HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1917-3-1, Page 3s "(lobo. up on High?" Setter try the low gear first. he human engine must have the right kind of fuel - food. Power to do things comes from food that is rich in xnuscle-building ma- terial, that is easily digested. $hredded Whenis a high- power food, the kind that fits a man or woman for the day' work—just enough muscle -making material, just enough heat -making mater- ial to keep the body in top- • notch condition. Shredded' -Wheat s- ready -cooked, • ready -to -eat. Two Biscuits with, milk make a nourish- ing meal at a cost of a few centS. Made in Canada. GOING TO LAW WITH THE DEAD. IIow a Shrewd. Chinaman Got . Even With is I3ad Neighbor.' A. cm -notary is :the one sacred spot ir China. ::To desecrate sucha place is the worst Of crimes. Some years since there lived in a village on the plain of the Yellow River a man called Tn. His little farin. furnished him witina com- fortable : living, but nothing .:more. Like all farms in that part of China, there was no fence to .separate .his fields from those of his neighbors. One of these neighbors was a rascal, who, knowing Mr. Tu to be of mild disposi- tion, re,eolved to impose upon him by Ploughing, a few furrows of Mr. Tu's land.and thus incorporating it with his own. This act did not pass unobserv- ed, but Mr. Tu Was cautious as well as. mild. He knew that litigation carne high, and was uncertain. "Better," he said to himself, "to endure the wrong than to Suffer loss of both land and The next year the neighbor repeated the experinient, and ploughed up few More furrows. -Again Mr. Tu con- sul ted with himself, and determined, as previously, that law was too ex- pensiVe a luxury for him.. The neighbor,encouraged by this 'complaisance, continued to add to his own ;acres at the other's expense. At length he became so .bold as 'to incor- porate in this way the family ceme- tery, where were buried Mr. Tu's an- . Then Mr.. Tu saw the chance for Which he had - been waiting. By ploughing up this cemetery the neigh- bor had committed sacrilege. The only difficulty was that the punish-, nient was so severe that it might not be possible, unless he was careful, to get his neighbor punished at all: For the law was that, if the magistrate should take' notice of the suit, 'he. would have to send up a report to his superiors at- the capital of the pro- vince and request that proper punish- /Tient be inflicted upon himself, Seeing that so heipous a Grine had been com- mitted in the district for which he was responsible. Accordingly, Mr. Tu brought the matter before the magistrate in a way that did not involve that official. He brought accusation against his father, who was dead, for having Moved his gra,e oft his son's land to that'of the encroaching neighbor instead of abid- ing in the cemetery where he properly belonged. The Chinese love humor and greatly admire shrewdness. When, therefore, the magistrate read this amazing cic- ument, he smiled with genuine appre- ciation of Mr. Tu's cleverness, called up the offending neighbor, made him 5.11,9629.4,46IAIIKELTAT2011101.t combined with. good judgment counts in business now -a -days. Grapc-Nuts supplies balanced nourishment for sturdy muscles and active brains. ,‘There's a Reason" . \s, No chane In Price, ClUdlity, or size, of package, VW' restore all the land he had appropriat- ed and punished him with due severity for his robbery, VICTORY WILL COME PROMPTLY. flittente Allies Bach Day Nearer Real- • ization of TheirOliject. General Castelnau, chief of the French military delegation at the con- ference of the Entente allies at Petro- grad, is quoted in a despatch to the Temps of Paris from the Russian cap ital as saying: "One has only to compare the muli- tary situation of the allies in the month of January, 1916, with that of January', 1.91.7, and he will be corn - pelted to admit that the cenditions for the forthcoming Spring campaign are much more favorable than they were last year. "I can say ,that each day we are corning nearer to the realization of our objects. The brave Russian army, whibh has assumed a formidable task, the gallant Italian troops, and, finally, the Anglo-French forces, wildch are increasing in number, constitute the best guarantees of our final victory, which hereafter will come promptly. In the meantime the military power of the allies remains unshakeable. The Germans have procured success only on secondary fronts. "With -regard to the , principal fronts, on which decisive action will occur, our enemies have shown them- selves powerless to obtain any serious results," LITTLE WORRIES • 't THE HOME These Bring the Wrinkles and Pallid Faces That Make Women Look Prematurely .0111. Alniost every woman at the head Of a home meets daily , many little Worries in her household affairs, The care of .her tittle ones, the work about the house -all contribute to these worries. Most Of them may be too small to notice an hour afterwards but they constitute a constant strain that 'affects the ,blood and the nery and make women look peernature old. The effect of these little worri may be noticed in sick or nervo headaches, fickle appetite, , tiredne after slight exertion, and the corni of wrinkles which every woin dreads. To those thus afflicted D Williams' pink Pills offer a spee cure; a restoration of color to t cheeks, brightness to the eye, a hear appetite and a -sense of freedom fro weariness. Among the man,' the sands of Canadian women who ha found new : health ;and- streng through these pills is Mrs. G. Stra ser, Acton West, Ont., who says: "I am the mother of three childre and after each birth r became terrib run clown.'I had weak, thin blood, a ways felt tired, and unable to do :m household Work. After the birth my third child I seemed to be worn and was very badly run down. 1 foun the greatest benefit froth the .Pills an soon gained my old time strength. L deed afteintaking them I -felt as we as in my girlhood; and 'could tak pleasure in my :work. I also use Baby's Own Tablets Tor my little:one and have found them a Splenclid.med cine for childhood ailments." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sol by all dealers in medicine, or yo, can procure them by mail at 50 cent a box .or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Medicine Co. Brockville, Ont. TORTURE OF PRISONERS. Terrible Cruelty inflicted on Captive by Germans. es ly es US SS ng an r. ly he ty rn u- ve th s - n ly 1- y of e, cl d 1- e cl c s Hideous in the extreme, and only' equal in awfulnesS: to the frightful horrors of the indlisition of the dark ages, is the story told in a semi-of- ficial communique of the tortures in- flicted upon' French and English pris-. oners in German prison camps, says a Paris correspondent. Examples are given, as follows: \ In reprisal camps of occupied dis- tricts of Russia this 'treatment has been applied with terrible' refine ments of cruelty. Thus, a mattress was at Mines placed between the stake; and the head of the sufferer to render his position:More exhaust- ing. Sometimes the victim was tied bareheaded at midday with his face toward the in, and with thepoints of barbed wire arranged SO that .'bhey penetrated his chin, At Landshut s'eventeen' Frenchmen Were encloeed in a cage ,four metres long by three'rue.tres wide, exposed.to all weathers. As a result, severalof: them went mad. Punishineat of the pit. The vica tiin was foaced into a holo in the eartin.of .air average length of one metre and oighty NMI:inlet:o-1 :deep. The floor ' was strewn with sharp stones. and: the -walla covered with barbed wire: in Cottritind the lashing was ad., Ministered on the loins of prisoners. At Stargard. on Sunday mornings the wives of officers and other per- sons were invited to Witness the bastinado, The population of the 13ritish.. Erne plre 'exceeds one -quarte r of, the pop- ulation 0± th.e world. A teacher asked her class of 'chil- dren what it skeleton was, Otic litIle fellow,' Benny, seven, said: ---"I know; it's bones with. the people .rebbed off." • rAfr, !eilt.w1111:etattira, ,.175447 I 1 • She Dom Her Bit In Patriotic Work And Tells of Benefit Received From Doeld's Kidney Pills. Mae, H. A. Standish Strong, Hearty and Enthusiastic at Sixty-two, Ad- vises Others to Use Dodd's Kidney Pills. Ayers Cliff, Stanstead Co., Que., Feb'y 19th (Special.)—One of the most enthusiastic patriotic workers in this district is Mrs, H. A. Standish. Though sixty-two years of age her splendid health enables her to keep heuse for three hearty men and still have time and streiigth to devote to the welfare of the boys in the trenches. And Mrs. Standish, will tell you she owes that abundant health to Dodd's Kidney Pills. "I must say that Dodd's Kidney Pills are very good for sick kidneys," Mrs. Standish states. "I have recom- mended thein many times for rheuma- tism as they helped me very much Cur that disease. You can say for Me that Dodd's Kidney Pills are beneficial for everyone who is troubled with bad kidneys." The kidneys are the keystone of woman's health. Keep the kidneys right and the rest will be right. Dodd's Kidney Pillslceep the kidneys right. Advance Spring Styles Some of the Spring hats combine straw and fine felt, or straw and satin Others. are entirely of straw trimmed with flowers or ribbon, and :a great many are of crepe. An almost brim - leas, .rather high -crowned little hat `-tv-asfashioned entirely of narrow rib- bon interlaced, giving the impression ofstraw, at a distance. It was of narrow blue ribbon with a tiny'red border on either side: The trimming was a hunch of red cherries placed on the left side of the Crown.. Another hat with a small 11P -turned brim was of white silk covered entirely with machine stitching worked in. A close allover design. Machine stitching -is also very popular just now as 'a 'de - • • -1, INleCALL 7604-7599 BOX Coat of Green Jersey Cloth .with Wbite Pleated Skirt coration for suits and dresses, there- fore it isnol surprising to find it on Some New Suits Very snappy are the new suits with their hip -length coats. The box coat • ired aching feet feel re,; freshed after an application of Sloan's Liniment, do not rub, it penetrates and soothes. Cleaner than mussy plasters or ointments, doesnot stain the skin. Have a bottle handy for rheu- niatic pains, neuralgia, gout, lum- bago, sprains, strains, toothacheb, tuies and muscle soreness, At all druggists, 25c. 50c. and 4;1.00, • in the sketch is one of the new models. The pleated pockets and enfls tell at once that this is a 1917 design, for box coat e have never'before bad shell friv- olous pockets. Coats of bright col- ors such ne green, rose, marigold, Citron or pnrple aceompany white skirts which are either plain, or else vatted or striped, with the color of the coat. Some of the Skirts are made :from bordered material with the border at the lover edge and the top laid In pleats. In some of these, the designs are embroidered instead of printed. The designs are generally large dots or squares woalte'd in two or throe striking colors or in a solid color with black or a contrasting shade used to outline the motif. Jersey, and Still More Jersey Jersey keeps at the height of popu- larity and is now combined with other materials. A suit of eitron-eolofed wool jerseyezvas made with a white pique collar. The collar was, of course, detachable so that it could be removed and laundered with ease. In another instance, wool jersey was combined with gabardine very pleas- ingly. The suit was of pilule jer- sey, and tan gabardine fashioned the large collar and revers that went the length of the coat. The miffs and pocket -laps were also of the tan gabardine. These patterns may be obtained from your local McCall dealer po from The McCall Company, 70 Bond St. Toronto. Department W. BABY'S OWN TABLETS OF GREAT HELP iVIrs, Wm, Artlett, Ancaster, Ont., writes:—"I have used Baby's Own Tablets for three years for ray little ,giri and baby boy. I have found them of the greatest help during the teething period and always keep them in the house." The Tablets aid teething babies because they regulate the stomach and bowels, thus prevent- ing constipation, diarrhoea and con- vulsions. They promote healthful sleep and keep baby well and happy. They are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. • Using Waste Places. ' The Parks Coihmittee of the Lon- don County Council reports that it has not been necessary to, exercise the compulsory powers in regard to land for cultivation, the owners cheerfully giving up their land. Lord Derby's deer park at Knowsley .has been ploughed up and more than one hun- dred acres are to be converted into wheat land. Motor tractors which cut from three to six furrowsata time were employed. Forty acres of_the racecourse at Northampton, which has been used as a recreation ground since the abolition of racing, will be ploughed up. TOSTOP BAD COUGH SOOT PI Dny, artmiTATED TRROAT wm'riVARMINT SYRUP. SAYS THIS 01.D PAShIXONED COU MEDIC/NE IS TIM' 33SST. , We are told that the old time remedies are best and invariably contain less harmful yet better medicine than those which are in use to -day. This being SO, undoubtedly the following old 'fashioned recipe which is quick acting will be welcomed by many as there seems to be a regular epidemic 04—coughs at the present time. Secure from your drug- gist 1 ottnee. Parmint (double strength), take this- home and. add 'to. It a quarter pint of hot water and 4 ounces of granu- lated sugar stir until dissolved. Take 1 tablespoonful,_four times a day. No more racking 'your whole body with a cough. Clogged nostrils should open, air passages of your head should clear' and your breathing become oay, Parmint syrup' is pleasant to take. ,easy- to 'pre- pare- and costs little. VverY person who has a stubborn cough, hard cold or ca- tarrh in any form should give this pre- scriptiom a. trial Any druggist can supply You, or a bot' tie' Will be sent on receipt of 75c. postal note or money order. Address Xnterna- tional Laboratories, 74 81. Antoine',St, Montt Canada, - How ? "Truly, am I the first girl you ever kissed?" ' "You are, My darling, and it makes ine happy to hear you say I ani the first man who ever kissed you." "If I am the first how does it hap- pen you do it so expertly ?" "And if I am the first how da you know whether I do it expertly or not?" • Maneonville, June 27, '13, Millard's Liniment Co., Limited, • Yarmotith, N. S. Geratlemeine-It affords me great pleasure and must be gratifying to you -to know that after using 36 bottles of -your Liniment on a ease of paralysis which my father was afflict- ed with, 1 was able to restore him to normal condition. Hoping other suf- ferers, may be benefited by the use of your Liniment, I am, Sit -Merely' Yours GEO. II. HOLMES, Minerals in Mexico. The 'mineral resources , of 1VIoxico include gold, silver, copper, coal, platinum, graphite, petaoleurii, as- phalt sodium and marble , • . !Kinard's Xduinient Curse target In CCM79, The teacher's last question tvas Meant to be a scientilie poser. "What is it that pervades all space," she said, "which no \van or door' or other sUhstanee can shut out?" No one' had an answer ready .but Eveddy Sharpe, • "The $mell of onions Ilhiaa " he said 44 profilptly flagjic Batting FlOvvdr costs no more than the ordinary ctincls, rot. economy buy the one pound tins. ..f E,VV.GILLETT COMPANY LIMITED Q8T. I.I0/1,114 ' , (14.1ntoN PgP,Y.t cP4M,1r44 Awful rhought, I PulpTree's in Argentma• Favorite foods that mother need to make Were the topie of conversation at the boarding-house table, After numerous interchanges came a hill. The a callow youth whom bas-Hui- ness usually kept anent broke it with this bombshell: "D -d -d -did any of you ever eat sauerkraut with whipped cream on Granulated Eyelid% Fru Eyee inflamed by expo - euro to Sun, Dust and Wind ‘15, quickly relieved by Mutine '1"IltjtyisetReElnyeedYC' bio fSoTta.r,,tlikg; - Your Druggist's 50c per Bottle. Marine .i?..ye SalVeinTubes25e.Fm.Bookoi theEyerrceask Druggists or Marine Eye P.emetly Co. Chicago ----- Encouraging. He was one of those young men who never seem to know when to go home. She had tried yawning, but even that failed to get rid of him. 'Presently a clock outside in the hall began to strike in low, deep tones the midnight hour, "Oh, I say, Miss Goldilocks," said the late -stayer brightly, "is that an eight-day clock?" Miss Goldilocks smiled coldly at "Well," she said, stifling another yawn, "why don't you stay a little longer and find out?" Xlinard's Liniment Cures Distemper. 1 When buying your Piano insist on having an "OTTO HIGEL." PIANO ACTION eeks , '- America's Pioneer Cog Remedies BOOK ON DOG DISEASES And How to Feed ITellecl free to any address try the .4athor • CLAY GLOVER CO., Inc. 118 West 3Ist Street, New York Experiments by a Swedish scientis have 'demonstrated that Argentina produces in abundance a tree that yields. a better paper pulp than usu- ally employed in -the United 'Stites. htinard,s Liniment CuresDiplathel-la. Manure and Moisture. In addition to plant food contain.' ed in 'well -rotted stable manure, all soils to which it is added will there- after retain more moistuee and retain it for a longer period. All gardens should annually receive barn manures, .but in well decayed condition. Very sandy soils so treated have moistr eveporation reduced at least one-han of that formerly prevailing. Ih,i61-N V? OVVI You will End relief in Zarglauk 2 it teases the burning, stinging pain, stops bleeding 'and iniqs ease. Perseverance, with Zeit. tluk, means cure. Why not prove 1 this ? .egu Drupaistoboond Storm - Irma NEWSPAPERS :von S.a.X.13 1110FIT-5IAICING NEWS AND JOB ' Offices for sale in good Ontario towns. The imost Imeful and interesting of all businesses. .1: Full information on application to wilson Publishing Com- pany, 73 West .A,delaide Street, Toronto. MISCIILLANDOUS riANCER, TUMORS, LUMPS, ETC.. i„J internal and external, cured 'with- out pain by our home treatment, Write us before too late. Dr. Penman medical Co.. Limited, Collingwood, Ont WANTED. 2-3 LBS. 515/rite A. BARBOUR, 243 College St., Toronto Book "Patent Protection" Pre° 13COCK: et, SONIS Formerly Patent Office Examiner. Estab. 1877 99 ST. JAMES ST., MONTREAL Branehest Ottawa and Washington fOti, ,f..THE LARGEST FIREPROOF RESORT, g MT& El THE WORLD cl141i&I The Spirit of America at Play: Magnitude and Cheerfulness AMER,ICAN PLAN ISUR.OPEA.N PX.AN D. VirbIte, Pres. g. W. Mott, Mgr. Will reduce Inflamed, Strained, Swollen Tendons, Ligaments, or,P,Iuscles. Stops the lamenessand pain from a Splint, Side Bone ot Bone Spavin. No blister, no hair gone and horse can be used. $2 a bottle at druggists or delivered. De., ibe your case for special instruc. tions autt interesting horse Book 2 M ABSONSINE,JR,, the antiseptic linimentfor mankind, reduces Strained, Torn Liga- ments, Swollen Glands, Veins or Muscles; Heals Cuts, Sores, Ulcers. Allays pain, Price Si. 00 a bottk at cl,Irr, or err, orcri. Book 'Cvldence" W. F, YOUNG, P, F4 516 Lymans Bldg , Montreal, tan. ilbserblac and Absorbloc, Jr.. ar, mule In Dina% 51 61, FOR ALL BLACK LEATIrJilt EUREKA HARNESS OIL is unexcelled for pre- serving and length- ening t hp life of black feather, This scientifically prepared oil makes harness a rich, inky black ---shiny, soft, tough. THE TM PER tAY, COAT PANT:, tinii to4, litancheA Throughout. Canada Atluarll,s 1:1311Anent Cures ColtlEt, Mtc.!iD 7. • '' ISSUE' 3—'17. 4, THE NATION'S FUTURE Deeds Upon Healthy Babies Properly reared children grow up to be strong, healthy citizens Many diseases to Which child- ren are susceptible, first indicate their presence irt the bowels, The careful mother should watch her child's bowel move- ments and use Mr. Wililow's Soothiig Syrup It is a corrective for diarrhoea, colic and other aliments to which children are subiect especially during the teething period, it is absolutely non-narcotic and contains neither opium, morphine nor any of th:.'ir de- rivatives. Mrs.I °AT s 'Soot -hint' Syrup Makes Cheerful, ' Chubby Children Soothes the fretting child clurhia thc trying period of its develop- ment and 014' gives rest and relief to both child and mothe,r. Buy a bottle todnY and keep it hixndy " by all r/t-rds?gi,tiv in Ca a 44 a • h t4l'OLT1112141. ,tvot.1 a' ,4;