HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1917-2-15, Page 8XETER MARKETS C1;lANGED EACH vriforrnsvm Wheat 1.55 to 1,65 klay tier ton 10.00 to 11.00. Oats per bus. 55 to .60 Potatoes „ ,,,: ., 3,00 Low grade flour, per cwt 2 70 Family Flour ..., 4,70 Shorts 42,00 Bran: 36,00 Creamery butter 47 Dairy Butter 38 and 40 Lard per lb ,. L.4 Hogs, per cwt 13.50 Sugar Beet pulp .,. 28.00 In the report of the Musical ex:lni- inations held by the Landon College of Music last week, the names of Miss Lela Sanders, elementary first- Primary c.s 1 d z br'1 Fest- class, and E'.gbert G, m i 1, First Mass, were inadvertently omitted from the list. CARD, OF TI-IANNKS.—Mrs. Samuel Sanders aad family wish to thank the ,friends andneighbors for kindnesses shown during the illness and subse- quent death of the late husband and „father. —0 -- The Seventh of the Series of Teas. given :by the Patriotic League, will be. held iu the Main Street church on Friday afternoon, Feb, 16, from 3 to 6 o'clock. Admission 1Oc. MISS J. J. ALLAN, Eye Sight Specialist will be at the Central Ho tel, Exeter, Saturday, Feb. 17th, from 10 aen. tt 8 p.m. MONEY LOST—In Exeter, on or about Jany 30th, three ten dollar bilis. Finder will be rewarded by leaving same at Dr. Browning's drug store. PIANO FOR SALE.—I am forced to dispose of my piano and will sell it for $165.00, the regular price being $300.00 Piano may be seen at S Martir. & Son's Music Store, Exeter. MISS J. J. ALLAN, Eye'Sight Specialist, will be at thei Central Ho- tel, tel, Exeter Saturday, Feb. 17th, from 10 a.m. tc. 8 p.m. COTTAGE FOR SALE.—A con- venient Cottage for sale, or rept Apply to G. Je Dow, Exeter. HOUSES TO RENT OR SELL. -- Several good houses to either sell of rent. /apply to A. Cottle, Ann Street. 400 TONS SALT -400 tons pilule Lana and Cattle Salt for sale. All g'rd.es $5.50 per ton; 50c. per : bag. ,,VztTER SALT WORKS Co., Ltd Sutton; Manager. ENSILAGE FOR SALE. The silo at the Canning Factory is open and ensilage is for sale at $3.00 per ton, purchaser paying for weigh- ing on R. G. Seidon's scales, EXETER CANNING CO. BEAUTIFUL HOME FOR SALE The undersigned is offering for sale he: beautiful residence in Exeter, op- posite the Ross -Taylor- mill. The property contains two lots of land fine brick house, containing nine rooms' and woad shed, good stable and drive shed, hard and soft water; *umber frust trees and small fruits. House all wired and furnished for Hydro. This is an excellent property and will be sold at a reasonable price Apniy to Louise Cudmore, who is in the. West, but will be home{ in a short time. FARMS FOR SALE The undersigned is offering his two farms in Stephen for sale, one being part of Lot 22, Con. 7, contaiaming 50 acres. There is on the premises a good house, barn and out buildings is well equipped in every way for farming:, The other is the 25 acre pasture farm, being part of Lat 21, Con. 6 Both are excellent properties and will be sold reasonable. Apply to John G. Wein, Stephen, Crediton Past Office. EXE PER ABVLIGATE, THURSDAY, FEES. 11, 1X17' LOCAL DOINGS, Mr, Jos. Davis, after his recent ill- ness, is able to be out, again. Mr. R, G. ,Seldan was confined to the house through illness a few- days last week, Mr, John Mallett left ,on Friday last foe- Clinton, where he has been received In the ,House of Refuge,, Owing to one Sof the furnaces get- ting out of order Saturday night last there was no service held in Trivttt. 'Memorial church Sunday morning, Ill, the matter of the Dungannon bridge the. County of Huron has won its appeal from the decision of Judge Dickson -that said bridge should be maintained as a county bridge. Oliver Whitely, a former treasurer of the;I,O.O,F, lodge of Goderich, tc- cused of. misappropriating some . $450 of Lodge money was brought back from Detroit last week for trial be- foae Judge L. H. Dickson. The cold snap hascontinued this week the thermometer going as loav as sixteen below. The weather is healthy but the scarcity of fuel is the great diawback, •A few days' sup- ply oi, coal in most places is, the limit and there is 'very little corning in. Mrs. W. H. Levett, who with her husband recently moved to Landon, an Saturday underwent an, operation for igen stones, and ane hundred and twenty of the pebbles were removed, Hee friends are pleased to know she is doing well after the operation. Mr. W. M. Hoskins of Regina re- newing his subscription to The Ad- vocate 'says,—"I look forward every week- to the (home paper coining. and would not like to mss it: We are having extremely cold weather— just reached 48 below, with some days a blizzard so that you hardly dare show your 'nose outside." The tstereaptican views and talk given by Capt. ,Hewitt in the Presby- terian n sbyterian church on Wednesday evecdng on the war and war scenes in Eng- land Greece and Egypt, under the auspice.; of the Women's, Institute and Soldiers' Aid, attracted :a large, at- tendance, and was thoroughly enjoyed by al.t. The views pvere good and very. plain, whale the Captain's des- criptive talk of the scene's and ob- jects. shown was very interesting. The. proceeds were nearly fifty dollars. Mr and Mrs. Geo, Snell attended the funeral in London on Saturday If a :relative, Mr. George Brawn, wh c died al Victoria !Hospital on the 7th. Born. in Ireland he came to - Canada when a young man and far many years conducted a general store at Brinsley in North Middlesex. Twenty years ago he moved to London. He was 72 years of age. Major Clarence 1?,. Brown of No, 10, Stationery Hospitai,, Eastborne, Eng., is a son. Another son was drowned at Grand Bend sev- eral ,}-ears ago, Ten tet. one, and the game unfinished was the score in the hockey match last week between 1Jxeier and Cred- itoli 'Thursday night on local ice, the. result being favorable to Exeter. A goad crowd saw the game. Some dis- putes arose, and the game ended ab- ruptly as the visitorsrefused to go on, claiming unfairness, which, the home :bays deny. Remembering their many defeats on the field of sport Exeter boys areusually very tickled to defeat Crediton, and Crediton boys do not always take it gracefully. Lottie L. Tillotson, alias Mary Mc- Lean, alias Melba 'Costello, who dur- ing the past two years lectured ' in nearly every town and hamlet in On- tario, (Exeter included, a flew weeks ago), advertising herself as a native of Hawaii, was' arrested in Sault Ste. Marie, on Feb.. 8th, by Travelling Im- migration Inspector Reynolds, for breach of the -Canadian Immigration laws. She has been under suspicion for months. She pleaded ,guilty, paid a fine of $50,; and was sent across the harder. Three .ar four years ago she served a couple of sentences for shoplifting. in Hamilton. Alrna TO'BRIE BUSINESS COLLEGE lock, 361 Richmond Street LONDON. PHONE 5875. Courses --Commercial Stenotypewriting, Isaac Pitman Shorthand, and Civil Service Course DAY 'CLASSES --Students may enter any day. NIGHT CLASSES—Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 7.30 to 9.30 Individual 'Instruction, Allowance made far Railway Fares W. J. O'Brien, Commercial Specialist, Principal (Formerly of Exeter.) For Further Particulars Apply at this Office. f GILSON ENGINES The Engine of Constant Service Absolutely Guaranteed GILSON SILO FILLERS The Lightest Ruining Blowers made Beware of imitations and infringments, TFE HYLO SILO -Entirely different and infinitely superior. Ask leiVrn. Frayne, Exeter, Agent Or write GILSON MFG CO., 235 York St. Guelph Ont. Mis;; rMa,ry Tonigave a report of the Adult Class Convention at Ham- ilton last week. Mrs. Watts of Toronto gave a yery umte,resting talk to the Womien's Ch1- sticute in the Library on Monday afternoon W4' learn that Rev R. Redmond is still confined to his room in Strat- ford but is beginning to show signs improVement. Rev, C. Fletcher of Thames Road Presbyterian :church will preach ;n James Street Methodist church o:n Sundae morning next, The Officers of James Street Sun- day Schoot were Installed an Sunday morning the ceremony being con- ducted by the pastor, Rey. Baird: Mrs John Cookson, Exeter North; who has been, ill for same time,con- tinues in very poor health with'. but very slight hopes of her recovery, The Thames Road Farmer's Club wilt change its regular meeting next week from lvlonday to Wednesday ev- uning on account of the Oyster suppea. Mrs. Passmore, who resides with her aunt Mrs W, G. Bissett, and who has been quite ill for some time, ,s naw beginning to show signs of im Mns W. I3. Dearing, Stephen, is laid '.up with a severe attack of rheumatism, and the daughter, '.Mad- eline, is also suffering from a gath- ering iu her ear. Mrs. Wm. - Haati'kshaw received the sad news on Monday of the death of her brother, Mr, Richard Thomp- son who died in Victoria .Hospital London, sal Sunday. Mrs: Hawkshaw left Monday to attend the funeral Mr. John Hawkshaw received word Monday of the death of his sister, Mrs James Sceli, ;who died at the home o1 her daughter, Mrs. Smith, in London, on Sunday last, ' Mr. Sceli;, her aged partner in life predeceased her only a few days, he having died January 3ist. Owing to Mr. Hawk; shaw's enfeebled state of health he will be unable to attend the funeral, Yesterday. February 14,'i'as St Valentine's Day but the old time, hon- ored custom of remembering friend; with a pictorial design., as well as the small boy and girl with the mare 1ud• icrous specimens, is fast becamiurg obsolete;' and bus very few dealers stock them now, whereas years ago nearly every stare in town had a stock on hand a: the appointed sea- son.' EXE'T'ER GIRL BURNED. - Mr. John W. 'Taylor was called to London on Monday awing to the fact. that his daughter, Miss Lola, who is attending a business college in the city, was painfully burned ' at her boarding house on .Saturday night when a silk kianona, which she was wearing suddenly ignited from sparks from the fire, and burst immediately in flames. Others in time. house 'rush- ed to her assistance and extinguish- ed the flames god after she was at. tended ,by Dr, J: R: Ferguson, she, was taken to St, Joseph's Hospital, where' it was found that she ` was eery sev- erely burned in patches from her feet to her neck, Cher arms and hands being in very ,bad shape. Her face and flair were not touched by the flame. Al- though suffering a great deal Miss ray lar is doing as well as expe.cted.: fh.e explanation of the dress suddenly' catching fire is that certain chemi- cals used as a war substitute in treat- ing, silk rendered this popular dress goods dangerously explosive and li- able to combustion even from heat, without coning into contact' with sparks of flame. s—o-x— Mrs.1N. J. iDare is visiting for a few„ day:; in Windsor. . Miss Ui.vu Wood of London was home aver Sunday. Mrs. John Blatcihford is spending a few . weeks with rlelatives, in Lucan. Miss Ethel Sweet left Tuesday for Toronto to attend the miiiinemy open, Miss Fanny Bow,ey of London, spent a -few clays. clueing the week with her parents. Miss May Armstrong. left Friday to visit with her sister, Mrs. McCreath is Lucknow,' Mrs ;R G. ,Seldan, Miss Marjorie, and lIastem Wallace were in Ing,ersoll over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Nelson Kestle return- ed Tuesday from a month's iisit Harrow. ' Detroit and London. Mr ,J A. Sanders,. who was )sere at- tending the luneral.,oif his, father, me - turned to. Woodstock Monday. Mrs. Harry Gale and daughter of London visited her mother, Mrs. Piper,' for 'a few days last week. . Mr Nelson Hill of the Bank of Coln mere e staff, London, was a visitor at the home of his parents over .Sunday, Mr. Daniel Wood, who has been in very poor health for same time, was in London Monday, consulting a spec- i a l i s t. Mr, John Jones, who suffered a nervous )breakdown last , week, was taken to Guelph sanitarium for a month's treatment, Mr. Frank Bawden and Mrs. Logan of Taranto spent a few days last week with the former's parents, Mr, and Mrs. P. :Bawden. Owing to the return of her rad trouble asthma, Miss Ethel Dote, was was visiting here at the family tram 2, was forced to return last week co Yorrkton, Sask, Mr; John Floyd left Wednesday for Pittsburg, Pa., where he; will visit for {few weeks and on his return trip he will va,sit with his sister, Mrs. Brawn at Buffalo; Be will ,Likely be away slat or seven weeks. Mrs :'McTavish, with her children, who was visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Johhn W. Taylor, 're- turned to her home in Shakespeare last week, accoanpanic d by her sister, Mrs. W. '1'. England of Cappon, Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Newell attended the funeral this week in Landon of the late Richard 'Thompson and Mrs; James Seeli, being theiruncle _ and aunt :respectively, The farmer was buried on Tuesday and the latter on Wednesday, JONES & PRONE NO. 32 A� Immense Stock of spring House Furnishings Our Stock of House Furnishings for Spring is now nearly complete., Many of our orders for these lines were placed over a year ago, so cur prices are considerably less than if. we. 'hacl bought later. Make your selections early beforle the best lines are sold out as we cannot repeat at these prices. NEW and •,neRUGS—Iwdes nigns: tapestries, velvets, Wiltons, Brussels, etc„ in fast colors NEW LINOLEUMNS, Oilcloths, borderings in a great variety of patterns See (the new Congoleum Art. Rugs NEWCURTAIN NETS and Lace Curtains in all the newest designs and • Materials; See the new etfects in bardered marquisettes and scrims. NEW SHADOW MARQUISETTES and Drape he`s for over curtains, etc. in the very newest colorings. Special Sale of Shirting .100(' .yards of heavy black and white trockfa,st drilling, - guaranteed fast dye. This lime we purehasied a year ago and offer at less than toe day's wholesale price. On sale .it only 20c a yard. Ladies' House Dresses at 98c. each EXTRA ..SPECIAL -6 Dozen ladies House Dresses. Good strong material. All pizes, worth nearly double this price. Our special salve price only 98c. each, _ Ladies' Muskrat Coats at $49. each 4 ONLY Ladies' Muskrat Coats. Selected skins, Were marked 62.50 On Clearing Sale only $49.00. All Furs Greatly Reduced YAM—Khaki and Grey Scotch fingering yarn for soldiers' socks, etc. again in stock: Ladies' Spring Suits and Coats Our Ladies and Misses' Coats and Suits for Spring are now in stock. An elegant range to select from at moderate prices. Comte early. LADMES' BLOUSES -New shipment just arri',ed. WALL PAPERS -See our magnificent showing of Wall Papers for Spring Many new effects are shown. Our moderate prices will surprise you. JONES & MAY Headqu;a,rt-r3 for the celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing Mr. Amos Poplestone, iarmerly of Exeter and son of the late John Pop- les'tone, was killed by a street car in Detroit last' week. lite will be rem- embered em-embered by many of the older 'resi- dents of Exeter, but he has been a- way ,for many years. The election of •offigers in South Huron County Orange Lodge, the an- nual meeting of which took place here last week, resulted as follows, -Geo. Vanderburgh, (Porter's Hill, County Master t Jr Armitage, Hensall, deputy master ; Rev. Moulton, Clinton county chaplain, Peter Cantelon, Clinton, re- cording sectetary; James Sproul, fin- ancial secretary; Adam Cantelon, Cli,n- ton county treasurer; F. Davis, :). O. ,C., Roht. McMurray, Bayfield Wm Nevins, Goderich, and C. Tyner, Susnnierhili lecturers. It was decid- ed to hold July 12th in Goderich this year Small quantity of FEED OATS AND BARLEY for sale R. G. SELDON The uglily Store At the New Meat Market you can" get _all kinds of fresh and cured meats, choice sausage, corned beef, etc, , You can order your meats and groceries and have there delivered to- gether. Telephone or ,send your' order. Phone 18 R. C Oower&Son Ncw TailoreF! Suits aid Coats, OF, FIRST INTEREST WHEN 'THE OLD ,ONE " GETS WORN OUT. THE STYLES ARE VARIED TO MEET. DIFFERENT TASTES COATS ARE LONGER SKIRTS ARE ALSO LONGER Our New Goods are here. Good range to choose from. MADE TO YOUR MEASURE. SEE OUR Ni.W COATINGS FOR LADIES. PRICES -$17.00 AND UP. We also have a nice range of Men's Over Coatings and Suitings. GIVE US A CALL N. Sheere LADIES AND GENTS' 'TAILOR Stand Upstairs, Opposite the Central Hotel. Furniture and Undertaking R. N. OWE THE FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND FURNITURE DEALER Tea & Coffee Store For the choicest groeeries, fruits, spices, teas, coffee and - every- thing in the grocery line. Call and see us. A trial as to quality will convin- ce. Produce taken iia exchange Jas. Gould Oppos Electric light Plant Exeter` Bargain Store February Sale. WE OFFEJt THE BALANCE OF OUR OVERCOATS AT A COUNT OF 20 PER CENT, .DIS - 2 DOZEN MEN'S HEAVY FLEECE , LINE7) UNDERSKIRTS WORTH 75c. FOR 60c. EACH. 25 PAIRS LADIES CLOTH RUBBERS AT 75c. A PAIR. DOZEN WHITE FLA.NNELLEETTE NIGHTGOWNS AT $1..25. A TABLE FULL OF I3RAIDS AND TRIMMING'S AT 25c. CARD.. HEADQUARTERS FOR SHOES AND ,' !RUBBERS.. B. We F. Beavers