlantic liners. Herr Fokker believes the first at- tempt to fly from Europe to Now York will be made immediately after the war, and asserts the route can be traversed in two days at the outside. He is'of the opinion that all technical handicaps will be easily overcome. MARCH WEATHER RHEUMATIC WEATHER Victims Can Cure Thelliselves With Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. With the coming of March people who are afflicted' with rheumatism begin to have unpleasant reminders of their. trouble. The weather is changeable -balmy and springlike one day, raw cold and piercing the next. It' is such sudden changes of weather that sots the pangs and tor- tures of rheumatism, lumbago and sciatica going. Sut it must be borne in mind that although weather condi- tions start the pains, the• trouble is deeply rooted in the blood, and can only be cured through the blood. All the lotions and liniments in the world can't cure rheumatism. Rub- bing niay seem to ease the pain while you are rubbing, but there its value ends. Only through the blood can you cure rheumatism. That's why Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have 30 many thousands of cures of this trouble to their credit. The new, rich blood which they actually make drives out the poisonous acid ' and rheumatism is•vanquished. Among many sufferers from rheumatism who have been' cured by this'medicine is Mr. C. H. McGee, freight' shed fore- man' for the. G. T. R. at Peterboro, who says: -"In the course of my work I am ,naturally exposed to all kinds of weather, with the result that about two years ago iI contracted rheumat- ism which settled in my legs. At times I could scarcely walk, and often had to quit my day's work owing: to the stiffness and the pain. I tried different remedies without getting any help until I began the use of Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills. I used; sly boxes of these and can say that ram about as well as ever I was. Estill take. the pills 'occasionally, and I hope that any experience may be of benefit to some other rheumatic sufferer." If you suffer from rheumatism, or any other disease of the blood, begin to cure yourself to -day with Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills.. Sold by all medi- cine dealers or by' mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2,60 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., ° Brock- ville, Ont. MEN FROM THE ANTIPODES. Strange Experience of Australian Sol- dier at Gallipoli. On a freezing, biting February morning I walked down that great London highway, the Strand, and everywhere • 1 saw tall young: .mea in khaki, with queer, bunched -up hats and a' line of red in their khaki pug- garee. New Zealanders they were, with the red in their cheeks as bright as the red in their hats. ward uneasily, but before 'I'd dome a yard the noise became more prolong- ed, grawing louder and closer until I could feel° it coming--coming--coming with tremendous and ever-increasing; speed ----.a horrible, nerve -sheltering, deafening wailing shriek. I stood daz- ed and paralyzed---reote'cl, to the spot.' With a scream of hellish' intensity ---it,; was all within a second, really—it was on brie. There was'a flash of blinding light, a feeling that 1 was being hurl- I ed' up to the' moon, over it, and cies- sending slowly, slowly, like a feather! "Wa's I' really a feather after all? Perhap ! Very curious! "Then -after a long interval— 'Hush! Hush!' said the doctor. 'Don't move!' I was in a queer, rocking lit- tle room, with a low ceiling, and': my arm was lying on something `heavy, outside the bedclothes. Why, 1 was, actually on board a hospital ship! "`Feeling comfortable?' said the doctor. "Yes, except for the pain in my left hand." "He looked down, and so did I. "`You have no left hand,' said the doctor, quietly. "I saw that' he was right. My left hand was gone for good—blown with me to the moon -and left behind!" SI � L BABIES Nature's Best Food Lax i. Laxative 1 w° e � the ';bran which makes up the " outer coating of the whole wheat grain; But why eat coarse bran cakes when you can accomplish the same pur- pose by eating Shredded Wheaj Biscuit and at the same' time get all the rich, body-building material in the whole wheat grain prepared in a digestible form. per- fect food just enough pro- teid to build healthy muscle, just enough carbohydrates to supply heat and energy, just enough bran to keep the bowels healthy and active. For breakfast with milk or cream, or for any meal with fruits. Made in Canada. A CONSECRATED REPUBLIC. Vast Throng in; Silent Prayer. Before Petrograd Cathedral. The revolution in Russia has brought an immense change in the Sickly babies—little ones who are people, a great feeling of relief and troubled with their stomach and bow- relaxing of tare tension of years els; whose teething is painful; diges- of suspicion and fear of Siberia e can be made healthy and happy with the revolution began d the firs tion bad and who cannot sleep well— Before .the Kazan Cathedral, when o t e in an ' Baby's. Own Tablets. Concerning red flag fluttered, cane the trium- phant Tablets Mrs. Wilfrid Demons, Val phant end when the great throng of Brilliant, Que. writes :—"Please send p8ople came afoot from the furthest parts of the city to consecrate the Russian Republic. The Nevsky Prospekt`was packed result," The by with silent people, for the first time res It "e or Tabletsbare sold y in their lives unpoliced, yet in per cents a dealersem Dr. itWiatam 25 feet order, while the soldiers whose cents ae , boxCoBrockville, m The Dr. , revolt upset the' Government march ed slowly through to the cathedral. Parting the crowd, two officers After -the -War Suggestion. this time held on high the symbol of Australia's first new industry for the fight for liberty, but brought •viv- the' benefit of returned soldiers is sug- idly to mind that just a week since' gestive to the Motherland. She has the bare sabres of the police drove found that, by means of a handioom, a peaceful bread demonstration to soldiers can in a few weeks be taught revolution. The army coming from to weave woollen or silk articles. This exciting exhortations before the industry of handloom-weaving is cap -' Duma, was singing the Marseillaise able' of indefinite extension. Ten thou- and beai.-ig a transparency of red sand returned Anzacs can be profit- cloth and gold letters proclaiming the ably, engaged, to the benefit of every -Russian Republic. wearer of clothes.:From.this small `The Marseillaise had been turned beginning may grow activities which' into a Russian hymn. The.wonderful would:' end the importation' of shoddy French marching songs caressing words, in the rich Russian language, passed over soldiers and citizens of all: classes: "Friend soldier, friend workman," the meaning pointed by the lack in the Russian language of the word "citizen," the word "friend" replacing' it. - Fat:; across the impenetrable throng the formal words were spoken, and just at dark the crowd began facing toward the cross, uttering a prayer in the impressive silence. And afterwards, the great restless city, unpoliced, slept safely and tranquilly in the arms of democracy. ,Then Your Eyes Need Care t.Ne,lrurineEyearedieine. No Sin arting—Feels Fine—Acts Quickly. Try it for Red, Weak, Sore Eyes anidGranulated Eyelids. Murine is compounded by our Oculists—nota "Patent lifedlciae" but used insuecessfn1Piicsicia:no' Practice for many years. ',Now dedicated to the Public and sold by Druggists at 50e per Bottle. Murine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tube Mc and 50e. Write for book of the Eye ,Fre& Morino Eye Remedy Co-noany, Chicago. Ads. Since the tear began the British and Foreign Bible Society las distributed among the soldiers and sailors and in- terned 'prisoners of the countries at war, more than 5,500,000 copies of the Scriptures in fifty different languages. me a box of Baby s Own Tablets as I would not care to be without them. I have used them for constipation and vomiting and am well pleased with the cloth from overseas, and the happy resettlement of every -soldier who has no taste for farming,' but prefers town employment. Properly organized a cottage industry like this, which has no limit except the readiness, of the people, to buy and wear good cloth. This suggestion offers the happiest. solution of one of the most puzzling problems that will fall for solution hi the future: What shall we do for our heroes, returned from the war? There is this answer: Set them to weaving good cloth—order it and wear it! STOMACH MEDICINES ARE DANGEROUS DOCTORS NOW ADVISE MAGNESIA Just how dangerous it is to indiscrrnr- inately dose the stomach with'drugs and bismuth etc after piping yellow crepe men, also in khaki with hat br• ims', -pepsa e tab - trimmed with wool embroidery. The turned up at the side, and sometimes smock hung unbelted over the skirt to with a swirl of feathers s drooping over the knees, after the manner of most the crown. Australians—and typical garden smocks. The red and Yellow bushmen,strong, as hickory,.P g says an ,,eombinatibn in this smock showed American visitor to London. the influence of the Indian colorings, These are the men of the Anzac one of the new notes in sports clothes. army. These are the men who fought Tlie sketch of a waist and skirt through the terrible landing at Suvla shows one of the Paisley chiffon Bay, in Egypt and in Flanders. waists combined with plain chiffons and a skirt of broadcloth, with pockets at the side gores and two box pleats at the center back. These patterns may -be obtained from your local McCall dealer or from The McCall Co. 70 Bond St. Toronto. Dept. W. FLY OVER OCEAN IN TWO DAYS. Fokker Airplane Inventor Lets Loose Some Predictions. Herr Fokker, the builder of one of the most successful military flying machines used in the German and Austrian armies, predicts an era of aerial passenger traffic after the war. Speed, he says, is bound to make air- craft a popular vehidle of travel, but meals, and the folly of tills drugging- Is not apparent until, perhaps years after- ward, when It is found that gastric ul- cers have almost eaten their way through the stomach walls. Regrets are then unavailing; it is in the early stages when indigestion, dyspepsia, heartburn, flatulence, etc., -:indicates ex- cessive acidity of the stomach and fer- mentation of food contents that precau- tion should be taken. Drugs and, medi- cines are unsuitable and often danger- ous—they have little or no influence, up The other day I met an Anzac who on the harmful acid, and that 1s why !doctors are 'discarding them and advis had'survived the curious experience ing sufferers from indigestion and stom- of being hit by a shell and'blown tech trouble to get rid of the dangerous acid and • keep the food contents bland about a hundred feet into the air. He l and sweet by taking a little pure bisura-: had a perfect recollection of all that ked magnesia instead. Bisurated fag had' happened up to' the moment of be- ing nesia Is an absolutely pure anti struck. "I was visiting another .man's dug- out at Silvia," said he, "and after a few warm drinks, started to go home. The Turks ,had been fairly quiet all day, and now the night • was extraor- dinarily dark. "I' blundered along the sloppy, un- paved footway, hurrying uneasily in the direction of a patch of paint pale blotches that I took to be the tomb- stones in our little burying ground. "From somewhere behind me came a faint moaning sound. I stepped for - There's a good way to keep growing boys and girls healthy and happy and that is to give them rape -Nuts for breakfast. This wonderfully nourishing food has a sweet, nutty flavor that makes it popular with children. One of the few sweet foods that does not harm digestion, but builds therm strong and bright. .A� grocors es,verywher.. which can be readily obtained from; ani" drug store. it is absolutely harmless, is practically tasteless and a teaspoonful taken in a little warm or cold water af- ter meals, will usually he found Quite sufficient to instantly neutralize exces- sive acidity' of the stomach and prevent all possibility of the food fermenting. A PATH OF GOLD. Interest of War Loans Amounted to £38,445,856 for 1914-15. The cost of the war has now reached such a fabulous amount that the or- dinaty mind fails to grasp the 'signi- ficance of the millions of pounds which are daily mentioned in the papers. It has been announced that the in terest•on the debt created by the war loans of 1914-15 amounted , to f38,- 445,856, or 8192,229,280 for the finan- cial year which ended last March. Supposing it were possible to place a line of sovereigns which represented this amount close together, the line would about reach from London to In- verness. If a man were invited to pick up each sovereign separately, and he was able to lift thirty sovereigns every minute, and worked five hours a clay, it would take him about twelve years to pick them yup, working every day of the year."' Or a footbridge could be built across the Channel, from Dover to Calais, nearly two feet wide, the sur- face of which could be laid with Bove- reigns as close as possible, and this Would only represent the amount of Interest payable in one financial ,year for the loans created' in 1914-15. MONEY ORDERS DOMINION "Express Orders are on Sale in five thousand ofi'iees thr.ough- out `Canada. The man who does no more tbans he is paid for will never get paid for any more than he does. li'.Snard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia, The young bride: "What small eggs !" : Grocer: "Yes, they're not very large:" Bride: "I suppose they took them out of the nest too seon:" o—o—o—o—o--o-- o-o-o—o—o— c—o LI ANY CORN LIFTS OUT, DOESN'T HURT A BIT! No foolishness! Lift your corns and calluses off with fingers —It's likemagic! Sore corns, hard corns, soft cornea or any kind of a corn, can harmlessly be lifted right out with the fingers if you apply upon the corn'.. few drops of freezone, says a Cincinnati authority. For 'little cost one can get a small bottle of freezone at any drug store, which will positively rid one's feet of every corn or callus without pain, This simple drug dries the moment it is appliedand does not even irri- tate the surrounding skin while ap- plying its or afterwards. This announcement will interest many of, our readers. If your drug- gist hasn't any freezone tell hitn to' surely get a'small bottle for you from his wholesale drug house. At the beginning of the war Great Britain had about three-qual'ters of all the world's merchant shipping, lidina d'tr Liniment Cares • Burns, Eto. BD. 7. ISSUE 18-=.'17:' 'MYSTERIES OF SCIENCE. Many Hlidden:jadiueitcee That Are Not Yet Understood, The most remarkable feature in the motion of the planet Mercury, says :a moderkn astronomer, is that when it is nearest the sun it travels faster than it should if it moved only by the-, at- traction of the known bodies of the solar system. Astronomers have long sought an explanation. of the aeceler- ated motion. The influence may pos- sibly proceed from some other un- known planet revolving within its -or bit. Whatever the cause, the effect is unmistakable. There ate hidden influences that as yet are a deep mys- tery to the astronomer. Science is full of things similarly inexplicable. They are all about us, calling to mind the word spoken in'the old time to one incredulous because of a the mys- tery of religion. "The wind bloweth where it listeth, thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh and wither it go- eth." The mysteries of science are as inexplicable as those of religion; Life is full of hidden influences that im- pinge on the spirit of man and are unmistakable in their working. Says She Suffered ForMany v Years 4'14. !wIIt 4PFtllMNae'l.yl4 pl[/CII4Nl f}YSiLLEIT COMPANY'00MR �16I� TORONTO ANT. m"'�Y''' Used for making hard and soft soap, for. softening water, for clean- ing, disinfecting and for over 500 ether purposes, narusn SU:mu-u . C•.W.O1LLETr COMPANY 'LIMf1ED TORONTO 4,1,; Dust on Oceans Floor. Then Dodd's Kidney Pills Cured Her Kidney Troubles Mrs. Felix Ascah Found No Relief in "Doctors -or R- ospital Treatment, but Dodd's Kidney Pills Brought a Speedy Cure. Haldimand, Gaspe Co., Que., Mar. 26th (Special).—Mrs. Felix. Ascah is telling her numerous friends here that her complete recovery from kidney disease from which she suffered for years is due to: the splendid work of Dodd's Kidney Pills. "My trouble started from'a strain," Mrs. Ascah says. "I suffered for years. I was attended by a doctor and was also treated at a hospital. I suffered from stiffness in the joints, I had a bitter taste, especially in the morning, and at times was subject to severe headaches. I had a pressure and. often a sharp pain at the top, of my head and my skin itched and burn- ed at night. "Neither from the doctor nor at the hospital did I'get any permanent re- lief. Then I started to use Dodd's Kidney Pills and two boxes 'raid me so much good I feel like recommending them to everyone who has kidney trouble." Dodd's Kidney Pills cure sick kid- neys. Cured kidneys strain all the impurities, all the seeds of disease, out of the blood. That makes good Health all over the body. ' That's why those cured are so enthusiastic in regard to Dodd's Kidney Pills. Horrible! Gallant but absentminded Scot (dur I ing a. gas attack)—Crikey ! That re- Minds Inc. A b'lleve a left-' the gas burnin' at hame the day a joined up ! Marion Bridge, C. B., May 80, '02. I have handled MINARD'S LIN- IMENT during the past year. It is always the first Liniment asked for here, and unquestionably the best seller' of all the different kinds of Liniment I handle. NEIL FERGUSON. Artificial Wind. Speeds. Wind speeds as high as seventy-one miles an hour are produced artificially in_ a Paris aerodynamic laboratory where model aeroplanes are tested. MICA AXLE GREASE makes ;miles shorter, pulling easier, friction less. It's the Mica. Mica puts the e -a -s -e in grease. THE IMPERIAL OIL COMPANY Limited BRANCuss entito.;GT•IQUT CANADA It is believed that to an enormous extent the bed of the ocean: is covered with lava and pumice' stone. Still, more remarkable is' it to find the floor of the ocean covered in many parts with the dust of meteorites. These bodies whirl about in the heavens: like miniature comets, and are for the most part , broken into innumerable fragments. aiinard's Liniment Cures Dandruff. Smith: "I'rn working aver in the munitions, factory, making ammunition for the Germans." Brown: "For the Gerznans ?" Smith: "Why, we send it over to the boys in the trenches, and they shoot it over Min.ar3's Liniment tor Bale everywhere. 'OB SALE. OR SALE' `CHEAP—GOOD BOAi2D- ing; House in Owen Sound, In good. repair, good location.. Near Depot and Factories. Apply i?, McGrath. Executor, Transeona, Man. 11117FVEPAPPIPS ]rola BALI: ��.ROFIT-11AKINQ NWS AND JOS Offices for sale: in good Ontario. towns.. The *lost useful and: interesting of all businesses. Full information-oa application to Wilson Publishing Com- ' akar, 73 \Vest Adelaide Street.; Toronto. AIISOELLANTF[OVS 'CYCLES, NEW .Ni)'' SECOND JLP Band. $12.00 up. Send for special. price list. Varsity Cycle Works, 413 Spading Ave., Toronto., ��..0A ICER, TUMORS, ` LUMI's. ETC., / internal and external. -cured 'with- out pain by our home treatment. Write as before too late: Dr. Penman Medical Co.. Limited, Collfngwood, Ont. ;t earB ' Qo talo t �� P Por Lit Boiler feed 'Waters Cyclone "Shaking and ]camping Grate Rat's for all requirements Canadian Steam 'Boller "Equipment o.. Limit :.(1 Tel. Gerrards 3660 20 ricG-'ee tit. - Toronto. 1 The Soul of a Piano 9s the Action. Insist on the "OTTO H9 EL.39 PR�® pp O ACTION eaa America's Pioneer Dog Remedies BOOK ON DOG DISEASES And How to Feed Mailed free to any address by the Author H. CLAY CLOVER CO, Inc. 118 West 31st Street, New York NoNeed To Rub! FOR stiff sore muscles apply Sloan's Liniment to the pain or ache, it quickly penetrates and soothes without rubbing. Rheumatism, gout, lumbago, neuralgia, sprains and bruises are quickly relieved by House. Cleaner and more promptly effec- live than mussy plasters or ointments, it does not stain the akin or clog the pores. The family medicine chest in thousand. of homes has a place for Sloan's Linirnent. At all druggists, 25c. 50c, and $1.00. ___________ GOLT You ran prevent this neetli orae dtsease frons running through your stahio end dare all the colts aulYering with it when��y a begin the treatment, No matter holy young. I�l4K.N.'� t ape O Use on9ski dolt. It Is wonderful how it L {tt td��ng d 0'; X' ep lis AAli,�t otdt<ru1gggi is {andithorses tf geode' Aelfell, e � Situ 1M Y drown rotzlrZCAL 00., Ohemieta' , (layaway anal., tri S. A.