The Exeter Advocate, 1917-2-1, Page 8EXETER na''a:RRE'PS CHANOE3 Eit'S'Fi WEDNESD4W Wheat 1.65 to 1,70 Oats- per bus ,. 55 to 60 Potatoes per bag ., 75 Jay per ton, 10,00 to 11%00 Flour 4,85 to 5,00 Low gra:1e flour, Per cwt 2 70 Shorts per ton . ,,,, 38.00 Bran per :ton ... "' 34.00 .Fags. 46 Dairy Butter 38 and 40 Creamery butter ....... 49 Lard per 1b.., , 28 23 Sugar Beet pu'In , .00 Hags, per e\lt,.... 13 The Sixth of a series of Teas w°i11 be given by the Patriotic League in Janie. S.reet Church on Friday, Feb. and, lam 5 to 8 o'clock], Specialty, ani scald Cream. Ladies and gentrcir1Y1 are very cordially invited. Admission 25c. FARMERS CLUB MEETINGS, The Thames Road Farmer's Club will „bold all further regular meetings on ;the lsc and 3rd evenings of each month. Special meetings will be an- nounced in these columns. PIANO FOR SAIL'. -I am forced to dispose or` my -piano and will sell it for $165.00, the tregular price being $300.00, Piano may be seen at S Martin & Son's Music Store, 'Exeter, CARD OF and Delbridge thank all the antes- for the and sympathy. their recent b THANKS:—Mrs. Rich and the family wish to driends and acquaint - many acts of kindness shown them during' ereaviemten;t. CARD OF THANI(S.-Mr. John Floyd and Mrs. Brawn wish to thank their friends for the many acts of kindness and sympathy extended to them during the illness and subse- quent death of their mother. ' NOTICE :-1000 yards of white and striped Flannelette at 10, 12;x, 15c. on "Special Sale," -3 days only—Feb. 1 Thursday, Friday and Saturday. at MRS, W. D. YEO'S, COTTAGE FOR SALE.—A con- venient Cottage for sale, or rent Apply to G. J. Dow, Exeter. — --o—x- The Soldiers' Aid Society will hold in the Town Hall, a Bazaar and Sale of Work, liomermade Cooking and Candy on Valentine Day, Feb. 14th. 400 TONS SALT -400 tons (gime Land and Cattle Salt for sale. All g*r`adas $5.50 per ton; 50c. per bag. EXETER SALT WORKS Co., Ltd J Sutton, Manager. --- NOTICE—Notice is given that the lee on thee river will be sold att25c la Jload, the purchaser to secure neeea- sary help, ;the commission to place a man in charge of the ,ponds and to regulate the cutting, etc., the rep- resentative to be en employee of the party or parties Securing ice. ENSILAGE FOR SALE. The silo at the Canning Factory is open and ensilage is for sale at $3.00 per tan_, nurchas-r paying for weigh- ing on R. G,. Seldon's scales. EXETER CANNING CO. BEAi1TIFUL HOME FOR SALE The undersigned is offering forsale her beautiful residence in Exeter, op- posite the Ross -Taylor mill. The property contains two lots of land fine brick house, containing nine rooms and wood shed, good stable and drive shed, hard and soft water) number fruit trees and small fruits, House alt wired and furnished for Hydro. This is an excellent property and will be sold at a reasonable price Apply to Louise Cudmore, who is in the West, but will be home) in a short time, i ar° ti EXE SER.LATE, THt Btsn.AY, PERI 1, 11917 ��n�u rot', Ariprivwv-v.w.u-s-s-tor LOCAL DOI TG$ The Ontario -Legislature will apeit on -. ebruary 13th, r lair Ca A. K. McLeodis again confined ,to his xoom through illness, 'Mrs, John Cottle of Thames Road is very law and not expected to last long. • We regret to state that Mr, J J, Tilley ,is confined to the house owing to illness; Me, Richard Murphy has been con- fined to the house through illness this week. The funeral of the late Mrs. Floyd took place to the Exeter cemetery on Thursday last. Mt Jos. "Davis has been under the weather lox a few days and forced to remain indoors, 1'he many friends of Miss 011ie Quance are pleased to note that she is -,able to be out again. The regular monthly meeting of the Patriotic League will be held in the Town Hall on Monday, Feb, 5th,. at 7.30 ptm, Our old friend, Mr, John )]Mohr, ]s showing ]signs of improvement, and with the return of warm weather we hope to see him out again. Rev. A. A. Trumper's;subject next Sunday evening will be, "Does the present War answer the questian'as to when Christ is coming?" Middlesex County has adopted the Huron plan of choosing a warden one year .from the Conservatives and th•enext ,year from the Liberals At the Auction Sale on Thursday fast the farm of Mrs. Wm,. Penrice Lot A. Con, 7, Usborne, ,was sold to Mr. Chas. Jaques, who resides across the road. The price was .87.100. Mr. Wm- Fritz, teller of the Bank of Commerce here, was palled to his hone in Guelph, owing to the severe illness of his father, ;who is sutler- ing from an attack of blood poison- ing. Here', are some of the present prices in France, an egg 20 cents, coal $32 per ton, butter 80 cents per lb., beef 60 ceuls, pork 70 cents, a small chick- en 8200. The funeral of the late Richard Delbridge was held to Elimvilie cem- etery on Friday. His daughter, Mrs. Wm. Bray of Virden Man, and son, Jesse of Hamiata, Man., arrived home far the. funeral. Miss 'Williams, daughter of Bishop William:. and Sec'y Treasurer of •the Diocesan Board will address the Girl's Auxiliary of the Tr2vditt Memorial Church on Thursday evening ,next at 8 ,P.M, at the Rectory. Exeter and Lucan High School boys played a game of hockey ,on the local ice on Thursday Iast. It proved sn easy victory ;for Exeter, the scare being 11-0. The return :game is to be played' in Lucan this Wednesday aa -ening Mrs McAvoy avas in London Thur- sday and Friday : undergowing further treatment for nasal trouble. She was accompanied by ,Miss; May Sanders at Stephan who consulted a specialist regarding her defective hearing. We understand nothing whatever can be done to assist her. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children tri, Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signature of YOU !NEED MUSIC IN YOUR HOME To fill your musical: desires you should have' one` of the NEW EDISONS. Edison has two typles—cylinder and disc. Every Edison has aDsa- ,rya mond Reproducing point NO NEEDLES TO CHANGE The music is sweet and life -like. Look .0 the cut of Marie Rappold singing with herself on the NEW EDISON. The Edisons are priced as follows CYLINDER DISC $40, $68.50, and $100.00 813750 4200,00, $275.00, $325.00 up We carry a good stock always. Come in. write or phone us far circul- ars ` Free Trial if preferred. • ll 1 1 Victor and Columbia Records and needles, good assortment. J. WILLIS POWELL PHONE 55. Boon to the Suffering Electrical and Osteopath Treatments 11 you are suffering from any of the following ailments, and have tried most everything case without satisfactory results, call and 'see Dr. • ' W. E. Dempster, Osteopath and Chiropractor, Main Street, Exeter, successor to, Dr,- S M .Jones, ' 'A consultation will cost you nothing. Asthma iApnendicitis Bronchitis Bladder 'Troubles C oris tipation Ca.tarrb Dyspe, sig. Deafness Pains,' in the Back .Stammering Headache Female Weakness ,; Fevers Gall; SStones Goiter Heart Disease 1 -day Fever indigestion' Jaundice Kidney Diseases Liver Troubles Ii piieii s y Lumbago Stomach Trouble Nervousness Neuritis Neuralgia Paralysis Poor Circulation Rheumatism St. Vitus Dance Sciatica • Pains in hack of neck 8t head Dr.: W. E. DDempster, Office &ours, 8 anal to 12, and 7 pan to 5 .,rrr> Eve'n'ings and Sae lays by appointment. Office Phone 103 Residence Central Hotel, Mn John R. bind was in Woodstock and London last ,week on business, Private Chris. Balsden of London. visited over Sunday with Mrs, S. Quance, Phos, Collingtvood, who has been in Londour for some time, return- ed hone on Friday. Mr Harry Zwigler of Hamilton and Dr, Thomas of London .spent Sturday at Mr, jr Dore's. O, H Sanders and C. 1-11, McAv'oy in, Bratntford and Landon on Thursday and ;Friday, Mr, and Mrs Wm. Lankin of Gran- ton visited Tuesday and Wedries.lay of atilre John ,Rt Hind's. Mrs. Harris, who has been in Hen for 'sometime, is now with her laugh tea, Mrs: Sidney 'Davis. '- Private Ernest Oke who is under- going treatment at London :Hospital, was harire over Sunday. Miss M. Brown, who was. nursing the late Richard Delbridge, returned to her home in Dutton Thursday morning. MrsChas, Adams and son David atter a visit with the former's ./neither Mrs, T?', Johns far some weeks, left Friday for their home in Calgary) Mr. 'C• H. alcAvoy, who i,as been spending a few weeks at his home here left Saturday imorning,for O lig, where he has accepted a nos]tion in a drug stare. Mrs. John. Brawn, w' ha was called here ,on account of illness of her moth er airs. Floyd, who .passed away last week left for her .' home in Buffalo, N, Y. on Tuesday. Misses Blanche ,Quante, Lula Hasti- ings. I.,ola Taylor and Thelma Skinner of Usborne, . ;who are attending the Business Goilege at „London, were home for the week end. MT, VV'ii1 Shoebottom and sister Miss Clara of London Tp. spent the week end visiting Mrs, ;Atk'inaont They were called home Monday owing to the serious .illness of a cousin. Mrs. 0. H. Becker and child, who have ' been visiting with ' her parents, Dr. and Mrs. Browning, returned' to their home in New Hamburg Tuesday accompanied by her mother, who will visit tor a time. Mr Win.. J. Clarke of Winnipeg was a visitor with old friends in town an Sunday In the •afternoon he address- ed the Jaynes Street Sunday School. a,ith which he was prominently con- nected for many years. Mrs. Si G. Baw!den and Mrst. R. N. Cresco were in London on Friday. The former was accompanied ]lame on Saturday by Mrs. W- ,J. Heaman, Who- has !been taking a rest ,cure in the London Hospital for same .weeks. Windsor Record -"Mrs, ,C, H. Smith and family, Dewar Terrace, and Mrs. Smith's mother, Mrs. John Snell of Exeter, leave ;on Saturday ,to spend three or four months in St. Peters- burg, Florida. Mrs. Snell arrived Mon lay evening from Des Moines, Iowa where she has .been visiting; her daughter. Mrs. ,GF H. McDonald.' Dogs destroyed several turkeys belonging to Mr. Thos; ,Bissett, con. 3, Usborne, this weejkl. These birds are hard to replace. Mrs. Delve, who, has been living an the corner of who, and Ann streets moved this week ,into the house own by air Alex. Stewart, on Huron St, The many friends here of Red .hir: Redmond will be sorry to learn c f- his continued illness at Stratford. He had been visiting in Torontaand while on his way to Exeter:,was compelled to get off the train at Stratford, suf- fering from an acute,attack of acs - atica and his improvement is very slow. Our old \friend, Mr. G,ec. Harton, of Kaleida, Man., whenrenewing his subscription to :The Advocate writes as follows, -"We have a rough win- ner. So far it has been cold ever since"Ch.ristinas, and i1' looks as if it .will hang out the,. ,rust of the win- ter. I am ;on the fiarri naw, but rip not know ;far ho -,v long. I might go bacto town next fall, butiitisvery harry to ,get help. One can't get a Canadian now. We shave to, hire Gal- acians and IAusita-ials. All our men are gone to the ,av;ar, or signed up. In this immediate neighborhood'we need about 30 men in the spring. and I do not ;know where they are corning from." The entertainment givers under the auspices of the Trivitt Memorial Chur- ch Sunday school in the Dome Thea - tae on Wednesday eveniing jan'y 24th was weal attended. The program con- sisted of drill by the children, sing- ing an.l a mock trial, e(ntiitled-"Es Santa Claus a Fraud," The parts in the trial were well taken and proved interesting and etntertainan,g to all. It was conclusively proven and adjudg- ed that Santa Claus is not a fraud. The' solos by Misses Mancur anti Fol - lick and the song by Mir. Harry Jen- nings were pleasing and also the drill by the little ones. The chair was takeribyRev. Tramper. The proceeds were about $20 00. INSTALLED OFFICERS, --At the regular (meeting, of Court Harmony, Na nal. ` Exeter, held Monday night the following officers were duly in- stalled, viz.:—J. W. Powell, C. R ; Ac r wPenhale, V. C. R. R. N. (Lowe, F. S.; F. W. • Gladman, R. S. ; Chas. Birney 'Treas, ; 'Phos. Dinney, S, W. M, ,Southcott, J. W.; Win. Harding, - Chap.; i'. Hern, S. Be;Jos, Follick, J. B. Bra, Wm. 'Andrew, P. C. R. of Court, Hamiota, Man., assisted by Bro. C. -T, Brooks, ,of Court • Garry, Winnipeg acted as ,installing master:• The corning season is going to be marked by high prices for all farm produce. it ,will he in your interest to 'watch the markets closely. The Farmer's 'Sun. Toronto, as a farm mar- ket panes has no equal, It has saved its reader.; many dollars by keeping them posted as to the trend of prices, There ,never was a time. ' When this in- formation was of .such value to the farriers of the Province as nor-, Those who read the Sun regularly find it a business proposition that Means money to them: Your subscription for The Sun be 1011 at this office. JONES & 1VIAY PHONE NO, 32 To Commence Big February Business Genuine Bargains in Cotton Staples 1 IN ORDER TO COMMENCE A BIG FEBRUARY pUSINESS, WE offer this week' some real genuine bargains in many lines' of Staple Dry Goods In nearly every instance these lines are away below to -day's wholesale; prices. Of course we cannot guarantee these prices for any length of time, but while they last, they are rare bargains for the early buyer. Below we offer a partian list.-- TOWELLING BARGAIN AT 10c, A YARD 150 yards heavy English roller ; towelling .regular selling price 1.5c Our February Sale Price only 1.Oc. PRIN'T AT 12'6: CENTS YD. 400 yards ,splendid quality prints, good fast colors, February Sale price only 124c. a yard FACTORY COTTON (SPECIAL 250 yards heavy factory cotton, full yard wide, nice even `reave,`. while lit lasts at only 15c a yard. NEW GINGHAMS AT 15C. a YDL 25 pieces new pattern gi.nghams, stripes checks, and plain good fast dyes -very special at ;13c.' a yard. CO'TTONADE (SPECIAL. 150 yards striped cottonade, very heavy ,quality to clear at 30c. yard TICKING (SPECIAL 50 yards good quality ticking to clear at only 25c., a yard. MEN'S OVERCOAT SPECIAL Men's Winter Overcoats, shawl or military collars. in browns, greys, etc. ;regularly $18:50 and $20.00. Sale price $15.00. Also Men's $16.50 coats, same styles, 'selling at .$12.501 SPECIAL IN ,SHOES. Women's high patent lace, sizes Z4 to 63 at $3.75 a paid Misses' high patent lace, sizes 011 to 2 at $3.00 Buy your heavy shoes now for Spring, tosave money. We have such celebrated lines as ,Williams, Sterling, Cotes, Etc, yd 01 ors New Spring Goods New Spring Goods arriving daily, including wash goods, galateas, dress fabrics .curtains, and curtain netts, rugs., oilcloths, prints, silks, coatings Etc., Etcj. JONES & MAY Headquarters for the celebrated W. E. Sanfoid Clothing. A fairly large attendance was pres- ent. at the TownHall on Sunday ev- �. ening and heard Rev. J. H. Dyke, the field secretary of the National San- itarium Association, who presented a number of views, and lectured on the white plague. On Monday and Tues- day he took up a subscription in aid oi the work. ' POWELL'S FANCY CHINA FOR ` WEDDING. AND BIRTHDAY GIFTS DISTIN'C'TIVE r— UNCOMMON BOTH IN PRICE AND STYLE 50 beautiful pieces at reduced nrices (loak for ticket on each reduced.) We will put on sale soon, .may be Saturday a'big assortment, of Home- made ,Candy, ranging, in price from 25 to 40 cents a pound. People makeno Mistake _buying their candy at this shop. Gold Fish, Fish Gloves, Food, Cas- tles and Shells, Nets, etc., now here. Drop in often and look around. Phone 55 Powcll's Bazaar The 11111:11f Siore At the New Meat Market you can get all "kinds of fresh and cured meats, choice sausage, corned beef, etc. You can order your meats 'and groceries and have them delivered to- gether. Telephone or send your, order, Phone 18 R. C. Gower &Son e 1 Suits and Coats.j OF FIRST INTEREST WHEN THE COOL' DAYS COME INMAIMIS THE STYLES ARE 'VARIED ' TO MEET DIFFERENT TASTES COATS ARE LONGER SKIRTS ARE ALSO LONGER Our New Goods are here. Good range to choose from.— MADE TO YOUR MEASURE. SEE OUR NEW COATINGS FOR LADIES. PRICES -$17.00 AND UP. We also have a nice range of Men's Over Coatings and Suitings. GIVE US A CALL N. Sheere LADIES AND GENTS' TAILOR Stand Upstairs, Opposite the Central Hotel. Furniture and Undertakin R. Ne RO 6V E THE FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND FURNITURE DEALER Tea & Coffee Store For the choicest groceries, fruits, spices, teas, coffee and every- thing in the grocery line. Call and see us. A trial asto quality will convin- ce. Produce taken in exchange' Jas. Gould Electrie'light Plant Optics Exeter Bargain Store January Sale In order to reduce our stock of winter- goods ave offer the. fallow- ine Prices,_ A window ;full of Sweater Coats at $1.0.0 ieachi. Weraeri's Cloth ,Rubbers, Sizes 3, 3/A and 4, 75c. a pair!, Black 'Sateen Underskirts 75a. each, Men's Neck ,Scarfs 35e, each. A 'Table •Full of Braids and Trimmings at 25c, a cards, Mils; Gloves, ,Caps, Sox, Bite, ]lite in big variety,; Buy Boots, ,Shoes and. Rubbhrs itiottr lybfcxre this false ,jr) price. E►d W. F. Beavers