The Exeter Advocate, 1917-3-15, Page 8-�e pralaaraMirink EXETER gAEKETs CHANGED EACH wrn.rissemt Oats per bus. „ 55 to 60 Bran. 40,00 Sugarbeet Pulp, per ton 30,00 Creamery butter — — 46 boy ,to- team printing at the Adva cate WAN IED—General house work — compete.nt maid, good wages Small family grown up.—MRS E. N. LEW- WANTED—Experienced girl Car general housewiork, no washing, cr,00d Box 5G5, Londoa, Ont, SEE WALL PAPERS IN Your, OWN HOME.—I wish to announce that I have a complete line of sam- ples of importe.d and 'ether Wall Papers which I am anxiaus ta show you. Wald left at my home or at Lawson's Jewellery Store, or Haw-. kin's Hardware Store, will bring me to your home in the evening to- show them to you.—BERT. CLARK, The Main Street Epworth Leyue have decided "to give a character sketch .entertainment, entitled dThe Minister's Brid.e," on April .fourth. SEED OATS FOR SALE.—A- quan- for sale free of, all weed seen>, Price $1.20 a bushel. Apply to E. Broderick. 2nd Con. Hay, R. R. -No. Pte. Thos. Pritchard af GoderiCh, one aC the •original Priacess' Pats, who has returned from, the trenches, has composed two patriotic songs, "The Call' and "The Girl From Huran", Copies may be secured from him or from S Martin & San for 15c. HOUSE FOR SALE A splendid Brick House an Main Street. Exeter, modern conveniences, 2 Lets of Land; goad barn and gar- age; her. house good garden and plen- ty of bruit, For terms apply at the house 'J. SCOTT, Proprietor. CASH COAL BUSINESS.— Atter the first day of April our Coal Busi ness will be conducted on a strictly cash basis.—H, T. ROWE, Exeter. CASH FOR COAL—After April 1 of this year our Coal Business will be conducted on a strictly cash basis. We ,expe•ct all. oue fuel accounts to be settled before May 1st next. -- GEORGE MANTLE, e.xeter. A MUSICAL EDUCATION may be had by applying to W. M. Clarke, Organist and Choir Master, James Street Methodist Church, and Representative of London (Eng.) Col, - lege of NIusic. Apply far terms, etc. and prepare for June exaMinations, Terms Tre:xlerate. Albsubjecis taught. Primary grade to Mus. Bac. eleeree taught. Just a few vacancies. HOUND LOST.—Black and tan, a year old, with white breast; answers to the name of ."Rock". Party re- turnieg him to the owner will be suitably rewarded.— Thps. Rowcliffe, Exeter. CORN CONTRACTS . The Exeter Canning and Preserving Company is now ready to "c.ontract with farmers for grawing corn .for the season of 19171 Apply at the factory. Exeter Canning & Pres, Co. Ltd, MARI ee 16, 4817 ete LOCAL DOINGS. Miss Ada has far reee.a.. erect from her reCent illness, as te be out again. DEATH OF WILLIAM HARDING —In his 83rd year, William Harding one of our -meet teSteerned ,and , best know resident s passed' 'away an Thursday last, about 3 o'clock. _The deceased hau been in failing health far the past few years, but his cein4 dition did not take on a serious turn until a 'fea days previous to his de- mise, when, following cold, his trouble develaped into pneumania,and his already enfeebled eonstitution gave way under the strain, and he passed peacefully away, as stated above. Deceased was born on the Sth day of September, 1833, in Kent County, England. At about 21 years of age he left his -native land for Canada first settling near St. Thames After remaining , abaut three years, he moved to 1 ryconnell, where he - engaged in the hotel business', and same ten years later timed to the 6th concession of Usbarne, where he Canned for a number ef years, prey- ialaS to moving la Exeter about 40 year.- aga, Fifty-four years ago he married Mrs. Ann Brimacambe, who predeceased him about 14 years. He was a member of jellies Street Meth- odist church, and when ia health was. regular -and faithful in his devotions. 3,1c. Hardin°. Was industrious, good flat used andb thrifty, and strictly hon- orable lin his dealings. He numoered bet friends as _many and made no, en- emies. The deceased took a deep interest in public matters, and for several years was elected to the Ex- eter Council Board, where his good judgment ,and careful admin4stration oC affairs were highly creditable. in politics he was a staunch Conserv.' - eve and was a valued member of the Canadiar Order of Foresters, under whose auspioes the funeral was con- ducted on Saturday afternoon, to the Exeter cemetery, Rev. A A., Trump- erai was private. The Logic Circle intend holding their annual bazaar ,and -entertainnizat on the' afternoota and evening °Uri - day, March 30th, "THE COUNTRY DOCT.OR."— This laughable and interesting play will be put on in the Exeter Dome• Theatte on Friday, March 16th„ at 8 o'clock in., by the Hurondale Pat- riotic League. ,Proceeds to go to the Exeter Patriotic._ League. Admission 25c, Everybody come and bringeome one -else to have a goad laugh. You are invited to our Spring .Mill- ineey openings ori Friday and Salur4 day March 23rd and 24th. Having purchased out. Spring Stock at a bar- gain Fe are in a position to give our Customers the Latest StYles -at Rea- sonable Prices.— E. CURLISS.. Don't. for get Gib Dow's Auction Sale of Horses and young Cattle on Saturday 'March 17th.. Sale at .Dow's FP.5111, east of the Metropolitan Flotel. MILLINERY OPENINGS—The lat- est .fashion.; in Spring Millinery will be shawn in Mis.s Armstrong's Mil- linery Parlor on and after Friday, March 23rd. SPRING MILLINERY OPE'N'INGS. —On and after March 23rd and 24th —showing all the latest styles .3.f. the season. All in and around Exeter are cordially "invited to call.— A. Mc - DONALD. THE QUALITY STORE.—Try us, It we please you, tell others", H not, " 400 TONS SALT -400 tons at line Land -and Cattle Salt 107* sale. All grades $5,50 per toe." 50c. per bag. EXETER SALT WORKS Co., Ltd J Sutton, Manager.. BUSINESS COLLEGE Airna Block, 361 Richmond Street LONDON. Pia0NE 5875. Courses --Commercial ptenotypewriting, Isaac Pitman Shorthand,' and Civil Service CourSe DAY CLASSES—Students may enter any day. NIGHT CLASSES—NIonday, Wednesday and Friday, 7.30 to 9.30 Individual Instruction. -AllOwance made for Railway Fares W J. O'Brien, Commercial Specialist, Principal (Formerly of Exeter. For Further Particulars Apply at this Office. The Engilie of constant Service Absolutely -Quaranteed The Lightest Running Blosvers made Beware of imitations and infringmenttg. infinitely suPerior. Ask Wm. Frayne, Exeer,.Agent or write GILSON MPG, 0.09*285 York St. GuelPh Ont. ead Letter PIONIT NO. 32 AM FOR IMPHEYS ,evfir husband has metered for some time with lame back ana noy troubles.' Ho became so bad that work 'Isle alnicat. inspossible and he had tried so many remedies and got uc relief that he had be. come disccr raged. sample box. '1:!'ey did him, so ynuch good that be got six. boxes and will continue ta':ing thorn • until he M entirely cured, Mrs. James liarris." Writs for free sample to NATIONAL DNHO & CHEMICAL 00. Or CANADA, LIMITED Toronto,. Ont. 55 New Novelties Every Week -WE SELL THE Ch,LEI3RATED NOR.THWAY GARMENTS, • New Spring' Suits A Swell Range of the Season's Best aurribers—Black, NavY, Brown, Green and Silk Suits, Our Suits' are well lenewn for their good wearing and shape keepin.g qualities. The. Cloths are good and the Styles right' up -la -date New Spring Coats We are. showing all • the Novelty 'Styles in. Spring Coats—Sport Coats Motor Coats; and -Movie Silk Coats—Checks, Plaids and Tweed Effects are the leaders': You -see our displ ey to get the correct ideas.* - SOLDIERS' AID SOCIETY,— We wish to thank the- peoPle• of towdand country ,for their help in "making the Bazaar it success, for their monthly donations, and. for 'their splendid work sewing and kni,tting. Kindly bring tin socks and pyjamas Monday. We pack 'Tuesday, Donations reeetv- ed,—Miss 'May Jones $5, A friend for Belgian Relief $5, Mrs. M.C. Clarke County Council Dec. $21.11, -Feb. $33.78; ,Town grant $40.00, Contrib- ution. bags for January $60.57; for February $66.61; Lecture $22.42; the Bazaar $200.24; membership $10.00 ; Mrs. Wm. May 2 pair socks, Mrs. Murray, Miss Brown, 1 pair socks ; A friend, 5 pillows and slips; a.friend 9 knit wash rags; Mrs. Clarke ,a lady of .nearrly ninety, .7 knit wash rags; 510.09' was sent to the Belgian Re- lief Fund; 590.00 was sent for re - adoption of three prisoners Ger- many, who report getting parcels in good shape. The girls are having knitting contest to last a naontla. The yarn will be given out by, Miss Lulu Martin and Miss Kathleen Stewart, the. two captains. Regular meetings' the first and third Mondays-- in thc Library. DYED. LONDON.—On March eth the death took place in London of a former resident of Exeter and Dash- wood in the person of Frederick DeariAg, (in mestake last week stated as John Dearing), son of the late Ab- rahani Dearing af Exeter, at the age of 3.4 years. Deceased had been taoubled with a heavy _cold for sev- erai weeks. which developed into pneumonia' and death -followed in lour days He conducted a baking busi- ness in Dashwoad for several years, and only went to London last fall to work -in 1HcCormick's. The re -mains were broueli here Wednesday even- ing and taken to Dashwood, where the funeral took place Thursday afternoon to Bronson lin.e cemetery. He IS sur- vived by ,Iiis wife, Christena Stier, anci low children under five years of age Four brothers and five sisters also survive, John of liespeler, Abe o! Grand Bend, Walter Londan, Henry anu Mrs. Chester Stanlake of Exeher, Mrs. 'Harry Smith at Landau. Walter and Mrs. Smith attended the funeral Miss Hay Wood was in. London, on Tuesday. The Misses Carling were in Lon - Miss Thelma Skinner was home from Londen over Sunday. Mr W. W. Taman was in Lothdon Tuesday' on business , Cram a visit inn Lon,don Mrs j A. McDoeald is visiting in St '.i. homes for a month Miss A. Weekes 'visited in Guelph for a week, returning Monday.. Mrs J. L. Burwell is v:seting ;n Pres ton ,and Union for a few weeks Mr (Reg Elliot of Norwich spent a" few dayl, with welativds here. Mrs -Cliff Spackman and ihildren returned to Guelph on Tuesday colt were in London an Saturday. Mrs Marshall Bax- an.d friend, Mrs, Dickeou have returned to -Parkhill, Miss Myrtle Redwell of Ailea Craig was here over Sunday with her sis- mre Amos and her sister, Mrs, Van stone have returned from attending the funeral or the late Mr. Tilley in Toronto . Miss I-laseings returned from London Business College on, Saturday and on Monday took a position :n the Canadian Beak of 100mrnea-ce at Exeter Mr and 'Vies. Abe Bagshaw who,, have been. residing in London for eeeeral months, arid wha recently sold -their hausehold effects, spent part of la week with trelativeS in toWn, prior to returning to -the wes,t " where they MrS; (Dr;) Lindsay, atter aviett DoW left Satufday on her return 'to, (the. S D. Hewitt, Who will visa VOxicton for a,olne Months, in the `absenOu of Dr, I-Tewitt, who returned tiw trent this week, Wash Goods for Spring Never before have we shown such an elaborate and \yell selected dis- play ..of Spring and Summer Finery. • Large SpoV Tussah silk. Large Striped Tussah Silk ,Large Spot Silk Mull • Plain Colored Silk Mull Checked ,Basket Cloth Palm Beach Suiting Plain White Voile. Striped White Voile Striped Coloreid Voile Dresden Colored Voile Fanc y Colored Voile Gaberdine Suiting And a big variety of every goods- on the market. 'Specials tor this week $2.95 RUGS A good heavy Axminster Rug 27x5.4 inches. Regular $3,75, for $2.95 Only 12 to, sell 3 pieces heavy, yard 'wide The last for- 12%c. a yard. 10c. TURKISH TOWELS 6 dozen only, A good large Turkish Towel for one week at 10c, each 98c. MEN'S HEAVY UN'WEAR Jiist to make, room we will sell 5 Dozen Men's Heavy Ribbed Underwear at 98c. each Wall Paper DON'T MISS SEEING OUR BIG STOCK OF NEW WALL PAPERS JONES & MAY Lhadquarters for the celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothipg PHONE 56 "FOR , Washboards, SCrub Brushes, and Soaps CHOICE GROCERIES ALWAYS LETTUCE AND GREEN ONIONS, Wilson's Grocery Small quantity of SEED OATS AND* BARLEY for sale . The Stor We have- Roasts, and we have Stew We have Tongues and 13e.ef Hearts too We sell Meat at any hour, • Satisage MINUS Potata Flour; Come and try them You will buy them; Sausage MINUS Potato Flottr, R. Phone 18 ower &Son Tailorocl S111.1 111[1 Coal • OF FIRST INTEREST WHEN THE OLD ONE GETS WORN OUT. FHE SrYLES ARE VARIED TO MEET DIFFERENT TA,STES COATS AR.E LONGER SKIRTS ARE ,ALSO LONGER Our- New Goods are here. Good 'range to -choose from.— MADE TO YOUR 1MEASI.TRE. SEE, OUR NEW COATINGS FOR LADIES, PRICES—$17.00 AND UP." We also have a nice range of Men's Over .Coatings and Suitings. GIVE US A CALL LADIES AND GENTS' TAILOR Stand Upstairs, Opposite the Central Furniture and Undertaking THE FUNERAL DIRECTOR .AND FURNITURE DEALER Tea & Coffee Store For the choice'st groeeries, fruits, spices, teas, coffee and every- thing. in the grocery line. Call and see us, .A trial as to quality will convin- ce. Produce taken in exchange Jas. Gould °Pres Electric ligltt Plant '..Ezetor,...,...B-.0g04.0. O'`(.51st SPRING STYLES ARE ARRIVING AND BEING 'PLACED IN Thrices are som,ewhat higher; but early- buying ' helped 'us' secure sam,e. extrit good values. We •will be pleased' to show poll .the goods ' and dem6Ostrate their 'Merits, Mi GI