HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1917-3-1, Page 4jl9 'f11 Pitipridatorei f etialeilit is:A t. ' rtelf31111A1[3dtilil9i7fpris onallatlag;titeFuatlSatedRc,;ttl j flll�ll'ts'�w�+'t€l:fdtClaJJltt�Gi'tt.1$�i. }a?11t3i0S gest1011,C.heeieilt 9?;i ,}tslR2„'lColitaNS1't1117 Illi�Jr�t +r phttle Itil�"l�,tuer 1. '% '1"J"A,aCO' EC. a,,.: OltiAtiBlejaP12= .f3nepfen Scat- sit/ el! rirr :lint!r- f�l IniYr.fir t 1 Aperfecr Remedy forconsttpa• :nett, Sour Slemach,liiarrhoea, Worms,Convu lstons i everish news clad LOSS OF S3' EFl? TacSimtlt- Si els, K'•'r Ct. v74Atrr.Oh • 1i r,".1 &NEW POR€S 11 ��{1(itlh Exact Copy of Wrapper,, {M C,CCNTA UR CQM rA„Y, 1 rW YOgK CITY. of et er Abuocatr, Sanders & Creech, Proprietors Subscription Price -In advance $1.25 per .year in Canada; $1.75 ,in the United States. All subscriptions not paid in advance 50 cents extra will "be r.ha.ged THURSDAY, _MARCH lst, 1917 C n e tral><a Word has been received here that Mr. Richard ,Hrocks, formerly of ten tralta i. "ser;ously rill: at Ws home in Edmonton, Alta. Mr. Albert Parsons of Toronto spent a few days here, the guestof his brothers. Mr. Wm. Boyle of London spent the week :rid there -wi:h nss'' mother. Mrs. G. ,t-Iicks and Miss Kathelene• Hicks spent. a few days visiting Mrs. Hicks parents at Blyth. 'Mrs ..Redden of London arrived h re an Saturday evening, to visit her e 11•1r. Richard Handford, who con- tinues ignite ill`w,ith nheuniatsn:. Mr. W. Huxtable xeceivd Juste a shaking -up last Wednesday. i -I \vas cutting some limbs out of a w tit 'aa. tree when ,he tell to the ground, abot' twenty ;feet below. The doctor was called 'hut found Ino bones were brok- en rok- en, fie has been confined to the house isancc the accirtd•^nt, but hopes to be around in a st.o•t time. • Word ;has been re,: ived here of the sc,r•ious woundin o- Private Brok- enshire, ,neph'e',v` of Mr. C. 'Haskel:'- vi lie lLr. Byron Hicks' sale •:f cat' e on- Saturday nSaturday last was ;largely ;atter cTel and bit:: pr.ices were realized. The, COWS,; average(' a;,out 1100 a piece. And calve, .$1.5.00. Mr Con. O'Brien spent Monday 5,n the city-, oci a business tr.-p. Thc thaw on Monday left our roads' in poor cond,�t'rtini las some places are bare and other places too: much snow. • SUCCESS OF A NEW REMEDY FOR BACKACHE, KtI J EYS, RHEUMATISM. Dashdwogd --p— Da'' R, H. Taylor spent a few days in Detroit last week. Mr. L. Shuma'elher attended the fun- eral of a relative at Pigeon, Mich:, last week Quarterly services were conducted in the Evangeliical :Church on Sunday by Rev. Lilt of Kitchener. Several from here attended the fun- eral ot the late John Rhode of Us borne.on Tuesday. Miss Pearl Tiernan had the misfor- tune to sprain her ankle on. Saturday, Revival meetings are being held in the Evangelical Church this week. Mrs Wm. Ehkers is friends in lDelro;'t this Creek. On. 'i: uesday evening, Feb. 20•th, two sleigh loads of 'the members of the Lacliea Aid' of the Evangelical church, Dashv'ood, droane ,over and spent the evening with Mir. and Mrs. E. Brod- erick of the Goshen Line, before ;.heir lea(trn - for their +me!av: home .;tear 71mr iLle The evethng was spent very pleasantly, the ladi,'s' .giving a good program coirsis`,ing of readinigs and singing. Miss Lillie' Meyer gave n number,- of instrumental selections, a short address was also given by to pastor Rev.. F. Meyer. Ar pleasing, tea ture of the evenir>,g was a presnntae,.an fro-rr'_'ie Ladies Aid of a cold rn at fork to firs. Broderick. Mrs. J. ttiel- lermahn made the presentation and Mrs 'Geo P.dighoffer reada suitaulc address: titter lunch all left for hoarse wtshing''14Ir. and Mrs. Broderick a happy -and prosperous lite in their 4new home, Death of William Heckman —11 's our very sad duty to retard the death o! an est%emed and highly respect- ed president of the 111thconicesLion of ,-fay in the person of Mr. W,.11aam Heckman, who died on Sunday night following 'a short- illness of about three wee;, duration, caused by h,ardenuag a'.. tire: arteries throughout the '"syr -'tem : He was 49 years of age: De -t ceased had been. a +resident, of ,flay for about ten years, having moved to this locally from Mitchell. Mr !leck- man wt:s df quietdsposclt;,an anduri- assar,min,r in hiss ,manner, but made many warm friends, who will deeply rel; er ,hLs, denr;.sey Besides 'lug. sor- rowing wife h•e, is survived by two sons, and two daughters, alllotl whoin are home, The funeral took' place`on Wednesday afternoon. to the. Lutner• an cemetery, Rev, Graupner officiat- ing. .Dear ficidt- Dear .Mr. Editor—I Buffered for years with backache. Lash March I tried Anuric" and have used this new kid- ney medicine recently discovered , by I)r. Pierce, and it was wonderful the way it eased 'the pain and gaffe me relief in such a short time.. I have tried several medicines, but'rt»Anuric"` is the only one, that gave satisfacoon. I ..feet it my duty to recommend Anuric Tablets" to any one who suffers' as 1 did. (Signed) MRs. MARGARET E. SNIDER. NOTE Folks in town and adjoining counties are delighted with the results' they have obtained by using it A,Ni71$IG," the newest discovery of Dr. Pierce, who Is head of. the INVALIDS' HOTEL and SURGICAL INSTITUTE, in Buffalo, N. Y. Those who started the day with a back- ache, stiff legs, arms and muscles, and an aching head (worn out before the day began'because they were in and out of bed half a dozen times at night) are appreciating the perfect rest, comfort and new strength they .obtained from 17c',' Pierce's Anuric Tablets. To prove. that this :is a certain uric acid. solvent. and confiners headache, kidney and bladder diseases and rheumatism,, if you've never used the "Anuric," cut this out and send ten cents to octor Pierce for a large sample package. This will, prove to you that "Anuric" is thirty -'seven times mote active than Lithia in eliminating uric-acid—and the most perfect kidgtey and'bladder' cor- rector. If you area sufferer, go to your Best ,druggist and ask.for a'50 -cent box �nf ccAnuric ":o rpn no;risk for Dr. Pierce'sgood 'it>a,in.d"•stands behind this wonderftti new discovery as it has for the past hall century for his a,Golden Medical, .Discovery," a, ,general tonto• anade from roots with pure glycerine Which makes the blood' pure, tie �Fa- inorite Prescription" for weak women, And "Pleasant Pellets" for liver ills. Crediton. ivir. Sias. B okensh;ixe received a message from the -Military Depalrt- me,nt, Ottawa, last week, that his son, A rva, had ire °n severely wounded in a rrecant •engagement in France. So far we are ,unable to state the extient of his wounds, but hope Eh ay (vtl, not prove s rious, This ;,s the first as- ualty of the bays from here who en- listed _with the 16I.st Ba'ttallion, Rev ,°B °cic,ar returned from Detroit on: Saturday, ''where he, has been c s- sis tinc. in a irev_vah, RTC man Morlock ;ave an excellent amort of. ,the Aclult Bible Class Con- vention, .on-t n'tio , which was held 'Ia,- 1Janniton is e';y iiia tli ;Evangeeliical Church last Sunday, et mnr;, Ernest Gtiittr,ngei' of Ki,tchencll. w'as iaoeit 'vv a' the w+ee;1i end, Ernest's apt iy as a bandsm,ant,htts been reea17- ni/ea. 'ITh plays an Eb Base in tlic >onln`,ot Rubber Tire Factory Band.: • 1lisa Ken v;si ed Tier hem in S:trat Cord on Sunday, Mr and l s. Tinos. Trev the k eii Ct ain -d a number of their irIends ,n honorroof, tiheir.l.9ih svadd,ng aian'wer- ;a y last iday evennn We extend .o tr car ty congratulatio.rs• ,vlr Sop„cott of the Ex' ter 'J.irlres 0 11;3rdd the pulpit :in the, MetheJ.st , last ,Sunday morning in the :1'a.c,m. e of Rev. Baker who was 11'. with :grippe, ,1 .:l lit lot,^;ts Il'atld 31bl' C."la&a crf tire. 1st" u •lt it, Church ar 'h al' og ,a 00,,: aul a t n.a; .1. :tome of vies, Chit's i'i r On, lir Aly 1tl0 tar ` ;tile aped to report that Jas. '0 (.: =lt Maul Dan O.:s.t•reia"hell are +rt i t •. ffoin 'their illltess. 1,;u Schmitt of Detro t has been :n Our midst r"1 late*Ofelaus:'i sl,. Oren.. left for "ur6. to ietiong- (a) to attend 0 Rail \a ty M aa'S C cal- lc,A, in tbaat City. We w:'sh Oren ev- ery success it his studies, Miss i3ucl ah Sthlth its spading; a lee ciao.wi tb ,\f,si I:ri,n Rives ;n Exeter GREENWA.I slyer end Airs. 1. :Bacon, vis 'ed aper,'- dcai,;ht;r :i1a,s ildctie, t',n''I ondaa iau;.t Thursday. :We regret to r•port that sire is. not' rtecove.ring from her- r ert'n't illness as test .aa her friend, tl rs'.rc:- aft) nd lkI v J, Carruthers, fr h ;ve gone to Sarnia.— he p,ogtar lot • Liao Jvlotrk Parliament this week a mo l; trial Everybody en o,'cd 'h socia,: even ,:; last 1 r ,c101v Vde ' c rrtut.ac Mi ts Grady. MTason 00 I er success at a recent mnsual .exam. Miss -Florence 'G l Of Grand Bend ria rteu, 1Liss Ethel 0.1h ere -:Miss 01_ :olro was called boute Sunday oft ic- count ".01 the sudden deatirr of :a r 1- a'tive—Mr Robert A1otlard o!' Saskst- chcnarr and Mr. Jas Mallard, Jr, of (Y;urnd ,and v tstited their sister, Mrs. McPherson on Saturday. _Miss W. P:u:us at Cr c dl:on was 0 guest of. Miss Mai!' Wilson t,'st week, --Mr. Yvil1 Stew -artisan has returned to the West a:. ea• spendi,r'g a few months' with lens n ,trcnts. LUMLEY Mr. and \Irs. Ira Chambers of G1ris- lauro• _n:_t" the iormer's.mother vis - :±(t. a lac,, ge Sinal 's on Sunday .— SMn1 r ti '-tor 0 t of Hensall was a caller here Saturday.—Lewis ti:,rk was a v,s- itor at John Selves' on Sunday. —G 'o. . -f ai)kn t '_s suffering from anattack br :grr.np -A large inumbe,r ifrom 115 locality attended the drama in Hem.: sail, called "the Nev Minster" on Friday evening and report it 5 v ry enter toini.ig' ,play. On Friday :'vcaung next 11 is to be repeated, as many were tuned away.—The iVfisses Ryck; Mari very pleasantly 'entertained a 'few friends at progressive euchre. on Wed- nesday evening. -Thos, Hunkin, ,as sessor made>•1ris annual rounds dur- ing the week. ---Archie Towers' sale on'. Tuesday ,was t•, ell attended and good prices were realized. On 'Wednesday evenin ,a large crowd asiembled at his spacious home and dancing was the chief feature of the evening's ten- joynient ,and all proclaimed Archie an' exceilent host and :regret' his depart- ure from our line. But we welcome his successor, Mr, Muxwtarthy.,,— Mis- ses Gertic Mitchell, Rosae Broadfoot and , James ' Broadfoot have bean ...en- gaged to play for the drama, "The Country Doctor” in the No. 1: School on March 6th. -Mrs, McDonald and li'rtle daughter have returned: from visiting at Harpurhey,—Archie •Eyck - man and family, who have, been i is itin; their relatives for the past two months or so, returned to their home near Moose Jaw during the week. T Mother's Troubles Mother's unending work and devotion drains and strains her physicalstrength and leaves its mark in dimmed eyes and careworn expressions -she ages before, her time. Any mother who is weary and languid should start taking WEEKLY The unctarsi; sled will sell b k�1t!,11s i.uction at the 'Central Hotel, hx.eeler each cancl every Sat n: -day alt era000, al 2,30 o'clock, a number of mares and t;elcli gs, On Saturday next the following will be alierect :- 1 3- year-old, fillies 2 4 -year old Fillies, 3 5 -yelp c,id \hares, 1 4 year old Marc in Co 11 I 3year.old G ld,tp, 1500 lbs, And other horses. 1-,ntrts,—i months' credit with 6 per cunt added, on furnishing alp- plot^;:d jorr,.t notes, Frank ank I aylor, G, J. 1.10w, Auctioneer Proprietor On Saturday, March 1.0thi we wili, also of for two; loads of COWS, all are Auaraneed 950;. Sale Ct•T,ON SA'LE 0.11 'CHOICE LOT 01.0 anti/sus Thos. Cameron hats received: in' truo tions to sell by piab.is -auction on Lot 8.- eon; 11, township of Ribbert on Friday the , 9th of Marcia, 1017 at one o'clock sharp the following—O,ne brood mare 7 years old agri.,,; 1 pair matched imams, 5 years old agr.,; 1 pairlnlatched geldings. 5 years oJd,, •rt,r., ; 2 ;gelding 4 years old draft;; 2 ru ares 4 years old draft 4 geld-, trigs 4 years old agr., ; 'd mares '41 years old agr. 2 geld nv 3 yea rig toldt tin:., ; 3 mares 6 years old agr,, ; 1 pair general purpose mare and geld. - bug ; 1 farm'r's driver or third house 1 nice driving mare. The above ane.. all well selected thick set blockey lot of horses Inch as will command: the respect- and admiration of all' good horsemen and Mr. Gardiner'si past record is proof that they will b: sold without reserve. TERMS -7 months credit on furn- ishing approved joint notes at 5 per der guarantee. cent per annum. All 'horses sold un - D., K. 'Gardiner Thos, (Cameron Proprietor Auctioneer Auction Sale OF FARM. FARM "STOCK AND IMPLEMEI\'TS, on Farm, west of the G.T.R.. north of Salt Block, near the Exeter Station, on Saturday, March 3 at one o'clock sharp, the following— Stock.—Span good farm mares, 1 ag- ricultural horse rising 4; 1 good ing ,mare; 9 store hogs. Implements-Bincketz, ;Massey" Harris mower nearly new; horserake, seed. drill; McCormick fertilizer drill, rol- ler, cultivator, ' Massey Harris 2 -fur- row plow, new; walking plow, set of harrows; disc harrow; 2 wagons, 2 set sleighs wagon truck, stuffier; 2 buggies one nearly new; light wagon, cutter, root pulper, fanning mill, hay fork ropes and slings; pea harvester, woven fence stre.ticher; stock tank; set heavy double harness, set light double- harness, set single S harness; grindstone, wheelbarrow. forks, shov- els and many other articles. Quantity good clover hay, quantity good Banner seed oats, quantity of lumber:; Terms—j;10 and under, cash;` over that amount 6 months' credit on 'ap- proved ,joint notes. 6 per cent per. annum off for cash. Farm. -If not previously sold there will be offered for sale that splendid little farm (containing 5334 acres more or less), situated west of the G.T.R. track and north of the Salt Block, in the Village of Exeter; the same be- ing in a splendid state of fertility. Ploughing all done and 10 ,acres fall SiR EDMUND WALKV.R.,' C.V.O,, LLD, D,C,L„ President CAPITAL PAID UP, $15,000,000 11 JOHN AIRD, General Manager 1-f, V. 17, JONES, !'rut,. Ceh 1, Manager SEI, 'i1N%, . j;1 ,500,o0o !I ' '.. WELL BEF RE YOU S. �' ND Eacholiar saved Wild help Canada t do her share bi the WTa rQ Intere t allowed'at 3% per annum on sa�r u iteposi:L0., of $1 and upwards at any branch. of to Bank, 2 EXETER BRANCH -A, E., Kuhn, 11'I rr.: CREDITON-S. Al. Johnston Mgr' owr. ••rar•.•:zr tRIC117IVQ" i iATEtii' 1185 5 .1 Capital & Reserve $8,800,000 96 Braucher, in Canada A General Bankirg Business Transacted Ciro Aar Letters of Credit Bank la/doneg Orders SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Interest allowed at highest current rate EXETER BRANCH- W D. CLARKE, Manager. wheat sown. Terms made known on day of sale or by applying to the pro- prietor, JOHN • H. (SCOTT, Prop. B, S. PHILLIPS, Auct. S. PURDON, Clerk. Auction Sale OF CHOICE "FARM STOCK Mr, Thos, Cameron has received in- structions to sell by public auction on Lot 31, Con. 4, Usbarne, on Tues- day March 6th, at one o'clock sharp the following valu able stock, Horses—1 pair :of draught geldings 4 year„ old ; 1 pair of thrce year old agricultural lgeldiags, broken to har- ness ; 1 black clean leg horse, will weigh fourteen` hundred, a. good one; 3. bay -mare 5 `years old; 1 draught snare 9 years old; 1 draught filly three years old broke; 1 agricultural horse 5 year: aide 1 matched pair, horse and mare ; 2 agricultural mares 4 years,,old; 1.agricuiturai mare • 3 years old; 1 pair four year old 'geldings. 'Cattle—,, heifers 2 years old; 8 steer. 2 years old; 2 steers coming 3 years ,old ; 5 calves; 1 heifer lust came in TERMS OF , SALE 6 months ,credit om furnii!ag ap- praved ;joint notes a discount of 5. per cent. per 'annum off far cash in lieu ,of mates. Harry W. Horton, Prop. Thos. Cameron, Auct, C W. ROBINSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER AND VALUATOR for Counties of IJuron Perth. Middlesex and Oxford. Farm Mock Sales a Specialty. Office at Cocrlshutt Waserooms, next .door to Centra Hotel, Main Street, Exeter. Chai ges moderateand satisfaction is guaranteed. DR. DeVAN'Se.FRENCH PILLS A rent bio for puiatingg Pill 'for for -Women. $5 a box Or thze0for $10. Sold. at all Ilrug Stores, or mailed to any address onrceeiptOf price:Tas Scosrrr, DRUG Co., St. Catharines, Ontario. PHOSPHONOL FOR MEN . Restoandres Yim xitaHty.fgr 'Nerve``and Brain; increases "grey matter ; a Tonic—will build you up.B a box, or two for $5, at: drag stores, or b ani on reet of priest- Tac Scone Dat Co., Catharines. Ontario. COLLEGE ONTARIO'S BEST BUSINES£ . t Eli t RAL. STRATFORID, 0i*T,' Students may enter our classes at any time. Commence your course now and ;be qualified for a position by Midsummer. During July and Aug- ust of last year we received calls for over 200 office assistants we could notsupply. Our 'graduates are in Writeat once for free cat- alogue. D. A. McLachlan. Principal OF PUREST COD LIVER' OIL as a strengti,ening food and bracing tonic to acid richness to her blood and build= up her nerves before it is too late. Start SCOTT'S ? . today—its fame is No Harmful Drugs. Scott &.Bowne, Toronto, Ont. 16-4 or Prices and terms of sale of the following brands apply: MAIL ORDER DEPARTMENT National Breweries Limited.. Room 74 ' 36 Chaboillez Square. MONTREAL. • INDIA PALE ALE CROWN STOUT PALE BITTER ALE DOUBLE STOUT MALT EXTRACT EXTRA INDIA PALE ALE BLACK HORSE ALE EXTRA STOUT BLACK HORST; PORTER Lagers KINCSBEERCLUB SPECIAL HOIVIEBttEW INDIA PALE ALE PORTER . BOHEMIAN LAGER The above goods are all 'full strength and are supplied to consumers direct from .the . Brewery'QNLY in Iocalities,whore no licensed traders reside. its Excellence is `' ithin 85 F.O.B. Chatham, Ont. Completely Equipped Fleur -de -Lys Roadster same price T1H, While the smartness and beauty of the outer Gray Dort is in complete keeping with its excellence within, it is the inner Gray Dort that you should know thoroughly. Here, under the surface, is beauty of another sort—the beauty of sturdi- ness, and efficiency. All the Gray Dort's component r their unfailing dependability, � parts are remarkable for ling dependability, simplicity, accessibility. This kind of excellence has opened the: e yes of thousands of motorwise men and women—andmade them Gray Dort owners. It makes the Gray Dort a car that the whole family can use and enjoy. With all this quality,, with complete ca`'" refinements ,, _ .plate equipment, with `beg-';. r refinements and conveniences, the Gray Dort isN a moderate priced car -T$885 --and it is a supreme: good car•. THE GEAY-DORY M •'Chatham, OTOtt s, LIMITED, Chatham,. Ont., Newell, Dealer Exeter, CALL FOPIRO1DNEElO NSRATN