HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1917-3-1, Page 5"S"YNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH
T1l'e sole head of a family, or any
male over 18 years old, may flame-
stead a quarter -section, of available
Dominion ]and in A'lanitoba,. Saskatch-
ewan or Alberta. A,pplicant must ap-
pear in person at the. Dominion Lancls
Agency or Sub -Agency for the Dis-
trict. Entry by proxy may be made
at.•any Dominion Lands Agency (but
not Sub -.agency), on certain condi-
Duties --Six months residence upon
arra cultivation of the. land m each of
tbree" years. A homesteader inay five.
within, nine miles of his homestead on
a farm cl as least 80 acres, on cer-
tain conditions. A habitable house is
required except where residence is
performed in the "vicinity -
Live stock may be substituted, far
cultivation under certain conditions,
Irl certain districts a homesteader in
goofstan.cling may pre-empt a guar-
ler-section alongside his homestead,
Price $3,00 an acre:
Duties Si\ months residence in
each of three years after earning home
stead "patent; also 50 acres extra cul-
tivation Pre-emption patent may he.
obtained as soon as homestead patent,
on certain conditions.
A settler who has exhausted his.
homestead tight may take a purchas-
ed homestead in. certain districts.
Price $3.00 per acre. Duties -Must re-
side six months in each of the three.
years, cultivate 50 acres and erect a
house worth $300.
Deputy of the Minister of the Interior
N.B.-Unauthorized publication of
this advertisement will not be paid
for. -64388.
Barrister. Solicitor, Notary Public,
Commissioner, Solicitor. for The .Mol
sans Bank, Etc. Money to loan at
Lowest rates of interest.
Office -Main Street, Exeter.
We have a large 'amount of private
funds to loan on farm and village
prooe.rty at low rates of interest.
Barristers, Solicitors, Exeter
Dr. G. F. ROULSTON, L. D. S., D.D.S
Member of the R. C. C. D.S. of Ont
Honor Graduate Toronto University
Q;ffice over Carling's law Office.
Closed Wednesday afternoons,
Honor Graduate Toronto; University.
Teeth extracted without pain or any
bad effects. Office over Gladman &
Stanbusy's -Office, Main Street, Exeter
L. 11. ECKERT, V.S.
of Sebxingville
Has opened an office in Crediton. All
calls promptly attended to
Phone 36 Crediton
or Call Hill's Hotel.
Licensed Auctioneer for Counties of
Huron and Middlesex.
Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction
Crediton - Ontario
SPECIAL FARES now in effect
to resorts in Florida, Georgia, North
and South Carolina, Louisiana and
other Southern States, and to Ber-
muda. and the West Indies.
Far full information write to
C. E. Horning,
Union Station,
Toronto, Ont
N. J. DORE, Agent, Exeter.,
y " Counter-attack"
Ali,,t' 1'n.^ he's fir^::en standing the attacks of
dirt, ,... t"1,,t'a s , ..:=3r and microbes. �� �,,,::,- a Now for
the cx.;` zt.teek. 1Lifebuo to the front! Its
rich cl" N-,. , �y _ .t�.t,r ", .h cur , sl�.iy
�. skin, shampoo and bath—
er fur seeks, 5''arts, handkerchiefs, etc, makes
short work o `rye enerny."
ll'igaif) 11
LT �"�
IBJ ; �; S I Q P
is more than soap, finest of all soaps though it is.
Lifebuoy has splendid antiseptic
and germicidal power as well—its
mission is to clean and purify.
Send your soldier a package of
Lifebuoy. He'll appreciate it.
At all grocers
Sinton IDietnich of the Babylon line
For Infants and Children
[tithe For Over 30 Years
Always bears
Signature of
has purchased the 50 -acre farm of his
brother-in-law, Jacob Battler, and
gets` possession on March' 31st. -Mies
Victories. Johnston is recovering from
her (recent serious operation.- Mrs.
Hogarth and children of Revelstock
B.C.. are visiting at the home of 1)r.
B. Campbell. -Louis Weber was home
frons ,Detroit for a few, days. - J.
Fleeter attended a Hardware Conven-
toin in Hramiltoin last week.- Henry
Weber of Preston visited relatives in
the village last week. -Ab. Geiger is
very ill..
II �
t 1J r I r 1 r
,n Iil trllfrlalli e"v
-t ll�l�1 iI i
The Ford Car for 1917
The following prices are effective
until August 1st of this year.
Chassis .. •. $450.00
Runabout . 475.00
Touring Car . . 495.00
f. o. b. Ford, Ontario
I wish to announce that I have mov-
ed my show room and office to the
large and commodious rooms north-
formerly the Commercial Hotel -and
will be pleased to give any inform-
ation desired regarding these cars.
Several carloads of Fords will ar-
rive in a few days. Call and see the
1917' Model
We are now m a position.
any garage work needed an Ford or..
McLaughlin cars.
Full stock of Accessories and tires
Bowser gasoline tank at your service
Milo Snell, Exeter, Ont.
„esialtr4gf4tAnt,att its —1;c . '1'.::3 e
"Principal repayable let October, 1919.
Interest payable half -yearly, 1st April and 1st October by cheque (free of exchange at
any chartered Bank in Canada) at the rate of five per cent per a -num from the date of
Holders of this stock will have the privilege of surrendering at par and accrued interest,
as the equivalent of cash, in payment' of any allotment made under any future war loan issue
in Canada other than an issue of Troasury"Bills or other like short date security.
Proceeds of this stock are for war purposes only.
A commission of ono -quarter of one per cent will be allowed to recognized bond` and
stock brokers on allotments made in respect of applications for this stock which`. bear their
For application forms apply is the Deputy Minister of Finance, Ottawa.
OCTOBER 7th, 1916.
On Monday ,altornoonl ast Mrs J onn
McKeon;ixo di>ci from the effects of. Fh
li holy fin° stroke of a,. few days prsyi
ous The dceeilsed as well advanced
11}`(garncl tyres, h_ a�tilct �)t i..,
1a1 1> Johbn I11itclazi03510te
S o'i: nd stone' years ago, She . was
highly (respected by Iasi,
Otte respected resident, i Mr, Robt:
�C tslile nwho is one of it nolthe old-
est residents of the v�11�Ige, pas c:d the
taunt at this week, his 85 (Al h i0 lad',
And i; 11011S nilly hale and hearty for a
111I1t of that age. In fact hehas the
appearance and energy of a Ulan al-
most hall his age and b -ds La;;i' to, live
many more years and that clespita the
fact that with 'r Very large' family of
sons and slaughters the always ,,vorkect
hard, anti' a few year's agn, when he
retired to the villtge and is now en-
)0)in; the comforts of a fine home
in this ` one of the most ,pragressi,v0�
villages lin Ontario, -We are pleased
to. see Pic. George Jackson, lvllo has
so long been confined to his loom
through illness, able 10 get out to
the village during the past weekor
so. Mrs. R. 1). Bell, recently return-
ed from a pleasant visit v th relatives
and friends in Bloomsburg, : Pa. -Mr.
jas Tapp, who was suite poorly for
a number o.f weeks, is now improving
nicely. -H. J, McDonald moved into
his fine new ,brick house immediately
east of the village. -Own Geiger and..
James W. Bontlraon intend erecting
new dwellings this coming summer-, as
also does G. C, Petty, -J. W. Ort-:
svein has purchased the Shartt dwel-
ling property on ,South Richmond St.
-Win. Bell, railway agent, son of Mrs
James Bell of this place, spent a few
days here and later left far his new
home air Regina. Mrs, C. Beach and
children of Regina after a visit of
two months at J. llcEwen's, rtefurned
to their dlaris0.
A. few of our young people attend-
ed the "Neto Minster” concert inHen-
salt on Friday evening. -The stork vis-
ited the home" of John: Varley recently
and 'left a young son, -A number are
suffering from colds and grippe Mss.
Agnes McLean, who has been visiting
relatives here for same time, has re-
turned to Logani-Mr, W A. Coie is
under the care of the doctor at pres-
ent. We hope to hear of his speedy
recoverye-Rev. Knight .gave us one
of his many fine sermons on Sunday.
Special services are ,o'oing on in the
sister church' at I3ensal,l. A Mr. Booth
of Toronto will assist our pastor.
Mr. George Ira Chambers and Miss
Violetta SmaIe, daughter of Mr. Will -
Ham Smale of ;near Staffa, were very
quielly married at Milverton on Wed-
resday last by Rev. Robert ?sillier,
an uncle of the groom. The bride's
going away ,suit was navy blue, and
she wore with it gray shoes and glo-
ves, and black •pi!ctwre hat. We ex-
tend congratulations to the happy
couple. -Mr. Daniel Kinsman of Essex
is visiting his brother and family.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Someirville were
Sunday ,visitors at William Slavi'ns,
The death took place Friday last
at Victoria Hospital, London, of Wm.
Patrick in his 47th year. The re-
mains were brought here for inter -
Meet on Monday.
• Mrs. R. W. Breth our, who has been
spending the last couple of weeks
wftli Mr and .mss, M. Brethour, • has
returned to her Thome in• Hamiota, :M110111
-Mr Oswald Hutu returned last week
to Caron, Sask.-Mr. S. N. Shier is
improving from the effects of his ac-
cident,' and is able to be up again, -
Mr ,W Hazlewood, is home from Tor-
onto owing to the college being riot
of coal.
Vv.. A.. YACKELL, Ingersoll, Ontario,
says,- ,
"In the Spring I purchased 3I tons
of, feet:li-ze]. from the Hanhestead agent
1 neve- had such large yields or as
good grain since I have been farming.
A. intervals through the fields,
where the fertilizer was not sown, I
coulc, (see a vast difference in both
omantiiy and quality of the gratin
Am hit -ending to use more this sea-
son and can certainly recommend Ho-
mestead [goods to intending, purchas-
ers as I believe they are the best on
the market."
JOF%.1 .E.'IRBY, Stratford, Ont., says
"I used 500 pounds of Homestead
Bane Black- Fertilizer .an my root crap
and had"th& best crop of roots ever
grown on my farm. I was certainly
well paAl .far the money I invested in
this fertilizer."
ANGUS .ARMOUR,- Dorchester, On-
tario, says, -
"I used the •Ham,estead Bone Black
Fertilizer on my oasts last Spring, ad
am ;well satisfied Iwdlth, it, I purchased
a'Iton from' the .local agent, which sow-
ed about 10 acres of the 15 -acre' field'
and I can't) see'a great difference on
what was fertilized from what was
not. I have ;no hesitation in recom-
mending it for oats or wheat, as - I
sowed it with wheat this fall.,
Write Michigan Carbon Works, De-
troit for free book ''and particulars
about their Homestead Bone Black
It has beensaid that every third
person has catarrh in some form,.
Science has shown that nasal catarrh'
often indicates a general weakness
of the body; and local treatments in
the form' of snuffs and vapors do little,
ifany good.
n To correct catarrh you should teat its
cause by enriching your blood with the
oilcfood in. Scott's Emulsion which is a
medicinal food and a building -tonic, free
from any harmful drugs. Try it.
Scott & Muncie, Toronto, Out.
vient Flowering Carnation,'
1 to it pee
,,,+ E. ?;• i ti
01))/ u r n( So.
1 'r 1 r111.0../'0, ,.'cat
c ,,.r.s� all
ac•:c1 sfreeo/ackct(todte
15c) of our orziise
IFh5. 5 4verL o
This carnation is 9, gr''"t
ti •; the ilow3:,, are 1
fragrant and the plants do well Outdoors 'transplanted into pc1v;
early fall they bloom from October till the end of May.
plants areeas,ly prupogatea front theirs by cuttings, "pipings" or t.a.
Send for our catalogue and learn of our other sorluahle premium.
LGtvtiI>JI :�l,
Darch llalrSeedCo., L�$e
The death 'took place here on Feb.
20'th of Anna M. Seatt,, the eldest
daughter of the late James Scott
and relict of the late Nathaniel Ryan
in her 65th year. Wilson Scott Ryan
manager of the Bank of Hamilton at
Aberdeen rSask,, is a sora, The fun-
eral took place on Sunday to the St.
James cemetery at Clandebaye.
Miss Lena Kent, who underwent an
operation for throat trouble in To-
ronto; is doing -nicely. Her sister,
Miss Myrta, spent the week with her;
R Fairies, who purchased the
shill from Mr, Seaman, toad; possession
last week, and is getting 10 In.;s in
working ,order, The firm will ne
known as. The crown l'Ii1l'ing ;a. -Mi
Wm Martin attended the , uneral of
his son -um, -law's father,' the late A.
Wenger at Ayton.
SEAl; ORTH-Miss Isabel McTavish.
was married on Thursday, Feb. 15, at
Oxford, Mich,, to Mr. Judson Car-
penter of that placel. The bride is
well;-knowcn • in Seaforth, where sh�`
lived until a few years ago. She is
a sister of Miss Christine TAR: ravish
of Seaforth
Ask Your
Druggist for
See You Get This Box
Tilley Road, N.8.
May 1st, 1915.
"My trouble was gravel in the bladder,
My case was very serious and my death was
daily expected. No suffering could be worse
than I had to endure. I beg you to publish
my letter so that people may know what
Gin Pills had done for mer The first box
relieved me a great deal. Eight boxes were
sufficient to cure me entirely and to bring
me back to perfect health.
Isadore Thomas."
Your druggist sells Gin Pills -250c. a box;
or 6 boxes for $2.50. Sample free if you
write to
Toronto, Ont.
V. S. Address-Na-Dru-Co, S:a
202 Main St., Buffalo, as
Itar To City, Town and Village Dwellers in Ontario
A Vegetable Gardea
for Every Home
N this year of supreme
effort Britain: and her
armies roust have arid_ ie
supplies of food, aid
Canada is the great
source upon which they
rely. Everyone with a few
square feet of ground can
coli;:lit vic' , r
Four Patriotic Reasons
for Growing Vegetables
_. It saves money that you would otherwise spend for
2. It helps to lower the "High cost of living."
3. It helps to enlarge the urgently needed surplus of
produce for export.
4.. Growing your own vegetables saves labor of others
whose effort is needed for other vital war work.
The Department of Agriculture will help you
The Ontario Department of Agriculture appeals to
Horticultural Societies - to devote at least one ` evening
meeting to the subject of vegetable growing; manu-
facturers, labor unions, lodges, school boards, etc are
invited to actively encourage home gardening. Let the
slogan for 1917 be, "A vegetable garden for every home,"
Organizations are requested to arrange for instructive
talks by practical gardeners on the subject of vegetable'
growing. In cases where it is impossible to secure suitable local
speakers, the Department of Agriculture will, on request, send a
suitable man.
The demand for speakers will be great. The number of available
experts being limited, the Department urgently requests ths.t
arrangements for meetings be made at once; if local speakers cannot
be secured, send applications promptly.'"}
The Department suggests the formation of local organizations to
stimulate the work by offering prizes for best vegetable gardens.
It is prepared to assist in any possible way any organization that
may be conducting a campaign for vegetable production on vacant
lots. .It will do so by sending speakers, or by supplying expert
advice in the field.
To any one interested, the Department of Agriculture will scud
literature giving instructions about implements necessary and
methods of preparing the ground and cultivating the crop, A plan
of a vegetable garden indicating suitable crops to grow, best
varieties and their arrangement in the garden, will be sent free of
charge to any address:
Write for Poultry Bulletin
I Hens are inexpensive to keep, and you will be highly repaid ,`
P Y g y hn,
fresh eggs. Write for free bulletin which tells hew to keep hens.
Address letters to "Vegetable Campaign," 'Department of Agrioul-.
ture,Parliament Buildings, Toronto, •
Ontario. Department of Agriculture
W. H. Hearst, Minister of Agriculture
Parliament Buildings