HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1917-2-22, Page 8• ' ti* 1 1 10, 1 1 1 1 IgAlk.ICETS CtiANGED •EACH IttreDINTESDAY Wheat 1-55 to 1,65 HAY per ten. 10.00 to 11.00 Oats per bus. 55 to 60 Potatoes „. ,,,, . „. , . , . , , ., 3.00 Low grade flour per cwt ...... 2 70 Family Flour , , , , , 4.70 Shorts 4200, 36.00 Creanic.-ry butter , „ , „ 47 Dairy Butter , „ 3$ and 40 Lard per lb ,, , 24 Eggs 46 Hogs, per e•.vt . 1.3.50 Sugarbeet Pulp, per ton 30.00 SALE O1' CATTLE. --Dont forget Byron Flicks' Sale of Cattle at Cen- tralia on Saturday next, Feb. 24th, SALE OF HORSES. -Don't forget Gib Does sale of horses at the Cen- tral Hotel, Exeter, next Friday, Feb, 24. See the sale list in this issue, --o----- CONCERT-The Mission Circle of the James Street Methodist Church will hold their Annual Concert and Tea on Monday e•mining, Feb. 26th, Tea served frog 6 ,to 8. Admission 25 i and 10 cents. Everybody we - carne HOUND LOST. -Black and t an, a year old, with white breast; answers to the name of "Rock". Party re- turning him to the owner will be suitably rewarded.- Thos, Rowcliffe, Exeter. CARD OF THANKS, -Mr. and Mrs. j. W. Taylor and family desire to thank the friends and neighbors far their 'many words and acts of kind- ness during their recent bereavement in the loss ol their beloved daughter and sister, the late Lola Beatrice Tay- lor, the light of the home. ALLIES' MASQUERADE CAR- NIVA.L.-A grand Masquerade Carn- ival will be held in the Exeter Skat- ing Rink on Monday, Feb. 26th. 25 per cent. at the proceeds over ex- penses to be given to the Soldiers' Aid. First and second prizes willbe given for the following groups, - Ladies Costumes -Russian, Belgian Italian French, Japanese, Also Gents' comic_ Gents' Costumes -Russian Soldier Belgian, Italiaa French Japanese sol- dier. Also Ladies' comic, Boys' Potato Race, under 12 year Band in attendance. Grand March of The Allies. Admission 25c, war tax 2c. • „MONEY LOST -In Exeter, an or about Jan'y 30th, three ten dollar bilis. Finder will be rewarded by leaving same at Dr. Browning's drug store. COTTAGE FOR SALE. -A con- venient Cottage for sale, or rent. Apply to G. Jt Dow, Exeter. HOUSES TO RENT OR SELL. -- Several good houses to either sell oi rent. Apply to A. Cottle, Ann Street, 400 TONS SALT -400 tons of fine Land and Cattle Salt for sale. All grades $5.50 per ton 50c. per bag. EXETER SALT WORKS Co., Ltd J Sutton, Manager. ENSILAGE FOR SALE. The silo at the Canning Factory is open and ensilage is for sale at $3.00 per ton, purchaser paying for weigh- ing on R. 0,. Seldon's scales. EXETER CANNING CO. FARMS FOR SALE The undersigned is offering his two farms in Stephen forsale, one being part of Lot 22, Cors. 7, containing 50 acres. There is on the premises a good house, „barn, and out buildings is well equipp-ed in every way for farming,. The other is th.e 25 acre pasture farm, being part of Lot 21, Con. 6. Both are excellent properties and will be sold reasonable,. Apply to John G. Wein, Stephen, Crediton Post Office. EXE ER ADVOCATE„ Ncrriw Na"WierirAir r LOCAL DOINGS. ..8,....a.99".„A,.,0,,,43..306-A16,411.AelL Ala Yesterday was Ash Wednesday mrs. pi. Snell has been on tile sick list dus'ing the /week Mr, W. D. Sanders, Stephen, is con- fined to his home with a severe at- tack of grippe, ' Mr. John Moir took a turn for the worse the latter part of last week and continues very low, • The Exeter Motor Sales Co. have received several cars of Overland and Willya-Kaight ears during the weak Owing to illness, Mr, Latimer Grieve was home from Toronto where he has beea attending the School of Phar- macy, Miss Anina Kinsman was tendered complimentary "shower" on Thursday evening by a number of her lady friends in Caven Presbyterian church, Mrs. David -Russell, &to had the mis- fortune to fall, on the sidewalk near her home in Exeter North. on Satur- day, and broke her arm above the Mr. Milo Snell has had a number' of Ford cars shipped in this week. His garage is fast being put in shape and he will aiave one of the finest show roams in Western Ontario. Miss Fern Francis of Kirkton; pupil of Miss Gladys Bissett, has passed with honors the Junior Piano Forte and Primary Theory examinations of the London Conservatory of Music. -On the Sunday evenings chiding Lent Rev, A. A. Trurnper. will preach a series o1 sermons, entitled "Men Who Crucify Christ," The subject next Sunday will be, "The Cross as ,an eternal fact." The fire alarm was sounded on Monday at noon, and the firemen were soon on the job, but the trouble proved only to be a chimney -fire at the home of Mr. John Willis, and no damage was done. Mrs. John Cookson, Exeter Ist-cirthr Who has b cert. sulfating f rom kidney trouble followed by an attack of pneu- monia which threatened her life, haS taken a turn for the better and now' gives promise af recovery. Miss Ada Willis, teacher at Khisva school, while' spending Saturday and Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, James Willis, of the 3rd of Ste- phen, was taken suddienlY ill of pneu- monia Sunday and is now confined to her bed under the doctor's care. A Choir of male voices will furn- ish several special musical numbers •ft the evening service next Sunday in James Street Methodist church. The sermons will contain special messages for men. Rev, S. W. Muxworthy preaoh at the morning, arid the pas- tor at the evening service Mr. I.'..kraistrang received ward last week of the death, of his cousin, Mary Jane Patterson, .tvife. of James Morrow ;of Strathroy, at the age of 6 8 nears,- 11 months and ;7 days. Mr, Armstrong attended the funeral in Strathroy on February 14th, re- turning Thursday evening. The Uniform Promotion Examina- tions for the Public Schools of Huron will be held an Thursday and Friday, March -29th and 30th, 1917. Papers are. provided for Junior and Senior Second a.nd Third Classes and Junior Fourth Class. Teachers should notify their School Inspector soon stating the number ot papers needed for each class Mr. William .Reid had the misfor- tune to have apart of a linger torn off on Monday when he got it caught between a chain and a log, while as- sisting Mr. Thos. Houlden drawing logs .A. second finger was also bad- ly bruised. The injury was very pain-- ful and he had to wait au hour or so in. -town before having it dressed, as all the doctors were out of town at the time. CASH BUSINESS IN FUTURE. - In future we will conduct our Black- smithing Business on a purely cash basis. -JAS. DIGNAN & SON. . " E O'BRIEN BVSINIESS COLLEGE Alma Block, 361 Richmond Street LONDON. PHONE 5875. Courses --Commercial Stenotypewriting, Isaac Pitman Shorthand, and Oivil Service Course DAY CLASSES -Students may enter any day. NIGEff CLASSES--iVloriday, Wednesday and Friday, 7.30'to 9.30 Inlivjdual Instruction. Allowance made for Railway Fares W. J. O'Brien, Commercial Specialist, Principal (Formerly of Exeter.) For Further Particulars Apply at this Office,' 0:4;40.4 • ••• GILSON ENGINES The Engine of Constant Service Absolutely Guaranteed GILSON SILO FILLERS The Lightest Running Blowers made • „ Beware of imitations and infringments. v-rdip ,THE HYLO SILO.Entirely different and infinitely superior. Ask Afrn. Frayne, Exeter, Agent GILSON MFG. CO. 235Y ork St G 1ph Ont . • , . . ' , . • , TIIIIRBBAY FEB BB i.B17 Mr. L Rs. ,Carling was :in Londoa on business Friday.. Pte Gordon, Wells 'was home t•ram Landau last Nveek. Mr W, J. Beer went to Toronto Monday on business, Mr Mresley Lamport of London was in. town over Sunday. Mr ;James Stewart was in Ingersol a few days last week. Miss Edna Brock of Toranto is vis- iting at her home here, Mr. E. Handford was in town for a clay or two last week, Mrs, McAvoy was in London yes- terday for further treatment. Miss 1.). Elston left last week tot at- tend the millinery openings m To- ronto. Pte. Chas, Triebnierleft Monday for London, and expects to go overseas shortly. • Mrs. Swinerton of London has been visiting at the home of Mr. S. J. Ho- garth, S'ephen. Messrs. Harley. Sanders ancl Thos. Cookson left Monday to accept situa- tions in Windsor. Messrs. Joseph Taman and Russell Balkwill ,ot Seaford; visited relatives here over Sunday, Inspector Tom of Goderich has been on official duty in this section for the pasl few days, • Miss May Armstrong and Mrs. Mc- Creath .Ieit Monday to 'attend the. mil- linery 'openings at Toronto. Mrs. ,Rob. Dininey went to Landon Thursday ,owing to the illness of Mrs Philip Rowcliffe, formerly of Exeter. The Boy Scouts of Clinton came down on Saturday .and engaged Ex- eter Scouts in, a game of hocke-y, the home boys winning 5 to 1. 'Dhe re- turn game will be played in Clinton to -night, 0-hursdaY.) Miss 011ie Quance Ls attending the millinery openings in Taranto. She bas accepted a position far this sea- son in Tweed, Ont. Misses Lulu Hastings, Blanche Quance and Thelma Skinner of Lon- don Business College attended the funeral of their schoolmate, IN/Liss Tay- lor, on Saturday. Mr, and Airs. Geo. Petty of Walker= ville and Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Mills of Windsor were called here last week to the serious illness of Mrs. John Cookson, Exeter North, Mrs. Petty and 11 -1a -s. Mills being daughters of Mrs. Cookson. Mr. 'Samuel Sanders of Traynor, Sask., and Mr. Nelson Sanders of De- troit Mich., were called to their home here last week owing to the serious illness of their mother, Mrs. John Cookson. Exeter North, the latter.re- turning to 'Detroit Monday. Mr. Harry W. Horton shipped a car of horses to Lomond, Alta., on Mon- day Jame:, Horton accompanied them Rev. C. Fletcher was the preacher in James Street Church Sunday morn- ing, the pastor, Rev. Baird, preaching the morning sermon in Thames Road Presbyterian Church, the occasion be - int the anniverary of the fhames Road Church. •, DIED IN MITCHELL. ---After only Cour days illness of pneumonia •'the death. took place at his home in Mit- chell of Harry Piper, son of Mrs. Grace Piper -of Exeter, at the age' of 44 years. Deceased had been Work- ing at the ice and caught a, severe cold and the end came rapidly. De- ceased was born'in England and carne to Canada with his parents when two years of age, settling in Exeter, where he lived until about fourteen years sgo. Since ,that time he residedo-in Seaforth for threeion lour years and in Mitchell for ten' years. He. was twice married, and is survived by his second wite. -His mother, four bro- thers and five sisters also survive, Tabu. of Exeter, William af Seatarth, Ed of Smith Falls, and Bert of Mon- treal Mrs, McK:nley of Cleveland, Mrs Braithwaite of Detrait, Mrs. Gale of London Mable and Ethel of Chicago. The funeral took place in Mitchell an Saturday and was attended by all the members of the family except Bert and the Misses Piper of 'Chicago. Af- ter attending the funeral several of them spent the week end here with their mother. After Ed: had left' his home in Smith's Falls his wife TeCeiV- ed word of the death of her brother George Brown at Parkhill, the funer- al taking place on Monday. DEA-TH FOLLOWED BURNS. - About one o'clock pe Thursday morn ins,- last the death took place at St. Joseph Hospital, Londoi, on Miss Lola Beatrice 'Taylor, daughter of Mr. and MTS. John W. Taylor at Exeter, fol- lowing burns she had rec,eived the previous Saturday evening, when her kitnona. ,was set on fire by a spark from the grate in her boarding house 31 Victor St., London. Miss Taylor was attending Business College, and was aged 20 years, 7 months, 13 days. For two or three days the patient was 'said to be standing, the extreme pain at the many. Jeurns about her body very well, but' the shock was too great and she passed away as stated, an hour or two after the end was „seen to be approecbing. Deceased was a ;aright, ,intelligent and big hearted ,girl, and the news of the ac- cident and death were a great shock to her many friends in town. Besides her parents slhle is survived by four brothers and three sisters. Nelson in Alberta., Frank, with the American Marines, in the West Indies, Gorclon„ fighting for his cOuntry, in, France, and Ernest et home; Mrs, W. T. England of Alberta, who is at pres,ent visiting the family borne here, Mrs, 'Agrierx Winnipeg, anti ivlrs. e avisl f Si; ak esp ear all of wham have the since/a' sympathy of a wide circle af friends The remains were brought to Exeter Thursday evening, and the funeral took place 0,n Saturday atter- noon from the family residence to Exeter cemetery; and was very large- ly attended. Among those -present from a distance were, Mr, and .?ylrs. W, England of the west, who are here on a vis",A, Mr, and Mrs.- NiciTay- iSh*of Shakespeare, Mrs. McKenzie of St. 'Thomas, Mrs. Cook and Mrs. Pear- son of London' Miss Johnston ot Blyth Mr. and Mrs, Johnston, pf sall The floral :tributes were many and very obeautiful. 'COATS and SKIRTS A FULL STOCK OF LADIES' RE ADY- TO -WEAR ,TO SHOW YOU. PRICES NOT MUCH HIGHER THAN LAST SEASON. SUITS COATS SKIRTS Black, .Naty, Green Brown Right up-to-date in Nifty Street Skirts, Real Good Serge, and all the newest cloths in Black Silk, Navy swell design , • and patterns Sport Coats and Mack- Serge Also Beautiful Suits Dress & Motor Coats. Plain cloth -old prices SEE OT_IR SUITS AND COATS BEFORE THEY GET PICKli,D OVER. THE EARLY BUYER 'GETS THE BEST -CHOICE. Specials for this Week FOR ONE WEIC WE 01.-iTERTHE FOLLOWING SPECIALS SPECIAL NO. 1 S?ECIAL.NO, .1 piece Heavy Black Silk 1 yd Real good quality while silk wide $1.25 waists, all sizes 82.00 each SPECIAL NO. 3 ' s,pgcr.m.., NO. 4 ':••'01' sante(); Todau s,13IIRd '2op 3 pair men's-ogrey worsted isox each • good weight for 81.00 • SPECIAL NO. 5 SPECIAL NO. 6 10 piieces print at 123c. a yard. 1 piece heavy Turkey 25c. yd. Men's and Boys' Ready-to-wear MEN'S SUITS 100 men's suits, 'extra good cloth Selling at old prices, MEN'S OVERCOATS All our Men's O'coarts to be clear- ed out to make roam for other goods. BOYS' SUITS All ages in the best cloths mon- ey: can buy. At reduced prices. MEN'S RAINCOATS Real :heavy, medium' or light weight, right from thefactories in Scotland. Prices ,very moderate. 5000 Rolls New Spring Wall Paper PARLOR PAPER DRAWING ROOM PAPERS DEN PAPERS DINING ROOM PAPERS BEDROOM PAPERS BATH ROOM PAPER BEAUTIFUL PATTERNS TO SELECT FRO. JONES & MAY fleadquatters for the celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing A load of bays Hensalt .one night a skate. Misses Lily and are attending the in Toronto. and girls drove to last week to enjoy Winniffred Huston millinery openings -BEAUTIFUL HOME FOR SALE The undersigned is offering for sale her beautiful residence in Exeter, 'ap- posite the Ross -Taylor mill. The property contains ttwo lots of land fine brick house, containing nine rooms and wood shed, good stable and drive shed'hard and soft water) number fruit trees and small fruits. House all wired' and furnished for Hydro. This is tan 'excellent property and will be sold at a reasonable price Aptly to Louise. Cudrnctre, who is in the West, but will be home in a short time. Small quantity of SEED OATS AND BARLEY for sale R. G. SELDON The iNcw icordL Furniture and Undertaking R N. ROINTE SmisIN Coats OF FIRST INTEREST WHEN THE OLD ONE GETS WORN OUT. f HE S 1lY LES ARE VARIED TO MEET DIFFERENT TASTES COATS ARE LONGER SKIRTS ARE ALSO LONGER Our New Goods are here. Good range to choose from.- MADE TO YOUR MEASURE. SEE. OUR NEW COA'I'INGS FOR LADIES. PRICES -817.00 AND 'CP. We also have a nice range of Men's Over Coatings and ,Suitings. GIVE US A CALL N. Sheere LADIES AND GENTS' TAILOR Stand Upstairs, Opposite the Central Hotel. (1111.1111f.Store At the New Meat Market you can. get all kinds of fresh ancl cured meats, choice sausage, corned beef, etc, You oan n,rder your meats and groceries and have them delivered to- gether. Telephone or send your order. Phone 18 R1 C..Oower&Son THE FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND FURNITURE DEALER Tea & Coffee Store For the choicest groceries, fruits, spices, teas, coffee and every- thing in the grocery line. Call and see us. A trial as to quality will convin- ce. Produce taken in exchange Jas. Gould 0 ppcsE , , leetrie light Plant Exeter Bargain Store February Sale WE OFFER THE BALANCE OF''OUR OVERCOATS AT A DIS- COUNT OF 20 PER' GENT. 2 DOZEN MEN'S HEAVY FLEECE • LINED UNDERSKIR'TS WORTH 75c. FO,R 60c. EACH. 25 PAIRS LADIES CLOTH RUBBERS AT 75c, A PAIR. 2 DOZEN WHITE FLANNELLETTE NIGHTGOWNS AT -81.25. A 'IA13LE FULL OF BRAIDS AND TRIMMINGS AT 25c. CARD. HEAD(,)UAR'PERS FOR S1-10113 AND RUBBERS. B. W. F. Beavers be to to 1-'"o or, so) , oul th im tri cat mu 00 00 of Go an( bli , fu siti int chs wa floc sw reCi rig cat to bei wh Th in ' dra oat INC WI FO !AB BE. ER EV WI IDI BE. TR' EA ME sH) GL MA RE.