HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1917-3-1, Page 8EXE' : R. JU VEIATE, TITInt811A17, MAR' 1, 1EU7 X a AER M AR1(TS CHANGED E)A:Cti WEDNESDAY' Wheat 1,55 to 1.65 Qat.; per bus. ... .., 55 to 60 lane grade flour, per cwt, 2 70. 'Family Flour , , 4.70 Shorts 42.00 Bran ., ... 36.00 Sugar beet .Pulp, per ton 30,00 Creamery butter , ... ...... 47 Dairy Butter 38 and 40 Lard per lb .. ... 24 .hf?ty, pea ton 'x10,00, to 12,00 potatoes . , ,, 3 75 Hogs, per ewe , , `14.00 V,t L'OE OP FOOD STUFF,—Pro- fessor Harcourt of the 0, A. C., Guc-1p" hes publisheda pamphlet dea'ing eat) the comparative value of �r n sato oo. stria. �� i �lr is a revelation, n An f i a. t extract at v+hc 'l you will find in rhe Chri bar Guardian of last week. We point taut this fact that flour ...canes second in his 1,',st of thirty five staple article • n relative value; also that iall ahca't stands a little higher than springy a heat flour. .'\\re have always claimed that the. beet ,results are obtained by using thc• ttvo blended, which, you will find in our Model. If you consider the cost of living you will. certainly use mare bread. We have written the Professor for a number of the pamphlets, Call arid. secure one. Da not fail to, see this article. Bring '; us your wheat and get the best ,yid cheapest food obtainable. HARVEY BROS, The 'Exeter ,Exeter Patriotic League will l•olci the Eighth of a Senses of Teas iti. beam Street eiethodist Church. on Sriday Afternoon,' March 2nd, Irom 3 to 6 o'clock. A MUSICAL EDUCATION may be bad by applying to W. M. Clarke, Organist and Choir Master,. James Street Methodist Church, and Representative of London (Eng.) Col- lege of Music. Apply for terms, etc. and prepare for June examinations. Terms moderate, A1Tlsubjeclts taught, Primary grade to Mus. Bac. 'degree taught.` Just a few vacancies. MONEY LOST—In' Exeter, on or about Jan'y 30th, three ten dollar bills. A reward of $5.00 will be given to the finder by returning tate lost mon- , ey ,to Dr. Browning's Drug Store. HOUND LOST.—Black and tan, a yeah, old, with white breast; answers -to the name of "Rock". Party re- turning him to the owner will be suitably rewarded,— Thos. Rowcliffe, Exeter. CASH BUSINESS IN .FUTURE: In future we will conduct our Black smithing' Business on a purely cash basis. -JAS. 'DIGNAN & SON. HOUSES TO RENT OR SELL. -- Several good houses to either sell al .rent. Apply to A. Cottle, Ann Street. —x--o—x- 400 TONS SALT -400 tons of fire Land and Cattle Salt for sale, All grades $5.50 per ton; 50c. per bag. EXETER SALT WORKS Co., Ltd J Sutton., Manager. ENSILAGE FOR SALE. The silo at the Canning Factory is open and ensilage is for sale at $3.00 per ton, purchaser paying for weigh- ing eigh-ing on R. G.. Seldon's scales. EXETER CANNING CO. FARMS FOR SALE The undersigned is offering his two farms in Stephen for sale, one being part of Lot 22, Con. 7, containing 50 acres. There is on the premises a good house, barn and out buildings is well equipped in every way for farming:, The other is the 25 acre pasture farm, being part of Lot 21, Con. 6. Both are excellent properties and will be sold reasonable. Apply to John 0 Wein, Stephen, Crediton. Post Office. LOCAL DOINGS, 1 %mac stY►;�YYcaisc$.allic ailr �cal9acui9k � Some thuncler Sunday eight, a couple of thaws and i'ntlder weather have beers in evidence during the week. J 1). Drummond,. clerk of McGilliv- ray had undergone an operation for appendicitis at Victoria Hospital, at London, Exeter Boy Scouts played a game of hockey in Clinton with the Scouts o1 that town an Thursday evening, the visitors losing, 4 to 2. With the aid of 200 slides Rev, Baird gave an ;illustrated lecture on the war in Thedford Methodist church Tuesday night to a large attendance. Harry ,l uke, . teller in the }3rank of Commerce here, went to Londoi on Friday to enl.i.st in the 63rd Battery, but utas ,refused as physically :un0t,- Parkhill Gazette. Harry is an Exeter boy Rev. Baird of James, Street Church and Rev, Muxw:orthy of Main Street Church exchanged pulpits on Sunday morning. A !sermon, to risen was preached by Rev. Baird' from his own pulpit on Sunday evening, and a choir of men furnished the music. A.n unusual discovery was made wheat some hunters near Ruthvin1i,r. ed luta a big flock of , crows in the snow, 'Not one of the birds moved and when the min, approached i.t was Councl that thebirds were frozen stiff and had been dead for some time, Mr. Wes Jones of Stephen deliver- ed a load of 20 hogs last week to Mr. I. Armstrong, The load weigh- ed 5030 pounds, and the seller receiv- ed $711.20. Mr. Jones kept track of all the casts of feeding, etc:, and he cleared about S200 on the bunch. The price paid was ,514 per cwt. Mr. Edward McKenzie, typo was for thirty years baggageman on the L,, 1-2. ,& B,, blanch of the G. T. R. and welt-knawr. to many of our readers died at his 'home: in London recently. Mr 2lcleenzie was 69 years old and was captain 01 a company in the North west Rebellion in 1885, and also serv- ed as a soldier during the .Fenian Mr. A. Hastings ,received the sad news last week of the death of his sister, .Miss Bella Hastings, who died at her home, .Crossliill, Waterloo Coun- ty an Friday last. Miss Hastings had been ailing about two weeks, but her condition was an no wise considered dangerous until a few hours before her death. She .is survived by three brothers. This is the third member of the family that has died since last June. DEATH OF OF WM. PUGSLEY.— There passed away at Clinton, on Fri- day last a farmer well-known resident of. .Exeter, ih the person of William Pugsley, at the, advanced age of . 88 years and 2 months;. Deceased had left here only about two months ago and was then enjoying his usual heal- th. About a week or so ago he con- tracted a cold which ..developed into pneumonia and the end came ,rapidly. The late Mr. Pagsley` was -barn in Devonshire,. ;England,; but carne to Canada -about• fifty years ago, first settling iri Usbonne Township where he. farmed for over 20 years. About art yearrs..ago he moved to Exeter where' ha continued to reside until he went to Clinton He was twice mar- ried bat, both wives predcceasedhi,n, He is survived 'by one daughter, Mrs. James Sayse of; Detroit, Deceased was e member of the Presbyterian Church and.was in politics a Conserv ative. He was a man of industrious habits possessing sterling qualities and his word was as good as' his band. The remains were brought here far burial, the funeral taking place from James Beverley's '.undertaking rooms an Sunday at 2.30 o'clock to the Ex- eter cemetery. Among those present frons a distance were; Mrs. Vyse and son of Detroit, and Mrs. Mark Mitch- ell of London. THE O'BRIE BUSINESS COLLEGE Alma Block, ` 361 Richmond Street LONDON. PHONE 5875._ Courses --Commercial Stenotypewriting, Isaac Pitman Shorthand, and" Civil Service Course. DAY CLASSES—Students may enter any day. NIGHT CLASSES—Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 7.30 to 9.30 Individual Instruction, Allowance made for Railway Fares W. J. O'Brien, Commercial" Specialist, Principal. (Formerly of .Exeter.) For Further Particulars Apply at this Office. b;ie.•:.fY;PrtSF.eN,v,o—tr-;q..tf *, GILSON ENGINES The Engine of Constant Service Absolutely Guaranteed GILSON I O FILLERS The Lightest, Winning Blowers made ; Beware of imitations and :irlfringrnents THE HY1,,0 SILLY -Entirely difere'nt and infinite y superior. Ask Wm. Frayno4 Exeter, Agent Or Write • ILSON MFG. 0'Ct,, 235 York St. Guelph Ont. thl'gotthe .expenditure �Paul,ttitor ainonts .Va5ec. Mrs S R. tD, Hewitt is in Toronto for ,a felt days, Rev. and. Mrs. Nichol of Si,meoe aro visiting at the manse, Mrs, aticAtnoy left Wednesday to spend a week in Landon. Mr, and Mrs, Frank Sweet of Sarnia are hare visiting with r4lataves. ;Miss Alberta Hurst of 'Chicago is the 'guest of Mrs, J. ,A. McDonald. Mrs, Marshall )]ox of Parkhill is visiting' friends here loo• a few days, Mi' William Hill of Taranto spent Sunday with his father, Mr. G4 ac Fli,ll, Gordon Penhale is visaing for a few days in London and St. Thames, Mrs: Clit. Spackman of Guelph is visiting relatives .in and around Ex- eter. Mrs. .E Weber of Detroit .s visit- ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Hardy. i\Its.; Hollinger, milliner with Miss McDonald, has returned to, town for the season, Mrs: Wm. Creech went to London. Wednesday to visit her 'daughter, Mrs Alex Stewart • Miss` C_ C. Doerr of hitchetaer.. is visiting ,at. the home of her brother, Mr. H. W. Doerr. Mrs, Lane, after lundergoiing :in op- eratiou in the London hospital, has returned to her 'home here; Mr and Mrs. A. Hastings were in Crosshilt this week attending the fu- neral ; of the former's sister. Mr. Herb. Pickard of" the State, of t1irgina spent a few days with his mother, Mrs. Richard Pickard. Mrs N. Lloyd and son have return- ed to their' home in Star View, Sask., after a visit at Mr. T. E1liott's. ears. ,Samuel Sweet is visiting with relative:; at V ingham, and with her daughter Miss Irno, at Teeswatcr. Miss May .Armstrong' and Mrs. Mc- Creath have .returned from attending, the millinery cpm -areas at Toronto. Mrs. Henry Ogden, who has been visitirf with her father, Mr. John Gillespie for some tiro left M -011 - day moaning for her hone in, Stough- ton. Sask. Many-peop1= are ill of grippe at present Mr Saxon Fitton is improving slow • ly from his lenotih,y illness. Mr James Achsoiv of London, for- merly rot Exeter, is confined to the hospital with an attack of pneumoa,ia. The many friends here will be pleased to knots' that Mrs. W. 1-i': Le. vett was recovered sufficiently from her lrecent operation, as to be able to leave the hospital, which she did' 'ori Wednc-sday. The Annual Concert given by the Mission Circle of James Street Meth- odist church on Monday evening was a pleasing and successful affair. 'I7ie' program was a good one and the lunch choice. Over 540 were the receipts, A. Red Cross Concert will -be giv- en in School of S.S. No. 1, Usborne, on Tuesday evening, Mar. 6, at 7.45 A play entitled "The Country Doc tor" 'wily be given by the youn people of the section. Violins Or chestra, Admission 25c. and 10e. Like Walkerville and other Ontario town's and villages the citizens of Ex eter should do dal ini their power to utilize all the available land to aid in food production. This is a year in which every person in a position to grow food supplies should do so. g Some great prices were _ paid tor stock at Thos: Cameron's sale at Far- quhar on Tuesday. His stock bull brought 5315, and cows brought 5325 5300 52 75. and a ane -year heifer 5200 The' sale real,ize.d over 54300. C W Robinson was the auctioneer. The attendance at the Carnnii,val on Monday night was not as ;large• as it would have been had the weather appeared more favorable. The ice was tine however, and the band.fur- nished excell'nt music, and the cos- tumes were good. Prizes were won rl.. follows;—Ladies'. Ally Costume, Yfiss Dara -thy \Vlaitte as Italy, miss Blanche Senior' as France; Ladies' Co- mic alias Lulu' Martin, representin-g "Romantic Jane"; Gent's Ally Cos- tume, tume, Will Manson as Italy, Clyde Heamau. as France; Gents Comic, al, Vincent. as"Charlie Chaplin". "The potato .,race was wan by W. Lawson A special prize for "Scotch Costume' was awarded - to Miss Quinn. '; Messrs. E. J. Delbridge; G. A. Anderson and W. J Statham were judges. HOCKEY MATCH. --On Thursday, \rlarch 1.st, Parkhill and Exeter will play here. This will be 'great game. Parkhill: has a very fast team and Ex- eter is- getting the. best 'team they hava hail for years, So cams and see a {real hockey :match.._ Game at 1. NOW COMPULSORY.—The sign of the National Se;rwice cards sent out by toe Canadian Government some time ago will now be compulsory , ac.- tion leaving been taken and r the War Measurers Act to rend: r the ,reg s- tration absolutely compulsa y. '1 he time lima for' the sign ng of the cards has been extended to March 31.. —x---o---x-- SCHOOL —o—x-SCHOOL BOARD 'MEETING.— A meeting .of the School Board te.oii place in the of fi,ce of the Secretary an February 21st. All present but I Armstrong and R. N. Creech. The minutes of the previous meeting were ap.proved:. .Mr. F ukc reported that the fume chamber had been'installed and the cupboard was heady.; The Insurance Committee reported that they had placed $3,000 additional in- autaece oat the school building with C, T Brooks in The Queens) d.od also $2,000 with E. Elliot in The Narerich. ivlr, J G. Stanbt ry was appointed to to Library Board to fill the vacancy caused by the death o the Late W, n, Weekes, The,,,;,lallowang accounts were passed Grigg Stat. Co., Jos McDonald 51,50; C. 'I. 'Brooks 524,00 E. Elliot -.$20:00, :It was mov- ed by A.. E. Flute, seconded ay lt. Wood arra adopted, that the . l'reas-' u,r•.er each month transfer Crotri Stya. Mao to Ctar ent account; sttid:icienf JONES & MAY PRONE NO. 32' Complete Showing' of ew Summer Dress Goods WE IIAVE JUST OPENED FOR YOUR INSPECTION A MAGN1Fi CENT RANGE OF NEW WASH DRESS FABRICS'. OUR STOCK THIS SEASON IS MUCH LARGER THAN WE HAVE SHOWN IN FORMER SEASONS, COMPRISING THE 'NEW .MATERIALS AS 'ARE SHOWN BY THE LARGE AMERICAN FASHION CENTRES. THESE. INCLUDE THE LARGE COIN DOTS STRIPES CHECKS, FIGURED AND PLAIN MATERIALB,' IN AL L THE NEW (COLORINGS. ALL THE BETTER LINES SHOWN 1N EXCLUSIVE DRESS LENGTHS. Dress Ginghams at 15c. yd. SPECIAL -600' yards dress Gingham:: 1; good fast dyes, large range of colors. Our special sale price, .15c " a yard, Special Value in Dress Serges Wo bought 'our present stock of Serges icor ladies' dresses and suit's over •n year ago, so we are able to offer them to out customers at less. than to -clay's wholesale price. We have a large range• of prices, in Navy, Black, Brown, Green and CopenhagenBlue at from 65c. to 53100 a yd. Ladies' Suits and Coats for Spring Come early to see our selection o1 :Suits arid Coats far the Coming Season. BeautifulCloths in, new Colorings and Styles. Prices moderate, Styles •exclusive.; New Felt Hats for Men Walthouse Brand Fitwell Brand Our Hats for Spring are now in stock in the new wide shapes, also Staple Styles, in Colors of Green, Grey, Brown, Navy, Fawn, etc. The prices are no higher than last season. New Wall Papers Arriving Daily 'JONES & MAY Headquarters for the celebrated W. E. Sanford} Clothing i Mr. Percy Gillies has , rented . Mr, J' ow;s cottage on. Main Street. 11Ir ,Henry Passmore unfortunately felt' on the sidewalk recently rind biake aero or three ribs. BEAUTIFUL HOME FOR SALE The undersigned is offering for sale her beautiful residence in Exeter, op- posite the Ross= -Taylor mill. The pronerty contains two lots of land fine brick house, containing nine rooms and woad shed, good stable, and drive shed, hard and soft water) number fruit trees and small fruits. House all wired and furnished ' for Hydro. This is an excellent property and will be sold at a reasonable price Apply to Louise Cudmare, who is in the West, but will be home in a. short time. Small quantity of. SEED OATS .AND BARLEY for', sale R. G. SELDON The nality' Storo At -'the New Meat Market you can get all kinds of fresh and cured meats, choice sausage, corned beef, etc: You can (rcler yourmeats and groceries and have them delivered to- gether. Telephone or send your order. Phone 18 ;oowor &Son Ne: Tallored Sits a11c1 Coats. OF FIRST INTEREST WHEN THE OLD ONE GETS WORN OUT. THE S TYLES ARE VARIED TO MEET DIFFERENT TASTES COATS ARE LONGER SKIRTS ARE ALSO LONGER Our New Goads are here, Good range to choose from,- MADE TO YOUR MEASURE, SEE• OUR NEW COA'I'INGS FOR LADIES. PRICES—$17.00 AND UP. We Over -p also have a nice range of Men's Coatings and Suitings, GIVE US _A CALL N. Sheere LADIES AND GENTS' 'TAILOR Stand upstairs, Opposite the Central Hotel. .. Furniture and Undertaking R. N. OE THE FUNERAL DIRECTOR- AND FURNITURE DEALER Tea & Coffee Store For the choicest groceries, fruits, spices, teas, coffee and every- thing in the grocery line. Call and see us,, A trial as to quality will convin- ce. Produce taken in exchange•• Jas. Gould or Fos Electric light Plant Ex ler Bargain St re WE OFFER THE' BALANCE OF OUR OVERCOATS AT A DIS- COUNT OF 20 PER CENT, • 2 DOZEN MEN'S HEAVY FLEECE LINED UNDERSKIRTS WORTH 755, FOR 60c, EACH. .25 PAIRS LADIES CLOTH RUBBERS AT 75e. A PAIR 2 DOZEN WHITE FLANNELLETTE NIGHTGOWNS A,T 51,,25, A :I ABLE FULL OF BRAIDS AND' TRIMMINGS AT 25c, CARD.. HEADQUARTERS FOR SHOES AND RUBBERS. B. W. F Beavers,