HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1917-2-1, Page 5V V NT OF OR l'I SYNOPSISCANARIA . N WESTTI �WESTLAND' REGULATIONS. 1 O The sole head .of a Samily, or any m Ji' over18yews old, may borne- stead e- stead a quarter-seotioan of available Dominion land in Manitoba,obs, Sas kstitl - ewarof Alberta. Applicant must ap - peau ,in person at the Dominion Lands Dirs- . or Sufi tar the Agency t `D , Wet. Entry by proxy may be made at anyD tputa Lands AgencycY (but nut -Sub-Agency), an certain condi- Bons. Duties—Six months residence upon and cultivation of the land in each of kbret. years. A homesteader ma 2,vc within nine miles of his homesteadon a farm et as ,least 80 acres, on cer- tain conditions. A habitablehpuse is required except where residence is ,performed in the vicinity.' Live stack may be substituted for oii1tiva.tion under ,certain conditions. lir, certain districts a homesteader in goo() standing may pre-empt a guar- ter section alongside his. homestead, Price $3.00 an acre, Duties -Six months residence in each of three years after earning home' stead patent; also 50 acres extra cul tvation. Pre -eruption patent may be obtained as soon as homestead patent, ,on ceztaan conditions.- A settler whohas exhausted his homestead right may take a purchas- ed homestead in certain diatricts, Price $3.00 per acre. Duties—Must re- side six months in eao8 of the three years, cultivate 50 acres and erect a house worth $300. W. W GORY, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior N,B.--.Unauthorized publication of this advrertisemeat wjl not be paid for —64388. LEGAL ISAAC R. CARLING, )3.A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Commissioner, Solicitor for The Mal - sons Bank, Etc. Money to loan at lamest rates of interest. Officer -•Main. Street, Exeter. MONEY TO LOAN We have a large amount of private funds to loan on farm and village property at low rates of interest. GLADMAN & STANBURY Barristers, Solicitors, _ Exeter DENTAL Dr. G. F. ROULSTON, L. D. S., D_l).S' DENTIST Ivlembe' of the R. Q C.D.S. of Ont, 'Honor. Graduate Toronto University Office over Carling's law Office, Closed Wednesday afternoons. DENTIST DR, A. R, KINSMAN, L,D.S,; D.D.S. Honor Graduate Toronto University. Teeth extracted without pain or any (bad effects Office over Gladman & Offence, Main Street, Exeter L. H. ECKERT, V.S. of Sebrungville Has opened an officep Crediton. All ,calls promptly attendiid to Phone 36 Crediton or Call Hill's Hotel. FRANK TAYLOR "Licensed Auctioneer for Counties of Huron and Middlesex. Price Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed, Crediton - Ontario WINTER TOURS SPECIAL FARES now in effect ;to resorts in Florida, Georgia; North .and South Carolina, Louisiana and other Southern States, and to Ber- muda and the West Indies. RETURN LIMIT MAY 31st, 1917 LIBERAL STOP -OVERS ALLOW'D For full information write to C, E. Horning,' Union Station, Toronto, Ont N. J. DORE, Agent, Exeter.. You Know This Boar This: box IS familiar to th,ous• ands upon thousands not only .rou thiolt Canada but in the G l; United States as well. There is' Mr. Charles Collins, of Staten Is - Bays e found G- land, N,'X'., whoay h lu, Pills the best medicine ho had over taken or Kidney and Bladder troubles.His daughter heard of Gin Pills while travelling in Can- ada and sunt him a box. He writes asking whore the can be pin'. chased in New York City as he be- lieves in taking 'them, off and on, to keephim in good condition.n. All druggists sell Gin Pills at. 5Oc, a box, or ti boxes for $2.50. Anyone can try .Gin Pills without risking money. free sample will be mailed on request to National Drug & Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited Toronto, Ont. V. S. Address-Na-Dru-Co, Inc., 202 Mato St., Buffalo, N.Y. St PILL FOR THE wI^y S I-iOild '' .�V 'y�,v�yx`sta�',�vJ�t J. �1 #Vr*Va! h At the ,County Council meetings the larton; Middlesex A. J. Blackie of following tivar<llens ;were elected for Westrnin.ster; Lambton, J, B, Wood - 1191,7, -Huron; Dr. _WE J• :vicine of hall of Thedford, Blyth ; "Perth. ;Oliver Harris of Ful - Address a postcard to us now and receive by : return mail a Q copy of our new illustrated So - page catalogue of Garden, Flower and Field Seeds, Root itri5 Seeds, Grains, 'Bulbs, Small Fruits, Garden Tools, etc. 0 SPECIAL.—We will also send you free a packet (value 15c) of our choice Giant Flowering OD Carnation - Giant Flowering Carnation This carnation is a great favor- ite; the flowers are large and fragrant and the plants do well outdoors. Transplanted into pots in the cta. early fall they bloom profusely from October till the end of May. Extra `L' plants are easily propogated from them by cuttings, "pipings" or layering. Send for our catalogue and learn of our other valuable premiums, 18® Darch & Hunter Seed Co., Limited, CANADA f�Y r� n0 6a4a�^ ., _ iii 1111 lii I III III II I I11 I (I IIII 111111 1 L• , r,I� `i; H_fli (II/11�I��I��i I lllllrf IIII!rrrtr! j -7 I' i�,'' \ �j1� , araC': •. - - \FOA -. \ J The Ford Car for 1917 The following :prices` are eff ec tiverVMM 1 until August 1stof this year. - Chassis .. . . $450.00 Runabout 4 475.00 Touring Car .. 495.00 f. o. b. Ford, Ontario I wish to announce that I have mov- ed my show room and office to the large and commodious rooms north— formerly the Commercial Hotel—and will be pleased to give any inform- ation desired regarding these cars. Sexes-ai 'carloads of Fords . will ar- r-rive'in a'few days. Call and see the rive in. 1917 Model We are now in a position to do any garage work needed :on Ford or McLaughlin cars. , Full stack of Accessories and tires Bowser gasoline tank at yourselvice Milo Snell, Exeter, Ort h 111 i3iei ' -� • �. {j fl r• 1 ra / �6�w _Ix _ . -'rai•'+d" w7"...:.i.'i: ;'!regi., • '. k11VVr'u't,..teen.•:._' 6 N RS THOSE WHO, FROM TIME TO TIME, HAVE FUNDS REQUIRING INVESTMENT MAY PURCHASE AT PAR DOMINIONOF CANADA DEBENTURE STOCK IN SUMS OF $500 OR ANY MULTIPLE THEREOF. Principal repayable 1st October, 1919. Interest payable • half -yearly, 1st April and 1st October by cheque (free of exchange -at any chartered Bank in Canada) at the rate of five per cent per annum from the date of purchase. Holders of this stock will have theprivilege of surrendering at par and ,accrued interest, as the equivalent of cash, in payment of any allotment made under any future war loan issue in Canada other than an issue of Treasury Bills or other liko short date security. Proceeds of this stock are for war purposes only. A commission of one-quarter of one per. cent'will be allowed, to recognized bond and stock brokers on allotments made in respect of applications for this stock which bear their stamp. For application'forms apply to the Deputy Minister of Finance, Ottawa. DEPARTMENT 4OF' FINANOE,--OTTAWA, •.•,- •• ocrousn nh, Jots. . ZURIC}3 Miss Alberta ,Geiger has returned to her Lorne in Pigeon, Mich,, atter t Pleasant visit with relatives h'-re,— Mr. Isiah Witmer ,has sold his farm on the ,Zurich Road to his neighbor Mn. George Iliel, the consideration being yy 4, UUU. Possession will be !v - el on the �.Sth March, t�t1rs. Henry Geiger, of Ann Arbor, ;Arch„ is visiting G eloties andfriends here. RF Stade hastaken over the stock of harness and findings ;arfied, In, al. Hartlei,b,.—Mr, , eena oi :lu erta is visiting tln relativesativcs Inc . - cuaintances here,—At the annualmeet ing ;thy:' Agricultural Society, the following officers were elected:•-•Fres rdent,John Pfaff , 1st Vice-president dent C. Silber; 2nd Vice-president, W, T, Caldwell; !Directors; t}'. Decher, Jr., f-1. 1-1.. Necb, Casper 'Wainer, Wr. 13..liat- tles,) McBriciae, Lt H. Rader, J. P. Rau. E. 'Kloph P{ ,Habeper,, At the meeting sof' the officers herb lifter the annual „meeting, Mr. Andrew Ft Mess was appointed (Secretary -Treasurer of the society ,for the year, -At the; ann-- ua1 meeting tiaf the Hay Telephone system it was shown that the, number of subscribers is 4' 94. The total re- ceipts were 158414 80, and the expen- ditures $6.920 63 ,leaving a balance on hand at the end of the year of $1484- )17. The new ,agreement with ,the Bell Telephone Company will Came in to, (effect an 1 917, Instead charging 5 nets far all messages passing thr- ough Hensall :central from the Hay or the Tuckersmith system as prop- osed, formerly, p. flat charge orf $25 for six months switching \will be paid to the 'Bell Co. ,by the Hay system, and a charge of 5 cents a message will 'be Trade for connection' to the Bell Telephones at ,Hensall. .CLINTON,—Mary ;Mole, wife of John Govett of Clinton, passed into the other and better world yesterday morning alter a comparatively short illness. She was in her eighty-tirst wean -Many citizens were much shocked on learning Monday evening of the death of Mrs, Robt. J. Miller' whose death cane as a surprise, even to those who were nearest to her. The deceased was formerly Miss Jes- sie Gardner, being a daughter of the late David Gardner, and she was horn and reared in Clinton. She is surviv- ed •; by her husband and little family of one daughter and three sans. LUCAN On Wednesday the 24th inst. a pleasing event occured at the R. C. Church at Lucan, when Miss Veron- ica Casey, daughter of Mr. Joseph Casey of the 10th Concession of Bid- dulph was united in marriage with Mr. 'Herbert Wildgen of Chatham. Miss'' Casey is a graduate of the Nurse. Training School of St. Joseph's Hospital. Landon, and is epic of Bid- dulph's most estimable young women. Mr. D. H. Seaman has sold his mill property to Mr. Fairies of Toronto, in Lucan, the Wray and Hawkshaw- who takes possession to -day. She hath done what she could Every mar- ried man in the ranks of Canada's sol- diers means that his wife gave her con- sent. His the, sacrifice, the danger, yes—but his also the interest of a new ex- perience, the companion- ship of comrades, the in- spiration of action, the thrill of the advance, and. the glory of victory. Her's the pitiful part ing, the weary waiting, the fevered watching for the dreaded message, the gruelling grind of daily responsibility for those dependent upon her—and her alone. No, 'No; not alone! Not alone, as long as the people whose battles her husband 'is 'fighting have a heart in their bosoms or a dollar in their pockets. Not alone -=as long as Canadian manhood and vvananhood knows the meaning of the word "trust!' atone, as long as Generosity is the hand- maiden of Duty and Privilege. Only an appreciation of the need is required by those of us who here at home keep the hearth fires burning. Not for some of us the supreme safie' but for one and all of us at least that whole -hearted answer to the cry of patri- otism that never yet has failed to go ringing around the world when the call has come. GIVE --- GIVE -- GIVE as your own heart prompts you, give to the Canadian Patriotic Fund.. $6,000,000 must be rammed in Ontario for the vital Amhara. necessities of eat work of caring for the needy families of Ontario's men at the front. Every case is carefully investigated, everything humanly possible is done to eliminate mistakes and 'prevent imposition—but to the needy is held out a determination to see rio real helpinghand, wlitho�t lavishness,.but with the de Want unsupplied. You are again offered the:gr'eat priv lege,''not of° charity, but of recognition of the magi ificenee of 'Canal an 'Wifehood. Reniernber, if the Man is a Hero, the Woman ,is ,a Martyr. She hath: .ore what. she•col. 4 Ontario is being aslcod to assure ilia Obttmdia}s Pi 4•ofia tfp¢ ..t4°;& era repoz4'ct on having six million dollar's• ft 1917 for the farmilies of Ort*arlo'e aoldlsre Four sitSllbn bf thosO tlhllfefirt 'nl�utt be sere•tl ed.from iix'dlvl$ual sub ipictoiftu `". 'Yt !here 1E-3_ n0 Branch bf the rand lit p'ou1C tovrin or• bounty' sondl ,1110 duilscrilrtlon direct to lite Bead Otfice, Can tMs ratrtdt?e Fun, Vittorimz street; 0ttawa Yx ., fr � t'� I PV Ir d 4 i l Ali �I ( ' -� • �. {j fl r• 1 ra / �6�w a ; MOO 9 1 , u� Y / 7rd �. � ill �,, r � i. . . IUiIlIIJ111118111111111 I- l� w ,u i 14. 5+. .. 4 � _ � I yi rr p. o 1 w. s > � I , , �� x: yl h •1 ' if � r• , a r, 1 l Sl" _ r' :1a of r i• ��� msµ. . ..}i t.7. "y� r • r�i� a7 The Children's �ge� �EalfebUO P Little hands, little faces, little togs all need Lifebuoy' Soap, every day and often, if you mean to keep free from dirt and infection. Little cuts and scratches —street dust :the free and artless contact with others, all -have the danger element removed if you use LIFEiLJCI1,Y HEALTH `0A Its abundant, creamy lather gives the greatest possible cleansing power. Cannot hurt the tender- est skin. Use it in the bath, ire the her �\`? and remember that t.:.` ,, them pl :, �.._ !II 1 11 if - ' s ' with those who use P..ifebl.do . The wild antiseptic odor C04.` vanishes quickly after wt..-.- = use. -tt , At All Grocers— ,.„. ✓� ., ♦t+LEVER BROTHERS ar w - ,rv L rrED X1 4.`` , tyySOAP -: TORONTO a, Mr. D. H. Seaman has sold his mill property to Mr. Fairies of Toronto, in Lucan, the Wray and Hawkshaw- who takes possession to -day. She hath done what she could Every mar- ried man in the ranks of Canada's sol- diers means that his wife gave her con- sent. His the, sacrifice, the danger, yes—but his also the interest of a new ex- perience, the companion- ship of comrades, the in- spiration of action, the thrill of the advance, and. the glory of victory. Her's the pitiful part ing, the weary waiting, the fevered watching for the dreaded message, the gruelling grind of daily responsibility for those dependent upon her—and her alone. No, 'No; not alone! Not alone, as long as the people whose battles her husband 'is 'fighting have a heart in their bosoms or a dollar in their pockets. Not alone -=as long as Canadian manhood and vvananhood knows the meaning of the word "trust!' atone, as long as Generosity is the hand- maiden of Duty and Privilege. Only an appreciation of the need is required by those of us who here at home keep the hearth fires burning. Not for some of us the supreme safie' but for one and all of us at least that whole -hearted answer to the cry of patri- otism that never yet has failed to go ringing around the world when the call has come. GIVE --- GIVE -- GIVE as your own heart prompts you, give to the Canadian Patriotic Fund.. $6,000,000 must be rammed in Ontario for the vital Amhara. necessities of eat work of caring for the needy families of Ontario's men at the front. Every case is carefully investigated, everything humanly possible is done to eliminate mistakes and 'prevent imposition—but to the needy is held out a determination to see rio real helpinghand, wlitho�t lavishness,.but with the de Want unsupplied. You are again offered the:gr'eat priv lege,''not of° charity, but of recognition of the magi ificenee of 'Canal an 'Wifehood. Reniernber, if the Man is a Hero, the Woman ,is ,a Martyr. She hath: .ore what. she•col. 4 Ontario is being aslcod to assure ilia Obttmdia}s Pi 4•ofia tfp¢ ..t4°;& era repoz4'ct on having six million dollar's• ft 1917 for the farmilies of Ort*arlo'e aoldlsre Four sitSllbn bf thosO tlhllfefirt 'nl�utt be sere•tl ed.from iix'dlvl$ual sub ipictoiftu `". 'Yt !here 1E-3_ n0 Branch bf the rand lit p'ou1C tovrin or• bounty' sondl ,1110 duilscrilrtlon direct to lite Bead Otfice, Can tMs ratrtdt?e Fun, Vittorimz street; 0ttawa Yx