HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1917-2-8, Page 4h i l ..r.(0 p1 for Flet. a 's ;the Mud You Iayq Always ought, and which has been tin uSa for over ;:',0 yea:S, has borne 'ale signature of ..,, and has been made 'tinder his per - .P sortaz supervision since its Infancy. �✓' A.IIow zoo orae to deceive you in this. ..Ali Counterfeits, Invitations and " Just -as-good" are but :3E periments that trifle with and endanger the health of _;Infants and Children—Experience against 1i xperiment. hat is CASTORIA Castoria Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare- goric, Drops and Soothh g Syrups. It is pleasant. It Aeontains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic .isubstanee. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms mud allays Feverishness. For more than thirty years it iuts been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Platnlency, Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and Diarrhoea. It regulates ^ 'the Stomach and Bowels, assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep. '_ The Ohildren's Panacea -The 1iTother's Friend. 'GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Sigaiature of in Use For Over 3Q Years Tae Kind You 'Have .,Always Bought TNR CKNTAUR_COM rAp2Y,1N tW YORK CITY. ;G (gzeter Abiaacate, Sander•, tSi Creech, Proprietors Subscription Price—In advance $L25 ,fir year in Canada; $1.75 in the ,...1747.ted States. All subscriptions not grid in advance 50 cents extra roll harged 7HURSL_=1Y, (FEBRUARY 8th, Dashwood 8000 ARTICLES FORWARDED • Continued from Page 1 —x—o-x- CLINTON SHIPPING CENTER' November Shipment. ''larva Patriotic Society -27 shJrts 13 pr. of eorl s,. Stanley 11leple Leaf —67 hospital shirts. 25 pr. of socks. Unity 4C1u'b-6 flannel): shirts, 10 help- 1917 less •shirts, 6 sheets, 2 slips, 18 hand- kerchiefs, 29 towels, 12 pr. Docks. li tscarf, 10 wash clothes. Young Ladie of `South end Goderich Township -24 Pr. soaks. Clinton Patriotic Soe,ety-- 27 shirts, 22 lielpleats shirts, 22 sheets G3 slips, 102 pr. 'socks, G scarfs, 62 areneh towels, 8 wash clothls. December Shipment. * Mfr. John Eid't .af Ailsa Craig, vis - i. :,.ed with his.family here a few davr. iirzs week. ' - i!r: Wm Held is on the sick list _present. We hope a speedy re- yery- Unity 'Club -6 flannel shirts, 10' The ladies are making rapid pry_.. sheet's. 22 .pr.. racks, Varna Patiriotic Stan - „L, -ss with the Red Cross Sewing- We Society -=]5 shirts, 9, jkit 'bags. Stan- stgpe it will continue,' ley, Maple Teaf-2 flannel Shirts, 39 TheeY.P.A. of the Evangelical Cila pr:;tsochs. !Bayfield Patriotic soc_ety •'.a entertained the Y;P.A,_of Zurich -46 fpr. socks. South end .of Goderich -'ire Tuesday e`ening in the base iZent Township -6 pr, tsocica. 'Bethany -10 -of the church. A fine program was 53 -rocks. Clinton Patriotic Soc.ety– ;�rsdered, after which all 33 flannel shirts, 13, Inuits pyjamas, a• dainty lunch partook al g:helptess l=hints, 80 pr. soc3os, tt (Delayed in the Vlails.) scrDs, 1`pr wristlets. Shipment to Stanley Mr. Wilbert McBride m recover ny Secour s Na tional, Toronto, t y ” Mi- aro attack of pneumonia, maple Leaf 10 flannel hoenital tshirts' Former Old Resident Dead.—•Word 1 pr. ,i—r s 1 quilt. (Bethel riotieu 'Aid was 'received here of the death of 'Mr -1,1 "3 , uilts,. :C',s Patriotic Soc- .Fred Goodman a former old resident' .iety-3 quilts,, 2 pr. se'ek's. Oi'. Dashwood, who died in Traverse .January ,_Sh pment. ��•rty. Mich on January 18, at the age Varna" Patriotic ,.Society -24 ^flannel f 82. 1Ir. ;E red McEachen at shirts, G3o trench ^towel , 9 pr."sooks. Mich. , t4;ho leas •been s end'n,��lktan, Guity tOlub-7 flannel shirts, '' °qui. P i a the pyjamas,.;(15 pr. soeety2 1 €1u:it. ocks. sai.nter tsith relatives near Grand B`e'td field' ,Patriotic- Soc sty -4G Pr. socks. 'visited with Mr, and Mrs, Win, Held Be thaw' Society -26 pr. socks, South ;ast week. !end Goderich Township -6 pr. hoc.,ks. Mr, J. E. Henry of London, called 'Clinton 'Patriotic Soc sty -18 flannel sn town an Thursday, •hhirhs, :x138 pr. iwob-s, ^3 scarfs, 19 Mr. and Mrd, C. Stade visited in .{sheets; 13 .pa'ckage's of old cotton, own .Zurich last tveek. ala (Patriotic Society sent to their own boys -5 flannel shirts. 5 pr. socks, 2 scarf's, '2 pr. mitts, South ,end of Goderich:• Township Sobiety-2Ci pr. punks 40, bars, of chocolate. Bruce€field --L4G .,pr.' , clocks, 40 helpless shirts, We at ,headquarters ore indeed pleased tttt the outcome of"the feder- tttion of the different Red CrostsSoe- i.eties. in the County, 'thereby, great-, ly simplifying our work ,here. We bonsider your output in 'quantity and( kpuality proving -quickly along to the, perfection ,mark and Congratulate you on the measure of sucoesaes already achieved, Most 'cordially) Sf B. Wright,. Rating, President USBORNE "Fairview Farm" the home of Mr, and Mrs, Robert E! ,Biller r acetict its the sce evening, a happy event last. Vjreclnes- da i when their only daugh- ter Zoe, was united in marriage to Mr. Alexander Ditracag: The Rev, Or Fletcher officiated. About one hundred guests were present and a most enjoyable time t; as spent by all. Thegood wishes of a host of friends follow 'the happy couple as they be. - gin life together on the groom's fine farm, in -Osbornle. Mit. and Mrs. Dun, can will be at home to their friends after March first, 1917, Aged Resident Passes. -On Friday of last tvleek, Feb. 2nd, the death oc- curred at her `home Thames Road, o Marrgaret Turnbull, wife of Mr. John Cottel, at the age of 75 years, 1 month and 2 days. iDeceased had been con- fined to her roam for four months succeeding a paralytic stroke, and on January_ 28th _saw suffered a second stroke, which .hastened the end. Th•e, late Mrs. Cottel was born at Dal- housie. Lanark County, and came to Usbarne Township when a girl with her patents, the late Mr. and hlrs, David Turnbull. Fifty-five years ago she married her now bereft huts - ,band, and , they celebrated their gol- den wedding live years ago.. She was a devoted wife and fond mother • and respected and esteemed by, all who knew her. She was a member of Thames Road Presbyterian .'lurch, Beside; her 'husband she is survived be ;one son, David of Russelldale, ancl four daughters, Mrs.,,,Robert Mc- Donald of Thames Road, Mrs, Alex, Campbell of :Hibbert, Mrs. N'latthew Clark and Mrs', J; N. Hazelwood a1 Tuckersmith, .also two brothers and two sisters—Dr. John Turnbull -of Ta- ranto and W. A; of .Usborne, Mrs Robert Gardiner and Mrs. John .Gil- fillan of Usberne. The funeral took place to the Exeter cemetery Tues- day at 2 p.mi WHALEN Mr. and ,Mrs. Roy Neil have return ed home after spending a few mon- ths in Winnipeg. Novtthat the States is likely to take up alms against; Ger- many please tell us w'h:e- e the. young men will go who crossed` over t"o Uncle Sam's ` country' to evade ..en- listing in Canada. -,The open winter : we were to have disheidd up tot us. is doing _alright so far. It has -been running an the closing system, esp ec ially on the 'water pipes.. Although the roads are: -heavy and the, weather stormy our mailmen have gone a`ve'r` their course; every day.—The 'London Branch of the Red Cross Society are anxious that, the Patriotic workers' of N.Vesterii Ontario should know thru. the local papers that they are, under taking , to furnish and - equip, a build - Eng at Byron Sanitaniuin for return- ed soldiers at a cost of $15,000 They appeal to. all .Red Cross Societies and also' individuals to, subscribe to this , goad � o k an:dhet restore t P o he War he a s to health. Each room in'• -the o d n accommodates from four' to s )a, tints, - and altogether can care • lar 110 patients. Crediton —8-0--x— Tho severe weather of the past 25 ssu tspyjamas..'• week has proved quite a hardship to iGODE'RIICII SHIPPING CENTER "hose who are obliged to travel. • Froien water pipes and empticoal December. Shipment. ?bins are beginning to be a common Goderjtch• Red 'Cross. Society -6 .dte:s occurance. cr The 'ing owns 6.pyjamas t.uits, 11 day The grippe is a +iris, gain claiming its .arhirts, oP431 ,Pr. rocks. ,Ashfield Sold- let's Aid,, -16 flannel ,pyjama 'suit's. JPr. Orme .motored to the Bend Iasi ;1•r,:pr ,pillow rases, '60 :pr. t oeks. (Ben Thursday This its unusual for ;his, muter Red Cross Society-9;pyjama. lime of the, season, 99, ,suit , ,trench caps, 54 pr_ ,nf. socks, Mrs. Hill of Zurich, who has. Been eDungannen Women's. Inistit.ute=24 -:7sving with Mrs. James Hill since her finnnelletie: helpless jslhii•ts,.- 1 hos- diusband's death,:: was stricken„W,ith a „'pital 'Britian a . Chapter; :I. 0:. ,paralytic stroker.last Friday and died 71•: ,tE „Go'deribh-18 'bed 'socks, y12.,fo- ,befor. .the Doctor arrived, Her e meii>At en ,,wringers.: , 12 houswirels. tains were, remore- to Zurich for to il )code;rch; 'Women's Institute ` "54'night -ferment on Saturday, shL,rts 6 . Ilannellette,` •dya t. hirts, Master (Howard .Beaver, wholids _ 2*ctxrllts 12 iPr• soekls•' Leeburn (Fred. green rquite iI1, vis improving rapidly ros lWorker':. Senior Society -three .Oscar Hod,gina of Detroit, was t>ere„ flannellette- ilielpless Iah rts, 15 cotton can Tuesday attending his pare tsg; 1ei.pless I liirts; 4 pr, pillow cases, 24 Golden: Wedding. • ,. ip>r.'ls0,?,, Goderich Town.hip 'Patricit- If Uncle Sam should go to tear, what+»0.a,,:,>Socie£'y 54 '.pyjama tsuit�s' 42 -pr ' o% about the slackers who left Canada .Boclfls r-Shltford'Red Pros' Bociety— to evade the Militia Act? Ari ens ,20 pix OCck 5s.' ' '-iabie position!! Mr. ,and firs, Godfrey Nicholson January Shipment. were called to Bay City, iYLich., l"ist •, oderich,lRed :Crosspyja sty -2D drtt week, to attend the funeral orf tate $in} lgowng 24 r;uits .pyjamas, 14 tow- .tatter's sister who died rather sudden piB*= g ey.�hirbs, p0 khaki day shits, ly, 3,',Vkka�h iclotlhs, 3 pr. lied I cels, 156 Mrs. Altred Link,,who has been brti ssocks:en'Miller tRed Ku•osa; Soc- dergoiruQ treatment'- in St. Joseph's 0cittinia Chapter I bIsD 7Epr.Crsde- Hospital London, expects tor• return loll;- 42•bousewirels; 20 i monges, 1 help .•home this week. •Anumber of Sunday School workcts legis li j r. 2d fomcr . Lions ,Wrings attended the Township's 'Convention rs' J pr: teed .soclks. Zeebuirn .fru Centralia last Thursday' xs cd6ri r, Sw ip Usited y �acl�s 'Gode'rieh Tbwnkthip, United; Pat: Mrs Gill .of Grand Bend is visiting r'ot'e," Society -37 i u ip'jamiva, 44 ,:at the Methodist i,arsonage, r.,'s4odks: So`utl( 11fl IRed'<Cto1sr3 Work Mr.- and Mrs. James llodgtns cele eas=-g r day' shirts, 10 ,pyjcttfia salts, orated their Golden. Wedding on Files 5 Claariellette day shirt's 28 tpr -of ''lay evening, ” We extend our. hearty SohleS. Saltford idea Cross trSciCietyLL,, congratulations andt',Wi h them- toany •f8 it's? b�:rts, 11 pyjama r; it; 3fl hilp- mare years 04 prosperity{ and,g-oc:d less i litrts, 116 pr. of soekii he01th,"nir1f5i f inasiodricir6elatiN s tver�r .nn•r F ' pre§crit sand -'a very pleasant everting,i'41.01"; Togo,' c 26 (►3 7 i• r�as ',spent' by tall ,> ,,;• bCf" .'Fitton a Y 1 qrx r s: } CdSI ty iliuron'Couxtt I W '( A ..The British, advanced 100d'fyards pan rt, Litet�rii' �}]ft1 ta' sefier tettesciay at.''Mst:ae, Gen. Tvolts cces's on the Tigris: • iT' e "='"dour ACtte?'jus14 ^ o JItiiid Bina"It' %camari'a-'aaruk 15' vessels Theo: d'al; Floe. s me 'pieaeiure to accede to your' s ' IT ,being' British. r;ati,ai, retrut tf, BRUCEFI"ELD Mrs 'Wei' Glenn; sr.; of Usbarne Visiting hes- son; G. A. Glenni-Mr. Jas. Norri of Staffa shipped a cal ' of choice heavy horses Friday.— Mr I "Chas 'C1i.Efton visited his father of 'Dungannor, during, the past 'weak. -A number from here attended the dance given by the Misses McLean, Rippon, i7e are. pleased to hear of the re- covery of Baby Helen Glenn, •,vhohas been very'seriausly ill with pneumon- ia, Miss Hagan having charge of the case:—Mr. and Mrs, John N. .I3arle- wood are at Thames `Road attending the funeral of Mrs. Cattel, the latter's mother -,-Miss Grainger is visiting friends. in Clinton.—Miss - Lawrence returned to her home in . Seaforth af- ter successfully nursing Miss Jessie Aikenhead. SCHOOL REPORT FOR S. NO: ;Y • Usborne, for December and Jana. nary Average' attendance 21:1. No, 002 RMI '30. ' means'one da,linare •ex. r im nations missed, . Sr:: 4., .'pass 480 A.:'Strang,: • 694 honors • C. Moir: 480,. T.. -McDougall 468, I.. Mitchell 291*; Jr 4,• pass 480, H, Wood 545, M . Moir 525, Cudmore 361'; Sr. 3, pass 360, A.• oir 418, C. Down 386, P Harris 363, E. Mitchell absent. 'Jr. 3 pass 360, G. •Cudmore 363, M. Moir .324 M. Cooper 300,' V. Dunn 210' Sr, Z pass 360 H. Strang_ 536, 0. Wood 367, L. Dunn 286*, J. Oke 158' Ist pass 180, M. Cudmare 206 1' Har- rIi 177,. N Oke* C. Cooper*. 13cst spellers for January, H. Strang, H. Wood. -Ethel ,Case, • Teacher. PA1IIS ALL THROUg1/ LIMBS 165' Rue Victoria, Quebec. "I beg' to inform: yon than for a long time had been suffering from my kidneys ;.lid conaegiient pains all through my limbs, I tried several ^'ronhedies without success After .using Gin Pills I was soon .. relieved of my pains and new I^rsfn porrectiy,well, which is due, r beneve, entirely to Girt - Pills: . Mss_ . 3. Otey." A.Il drog istge sell• if'OKitit KIDNEYS it 50c. A lnix or G boxeo for $2.56 Sample free •if• you write to St `l'XOH,iT4,,DnarCt e b rtima 1S i 00. G; CANADA- LL't5I2`EII s i, Toronto, Ont. es 202 Main St., -bu,Ra1o, II Y.." 1 SCHOOL REPORT FOR S. S• NO, 1, Stephen, for February,,—Sr, 4, E. Magarlh, Jr. 4, C,, Isaac, R. Robinson, L, 'Davey, F. Bowden; Sr). 3, J Flog-, arch C. Walker,, M. Neil, S. White; Jr. •3, L, ,Efaist, E. Ilodgirts, C. Hodg- son, M. Walken, I Davey, S Yliil'el Sr, Z, 1-f. Hodgson, A. Wilite, limns; Jr. 2 Jd. Bowden; First 'lass; M. Neil J. Isaac,; PriUtner, E. FIcx1 i.ns G. Neil, 1. Hoclgias, 1111. Richards.—H, M. Hicks Teacher. —o— IS. S, NO, 3,.S'rEPBIEN School report S. S. No, 3, Stephen, for the month of January 1917. Sr. 4th. Vivian 1•Iol ar.th, Jr, 4t13. -Lloyd. Par sons, Ethel, pre(s- eater. Norman Sanders. Sr. 3rd-Almer Christie, Charlotte 'Willis, 'Guy Jacob, Edith Schroeder, Eddie Prescator Jr. Ord -Celle 'Christie, James W111i0 Ethel :Dearing. Frank Parsons. Sr. 2nd.—Hierbert Schroeder, Harold P :nhalc, IBazil Prescator. Sr pt. 2.—Plorence Schroeder, )Rosa; Dearin;, Edna Dearing. Jr. pt. 2, --Luella Stanlake, Eli Christie. Primers—Marie ;Willis. Mildred Jory. No, on roll 30. Average attendance L, Tr Florence n >le 'bn r e t WELL-KNOWN ONTARIO. WOMAN SPEAKS. Welland, Ont.—"I am most pleased to say that Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip- tion has proved itself a first-class remedy. 1 was 'III run-down, weak and played out, and needed a woman's toric. I have just finished using one bottle. I feel much stronger and better. \ Can eat better and am less nervous. You may aay that to 'Favorite Prescrip- tion' is just the medicine for tired -out, worn-out women. It does wonders for them."—Mas. GEO. FLANIGAN, E. Main and State Sts,, Welland, Ont. 1if1 THIS PRESCRIPTION IS FOR YOU. If you suffer from hot flashes or dizzi- ness, fainting spells, hysteria, headache; or' nervousness you are slot beyond' "re- lief. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is directed to the real cause and promptly removes the disease, and thereby brings comfort in the place of prolonged misery. It has been sold by druggists for nearly 50 years, in fluid form, at $1.00 per bottle, giving general: satisfaction. It can now be had in sugar-coated tablet form. Sold by all medicine ' dealers or trial box by mail on reeeipt of 50 cents in stamps. Every sick woman may consult us by letter, absolutely without charge. Write without fear as without fee, to Faculty of the Invalids' Hotel, `Dr. V. M. Pierce, President, 663 Main St., Buffalo, N.Y. Dr. Pierce's Pellets are unequaled as•a Liver Pill. Smallest, easiest to take. One tiny Sugar-coated : Pellet, a Dose:: ..Cure Sick Headache, Bilious Headache,, Dizzi- ness, Constipation, Indigestion, Bilious Attaeks,•and all derangement of the Litter; Stomach and Bowels. For Prices and terms ofsale ' of the following brands apply:— MAIL ORDER DEPARTMENT National Breweries Limited Room 74 36 Chabailler Square. MONTREAL INDIA PALE ALE CROWN STOUT PALE BITTER Ai DOUBLE STOUT MALT EXTRACT EXTRA INDIA PALE ALE BLACK HORSE ALE EXTRA STOUT BLACK HORSE PORTER Lagers r–KINGSBEER CLUB SPECIAL HOMEBREW INDIA PALE ALE PORTER BOHEMIAN. LAGER The abovegoods are all full strength and are supplied to consumers direct from the Brewery ONLY in localities where no licensed traders reside. THE CANADIAN'. OF COMMERCE" SiR EDMUND WALKER, 9.4 Ir.% JOHN AiRD, General Manager cee0., LL.D., D,C.L., President ? / H. V. P. JONES, Asst Gen'I, Manager `t'tt CAPITAL PAH) UP, $35,000,000 RESERVE FUND, , $13,500,000' TTmra WELL BEFORE YOU SPEND Each dollar „saved wile help Cana c ..F to do her share in the War. Interest allowed at 3% per anniim on Savings dep„sit:, ' of $1 and upwards at any branch of the Eazak, 2 EXEg'ER BRANCH—A. E. Kuhn. M gr. CREDITON—S, M. Johnston Mgr INCORPORATED 1855 MQLSONS BF Capital & Reserve $5,800,000* 9� Branches in. Ca Lada A. eneral nankin -Business TraDsac of Circular Letters. of Credit Bank Moneg Orders SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Interest allowed at highest current rate EXETER BRANCH— W D. CLARKE, Manager. ONTARIO'S BEST BUSINESS COLLEGE CENTRAL �i:L'11�J • STRATFORD. £INT.' Students may enter our classes at any time:' Commence your course now and be qualified for a position by Midsummer. During July and Aug ust' of last year we received, calls for .over 200 office assistants we -could not supply. Our graduates are in demand. Write at once for free • D. A.. McLachlan, Principal C W. ROBINSON LICENS,,ED AUCTIONEER AND VALUATOR for Counties of Huron Perth Middlesex and Oxford. Fafm Stock Sales a Specialty. Office at Cockshutt Warerooms, next door to Centra,' Hotel, Main Street, Exeter. Charges moderate and satisfaction is guaranteed DR. DeVAN',S,FRENCH PILLSb reeRlle gulating Pilrfor Women. $5 a box or three for $10. Sold at all Drug Stores, or mailed to any address on rc6eipt of price..Tna.ScoasL, Dine Co., St.Catharines, Ontario. PHOSPHONOL FOR MEN. vi AII; litality;for Nerve rand Brain; increases "grey matter”; a Tonic—will build you up. $3 a box, or two for $5, at drug stores, or byanai1 on receipt of price,' Tsa SooBELL DRUG CO:, St. Catharines, Ontario. MAKE Y I UR DOLLARS Y is. 7r "T.H E FR0N-r. BUY �4A5r� 10. OF CANADA THREE-YEAR_ AR VINES CERTIFICATES tea. $ 25.00 .FOR $21.50. 50.00 " 48.00 -100.00,.' " 86.00 INDIVIDUAL PURCHASES LiMITED TO $1500. FOR FULL PARTICULARS_ APPLY AT ANY BANK OR ANY MONEY ORDER POST OFFICE. FINANOCC ' OeSIARTMEN-r, , OTTAWA' JAN. 9, 1917 • THE MINISTER OF` FINANCE RE Q U E STS THE ' PEOPLE • OF CANADA TO BEGIN NQW 'fO':SAVE MONEY- FOR THE tc"'1" .,n; , aN EXT WAR 1 nlt3,;1 1? �: wry ■ z JAM. •. 1011 tiS Yee it:S qct nits, D PAIN' .QgN'r.ar,V7►iAMca b1TAWA ,av; °, A,11:1 stiy ax" qua•ie tl