HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1917-3-15, Page 1• Unite aces crrning vessels, ri sh ca.:tui'e ;Bagdad artd advance' in. the: West, Subscribe to t/ie Canadian War Loan,;'. THIRTIETH YEAR.. 'EXETER,, ONTARIO,• Ti RSI)A'Y MA ,.'. 1917 SANDEkS & CREEci} ur Corner. '1)oi't eat all the potatoes.. :deep enough Tor seed. It maybe hard to get next May. Canada's third war .loan—this afro for $150,000,000 — is now before the public. It is your duty :to subscribe and help finance the • war, Read the adviertiseinent an another pa,gte. 1'n an endeavor to avoid accidents the Ontario Safety League advises drivers of vehicles to use extra pre- cautions when neer any of the schools .when children are' 'on,- the roadway \when approaching at ossings ar corners when crossing a track, and when 'the ,roads are, wet or slippery", It is. weir to remember that pates toes da not keep for several • 'years By the middle of July they will. be starting an the new ones. Old ones, will then be of little use. Th•e best repents say there are lots of pata- toe.' to come on the market'. yet, and already• they have been offered in car lilts in Exeter at $2,85 to $3,25 a bag. If we had a few hundred bus- hel:; we would like to get out from under sight now.' --o A' call has ,gone out for increased • production un 1917, and townspeople are urged to cultivate every .acre of • waste land. Ifeverybody who • can will do his bit in. this way, it will. help keep down the cost of living -and.' the exercise itself will add to the g,en.er_ al health of those who employ their, • spare hours in cultivating a garden, or in raising poultry or in any other way that produces food -stuffs. Look about you now and see if you can- not help others by helping yourself. 'Self-help is mare blessed than self denial TAMAN'S PHONE 81a i Mnde In 'Indy. Be. Wise on Hats THIS SEASON WE ARE SHOW ING LINES OF HATS, SUCH AS WE HAVE NEVER SHOWN BE- FORE. ` OUR RANGE FOR SPRING IS ABSOLUTELY• THE LARGEST BEST ASSORTED WE HAVE EV- ER HAD IN BTOCK. • THE PRICES TOO• WILL SUIT EVERYBODY. • THE ILLUSTRATIONS' HERE - WITH WILL GIVE YOU !SOME IDEA OF THE HATS, BUT 1 HE BEST WAY IS TO • COME IN AND HAVE A LOOK AT THE HATS, TRY THEM ON, AND MAKE AN EARLY CHOICE. WE KEEP ALL' THE OTHER MEN'S .FURNISHINGS AS WELL SHIRTS, TIES". COLLARS BRACES GLOVES, SOCKS, ETC., AND THE MADE -TO -MEASURE AND • ALSO RDY 'I 0 -WEAR CLOTHES. Tailor .Furna h • r, P,Ho1 J The Government has " assured : the that the Pension Act for teachers teachers !will become law. this session. It is 'claimed that it will induce the very best, men rand' women to enter add remain in the profession, Read the advertiseinents in this issue rn agriculture and produclioa, Seed may be dear, feed may be! dear, be]e may be scarce, and labor high, but nevertheless it is the bounden duty or every man, woman and child to produce food stuffs For the Em- pire, Read the ads. They tell you what to produce to best serve : your country.. The 'British continue to advance in the- west this week, and are prepar- ing all the ground behind them. as they go: The capture. of Bagdad on the Tigris .is welcome news,. and spe lls the end of the German -dream to dom- inate the East, The British and 'the Russian:; will soon join forces in this' theatre at war. The coming of the hot _weather _ will retard operations in this quarter however. The subs. are still busy sinking the merchant ships of the. Allies and of neutrals, These 'sinkings are not reported every day by the British. but Germany claims they are 'many, Unified- States ships will soon sail. the seas again, after being tied 1,Ip for six weeks. -.When theydo go forth they will be armed with guns to protect themselves from subs. The Boys in Khaki —_..per.... Pte. Wm Davis of the 63 Battery, London, was home over the week end with. hit• parents,• Pte Thomas B•rimacombe at Lan- don is taking a seven day leave oe absence owing- to an operation on his tonsils , Pte. Cecil Pickard of "the Dental Corps Toronto:, who leaves far 'over- seas ,shortly, was here, visiting his patrenfs last week. Private Fred Brimacombe writing Exam England to his parents says he is not allowed to go to . France be- cause of the age, but has been given a jab as orderly - 'tri. the Brigade office 1 am sending you some pictures, I met llmore Harness yesterday at the hospita: and am going to take over the Exeter paper to him. I was glad to get a look at an. Exeter paper once more. Elrnore's right leg i= stiff - Mr. Silas Brokenshire oft • March 8 received two reassuring letters re- garding the injuries sustained by his son Pte Arvia Brokenshire on Feb. 12th The letters. were dated Feb.1.5. The hospital correspondent writes as follows —"Alva in No 26 General Hospital, France, wounded in both legs flesh wounds only, doing as well as can be expected and has the best of care," Arva himself writes, "Left, leg not bad; right mare iunfortunatee will take some time to heal. Expect to move to Blighty s•oon." Blighty is Tommy Atkins' affectionate name for England - A letter to Wm. Ewington from his bffbthei Ted, +wtho is with H.M.S. But • terfly •iii Mesopotamia, says the fight- ing is becoming fierce out there, but it is a rotten country to scrap in, They say it is lhelf 8n 'Fa-ance,, but Ala' worse here on account- of the heat and the lack of water. At present it is fairly cool at 100 degrees inthe sun, but soon if will be 150. It is rank waste to send grub here as it is .rotten 'before it reaches us, al- though we would like' to have. it. The fighting in France its only a game to what it is here, If you get wounded ut Fa.ar ce you are home in England in. 48 hours but if you stop; one nere you have to grin and bear it. Just fancy 1200. of our chaps laid out wounded for 72, hours and could not get a drink of water to them. Well, 'it is all war I expect, but it is awful just the same. , Local News • Mr. Wm. Dauncey has been on the sick list. Miss Olive Prior has beer'']ll dur ing the week. Grippe has made itself felt in most homes in town, • Mr „Wm. Greenlee was laid oft duty last week owing tq Illness. Mrs. Ed, Jones has purchased the house in which she has been residing en Station -street frim Mr. C Gttefle. Some rains and ,mold weather have reduced the snow considerably ' and made wheeling more popular than sl eighing. Late trains seem to be a coarnnion complaint withnearly all passengers,. Our evening train is any where from a half to an hour ,late' almost always, Mr, .E Hewitt has purchased • the residence of Mr, R. Quanco, ir,, on Gilley Street Mr. Quince has mav-` e'd into :the treso'idence adjoining to the west. 0. Rev, Mr Sharp is. in Toronto this week to undergo an operatiorr 'and during his absence his lather -in-law,. Rev, Nichol Will 'occupy his pulpit .in Cadeit' Church, Mrs, (Dr,) 1V1cGilhi,cuddy liar • ie- ceived .world that her friend,' Miss Johnston, nurse in England, has been decorated with . the R. R. C, the Rev. .Mr, Baird has been confined to the. house 'through illness during eet 111r. Rd, on vy. art se, ur ck '6f rt - ort its ti- ara n= tc tar lie s e, es. ..a ast d- na the week, His pulpit in James Str Church was -occupied by Rev. Knight of Hensall on Sunday; Mr. ,Victor Snell of the London South, while driving into town IFridayhast,' had a valuable. hea horse drap dead on the road; He failure its suppos.e.d to be the eau ' Mr. Ed. Short of • Stephen has p chased Mr. Albert Carom's bri residence on Malin Street, south Huron, and 'will move to town sho ly We. welcome Mr. and Mrs. Sh to aur midst. • With this issue 'the Advocate st another bright contttnued story, enti ed "Between Cousins; ar, A Decl ation of War, It will be found wo derfutly interesting and lovers -of f tion should net -miss it. Mr. W m ` Ward, who held an at tion sale 61 his stack at Farqu on Tuesday, is moving to town,,, having taken Mr, W J. Beer's sins' recently vacated by Mr. Percy Giil -We 'welcome elconae Mr and Mrs. Ward Exeter • Mr Eli Snell was in Londan 1 week.. consulting a specialist regar ing the trouble he has be -en havi, with pia foot. The specialist infart ed tdri-- that nothing could be- do, iit the way of a cure, and that trouble .would be permanent, but was not so serious as to cause ;alar The spring assizes are; now an Goderich. There are only two -e cases that of T. J. Berry of Hens against A. 1-. Cooper of Clinton f libel, The plaintiff claims $5000 da ages far publishing false statemen in the Free Press. and Adoertiser, the .other. being a wiill. case. 'There is one criminal case, that of Ferdinand` Disjardtne of Stephen, charged yvi,th culpable homicide in connection' with the. death of his wife. The Executive of the Huron War Contingent As.sociat_on met in the Library, +Exeter, on Saturday. The six months'' work was fully discussed and found very satisfactory each mon- th showing an improvement. It w decided to secure a room in the 13 von Sanitarium, to be called • I -fur Room. It was also decided to sen sox to the men of the 161st Batta ion the first week in April. Any "d nations of money, oi- sox; will be ep preciated, The Red Cross Society t Hyman Hall, London, have' expresse their- appreciation` of the work. dog by the association,—Mss. Fitton, Co responding Secretary. - -0—• — FORMER RESIDENT DEAD ---Th death occua-red at her home, Londo: on March 7th of a former reside of Exeter, Mrs. Jennie Parkinsan,rel ict of the late James Parkinson, .wh some years ago conducted a panel store business in the building no; occupied by Mr. Richard' Murphy. D ceased will be remembered by he many* i riends here. The funeral t^ place in Londan on Friday. T1- 71.0 •le he it m• in -el ' all or. d1I- ts Exeter Council Exeter, Monday M,ar, 12,' A regular -meeting of t'he Municipal council with- all members present, ]YT luutes of'the meeting hold Feby, 26th, were read and approved, Re• ports els ,follows,- The auditors report:for the' month! of le'by teas given and on motion; of Day twee. by Harton, the same was. accepted and filed. The following accounts were •rec- ominende1 to lbe 'paid by tate Finance Committee,—J. McDonald, labor cern- etery acct, '2.00; Keith. Ford labor cemetery acct. 1.75; Bell Telephone Co., mesaages 50a; J. Gammage and Sdn, flowers 6,30, ajphe following prepaid acounts were roved.-Exeter- Hydro Electric street lighting 226.75; Library 2.68; Town Hall' 99;, The following letter oe condosane was read and handed to Councillor Horton. - Dear Mr, Harton,— The Municipal council - v' -" I 1 } .rsli to ex press their most sincelre aympat,hyt to you in this your''hour of bereave- ment. We know the, tender !chords of your heart have been touched by t'h'e, loss of your esteemed wife, [t is hard for. us to realize why affliction and death :comes, but it is -a certainty and sooner or" later cornea to us' all. It spurts us on to higher and $.Tetter; things (so that when it is our time to lay down- our armour we may do so knowing that the Master will say Well do ne, good and faithful .ser- vant." Adjournment by Snell, Jos. Senior, Clerk ' gotten. Bird cages, carpet bags :ed other things too numerous to men- tion, which go to make up an old- maid were much ,in evidence, The convention was' held in the usual proper mariner, reading the minutes, reports of committees, reception of candidates, and debates on woman's rights and last , but not least convert- . don. songs.t There is a saying that Music • hath charms to soothe a sav- age, split a rock, or bust a cabbage." The singing was something wonder- ful -the !harmony fierce, but it all worked in fine to the amusement of the audience. Bachelors of this lawn became well advertised and should take heart now, since they know the gia-la want them so much. The Je- bates on dress reform were ,pir',ted and brought forth some wonderful ar- gument; pro and con. It would hr doing Professor Taylor an injustice inot Jo mentioa his make! -over 'Ma- chine When the appeared on the scene the spinsters w,ere very anx tour 1 o be made over into girls of tender years. He worked some •- re- markable changes, •but there was one who- went through the machine its . changed It seems 60 was the age limit. The evening's pertormanuc caused many a laugh_ The Red Cross So_iety is to be congratulated ,rri the success' of the conceal, and lo the ladies who took part we des'.re to convey our thanks, We are sure a return 'engagement would be well pat- ronized. The receipts for the even - in amounted to $116,00. The orch- chestra rendered 'several tine selec- tions during the evesi.ng: USBORNE COUNCIL 'Council •met at Township Hall on March 3rd. Alt members present. The, minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The Reeve was appointed repre- sentative to the South Huron'lBoa.rdi of Agriculture. • Wm. Moody was again appointedito as I manage the township grader at the 3r- same terms qts last year, att 'Pathmasterie were appointed es fol - e' lows,- 1- Div. 1.—Wm. Johns; W. Snell; 0 R. T. Luker; Homer Buswell; Fred' Ford; Ed, 'Castle; F. C. Davits; P; of Hunter; L. Rowcliffe ; Jas. 'C. 'Brook; d "t= m. Brook; G. Miners, E.1" Johns; l.'s R. Johns; R. Jones. r- D •2.—B,. Ma kilts, J. Dick H. Doug- , all.. C'ayton Frayne, L. Oke, A. Dil'l- • ing, Geo: Ferguson, P. Moir Wesley e ' Armstrong, J. 1'. Morgan, John. Bell, 1 J. Allison, Percy ,Stone, 3, •Selvets Wm' it Somerville. Div, 3,—Allen Jacques, W. F, Herrn o Wm. Clements, Sherwood !Brock, , Jr al Hutchison, Wm. H. Penwarden, 1d Berry, 7. Cree•.ry, J. .Manna, M, Greg- e- i ory, D. Dawson, John Moores Ilya Mar -- 'shale r shall, Dan O'Mara. tea J Div. 4.—Geo. Coward, J. Cottle, N, Passmore, Fred Stewart, Alf. Blunkin J A. Bolton, John Stewart, J, - Me _ Nicol, Edgar -Anson, 3, Kay, Dan Haw key, T, 'Ballantyne, R. Dou,pe, Amos, n Doupe, Warren McGill, A few accounts were paid. Councit adjourned to meet April 7th, at one e 'o'clock. Miss .'font has returned- from Tor onto. Mrs, John Wood was in London o Tuesday • Mi. Ge,oige Holman of Egmondviil spent the week end- here. Mr. S Fitton is ,now able to ben for a short time eaclh day. Miss Electa Strong of 'I'oronto vie,. ited Mrs. Fitton over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Luther Penhale vis ited in Si. 'Thomas over Sunday. Mr. and fVlrs. Wm. 'Creech return- ed Tuesday from a visit in Landon, Mr. and, Mrs. H. J Saunders and son oI Toronto are visiting Mrs. ni, Sheere. Mrs. Samuel :Sweet returned Fri- day morning from a visit 'at Wing- ham and Teeswater,. • Mr. and Mrs'. Alex. Grant and child of Fort William are visiting tvith Mr and Mts. Nelson Sheere Mrs. W. C. Searle. of Clinton is visiting 'Mr. 'and MIs. Henry Rey- nolds. Victoria Paris, and other rela- tives. Messr;, Antos Doupe, N. Ogden, W Pincombe, and ,Daniel. Dew went to Goderich on Monday on a call to act a. jurymen Mrs. Evans, Mr, Chas. Brimacambe Mr. Chas. Shute and Mrs.. Ellison of London attended the funeral of the late Mr. Harding. Mr, C, W.? Robinson is this week attending the Annual Meeting of the Grand Lodge of Black Knights of the' Orange Order in Stratford. p F. Morley, Clerk, • CLANDEBO'1E Mr, J. W. I-Iennessey of 'Toronto spent a few day's recently umber the parental roof.—Mr, Garnet Case of Hensatl spent the week -end with rel- atives here. -'The Wonaens' Sewing and; knitting Club held a Red Cross tea at the: !home af Mr's. R. Marlton Tuesday evening, A goodly crowd was in attendance. The proceeds .ire to ,be.. donated to the purchase of yarn far knitting sacks for tate sal - Flynn is recover- frota,her attack of grippe and will be out ,again shortly. -Miss Mere Hoclg - san has returned home Grasp the Hos- pital in London, where she : underwent an ope,ration for tonsil trouble,.—Len- ten service xvtilll be —Len- . :In St, James' Chita -eh Friday eventing, when Rev, -W, Lowe ., m ectoi', will occupy the pulpit, •-•Mr. J. R. Atkinson 'of Paris .,pant a few day's with his brother here,— Mrs Eli Bice and her daughter, Greta a week with '!relatives iln Detroit" M•r Roy Bradley is 'vl sating relatives here.—Mrs and Mrs. Uri Gunniegtia n left for their home .in Canirose, Alta,, Friday after ,speading. a month vVden aelatires hero,—idr, 'Maroon. of Metra. t is visiting with this., parents here,— Mise Della -tnriton of 'Landoin spe:ttt week- itp1 with her parents, Crediton John Lawson is at present quite ill with pneumonia, On account of his advanced age it may prove fatal. • Harold Young, who has learned his trade as tinsmith at Young's Hard- ware, -lett for his home in Mitchell, Sant Finkbeiner of. Sarna visited his mother Sunday. - Lorne Brown of The Darninion Life Assurance Co, staff Waterloo is home for a few weeks to .rest up after spraining his ankle, He is obliged to use crutches to walk around, Frank Taylor and Eli Lawson calve from Exeter the sourer day with their new 1917 Fords :Clayton Sims has been kept busy af late cutting up .wood for towns - men, The bucksaw is almost a `thing of ,the past o,r is it because we don't like work ? One of the resolutions adapted at The Spinster's Convention Friday. night was to boycott Dr. Orme unless he a -educed the price of Talcum Pow- der' We notice .the .' Dr. considers, "Safety Firs 1" the best policy and is offering bargains' to the ladies Mall lines of toilet goods Frank Taylor has become • a popular main almost before he knew it His make- aver machine is going to be a money •linker for him and his tele- phone is ,rin,ging .continually. Anxious ones are anxious for prices to change; the soletnri spinster ,into a blushing rose Frank thinks he ought to pat- ent his ideas, or else some unscrupul- ous person might get ahead of aim andtake advantage of his grand and glorious gilt to rvaniankin•d, "A number 2i-om here attended the box social in Shipka on Tuesday night, Frank Taylor and Clayton Sims sang tt ducts and after the program Frank sold' the' boxes, deriving good Prices, The concert„ given in the 'I'ownfiall last Friday night, under the auspices of the lied Crass Society, was the best held in this town for anally a day The hall was crowded to .; the doors arid standing room was at a. preinium. The program consisted of a play, entitled "The Spinsters' Con- raentuon 'Fixe igiris of the, town put Mt the play„ acid to say they tl%tt it well is putting it niildly,:''''lheir 'cases tome, were . tearfully and "wonderfully i made, We don't Encu where they gat them but eve believe many en At- tic ,\vas searched and trunks and box- es opened which lead been •Irrn,g ifya:,,lei. Ezra Ewald has returned to :Kitch- ener to resume work at the Dominion -Rubber Tu e Factory. A little blacksmith arrived at the home ,of Albert Wolf last week. Gan.-; gratulatians. Alter 'tieing laid- off work for some week.; an account of sickness in the family, Alfred- Link has resumed has resuin ed his trade as barber with tiV A Sambrook, Mr and Mrs, Holmes, , .1 who ilavt•1-' bee•u visiting relatives here for some time have, returned to their home ins Scott Sask. D .u. Oes! reicher is moeeing with. harct luck of late. ,He had ,ust re-- covered nicely from his sickness, whens he fell an the back steps, "'reeking; two ribs. Dan's- many lrieruds hope he will soon be around again, Mr and Mrs. Jahn G. Weld leaves for Detroit this week, inhere Chest will make their future home. Weare- sorry to lose 'them and frust they tt il: 1 ve many years to enjay .t well-- earned rest BIRTHS Aldri: h—:Iia Usborne, on Mar, 11, to Mr and firs, H. Aldrich, a daughter Wo11t:—Ll. Crediton, on Mar. 8, to -Mrs. end Mrs, Albert Wolfe, a son. Li ipet t—At Khiva, an Mar. .11, to Mk and hfrs David Lippert, a son, 5. mart—At Farquhar, on Mar. 14, 10 Mr, arta airs. Jahn Stewart, a dough-• ter, isyn'oad—in Usborne, on Mar, 12t.Ea to Mr and Mrs, Victor Heywood', a son. DEATHS i-lardin r—In Exeter, an, Mar. 8 Wire Bain l -tee aged 83 years, 6 roti. !gearing—in Lorndan, on March hth-, Frederick Dearing, formerly of Exeter and Dashwood, aged 33 yrs„. Blackwell—In Biddulph an Mar. 'ithre Richard Blackwell, aged 68 years, Parkinson—la London, on Mar,, 7th,, Jennie Parkiunson, relict of the later James Parkinson, a former .resident of Exeter. finning -1n Clinton, Mar. 6, Rebecca? Janes, widow of the late John P,i;n- ping, aged - 54 years, 10 months, t3oar —in Clinton, on Mar. 6, George' tio.;re ager 70 years. S. rown & Sons.. Crediton FANCY IMPORTED NO. 1, RED CLOVER, ALFALFA & TIMOTHY FOR SALE EN1 ENSIVE !DEALERS IN MILL FEED, GRAIN, SEEDS, BEANS,, DU'I CH SETS, FLOUR, STOCt: FOOD FLAX SEEDS, and FLAX SEED MEAL, CALF MEAL, c',rliCKEN •FF..ED, ETC. WE SOLICIT ORDERS FOR NO 1 SEED CORN. ORDER nARL';iz TC ENSURE DELIVERY. ALSO ACCEPT ALL KINDS OF GRAIN AND SEEDS IN CHANGE FOR ANY STOCK WE CARRY, HIGHEST MARKET PRICE FAIL' FOR DUTCH SETTS AND FOR GRASS SEEDS. PERMS CASH.OR TRADE. EX -s. . S. Brown & Son THE OLD S. BROWN STAND, CREDITON, STEWART'S PHONE 16 PHONE 16 Smart Suits" and Odd Coats. `. This past week we have placed in stock a fine range of attractive; suits and coats All are moderatelyipricect ALL WOOL SERGES Fax Dresses, Odd Skirts, and Lad- ies' Suits at slight advances over last year s prices. They are old dyes, We are fortunate to have such a fine range oar good serges at per yard— $1,00. $1.25, $1.50, $1.75 to $51.00 WHITE WAISTS A charming array of pretty white waists made up in very new designs. Materials are striped and embroidered:, voiles Special values at $1.75, '$2.25 $2,50: NEW WALL PAPERS Ser: our centre window this week. We have an display our New Wall Papers_ far 1917. Besides these we have a big range' of new papers suit- able lar any roam in your home, SILK IKNIT'TED COATS Two very pretty; styles in clot's ofRase and Blue, with stripe Sailor callers and belt to snatch, Very new far summer wear, $10,00 & $13,50 NAIRN'S LINOLEUM$ We are showing same splendid pat- terns in this sanitary floor Covering in .2 and 4 ,ya'rd widths, 'This is the genuine Scotch Linoleum. It 'Wears better: than other kinds. Cotitren{al 'CROWN BRAND' TABLE SYRUP PER LB. 6 CTS, "kill r in your Pali and take home sante "Crown Brand" Table Syrup, It is cheaper to'lbwy it this Way, PHONE ' 16 A STEWART 1PHONE 16 The Big Store with the Little ?tioe8