HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1917-2-22, Page 7amara
The Buebess of Being
a Boy is a strenuous ernes
ploy ieuta Sturdy boys and
girls are not built out of
book alone. The best food
for growing youngsters is
Shredded Wheat, the whole
wheat food 'that builds
healthy tissue, good bone
and rlevtlo s sound teeth
and healthy gums. For
breakfast or
any meal, with
milk or .cream. Delicious
with preserved fruits.
Made n Cana. da,
private concern.
The `inereasii g pr.odluction of pulp
and paper in British Columbia con-
tinues, and it is announced that the
plant of the.Ernpire Pulp and Paper
Mills, at -Swanson Bay, 100miles
south of 'Prince Rupert, will be -turn-
ing out cheni:ical pulp iib commercial
quantities; the' daily output When the
plant is in hill running order being+
between thirty-five and forty tons.
Capacity to Produce Pulp Wood ii
Enormous Quantities.
Indications point to Canada as one
of the most important pulp and paper
producers of the world for many
years. There is no reason; except
apathy respecting fire -protection in
the pulp producing regions, why Can-
ada should not paoduee perpetually a
large part of the world's paper. The
large spruce forests in the east and
north ineludiug the sub -arctic forest
which has value chiefly for pulp, show
Canada's capacity to grow suitable
wood in enormous quantities, sufficient
with any kind of protection and man-
agement, to supply the demand of all
time. Pulp forests are, however,
particularly susceptible' to fire, and
need careful protection,
It is gratifying to see thatsome of
the most progressive pulp companies
are successfully protecting their lands
from fire. On account of the comp
paratively rapid growth of pulp tim-
ber to a commercial -Size it appears
that pulp companies will be the first
who can prove that scientific forest
management is good business for a
For Bright
ring a
A sports frock in all its glory is
here illustrated.' It may be called
a versatile design, for it is as suitable
For the afternoon frock of plain and'
figured pongee or foulard as for the.
morning frock of plain"and figured
poplin. McCall Pattern No. 7643,.
Ladies' Blouse Dress. Pattern in 6
sizes; 34 to 44 bust. - Price, 20 cents.
These patterns may be obtained
From your local McCall dealer or from
the McCall Company, 70 Bond Street,
Toronto, Ontario, "Dept W".
A Madagascar Industry.
One of the oldest native Madagas-
car industries is the curing and manu-
facturing. of silk into what is called
"lambamena"; "lamba" in Malagasy
means dress shroud, or. clothing, and
"mena" means red. "Lambamena" is
made front a heavy grey native silk "
principally in the Betsileo country, in
the; southern part of the Central Pla-
teau. This material was originally
used for wrapping' the bodies of pro-
rninent natives for burial. The more I
celebrated or wealthy the deceased or e
his relatives here, the more- 'lamba- s
mena was used, but this custom is be-
ing gradually discontinued.
1.�7'a�" pt�� � `kg&'��`I�'u�l
9 3
� c . �, �
Can Obtain' New Health
Through the Use of Dr.
Williams' Pink hills.
very woman at some time needs
a tonic. At special ' times unusual
demands are made upon her strength.
Where these are added to the worry
and work which falls to her lot,
weakness and ill health • will follow
unless the blood is fortified to- meet
the strain.
Weak women find in Dr. Williams'
Pink .Pills the tonic exactly suited to
their needs. Most of the ills from
which they suffer are due to bloocl-
Iessness-a condition which the Pills
readily cure. These pills save the
girl who enters into womanhood in
a bloodless condition from years of
misery, and afford prompt and per-
manent reliefto the woman who is
bloodless,' and therefore " weak. Mrs.
Wm, H. Wagner, Rosenthal, Ont
writes:—"After the birth of my se
cond child I suffered from trouble
which most mothers will understand
without going into details. The doe
tor who was attending me said a
operation would be necessary, but a
I dreaded this and as Dr. Williams
Pink Pills had been of great help to
my sister I decided to try this medi-
cine, and I can truly say that after
using the pills for some time they
made a complete cure and made life
more enjoyable than it had been for
a long time. I think" every woman
suffering from the ailments 'of our
sex should give Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills a fair trial as I know from my
own case the great benefit that fol
lows their use." •
You can get these pills through any
medicine dealer or by mail at 50
cents a box or six boxes for $2.50
from The Dr.,.. Williams' Medicine
Co., Brockville, Ont.
Makes,,your wagon run
•as if it had ball bearings,
It is the Mica that
aloes it. Mica makes a
smoother bearing sur-
faceand a longerwearing
grease. ' Dealers every-
Canadian Order Of Foresters Has A
Splendid Financial Basis.
The Canadian Order of Forester
which has for years occupied a pro
minent position' as one of the leading
Fraternal Insurance Societies operat-
ingin Canada. , Was instituted in 1879
by 488 members who seceded from
the American Order of Foresters
To -day it has - a membership of eye
90,000, which it the largest pure ly
Canadian membership of any of /he
fraternal societies doin
ter.n 1 i,nsuxance soviet s
business in the Dominion.
The Society has hada most sue'eess
NI record and'has accumulated funds
which, at the present time, amount 'ah
between five and a half and six million
defiers. Last year: was apparently
one of the most successful years in
the history of the institution. The
amount added to the insurance funds
for 1916:was between four and five
hundred thousand dollars. Notwith-
standing this success'.the management
decided to ascertain What the actuar-
ial standing of the Society was, and
secured the services of one of the most
competent actuaries "on the Continent.
Acting 'on the advice of the actuary,
the Society decided to re -adjust its
rates and place itself upon -a basis
which will give it at least 100%
actuarial solvency.
By `taking this courso; while its
funds were still piling up, it has been
able to treat its members much more
To Relieve Catarralh:
Deafness and tread
If you have Claturrhai Deafness
head. uoiios so to your drug;-..
gear and. of 1 ounce or rat -mint
(doub�e retreat;th), and add to It
it pint of hot wa,ti • and 4 ounces
of granulated sugar. 'Xal:er ;1
lablespoonful foui'_intes a flaw
This will often piing clttielc re-
IWe:£ from the distressidistressinghead
noises, (-logged nostrils should
open, breathing n1reonrne easy and
the rnuous stop dropping into the
throat. 7:t Is easy to erasero,
oofits littla and is pleasant {o .taic:e,
Any one who lhas Catarrhal I)eaf
nes5 or bead noises should sit"8,
this prescription a trial,
Any druggist oan supply you, or
a bottle will ue sent on receipt of
75o, postal note or money order,
Address International Laborato-
ries, 74 $t. 1,ntoirie $t., Montreal,
Onerous Duties"of the Officer -Who las
Charge of Armyii1eals,
Out of sight of the rest of the
Damp, reeking with .perspiration, hur-
rying from one man to another, errg
ing them to fresh efforts, the is always
at work,
Twenty-four men, hidden in clouds
of steam; half deafened by a roaring;
hissing, rattling racket, are doing
their, best. There is a . mixture of
odors.. Onions fight for precedence
with stewed apples, boiled cabbage
with rice and pastry. The floor runs
with water from the steam grease
frons the cooking, 'and mud front the
workers' boots.' Hither and thither
run these "men, shouting, swearing,
and then bursting into song..
The corporal has the responsibility
of the cooking, and smiles through
it all, admonishing' this man, issuing
', an order to that one. He possesses
the delightful knack of being obeyed
without commanding. Yet this quiet
little man becomes ruffled after the
week is finished—that is, after the
meals are served. Ignoring hie,' own
feed, he waits for the complaints to
come in. LIere are a few: •
Hut X1,—Porridge not cooked; tea
Ilike washing-up water.
Hut )i2.—Porridge over -cooked,
meat like leather, tea too sweet.
Flut X3. —Tea not sweet enough,
meat too fat, not enough butter.
So it goes on for half an hour, un
til, in sheer -desperation, the unfor-
t tunate corporal Seizes some food and
rush's off to his noisy hut to try to
get a "little rest" before he is needed
to prepare the next meal.
Austrian Imperial Family Storing
`Treasures in neutral Countries.
A Swiss correspondent of the Agen-
ria Ltbera, of Rothe, reports that a
great sensation has been created at.
Vienna By revelations published in
Austrian papers, to the effect that
treasures and money to the extent of
many millions of kronen, belonging'
to the Austrian Imperial family,:have''.
been deposited In banks in neutral
countries. The despatch declares that
the news has-been fully confirmed. It
appears tlhat •money, .valuabies> and
securities, worth nho;re ehan `150 mil
lion kronen (over $30,000,000), be-
longing to the Emperor and certain
Archdukes, have been sent into Swit-
zerland and Holland, The "Corriere
d'Xtalia" learns from Berlin that the
news has caused a very bad impres-
cioneven in Germany,
Different n
What Po. Draper Says of Dodd's
Kidney Pills
Iris Troubles Were Numerous: and of
Long Standing, But Four Boxes of
:Dodd's Kidney Pills Drove Them AlI
Sedley, Sask„ Feb'y.12t1i (Special.).
--"Dodd's Kidney Pil'l's made inc a dif-
ferent man." The; speaker was Mr.
Benjamin Draper, well known and
highly respected here. He is a' Inc
healthy lth representative eprairie
1 sentaty of: `•h ra11r
Y p cthe
provinces and he says he owes his.
health to Dodd's Kicihey Pills.
I was in bad shape all round when
I started to use Dodd's Kidney Pills,"
Mr.' Draper continued. "My trouble
carne from hard work when I was
' young. My joints got stiff, my
muscles cramped and 2 suffered ter
ribly from a sore back. I was de
pressed ,and low spirited, I was always
thirsty and :I had flashes of light be
for•e_my eyes,
"I had rheumatism and heart flut-
terings, my appetite was fitful, my
memory was failing and I 'was
troubled with shortness of breath.
Four boxes of Dodd's Kidney ,Pills
made me a new man.",
Dodd's Kidney Pills cured all - Mr,'
Draper's troubles because they all
came from sicl. kidneys. - If you have
any'' of his symptoms Dodd's Kidney 1
Pills will help you.
-favorably :than any of the ,societies AN EXCELLENT MEDICINE LAND OF MANY REPTILES;
which have re -adjusted their businesses 1`t Y MEDICINE
s during recent years.
The management is to be co g
- Baby's Own Tablets are an excel-
lent medicine for little ones. They
sweeten, the stomach; regulate the
bowels, break up colds and simple
fevers, cure constipation and make
teething easy. Concerning them Mrs.
E. Quinn, Pararne, Que., writes :—
"Baby was troubled with constipa-
tion and nothing helped hire till I
began using Baby's Own Tablets,
They are; an excellent medicine, for
little ones." The Tablets are solei by
medicine dealers or by mail at 25
cents a pox from The Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Celt,
ated upon a course of action which wil
place the Society upon a splendid fin
s. ancial basis, :arid insure the future of
the Order for all time.
American Visitor in England States
Attitude of British People.
The fact is that, whatever the Brit-
sh people thought at the beginning
f the war, they are realizing more
nd more, every day, that' there is
omething between them and Germany
which cannot be compromised. The
war began over Belgium, to be sure.
There was. never' any jingo spirit in
the people, no matter what -the press
was saying. But very 'gradually the
real reasons of the conflict began to
become common knowledge. Intelli-
gent people may decide that there can
be no solutionin' the field, or that it
would be better to leave Germany and
Austria intact. But the great mass of
people believe that Germanythas done
unspeakable wrong. -•:And they think
that what they are doing is an un-
spealcable-right. They never speak of
it, at any rate. But they think of it,
night and day. Life goes on almost
as usual, getting harder and harder,
of course. But they are not flinching.
The terms of peace are 'definite
enough foe- the average Briton. He
knows what he is fighting for and he
is not concerned with territorial ques-
tions. He expects the Allies to pool
their demands atthe end and to ad-
just them. But one demand thy will
not adjust, because,.it is the same for
all. That is that Germany shall not
rule over central Europe. To thorn
and to their people the war is the sim-
lest, as it is the` grandest thing in
the world. They do not see that Ger-
You Cin Sinap
►our finger
sit the ill effects
of caffeine when
you change from ..
t dyad coffee • to
a Reason"
Speaking of Appetites.
A huge eating competition had been
held by some brawny sons of toil in a
country town in Yorkshire, and one of
the competitors had succeeded in dis-
posing of ,a leg of mutton, a plentiful
supply of vegetables and a plum pud-
ding, the whole washed down -with
cppions draughts of: ale.
He was unanimously declared the
winner and was being triumphantly
escorted home when he turned to his
admirers, -and said:
"Ah say, lads, don't thee 'say, nowt
of this to my ole woman, or she won't
gie 111e no dinner!"
,When Your Eyes Need Care
flee Murine Eyohteil(cine. NoSuiartin g -Feels
Fine—Ata Quickly, Try it for Red, Weak,
Sore Eyes ana Granulated Eyelids. Murine is
compounded by our Oenlists—not a "Patent
i ledleine"-but used i n suceesef,i1 Physi clans'
Practice for many years. Now dedicated to
She Public and sold by. Druggists at50cper
Bottle. Murine Eye Salve lu Aseptic Tuliea,
95c and 50e. ` Write: for book of the F.ye Era.
Murine Eye Remedy Co'nnany, Chicago.. Adv.
First in Something.
According to their own account, the
children were first in something at
chool: One was first in reading, an-
other- in arithmetic, another in sports,
Bertie alone remained silent.
"Well, Bertie, how about you ?" his
uncle asked. "Aren't you first in
"Yes," said honest Bertie, "I'm first
out of the building when the bell
1°Mtuard'e Liniment Cures Colds, £to.
Stranger Than Fiction.
A shipping paper publishes a true
story so remarltable that few writers
of sea romances would dare to offer
it as fiction. In January, 1004, a tidal
wave left the British bark Avenger
high and dry on a :Nall island in the
Gulf of: Mexico. Last July another
tidal wave swept the vessel back into
deep water. Now, after a vacation of
twelve years ashore, she is once more
in the merchant service. The ,war has
raised. ocean freight 'charges to such
a figure that the cost of t'epairng•her
was a small matterin cotnnarison
His Accident Policy.
"You stepped right in front of that
automobile. If the driver hadn't turn-
ed sharply you might.have been kill-
"True. Very true."
"Were you trying to commit sui-
cide ?"
No. I took out an accident insur-
ance policy yesterday, andI was just
experimenting to see what sort of pro-
tection it •would give me. By jinks,
it worked like a ch'arin! '
Some folks are satisfied to be just
acquaintance and sometimes that ar-
rangement is perfectly satisfactory to
both parties.
heuaria tisn attacks the
"outside" man. Pains and
aches stiffen his joints and
muscles and reduces his efficiency.
At` the first twinge get Sloan s
Liniment, easy to apply, it pens-
trrafeS 'withoat'ru,hht'ng and toothes
the soreness,
After that long drive or
,� c tedious
with what shecan oar;n. war( iii'thec't)ld Patin apply loan's
Liniment to those still d
7 trl� fin„L'rgi
aching 'wrists and aims.
For gout, neuralgia, toothache, bruin a ,
sari/Ina, cold feet, it is promptly toothache,
e. I
At all druggists, 25c. 50c. and $1.00. }
many, actual or potential ruler over
everything from Berlin to ' Bagdad,-
will necessarily be satisfied with what
she has. Nor do they see why they
Should allow the Serbs and the Croa-
tians in Hungary and the Rumanians
and the Slovenes and the Lithuanians
and the otter subject races of Hungary
to become the subject nations of the
new German Umpire, They really 'be -
et'e. that•they are fighting for the
belay of Europe. ' The things which
ere only i'7ords in 0.14 are tel•r.ible
tualitlos now..
far Dyspepsia , Indigestion),
Heartburn, t'olching, Sour stomach, (tort
in Stoh cotO., take teaspoonful1 of
]tleurated Magnesia to tt-'halt glass Of
hot water -after eittlrrg, IS set.e, Pita -
aunt, aid harmless to Use a.00 tires In-
stant relief from all forms of stomach
dleorder, Sold by. drug—gists everysyhere.
Australia ITas 100 Species of Snakes, }
But Only Five Deadly.
Australia has 100 species of snakes, j
a three-fourths of them venomous,, says
the National Geographic Magazine.
The big pythons and rocksnalces are
harmless, but as one travels from the
tropics southward the dangerous var-
ieties increase in numbers, and in Tas-
mania all are venomous, though only
fire are really deadly, had, fortunate-
ly, these are rarely seen.
The continent is also abundantly
supplied with lizards. Three hundred
and ninety species are recorded, and
they, may be seen not only in woods
and prairies and deserts, in the water,
among rocks, and in trees, but also in
the less frequented city streets.
The Government of India will ex-
tend its wireless system until every.
army' post has a station in the charge
of a ;trained officer.
Fail ville, Sept. 30, 1902.
Minard's Liniment Co., Limited,
DearSirs,.—We wish to inform' you
that we consider • your MINARD'S
LINIMENT a very superior article,
and we use it as a sure relief fee sore
throat and chest. When I tell you - I
would not be without it if the -price
\vas one dollar a bottle; I' mean it.
Yours truly,
Who's Afraid?
Messages had come to the office of
a great illustrated paper that ,Zep-
pelin.; were approaching London.
The editor itt once summoned- his
staf' of photographers,
"Note boys, We've got to have : a
picture of thisLepp., We were badly
beaten on the, last. The moment it
apps'oaches I Want every man to rush
to the roar with his camera and stay
there, whatever happens, lentil he gets
a�picture. Let the knot', -directly yap',
get it. You'll find me Under the :head
of'Coal bags in the right-hand corner
of the lower cohat'!"
Miunrd'e Liniment Curem D1iihth'erla
Q1l.t'fi co oaNY NI•rr3
A. Conspicuous Evidence Of How Cal:.-
ada Is Being' Rapidly Settled. ,'
In a journey to -day across the Do-
minion, one is impressed by the miles
of farm fencing,, particularly in the
far west..It seems but a day when
the vast•stretches of our Western ter-
ritories from Manitoba to the Coast
were one wide field, To -day, for huh-
j dreds of miles, in any direction you.
travel, railroad and other property is.
substantially fenced; it shows to what
extent these vast areas have come
under cultivation either for ' crops or
stock. No better evidence of sub-
stantial growth could be had. It is
also a tribute to the quality of fencing
to be had of Canadian manufaeturers.
Why Steel Ships Float.:
Steel ships differ.from those of wood
in that their hulls are nhade of Steel
plates riveted together, instead of the
old method of using wooden planking.
They are enabled to float because, be-
ing hollow, they, have what is called
buoyancy.. A steel ship displaces a
volume of water equal in weight to its
own. The principle of buoyancy may
be tested by floating an iron pail in
a bathtubful of water.
iaiard's Lini;nent Cares rizstem-per.
The Differen
"Web,' -George," said the president
of the ` company to cld George, "how
goes it?'
"Fair tomiddlin', sir," George ans-
wered. And Inc continued to curry.
comb a bay horse.
"Me an' this here hoss," George said,
suddenly, "has worked. for your - firm
aixteen years."
"Well, -well," said ' the president,
thinking a little,guiltily of George's
salary. "And I uppose you are both
pretty highly valued, George, eh?"
•`$'in," said George, ."the both of us
was took sick east week, and they got a
doctor for the hose, but they just dock-
ed my pay."
Would you like to end that ter•
j rible itching, that burning pain; to
heal those horrid sores?
You have tried all sorts of fatty
ointments, lotions and powders. Put
then aside now and give Nature a'"''
chance as represented by Zam-Buk.
Zam-Buk is made from herbal es.
sencesis a natural healer. Is not.
something you bare to send, to the
end of the world for, and pay a
heavy price! Iilvery druggist will
sell you Zam-Buk and for -50.c. only.,
Just give It a fair trial and incl-
dently give yourself ease by the
quickest route. See. name on box:--
teas \1 1, hrfele •'TO Tics PLAIN
.J.1td light sewing at noise. Whole
or spare tile. Good pay. ci.oi•t- sent
any distance, Charges pall. 'Send
Othrnp for l,ar. tictilars. National iitaaan-
facturing Co.. '.Montreal.
lerZWar_Paazis Te s.&r:
.!. Offices for sale In good Ontario
towwne, The :rioat useful and Interesting
of all businesses. Full information 00
application to Wilson Publishing Com-
,. pany, 73 West Adelai;le Street. Toronto.
Our Puzr.1iug rLatrguage.
"Nov",Said a teacher to his class ;
during a lesson in English, `:carrairy
one g'i've me a word, ending with 'ohs,'-
meaning full of, t "dangerous,' toll of i
danger, and `ht ardous', full oe
nrd?'' There was silence in the class I'
foe i nuoliron.t, Thin Y troy sitting
in the front row 1)151 Up his hand
, yel ,
said the to u .r e
whut is your
word?'" "Mcase, sir," came the reply,
",pious,' f,.r!1 of pie!"
The finest harbor in the "tcro)'Id zh i
said to be that of Rio de Janeiro,
i jttitea'o Rrin utent Carets Ga g'at in cows.
�/ Inter.nal'and external. cured with-
out pain by our home treatment. Write:
us before too late. T)r. Gellman Medical
Co Limited, CollInxtvood, Ont
Header 11. CI AY GLOVER CO.,.}uc.
On Remedies -118 West 31st Street, New York'
BO01,i ON
And How to Feed'
lteilc4 tree to :,rir, address :15
1;,Ls Author .
The Saul of a Piano is the
Action. Insist on the
t f ,� 9.
p O ,s U
llIg'1il? i1 RGEst 'iti FII€Ei'ROWORLDOI� .a"313
ltl'll iHE
''int8 19phi"lt of AAYievidn' Ili r l;tiy:
114ag•nilude :tnd tibeerl'u.inene
xisxra�'xcliaf PLAN
pp..p,07k' ; %T ax.r�'ti
Vdlilte, ic't'o e, a, W. iidott, raga,
ED 7,